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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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44 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

What's the point of crying over spilled milk when she was so adamant to break up with Dr. Kim. There seems to be no other way to terminate a relationship in K-dramas. Dr. Kim is a composed and calm person and had shown how rational he can be when he comforted YM when she was troubled by her own decision to disagree ES and Soo Ho's marriage.

Chingu I thinks it's more about Bit Na being his daughter. BN  ruined her daughter's life and BN is still trying to ruin Eun Soo's life because she wants to be treated like a princess. How can someone be with a man knowing the type of person that person's child is. We have no idea what's bN will do if ES's mom starts to really date Dr kim. 

I wonder does Dr Kim know about  what BN accused WS of doing? W

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11 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu I thinks it's more about Bit Na being his daughter. BN  ruined her daughter's life and BN is still trying to ruin Eun Soo's life because she wants to be treated like a princess. How can someone be with a man knowing the type of person that person's child is. We have no idea what's bN will do if ES's mom starts to really date Dr kim. 

I wonder does Dr Kim know about  what BN accused WS of doing? W

YM knows Dr. Kim is the only rational person in that household whom she can at least trust and talk to. I would think it's a good opportunity for her to open up her worries and explain, once and for all ES's side of the story that happened 8 years ago about what his daughter had done and how the incident affected YM and her whole family.

Dr. Kim has spent some time with ES and he knows ES'GM as his patient. He also grew to be fond and in love with YM. They aren't the type of people Rich Brat had painted them to be. YM even had qualms about dating a doctor when she realized she has mistaken Dr. Kim as Cranky Granny's chauffeur.

ES tried talking to Cranky Granny back then but she wouldn't listen or give her a chance to state her case. Nobody took ES's side or believed her apart from her own family. It was later after Cranky Granny's video clip went viral the students/classmates of Rich Brat began questioning her and if she was actually assaulted by their home teacher.

I wonder if ES is going to keep the rift between her and Rich Brat a secret forever. She did try to tell Soo Ho before their wedding but was stopped by him.

Things will certainly start to look better for her (in the Yoon's household) if she can open up and tell them about it. After hearing ES's side of the story, the women in the Yoon's household might ask Rich Brat to take charge of the household chores and cooking and start acting more like the Yoon's first DIL.

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On 3/8/2017 at 1:50 PM, Jackie1048 said:

I cannot wait for mine to leave the nest and they can source for a woman dumb enough to do all their "work" for them. I get "Mummy, Mummy" up to my neck sometimes.

Soo Ho's mother already realised what a good daughter in law Eun Soo is but her pride cannot take the fact that Soo Ho sided Eun Soo over her.


@Jackie1048  I knew this was going to happen club jerk always been a mama's baby and BN just don't know what she's really in for.. She thought being the eldest DIL would weigh some weight well she's about to get some life lesson in money and riches don't mean crap when baby boy speaks..His tantrums are more powrful then her and besides hers onl;y works on halmoni.. She's going to wish she investigated more efforts into that family before marrying into it..


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I believe Eun Soo's mother and Dr Kim's relationship will have to take time. I would take the same course of action and reconsider my relationship with a man whose daughter practically ruined my daughter's life. Of course, she has feelings for him. They were fine before the truth came out.

It is not easy to just blurt the whole truth ... what a condition she put out that he was to give up everything and come to her.

Bit Na only thought that Soo Hyun is what she wanted and found out he is not up to par. He is getting stressed from Gangster Granny's messages. Thanks to her, she practically ruining her grand daughter's marriage instead of helping. Always emphasizing that Bit Na is her princess, her princess. Bit Na is not making an effort, she said that she will but she always fail. I would be very annoyed at anyone who ask me "breakfast not ready?". I would also throw down the apron and tell them to fix their own breakfast. It would be better that I am the one to call out "Breakfast is ready". 

By the way, it is quite common that Korean women are not keen on marrying the eldest son of a family because of the role that is expected of them. The waiting on elders, the memorial table, etc. It is generally the eldest son will have to care for the aged parents as well.

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22 hours ago, auntyem said:

OMG! The Aunt was a total beech today! Just because she had unrequited love for the Team Leader, she takes out her frustrations on ES. Why does ES have to have all these beeches in her house? SH is so cute, he's totally in love with his wife!!  So glad that he is, because other than him and his Dad, the rest of the family are so unappreciative of ES. INstead of complimenting her on her talents, all they do is complain and place demands on ES! 

Before Ep. 72 the Aunt was actually becoming more likeable. Also the makeup artists are doing something different lately, because she looks much more attractive. Or is it just me?

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@jimb, I think it's just you. Maybe it's her hair? But to me, that actress looks like she has had some work done on her face.  After that hissy fit she displayed with ES, making her wash the curtains, then putting her down about her job, I really don't like her character. She's such a piece of work.....she's totally mooching off that family, not even lifting a finger to do anything, and she has the NERVE to boss ES around like that? She needs a couple slaps to put her in her place!

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1 hour ago, auntyem said:

@jimb, I think it's just you. Maybe it's her hair? But to me, that actress looks like she has had some work done on her face.  After that hissy fit she displayed with ES, making her wash the curtains, then putting her down about her job, I really don't like her character. She's such a piece of work.....she's totally mooching off that family, not even lifting a finger to do anything, and she has the NERVE to boss ES around like that? She needs a couple slaps to put her in her place!

I think it's both her hair and her makeup. Botox or fillers can be "addictive". Those who rely on facial enhancements require regular visits to the clinics for touch ups, subtle or otherwise.

Did she make ES wash the curtains? I hope ES didn't have to hand wash them.

Has the Aunt reverted to her mean old self? Now that she has a job, the cafe her brother helped set up for her, she thinks that she has a legitimate excuse not to lift a finger around the house. Not that we remember seeing her doing anything for the household (apart from the LNY cooking) before she started working in and running the cafe.

She might also be expecting a "return" from the wedding gift she forked out for ES and Soo Ho's honeymoon.

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3 hours ago, tulip06 said:

I wish ES would look prettier and not worse each episode.

:o she does look older now that she's married.  And she even look tired.  She should change her hairstyle at least,

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Eun Soo's mother sits in her bed and regrets being mean to Rich Brat's father.

Halmoni is reading a book. Rich Brat's father returns home, bows to her, and almost plants his face on the carpet. He is obviously worse for drink. He heads for his bedroom while Halmoni looks bewildered.

Halmoni sits on the couch and senses that something is bothering her son in law. Women's intuition?


Eun Soo enters the kitchen and gives Mother Yoon a cheery greeting. Mother Yoon snaps back. Club Jerk enters the kitchen and takes his wife's side. Mother Yoon erupts. The Aunt and Rich Brat enter the kitchen. Mother Yoon rasps about having two useless daughters in law, the storms off. At least she is treating Eun Soo and Rich Brat like equals.

The Aunt rasps at Eun Soo and Club Jerk reproaches her. They yell at each other.

Eun Soo leads Club Jerk back to their bedroom and scolds him for defending her. She tells him that he needs to become a mediator.

The Aunt and Sister Yoon sit in their bedroom. Sister Yoon is taking more time than usual to choose an outfit for work. The Aunt wonters what's up.

Mother Yoon studies herself in the mirror and wonders if she is looking old. She asks herself whether she should sign up for facial therapy. her husband tells her that it won't make any difference. She Aigoos. He warns her that tantrums will deepen her wrinkles. She continues to fuss. He asks, meaningfully, if he should bring her an electric fan. He departs.

Club Jerk enters his mother's bedroom. He tries to butter her up by calling her Mother. She insists that she is still a Mom (hence, young!) He flees the room.

Alarmed, Club Jerk enters the dining room where his family is eating breakfast. He tries to get Doctor Sis to help him with "Mom," who is acting weird. Sister Yoon cheerily says that her mother is going through menopause.

Corporate Jerk, in his bedroom, is ready to leave for work. Before he can clear the door, he receives a test from Halmoni.

Corporate Jerk sits down at his desk and opens his laptop. Before he can get down to work, he receives a text from Halmoni.

Eun Soo sits in the break room with a pile of paperwork. Rich Brat flounces in. She tries to enlist Rich Brat in some effort to mark Mother Yoon's birthday. Rich Brat flounces off.

Sister Yoon eats in the Aunt's cafe with the Twins. She tells them that she is curious about their father. They reply that he is curious about her. It turns out that Sister Yoon played the role of the Twins' mother at their school. When the Twins leave, the Aunt figures that Sister Yoon must be dating their father and pumps her for details.

Eun Soo's grandmother enters her daughter in laws shop but has to speak to her several times before her presence is acknowledged. She asks what's wrong. Nothing, her daughter in law explains.

The Former Department Store Supervisor, a glutton for punishment, shows up at Eun Soo's mother's shop for another round of abuse. Eun Soo's grandmother sends him on his way.

Eun Soo sits with her father in law in his restaurant. She lies that she and Rich Brat have agreed to bake a cake for Mother Yoon's birthday.

Eun Soo and Club Jerk work on recipes in the Yoon Restaurant's kitchen.

Rich Brat and Corporate Jerk return home. Mother Yoon is in the living room. Rich Brat sends her husband upstairs, then discusses Mother Yoon's impending birthday with her. Rich Brat pretends that she knew the date because she is a dutiful daughter in law. Rich Brat proposes that they rent a banquet hall for the occasion.

Father Yoon, Club Jerk and Eun Soo arrive home and join Mother Yoon and Rich Brat in the living room. He immediately nixes the banquet hall. Although Rich Brat protests that she never agreed to bake a cake with Eun Soo, Father Yoon decrees that it is nevertheless a great idea. And Shall Be Done.

Eun Soo tries to enlist Rich Brat to help prepare Mother Yoon's birthday dinner. Rich Brat pulls out some bills and says that sshould be enough for a caterer.

Rich Brat goes to her bedroom, calls Halmoni, and complains about Eun Soo.

Corporate Jerk, working late in his office, receives a text from Halmoni: Help my granddaughter avoid chores. Before he can return to work, he receives another text from Halmoni. Just as he is about to throw the cell phone against the wall, the Manager walks in.

The next day, in the break room, the Assistant Manager explains to her colleague how she used a fake cast to get out of a blind date. Rich Brat overhears them and is inspired.

Rich Brat arrives at the Yoon house with a fake cast on her arm. Mother and Sister Yoon fuss over her.

Corporate Jerk returns home and joins his wife in their bedroom. The cast seems to turn him on.

Club Jerk joins his wife in their bedroom. They give each other shoulder massages.

Rich Brat awakens. Her arm itches so she takes the fake cast off. Then she leaves the room to use the bathroom but forgets that she is no longer wearing the cast. Eun Soo enters the hallway and stares meaningfully at Rich Brat's bare arm. Busted.

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14 minutes ago, jimb said:

KBS is preempting normal programing to discuss the Korean Supreme Court ruling against President Park, so we may not see ep. 74 until next week.


She will be the first Korean President in history to be impeached while in office. President Park Geun Hye is many first. She is a first lady President and the first child of a former President to be President. It is unfortunate she is going out in disgrace. I suppose just like the Korean dramas she left many things expose that lead to scandals. 

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now we have three jelly woman who dislike ES. rich brat BN/SH ma/SH aunt.

how is SH aunt going take her anger out on ES? just cuz the guy, she thought he like her. turn out to like ES ma.

no wonder no man like her. she even lie. that she still havent married yet. to the guy.

if i were in rich brat pa shoe. i will tell ES ma. i will cut tie with rich brat. if she welling to married me. after all rich brat is a spolir woman who do harm to other just cuz her family have money.

that lazy woman BN even fake her arm. just to get out of cooking.

i hope when i married. my wife dont turn out to be a lazy woman like her.

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The beeches (and I'm misspelling this word intentionally) are just TOOOOOO much. I hope this harassment of ES ends soon, because it's getting old.  YH's Mom is not keeping her end of the agreement, which was to be good to ES. Menopausal or not, she's being an absolute witch! Beechna has had no improvement in her character, none at all. She's still the same devious, evil character as in the beginning, still feels entitled and is still pretentious. Is Father Yoon keeping she and Soo Hyun. Their promise of living with them for a year? She was busted about her fake injury by ES, but it doesn't matter, because ES won't rat her out.  In that way, I feel Es is an idiot.

The Yoons are certainly lucky to have gotten a daughter in law as ES, she is sincerely putting in all her efforts to get the family to accept her and embrace her into the folds of that family.  She is lucky that SH loves her dearly and treasures her, unlike his lame brother. But then, Beechna has no redeeming qualities to get Soo Hyun excited about, so why should she complain? 

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i think ES is way too nice. that why these woman. take advantage of her. her ma was right to worry about her moving in there.

rich brat BN was enough. now she got 2 other woman. who will take advantage of her.

only good thing going for her in that house is SH/ his pa.

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1 hour ago, jina_bing_bang said:

Do you think BN will learn her lesson?

@jina_bing_bang  The thing about Bit Na is that she is spoiled and never learned to compromise and to share. She is the type that needs attention and the less attention she gets she takes it out on the misfortune in her way. BN was spoiled by grandma but not the person she wanted the art from the most. The problem is  "GRANDMA", Grandma never taught BN the value of friendship, love and manners.  She only taught her granddaughter the value on money and how to get people to bend to her wishes. The problem is that every time BN complained about something, "GRANDMA " would interfere instead of finding the whole scenario. Even Grandma decided to buy her friends until BN was able to handle stuff on her own. Another thing Dr. Kim had no opportunity to help raise his daughter, he decided to let Grandma again to railroad him into letting her take the reins in raising his daughter. He is also a workaholic who was not always there for his daughter. Imagine Bit Na a little girl losing her mommy and never seeing her father. So she probably cried a lot and GRANDMA again not knowing how to pacify her decided to spoil her with materialistic things instead of what she really wanted.  I think Dr. Kim messed up because he knew how his daughter felt on the piano and never stepped in to help her so she came up with a plan hat would benefit her and she ruined someone's life for it. 

Now to answer your question She will learn the lesson only And I mean only if Dr Kim, himself is the one to tell her WHAT SHE DID SO LONG AGO WAS WRONG. If ES, BN and their parents do get married BN will receive the same protectiveness ES's mom showers ES  for herself only if she changes. Grandma doesn't know that BN wasn't always truthful to her when she complained and when she does find she will be very upset but it is her fault for not raising her right way. Always choosing to believe anything that came out of the mouth. 

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I wish ES's mom would just tell Beechna's dad that he raised a bad child.  Just that and nothing else. Keep it cryptic.  Because the thing is that he pretends he doesn't know what's going on, but he does.  He's known all along that Cranky Granny is an entitled witch and he lets her get away with it.  Only when she does something publicly embarrassing does he step in.  He also probably has some hints that Beechna is not all that either.  For example, the way he kept telling Smiling Idiot that Beechna has a hole in her heart.  Yes, she does and it's a huge black hole.  Instead of trying to fix that himself, he's basically telling Smiling Idiot to just give in to Beechna because it's a hole that will never be filled.  So I want him to suffer.  I want to see the consequences of his having buried his head in the ground all these years about the witches he lives with.  Let him stew on the fact that once again the two women in his life (that he's refused to assert any authority over) is the cause of his current pain.

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ES's mom is so love sick in the March 13 Preview.....I can hardly wait to see ES's mom and the love sick Doctor to reunite.  They can't live without each other so I'm willing to bet it won't take long for wedding bells.  And then, more fun melodrama to explode with Grandma, BN, ES and her side of the family. 

How long will it take before the Doctor knows how his precious daughter destroyed ES's promising teaching career and ruined her mother's job at the department store. 

I believe that ES's mom will have a side chat with ES and make a deal that she won't tell daddy if BN behaves herself.  

It should be a fun ride and while that is all going on I love seeing SH and ES together because they're so darn cute.  

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