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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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1 hour ago, lovely_skham said:

As much as fans/viewers love to critique an actors and actresses acting ability it will never be unanimous so I really don't understand the desire for people who want to do such a thing. No one is perfect and you know what the lead actress and lead male are doing just fine, its US that feel that we know just about everything there is to know about how it should be delivered. Which I can guarantee none of us have the level of experience in the film industry to make an opinion that would be considered fair.

With all due respect: I have watched many many dramas where the acting was sub par and you know what even my favourite actors/actresses delivered just that well do I voice that to the point were its so unnecessary? No! I understand that they are in this profession for a reason and its not their intention to half richard simmons it or anything so therefor I  will simply enjoy it. 

Tip: Trust me if you get over being a constant critic, watching dramas will be a whole lot more entertaining. 

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Im sorry but how does she not try and jump to safety. Lets be real here, in that moment with the elements going against you. Do you really think you can compose yourself where you can even attempt to do such a risky move. Bi Ryeom does have her at his finger tips and even HA-Baek cant do a thing, How can So-ah do something. When you are in a panic stricken moment it is like going against a wall. You cant do a damn thing to move it. I for sure would be in panic knowing that their are 3 gods before me and one wants to prove a point with my life on the line and you know what I would have felt helpless. A human against a God? the odds are slim to none for survival using potential heroics.


I am guessing this is in response to my comment.  If not, sorry for the misunderstanding. 


I have studied film, and I've worked in film projects for roughly five years now.  I've done assistant PD work, worked with small-time actors on several different projects (so yes, I know acting is no easy feat), assisted with continuity checks, worked with writers (and in fact currently working on a contract issue for one with a film studio overseas).  I watch a diverse selection of film, and I consider things a variety of perspectives, technical, writing, etc.  These are just opinions and not meant to harm anyone.  I'm not here to change anyone's minds.  I'm just voicing frustration based on my personal feelings, and I'm posting to a community like Soompi where it seems like varying perspectives are welcome.  I don't expect everyone to agree, and I enjoy having constructive conversations.  Forgive me if I'm wrong about this, but these comments seem almost like they're meant to be a personal attack.

My comment, if you will look again, is basically stating I am primarily annoyed with how So Ah's character is being portrayed right now, and since I have not seen much of the actress portraying her, I in fact can't even really comment on her acting at all.  My problem lies currently with the writing.  (As a different example, recently, in Lookout, I really liked the entire cast.  At the same time, a couple characters just got on my nerves, because they really messed it up for other characters in the story based on their actions.  Specifically, Soo Ji and Se Won I feel caused a lot of problems needlessly, and I know there are others out there who had similar feelings, and those opinions can be found in that thread.  I don't think it's wrong to express those.)   And still able to enjoy most dramas despite the imperfections.  That doesn't mean I don't experience frustrations from time to time when I feel like a scene might have been overdone, like I feel like it was.  As for the danger, everyone reacts differently, that is true.  Not everyone responds the same way to their fight or flight response. 

Anyway, I most certainly wasn't trying to start anything with anyone.  My intent was only to share my thoughts of how I was feeling in the moments after watching the 5th episode, and I realize my overall feelings towards the drama could very well change as the drama is still ongoing.  I simply wanted to join in on discussions with others in this thread, whether it be sharing frustrations or discussing differing opinions.  Agreeing to disagree, in some cases.


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A great drama, imaginative and very fun.

I really like the scenes when all the gods are together, everyone is interesting in their own way.

The scenes between NJH and SSK  are dynamic thanks to their chemistry and acting skills.

Every time  I see Habaek waiting under that light, I have to admit, my heart flutters a bit. 

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@dj.soul I definitely agree with your way of explaining in your new post, I'm just overwhelmed by the constant criticisms that the Drama is getting if not the acting, then its the script, then its the pace and etc etc. That's why I was overcome with a need to respond because I felt that the way you conveyed your opinion and your choice words was painting your stance as a negative one and not positive one bit. I do encourage you to watch her other dramas ~ her role in six flying dragons was well done. Anyways I do appreciate your response since it was very informative so then I can understand your opinion. I have noticed some positive and some negative in the thread, not to say I don't want see criticisms its just to hear it over and over again without understanding the entire picture. Thats why the fight or flight response is very subjective as you can tell. 

I hope you do give the drama a chance, its not out to be an oscar-winning picture or anything just for drama for entertainment sake. Also I feel for the cast and the writing since in the press con he made it evident that for viewers to take it on its own. So comparing it to the manhwa is going to be confusing and rather cumbersome so for me I try not to uphold it to that pedestal. (Although I understand the difficulties in doing that since the title name and cast name) 

All in all, opinions are welcome of course but I hope everyone knows there is that line to draw. No one wants to feel attacked so Im glad you responded in such a way.

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Just to add to your Ratings list @glee77


Nielsen Korea (national): 3.637% (Seoul) 4.047%

TNMS: 3.5%

*Im glad to see an increase, I really think that viewer increase is dependent on just how action packed the drama will become. I really did enjoy the last bit to episode 5.


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I love this drama, but for him to be a "God", he was a little stupid in driving the car after he knew it had been sabotaged. Not sure what he was trying to prove---not sure what statement the writer was making with that scene. He knew he has lost his powers.

But I have to say, he does have that romantic side to him.


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9 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

I love this drama, but for him to be a "God", he was a little stupid in driving the car after he knew it had been sabotaged. Not sure what he was trying to prove---not sure what statement the writer was making with that scene. He knew he has lost his powers.



It's explained in the drama if you watched closely. It's very clear and simple. Habaek somehow knew his power will only materialised if SOAh is in eminent danger. So he wanted to confirm and prove his theory. That's why he tricked SoAh to gave him the key and he drove it. yes, it is quite irresponsible for him to play with Soah's life like that but he thought it was a good chance at that moment to check on it. And of course, SoAh felt angry and pissed off when she knew the truth and HAbaek himself didn't feel great either thus he apologised before he did it and then afterwards at the dinner.

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12 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

I love this drama, but for him to be a "God", he was a little stupid in driving the car after he knew it had been sabotaged. Not sure what he was trying to prove---not sure what statement the writer was making with that scene. He knew he has lost his powers.


@lclarakl  He was trying to get his power back, because when So-ah is danger of losing her life the last time, he got his power.  But then lost it. The same thing happens again. So now he knows it doesn't work. But she becomes upset when she realizes he risked her life trying to regain his power.

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17 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

I love this drama, but for him to be a "God", he was a little stupid in driving the car after he knew it had been sabotaged. Not sure what he was trying to prove---not sure what statement the writer was making with that scene. He knew he has lost his powers.



He was trying to recover his powers since the other time it came back trying to save So-ah and he realized that he may need to be put in a situation like saving So-ah again to get his powers back. Ha-Baek and Nam soo ri had this discussion on the rooftop right before So-ah overhead when she was just about to give them pillows and a blanket.

* See the above posts as well for explanation

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3 hours ago, dj.soul said:

But seriously, that last scene in Episode 5?  Was she confined to that portion of the bridge by supernatural forces like when she was flung back?  Because otherwise that made absolutely no kinds of sense why she would just stand there, helpless and screaming.  Like how do you not try to jump to safety??  That was a total 'face palm' moment...


Before you 'facepalm' her, maybe you should've watched the drama from the beginning because it's clear you missed some important details. SoAh has water phobia. If you know what a phobia is...it's an extreme fear that disabled you from thinking or acting rationally. Here, in this scene, she was threatened to be thrown into the river below her, drenched in cold rain and hail...which she hates so much (she doesn't even drink cold water, let alone be drenched in cold rain). Moreover, it was clear that Biryeom was controlling her here so do you think she had any chance of jumping out off that hanging slate? She's dealing for superpower bestowed upon her and you ask why she's screaming and being helpless? Btw, if you want to put logic and realistic in FANTASY drama, then I think this drama would not be serving you that. It's FANTASY so just expect the most bizzarre and out of this world things happening in the rest of the drama. If i wanna watch logic and facts, I will tune in National Geographic documentaries, not fantasy dramas.

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EPISODE 6, summary in hidden content


A little background info is given on So-ah's family promise to serve the gods. We get a flashback and HB tells So-ah that it was because her ancestor who was thrown to die in a river and saved by the gods, betrayed them when she returned to visit her blind parent, but then never returned to the gods. Supposedly she married a king.

 So-ah visits her mother's grave so we know now for sure that she is dead. I don't think the visit served much other purpose except to remind us of So-ah's bitter feelings about being abandoned  by her Dad and then orphaned. She exchanges some snide thoughts with her mother about Dad not wanting to come back.

So-ha tells HB she wants to speak to her Dad.   HB now knows the god stones are lost, seeing through Bi Ryum's horror magic show bravado.

HB forbids So-ah from selling her land.   So-ah calls Hoo Yeh who is at his "secret place" which looks like farm. So-ah asks to meet him there. As So-ah walks out onto the hwy  in her usual oblivious dream world, a  truck comes speeding down the HWY. It drives right at and through So-ah but So-ah  just disappears.  No blood smear. HB shouts out after her, but she is gone.   

Wondering if the truck is Hoo Yeh's demigod chariot vehicle that takes So-ah to his special secret place.  But, sorry didn't get to see HB do his magical water lasso rescue in this episode.  I think he should do his magic water rescues in every episode.

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17 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

@lclarakl  He was trying to get his power back, because when So-ah is danger of losing her life the last time, he got his power.  But then lost it. The same thing happens again. So now he knows it doesn't work. But she becomes upset when she realizes he risked her life trying to regain his power.


I dont think he wants to get his power back. He is confirming that his power will only work when SoAh is in great danger. When Namsoori gave him the stone to check if he can turn it into gold, he already knew the fact (no danger, no power) thus refused to do so.

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5 minutes ago, amisyka77 said:


Before you 'facepalm' her, maybe you should've watched the drama from the beginning because it's clear you missed some important details. SoAh has water phobia. If you know what a phobia is...it's an extreme fear that disabled you from thinking or acting rationally. Here, in this scene, she was threatened to be thrown into the river below her, drenched in cold rain and hail...which she hates so much (she doesn't even drink cold water, let alone be drenched in cold rain). Moreover, it was clear that Biryeom was controlling her here so do you think she had any chance of jumping out off that hanging slate? She's dealing for superpower bestowed upon her and you ask why she's screaming and being helpless? Btw, if you want to put logic and realistic in FANTASY drama, then I think this drama would not be serving you that. It's FANTASY so just expect the most bizzarre and out of this world things happening in the rest of the drama. If i wanna watch logic and facts, I will tune in National Geographic documentaries, not fantasy dramas.


To a certain degree I understand the whole water phobia thing; I've had a near-drowning incident in the ocean before.  I had a leg cramp and miscalculated an incoming wave.  Thankfully, and I don't know if this was due to the kickboard I was using at the time, but I got propelled in the right direction.  As a result, I hate beaches generally, and I avoid pools (also had an incident at an amusement park wave pool; not nearly as terrifying since I felt like there were more people around to help), but like I responded to the other user, I get that not everyone reacts the same way and listens to their fight or flight reaction.  In her position, bearing my previous experiences in mind, the only thought I know that would occur to me is figuring out how to get out of it and not staying where I am in a circle.  Even if I know I might not make it out, I'm going to push.

As for the logic and facts, I get this is a fantasy drama.  I like fantasy dramas.  I've seen a few wonderful fantasy dramas (particular fused with some historical time period) where a lot of things didn't make sense, but it wasn't nearly as jarring?  Distracting?  Not sure which is the word I'm going for.  But I'm seeing I should have clarified more what the face palming was for, since you're the second person to not be able to infer what I was saying, which only means I didn't give enough context.  I was more frustrated with how they chose to film that.  I feel this way in general no matter what I'm watching.  (Ex: Action in action movies is nice, but when a fighting sequence takes up what feels like an exorbitant amount of time without any bit of story progression, then I get frustrated.)  I felt that they easily made her point with panic for a moment, and then I felt like they let it draw out a little too long, and something about it came off as a little goofy to me.  In other words, it distracted me enough that I almost couldn't take her panic seriously in that context.

Again, I don't understand why it sounds like I'm being attacked for stating my initial reaction after watching something.  I think it just boggles my mind because I think it's perfectly normal for people to comment either on the videos themselves or other places and express extreme happiness over something, or disagree heavily with a writer on something.  I've never experienced an instinctual need to suddenly go after whoever it was that wrote whatever it was they wrote and let them know how wrong they are, according to how I feel. 

I'm sure I'm not alone in writing after watching something and going "what was that?" just to express it.  I thought forums like Soompi are supposed to be a sort of safe haven for things like this?  People bond over similar opinions; people are able to discuss and debate differing opinions. 


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Soha and Sohoo ship them so hard don't know what happen in the end 



Usually I don't like short hair cut leads But I have to admit  I like her hair cut so much really suitable on her just perfect . shin se kyung ( so ah)❤

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7 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

EPISODE 6, summary in hidden content

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A little background info is given on So-ah's family promise to serve the gods. We get a flashback and HB tells So-ah that it was because her ancestor who was thrown to die in a river and saved by the gods, betrayed them when she returned to visit her blind parent, but then never returned to the gods. Supposedly she married a king.

 So-ah visits her mother's grave so we know now for sure that she is dead. I don't think the visit served much other purpose except to remind us of So-ah's bitter feelings about being abandoned  by her Dad and then orphaned. She exchanges some snide thoughts with her mother about Dad not wanting to come back.

So-ha tells HB she wants to speak to her Dad.   HB now knows the god stones are lost, seeing through Bi Ryum's horror magic show bravado.

HB forbids So-ah from selling her land.   So-ah calls Hoo Yeh who is at his "secret place" which looks like farm. So-ah asks to meet him there. As So-ah walks out onto the hwy  in her usual oblivious dream world, a  truck comes speeding down the HWY. It drives right at and through So-ah but So-ah  just disappears.  No blood smear. HB shouts out after her, but she is gone.   

Wondering if the truck is Hoo Yeh's demigod chariot vehicle that takes So-ah to his special secret place.  But, sorry didn't get to see HB do his magical water lasso rescue in this episode.  I think he should do his magic water rescues in every episode.


Nice summary!  My thoughts: I think HB was the one that her ancestor was with, but I think the memories he has are fabricated.  I'm not sure what the real story is, but as MR alluded to in the previous episode, she didn't want his memory of being in love with a human to come back.  

I don't really get the jump SA makes from HB forbidding her to sell the land and her just be an insignificant nothing that can be easily left behind.  Thoughts?


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1 hour ago, lovely_skham said:

@dj.soul I definitely agree with your way of explaining in your new post, I'm just overwhelmed by the constant criticisms that the Drama is getting if not the acting, then its the script, then its the pace and etc etc. That's why I was overcome with a need to respond because I felt that the way you conveyed your opinion and your choice words was painting your stance as a negative one and not positive one bit. I do encourage you to watch her other dramas ~ her role in six flying dragons was well done. Anyways I do appreciate your response since it was very informative so then I can understand your opinion. I have noticed some positive and some negative in the thread, not to say I don't want see criticisms its just to hear it over and over again without understanding the entire picture. Thats why the fight or flight response is very subjective as you can tell. 

I hope you do give the drama a chance, its not out to be an oscar-winning picture or anything just for drama for entertainment sake. Also I feel for the cast and the writing since in the press con he made it evident that for viewers to take it on its own. So comparing it to the manhwa is going to be confusing and rather cumbersome so for me I try not to uphold it to that pedestal. (Although I understand the difficulties in doing that since the title name and cast name) 

All in all, opinions are welcome of course but I hope everyone knows there is that line to draw. No one wants to feel attacked so Im glad you responded in such a way.


I hear what you're saying.  I feel that way on YouTube sometimes when I feel like people are just posting to troll.  I think constructive criticism is healthy; but tearing someone down for the fun of it or whatever goes through their minds (literally no idea), is not cool.

Didn't see the press con—I rarely watch those.  Honestly, at the moment, due to my schedule the only thing I really have time for when I have a minute is just flip through random video stream sites and just pick something that either looks or sounds interesting; of course it's a bonus if it has a favorite actor or two in it.  (Or three...five?  Lol.)

Yeah, I'm going to give this a chance for sure.  Same way I did Missing 9.  That one I ended up dropping for several reasons, but I held onto it as long as I could because I thought Choi Tae Joon's performance was awesome. 

You know, funny enough in a way, your reaction to my post seems equivalent to my posting after feeling the way I felt after watching episode 5 of the drama, lol.

Anyway, glad it looks like we've cleared this up, since there's no benefit in clogging up a good thread discussion with something that would distract from that purpose.  Primarily why I've tried to contain my responses in spoilers.  I'm just writing to clarify, and I'm not looking to fire back or put anyone on blast.


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For me, this drama is heart fluttering. 

I just love every subtle feelings delivered. Every touch, hug and the more intimate our OTP has becoming. Will continue to watch with this atmosphere I have here. 

11 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

BR and MR have something in common: both look down on humans. When BR tried to bribe So Ah with money, he really thought that she could be bought like other people. Yet he failed, just like he did many years ago, when she buried his ring. She could have become rich and successful, but like she said on the bridge 14 years ago, she doesn't want to rely on anyone. Ha Baek has changed her as she is now willing to help him.  So Ah thinks that Ha Baek will leave her because he is supposed to go back to his world, but I suppose that he will tell her that he will protect her. So Ha Baek has no intention to abandon her. So Ah has abandonment issues in the end.

And so in love with your analysis here @bebebisous33

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