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@40somethingahjumma Yes, the accident will cause a scandal and the authorities will distance themselves from Chairman Mo. First, it will be discovered that the company tried to make a profit by cutting the costs for maintenance and they falsified the papers for safety control. Then the safety insurance will play a part in it as well. Moreover, chairman Mo mentioned that he was for the private construction and this accident will endanger his project. As they sent a bus on a terrible road and it seems that Chairman Mo is also making business in construction. We heard that he owns a lot of land.

I really love our creepy villain MTG... His illness makes him bold and overconfident. My favourite scene was when he visited KGJ's building. You could sense that MTG was enjoying himself, like having sex with her. The present was really telling, but he kept looking at her fascinated by her courage. We had HJH who tried to run and called for help, GDC who begged for his life, the old ahjumma who cursed him, Mdm Jang who was frozen by fear and NST who told him that he saw him as his little brother. Each victim reacted differently... but I believe for the first time, MTG is facing someone who acts differently: bold, fearless and remains calm the entire time. He tried to freak her out, but he didn't really succeed.

Without NST and his father, it will be very hard for MTG to protect himself. He never realised that NST was right the entire time... he had been protecting him. His confession that he had killed HJH proved it, he had no problem to admit something he didn't commit. Now I am really wondering if the bodies in the lake mentioned by chairman Mo are not the victims of his son. I mean, the father seems to know that his son is a coldblooded killer but he helped to cover up his crimes which proves again that the father is the main responsible. Instead of stopping him, he encouraged his vicious behaviour by using NST. Now, the disgrace of NST's father gets another dimension. Maybe his father had recognised the dangerosity of MTG and refused to help chairman Mo.

@lexiconAs for Dae Shik, I do feel sorry for him. Yes, he is the mole but his reason was entirely selfless. I have less empathy for commissionar Bae and the prosecutor Park from that Special Unit task as they support and cover up for Mo out of selfish reasons. I am wondering about the hit and run accident his father mentioned. I believed, they chose his father since he was working for S Express. They needed someone to take the blame for the death of KGJ's father. So they find the perfect scapegoat: DS' father as the one responsible for the hit and run case, where KGJ's father was supposed to have died. They can fake evidence (record of the bus aso). In order to save his father, DS was blackmailed to tamper evidences. In order not to worry his father, he explained that MJH helped him to solve the case. From my point of view, the prosecutor from that special Task Unit got promoted by helping Chairman Mo and even tampered evidences as well (like the recording). 

@miracle23 Thanks again for the info about the music. I made a mistake as I was looking for "dies irae". Actually the text is called "dies irae" but the music is called lacrimosa dies illa which means tears  for that day! Mozart took the text from a gregorian song. 

Despite the flaws, I am really enjoying this dark drama. I hope, our creepy villain will get a main lead at some point because he is really incredible!!  

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@dhakra -- I certainly hope that it is a mind-blowing finale that you're waiting for. At the very least I hope this ending does the entire series justice. Nothing worse than a tepid ending to a show that's hurled us from one crisis to the next. 

It should be fun at the very least. :D 

Yes, I agree that 14 felt for the most part like set up for 15 and 16. But that's pretty much the pattern for this show practically from Day 1. :D

After recent revelations about Dae Shik, I feel really ominous about how things will end for him. It's those comments to his paymaster about "not hurting Jin Hyuk" that's giving me very bad feelings about his fate in the final two episodes. And the fact that he's wracked with guilt seals the deal for me. Hopefully I'm wrong. Would love to be wrong. He's not really a bad kid but the problem is that people like that only compound the problem. This leads me to wonder if there are other moles in the police force.

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48 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@dhakra -- I certainly hope that it is a mind-blowing finale that you're waiting for. At the very least I hope this ending does the entire series justice. Nothing worse than a tepid ending to a show that's hurled us from one crisis to the next. 

It should be fun at the very least. :D 

Yes, I agree that 14 felt for the most part like set up for 15 and 16. But that's pretty much the pattern for this show practically from Day 1. :D

After recent revelations about Dae Shik, I feel really ominous about how things will end for him. It's those comments to his paymaster about "not hurting Jin Hyuk" that's giving me very bad feelings about his fate in the final two episodes. And the fact that he's wracked with guilt seals the deal for me. Hopefully I'm wrong. Would love to be wrong. He's not really a bad kid but the problem is that people like that only compound the problem. This leads me to wonder if there are other moles in the police force.

Well, I have been wondering who blackmailed chief Jang. Is it really DS? Who set up chief Jang in the end? The girl JS disappeared. If so, why did DS lie to JH about his discovery? Because it was clear that at some point, his lie would be revealed. 

I also fear that DS might die in the process... as a sacrifice for his wrongdoings. He has always felt guilty. I find JH's reaction interesting: "Get focus on Sunw. Express". To me, he indirectly told him that he knew. MJH was very calm as he knows DS well enough. The fact he touched his hand underlines his trust in him. After the discovery about chief Jang, MJH got aware that Jang and DS are just tools used by the real villains.

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23 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I also fear that DS might die in the process... as a sacrifice for his wrongdoings. He has always felt guilty. I find JH's reaction interesting: "Get focus on Sunw. Express". To me, he indirectly told him that he knew. MJH was very calm as he knows DS well enough. The fact he touched his hand underlines his trust in him. After the discovery about chief Jang, MJH got aware that Jang and DS are just tools used by the real villains.

Yeah i agreed with you,

i also think that CJ & DS has a related with MTG. :smirk:




rotate the pic LOL


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Reading all your comments (yours and others) about MTG's infatuation with KGJ gave me the heebie jeebies but I won't disagree  with them because they make sense. :wink: Still, MTG's brain isn't one that I'd like to spend a lot of time in nor would I be flattered to be an object of his affections. There's certainly an immaturity that's driving his sexual expression. On some level he comes across as a spoilt brat. He does at his core behave like a child who has had his way for too long and the terrifying thing is that his father has the ability to let him do unhindered whatever he wants with no consequences. When the son kills, the father buries. I observed also his petulance when his father was trying to get him to eat. He does look like a kid who isn't in the mood for it and resents being made to sit there.

So why does his father close both eyes to his son's misdeeds instead of having him institutionalized? Pride I'd imagine. A man of in his social stature who has most of the social climbers in his pocket, having a psychopathic son that has murderous tendencies that he can't manage. The embarrassment must be acute. How many bodies... we have to ask... did NST bury? I used to wonder if MTG would kill his father but it seems unlikely as long as he finds his father useful and entertaining. He was clearly amused by his father's antics while the chairman was making his speech. MTG gave the impression that he thought of his father as a court jester, playing to the crowd, declaring platitudes and not meaning a word of it. The father has pretensions to respectability that he tries to flog in public while the son smirks knowingly as listens on.

MTG is too smug for his own good. His amorality has been aided and abetted by others. His father, NST and the corrupt cops that dance to their tune. I suppose he sees himself untouchable by the plebs which is why he's able to saunter into the police station with confidence. If he wins, then it seems that money and power triumphs over justice.

To me this show is really about the experience of being in this world and watching these people interact. I'm sure we could spend all our time poking holes here, there and everywhere about what's wrong with it but in the end I feel I've had a ball with the symbolism... and really appreciating the fact that OCN gave us a likeable female lead that's not purely decorative. 

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Looks like it is JH to the rescue...

I really do not know who I feel more repulsed by: Chairman Mo or MTG. @40somethingahjumma, as you had asked why is he protecting his son to this extent? It is not only just protecting, but also "feeding" his condition:crazy: , using homeless people as prey!!!

Regarding DS, I do not feel sorry for him. I can understand he needed money for his father, but that is never an excuse to betray!! Yes he cares deeply for JH and from what his father said they are indebted to JH. However he has been aware of the ordeal that JH has been been through ever since his wife died, and their relationship is more than just that of colleagues and I just can't accept that he had excruciating circumstances, which forced him to do what he is doing now. I wonder when he started being a mole? Was it before JH's wife's death or after? Does he really think that JH is not going to be hurt or even killed?!:blink: I really hope that he has a chance to redeem himself, JH, even though he is suspcious, seems to atleast be giving DS a chance to come clean.

MTG visiting KJG, is he rehearsing for when he does actually "kill' her? I think he would have killed her had JH and the backup not arrived (why bother with the kettlebell?). Or he could also have been testing how well the two of them commiunicate with each other, and how much information JH and KJG share with each other. I will be honest, in episode 13 I really thought he had an attraction towards KJG, did not feel it so much in this episode. I almost expected a certain level of excitement to show on his face when he met her at the police station. But @bebebisous33 and @titania1000 after reading your explanations it also makes sense.

I guess (or hope) the beginning of the end has started for Mo family!!

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Reading all your comments (yours and others) about MTG's infatuation with KGJ gave me the heebie jeebies but I won't disagree  with them because they make sense. :wink: Still, MTG's brain isn't one that I'd like to spend a lot of time in nor would I be flattered to be an object of his affections.

Well, I wouldn't like to meet this kind of guy in real life!!! However, the writer made an excellent job by creating this character. That's why I say that it is fun to watch him... but in real life, no thank you! 

MTG is indeed acting like a child. His reaction, when he saw her wall full of pictures with his murders and involved persons. The joy and excitement he expressed revealed his immaturity. He was jumping like an excited child. In the end, he is a spoiled brat who knows nothing about life. He just enjoys the power coming from his killing, as he is the one who decides who lives or who dies!! 

@lexicon About DS: I had the impression that since his father was a bus driver from S Express, they must have used the father in order to make pressure/blackmail DS. The father mentioned the hit and run and he wanted to thank JH for his help. In my opinion, the father must have been blamed for a hit and run... the prosecutor must have threatened DS. It was not just accepting money in order to pay his bills. I believe, there is more to it. Notice that JH didn't meet his father after the hit and run... to me, it is connected to KGJ's father. I have the impression that the prosecutor from that special task unit must be behind it.

On the other hand, I agree with you that chairman Mo is the main responsible for the high number of victims. It was not just his hurt pride that didn't stop MTG, MTG's behaviour resembles a lot to his father. Like I mentioned it before, Mo seems to use violence in order to "educate" his son. They both look down on people who have no money: trash, dog, aso. The father doesn't care about others at all and he was pretty clear, when he mentioned to Bae that he could do anything good for justice, except in Sungwun!! So he considered himself above laws and other people!   

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@bebebisous33 Ahh...yes when looking at it from that prespective it makes more sense, and I can probably be more forgiving of DS!!! And interesting about how KGJ's father might be involved in all this :(

I am also with you on the writer's characterisation of MTG, he definately is a villain I won't be forgetting anytime soon. I just hope that the last two episodes bring out the full potential of all the characters good and bad, and that there is a triumph of good over evil. One of the things I like about this show is that the characters never play out of character. JH is the "mad dog" and most of actions are reflective of that, KJG is more level headed and has always been that way, she has never acted irrationally or implusively. Even DS, when the show started I thought he was actually a bad actor, now we know it was how his character is.

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I think MTG is more interested in playing with JH. In his car from the police station he was weighing which one to get rid first and since KJ have heard his voice, he decided that she would have to go first. It might also be because he considers KJ as the weakest despite her bravado in front of him.

Thus, when JH called he took the opportunity to tip the bait to JH to see if he would take notice of his words about returning a photo. Cos if JH didn't realise it, KJ will die. I also think TG thinks of JH as an opponent that he can't just treat like the others. Yes, he was fascinated with KJ, and I also think he thinks KJ is easily manageable as his other victims in contrast to JH. But it was JH who provokes him by calling him names e.g. pathetic psychopath. Perhaps he will use KJ to trap JH so that the crime will be on JH's hand. Scary thought if that's how the series will end.

Corruptions and power hungers of those in the public service especially law enforcements are indeed depressing. When these people are acting like gangster without any conscience and know they will get away with it, what hope do we have for a better system? A better future?

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@40somethingahjumma @bebebisous33 I think differently about DS. I really was hoping that he isn't the mole, but now that we know I have to blame him. I'm really angry that he betrays JH. DS killed a lot of people passively just because he was revealing everything to MTG. Sure he has a sick father, but I don't think the father would appreciate how he behaves. DS is responsible for the death of NST and certainly for many others aswell. NST could have ended all this. DS is the one who knew all the time who killed JH's wife, he saw JH pain, struggle and didn't do anything. He was his best friend and fooled him.  

Dae Shik was also the person who called JH in the first episode telling him that his wife was found dead. He called him, knowing who murdered her. He acted from the first episode, reporting each step from JH. He has to pay for his betrayal, I really liked him where he was a buddy, but now he's just another corrupt cop that need to get rid of. It will hit JH hard, but sometimes you can't choose whom to bite next. 

11 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

That last 15 minutes of 14 was quite insane. All these three different threads going on simultaneously was keeping me on the edge of seat the entire time. It was obvious from even before the bus driver got on that bus, that entire situation was a ticking time bomb. Sadly, it doesn't seem like MTG will get his just desserts yet (I mean with 2 more episodes to go, how can he?) but it occurs to me that it might be better to take the father down first before taking the son down because the father is the one with the clout. I had thought that there was no way anyone could handcuff MTG and put him behind bars. His father has got prosecutors and cops in his pocket. They'd have to shoot MTG dead first. BUT... BUT... if the father were to be brought down by a scandal first and lose his influence, his ability to protect his son would be lessened.

I don't think both are going down. It will be either MTG or Chairman Mo, but I'm pretty sure that one of them will be unharmed at the end. And right now, I'm pretty sure this will be Chairman Mo, he will lose a lot of power and influence, no doubt about that, maybe even his whole company will crumble, but he won't be charged for his crimes. MTG instead will either die or rot in prison, I don't know which solution I prefer right now.

Sometimes I think that MTG could even turn against his own father.

6 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@dhakra -- I certainly hope that it is a mind-blowing finale that you're waiting for. At the very least I hope this ending does the entire series justice. Nothing worse than a tepid ending to a show that's hurled us from one crisis to the next. 

It should be fun at the very least. :D 

Yes, I agree that 14 felt for the most part like set up for 15 and 16. But that's pretty much the pattern for this show practically from Day 1. :D

Well, the pace slowed down significantly during the course of the last episodes, so I'm awating nothing less than mind-blowing. It all felt like preparation. I agree with you on your previous post that the last 15minutes of ep14 were insane. They shifted up to a next gear and finally we're heading towards finale. 

6 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, I have been wondering who blackmailed chief Jang. Is it really DS? Who set up chief Jang in the end? The girl JS disappeared. If so, why did DS lie to JH about his discovery? Because it was clear that at some point, his lie would be revealed. 

I also fear that DS might die in the process... as a sacrifice for his wrongdoings. He has always felt guilty. I find JH's reaction interesting: "Get focus on Sunw. Express". To me, he indirectly told him that he knew. MJH was very calm as he knows DS well enough. The fact he touched his hand underlines his trust in him. After the discovery about chief Jang, MJH got aware that Jang and DS are just tools used by the real villains.

This could be indeed a solution. He feels guilty, but he chose that path and has to face the consequences. If he really dies in the process, I'm pretty sure because he sacrifices himself for JH to pay for his crimes. He would keep his face that way and show that he really feels sorry for JH. 

1 hour ago, miracle23 said:

Thus, when JH called he took the opportunity to tip the bait to JH to see if he would take notice of his words about returning a photo. Cos if JH didn't realise it, KJ will die. I also think TG thinks of JH as an opponent that he can't just treat like the others. Yes, he was fascinated with KJ, and I also think he thinks KJ is easily manageable as his other victims in contrast to JH. But it was JH who provokes him by calling him names e.g. pathetic psychopath. Perhaps he will use KJ to trap JH so that the crime will be on JH's hand. Scary thought if that's how the series will end.

I still think that KJ wasn't in danger at all during the scene. Even if JH didn't realise what was going on, the pure intention of MTG visit was to play with her and satisfying his own sexual tendencies. When JH arrived, pretty much everything was already over. Killing KJ like that wouldn't be his style, for MTG KJ isn't just another victim, he's obsessed with her, she's the cherry on top of his list. He would celebrate his murder of her, and psychopaths like him need a stage to show their supremacy. Especially since it would be a warning and message towards JH. 

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@dhakra About DS: in my opinion, he didn't betray JH because of his sick father (bills). He was just blackmailed like Jang in the end. It was even worse because DS did nothing morally wrong in the first place. From my point of view, his father as bus driver from S Express became the scapegoat for the hit and run arranged by the prosecutor in order to explain the death of KGJ's father. Don't forget that his death was declared as a victim of hit and run. Notice that DS' father mentioned it and DS got scared, when his father told him that he wanted to thank JH for his help. DS had lied to his father: JH had helped him so that he wasn't condemned as a criminal for Hit and run.

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6 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

MTG is too smug for his own good. His amorality has been aided and abetted by others. His father, NST and the corrupt cops that dance to their tune. I suppose he sees himself untouchable by the plebs which is why he's able to saunter into the police station with confidence. If he wins, then it seems that money and power triumphs over justice

@40somethingahjumma  I applaud you because it's so true for him to think he's untouchable, I like the fact that JH will continue to play on that to get him to act out MTG has no intention of harming JH he just feels the need to harm the people around him will serve it's purpose for him.. So calling MTG the psycho that he is really push a button with him as it showed all over his face in the police station because he did give himself away.. 

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24 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@dhakra About DS: in my opinion, he didn't betray JH because of his sick father (bills). He was just blackmailed like Jang in the end. It was even worse because DS did nothing morally wrong in the first place. From my point of view, his father as bus driver from S Express became the scapegoat for the hit and run arranged by the prosecutor in order to explain the death of KGJ's father. Don't forget that his death was declared as a victim of hit and run. Notice that DS' father mentioned it and DS got scared, when his father told him that he wanted to thank JH for his help. DS had lied to his father: JH had helped him so that he wasn't condemned as a criminal for Hit and run.

I am sorry in advance. I dont quite understand with your opinion. Please let me to ask. I did remember that KJ's father's death was declared as hit-and-run? But sure i can't remember who was the culprit or who was became the scapegoat of that case. By reading your post, So you predict that DS's father was that person? Right? So, that means JH knew all along that DS's father is the driver of hit-and-run accident that caused KJ's father's death? If it happened that way, why he (DS) got scared of S.Express? S.Express has betrayed him (his father) Why is he willingly to help them? And if JH and KJ can prove MTG's crime, his father will be declared innocent? So there is no point to betray JH. I mean, if 1) JH already knew that her wife and KJ's father were killed by the same killer, 2) DS's father was the suspect of that hit-run 3 years ago, 3) All the evidences pointed that cases had some relations to S. Express, I think there is no way that JH didnt sense something about DS/his father and didnt ask DS's father for further explanation about that night accident.

The last bus accident might be a way to get Mo family. They poorly maintain their bus that led that accident happened. Maybe we also will get more information about it from DS's father since he was once as S. Express's driver. 

And Mo junior/MTG, he is totaly crazy. He is a crazy guy on the next level for sure, monster. Even from the young age he has been act that way. Because of power and money, he believed that he can put himself as God, who decided someone life and death. He did enjoy the killing, collected his victim's belonging as a present, even he saved Madam Jang's body in his room. OMG. But the crazier person than him is his father. He just closed his eyes and ears, and acts like nothing happened. 

NST's death. I do think it was strange that they simply ruled it as suicide. There is no trace of self defense on his hand because he already half conscious - MTG strangled him with rope first. But is it possible to climb on the tree that high after being stabbed? 

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4 hours ago, dhakra said:

@40somethingahjumma @bebebisous33 I think differently about DS. I really was hoping that he isn't the mole, but now that we know I have to blame him. I'm really angry that he betrays JH. DS killed a lot of people passively just because he was revealing everything to MTG. Sure he has a sick father, but I don't think the father would appreciate how he behaves. DS is responsible for the death of NST and certainly for many others aswell. NST could have ended all this. DS is the one who knew all the time who killed JH's wife, he saw JH pain, struggle and didn't do anything. He was his best friend and fooled him.  

Dae Shik was also the person who called JH in the first episode telling him that his wife was found dead. He called him, knowing who murdered her. He acted from the first episode, reporting each step from JH. He has to pay for his betrayal, I really liked him where he was a buddy, but now he's just another corrupt cop that need to get rid of. It will hit JH hard, but sometimes you can't choose whom to bite next. 

I don't think Dae Shik sees himself as a betrayer. In his mind this is the best solution he's come to that will keep both his father and JH safe. Those are his priorities. He may or may not know who Ji Hye's killer is depending on who he's dealing with, or who his handler turns out to be. In all probability the truth behind Ji Hye's death isn't known to him and if it is, it's not actually a priority in the scheme of things. He may consider that it's his job to protect the living than get justice for the dead. 

With DS I'm trying to reconcile the exceeding devotion with succumbing to bribery. I doubt that either myself or @bebebisous33 is condoning what he's done. I certainly don't because he is perpetuating the power stranglehold of the Mo empire in law enforcement. But I'm trying to understand where he's coming from because I don't see him as someone whose sinning because he's actually enjoying it. Most people in this show aren't. Not even Commissioner Bae. He can't even enjoy his position or flaunt it because he's not his own man. And dare I say it, not even the chairman who is constantly on edge because of his psychopathic son.

Speaking of Commissioner Bae, I think I saw a spark of humanity in him when GJ confronted him in the corridor. Previously he came across as a caricature of a power bureaucrat who throws his weight around. In the latest episode, however, I saw a flicker of helplessness and resignation. The acting was very good there. He's been so compromised that he can't fight the Mo machinery. I think even he understood the value of the Golden Time team but when his master barks his orders, he has to do his bidding.

More than putting the baddies behind bars, someone needs to break the stranglehold of the Mo family over the police organization and political landscape. It's been pernicious to say the least.

Still I would never excuse any of these people from the consequences of where their choices have led them because everyone needs to be held responsible for their own actions. Satan may tempt but in the end, it's individuals that succumb and they pay the price.

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@Mayyes No, I believe, you misunderstood me. About the hit and run: from the start, KGJ claimed that her father had witnessed the killing of HJH's wife and was killed by the same killer. However, the authorities denied her declarations and stipulated that he had been a victim of a hit and run. But a hit and run means that the culprit left the place without calling the authorities. So his identity remained anonymous. My theory is that since the father mentioned a hit and run and JH had helped him (based on DS' testimony), this must be related to the death of KGJ's father. Moreover, the fact that JH had no idea that DS' father was working for S Express underlines that JH had been left in the dark all this time: DS' father involved in a hit and run case. In my opinion, what happened is simple: DS was blackmailed due to his father... they falsified evidences and blamed him for a hit and run. The father could only claim his innocence but since the people worked for Mo and for the authorities, they could bring any evidence they wanted... DS was forced to cooperate... the driver of the hit and run would remain anonymous, if DS helped to tamper evidences and make sure that JH doesn't question the investigation. IF not, his father would be charged as the culprit for the hit and run. Okay, that's my theory... the reason is simple. Why did DS freak out, when his father called him and later asked him to bring JH so that he could thank him? then the fact he mentioned a hit and run and he was in trouble!! This is no coincidence in my opinion. All this would also explain why DS feels so guilty.

But DS had no idea who was behind the murder... How could he imagine that MTG was behind it? When he was blackmailed... he had no idea who really killed JH's wife and KGJ's father. Important is to know who is his contact... so far, they only speak over the phone!   

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