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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, people. 

Just dropping to say I love this couple. :D

It's too bad I watched the drama later than you all and couldn't join you in celebrating this couple.

I've skimmed through this thread; while it's unfortunate that there were some overeager and not as experienced shippers, I enjoyed everyone spazzing and enjoying themselves. That's what shipping is about.


Although I will caveat that I'm equal opportunity shipper and shipped Wang Wook with HS too before SoSoo couple won me over. :sweatingbullets: I've come to appreciate both Lee Joon Gi and IU/Lee Ji Eun, both individually and together. They're both talented and I think these two people are well worth shipping, regardless of the end. :blush: They both made me love their character and them; that's something to be thankful for. I don't think I've loved a character from a drama as much as I loved them. That speaks volumes about how good they were (and I choose to believe that there were also bits [perhaps even a large part] of themselves in the character that they portrayed). And this is where shipping comes in. :D;)


By the way, I saw this FMV of Scarlet Heart and Hotel Del Luna and wanted to share it with you all. I loved the scene where Jang Man Wol dressed in historical dress. 


As final word from fellow shipper and someone who has been casual but long time fan of IU, so far as I can recall, the way IU treats LJG is something that I've never seen from her and that is speaking volumes. 

And of course, I as a shipper choose to believe that they're special to each other. Hopefully, romantically. 

Well, need to prepare for bed soon. Night.



Edited by GuppyFish
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On 12/9/2019 at 7:06 PM, GuppyFish said:

Olá pessoas. 

Apenas caindo para dizer que eu amo esse casal. : D

É uma pena que eu assisti o drama depois de todos vocês e não pude acompanhá-lo na celebração desse casal.

Eu passei por esse tópico; embora seja lamentável que houvesse alguns carregadores excessivamente ansiosos e não tão experientes, eu gostei de todos se divertindo e se divertindo. É disso que se trata o envio.


Embora eu faça ressalvas de que sou remetente de oportunidades iguais e enviei Wang Wook com HS também antes do casal SoSoo me conquistar. : sweatbullets: Apreciei tanto Lee Joon Gi como IU / Lee Ji Eun, individualmente e juntos. Ambos são talentosos e acho que vale a pena transportar essas duas pessoas, independentemente do fim. :corar: Ambos me fizeram amar o caráter deles e deles; isso é algo para agradecer. Eu não acho que eu amei um personagem de um drama tanto quanto eu os amava. Isso fala muito sobre como eles eram bons (e eu escolho acreditar que também havia pedaços [talvez até uma grande parte] de si mesmos no personagem que eles retrataram). E é aí que entra a remessa. : D;)


A propósito, eu vi esse FMV de Scarlet Heart e Hotel Del Luna e queria compartilhar com todos vocês. Adorei a cena em que Jang Man Wol se vestia com roupas históricas. 


Como palavra final do colega remetente e de alguém que foi casual, mas fã de IU por muito tempo, até onde me lembro, a maneira como a IU trata o LJG é algo que eu nunca vi nela e que está falando muito. 

E, é claro, eu, como remetente, escolho acreditar que eles são especiais um para o outro. Felizmente, romanticamente. 

Bem, precisa se preparar para a cama em breve. Noite.



Hi chingu. welcome, your words comfort me with hope for UI, knowing that an old UI fan knows her well and something I've never seen in her, I get more hopeful.  I think the senders from Joonu have the bed ready, good big news coming.:love:

Edited by LavelyShai
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4 hours ago, melinda tampa said:

Hi, I new be here, I lurking here for avile, same  I waiting for some good news.


You, me, and everyone else.

Well, turning on my delusional shipper hat on, what do you think of IU's new song "Outside of Time"? 


Note at 0.06 mark, that it has IU and Jieun e on it. She's starting to use Jieun more. I think it's probably delusional but I can see our ship here in the lyrics. :lol: It's all just wishful thinking on my part. But we can still use our imagination to our quench  our thirst for this ship.

Here's a reaction video made by these two Korean guys who do a good job of interpreting the MV. 

By the way, check out their reaction to Blueming. There are crumbs there for us too.

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On 12/11/2019 at 11:27 AM, GuppyFish said:


Você, eu e todo mundo.

Bem, ligando meu chapéu de remetente delirante, o que você acha da nova música da IU "Outside of Time"? 


Observe na marca 0,06, que possui IU e Jieun e. Ela está começando a usar Jieun mais. Eu acho que é provavelmente ilusório, mas eu posso ver nosso navio aqui nas letras. :ri muito: É tudo apenas uma ilusão da minha parte. Mas ainda podemos usar nossa imaginação para saciar nossa sede por este navio.

Aqui está um vídeo de reação feito por esses dois coreanos que fazem um bom trabalho de interpretação do MV. 

A propósito, confira a reação deles ao Blueming. Também existem migalhas para nós.

Yes, there are many crumbs:P like "our color is gray and blue":love:

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There's also the fact that IU stated that she called JG to ask him to go on Knowing Brothers together. Those episodes (ep 150 - 151) are gold mine for shippers. I'll backtrack and see if you sharp eyed people found something to ship over.

By the way, here's the eng sub of the episode: http://kshow123.net/show/knowing-brother/episode-150.html (both episodes are there)

Delusional shipper musings starting:


My delusional self wants to think that our SoSoo couple have moved from initial friend/feeling each other out stage to something more and knowing brothers was one of the ways to get everyone more comfortable seeing the two together. That's why Blueming brought such a smile to my face. It perfectly fits what my imagination has dreamed up. :sweatingbullets: Although perhaps the Blueming phase of their relationship may have happened a while ago since IU's work is not necessarily in chronological order. Plus the fact that she chose Blueming as title song says something.


And like someone on here stated, that show was LJG's (king's) way of staking claim since there are many boys/men who are expressing interest in his queen. I didn't pay too much attention but there was a section in Knowing Bro when one of the guys asked why JG held JE's hand during their intro and he said they've already held hand and everything (in the drama). That was some putting the stakes in the ground move the JG. Very smoothly done. I have to go back and refresh my memory on this but that's what I recall.


I am really addicted to this couple. I think the only time the couple will come forth and announce anything is if they're ready for marriage or they get caught by Dispatch. Although I notice that most couple getting caught by Dispatch never really have a good ending. So there's hope for us all. 



at 22:45 -22:49 mark where one guy tells her to call him if she is looking/needs something like the honey snack. LJ's smile is not a smile. Wonder why. :relieved:





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On 12/14/2019 at 3:25 PM, GuppyFish said:


There's also the fact that IU stated that she called JG to ask him to go on Knowing Brothers together. Those episodes (ep 150 - 151) are gold mine for shippers. I'll backtrack and see if you sharp eyed people found something to ship over.

By the way, here's the eng sub of the episode: http://kshow123.net/show/knowing-brother/episode-150.html (both episodes are there)

Delusional shipper musings starting:

  Hide contents

My delusional self wants to think that our SoSoo couple have moved from initial friend/feeling each other out stage to something more and knowing brothers was one of the ways to get everyone more comfortable seeing the two together. That's why Blueming brought such a smile to my face. It perfectly fits what my imagination has dreamed up. :sweatingbullets: Although perhaps the Blueming phase of their relationship may have happened a while ago since IU's work is not necessarily in chronological order. Plus the fact that she chose Blueming as title song says something.


And like someone on here stated, that show was LJG's (king's) way of staking claim since there are many boys/men who are expressing interest in his queen. I didn't pay too much attention but there was a section in Knowing Bro when one of the guys asked why JG held JE's hand during their intro and he said they've already held hand and everything (in the drama). That was some putting the stakes in the ground move the JG. Very smoothly done. I have to go back and refresh my memory on this but that's what I recall.


I am really addicted to this couple. I think the only time the couple will come forth and announce anything is if they're ready for marriage or they get caught by Dispatch. Although I notice that most couple getting caught by Dispatch never really have a good ending. So there's hope for us all. 



at 22:45 -22:49 mark where one guy tells her to call him if she is looking/needs something like the honey snack. LJ's smile is not a smile. Wonder why. :relieved:




at 22:45 -22:49 mark where one guy tells her to call him if she is looking/needs something like the honey snack. LJ's smile is not a smile. Wonder why. 

Chingu I did not understand can you explain?


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Look at his hand/finger movement on the table. Me thinks he's not happy with that ex baseball player (?) who told JE/IU to call him if she needs anything. :D That is a man who felt annoyed.

I think there's more. I also felt that JG was genuinely interested in what IU was sharing during the questions portion too. 

Around 33:34, if you listen when JE talks about My Mister and saying there is a lot of running scenes, there's a faint "maja" and it sounds like JK. I think he may have watched that drama. 


Well, if nothing else, this couple brings a big smile to my face. Kudos to our couple for that.

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38 minutes ago, GuppyFish said:

@ e1b2j3


Veja o movimento da mão / dedo na mesa. Eu acha que ele não está feliz com aquele ex-jogador de beisebol (?) Que disse a JE / IU para ligar para ele, se ela precisar de alguma coisa. : D Esse é um homem que se sentiu irritado.

Eu acho que tem mais. Também senti que JG também estava genuinamente interessado no que a IU estava compartilhando durante a parte das perguntas. 

in fact there are so many topics that I noticed between JG and IU on the show, if I mention it here, I'll be all day:D. There are so many crumbs that came up with this program, especially when JG tries to touch it, and Jieun is not surprised by JG's abilities.  I felt that JG is also jealous, these are very obvious attitudes.

There are things that can't be said much here.:vicx:

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2 hours ago, e1b2j3 said:

in fact there are so many topics that I noticed between JG and IU on the show, if I mention it here, I'll be all day:D. There are so many crumbs that came up with this program, especially when JG tries to touch it, and Jieun is not surprised by JG's abilities.  I felt that JG is also jealous, these are very obvious attitudes.

There are things that can't be said much here.:vicx:


YES!!! Exactly. Too bad. This is the only place I can spazz over this couple. :bawling:

Let me know if you know of other good place. I wouldn't mind signing up like I did with Soompi to celebrate this couple.

I should probably head on over to IU page here too to see if there's been any movement. 

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4 minutes ago, GuppyFish said:


SIM!!! Exatamente. Que pena. Este é o único lugar que eu posso falar sobre esse casal. : berrando:

Deixe-me saber se você conhece outro bom lugar. Eu não me importaria de me inscrever como fiz com Soompi para celebrar esse casal.

Eu provavelmente deveria ir para a página da UI também aqui para ver se houve algum movimento. 

chingu.  As a new dispatcher, feel free to express how you feel and feel about the sosoo couple when I say things we can't talk about, because we're not sure of anything but feelings.  In the hope of one day ...Feel free:love::kiss_wink:

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4 hours ago, e1b2j3 said:

by the way my Instagram "Joongiiu" @GuppyFish


Thanks. I'll check it out although I don't have an instagram account.



gosh. I just checked it out and it's awesome. 

Only down side is that I need an instragram account. hahah


One more things. Check out episode 151 around 40:05-40:06 mark where he is acting with those plastic hammer and he finally hits that big guy who told JE/IU to call him anytime she needed anything. That hit sounded much stronger when hitting him. :joy:

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Ok folks. I saw something interesting.

There was a comment on youtube from one of the viewers and they wrote this:

우석이의 힘이 되줄께짤랑단! 네이버에서 시즌 2가 나왔으면 하는 드라마 투표 목록에서 달의 연인 있어요! 투표하세용 3등입니다 


Disregard the underlined. That's someone responding to a comment from that name that is underlined. That person asked for season 2 of SH/ML and another person responded by saying that there is Naver voting on which drama you wanted to have season 2 and that person stated that ML/SL was listed. That person said it was in 3rd place.

Unfortunately, that comment was 4 months old! :bawling:

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42 minutes ago, GuppyFish said:

Ok folks. I saw something interesting.

There was a comment on youtube from one of the viewers and they wrote this:

우석이의 힘이 되줄께짤랑단! 네이버에서 시즌 2가 나왔으면 하는 드라마 투표 목록에서 달의 연인 있어요! 투표하세용 3등입니다 


Disregard the underlined. That's someone responding to a comment from that name that is underlined. That person asked for season 2 of SH/ML and another person responded by saying that there is Naver voting on which drama you wanted to have season 2 and that person stated that ML/SL was listed. That person said it was in 3rd place.

Unfortunately, that comment was 4 months old! :bawling:

Chingu, I watch the knowing bros show several times, JG and IU are very close, to be friends, you as a long time fan of iu, know her very well:D:love:

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