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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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everyone already said what i wanted to says lolz...so i just gonna make it simple.

we just have to trust JG&JE equally and believing in them , they will not do something that will hurt either side because they cherish each other so much whatever their relationship is now. so whether or not our chants work let just enjoy being a shipper and of course keep chanting kkkk... :):wink: 

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Hey fellow shippers ...we will stand together as one team for our couple so no more hatred ... Lets just spread love coz we know our king JG and queen JE , we can trust them ...i know that deep in their hearts they understand each other . So just as Hae Soo said  .... FIGHTING...Joonu leeleecouple forever❤️

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Here is another similarity between JoonU.  Ironically they both dealt with fears that they had to over come and at about the same age.  Ji Eun was 24 - 25 with the water scene posted by @Joseph Lim see spoiler.

16 hours ago, Joseph Lim said:


It really is very sad when people criticize JE acting when they have know idea how hard and brave she was especially when she have to overcome her fear of water:bawling:


In the next spoiler is a section translated interview (see pg 468 posted 7/23/2006 by Seirin in LJG's thread) about LJG's fear of heights.  Also footage of  LJG BTS of Fly Daddy 2006 filming the rock climbing scene. Altho' he had a fear of heights, he too challenged himself to get through it. He too was around 24-25 yrs. old when filming this.

JoonU not only experienced their share of antis but they had so many other similar difficulties in their fast growing careers. LJG also struggled with insomnia when younger (24-25 yrs.) due to adjusting to all the negative comments made on SNS as well as many other issues that plagued him. We can just attribute this to the fact it's because they are famous. I believe with LJG having experienced so much of what LJE is living when at her age in his time that he is able to help her, understand her, and support her as she with him.  He once commented that good publicity or bad publicity it is publicity. That's one positive way of viewing or dealing with all the anti's. Fans felt back then (2006) what we feel right now (2017), that an artist is really successful and loved for anti's to throw bad or undesirable comments at them. That's just how good JoonU are. 


#3. Patient of fear of heights rock-climbs


Thanks to regular exercise, there was no difficulty in acting out action scenes. However, for the filming of the rock-climbing, there were some real hardships. His body had a rejecting reaction because of the use of muscles that he didn't normally use. Watching people rock-climb on TV, he thought that, 'All I have to do is hold on to the rocks and go up', but as it turned out, it wasn't that simple. "It was hard supporting myself with the power of my finger joints. I had to work hard to make myself look like a real rock-climbing professional."


In real life, he has a fear of heights that everytime he goes somewhere high up, he starts to tremble, but in the movie, he really wanted to act the part of 'SeungSuk'. Upon first receiving the scenario, he thought that the character 'SeungSuk' had as much pain as himself. "I felt that a made-up character lacking facial wounds would lessen the spirit. I had a lot of discussions with the director about the size of the wound. If it was too big, then it might come off as unlikeable. We must've discussed these things for almost a month (laugh)."


While filming <Fly Daddy>, he felt an unspeakable fear, but didn't let it on to anyone. This was because he didn't want to make everyone around him do more hard work just for him. Lee Junki has an opinion that as an actor, he should get through his fears, and right now, he's happier than anyone could be. "I don't want to be a star who shines and then disappears. I want to be a true actor who marks his place among the crowd."

credits to mentor, seirin, translations by taeyeonkat@lovejunki.net


[Sorry no Eng Sub]

Shippers be positive like JoonU and conquer any fears about our OTP. They are solid and their relationship has so much to grow on that whatever the outcome, they are good for each other as friends, colleagues or something more (I am wishing).  




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Now i only waiting for JE's full album to be released and the confirmation from LJG to joined with CM. Even though I more biased to JE, but I started to be LJG's fan since MLSHR. Bcs I found him not only as a handsome actor, but he's truly great person imo. I adore him so much. Honestly at the first time MLSHR aired I shipped JE with KHN, but then I betrayed my self and started shipping JE with JG until now and this is the first time I ship JE with her co.star so hard.

I dont know what's going on in this thread latetly, but I pray for both JE & JG for the best. Let God's hand playing with their fate. And let's keep chanting! :D


Be happy guys!!


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i myself too experienced sth bad in real life. I did all the nice understanding for my students but just too shocked to realize some said sth bad on my back to my boss. Good deed with bash in return is really a heart broken feeling. Truly understand that . While there had already too much misunderstanding n evil speech toward joonU, I really feel home n family here n enjoy every insights from all of you, every lil happiness you share here n that heal me from real life A LOT. Just like what joonU had done to us.

Let's just cheer up n be confident! I'm still depending on all telanted chingu here to save me from the umpatience while waiting for queen's second new song:)

Love U all, very much.

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omo...what happened? :huh:

guys, cheer up cheer up!

chill ok?

neomuhe TT neomuhe TT

all of u are so great with words. i always love to read everything. being excited and delighted with whatever shared here. :heart:

p/s dont leave JoonU please? we should watch their love story till the end

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Thanks, fellow Stargazers, for the kind responses to my post. I highly appreciate them all.

I am also glad that my message has been received and understood well.

I always regard this place as a safe 'haven' because out there, not everybody likes the idea of JoonU- neither hajunse nor uaena. Our friends have discussed this since a few days ago when there's this argument about Ji Eun's new MV. Our JoonU consists of Joon (Gi) + (I)U so we'll need to consider them both equally. Of course doubts, negative comments, criticisms, bashing, harassment and bullies will be an unavoidable part in their lives but to be honest, those things are not the ones I expect to see here since on other platforms both JG and JE have received some amount of dislikes already. Back then when we started to discuss about MEC, I recommended all of you to watch for a good reason, that is to get to know JG better. During his early conversation with PMY (Bunny Bunny), they talked about this issue of getting hateful comments and JG somewhat gave comfort to PMY who seemed to be quite hurt by such a thing. I do believe that all these times JG has been doing the same to JE, even in a much more intensive and private platform than a public variety show which is partly scripted like MEC. Please never disregard this and all other things mentioned by @akinahana89 in her post. Up to now, both in Korea and internationally, JG and JE are still being 'related' and all eyes are still curiously observing them. We have seen how simple, mindless comment on JG's IG after JE's breakup became a media scandal. We all have suffered the consequences. I hope this time the same drama won't happen again. They will never get the chance to nourish their friendships and feelings if the public pressure is too much, and their moderate shippers like the ones in this thread would be the ones I least expect to give this similar pressure.

Anyway, again, glad that there are still love and trust enough (especially concerning Joon Gi as his my first and foremost) for me to stay safely in this thread. You all can rest assure that if things don't turn out well for JoonU, I will never badmouth JE anywhere just because I'm not a Uaena. Bullies are not my thing and I trust JE enough.

I might not be able to lurk as often as these few days as I'm starting my postdoctoral training preparation early next month and have to concentrate on those boring research stuffs instead of the more fun JoonU crumbs.

For those of you who live in South East Asia and subscribe for tvN Asia Channel, Joon Gi's MEC episode will start this upcoming Friday (31st of March) and you can watch it with the preferable official subtitle. I will also look forward to JE's next pre-release song with Oh Hyuk. I like their collaboration before for 'Gondry' and 'Knee', too. If there's a crumb, that's sweet... if there's nothing, oh well, that's life.

I wish all of you well and I'll write something whenever I have the chance to lurk here again some time soon!

Stay safe and happy for JoonU :)

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And for fellow stargazers.. if you found out some negative comments at JG/JE's IG u can help to report the accounts just like I did yesterday when I found some negative comments that attacking JG with tagged his account at IG's comment tab. And I found out that those people are mostly the antis with fictitious accounts bcs there's no Profile Pict, name or even photos.

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hello again. a regular silent lurker here...

while we're on the topic of commenting on IG, I think I need to bring some awareness that despite the public personas they have built and put on display, these celebrities are also A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. They deserve to be treated with RESPECT. 

I came across some comments on the last LJG's IG post, 100% sure indonesian commenters. their comments made me cringed badly, as they said they're imagining their oppa performing sexual acts on them. I was like WTH... I know it's inevitable for celebs to have their so called fans to have sexual fantasies with them, and I believe these celebs also awares of it. but going to such extend to put indecent comments on their public IG is really beyond me. not only these immature hormonal surging fans are embarrasing themselves in public, they are also disrespectful to the celebs. maybe I am too oldfashioned, but I think such comments are similar to verbal molestation. 

I read somewhere that LJG enjoys reading comments on his social media platforms, just hope he didn't get someone translate those comments for him.

*okay, enough ranting...*

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5 hours ago, arshinwoo said:

I guess everyone's worry about JoonU's status now. Cheer up guys!  We already made it this far.  ☺

 Last night was the TV premiere of MLSHR in PH TV and it trended both nationwide and worldwide.  

First of all, I would like to congratulate for the MLSHR and the station who broadcast it for trending nationwide and worldwide. YEHEY!!! As expected from them. Secondly, thanks to our dear captain and starcandy0516 for the heartwarming "reminders" that some had forgot the things that they and we had been through. 

As for some people who are still in doubt, all I could say is, "we are not here to prove to you that they are an item. We are here because we are happy of these two." Be it separate or as together projects, we are still here. As I told you before, this is a "SHIP". And this ship is fast sailing. I think you forgot to buckle your seatbelts and vests. There are smooth and big waves ahead of us. Just believe in this ship because this will take us to a better land.:wink::D

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On 26 March 2017 at 0:35 AM, Desvlo said:

Our minds are in sync with each other chingu. They should just get married already, ninja style. :ph34r:

Hello @Desvlo! Oh! I like your idea. They should really get marry but not ninja style. Because they need us as maid of honor, bridesmaids , ring bearer and so on... Oh yeah! Witnesses. Of course, they need our ideas for the said event. We are going to ask the captain if the wedding is ready, if not, when will it be? I have such a wild imaginations.:D

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1 hour ago, soereey said:

hello again. a regular silent lurker here...

while we're on the topic of commenting on IG, I think I need to bring some awareness that despite the public personas they have built and put on display, these celebrities are also A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. They deserve to be treated with RESPECT. 

I came across some comments on the last LJG's IG post, 100% sure indonesian commenters. their comments made me cringed badly, as they said they're imagining their oppa performing sexual acts on them. I was like WTH... I know it's inevitable for celebs to have their so called fans to have sexual fantasies with them, and I believe these celebs also awares of it. but going to such extend to put indecent comments on their public IG is really beyond me. not only these immature hormonal surging fans are embarrasing themselves in public, they are also disrespectful to the celebs. maybe I am too oldfashioned, but I think such comments are similar to verbal molestation. 

I read somewhere that LJG enjoys reading comments on his social media platforms, just hope he didn't get someone translate those comments for him.

*okay, enough ranting...*

Hello there! Welcome to this SHIP!:D

Just like you, I am still conservative when it comes to those kind of things.:blush:

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2 hours ago, soereey said:

hello again. a regular silent lurker here...

while we're on the topic of commenting on IG, I think I need to bring some awareness that despite the public personas they have built and put on display, these celebrities are also A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. They deserve to be treated with RESPECT. 

I came across some comments on the last LJG's IG post, 100% sure indonesian commenters. their comments made me cringed badly, as they said they're imagining their oppa performing sexual acts on them. I was like WTH... I know it's inevitable for celebs to have their so called fans to have sexual fantasies with them, and I believe these celebs also awares of it. but going to such extend to put indecent comments on their public IG is really beyond me. not only these immature hormonal surging fans are embarrasing themselves in public, they are also disrespectful to the celebs. maybe I am too oldfashioned, but I think such comments are similar to verbal molestation. 

I read somewhere that LJG enjoys reading comments on his social media platforms, just hope he didn't get someone translate those comments for him.

*okay, enough ranting...*


:anguished: chincha?


im conservative too *im a mom with 3 kids

this immature fans. sigh...

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