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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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"Kim Sohyeon doesn't look as pretty as she did in her cameo in goblin, it's such a pity! She looked so beautiful and elegant as the queen there, I wish she would always be so pretty. "

Well, can you explain us how pretty is define for you? Because if putting an hair ornament as massive as in Goblin is going to make her pretty I pass. Specially if she is not royal.

What did you watch on her character on Monarch, make up, clothes and hair that did you not like?


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23 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

you mean the crazy girl who caused the death of Lee Sun's father only to find our Crown Prince?!! soor but I HATE HER!! :rage: she's a big delusional!! she can be of use to him (she can make her grandfather believe that communer Lee Sun is the real Crown Prince) but she's to be feared at every step!! 

:rolleyes:...she is annoying 

I was so happy when her smile was erased at the street by CP when he passed her without noticing :D...though its not nearly enough for what she caused :angry:

18 hours ago, ferily said:

-peeks in here- Oh hi there... Hi, haha.. I heard that the first two episodes of this drama is really good so far! I am so tempted to start watching this drama, but I don't know if I can afford to watch an ongoing drama because of all my school work :bawling: 

Hi chingu :)...don't want to take you away from your duties...but it would be nice if you join...so far drama is really promising

15 hours ago, charlotte0303 said:

L exceeds everyone's expectation. i recall he never get a really good review from his past dramas. well, I don't expect much from an idol but he is good here. love the main casts, love the chemistry and love the OST. 

I like him...a love all 4 of them...even second female lead though her character is most annoying so far

10 hours ago, soso2094 said:

I just finished watching the episodes and really loved Kim So Hyun's performance as Ga Eun. Her acting is so mature even though she's only 17/18 and I like that she's not trying to be too cute like other actresses.

Yeah her acting is always good...here and all her work i've seen before..

As an young girl she does look a bit to mature....i understand our guy when he said on press conference he felt like she was noona like even though she's younger then him...and...there is always something sad in her eyes even though she's smiling...wonder why

23 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

he's so adorable :wub: I think the romance will go little by little with Ga Eun not knowing that Chun Soo is actually the Crown Prince and him filled with guilt not being able to act on his feelings as he wish for and the way I see it things will start falling apart from next episode with our Crown Prince telling his father about Pyunsoo Group and their missdeeds and how he instracted Ga Eun's father to investigate them and the King will order his death to protect him from them and show it as the Crown Prince is the one doing the killing to make sure they won't touch his son!! and I'm supper mad at the King already!! he wants his son to be a great king but he's dragging him into the hole he's in!! how will people see the Crown Prince as their hope when he's making him look like a rutheless Crown Prince?!! :rage: 

Who? :tongue:

I'm still mad at his father for making bad promise and alliance in the past...killing innocent people who've seen CP through the years can't be justified by his love for his son...really hope he'll start to help his son for a change :rolleyes:

@Era Ferawati i loved that lightening bugs scene 2 :wub:...tnx for pics :wub:...loved how CP was looking at our girl ...and she back at him :wub:...and i was mad at other guy at the same time, he loves her too, and he started to look at her but when she turned to him he looked down :angry:...why???...he missed his chance...another friend who'll wait till its to late??? :rolleyes:

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jSLwFIU.png        TC4Dszh.jpg

                      Ruler: Master of the Mask                                                                       Goblin


Just so we have a reference for comparison. She's a beautiful actress, but maybe the makeup artists were more skilled in Goblin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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13 minutes ago, MadraRua said:

Just so we have a reference for comparison. She's a beautiful actress, but maybe the makeup artists were more skilled in Goblin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




On this personally, I think the Goryeo period era fashion is more flattering. She looked really beautiful in Goblin in every outfit and her makeup was very simple. I think they were trying to go for a more innocent/young look in Ruler and I found the makeup very similar in Goblin but the difference is in the hairstyling and clothing. IMO Joseon fashion is kind of plain compared to the grand hairstyling, clothing and luxurious jewelry from the Goryeo period.



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35 minutes ago, MadraRua said:

                      Ruler: Master of the Mask                        Goblin

Just so we have a reference for comparison. She's a beautiful actress, but maybe the makeup artists were more skilled in Goblin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I see no difference...she is beautiful the same...but what is most important to me she's great actress though she's so young

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After watching the first 4 episodes I thought the introduction to this OTP was not only a beautiful sight but even more the actors themselves brought a glimmer of who they are in reality along with breathing life into their characters.  For it only takes a second to realize that each of them brings something to the screen that others may not have been able to pull off.  By that I mean in just looking at them and also in knowing about each of them in real life from what I have read there is a shyness and sweetness and even gentleness in their behavior that is perfect for these roles.  They seem to be able to grasp what the characters should and could be feeling and they are both able to do it with a glance right through the eyes that are able to pierce not only our thoughts but that move quickly to our hearts....

I think the writing is good but I think the acting is even better!!!!  I love how the Crown Prince is direct and fearless at least when it comes to speaking not only his mind but his heart as well.  Love at first sight.  I believe he would raise his hand and say done I fell for her right away.  And who wouldn't she is not only beautiful and graceful she is soft and tender and just watching them already makes you know their chemistry is going to work..

It was good to see the King his father although he has made mistakes in his past be a King who isn't like a lot of Kings we so often see in historicals who care more about power and greed than anything or anyone else.  I was pleased to see him act more like a real Father or parent who loves their child more and wants them to be better than they ever could be and protect him until he is able to protect himself.

 For he wants so much more for his son.  Not to be a King like himself who has suffered, who is a puppet tied up by others ideas and strings and forced to be someone he isn't.  I love this Quote " If you do not endure your pain and try your hardest.  You will never attain true FREEDOM....

credit to original owners of photos...

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1 hour ago, zagigirl said:

:rolleyes:...she is annoying 

I was so happy when her smile was erased at the street by CP when he passed her without noticing :D...though its not nearly enough for what she caused :angry:


Who? :tongue:

I'm still mad at his father for making bad promise and alliance in the past...killing innocent people who've seen CP through the years can't be justified by his love for his son...really hope he'll start to help his son for a change :rolleyes:

@Era Ferawati i loved that lightening bugs scene 2 :wub:...tnx for pics :wub:...loved how CP was looking at our girl ...and she back at him :wub:...and i was mad at other guy at the same time, he loves her too, and he started to look at her but when she turned to him he looked down :angry:...why???...he missed his chance...another friend who'll wait till its to late??? :rolleyes:


I get mad only at the sight of her smile and doing nothing else!! :rage: 

oh yeah, I loved that slap too!! :naughty: 

hhhhhhhh :tongue: 

wanting to protect the Crown Prince so he become a great King for the people is a good thing but killing those innocent people in return makes his plan completely wrong!! how can he be a great King when his father is killing those same people he's supposed to protect and help?!! and when/if he will start helping our Crown Prince it will be better than never but too late since he'll throw a mountain of guilt under his son's shoulders by then!! :( 

yeah!! :rolleyes: but don't think he ever had a chance though!! Ga Eun always saw his as a friend but nothing more though she knew him for too long and knew our Crown Prince for one day!! :wink: 

9 hours ago, paperboat04 said:


My apologies chingu sakura2016, please forgive me.  hahaha I changed my mind.  I rewatched the episodes lastnight and I just realized how Yandere the second lead girl is. (I watched the episode 3&4 without subtitles that's why I don't understand some of the scenes) lol I guess I taken to like her at first because her character seems unique to me. I ship the OTP. lol

I hope she won't hurt Ga Eun.


it's ok chingu no need to appologise!! :D good thing you realised her true hateful nature!! 

I hope so though I can see her doing that without blinking an eye!! :rage: 


53May 13, 2017

Ruler–Master of the Mask: Episodes 3-4

by hanshimi


I love it. With its quick pace, strong ideals, and delightful characters, I’m certain Ruler—Master of the Mask is going to be one heckuva fun ride, despite the occasional potholes of plotholes and dips of dubious acting in the road. Because when you’ve got Yoo Seung-ho guiding you, it feels like you can never get lost… except maybe in his eyes.

Humor aside, I did find these episodes to be much better than the first two, which were filled with more setup than plot movement. Despite my initial disappointments in the pilot episodes, I think this show has many more strengths than weaknesses. And anyway, two conflicted heroes fighting over a cool-headed heroine with genuine emotional weight to their actions? Be still, my heart.



read here: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/05/ruler-master-of-the-mask-episodes-3-4/


sorry couldn't be more active and still have many pages to back read!! :blink: but thank you all for all your posts in advance!! :wub: 

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4 hours ago, MadraRua said:

            Ruler: Master of the Mask                                                                       Goblin


Just so we have a reference for comparison. She's a beautiful actress, but maybe the makeup artists were more skilled in Goblin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Her makeup is brighter in Goblin. As royalty and kings love, she definitely needed to be bright and beautiful. 

For Ruler, the makeup artiste was likely told to give her make-up as a girl living in times where there's suffering and poverty. Though her father is an assistant magistrate, her work in the poverty zone makes no sense for her to be decked out in bright colors.

Honestly... I think KSH is hard carrying the look. It's fortunate she is such a pretty girl. She literally has clean makeup in the show relying just on mascara and minimal liner to provide brightness to her eyes. That lipstick color - mixture of brownish red lipliner and a flat pink lipstick will make anyone look sickly and terrible.


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@sakura2016 thanks for posting the link to hanshimi's awesome recap on Dramabeans.

Thanks to everyone for updates, observations, analyses on the drama.  More please, thank you :)

I am so impressed by the acting of Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun, and wish "Ruler" will continue to do well for their sake (and of course for the sake of my bias - here's hoping his OST will continue to be played for more episodes  :))


Meanwhile for people who like Hwang Chi Yeul and who may not know this ... 


there is a strong possibility he is appearing on today's episode of "King of Masked Singer"!   Which is why @nonski thank you again for your kindness and thoughtfulness. :)




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After reading recaps, I have finally watched ep.4. coz it seems like I can still handle the happenings. I think I will just do so from now on, watch after reading. That way I can prepare my heart better for what's to come.

Urgh I can't stand that HG character. So delusional. By her standing in the middle of the street smiling towards the prince, she expects the prince to recognize her, remember her and be all friendly to her? "Hey, you look familiar. Have we met before?" O please girl. It was just a brief few minutes, one-time-only interaction, and he was anxiously trying so hard to get rid of you from his sight and side. If not, he would probably remember you as the rude trespasser who shouted orders to pot away some plants that don't even belong to you, or for sale. Don't you remember he was angry and shouting at you when you guys parted?.... *rolleyes*..... Having said that, I dig her costume so much tho'. Lovely bright purplish blue. And also that still when they first met-- CP covering her mouth against a pillar. Very well-shot, beautiful and dreamy. (Why??? PD-nim, why?) I don't have problem with the actress' acting, just the character. But I guess we do need her role for the dramatics in store. I really, really hope she will not cause more problems in future. I'd rather see the four of them work together to bring down the PSH, and it seems like we do need someone from the inside in order to effectively bring it down. Btw, I think Gon, might be nursing an affection for her...? His character is still a big question mark since he hardly talk, but I somehow find his character is more important than CP's best friend. (Sorry haven't memorized his name)

I wonder what direction the show is trying to take in terms of the tone. Because in ep.4, even a simple scene of hesitation by the official, whether or not to submit his record of investigation, was made comical. Will we still see this kind of light tone sometimes, somewhere in future episodes? If so, then maybe the melo/angst will not be that full force in the show?

The character description said GE will marry the CP and become Queen? Which CP will she marry? The real one of the stand-in? Coz it seems that the stand-in CP will be around for rather long period of time, and judging by the red garb, become the King.

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5 hours ago, Berou said:

 Let me share one of the old informative posts of @gerrytan8063 :

Some of you are curious about Lee Sun commoner's role, i went back reading the thread and dug in to find the old/first infos about him that were leaked


Wow this is exactly what I was thinking how L's character is going to develop. In the teaser, he has become the king with that brutal gaze...


I also think he will go through the same process as the current king has been to: join Pyunsoo group, make the current king being killed to become the next king,...

Also, I know it's late but I just notice that it's Crown Prince who directly executes Gaeun's dad, and the one behind the mask is Chung Woon. No wonder why Gaeun wants to revenge on the Crown Prince.


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10 minutes ago, wingki13 said:

Wow this is exactly what I was thinking how L's character is going to develop. In the teaser, he has become the king with that malicious gazes.

I also think he will go through the same process as the current king has been to: join Pyunsoo group, make the current king being killed to become the next king,...

Also, I know it's late but I just notice that it's Crown Prince who directly executes Gaeun's dad, and the one behind the mask is Chung Woon. No wonder why Gaeun wants to revenge on the Crown Prince.

How can you tell it was CW behind the mask? First pic may pass looking like CW, but the second pic, the gritting of teeth is clearly CP's.

I sure hope LS will not join the PSH, because they are the ones who directly killed his father. The CP may indirectly caused the death of his father, but he has promised to seek revenge for him. I hope LS will stay righteous even though I don't mind seeing him struggling which direction to take because of his status/background and opportunities presented to him.

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4 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

How can you tell it was CW behind the mask? First pic may pass looking like CW, but the second pic, the gritting of teeth is clearly CP's.

I sure hope LS will not join the PSH, because they are the ones who directly killed his father. The CP may indirectly caused the death of his father, but he has promised to seek revenge for him. I hope LS will stay righteous even though I don't mind seeing him struggling which direction to take because of his status/background and opportunities presented to him.


You can watch the teaser again since 2 screencap pics won't show it clearly I think.

And of course, the CP is totally against that ideal of killing GE's dad. If he directly execute her dad despite being fully aware that's wrong and in front of her begging, well, I'm out lol

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37 minutes ago, wingki13 said:

You can watch the teaser again since 2 screencap pics won't show it clearly I think.

And of course, the CP is totally against that ideal of killing GE's dad. If he directly execute her dad despite being fully aware that's wrong and in front of her begging, well, I'm out lol

The scenes are changing so fast, I can't really tell.

True on your second point. It would be of character for him to rebel against the order to execute if there is one. I sure hope it wasn't really him, and just a display purposely created to warn the people of CP's power, that it was all a misunderstanding by GE... Man, if I were the CP and having executed her father, I would not have the cheek to seek out GE anymore, much less to expect a relationship with her.

Edit to add: As I rewatched the teasers, it is possible that CP is the one executing GE's father. Because the father asked him to be strong, and he was protesting and screaming so painfully, in his room? as well as when wielding the sword.

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1 hour ago, wingki13 said:


Wow this is exactly what I was thinking how L's character is going to develop. In the teaser, he has become the king with that brutal gaze...

I also think he will go through the same process as the current king has been to: join Pyunsoo group, make the current king being killed to become the next king,...

Also, I know it's late but I just notice that it's Crown Prince who directly executes Gaeun's dad, and the one behind the mask is Chung Woon. No wonder why Gaeun wants to revenge on the Crown Prince.


Great observation. The guy executing gaeuns dad is definitely not YSH. Either Chung Woon or maybe even L. Made to prove he is a loyal subject to the king. After all we know CP will be bringing him back to the palace. I think the pleading scene will take place concurrently with the execution. CP locked in by his father while someone else is tasked to masquerade him to finish the job

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