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[Drama 2017] Forest of Secrets / Stranger 비밀의숲 - Baeksang 2018 Daesang Award /Best Actor / Best Writer


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@bebebisous33 I am not mad at Shi-Mok and I did read concern in his eyes at the scene and I agree that Eun Soo earned that scolding even if I can understand her actions. I just don't know how it contributes to the whole investigation beyond just confirming the obvious. Even without Eun Soo, the scenario could work. That's all.

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Wow...this thread is moving along fast!:D

I will apologize upfront and say that I have around 8 pages to back-read, so if I repeat anything that has already been said...please excuse me! :rolleyes:

@UnniSarah The issue with Ms. Choi: I also think it is a valid question. As @Runa Chatterjee and @annagriss8 had mentioned, it is because she is in charge of safe-keeping Ga-young and her mother and their location is a secret even to the rest of the team...but what I found awkward was: 1) Before Shi-Mok got the call from ES regarding her following Kim Tae-Gyun, YJ was about to talk to Shi-Mok about Ms. Choi, but had to stop due to the phone call. 2) When Shi-Mok and YJ went to see Ga-young after she was transferred - Why was she under the blanket?

Lee Yeon Jae - I am not sure what I think of her. From the little I understand seeing epi. 11 preview...she is/was taking medication and she probably has a history of mental illness. I just wonder whether her father and husband are aware of what she did with Ga-young, or maybe even hoping that she would have acted the way she had. This, especially after they appeared to be unfazed by her eavesdropping on their conversation. When she speaks over the phone to her "accomplice"  - she mentions just do the next job well - I wonder what she is referring to? 

Chief Secretary Lee is this all part of his grand plan? For a guy who seems to be quite intelligent, he is way too demure in front of his father-in-law. I still can't figure out whether he wants power for good or for evil!? And those looks between him and Shi-Mok (I can only imagine what they are trying to say to each other B))

Young Il-Jae, Chief Secretary Lee and Lee Yeon-Boom share a secret (which we assume is on that USB). It is definitely something big, that YiJ was even okay with being charged with taking a bribe and losing his position, to protect his family. He did not share the same happiness that his daughter and wife had, after his name was cleared.  ES has so far been concerned with clearing her family's name, I wonder how she will react when she sees what is on the USB?! 

Epi. 10 was a rather heart-breaking episode for YJ - you can sense her love for her job and how much pride she takes in it. Her appeal to the Police Chief was just heartbreaking!! :unsure: I am enjoying the level of understanding she and Shi-Mok share. One, when they are at the hospital and she asks him for change - he knows she wants to talk to him, then again at the hospital where he walks into the room where Ga-young is and YJ motions to him to be quiet, and he just listens...But I cannot see a romantic relationship, more a partnership. 

Shi-Mok and ES: I still maintain that ES's approach of Shi-Mok is innocent. Yes she wants to clear her father's name, but she still wants Shi-Mok's acknowledgment and attention. Her encounters with him leave her flustered. Shi-Mok, I doubt he knows what to make of her and I think YJ is also very aware of what ES is trying to do and what rather amused by Shi-Mok and his reactions. Regarding Shi-Mok getting angry at ES, after the smile he gave YJ, then he sort of smiled at ES's mother, I guess as @shae had mentioned it is a part of his evolution. Though I wonder if it  is because he was annoyed with her for being involved or because he was concerned about her?!B)

SDJ is another character whom I cannot make up my mind on, I am actually kind of enjoying watching him being slimy  :tongue: 

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26 minutes ago, Nymeria289 said:

@bebebisous33 I am not mad at Shi-Mok and I did read concern in his eyes at the scene and I agree that Eun Soo earned that scolding even if I can understand her actions. I just don't know how it contributes to the whole investigation. That's all.

The scene is connected to YES trying to stop the deliveryman KGT from leaving the country. She followed him. Hence it is indirectly connected to the investigation. As conclusion, the arrest of KGT is connected to the investigation.  

Moreover, the scene with the scolding reinforces YES's trust in HSM. She even recognised herself that she wasn't thinking normally. After the scolding, YES confided to HSM and talked about her emotions. A topic that no one would usually mention in front of him, since he is seen as a robot. However, the conversation revealed the change in their relationship. She trusts him more than before, this has nothing to do with seduction. She is asking for more understanding, which is surprising, when HSM is known as a person lacking emotions and understanding.

We see the gradual changes in their relationship:

- First, she disliked him as she had the impression that he would never help her to become an independent prosecutor.

- Then, he surprised her by giving her the case with PMS

- He criticised her for her move during the trial

- He took the responsability, when she got harrassed by the media due to the suicide of the ex-convict

- She tried to get close to him in order to hide her secret and discover dirt on LCJ; in reality he was never manipulated by her

- She has to be more honest, reveals her secret meeting but wants to prove him wrong (SDJ is not the murderer)

- He doesn't want her in his team because he knows her true goal (revenge); she gets upset for his refusal but she tries to convince otherwise by following KGT.

They definitely have a mentor relationship.  

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:


@ddeokbokkii I have to disagree with you. Kim Woo Kyun is not charged for GY's murder. He had an alibi but he is charged for having sex with an underaged girl and prostitution.

As for the attempted murder of GY, I believe there are two culprits:

the second attempt was LYJ, LCJ's wife but I sense that the first attempt was someone else, a person who would do anything to bring up the corruption in Western Seoul prosecution office. 

So for me now, PMS's murder and GY's first attempted murder, I suspect Kim Jung Bon 

As for the corruption scandal of 3 years ago, LYB was the mastermind, while LCJ was the puppet forced by his father-in-law to betray his mentor. LYB knew that YIJ had some evidence of corruption against him (LYB) hence he had to ruin the minister's reputation and career. Once his reputation was tarnished, the evidence wouldn't be so effective. On the other hand, I can imagine that YIJ must have threatened LYB with the USB. This was a leverage against LYB, if this latter would try to do something against his family.

Please, go back and re-watch the part where Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok ask Ga Young who was her attacker. When Yeo-Jin asked her who's

the culprit was, Yeo-Jin specifically name her own boss(Chief Kim). Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok repeatedly asked her if it was the man she met up

every Monday for sexual favor(that's Chief Kim, Yeo-Jin boss). Ga Young almost lost her life by a highest ranking of the police dept.

She obviously have a mistrust with anyone from the police department. That's why she refuse to talk, cause Yeo-Jin is a policewoman.

They already have enough evidence to charge Chief Kim with Ga Young fail murder, they just need the victim confirmation.

Also, at the interrogation between Yeo-Jin and her boss(Chief Kim), Chief Kim know that Park Moo-Sung is dead. The only person that

know he's seeing Ga-Young. And he though he had destroyed all evidences that can show he has any knowledge of Ga Young,

That's why he completely denied any knowledge of Ga Young(this was his biggest mistake, this is the same thing as he admitting he's

the attacker). He doesn't realized that Shi-Mok also have a copy of the cctv footage at the hotel. When Yeo-Jin showed him some 

pictures from the footage, he's speechless. He got caught in the act. Yeo-Jin gave him every chance to come clean, he didn't.

For the record, Chief Kim is not a suspect of Mr. Park murder. Officer Jang confirmed he was at the station at the time of Mr. Park

murder. I don't know if Officer Jang is covering for him or not, but that's a different story. For now, he's not a suspect in Park murder.

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

The scene is connected to YES trying to stop the deliveryman KGT from leaving the country. She followed him. Hence it is indirectly connected to the investigation. As conclusion, the arrest of KGT is connected to the investigation.  

Moreover, the scene with the scolding reinforces YES's trust in HSM. She even recognised herself that she wasn't thinking normally. After the scolding, YES confided to HSM and talked about her emotions. A topic that no one would usually mention in front of him, since he is seen as a robot. However, the conversation revealed the change in their relationship. She trusts him more than before, this has nothing to do with seduction. She is asking for more understanding, which is surprising, when HSM is known as a person lacking emotions and understanding.

We see the gradual changes in their relationship:

- First, she disliked him as she had the impression that he would never help her to become an independent prosecutor.

- Then, he surprised her by giving her the case with PMS

- He criticised her for her move during the trial

- He took the responsability, when she got harrassed by the media due to the suicide of the ex-convict

- She tried to get close to him in order to hide her secret and discover dirt on LCJ; in reality he was never manipulated by her

- She has to be more honest, reveals her secret meeting but wants to prove him wrong (SDJ is not the murderer)

- He doesn't want her in his team because he knows her true goal (revenge); she gets upset for his refusal but she tries to convince otherwise by following KGT.

They definitely have a mentor relationship.  

Agreed. I have edited my original post. Typing while working chingu :)

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6 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu's ....It seems no one has even bother to ask about Assisting Officer Young Choi took a sick day. She claimed it is because of family emergency but Kim Ho Seob doesn't understand stand that.He said she never did something like this before for family. Now my imagination is going with all kind of conclusion here and there. I hope I am overthink it but have you guys wondered too. 

6 hours ago, Runa Chatterjee said:

I thought this was because she was with Ga-Young at the secret place they moved her to? Or am I mistaken? Young Choi was the one who went to pick up Ga Young with HYJ right?


At first I think the same way as @Runa Chatterjee but then again, insignificant info in this kind of drama is NEVER meaningless. It's a hint of something. I was relief to see her in the preview of Ep 11. But there's always a possibility somebody is putting a pressure to her/her family. 
I find her one of the weakest links in the team; the other one is Det Jang - so easily influenced, one of his feet is not in SM's boat yet. 

3 hours ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Suspect list after episode 10.

Suspects for the fail murder of Kim Ga-Young:

Kim Woo-Kyun                Police Chief

Lee Yeon-Jae                  Chairman Lee's daughter              @Tee- Sama ,

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary                             @penelop3

Congratulation to the following people from last week suspect list. If your guess either Police Chief Kim or

Chairman Lee's daughter, you are half right. @penelop3 , @Nymeria289 , @nona88 , @Runa Chatterjee ,

@ddeokbokkii . Police Chief Kim is being charge with stabbing Ms. Ga-Young, and Lee Yeon-Jae is being

charge with second attempt on her life in the hospital.


Mastermind suspect that began 3 years ago:

Lee Yoon-Beom              Chairman Hanjo Group              @Tee- Sama , @UnniSarah , @penelop3 ,

                                                                                           @Nymeria289 ,

Young Il-Jae                    Ex-minister

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary

Public General Prosecutor      Name???                           @kiklaminHo ,

Possible 3rd party            Name???      


Suspect list for Park Moo-Sung murder:

Kim Jung-Bon                  SM childhood friend                  @kiklaminHo , @Nymeria289 ,


Good luck on your guessing everyone. 

@ddeokbokkii sorry, I think there's some confusion in the list. My take for the culprits are: 
GY's attempted murder: Chief Kim with LYJ as the mastermind 
Bribery or YIJ's case: LYB
PMS' murder: TBC (I'll put some name after ep 12. Hahaha.. it's too early to tell now) 

2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Now about SDJ: Where does he stand? I do believe that SDJ won't betray HSM for the simple reason that he spent 10 years as LCJ's right arm and was dropped like a hot potato, even before he was suspected to be linked to GY's murder. Then when he visited LYB, he got treated like trash. He had to bow many times like a servant. I can imagine how SDJ must have felt. He did everything for these people but once they see, they don't need their pawn any longer then they drop them. Since SDJ is known as a ruthless guy who would anything to save his skin, LYB and even LCJ could perceive him as the perfect tool in their fight against HSM. But unlike in the past, where he sold his integrity and soul to powerful people, SDJ wants to get even with LCJ and will betray him. As conclusion, I have the impression that SDJ will play the role of a triple agent.

@bebebisous33 Sorry to cut your post. SDJ is as slimy as an ell (if cooked well, unagi). So it's easy to believe that he will betray SM, whether he will be a double agent or triple agent - he will serve the one that can guarantee his safety the most. His constant bowing of apology shows his lack of pride. He may hate LCJ for cutting him off but if LCJ (as in preview Ep 11) can 'protect' him then he will swallow his anger and pride just to save his own a-s-s. That's how low I think of him. -_-

For GY's attempted murder (poor girl, people has been trying to kill her over and over again) - too bad we dont get much clues on the first attempted murder. If it's SDJ - since he's in the hospital at that time, it means he's working under LYJ's order as well as Chief Kim. If it's KSC (Soo Chan), then he did it under Chief Kim's order. All speculation for now. 

1 hour ago, lexicon said:

Lee Yeon Jae - I am not sure what I think of her. From the little I understand seeing epi. 11 preview...she is/was taking medication and she probably has a history of mental illness. I just wonder whether her father and husband are aware of what she did with Ga-young, or maybe even hoping that she would have acted the way she had. This especially after they appeared to be unfazed by he eavesdropping on their conversation. When she speaks over the phone to her "accomplice"  - she mentions just do the next job well - I wonder what she is referring to? 

Chief Secretary Lee is this all part of his grand plan? For a guy who seems to be quite intelligent, he is way too demure in front of his father-in-law. I still can't figure out whether he wants power for good or for evil!? And those looks between him and Shi-Mok (I can only imagine what they are trying to say to each other B))

@lexicon sorry to cut your post.
LYJ: She could be suffering from mental illness, perhaps bipolar or depression. If that's the case, no wonder her dad and her husband are 'afraid' of offending her. And whoa, that's sure is a loooot of pills. Not sure if the PD-nim is showing it as a hint of how sick she is or it's just to exaggerate. 
Do you guys notice how everytime LCJ tried to console his wife - he would always hold her hand - as if giving support or perhaps reminding her to keep her cool? With her impending arrest in Ep 11, I think she will start to unravel. 

LCJ: I think I can figure out SDJ. But LCJ... that one is hard to pinpoint. Like you said, he seemed too demure, lack of passion, and totally under LYB's thumb. If LYB really did have the dirt of LCJ (based on PMS' intel) then what he said to his wife that 'if you're not his daughter, I would totally leave him' - regardless how she would take it, the meaning is the same: if he's leaving her dad he's leaving her as well. He only stayed with his wife because he's being blackmailed by LYB. If that's the case, no wonder she's gone mental. 
For now, he seemed to be one of the victims or unwilling culprit - like in the Bribery case, he's being forced to strike YIJ; the PMS's murder - fingers are starting to point at him and his dirts; GY's attempted murder - again him back in the spotlight. He's definitely dirty but to what extend is he willing to stay dirty? He looks like a fallen hero; hero that has been down with the thieves for too long, the deeper he gets the harder it is to rise back. 

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Suspect list after episode 10.

Suspects for the fail murder of Kim Ga-Young:

Kim Woo-Kyun                Police Chief                                   @penelop3 ,

Lee Yeon-Jae                  Chairman Lee's daughter              @Tee- Sama , @bebebisous33 ,

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary                             

Congratulation to the following people from last week suspect list. If your guess either Police Chief Kim or

Chairman Lee's daughter, you are half right. @penelop3 , @Nymeria289 , @nona88 , @Runa Chatterjee ,

@ddeokbokkii . Police Chief Kim is being charge with stabbing Ms. Ga-Young, and Lee Yeon-Jae is being

charge with second attempt on her life in the hospital.


Mastermind suspect that began 3 years ago:

Lee Yoon-Beom              Chairman Hanjo Group              @Tee- Sama , @UnniSarah , @penelop3 ,

                                                                                           @Nymeria289 , @bebebisous33 , @Michelle Gonzalez

Young Il-Jae                    Ex-minister

Lee Chang-Joon              Chief Secretary

Public General Prosecutor      Name???                           @kiklaminHo ,

Possible 3rd party            Name???      


Suspect list for Park Moo-Sung murder:

Kim Jung-Bon                  SM childhood friend                  @kiklaminHo @bebebisous33, @Nymeria289 ,

Yoon Se-Won                   Case Manager                          @devil webtoon



Good luck on your guessing everyone. 

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2 hours ago, lexicon said:

Epi. 10 was a rather heart-breaking episode for YJ - you can sense her love for her job and how much pride she takes in it. Her appeal to the Police Chief was just heartbreaking!! :unsure: I am enjoying the level of understanding she and Shi-Mok share. One when they are at the hospital and she asks him for change - he knows she wants to talk to him, then again at the hospital where he walks into the room where Ga-young is and YJ motions to him to be quiet, and he just listens...But I cannot see a romantic relationship, more a partnership.


You took the words right out of my mouth chingu...:):wub:

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1 hour ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Please, go back and re-watch the part where Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok ask Ga Young who was her attacker. When Yeo-Jin asked her who's

the culprit was, Yeo-Jin specifically name her own boss(Chief Kim). Yeo-Jin and Shi-Mok repeatedly asked her if it was the man she met up

every Monday for sexual favor(that's Chief Kim, Yeo-Jin boss). Ga Young almost lost her life by a highest ranking of the police dept.

She obviously have a mistrust with anyone from the police department. That's why she refuse to talk, cause Yeo-Jin is a policewoman.

They already have enough evidence to charge Chief Kim with Ga Young fail murder, they just need the victim confirmation.

Also, at the interrogation between Yeo-Jin and her boss(Chief Kim), Chief Kim know that Park Moo-Sung is dead. The only person that

know he's seeing Ga-Young. And he though he had destroyed all evidences that can show he has any knowledge of Ga Young,

That's why he completely denied any knowledge of Ga Young(this was his biggest mistake, this is the same thing as he admitting he's

the attacker). He doesn't realized that Shi-Mok also have a copy of the cctv footage at the hotel. When Yeo-Jin showed him some 

pictures from the footage, he's speechless. He got caught in the act. Yeo-Jin gave him every chance to come clean, he didn't.

For the record, Chief Kim is not a suspect of Mr. Park murder. Officer Jang confirmed he was at the station at the time of Mr. Park

murder. I don't know if Officer Jang is covering for him or not, but that's a different story. For now, he's not a suspect in Park murder.

Sorry I have to disagree with you. First of all, during the press conference, HSM only confirmed that KWK was the man KGY was seeing. If they had her testimony that he was her assaillant, they would have announced it as such. Then watch again the confrontation/interrogation between KWK and HYJ.

First, he asks her if they will turn him into the scapegoat for PMS' murder and KGY's murder. Her answer is:

- Detective Jang was his alibi for the night, when PMS was killed.

- For GY's attempted murder, his driver confirmed that he dropped him off at his house! So they checked his alibis for both murders. 

Hence she is proving to him that they are only doing their work. He gets angry because his reputation is now ruined. The chief is already punished by his family after the news got out that he was having sex with an underaged student. Then he tries to deny his relationship with KGY but HYJ shows him the pictures.  

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18 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Sorry I have to disagree with you. First of all, during the press conference, HSM only confirmed that KWK was the man KGY was seeing. If they had her testimony that he was her assaillant, they would have announced it as such. Then watch again the confrontation/interrogation between KWK and HYJ.

First, he asks her if they will turn him into the scapegoat for PMS' murder and KGY's murder. Her answer is:

- Detective Jang was his alibi for the night, when PMS was killed.

- For GY's attempted murder, his driver confirmed that he dropped him off at his house! So they checked his alibis for both murders. 

Hence she is proving to him that they are only doing their work. He gets angry because his reputation is now ruined. The chief is already punished by his family after the news got out that he was having sex with an underaged student. Then he tries to deny his relationship with KGY but HYJ shows him the pictures.  

Are you trying to tell me that they visit Ga-Young to investigate Park Moo-Sung murder?. And they don't give a hoot about who

trying to kill her?. At this point, I have nothing else to say to you, just wait for the next episodes.

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1 minute ago, ddeokbokkii said:

Are you trying to tell me that they visit Ga-Young to investigate Park Moo-Sung murder?. And they don't give a hoot about who

trying to kill her?. At this point, I have nothing else to say to you, just wait for the next episodes.

No, you are misunderstanding me!! When they visit her, they want to know what happened. But her statement is not clear. Besides they are trying to find her assaillant. Since they looked for KWK's alibi, it showed that he was on the suspect list!! However, they want more info from her. Why was she targeted? Did she know something? Is it related to PMS?

But KWK is definitely not accused of murdering her. That's a fact as he had an alibi. 

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friends what do you think about the conversion ES had with her father asking him if he wants to give an interview in a newspaper after the proof of his innocence .

She named the name of a newspaper and her father refused it and said I think a different name ( must said a different newspaper)because

ES asked him why this newspaper.

Did I understand correct or maybe subs are not correct.

Seeing this scene I thought the suspect that called to the newspaper ,talking about the Western 's office corruption was or ES or her father.

Like @lexicon I enjoy LDJ scenes.

I can say I almost like him because he never hided his personality.He is an opportunist and you know you can not trust him but you can use him as he uses you depends the situation.

Main reason I dislike ES is that she wants to help but always looking for opportunities to snoop around.

I m curious to see her reaction when while snooping on her father this time finds and see the file.

I m curious also about the girl under the blanket?

What about the secretary in Sm's team where she went ? And why SM in previous episodes was comparing her heel shoes with the flat shoes ES wears all the time.



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48 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

friends what do you think about the conversion ES had with her father asking him if he wants to give an interview in a newspaper after the proof of his innocence .

She named the name of a newspaper and her father refused it and said I think a different name ( must said a different newspaper)because

ES asked him why this newspaper.

Did I understand correct or maybe subs are not correct.

Seeing this scene I thought the suspect that called to the newspaper ,talking about the Western 's office corruption was or ES or her father.

Like @lexicon I enjoy LDJ scenes.

I can say I almost like him because he never hided his personality.He is an opportunist and you know you can not trust him but you can use him as he uses you depends the situation.

Main reason I dislike ES is that she wants to help but always looking for opportunities to snoop around.

I m curious to see her reaction when while snooping on her father this time finds and see the file.

I m curious also about the girl under the blanket?

What about the secretary in Sm's team where she went ? And why SM in previous episodes was comparing her heel shoes with the flat shoes ES wears all the time.



ES had told her father that that many news outlets want his interview. When he refused, she told him that Sungmoon, the newspaper that initially printed the sponsorship story is among them. She assumed he would trust them. But he said that this is all political moves on the newspaper's part. 

What I understood is Sungmoon has rivalry with Honjo group. Its sort of a love-hate business relationship of money and power. Eun Soo's father knows the whole story about what happened 3 years ago. He was threatened pretty badly so he traded his silence for his family's safety. That pen drive is his final card against them like a safety net. I wonder how ES will react when she has the full picture. I don't think it'll reflect in a good way for her father that she holds in such high regard. When illusion of grandeur is shattered, it can either make or break people. Let's see what happens to her then, it should be interesting.

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On 7/7/2017 at 7:52 AM, ddeokbokkii said:

Hello, just tell us how you feel, Which of the character do you believe and feel strongly that he/she the main suspect?.

 I believe this father in law.  But also  thinking this hsm does'tt have feeling but maybe without knowing it he did kill park and his ex  friend. 

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Thank you for giving me the whole picture. I can follow better now the story.

Dear friends , why do you think director gives us only SM and Lee jang Joon  inner thoughts?

I think so far we saw POV only from these two.

Maybe Lee Jang Joon 's father in law too but i m not sure .

Could that be a hint ?

Something like Yin and Yang , Good and Evil ?








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hi again. im korean fan. i like to read you guys posts, 


since my first language is not english, i can't write in english very well. but fortunately i can read english well.

after i watched ep. 10, my prime suspect is Mr. yoon. he is smart and musled.

his kid died in accident few yrs ago. i think it might conneted with LYB and prosecutors.

and, i want to talk about CCTV files that chief Kim asked Det. Jang gun to copy it . did Det. Jang gun really copy it & give chief. kim without telling it to anyone in the taskforce? i don't think so.

bcz it's so obvious way. you know, this drama is not allowed that kind easy way. i think author of this drama is a real genius. 

so, this is my opinion. 

last scene in EP. 10, SM look at the gift box (siver grey box that chief Kim send to LCJ) meaningfully. al least it was to me. 

so, this is my scenario. Det. jang gun told SM that chief Kim asked CCTV file. and SM allowed it for some reason. like take control of a group by using another group. 

but, this is just my scenario what i mentioned. so im not sure haha.

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@devil webtoon

Ahh, you are so lucky !!!

You can understand the smallest details in all these amazing K dramas without having to wait for eng subs , looking for websites that have them subbed , giving your pc all kind of viruses  while visiting those sites and you dont have to rely to the translations .

I like your theory about the grey/silver box .


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6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

So for me now, PMS's murder and GY's first attempted murder, I suspect Kim Jung Bon 

 @bebebisous33 Me too , My suspect for PMS's murder is Kim Jung Bon. He has connections to Kang Jin Seob, he was at the crime scene when they found GY, his attitude is very fishy and I get the vibe that he wants to hurt Si Mok. He doesn't even like Si Mok but pretends to like him which reallly posses me off. For all his claim of being friends withou

. First appearance was Kang Jin Seob trial

. He spoke badly of Si Mok because he became popular

. He gets drink near Si Mok's office and get loud at Si Mok even when he knows about his temper.

. He isn't close to Si Mok

. Then he clears Si Mok's name when he started it.

. The he appears in front of Si Mok because he is looking for a job.

. We see him at GY's crime scene peeking at Si Mok

     My intuition keeps screaming WARNING!!

.  He seems to paying to much attention to Yeo Jin

. I caught staring at her or talking to her to much

. His smiles creeps me out 

. He is insincere 

. His outburst seeems so off especially around rich people especially since the places he hang out contradicts on him wanting to be on good terms with the rich. 

. I think he was following Si Mok without him knowing about it. 


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26 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

@devil webtoon

Ahh, you are so lucky !!!

You can understand the smallest details in all these amazing K dramas without having to wait for eng subs , looking for websites that have them subbed , giving your pc all kind of various while visiting those sites and you dont have to rely to the translations .

I like your theory about the grey/silver box .


I literally laughed out loud.  But I completely feel the same way :D

38 minutes ago, devil webtoon said:

and, i want to talk about CCTV files that chief Kim asked Det. Jang gun to copy it . did Det. Jang gun really copy it & give chief. kim without telling it to anyone in the taskforce? i don't think so.

bcz it's so obvious way. you know, this drama is not allowed that kind easy way. i think author of this drama is a real genius. 

so, this is my opinion. 


I like your theory.  We will have to see if you're correct on Saturday!  And your English is fine!!  It's much better than my Korean :wink:

3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

No, you are misunderstanding me!! When they visit her, they want to know what happened. But her statement is not clear. Besides they are trying to find her assaillant. Since they looked for KWK's alibi, it showed that he was on the suspect list!! However, they want more info from her. Why was she targeted? Did she know something? Is it related to PMS?

But KWK is definitely not accused of murdering her. That's a fact as he had an alibi. 

I don't want to revive the disagreement, but I am actually confused... What alibi did the police chief have? 

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