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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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So. I was just thinking. According to Korean folklore Goblins come from typically household items stained with human blood. 

KS became a goblin through his sword which was stained with the blood of thousands, plus his own. 

ET cut her hands and then grabbed the hilt of the blade, staining it with her blood. 

So I'm just wondering if this is somehow going to come into play. Like their lives are literally tied together due to the sword. 

Just some random musing on my part. 

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2 hours ago, hairuchii said:


I actually wish that there would be more happy moments between Eun Tak and Kim Shin at the traditional hanok. Although it was a few minutes of glorious happiness, I wish we could have seen more, such as bickering over sleeping arrangements, pillow issues, embarassment over being alone together for the first time.... heh. :D 

I suppose if the writer and PD had prepared more happy moments between Eun Tak and Kim Shin in the episode last night, it wouldn't be in keeping with the overall bittersweet sadness of the entire episode. :( 

So, I'm still hoping for a happy ending. It's Kim Eun Sook after all. She's not going to break with tradition. <3 <3

Oh, and I had not thought we could be at that stage where Kim Shin and Eun Tak would feel such intense and uncontrollable passion for each other that their feelings would come through as "dirty love" so quickly (yeah... I'm borrowing this term from the other drama. hah.).

But after the episode last night where Kim Shin gloriously devoured Eun Tak, I thought "yeap, we are ready for more of that, please." XD XD 

Did anyone notice? Gong Yoo has a way of kissing his female co-stars as if he is devouring them. It's his mouth. How sexy. I've been watching way too many of his films / drama series. Heee.

@hairuchii  allowed me to clarify.. haha. actually, Shin himself has been very cautous and gentlemen when he handles Tak. in many moments he practices such refines manners.. hold her face like a pearl in his palm.. pat her hair as if she will vapourized in his excess strength.. one word to describe his way of 'handling' her... Cherish.

i mentioned before he loved with such 'class' and 'chivalry' and 'care' and "control" but yet thru all these oozes charms., like unto those English Literature's Male male characters, those victorian gentlemen...
haha, for making fun of that scenes.. in fact in a good many dramas, those writernim make goods of such chances of putting 2 OTP together awkward in a "first-night-alone" out situation, while there are pretty much nothing 'dirty' going on in truth between both, yet the fresh breathe of First Love feels float thru the air so sweetly scent.. when both are shy, and awkward yet desiring.. and accidentally leak feeling and trying to covers up or hide feelings. and keep making mistakes in speech leaking how much delulu one feels... those scenes are pure Gold taht Kim Eunsook should actually show the awakening feels and desire of a 900 years old Fossil that starting in want of human feels and needs... that he is clueless how to behave, how to resist, how to woo , how to pull and push...
in truth, i wasnt really wishing any "dirty bussiness' to cause the netizen furthered attack on Ahjussi-love, or acting skill of GoEun, if they see skinship their wrath will incur again... i just want some subtle hinting that they did grew closer, at least some hands holding ...
best be, i simply loved the "innocent fall asleep together" scenes.. so purely beautiufl to behold....
you remember their scene.. sleeping on the floor when Shin realsied that Tak was the chosen bride.. and he loved her... yes, that kind of sleeping togehter.... is suffice for me even.

talking about the delulu thoughts on our parts.. i guess, it is NOT shin himself that inspire... thougth we can testify he oozes charms.. that exudes from the Person of Gongyoo himself... Gongyoo as a Real Person, do Not talk, Do not move, do not even need to face you,, Do not don branded... just stand there, even his silhouette figure (at the Quebec graveyard) oozes melancholic old-times charms....

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I can see a lot of metaphors / inspirations from medieval &  old English literature.   Beowulf, Shakespeare, dream of the rod, king arthur.  the more I watch the more similarities I find..  Those were the day where I had to translate old english to modern english in university.   

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5 minutes ago, cristapark said:

We discussed the kissed as full of passion,,etc etc but knetz tHink it's just a kiss but looks erotic!!! Wonder why

@cristapark haha. erotic is on our part.. how we perceive it. and how much we deserve our OTP to advance further.. but our Bronte style gentleman Shin will never dare crush his first love with excess strength... that scenes is a complete giving out of oneself.. One Last Kiss for you, to remember me. one last kiss that i need before i leave this world,, to show you Thou Art my First and foremost Only One First Love.... its a kiss that was trying to prove such... an overwhelming of feels.. it NOW or NEVER feels.  erotc my big fat toe..
but say if it is flash of Erotic feels in his mind when he start kissing her.. com'on.. he is HUMAN still. Immortally-human... being General Kim Shin, should be a virgin boy when he died in Goryeo... what wrong ot have him going delulu over his first love in s desperate kiss... HE IS NO MONK.
knetz, just pick on all these, because either they don't like GoEun, or they have some prejudice against wanting Gongyoo for themselves or any actresses that they have been shipping him with.

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24 minutes ago, janeeta said:


That's why you're doing well. I watched it live and without understanding most of it, bawled my eyes out. Then watched it raw, bawled even harder. The watched it with subs and lost it cause the words cut deep. Then rewatched it at night thinking that I'd be okay this time and that maybe I'd be able to focus better on non-sad scenes, nope, lost it again. I had a dream about Goblin and woke up this morning feeling sad. Opened IG and saw the dying scene in my explore page autoplaying and LIKE SERIOUSLY I CAN'T SEEM TO CATCH A BREAK. 

Trying to assure myself that everything is okay thanks to spoilers, bts, etc. I'm probably gonna be super empty inside once the show is over though. HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT MY SHINTAK BABIES <3


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12 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

@hairuchii  allowed me to clarify.. haha. actually, Shin himself has been very cautous and gentlemen when he handles Tak. in many moments he practices such refines manners.. hold her face like a pearl in his palm.. pat her hair as if she will vapourized in his excess strength.. one word to describe his way of 'handling' her... Cherish.


Actually jokes apart, I was thinking if he was going to die so soon, would he have those kind of thoughts in mind? Probably not? Since this is the last [and fist] time he is taking her for a trip, and this is the only moment of them spending times together in a feel good way [ those icecream/ beef/ department store dates, or movie times don't count , as  they were still going on and off at that period], so this is officially their first time taking trips together, without being confused of the state of their relationship. But considering Shin would have to go away so soon, I am sure he wants to cherish these times in his mind, and shin being a gentleman must regard love as something deeper. It's visible from how he kept those contact papers from ET with so much care.

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Just now, makeuptemple said:

I can see a lot of metaphors / inspirations from medieval &  old English literature.   Beowulf, Shakespeare, dream of the rod, king arthur.  the more I watch the more similarities I find..  Those were the day where I had to translate old english to modern english in university.   

@makeuptemple... oh, you missed out Disney princess tales too....
oh, forget to mention.. just last nigth only, my best friend who is crazy over English Boy Band group and Marvel Avengers Heroes... said. Kim Shin is like Iron Man Stark who has his mom killed by Bucky (aka Winter Soldier). and that sexy Sunny is the Black Widow who loved her once in that long time ago before Winter Solder was brain washed to forget everyone ... and Hydra is the Purple Evil Ghost... hahah. i ask her who is Cap America? Birth Shamshin ShamShin?
hahaha. we all going crazy right?

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8 minutes ago, nearsea said:

Actually jokes apart, I was thinking if he was going to die so soon, would he have those kind of thoughts in mind? Probably not? Since this is the last [and fist] time he is taking her for a trip, and this is the only moment of them spending times together in a feel good way [ those icecream/ beef/ department store dates, or movie times don't count , as  they were still going on and off at that period], so this is officially their first time taking trips together, without being confused of the state of their relationship. But considering Shin would have to go away so soon, I am sure he wants to cherish these times in his mind, and shin being a gentleman must regard love as something deeper. It's visible from how he kept those contact papers from ET with so much care.

@nearsea yes, you cannot fully apprecaite the 'dying and vapourizing " scenes.. until you fully understand his thougths and angst when he read the Contact papers.. thru the papers he fully feels how much EunTak esteem him highly in her heart.. how clueless she is about their parting and how much she dream and wishes for their future together.. to have her heart broken is much burden to him than thinking of staying alive .. turing to ashes is nothing to him now, is not because it will pain her for the next 80 yrs.
that night should be a night where he gave and gave.. gave memories. leaves fond memories, at the same times seek a little comfort and steal some indulgence in her very frank overflowing confessions and pampering.. to feel a woman needs you to stay around her, should be something very warm for the first time in his 900 yrs life. i guess there are some guys lurking here can testify it.

huh,, did anyone post a detail write out of whatever EunTak wrote on that contact? am curious.. and too lazy to back read to find out..
okay i got to sleep soon, its 3am.. and tomorrow i have church sevice.. cannot fall asleep while Pastor preach. likely it will be half a day later then i will be here, to reply to some very interesting question someone ask me last night. yes, i did remember those qusetion. God bless and wipe all your tears tonight. every Brides and Queens. be it mourning with Tak or Sunny.

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1 hour ago, nearsea said:

Lol are you single? I am single, and this depiction, and details of shin /gong yoo is not helping at all. Talk about expectations. If anything you don't want to look into these details too much and make some kind of fantasy in your head regarding the dokkaebi,eeee..


Why not?!?... ha ha ha... No harm is recognizing "good quality" when you see it :wink:


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8 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


Why not?!?... ha ha ha... No harm is recognizing "good quality" when you see it :wink:

Lol I would rebuke myself and harshly remind that love is not all about visuals. Meanwhile to answer your question, I read this news somewhere, that after DOTS women in china wanted their husband's face to be more like Song joong ki's :S. So you know what I mean, lol. Reading all these details equals to more anticipations, or more expectations heheh.

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1 minute ago, nearsea said:

Lol I would rebuke myself and harshly remind that love is not all about visuals. Meanwhile to answer your question, I read this news somewhere, that after DOTS women in china wanted their husband's face to be more like Song joong ki's :S. So you know what I mean, lol. Reading all these details equals to more anticipations, or more expectations heheh.


Well, that is just unfair: wanting to change someone's face to match an actor. I would agree with you on that one for sure! But kissing is different, isn't it? I mean it is a skill, something that you can improve. All @hairuchii and I noticed was the way he kissed, the way his lips move, his back hunches... It's a simple appraciation of his on-screen skills :wink: It is true that the fact that Gong Yoo was the one doing it well improved the whole experience but it is above all a matter of how and not who.


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@maryofbethany actually Captain America is a DC Comics Cartoon, they had it even my ma was a teen.  Kim Shin is like iron man yeah I got what she says but actually his attire is quite similar to the medieval warriors attire " spear, axe, sword, bow, shield, steel cap, helmet, an iron coat, or a linen or cloth tunic" as a general we have not seen him wearing a steel cap but we have seen the other warriors wore the cap.  No spear or axe.  Disney princess movies is " True Love's Kiss" which I have mentioned it god knows how many hundred pages ago. KS is a prince who saves her when she most needs him, who wakes up sleeping beauty from her life long sleep with a kiss

Auntie is the evil stepmother and cuz evil step sister in fairy tales.  Eunuch is the helper of evil stepmother in fairy tales, ghosts are the mice and birds in Cinderella, Granny is the fairy godmother, who turns pumpkin into horse carriage DH  & GRP is the right hand of Prince Charming.  


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I know we were all busy bawling our eyes out when KS was reading over the contract and breaking down but did anyone notice what was really going on?

He was crying at how she's taken his words and applied them to her own life. I noticed throughout that ET started dressing more like KS, turtle necks and long coats. She's looked up to him and sought inspiration in his words.

KS: I can't be sad for 1000 years. I'm a strong goblin who accepted my fate and got on with my life.

ET: I'm not in pain all the time. I'm a goblin's bride who's strong and accepted my fate and got on with my life.

She's literally held KS up to a standard and aims to be at his level. He's crying because not only will he have to die and crush her expectations in the contract and otherwise, that she will lose the one she relies on.

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49 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


Well, that is just unfair: wanting to change someone's face to match an actor. I would agree with you on that one for sure! But kissing is different, isn't it? I mean it is a skill, something that you can improve. All @hairuchii and I noticed was the way he kissed, the way his lips move, his back hunches... It's a simple appraciation of his on-screen skills :wink: It is true that the fact that Gong Yoo was the one doing it well improved the whole experience but it is above all a matter of how and not who.


Lol you didn't get my point. I was telling you girls to stop, cause I wanted to be immune from the dokkaebi's charm, @hairuchii's impeccable choice of words were making me look more into the details which is more like crossing red alert zone of 'attraction'.Anyway read it all and fell for it, obviously.


45 minutes ago, janeeta said:

I know we were all busy bawling our eyes out when KS was reading over the contract and breaking down but did anyone notice what was really going on?

He was crying at how she's taken his words and applied them to her own life. I noticed throughout that ET started dressing more like KS, turtle necks and long coats. She's looked up to him and sought inspiration in his words.

KS: I can't be sad for 1000 years. I'm a strong goblin who accepted my fate and got on with my life.

ET: I'm not in pain all the time. I'm a goblin's bride who's strong and accepted my fate and got on with my life.

She's literally held KS up to a standard and aims to be at his level. He's crying because not only will he have to die and crush her expectations in the contract and otherwise, that she will lose the one she relies on.

I noticed it actually, it's unfortunate that I missed it while watching those conversations. So ET basically takes Shin's words and twist it according to her own situation. KES might have been hurt seeing how we missed the connection here! 

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I don't see why you should stop yourself @nearsea! :wink: Join us!!! Ha ha ha! I am saying that you should be attracted to those skills while keeping in mind that if you are kissed like that, well, unfortunately, it won't be by Gong Yoo.... I still want to be kissed like that you know... :tongue:

Okay, all that to say I see where you are coming from, but I think you should join us on the dark side of fantasy! Ha ha ha ha!


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ooooh before vanishing Park Joong Won smirk and satisfy that it'd still be a demise for Kim Shin and everyone involved. And because of that, the god will punish Park Joong Won by giving everyone the happy ending in contrast of what PJW wish for. 

That's fair play. PJW should be forever bitter how everyone is living better off him. 

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6 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I don't see why you should stop yourself @nearsea! :wink: Join us!!! Ha ha ha! I am saying that you should be attracted to those skills while keeping in mind that if you are kissed like that, well, unfortunately, it won't be by Gong Yoo.... I still want to be kissed like that you know... :tongue:

Okay, all that to say I see where you are coming from, but I think you should join us on the dark side of fantasy! Ha ha ha ha!

Hahah, well, you can already see my misfortunate state here. Don't mind my rant, of course I am in :tongue: .

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