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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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I really love this drama, it's so funny and cute! 

I wonder if there are really guys like that out there, willing to take back the pretty girl no matter how often she dumped him, like a spare tire always ready to be used....

Why is the girl not trying harder to become an announcer? Did something happen (maybe with that oppa-bot) that makes her give up on it even though she obviously still dreams of being an announcer?

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23 minutes ago, rittoo said:

I really love this drama, it's so funny and cute! 

I wonder if there are really guys like that out there, willing to take back the pretty girl no matter how often she dumped him, like a spare tire always ready to be used....

Why is the girl not trying harder to become an announcer? Did something happen (maybe with that oppa-bot) that makes her give up on it even though she obviously still dreams of being an announcer?


Sadly, I have a guy friend who does this all the time with his ex - she shows back up and he takes her back every single time, no matter what. It's just that he's never fully gotten over her and so whenever she wants to, she can manipulate him into accepting her back. It makes all of us who care about him SO angry, but what can we do? I definitely sympathize with DM's friends in this drama!!! :angry:

Regarding AR not trying too hard to become an announcer, I think the issue rests in the fact that she's tried in the past and wasn't able to do it because of her educational ranking, her lack of connections, etc. I get the feeling that she's just tried and failed over and over and so now she's stopped really trying. Hopefully that will change as the drama continues!

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This show keeps getting better! I just love episode 4!! So many things happened


  • We now finally know what really happened 10 years ago. My heart broke for Dong Man. 
  • I am cheering so much when DM knocked out Tak Su in front of the journalists and finally he decides to move forward
  • When I quit his job and stood up to his senior
  • Coach and DM moment :lol:
  • Moobin is such a cutie, too bad I am not into second lead syndrome 
  • DM desperately want to tag along with MB and AeRa was cute/funny 
  • AeRa worrying about DM, don't want him to get beaten. It's cute she actually looked up about MMA :lol:
  • The dog comparison
  • DM hugged AeRa unconsciously, my heart fluttered
  • DM helped AeRa coming up with an excuse why she's so concerned :lol:
  • DM and AR starting to see each other in a different light (cute!)
  • JooMan being straightforward to the trainee
  • AR, JM and SH shooing away DM's ex
  • SulHee's face while whispering to AR :lol:


I really like how this drama progresses. Hope this drama will hit daebak!! 

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Aigoo :(! so Dongman is Hyeran's rebound guy.

i like how the writer is tackling unconventional lifestyle vs traditional values and such. Korea is still pretty much a conservative country, and though I do love the traditional values that often gets portrayed in kdramas, I also love seeing that Korea is starting to be more liberal in terms of society. for example, the landlady caught both Jooman and Sulhee come out of the apartment together, she told them that "sleepovers are prohibited." now, normally western countries (like here in the US) would just mind our own business if we see something like that, but the landlady scolded both of them. However, Sulhee talked back to her even though talking back to elders are frown upon, and be considered disrespectful.

i also love those afterthought scenes between Dongman and Aera at the end of each episodes.


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Fight My Way: Episode 4

by LollyPip




With pressure coming at him from every side, Dong-man is having a rough time lately. He’s torn between dissatisfaction with his life as it is and his fear of striking out for what he wants. It doesn’t help that his feelings for Ae-ra are confusing the hell out of him, especially when she’s having some pretty puzzling feelings herself. If they can’t learn to talk instead of just arguing, they’re never going to be able to work out the truth.

Round 4: “Just go for it!”

Dong-man feels stunned and betrayed when he realizes that Coach Hwang has brought him to a fight where his old rival, Tak-soo, is competing. He asks Coach why he’s being so cruel to him, but Coach Hwang counters that it’s Dong-man who’s being cruel to himself. He points to Tak-soo currently strutting around the ring like he owns it, and says that both he and Dong-man did stupid things, but Dong-man is the only one feeling guilty.

As he watches the fight, Dong-man can’t help but remember how his own body felt when he used to execute those same moves. Tak-soo knocks out his opponent with a roundhouse kick, the very move that used to be Dong-man’s specialty.

We’re taken back to 2007, to the fight that ended Dong-man’s career. Before the match, a man tries to convince Dong-man to throw the fight. Dong-man doesn’t even acknowledge him, and the man (he’s Tak-soo’s coach, COACH CHOI) gets irritated.


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He tells Dong-man to give in so that everyone wins, but with a wry laugh, Dong-man says that nobody would win. He says confidently that nobody in his family wants him to lose, vowing to win the gold, pay off his family’s debts, and even make Dong-hee healthy again.

Coach Hwang gives Dong-man a pep talk on the way to the arena, reminding him that winning this fight means a trip to the Beijing Olympics. Dong-man’s father surprises him by showing up to watch before gruffly telling his son to win, or else.

Dong-man faces Tak-soo in the ring, and Tak-soo is good, but Dong-man is better, winning point after point as his blows land solidly. But then a tiny voice calls out from the stands, “Dong-man! You can do it!” Dong-man turns to the stands and sees his mother with Dong-hee, his tiny, frail little sister. Dong-hee is obviously very sick and in a wheelchair, but she cheers her big brother with all the energy she can muster. He stares up at her pale little face, conflicted.


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We hear Coach Choi’s voice saying that Dong-hee could walk if she had a certain surgery, and Dong-man makes a terrible decision. As the match continues, Tak-soo clips Dong-man’s shoulder with a kick, and Dong-man goes down. Dong-hee cries for her oppa to get up, screaming that she’ll never speak to him again if he doesn’t. But as the referee counts to ten, Dong-man doesn’t move, though it looks as though it takes superhuman effort to stay there.

A further flash to before the match shows Dong-man’s mother angrily telling Coach Choi that they’ll pay him back for the medical bills he paid without asking. Coach Choi says that if Dong-man lets Tak-soo win the spot on the national team, Tak-soo’s father will pay off all of the family’s debts. Dong-man’s father upends the garbage over Coach Choi’s head and kicks him out of their house, while Dong-man listens from his room. Dong-man throws the fight for his family, shaking with humiliation as he lies on the mat. Tak-soo is declared the winner, and Dong-man finally sits up, heaving great, heartbroken sobs over what he just gave up. But the referees conclude that the tiny kick Dong-man received couldn’t possibly have knocked him out of the fight. A press conference is held to announce the discovery that the fight was rigged, and Dong-man, Tak-soo, and their coaches all wait to face the reporters.

Angry that they got caught, Tak-soo tells Dong-man to go out there and take all the blame. Coach Hwang snaps at Tak-soo for being a spoiled brat who bought his way to where he is, and for ruining the chances of someone who actually has talent.



Coach Choi explains that Tak-soo’s father has an election coming up and doesn’t want Tak-soo’s part in the rigging to be known. Tak-soo tells Dong-man that if he doesn’t shoulder the guilt alone, he’ll make him pay back the money his family has been paid.

Once alone, Dong-man finally says a shaky “I’m sorry” to Coach Hwang. Coach asks how he could do such a thing without talking to him, saying that he thought they were more than just coach and student. Dong-man says he’ll go alone so that Coach Hwang doesn’t take any of the blame and risk his teaching future. Coach Hwang slaps Dong-man, grabs him by the wrist, and leads him out to face the reporters together.

Back in the present, Dong-man waits for Coach Hwang outside the arena. But it’s Tak-soo who exits the building first, and he stops when he spots Dong-man. Bristling, he asks why Dong-man is here, accusing him of showing up because he needs money. (I can see that his personality hasn’t improved.)


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Coach Choi tries to move Tak-soo along, but he seems to enjoy taunting Dong-man, and he even calls him a beggar. Dong-man just calmly asks if Tak-soo is scared, sneering that his rambling proves that he’s afraid Dong-man will make a comeback.

Tak-soo gets aggressive and shoves Dong-man while his manager warns him to remember the CCTV cameras. With a nasty smile on his face, he asks Dong-man if his sister can walk yet, and Dong-man snaps. He throws a side-kick into Tak-soo’s ribs, then executes a perfect roundhouse kick right into Tak-soo’s face. YESSS.

He screams, “If you’re going to copy my move, do it properly, you bastard!” He tells the whimpering Tak-soo that it’s too soon to be this scared, roaring that if they ever meet in the ring, Tak-soo is dead.

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When Coach Hwang finally exits the building, he finds his soondae truck surrounded by reporters. They ask if his dashboard camera is working, offering to buy the footage from tonight. Coach Hwang sells them the video, which is quickly uploaded to the internet, and he watches the video of Dong-man knocking Tak-soo over with one perfect kick with his mouth hanging open.

Meanwhile, Dong-man has wandered off in a bit of a daze. He answers his phone when his work supervisor calls him, but hearing the jerk rant at him is the last straw. He thinks about that kick he landed tonight and hears Ae-ra’s breathless voice saying that people should do what they love. He screams into the phone that he can’t do any better at his exterminator job because he hates it, then quits. He hangs up and keeps screaming, repeating that he’s going to go for it. Go Dong-man!

Coach Hwang drives back to his gym, where Dong-man races up to him, still high on adrenaline. He yells near-incoherently that he wants to do martial arts again, and after confirming that he isn’t drunk, Coach Hwang starts screaming right along with him. They’re so cute.


Read more:: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/05/fight-my-way-episode-4/

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19 hours ago, V said:

Hi y'all! We are gearing up to do a Park Seo Joon week over on Bah+Doo in the next couple weeks. Does anyone have any magazine interviews they want translated? We found interviews from several magazines so far (Grazia, Arena, Elle, etc), but we are missing his interviews from High Cut (most places have photos, but no interviews). We know there are probably some others floating around as well.

Let us know! We are going to try and post one interview every day for one week. This will take some time and planning though, so if you do have a magazine interview or something similar then let us know!

Note: No video translations right now because those can take fooooreeeeevah. But we might do another PSJ week later and focus on videos.

We want to do this in two weeks so get your stuff to us asap if you want it covered! We make no promises to cover everything, but we will try!

Oh! I wanted to add that we plan on doing a week for all the characters in Fight for My Way, so if you have any Kim Ji Won, Ahn Jae Hong, and/or Song Ha Yoon interviews you want translated, hit us up with those as well!


Wow thank you. Can you translate their VLive together and their press conference? I'm so desperate waiting for the subs to come out. How to submit the requests? I really appreciate your efforts:)


I'm in love with this drama so much! It has been a long long time since I'm hooked with rom-com drama. My last drama about romance was Tomorrow With You and I was so hooked, but it's not really a comedy genre lol. I can't even remember my last rom-com drama that got me this hooked.

Anyway, so many things I love about this drama. It is not just about a love story about two friends that got stuck in the friend zone. It is more than that. About life, about dreams, about how to get by a really bad day, about real life struggles that we face daily. And the importance of friendship. When you have friends that gets you more than your own family. You got friends that you know will always stood up for you and they'll never leave you no matter how bad your mistakes are. You'll feel that everything is going to be okay eventually. 

This drama is so realistic and that's one of the things I love about this drama. I cannot choose my favorite scenes. There are so many of them and we just got 4 episodes. So looking forward to what coming next. I think I'll stick around till the end. I love Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won respectively. I couldn't be more happy they got paired up, and boy the casting team did a really good job casted all the casts. Their chemistry is daebak. 

For episode 4, I like Choi Woo Shik, he's a good actor. But I don't like his character. He's so pushy. He has no right to tell her what to do and told her to broke off her friendship with Dong Man when they just barely knew each other and he's not even her boyfriend. But I love it when Ae Ra stick with Dong Man when he pulled her chair, she completely forgot about the other guy and just keep eating together with Dong Man. Yeaaah, their 20years of friendship can't be broke off that easily tho. They always get each other's back, too many histories to throw away just because a new person coming to their lifes. The only thing I hate from this episode is that annoying ex girlfriend. The way she said oppa, an aegyo I couldn't put up with, is plainly annoying haha. I hate that we got to see their kissing scene first before we got to see Ae Ra and Dong Man's! I'm a little bit pissed. Glad we have Ae Ra to protect Dong Man at all costs. I hope that the ex girlfriend will disappear soon, like Moo Bin's character. I hope she is just a special cameo and not a fixed character. 

I never really care about the ratings to be honest. Ratings cannot classified it is a good or bad drama. But I'm still glad that the rating is doing pretty well, I hope it gets better as the episode progress. And I do hope King Kong or Key East will release more behind the scene 

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“Fight My Way” Chief Producer Talks About Real Life Chemistry Between The Cast


Lee Gun Joon, the chief producer (CP) of the KBS 2TV Monday-Tuesday drama “Fight My Way,” commented on how Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won work with each other off the camera.

The two seasoned actors, who play best friends of 20 years in the drama, display a similar relationship off the screen according to the CP.

Lee Gun Joon said, “Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won are actually very close in real life, too. They are taking care of each other and cheering each other on. They are both committed to their characters. They have good chemistry in real life, and they’re having a lot of fun while filming.”

He also expressed how Ahn Jae Hong and Song Ha Yoon work together. He said, “Ahn Jae Hong and Song Ha Yoon also have great chemistry. In the drama, they are a couple who have been together for six years. Since they tell a story of a couple with the challenge of having dated for a long time, I think that side of the story will be fun too. The actors are doing very well.”

He added, “I am very satisfied with the casting. I’m proud of them and I’m grateful to them.”

“Fight My Way” airs every Monday and Tuesday. Watch the latest episode at Viki!eet

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[Hot Takes from the Noonas] "Fight My Way" gets huge ratings jump as "My Sassy Girl - Drama" premieres


The Monday-Tuesday ratings battle is heating up as "Fight My Way" takes the lead over "My Sassy Girl - Drama" and "Lookout".

"Fight My Way" premiered against the final episodes of "Whisper" on May 22nd to mediocre ratings, topping out at 6% in the second episode. Now that "Whisper" is out of the way, the ratings for "Fight My Way" have jumped up to 10.7%, beating out the debut episodes of "My Sassy Girl - Drama". Starring Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won, 'Fight My Way" tells the story of ordinary people trying to make their dreams come true.

source: http://www.hancinema.net/hot-takes-from-the-noonas-fight-my-way-gets-huge-ratings-jump-as-my-sassy-girl--drama-premieres-106528.html


Netizens are going wild at the tongue action in Park Seo Joon and Lee Elijah's kiss scene on 'Fight My Way'

Netizens are going wild at Park Seo Joon and Lee Elijah's hot kiss scene

Kiss scenes are very common in K-dramas; however, this particular scene in KBS's 'Fight My Way' is gaining greater attention for the tongue action. 

As you can see in the clip, Park Seo Joon and Lee Elijah definitely have more than just a smooch. The scene is now going viral, quickly spreading across various online communities. 

Netizens reacted with comments, "Wow the tongue", "Park Seo Joon is the master of kiss scenes", "Heol, they're actually using tongues in dramas'', "The kiss scene is very provocative for a drama on a major broadcast station", "Definitely watching this now", and so on.

source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2017/05/netizens-are-going-wild-at-the-tongue-action-in-park-seo-joon-and-lee-elijahs-kiss-scene-on-fight-my-way

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I do..:D

Anyone Else Became a Fan of this Cutie from "Fight My Way"?


Do you know the actor Choi Woo-shik? The cutie from "Fight My Way", who is a classmate of Park Seo-joon and have a little thing going on for Kim Ji-won-I? Actually, I haven't been aware of this actor until recently and became an instant fan when I saw him act in a web drama called "The Boy Next Door".

read full article >> http://www.hancinema.net/anyone-else-became-a-fan-of-this-cutie-from-fight-my-way--106553.html

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Just started this drama a few days ago and kinda liked it. I can identify myself with the female lead with her experiences at work... T.T

I am interested in basing my Korea trips on drama filming locations, so I started searching for some of them, in case you are interested too, you can see my recent two posts on the filming locations of this drama in Busan here




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16 hours ago, lingkims said:


Wow thank you. Can you translate their VLive together and their press conference? I'm so desperate waiting for the subs to come out. How to submit the requests? I really appreciate your efforts:)




Hi lingkims! Go ahead and send us the Vlive and press conference links! We won't be able to do them now because videos take a lot of time and we want to do this in the next couple weeks. If we did this full time then that would be no problem, but we have day jobs so that really limits our time (*sad face*). But we can always put that on the list!

Three ways to submit an interview:

1. The easiest way is to just leave us a comment on a post at Bah+Doo. We read them all because we get notifications when they show up.

2. You can quote me here and paste the link to the interview or the complete interview. I would suggest hiding it though so the forum doesn't get crowded with translation stuff?  But I don't check Soompi every day, so it might be a couple days before I see it.

3. Send us a message through out contact page!

Magazine or the like interviews only for now. We can usually spit those out in a day or two. Videos sometimes take days and days and days depending on how many people are talking. We also like to embed the translation when possible and that takes time as well.

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