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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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3 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Here is the translation of the second scene you requested. It's AR finding out that MB is about to marry another woman. 

(AR is waiting at the hotel entrance when MB appears with a woman on his arm.)

AR: What are you doing? (He tries to ignore her and walk past, but AR stops him by putting her hand on his arm.)
MB fiancee: Who..is she someone you know? (in Japanese)
MB: She’s a patient. (in Japanese)
MB fiancee: Ah
MB: At our hospital, she wanted a nose job for her floppy nose… (in Japanese)
MB fiancee: Of course… (in Japanese)
MB fiancee: Papa! (waving hello to an older man)
MB fiancee: Then, I’ll go ahead and go in first. (in Japanese)
MB: Yes, go ahead and go in with the Medical Director. (in Japanese)
MB fiancee: Okay. (runs to her father, the Medical Director, and walks into the hotel)

MB: (on phone) Yes, Mei. (Mei is the name of his fiancee.) The consultation is finished. I’ll be in shortly. (in Japanese) (Hangs up. The phone shows the callerID to show “Boss”.)
AR: The boss who kept calling you, she was the woman that you’re going to marry? She is Mei Jjang and I’m Ae Ra Jjing. (Jjang is “best”, “jjing” is “nothing”.) And, that’s also why you were always going on trips to Japan.
MB: Ae Ra, I was really sincere. Rather than Mei, I started liking you more. With you, I could really talk comfortably. 
AR: Are you even saying that as a reason? That is of course, since I’m a Korean person. 
MB: Also, you’re funnier and more expressive. Like a goddess, you’re beautiful. You were really a 100% perfect ideal for me. 
AR: So what? Were you going to break your engagement?
MB: No. It would be too cruel to break the engagement. 
AR: And being like this is being a good spouse to her? 
MB: It was already reported in all of the papers. (Going on with reasons why he couldn’t back out of the engagement.)
AR: That’s enough. Then, when were you going to dump me? The day before your wedding?
MB: I wasn’t thinking of breaking up with you. Just because I’m married doesn’t mean that we have to break up. 
AR: What?
MB: Nothing changes between us. When I’m in Korea, I’ll really pay attention to you. 
AR: You. You are really trash. 
MB: Ae Ra. Those (pointing at AR’s shoes) are much more expensive than $68. They’re ten times more expensive. As much as I’m sorry to you, I can treat you even more like a princess, and then it’ll be fine. (AR just looks at him.) So, why did you come even when I didn’t call for you to come. 
AR: With that seemingly transparent face, you lied about everything, so how. 
MB: I didn’t lie. I was sincere. I told you. To just meet me for ten times. (Means go on ten dates with him.) 
AR: That ten times…had that meaning.


Thanks again!!  Moo Bin is a total richard simmons!!!!  What a truly hateful person!:angry:


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Gotta love the Lady Owner,she is trully like a GodMother to Ae Ra and Dong Man...Curious what is the reason behind it as it's clear she does it in secret and doesn't expect anything from them...I really feel sad for Ae Ra,she trully has bad luck when talking about men and she is such a wonderful women,really makes me mad people keep calling her crazy woman...Dong Man is trully one oblivious simpleton,curious what it takes him soo long to acknowledge he has romantic feelings for her...Really hope good things start coming Ae Ra's way,she trully deserves it...Hope Joo Man tells that intern already he is in a relationship...

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27 minutes ago, Miky88 said:

Gotta love the Lady Owner,she is trully like a GodMother to Ae Ra and Dong Man...Curious what is the reason behind it as it's clear she does it in secret and doesn't expect anything from them...I really feel sad for Ae Ra,she trully has bad luck when talking about men and she is such a wonderful women,really makes me mad people keep calling her crazy woman...Dong Man is trully one oblivious simpleton,curious what it takes him soo long to acknowledge he has romantic feelings for her...Really hope good things start coming Ae Ra's way,she trully deserves it...Hope Joo Man tells that intern already he is in a relationship...

JM still needs to explain to SH about the kiss.  I think we are probably going to get quite a few scenes with them tomorrow.  I really do think they will "take a break" from each other before too long.............

I can't wait to see more about their fairy GM :) !!

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Did anyone else squeee a little at this?? I mean, he needs to take his own advice here. I hope this means we're going to get to see Dong Man do these things in this order. Or maybe it would be more fun if he kisses her first and then realizes he's a big ol' hypocrite. Either way, I'll be happy if it happens sooner rather than later!! :D

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27 minutes ago, Miky88 said:

Gotta love the Lady Owner,she is trully like a GodMother to Ae Ra and Dong Man...Curious what is the reason behind it as it's clear she does it in secret and doesn't expect anything from them...I really feel sad for Ae Ra,she trully has bad luck when talking about men and she is such a wonderful women,really makes me mad people keep calling her crazy woman...Dong Man is trully one oblivious simpleton,curious what it takes him soo long to acknowledge he has romantic feelings for her...Really hope good things start coming Ae Ra's way,she trully deserves it...Hope Joo Man tells that intern already he is in a relationship...

JM still needs to explain to SH about the kiss.  I think we are probably going to get quite a few scenes with them tomorrow.  I really do think they will "take a break" from each other before too long.............

I can't wait to see more about their fairy GM :) !!

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10 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I wasn't expecting AR to blurt out that DM makes her feel fluttery whenever he held her or did anything like that. However, I'm glad that she calls him on that since he was used to a lot of touching AR whether it's to hold her hand or to hug her or touch her hair. And, it's fine that AR is honest about the way she feels first. AR seems to be the more self-aware of the two anyway. 

I expect there will still be more capering around as DM gets around to figuring out how he really feels about AR. I expect from the preview that AR will talk about her first love which will get DM jealous of AR's first love. My guess, though, is still that DM was AR's first love. As such, I do want to see DM having to work for AR rather than taking her for granted. From today's episode, it seems as if DM has dated a lot of girls, at least when he was in school and when he was still pursuing his dreams of being a tae kwon do champion.

I am curious how DM reacts to the confession from AR since the preview does not show them being together. Or perhaps, AR will go on to say something which ameliorates the confession somehow. Guess we find out tomorrow. 

As for MB, he really is a weasel. I was happy that Bo Ram dumped MB after realizing exactly how petty a person MB was. And, I thoroughly approve of the epilogue where DM starts a rumor that eventually causes the bride's father to call off the wedding. Given that MB was marrying the daughter to gain status rather than as a love match, I seriously doubt that MB would pursue a marriage where the man who holds the status and pursestrings decides against it. It was entertaining how everyone (AR, MB's colleagues) commented on how innocent and guileless MB looks versus being such a conniving, amoral character. Cho Woo Shik does have a look of innocence to him. 


I agree, I think DM was AR's first love.  It does seem like DM is bothered by her first love for some reason.  I think she must have been really heartbroken and maybe he doesn't think she's gotten over it yet?  It will be interesting to see how they transition from the sidewalk to the rooftop tomorrow.   As you said, everyone thought that MB was innocent and pure, everyone except DM. :)  Although it was prompted by jealousy, he turned out to be right!  And I think the jerk from the gym will be singing a different story once DM transitions to boxing gloves :D

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Fixed most of the typos and stuff for the live recap. It's in the spoiler. Thank you so much to @aunniek @alleram95 @jeonghyang @stroppyse @Yongzura and everyone I missed who are working so hard with the recapping and subbing and bringing the screencaps and gifs here. Y'all are so fast! I can't even...






We are back at the hospital and Ae-ra is telling Moo-bin he shouldn’t do these things while she is sick. He kisses her. Dong-man bursts in and is shocked. He looks sad and Ae-ra is stammering that it isn’t that, it’s not like that. Dong-man leaves and is walking down the hall to leave. But he stops and the music cuts off. He is thinking. He slowly turns to go back to the room. He is walking back to the room with determination and taking deep breaths. He burst the door open
Dong-man are you dating? Is it the first day from today? Why are you kissing her? You shouldn’t just kiss her. You are a thug to just kiss her.
Moo-bin – so why are you telling me this? Do you like her? Do you really like her?
They are both looking at dong-man
Dong-man – I……I am her PROTECTOR!

That just killed the mood, lol. Ae-ra is asking him why Dong-man is crossing the line? Why shouldn’t she kiss him? Moo-bin is nice and said Ae-ra is a goddess so he is worthy to be kissed.
Dong-man – He is a thug…
Ae-ra cuts him off and is telling Dong-man, why are you caring? Do you like me?
Dong-man – I like you!….- and Sul-hee …..and Joo-man, you are all the same to me, we are like family.
Ae-ra – So if we are a family, you should congratulate me. It is our first day from today dating officially!
Moo-bin is happy.

Dong-man is angry in the lobby of the hospital watching Moo-bin and Ae-ra sitting on a bench in the hospital lobby. Ae-ra is apologizing to Moo-bin. Moo-bin said he is impressed with Ae-ra because she was so brave. Ae-ra said she doesn’t like Moo-bin so much, she just said that. Moo-bin said a lot of people kiss first and then make it official. He said to meet 10 more times and he will make her love him, he will make her into a princess. Whatever happens, they are official today. He is moving to kiss her, but Ae-ra is not kissing him. Dong-man yells YAAAAAAA and startles them both.
Dong-man – You said your stomach hurts!!!
Moo-bin – You just threw a rock! That doesn’t make any sense.

Moo-bin – call me before you go to bed.
Ae-ra – Why?
Moo-bin – Couples do those things.
Ae-ra – Ah, it’s been awhile, I forgot those things, okay.
Dong-man holds the door open for Ae-ra to get in. Moo-bin tells Dong-man to sit in the front, but Dong-man just closes the window and glares like an enraged puppy at Moo-bin.

Dong-man is asking Ae-ra if it is really the first day to date. They are talking about this back and forth. Coach is at his soondae truck and is looking at them. Coach is asking if that guy wants them to cosign then tell them that you have a martial artist friend. Ae-ra said she wants her own boyfriend, not just a male-friend. Dong-man is still angry.

All 4 are eating together. They are talking about dating and the conversation went to Dong-man’s old girlfriend from high school, Bora. They are telling him that Moo-bin liked Bora.

They are all sitting on a bench together. Dong-man told Ae-ra to not hang around and to just go home early. They have to watch Happy Together so just go home. Dong-man said he is interested in Twice. Dong-man gets up to leave and they said see you later. Ae-ra said see you tomorrow. Sul-hee and Ae-ra tell each other they are pretty, like Twice members. Dong-man steals Ae-ra’s hair tie and runs away.

The rich owner of the NAMIL apartments wants to buy the gym. She is talking to someone about buying the gym and said that person has to call her first.

Ae-ra is talking to a woman here. She needs to take some express course because she is older and doesn’t have any background career. They said they will have some famous people come in. Hye-ran just came in and killed the mood. Ae-ra – Ah, this is bad fate.

Ae-ra and Hye-ran are having a meeting/interview to be announcers. Hye-ran is already dating Dong-man and says Opaaaaa outside the building. Hye-ran becomes famous and Aera’s career goes down.

Hye-ran and Ae-ra are talking back and forth. Hye-ran is telling her to try her best. Ae-ra is angry. They go outside and Moo-bin is there to great Ae-ra. Hye-ran, Ae-ra, and Moo-bin are standing there together. Moo-bin says hi to Hye-ran. Ae-ra asks if Moo-bin is a fan. Moo-bin said Hye-ran is their hospital VIP. Moo-bin said Ae-ra’s face is well positioned. Ae-ra said she lived well doing a lot of surgery.

Dong-man is practicing like a crazy man in the ring. He is explaining something to three women. She is telling them how to throw arm bars. The ajumma’s are excited to watch him. They are talking back and forth. They really like looking at Dong-man and they are talking about how Dong-man is pretty and Coach is macho. They said the coach doesn’t pay the rent but hired someone else?

Tak-su – I am going to sue them.
Manager – we need to make a bigger issue to block this issue.
Coach – You need to practice!

Coach is talking to a woman about paying the rent later. The woman is trying to tell him to give him the money and is telling him to empty it by next month. The other fighters are upset at Dong-man for being a charity case. They don’t think Coach should spend his money on Dong-man. Dong-man doesn’t know anything and he is pretty angry

The owner is leaving and runs into the owner woman, they are having some secret conversation.

A president from Japan came. Ae-ra said she will wait at a cafe. Ae-ra is trying to be cute with Moo-bin but Ae-ra is shutting that. down. She is saying that he is being too cute. Moo-bin is saying her name in a Japanese way and Ae-ra is correcting his pronunciation to say it more Korean way. The Japanese person comes and Moo-bin leaves and speaks super great Japanese to the Japanese person.

Aera runs into those bastards from before!!! They are telling her they wanted to see her because they wanted to apologize, but it seems suspicious. Ae-ra is telling them to treat everyone well, not just their friends people. They said they have to see each other tomorrow, so they want to be nice to each other. They are talking about going to a party or something with Moo-bin. Moo-bin is going there all the time by himself, but he wants to take Ae-ra, but he can’t take Ae-ra. They said it looks like Moo-bin already loves Ae-ra.


Dong-man is worried that Coach isn’t making a profit with his Soondae, because the ingredients are all organic. Dong-man is very concerned about that.

They are watching an outside movie in a car. He is telling her that she is pretty, like Song Hye-kyo. They are talking about Moo-bin’s last date. He is saying it was when he was a military doctor. She said he never dated a girl. He said No! I dated a lot. HE TOUCHED HER LEG!! He is embarrassed now. The phone was ringing and now Ae-ra picked it up. It’s Dong-man and he is wondering where his things are. She was cursing a lot at Dong-man and Moo-bin is shocked. Ae-ra is trying to speak nicely for Moo-bin, but she wants to curse at Dong-man. She leaves the car so she can talk freely.

Dong-man is asking Ae-ra where she is and what they are doing and why are they in a car and what are they doing!!! He is super concerned about it and is asking her if they are only watching movies. Ae-ra is annoyed and is telling Dong-man to not call her about useless things. Dong-man is freaking out because there is sexy music playing and Ae-ra said this is kissing music playing. Dong man is imagining all the kissing from before. He is FREAKING OUT. He is searching for Seoul driving movie theaters. he is asking Coach where they are. Coach has no idea. Dong-man is looking up all this driving movie theater stuff online and is seeing all these things on the internet about it:

“I did soo much at a drive-in theater!!!! kekekeKe!!kekekek!!”
“Oooo, ekekekek”
“Drive in theater….kekekekekek”

Dong-man is freaking out and took off in the soondae truck with coach. They are driving off.

Dong-man is out of the car and is trying to find Ae-ra, she dropped a phone so Dong-man didn’t see her. He sees someone kissed and bursts into the car!!! then he says sorry. He is seeing everyone kissing and he is going crazy. Now he sees Moo-bin!!! It is a face off. Moo-bin puts some air fresher in his mouth. Dong-man starts chasing him and Moo-bin starts throwing popcorn at him and running through the cars. Moo-bin makes it back to the car and tells Ae-ra to put her seatbelt on, they are about to drive off. Dong-man is still looking for them. Moo-bin drives off!!!
Dong-man is trying to keep Ae-ra from looking around. Dong-man is chasing after them, lol.


Coach said it was a good try to sell soondae at the driving theater. He didn’t know all that went on. Dong-man is thinking hard again. Coach tells him to stop thinking.

Aera is still with Moo-bin and Moo-bin keeps trying to hold her hand, but it doesn’t work out. Dong-man rings Ae-ra up again. He tells Ae-ra to buy him some ice cream.

Hye-ran shows up and has some groceries with her. She wants to make Dong-man something. Dong-man said he just pretended to like what she liked when they were together, but that she actually doesn’t know anything about him. Hye-ran looks upset.

Moo-bin and Ae-ra drive up. They get out of the car and Ae-ra sits down. Moo-bin bought Ae-ra some more shoes. Some elegant shoes this time. Dong-man and Hye-ran are looking at them. Moo-bin said he wants her to be live Cinderella. He got her size 135 (but that isn’t her shoe size). They are talking about the shoes. Are they expensive? Ae-ra decides to keep them and buy Moo-bin something of equal value later.

Dong-man yells at Moo-bin to move his car. They are arguing about the car and Moo-bin tells Dong-man to go to his room. Mb is arguing with Dong-man and saying he is the official boyfriend and Dong-man is juSt a guy friend. What are you? Dong-man said he is………..a forever….and only friend. They spent all their life together. Ae-ra is on MBs side and Dong-man is shocked about that. She is defending Moo-bin and SR and Dong-man have a stare off. Moo-bin gets a call from his boss, Moo-bin has to leave. Dong-man leaves first, he just runs off angry/silly way.

Ae-ra calls Dong-man and he is excited to get the call. They are talking about the night and Ae-ra is asking him why he was acting all weird. Dong-man is trying to defend his actions and is telling Ae-ra to just go home directly and all that stuff. She hangs up. Dong-man said it drives him crazy.

Aera and Sul-hee are looking at some cute diary stuff. It looks like a diary. It looks like Moo-bin sent it to her, but it looks like a middle school diary, not an adult diary. Whatever Aera posts on her Instagram, Moo-bin sends her so many hearts. Dong-man also checks the Instagram and says Moo-bin is psycho. Dong-man tries to leave a heart, but he can’t, he finally leaves a heart and a comment “You look ugly”

All four are walking together. they said if Ae-ra was a princess then she would conquer some other country. Ae-ra said she is going to go to MBs party. They are talking about how Aera is a bulldog or Sheperd dog or any other kind of fighting dogs. Ae-ra said she is going to bite him if he doesn’t shut up.

Joo-man is launching another food company. The president picked Joo-man personally! It is a big deal. Joo-man finds Sul-hee and gives her a big secret kiss. They are talking about how this is a big deal and they are super happy. It looks like he will have a 100% success rate if this goes well.

Ae-ra is practicing speaking with something in her mouth. She is wondering whether she should go to the party or not. She is thinking about Moo-bin and how Moo-bin likes surprises. Ae-ra is thinking of just surprising him at the party. She is looking at the shoes Moo-bin bought her.

The mood is serious at a company meeting. They are wondering why JMs lips are so shiny, was he kissing someone? Why are they here? It looks like Sul-hee is hiding in a closet (we missed part of their previous part)

A new person bought the building and the new owner wants Coach to just run the gym. Someone is yelling at them. It’s BORA! Bora is yelling at Coach and telling him to not do that in front of her business.
Bora and Dong-man look at each other and Boom chica bow wow music starts playing.

Sul-hee is hiding somewhere and it looks like she might have fallen asleep or something. Joo-man is trying to cover for her. Sul-hee is hiding int he closet and Joo-man told everyone to take a little break and leave. Everyone leaves except Sul-hee. Sul-hee starts yelling at Joo-man about kissing him. She says it soooo many times “we kissed we kissed we kissed!!!” then she storms out. The door comes open and Sul-hee says, “You kissed?”

Ae-ra dressed up and put on those shoes. Her feet are bleeding. She is trying to get in, but the hostess said she can’t come in. Moo-bin just drove up in a sports car. He gets out and he is with another girl!!!!! It is a pretty girl and she is Japanese maybe? They see each other. Moo-bin is uncomfortable but walks by like he will ignore her. Ae-ra grabs him!! and says “What is this!!!” She is holding a wedding invitation!!!! Their wedding!!! OMG.

Moo-bin and Ae-ra are talking outside. On the cell phone, it says “My Boss/My Chief” but it was actually his girl. They are arguing right now. Moo-bin is trying to tell her he likes her better, she is his ideal. They are still arguing. Ae-ra is wondering when she was going to get dumped, before the marriage? Moo-bin want to keep her as a girlfriend after he gets married. Ae-ra thinks he is trash. He is real trash. Moo-bin said those shoes he got her were $6000. he is wondering why she came when he didn’t call her. She says he has an honest face but he is a liar. he said he wanted to date her 10 times. Ae-ra is trying to figure out what 10 times meant. It means, after that he will get married.

They are talking and it goes to a flashback. Moo-bin is dating Bora and they are driving around. Moo-bin wants to show Bora something. He drives her to a gas station so Moo-bin can see Dong-man working at the gas station. Ah, Moo-bin is really bad! Dong-man kind of recognizes Moo-bin and says he thinks they went to the same school. It was a trap. Back to the present. Moo-bin said Dong-man really likes Ae-ra so he wanted to steal Ae-ra from Dong-man. Moo-bin said he doesn’t like Dong-man because Dong-man is always happy. Even though he doesn’t have anything, he is always happy. Dong Man has figured everything out from Bora and is hopping on a Vespa to do to Ae-ra.

Ae-ra is going off on Moo-bin and kicked the shoes away. She said to give those shoes to a dog. Everyone doesn’t want to have a prince. He is walking back home barefoot. Dong-man is calling her, but she is not picking up the phone.
Ae-ra – the character from 3 kingdoms chinese story is much better than Cinderella

They are talking. Moo-bin said he didn’t pay for the hospital room or something. I’m not sure about this part. Moo-bin is talking about always feeling inferior to Dong-man. His girlfriend is calling and he isn’t picking it up. Moo-bin is a good example of not living his live “My Way”

Ae-ra is resting somewhere and looking sad. Dong-man shows up and is asking what happened. She is hiding her feet. Dong-man is telling her “Lets go!” Ae-ra said to just sit next to her. He is inspecting her and making sure she didn’t get hit or anything (this part made my heart race). She is telling him that she is not a person who gets hit. Dong-man is asking her why she is so sad and small. Dong-man gave her his shoes to wear. Ae-ra is saying she just dated him just because she was angry. She is trying not to cry, she said he looked down on her, but it doesn’t make her pathetic. Dong-man want to know where he is so he can beat him up. Ae-ra is telling him not to be like that because it makes her sad. She doesn’t like it. Don’t make a big deal about it. Dong-man gets it and takes off his jacket and puts it over her face like a ghost, lol. Now he is giving her a hug. She cries a little bit while he is hugging her. But she is yelling at him to not do things like this. Dong-man is yelling at her to just stay home and not meet other guys. She takes the jacket off and says, “What do you care? I have a lot of men around.”

They both stand up and they are arguing and Dong-man is saying she is crying all the time now. Ae-ra yells something and Dong-man stops. It is quiet. She says to stop doing these things because when he does these things it makes her shake and makes her crazy so stop doing those things. An old song is playing that says, “Don’t make me wait…”

Dong-man is in the hospital. He is wondering about Moo-Bin, he is wondering if he should say these things. He is spreading a lot of rumors about Park Moo-bin. He said Moo-bin was engaged but dated a very innocent and kind girl while he was engaged. The innocent and kind girl got depressed and killed herself. This is spreading all over the hospital. They canceled the marriage. The caption on the screen is thanking Choi Woo-shik for being in Fight for My Way.

Ae-ra is avoiding Dong Man now. 

The manager told Joo-man to make the kimchi daebak.

Chaebol is saying she will date Joo-man now, she is telling this to Sul-hee

At the gym, it is near Dong-man debut day. Ae-ra went to the gym. The fighter said, when you debut, you are a sandbag and you get hit like this (starts hitting him)

There was soooo much talking today! It was hard to catch everything. We will go back through this and try to fix all the parts we missed and fix typos and all that!

Wow! So that’s why Moo-bin was listening to all those Japanese songs and knew Japanese! He had a Japanese fiancé! His inferiority complex against Dong-man triggered him to be a bad guy, wow.



I am still at work, but I had to comment on this episode, it was so great! I think Dong-man reached his breaking point with his "unknown" feelings toward Ae-ra. He was seriously going crazy! I love how he just threw his jacket over Ae-ra's head when she was crying, and then felt like he should hug her. That was so perfect. I also love how Ae-ra told him to stop acting like a boyfriend because it is making her catch feelings toward him. I LOVE THAT. She is so honest with her feelings (or just aware, as a Soompier mentioned earlier!)

My favorite scene this episode had to be the drive-in theater scene. I need to rewatch it tonight because I missed a lot of emotions and expressions and stuff. But from that first watch, it is definitely the drive-in theater!

See everyone tomorrow for Episode 8!

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It's just the little things that are so hilarious.

When Aera is crying, and DM takes off his orange hoodie, you think he's going to drape it over her shoulders, but he just covers her whole head with it. HAHAHAHA.

And knowing that that is probably what she wants, because she doesn't want people to see her cry.

And knowing that HE knows that.

These two just get each other. LOVE.


Loving Joo-man and Seol-hee's relationship, too. I loved how she heard that Crazy Pink Girl kissed him, and didn't freak out. She was sad, but she didn't scream and run to smack him like you imagine would happen in 99% of K-dramas.

I mean, he's still in trouble. But I have faith that they will figure it out together.

But how crazy is this Pink Girl? She is psycho!


Speaking of psychos, that Hye Ran is the worst.


Psycho #3 - MOO BIN! OMG! What is wrong with you?

He was never into Aera or Boram, he was always obsessed with Dong Man. Ahhh, so crazy. I didn't see that coming, and it was kind of awesome.

I loved Dong Man's revenge on him in the epilogue. HAHAHAHA, that was great.

So many psychos on this show.

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I wasn't expecting AR to blurt out that DM makes her feel fluttery whenever he held her or did anything like that. However, I'm glad that she calls him on that since he was used to a lot of touching AR whether it's to hold her hand or to hug her or touch her hair. And, it's fine that AR is honest about the way she feels first. AR seems to be the more self-aware of the two anyway. 


I am actually so glad that she said it first, because I feel like one thing holding DM back is that he actually thinks AR is *too* good for him. He teases her all the time, but it's obvious that in reality he think's she's beautiful and brilliant and deserves absolutely the best guy out there. You can see it in the way he gets so angry when she undervalues herself.

I just get the feeling he doesn't believe he could ever be worthy of her because he's not as smart/doesn't have money/doesn't have a career prospect, etc. But now, if he starts to see that she considers him to be worthy of her love...well, watch out world!!!!


56 minutes ago, V said:

I love how he just threw his jacket over Ae-ra's head when she was crying, and then felt like he should hug her. That was so perfect.


OMG every time he does this it just MELTS me. As someone who tries to appear strong most of the time, nothing makes me weak in the knees like a man who can see through my armor and still cares about me. I do get annoyed with DM for being SO overprotective without being honest about what's motivating it, but...if it was me, I'd still accept the PeachGhostHoodie of Love, LOL!! 


4 minutes ago, chickfactor said:

Loving Joo-man and Seol-hee's relationship, too. I loved how she heard that Crazy Pink Girl kissed him, and didn't freak out. She was sad, but she didn't scream and run to smack him like you imagine would happen in 99% of K-dramas.


Aigoooooo...ok, honestly, I wanted her to get angry. Why doesn't she get angry???? She deserves to be angry at her boyfriend who won't admit that they're in a relationship, won't marry her, and now hasn't told her that another girl kissed him!!!!! These two need to start communicating honestly if they're going to get anywhere.

I do love that this drama presents us with such realistic examples of relationships in two very different phases, but in both cases the couples have got to learn a new form of healthy communication in order to move forward in their relationships.

With DM and AR we have a relationship between friends who have become so close and have been so honest and open with each other for so long (to the point that much of their conversation is just one happy insult after another) that now that they're having deeper feelings pop up they don't know how to communicate regarding loving and/or romantic things at all. For them the sweetest things are the most difficult to say.

And on the other hand, with JM and SH we have a relationship that is nothing *but* loving and/or romantic, and could use a heavy dose of the kind of confrontational openness that DM and AR are experts in. For JM and SH, the sweet things have become normal, but they need to learn to challenge each other and to confront each other in order to move past this stagnant moment in their couplehood.

Anyway...that's my two cents!! Love reading everyone's comments, and can't WAIT for tomorrow!!!!!!

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Hello everyone - my first post here..Fight (for) my way is such a gem - no frills or fluffs - this slice of life drama -- I love it. The main cast is doing an excellent job here. Looking forward to reading your posts and updates. Just saw ep 7 - the ending, wow! This writer has a PhD in cliffhangers. GDM subscribes to the idea that it's the little things that count, not the 68,000 won shoe - did anybody else cringe when MB told her how much they cost? And the fact that he couldn't return it because it was on sale? I cringed and somehow felt bad for him too because I'm not entirely sure if he was  doing it on purpose.

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2 hours ago, msbeatrice81 said:

Aigoooooo...ok, honestly, I wanted her to get angry. Why doesn't she get angry???? She deserves to be angry at her boyfriend who won't admit that they're in a relationship, won't marry her, and now hasn't told her that another girl kissed him!!!!! These two need to start communicating honestly if they're going to get anywhere.


Her entire doormat personality frustrates me, too, but I've come to accept that that is who she is and she doesn't necessarily have to change. She really doesn't demand anything from him, or expects or wants him to be different. And she honestly seems to trust him. Even though she seemed oblivious in the past, I really think she just trusts that whatever any girl does, Joo-Man will not fall for it.

And he's remained pretty steadfast about that. He never seemed tempted or wavered when Pink Psycho throws herself at him.

I wish that HE would do some things differently, though, like tell Pink Psycho that he is not interested!

As far as whether he needed to tell Seol-Hee after Pink Psycho kissed him... I'm torn. If HE knows that he is not interested in Pink Psycho and that Seol-Hee doesn't have anything to worry about, does he really need to tell her what she doesn't need to know? If I were Seol-Hee, would I want to know?

What I'm saying is: she's not the overly jealous type and really trusts her boyfriend. He's not interested in straying, and their relationship actually seems solid in most other ways. So as far as I'm concerned, their major problem isn't between them, but they're just having problems due to external disturbance.

As far as why he won't marry her... I don't know. Maybe he has some personal trauma about marriage or something? But I do hope we find out.

And I agree, I don't understand why they have to try so hard to keep this relationship a secret at work. Again, hopefully, we will find out why.

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2 hours ago, chickfactor said:

It's just the little things that are so hilarious.

When Aera is crying, and DM takes off his orange hoodie, you think he's going to drape it over her shoulders, but he just covers her whole head with it. HAHAHAHA.

And knowing that that is probably what she wants, because she doesn't want people to see her cry.

And knowing that HE knows that.

These two just get each other. LOVE.


Loving Joo-man and Seol-hee's relationship, too. I loved how she heard that Crazy Pink Girl kissed him, and didn't freak out. She was sad, but she didn't scream and run to smack him like you imagine would happen in 99% of K-dramas.

I mean, he's still in trouble. But I have faith that they will figure it out together.

But how crazy is this Pink Girl? She is psycho!


Speaking of psychos, that Hye Ran is the worst.


Psycho #3 - MOO BIN! OMG! What is wrong with you?

He was never into Aera or Boram, he was always obsessed with Dong Man. Ahhh, so crazy. I didn't see that coming, and it was kind of awesome.

I loved Dong Man's revenge on him in the epilogue. HAHAHAHA, that was great.

So many psychos on this show.

She's definitely super forward and not catching on how uncomfortable Joo-man is with all of her antics, but my god, he needs to just say he has a gf already. Don't even have to say Seol-Hee's name, but rich girl is just gonna do more and more because she thinks he's available

5 minutes ago, chickfactor said:


Her entire doormat personality frustrates me, too, but I've come to accept that that is who she is and she doesn't necessarily have to change. She really doesn't demand anything from him, or expects or wants him to be different. And she honestly seems to trust him. Even though she seemed oblivious in the past, I really think she just trusts that whatever any girl does, Joo-Man will not fall for it.

And he's remained pretty steadfast about that. He never seemed tempted or wavered when Pink Psycho throws herself at him.

I wish that HE would do some things differently, though, like tell Pink Psycho that he is not interested!

As far as whether he needed to tell Seol-Hee after Pink Psycho kissed him... I'm torn. If HE knows that he is not interested in Pink Psycho and that Seol-Hee doesn't have anything to worry about, does he really need to tell her what she doesn't need to know? If I were Seol-Hee, would I want to know?

What I'm saying is: she's not the overly jealous type and really trusts her boyfriend. He's not interested in straying, and their relationship actually seems solid in most other ways. So as far as I'm concerned, their major problem isn't between them, but they're just having problems due to external disturbance.

As far as why he won't marry her... I don't know. Maybe he has some personal trauma about marriage or something? But I do hope we find out.

And I agree, I don't understand why they have to try so hard to keep this relationship a secret at work. Again, hopefully, we will find out why.

I agree in that I don't think either of them have to necessarily change - they are who they are, and that's why they like each other.

And yes, Joo-man shuts things down fast and has no intentions of hurting Seolhee in anyw way (at least not on purpose), but I also agree that he just needs to TELL HER. Tell Pink Psycho he's taken so she can (hopefully) finally back off. I was hoping it'd end with he acknowledged he wasn't interested after their cooking episode, but she only took that in stride that he still has no one and thus she can be more forward. And you raise a good point with your question - Seol-Hee's personality shows that she really internalizes a lot of her worries and concerns, and she's already starting to feel heat from Pink Psycho even though Joo-Man clearly is shutting the other girl down at every turn. I don't know how he'd be able to work that in a conversation as well, but I'm sure it hurts hearing from someone else that isn't your bf that someone kissed your bf and is clearly interested in them :(. I'm not sure if I would want to know either.

However, I do think they have problems between themselves. I think they're such a lovey-dovey-perfect-couple on the outside, but they don't have the content on the inside. They seemingly haven't cemented marriage plans by now after so many years of marriage, and we still don't know why they can't reveal themselves at work (and it seems like Seol-Hee is starting to get fed up with this too, so it makes me think that it's more Joo-man's insistence they keep it quiet). Furthermore, they seem to lack more serious and open conversations. Based on what I've been seeing, Joo-man seems to have gotten a bit comfortable in their state of not-married-but-living together, whereas Seolhee is still trying to keep the romance alive and is still feeling insecure/unstable with where they are. I think right now, the big problem they have is really voicing to each other what they expect from this relationship and where they want it to go. Because even without Pink Psycho, that question still remains (especially if Joo-man's family is gonna be around in the drama at some point, assuming we get a wedding from them as well)

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I don't know why I am still awake. I need to go to bed soon.

I have come to realize that Sul-hee and Dong-man are the most alike and Ae-ra and Joo-man are the most alike.

Sul-hee and Dong-man both don't really understand social situations all that well, they don't express their feelings well, and they are pretty much always in an upbeat mood. They are both so adorable.

Joo-man and Ae-ra understand social situations very well, they express their feelings very well, and they are always in a , well, not really a RBF mood, but pretty much that. (RBF=resting b**** face). They are both pretty serious.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. See y'all in the morning!


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