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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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Does Mdm King know the existence of the marriage contract between DY and MH ?... I hope not because that way she would fall by surprise and will not have opportunity to take forecasts. I think the contract is a key piece to overturning MH's lie about the self-inflicted accident DY. The contract is also important as an indication of why MH's crimes against HJ and GO.

DY has a smart and well calculated plan with strategies that allow him to collect all the necessary tests to ensure the total collapse of MH and all his family. So I will try not to worry too much about the attacks of MH, Mdm King and DB.

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57 minutes ago, baduy said:

Insomnia"'s a good one. But that's what this drama gives us, not what DY is faking.  His fake amnesia  is all part of the "you've got your vengeance plan, and I've got mine.but we musn't tell each other in what those

:lol: i have been coughing, so sleepy during the day and awake at night for coughing, pardon me

DY's amnesia. I have not checked out what aphasia is.  It sounds like a very weak plot. At least we can breathe for afew episodes.

MH, her mother and bow tie are working together, HJ has JW and Mrs Seo but she can't be too trusting if them. She can trust DY but she wants to protect him.:blink:



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2 hours ago, maribella said:

BTW why is DY still faking insomnia?

I get these shameful thoughts of  HJ or SY bodyslamming MH. Tsk tsk.


We haven't seen a good body slam/flip since "A Wife's Credentials" when the wife flipped her abusive husband and put him flat on his back with a totally surprised expression.  Priceless!!

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54 minutes ago, viyra said:

GO is back to his mother - what happens now to the deal between JW and Mdm. Kim in a previous episode?  Didn't JW promise Mdm. Kim he'll drop the charges if the boy is returned to the mother?


This doesn't effect that issue. The promise, or rather offer,  was that he'd drop the lawsuit to recover his family's goods and fortune (that overlaps with to the offenses Mme Kim strategically admitted, landing her in custody but it's a separate,civil suit) but only if MH told him where GO was (though of course she had no idea of Jang's whereabouts at the time). As it is, the boy has now been found despite, not because of MH's efforts, so that proposed deal -- which MH turned down anyway, since she had no choice, unable as she was to deliver the goods). 

Of course, JW is one of the chosen few (including Mme Seo)  who knows the boy is back with his mother. All MH knows of that matter so far is that Jang didn't show up at the airport as promised to hand the child over.  We can be sure JW and Mme Seo won't reveal the fact that HJ and GO are reunited until HJ give them permission, and they're both too savvy to have that information tricked out of them. But there's a potential leakage spot: Tae Yun, If SY lets slip to him that DO is home, and he then in turn lets that slip in the mansion... Another candidate for dangerous indiscretion is of course HJ's mother, especially if she gets involved in anothe rant fest with the mistress.

In the scene at the dinner table after GO was returned, the boy shrewdly asked why DY wasn't joining them. He was fobbed off, but that led to heavy hints directed at Mr Park that though one key person member with a big claim to be considered "family" was absent from that table he himself was remaining incongruously obstinately present, despite having nothing to do with the family at all. Park faced that one down in his usual way, reluctant to budge and rather exploiting the fact that well-mannered children like GO address elderly gentlemen as "grandad" making it sound like he was indeed "family". 

I'm starting to suspect that Mr Park may soon "earn" his place in the family by defending or rescuing GO from the next wave of baddies who come after him, as they surely will, given HJ's point that he's in peril until she can establish her legal claim to him and get the adoption revoked. Remember that as things stand right now, DY has abducted him and HJ is harboring him and that a DNA test doesn't count against adoption papers in establishing a child's parentage in law.

Though it's true that a parent can't abduct their own child in Korean law (which means that one party in an estranged marriage can take children away from the other party without any legal redress, which is what I suspect that article in a newspaper largely aimed at expat residents in Korea was about) legal adoption terminates parenthood in all jurisductions, so abducting your biological child who has been duly adopted is a serious offense. Of course DO wasn't in fact legally adopted, but there's lots of paperwork, some of it still in the Foundation's archives, that says otherwise, so the legal battle will not be easy.

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18 minutes ago, maribella said:

what aphasia is.

Loss of the ability to speak, not through damage to the speech organs but through inability of the brain to translate thoughts into words. Often suffered by stroke victims, and quite Kramatically popular recently in  fake or genuine form, e.g. Laurel Tree Tailors, and That Sun in the Sky. And of course, GO had it himself.

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The logic of this show escapes me.

GO was dangerous to MH because primarily he is evidence of her crime, and  claim to LK and he would  make HJ very happy.

Now that Jang has given GO back and admit that he was the kidnapper. HJ could establish her claim. DY is now divorced and he and HJ had made a committment to be a family wth GO. Everything can be out in the open. But more secrets and sinister plots from the evil family? 

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20 hours ago, baduy said:

Though it's true that a parent can't abduct their own child in Korean law (which means that one party in an estranged marriage can take children away from the other party without any legal redress, which is what I suspect that article in a newspaper largely aimed at expat residents in Korea was about) legal adoption terminates parenthood in all jurisductions, so abducting your biological child who has been duly adopted is a serious offense. Of course DO wasn't in fact legally adopted, but there's lots of paperwork, some of it still in the Foundation's archives, that says otherwise, so the legal battle will not be easy.


Based on what I read in your comment, for GO to be legally with his real parents is practically impossible and as I see the evildoers will do anything for GO to disappear.

That irony so much effort that MH has spent to get rid of GO and the truth is that HR is the true and legitimate heiress because the money stolen from JW's father is invested by Mdm King and DB in LK and that makes JW in theory the largest shareholder and virtual owner of the LK group.

Someone should tell MH to betray his evil mother by telling JW the fate of the stolen money, then she seduces him, takes HR with her, marries the idiot JW convinces her to let her be president and that Way leaves our OTP and GO in peace and does not have to worry about the punishment for MH she will lead to bankruptcy to the company and she will be practically like a beggar (it is only a humorous comment to lower my level of stress that increased drastically after seeing episode 83).:tongue:

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5 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

You may be right. Jang's needs funds to pay for his son's treatment in the US, i think he will take the fall for MH so long has she keeps sending money to his family. 

And DY is faking amnesia, if he was faking insomnia he will need to stay awake, that will be good just in case MH might come in to his bedroom with a knife in the middle of the night and then blames it on an intruder. 

@imgreatgal, LMAO Intruders, Yout so right it's everyone else fault but hers.. She materminded it all but she never told them to do it.. I just wonder when will someone put a camera in MH room.. It can't be that hard to get past MH maid.. 

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After episode 83:

What's up with these KDramas...

The hated and/or enemies end-up working at the same company. (So better to torture the opponent)

Divorced people still live together. (So better to torture the opponent)

Married people who war with each other don't get divorced.  (So better to torture the opponent)

Husband's mistress moves in/out of the legal wife's house! (So better to torture the opponent) 

Ditched daughter-in-laws remain in the household. (So better to torture the opponent)

Cute couples 'date' for 300 years without marrying. (So better to torture the opponent???) 

EVERY SINGLE STOLEN/LOST/ABANDONED BABY finds its way home. (Korea is a wonderful place & So better to torture the opponent)

Korea needs: 

Doors that LOCK, above all else.  Everyone is waltzing in/out of rooms without knocking, poking through others' possessions, and moving in/out of houses.  This country needs LOCKS.  How do they even keep people confined in jail?  Someone could make a fortune selling reliable door locks in Korea.  Apparently, door locks are either unavailable or non-existent in Korea.  As an added benefit there would be a mass rise in employment statistics for people that can install door locks.  

Psycho-Witch is supposedly rich, WHY WHY WHY endure such treatment for $$$ when one has plenty?  LOVE?  WHY WHY WHY would a beautiful woman with plenty of $$$ love a Man-without-a-Spine (SpineLess)?  Oh, and he is a complete DOLT who would believe any nonsense spouted.  And WHO could comfortably sleep or eat in proximity to Psycho-Witch?  She is like the broke relative that comes to stay, causes trouble, and won't leave.  

Dim-Bulb, (DoYoon's mom) makes dim-bulbs look bright.  What?  You did?  You didn't?  You will?  You won't?  And she has her husband's mistress, second son, and even the Crass-Man himself, parked in her home.  In one scene she's scared, whimpering, and cowering; in the next scene she is shouting orders.  She's...not a badly-drawn character, she's manic!  Yes!  That's the answer to the madness:  MADNESS!  

Do-Yoon, aka SpineLess, is yet another KDrama Hero-without-a-Spine.  Marries a woman he doesn't love and likes it when she lies, cheats, and kicks him.  Tolerates abuse from his parents and father's mistress.  Is incapable of speaking a complete sentence to his mother, Dim-Bulb.  Yeah.  Not a poorly-drawn character but a man-without-a-spine.  It is the only rational answer:  A massive birth defect.  

Aye-yi-yi.  Gotta stop typing.  Time for me to leave for therapy.  I know they are going to tell me to double my meds and stop watching KDramas.  (But that's why I'm in therapy:  I can't stop watching!) 

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If it is stopping at 104, there will be 20 more. 

Does anyone keep track of the rating? 

I think the writer is going to continue making GO insecure as attraction  to viewers and GO as a threat to MH ( or her perception). So while it is good to see him with his parents, we will see he is not going to school or play with other kids lest the snake spirits him away.

Wouldn't you take the day off if you were HJ and go straight to a lawyer's office? She wants to make GO hers legally but it is business-as-usual. Heavens forbid that she ropes in LK's lawyer.:wacko:

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@watchumlots, I guess your sentiments is the result of watching daily k-dramas for many years. We curse, swear, condemn on the illogical plots and the silliness of it and yet after many years we are still watching it. I asked myself why ? Why am I still watching and tolerating those ridiculous, stupid plots and getting myself worked up. Maybe it is because I am always hopeful that it will be different each time and I took a gamble. In the end, it is still back to swearing and cursing and the cycle starts again. But I have no regrets. We get to discuss about the drama and give our opinions and guessing what will come next. I get to know various people in this forum and enjoys reading their posts even though our opinion at times differs. 

I get to know @USAFarmgirl who is an absolute romantic, @UnniSarah for her colorful emoticons, @stroppyse our translator, @0ly40 faithfully posting previews and OST, @sava2savawho always reply everyone posts, etc ,etc. I find it interesting. 

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22 minutes ago, maribella said:

Does anyone keep track of the rating? 

Monday 20-3-2017 24.8%
Tuesday 21-3-2017 24.1%
Wednesday 22-3-2017 25.7%
Thursday 23-3-2017 26.0%

Source from : kr.dorama.info

When the drama started in early Dec 2016, 1st week ratings averages about 16.6%. The ratings for this drama has been rising steadily. 

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3 hours ago, watchumlots said:

Aye-yi-yi.  Gotta stop typing.  Time for me to leave for therapy.  I know they are going to tell me to double my meds and stop watching KDramas.  (But that's why I'm in therapy:  I can't stop watching!) 

@watchumlots  Lol Lol .... This statement made my day. I should be in therapy too , can't stop watching Asian dramas period. frustrated-cheetah-emoticon.gif frustrated-cheetah-emoticon.gif It's like when I stop watching them for like 3 Days, then start surfing the web for something to watch , I end up in soompi forum checking out what my chingu @sava2sava  and other Chingu's are watching and if it interest me at all. 


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Seriously, the ABSOLUTE BEST part of watching these dramas has become the sharing on these forums!  These forums are my support group.  

I love everyone's remarks and comments, and especially the translations/summaries posted by fellow watchers for series w/o translations.  This is where I laugh and laugh and laugh and, oh yeah, vent.

Noting the ratings - also happy I'm not alone in my addiction.  

Now, gotta go gobble more meds, it's hours until the next episode posts.

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6 minutes ago, rikimaiu said:

Monday 20-3-2017 24.8%
Tuesday 21-3-2017 24.1%
Wednesday 22-3-2017 25.7%
Thursday 23-3-2017 26.0%

Source from : kr.dorama.info

When the drama started in early Dec 2016, 1st week ratings averages about 16.6%. The ratings for this drama has been rising steadily. 

@rikimaiu.... Thanks for the update chingu  scream-cheetah-emoticon.gif No surprise there ,all the viewers were waiting for that family reunion . It was so emotional , I even cried when he spells to his mom for the first time . His words were so profound that I wanted to be the one to hug tight and never let go. sad-cheetah-emoticon.gif 

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6 minutes ago, watchumlots said:

 are bSeriously, the ABSOLUTE BEST part of watching these dramas has become the sharing on these forums!  These forums are my support group.  

I love everyone's remarks and comments, and especially the translations/summaries posted by fellow watchers for series w/o translations.  This is where I laugh and laugh and laugh and, oh yeah, vent.

Noting the ratings - also happy I'm not alone in my addiction.  

Now, gotta go gobble more meds, it's hours until the next episode posts.

@watchumlots....So very true and for the friendship formed form the love of Kdrama and Cdrama .

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37 minutes ago, maribella said:

She wants to make GO hers legally

At this point Jang is GO's adopted father, that means HJ has to take Jang to court in the process. With Jang in police custody will that be even possible? In teaser for episode 84 we see MH going to see Jang at the police station, as i've said before Jang needs money for his son's treatment in the US. Do you think Jang will be making any kind of deal with MH? or has he already made a deal with DY? 

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