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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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I agree Jang needs money and DY is the best resource to get that money. Any one as calm cool and collected as DY is right now is dangerous. Jang trying to sell DY his son back after stealing him twice is not going to set right with DY. I think once DY gets GO away from Jang it will be all over for Jang. 

I think what HJ means is she will risk her career, reputation and everything she's worked for to take MH down. If by chance she's caught up in it with MH they will both go down together. 

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7 hours ago, maribella said:

It must be those strange costumes that play tricks on HJ's brain, shrink and expand at will.

@maribella  It's the ponytail I tell you it's like those Barbe's pull  her ponytail it grows in this case HJ brain stops thinking right along with her malfunction wardrobe come to think of it at that time Barbe's ward had malfunction to..:joy:

3 hours ago, Morelia said:

I would like to be wrong, but after watching the episode today I had a bad feeling, I think another round of victories for the villains comes and so maybe the drama will extend some more episodes so that the final round is our OTP. I need medicine to ward off these dark thoughts:dissapointed: :anguished: :bawling:

@Morelia Pls Don't Mention Scary thoughts the ratings been good decent I should say let's not give them no ideas..

1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

MH is planning on a new foreign franchise for which LK will have to underwrite it entirely, and thus absorb all of any potential losses, apparently. When her father worries about that, MH proclaims that it's only by taking on great risk, that she can reap great rewards. Famous last words. I wonder if this foreign franchise thing is a part of HJ's trap. I assume that it is until the drama shows me differently. It would be a way to show up MH is incapable in a very public and humiliating way. 

@stroppyse If MH deals fall through Mdm Kim might have to sell some stocks to hold her in that position.. She tried to play DY like he's crazy in front of the directors is going to blow up in her face.. Boardmembers are going to demand compensation she'll try to use her marriage to DY in exchange to hold her seat but DY will tell the board were divorce been divorce before the acident occured.. It's going to be a nasty fight watch Mdm Kim trying to hold on to that companybut get caught faking being sick..

38 minutes ago, rikimaiu said:

I solely blame Jang for GO predicament especially his seperation from HJ and DY. What are his plans ? Does he has any intention of giving GO back to HJ and DY or is he trying to find a good family to adopt GO ? I doubt he can get GO adopted to a family because GO has gained quite a publicity and he will definitely be recognized eventually. 

If he has the intention of giving back GO to HJ and DY, what is stopping him to do it ? Is he afraid MH will find him ? He has already succeeded in hiding himself and GO from MH for so long if that was his concern. So why couldn't he contact HJ and at least tell her GO is safe and make arrangement to meet to return GO to her ? Being a ex-detective and a private investigator, I am sure he will know ways to do it without MH knowing. If he does not want MH to get hold of GO, I don't understand why is he keeping GO with him for so long and is causing hell for HJ and DY. 

@rikimaiu I think Jang is trying to think of a way to reyurn GO and make some money off of it being his child is sick and needs medical attention.. I don't know what part of the states they in where medicad isn't there for her son maybe Jangs wife is pulling a fast one on him..:D

Wow didn't realize we were at 100 pages


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Although I am a bit scared that HJ  might blow DY's cover, I still trust  that she will  be firm on whatever plans she had and continue to have.  I am happy that she is making use of Ms. Seo, who was a big help to JW and now to HJ.  One thing that really bothers me is although DY and HJ have the same purpose, they are not revealing to each other what their plans are - which might result in either a failure or a success.

I agree with some of you - Jang is beginning to show some guilt and his conscience is bothering him - and might be blaming himself with his real son's current situation.  He should be there with him but he is running around in Korea trying to untangle the mess he is in.  I don't know who he would contact but why am I guessing he would get in touch with JW?  One thing good that Jang did was he did not mistreat the boy GO.

On MH planning on foreign investment - isn't HJ planning on something from overseas also?  Maybe HJ was fed by someone about MH plan?  I think no matter how MH threaten HJ, I am sure HJ would be true to herself when she said she will take everything that MH has - one by one. 

There may be evil plans coming from Mdm. Kim but I am sure it would be another failure.  Maybe Mdm. Kim is looking for GO also as bait for JW since JW made a deal with her?   I don't know how much share she has but most of her shares were taken by JW.

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1 hour ago, awsparkle said:

The previews can be very misleading.  MH always plays on a persons weakness and finding GO is HJ's. I don't think MH has the slightest idea where GO is.She's no

Whether MH knew or not GO's whereabouts is not important, it is the fact that HJ actually buys MH's words is unbelievable. She is a snake and not to be trusted. Furthermore, DY has told her he is looking for GO. A little bit of brain would see her using delay tactics so she could check back with DY or JW (maybe not).   

That's what got @sava2sava and me.

1 hour ago, awsparkle said:

son. Since GO has seen the video I think he's calling HJ. 

There is a possibility that MH or spy intercepted that call ( re @baduy). I stopped breathing for a bit there. Her mother had planted someone close to HJ, her secretary or ex-CEO? 


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Famous last words. I wonder if this foreign franchise thing is a part of HJ's trap. I assume that it is until the drama shows me differently. It would be a way to show up MH is incapable in a very public and humiliating way. 

I did not think of that because JW brought up the Wall street contact after MH had made her  smug little thoughts to her father on the franchise. You may be right, HJ could have planned that much earlier. The horrible clothes she wears sometimes are nullified by GO's little appearances and her brain functions well again.

The fight for LK will take more of screen time from now on- writing on the wall, but it does not have the hold on viewers that DY-HJ lost baby has. The anguish and heart break  that both veteran actors have delivered cannot be replaced by any boardroom tussle. Much as I do not like it baby GO's homecoming does not seem near. The writer has a job to keep high viewership. 

Jang has been portrayed (increasingly) as a devoted father with a heart of gold. If we scratch the surface a bit we can see that he is punishing GO by keeping him. The boy is anxious- I don't want to go to the US,

He is lost - are you sending me to my new family? Have you found my new family? I don't have a mom.

 He cannot be with ajumma and he has accepted that - how could an 8 year be forced to feel that way? Not being able to live with a woman he has grown so attached to in such a short while.

Jang deserves gaol time.


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1 hour ago, rikimaiu said:

I solely blame Jang for GO predicament especially his seperation from HJ and DY. What are his plans ? Does he has any intention of giving GO back to HJ and DY or is he trying to find a good family to adopt GO ? I doubt he can get GO adopted to a family because GO has gained quite a publicity and he will definitely be recognized eventually. 

If he has the intention of giving back GO to HJ and DY, what is stopping him to do it ? Is he afraid MH will find him ? He has already succeeded in hiding himself and GO from MH for so long if that was his concern. So why couldn't he contact HJ and at least tell her GO is safe and make arrangement to meet to return GO to her ? Being a ex-detective and a private investigator, I am sure he will know ways to do it without MH knowing. If he does not want MH to get hold of GO, I don't understand why is he keeping GO with him for so long and is causing hell for HJ and DY. 


Yeah yeah yeah .... I have very little sympathy for Jang. I know South Koreans can travel to the US without visa, but will they get a migration visa with such a sick child? If they got it because of the child then @sava2sava  could be right. He would be on medicaid ? It has been a long time since I was in the US.

 His wife must want  the money for something else. :)

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11 hours ago, maribella said:

Yeah yeah yeah .... I have very little sympathy for Jang. I know South Koreans can travel to the US without visa, but will they get a migration visa with such a sick child? If they got it because of the child then @sava2sava  could be right. He would be on medicaid ? It has been a long time since I was in the US.

 His wife must want  the money for something else. :)

I don't think they are able to stay in the US due to the child's illness.   We don't know how long they've been in the US; all we knew was he disappeared after talking to MH and next thing we knew, he came back from the US with GO.

I know Koreans are able to enter the US without a visa but how they managed to stay that long, we really don't know why and how. 

His wife mentioned  that someone from Myungha was calling - and I think at the same time, they froze their account that's why the wife was panicking.  That was around  the time when Mdm. Kim told MH to pressure his family in the US.  But come to think of it, Myungha might have something to do why Jang and family are able to stay in the US.

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3 hours ago, viyra said:

His wife mentioned  that someone from Myungha was calling - and I think at the same time, they froze their account that's why the wife was panicking.  That was around  the time when Mdm. Kim told MH to pressure his family in the US.  But come to think of it, Myungha might have something to do why Jang and family are able to stay in the US.

@viyra  Long as Jang wife and son been in the states she could have found a county hospital nto treat the boy.. It's to many sources in the states for him not to get medical treatment.. Hospital social workers would have given her all kinds of listing for free food to county aide.. Even she would have got help to apply for setion 8.. TBH I think Jangs wife is a heavy gambler it's something going on she may need money  but here in the states it's to many ways to make money even with a sick child.. Maybe she saw a designer bag she wants..:joy: 

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18 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

@viyra  Long as Jang wife and son been in the states she could have found a county hospital nto treat the boy.. It's to many sources in the states for him not to get medical treatment.. Hospital social workers would have given her all kinds of listing for free food to county aide.. Even she would have got help to apply for setion 8.. TBH I think Jangs wife is a heavy gambler it's something going on she may need money  but here in the states it's to many ways to make money even with a sick child.. Maybe she saw a designer bag she wants..:joy: 

:lol::lol: wickeddd!!!!

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10 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

but in the teaser Ms Seo was yelling to JW that they found GO.


She says 가온이 흔적 찾았어  which doesn't mean "we/they found GO", but "we found GO's trail " It means they know where to look (somewhere on the shore of the South Sea) but they haven't exactly found him yet.

In the immediately following snippet, someone (I think it's Jang's female assistant) has apparently just said to DY  "He/they only went as far as a place  by the South Sea" and DY is responding "So he's by the South Sea?".  "He" there doesn't refer to GO: the verb form [계시는군요] can only refer to the location of an honorific person, which no child can ever be, So DY must be referring to Jang's location, which he assumes is (still) GO's .  In both cases there room for half a dozen episodes of further slips between cup and lips...

EDIT Ah, so in the actual episode it turned out that

1)  A couple had recognized GO walking on the beach and shown him the video, then apparently, governed by the strange psychology of Kdrama, done nothing more about it apart from posting the encounter on their blog, which is how Mme Seo came to find the "trail" but not yet the boy himself.

2) DY had thought up a ruse to locate Jang. He's been trying to find a purchaser for his Seoul office, and DY had rung his secretary pretending to be someone who's very keen to sign a contract for the deal, but it has to be done straight away. So the secretary phones Jang and tells him to come to Seoul immediately to sign the contract. Getting the call, he goes back inside wherever they're living to get the necessary paperwork, which gives GO his chance to snarf his cellphone and make a call..

In the leadup to the cliffhanger, it looked right up to the end as if HJ's cellphone was likely to be in MH's hands when the call came in (it took a very long time to be connected: presumably calls from the South Sea to Seoul get routed via the South Pole or somewhere). In the event.... but I won't spoil it.



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In the teaser, there's a presentation or inauguration, (can't be sure)  the hall was full of people, I think that's when the audio file was played. So MH didn't get to fool HJ. 

Also in the teaser, DY came face to face with  jang and was yelling at him to bring GO

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Still no Family reunion? I wish I am wrong about GO, not for the first time. This writer is like a bulldog with his favourite bone.

I guess we will get to find out who the Kim-Bow tie spy is in the next episode, she/he must have stolen HJ's phone for MH.

We should not be surprised with Kdrama characters who do not make police reports or call HJ on seeing GO, they are being very careful. Just like the  authorities who are waiting for a police report to be made, careful people.

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30 minutes ago, maribella said:

I guess we will get to find out who the Kim-Bow tie spy is in the next episode, she/he must have stolen HJ's phone for MH.


No spying or theft  involved in that one (though the bent ajumma did go through DY's phone in search of the file and reported to MH that it wasn't there) It was just that at the very end of the episode, HJ demanded to inspect HJ's phone to prove she wasn't the source of the message, and HJ seemed on the point of handing it over when it started to ring. But for those of us of a morbid disposition, it's noticeable that HJ is struck speechless on hearing his voice and DOESN'T REPLY.  Maybe Jang will be back with the contract in time to grab the phone back from the boy... And when GO saw the video that the couple on the beach played for him, he decided that, despite their insisting that he was HJ's son, he wasn't really.  "Her baby was called Teunteun," he reflected,, "she doesn't mean me..."  So he was only calling on the off chance anyway.

Inriguing, though, that the teaser KBS just posted is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the one edited on to the end of today's episode. In over a decade of Kdrama watching I've never known this happen before. Yes, it's quite common for there to be no teaser attached to the actual episode, but for one to be uploaded to the KBS site later. It's also common for the one subsequently posted on the KBS site to be longer and contain ADDITIONAL material beyond what was tacked on to the end of the actual episode, without being totally different in content and mood.  It looks to me as though some executive decided that unless viewers are given a sign that the messing about with GO is going to end soon, they'll stop watching, so the much jucier teaser on the KBS site is a damage-limitation measure. Unless, that is, someone at KBS goofed big time and posted the teaser meant for Thursday's episode instead. Now that sort of mix-up has indeed happened in the past


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47 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

When was HJ's phone stolen? 

I was in epi 81 mode. No it was not stolen,

it seems that MH had over reached this time and pretended she knew when GO was. It looked like she had in not so many words chased DY out of LK and may still feel victorious to attempt to trick HJ.

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Finally as much waited moment has arrived.. Looks like Mdm Kim is going to have hurry and get out.. I'm wondering if DY mom is slapping MH beaise of GO or playing like she just learned about HR..

Wow I don'r know who dresses the worst in this episode HJ or bowtie

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@0ly40  tumblr_nsd97l6DcJ1s8hh46o1_500.gif  You have officially been HUGGED!!!!

That preview is a moment we have waited for it seems like forever!!!  Haven't seen the raw of today's yet but hoping to soon! Let's just say seeing DY with GO made me so excited I wanted to scream!!!  Later after watching it again I found myself wanting to cry just like DY!!!  WOW what a moment and even later seeing GO & DY at the end of that street under low light or was that blur because of my tears.   Still it was as if GO in that little light colored jacket was beaming and there again I was too!!!  Seeing HJ turn around slowly and knowing the emotion she would in fact be feeling opened my heart and filled it with happiness.  Seeing her slowly walking towards him man it was everything we had hoped and more...:sweatingbullets::wub::D


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There were no teasers in the youtube video. 

@baduy you mean MH did not pretend she knew whre GO was? In the previous preview, I thought that was the argument.  

I hope the people in Korea who are watching are as peed off as many of us are so may be kbs skips an episode? Or that would totally unheard off. Increasing episodes and wringing the story bone-dry seems the prerequisite of kds.

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22 minutes ago, ross27 said:

@Oly40, thank you, thank you. What a so touching and longed for scene! Finally this much tortured family is reunited! I hope it is not a dream!!!!

A touching scene indeed. However I'm a little skeptical that it's the right preview for tomorrow's episode because the teaser at the end of today's episode 81 is completely different. Anyway if they had posted it at KBS website then it must be the correct one. Looks like it's the end for MH? 

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