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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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7 minutes ago, pawla said:

I noticed that too. The same place, same clothes, only different dialogue. Are they trying to minimise the budget or something? 

How expensive is changing an outfit? They can recycle the old outfits as long as it's different to indicate different timelines.... this is just plain bad and lazy production  :angry:

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6 minutes ago, mimimi26 said:

Hello everyone! It's been so long since I engage in this forum again, the last time was for General and I.  I am back to share the passion and emotion with this series! HI GUYSS!!! 


Hi @mimimi26! Welcome, we are about to unleash water works for the next upcoming episodes. Come join us. Lol! 

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1 hour ago, cenching said:

@heoesdanish90, that was what I meant when I mentioned XE unable to hurt YWY even though she was hurt n angry. She kills Creepy Grandpa of course mainly for revenge and she opt to runaway to YanBei instead. All of her actions shows that she has special feeling toward YWY bcoz she directs her anger n hurt elsewhere instead of to the source of her hurts which is YWY.

I think YWY is 90% sure she is LuoHe's daughter that was why he stopped the process of getting her memory back in the cave bcoz he is in denial n don't want her to remember. 

Oo i see. Tq @cenching for clarification.:D 

I cant wait to see all of these misunderstandings being resolve and YWY-XE unite again. Its like a long way to go after their separation eventhough they've shortened it to 3 years.:wacko:


One more thing. Has someone realizes during fighting scene between liang princess and YWY, the camera focus on their eyes. I wonder why liang princess looks interested in YWY eyes during fighting. Is there any significance? Or its just for the show.

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2 hours ago, heoesdanish90 said:

Can someone clarify it to me. XE is already aware that she is just a sacrificial lamb to kill YWX. Despite knowing this matter, she is still preparing herself to kill YWX. The reason she determines to kill the old man is to revenge right? Also, is she finding some good reason to runaway from green hill house (YWY house). Is it?



Is YWY already knows she is luohe's daughter? 

When she eavesdropped on grandfather  and Yue Qi talking, grandfather mentioned that the reason Yuewen Yue trained Xing Er was for her to be a spy sent on sucicide missions. After the mission involving the princess/spy from Liang, grandfather intended to send her to be a spy there regardless if she lived or died.   Grandfather said Yuwen Yue trained Xing Er to be a blade to be used to kill enemies when necessary but did not mention that he originally intended to use Xing Er to assassinate YWX.

She wanted to kill him on her own to avenge her sister.When Xing Er asked the shopkeeper for the map to Ji Luo Ge she was already planning to kill YWX. She even stole a dagger from the armoury  to use for that purpose. I agree that she was trying to find a good reason to cut emotional ties with Yuwen Yue and leave since she has already said she had no intention of going with Yan Xun and was essentially breaking her word to Yuwen Yue.


From the opening credits I though Xing Er was going to kill YWX with the metal ring thing. I think YWY already suspected Xing Er was Luo He's daughter since he had her investigated by Yue Qi and Concubine Wei and they both concluded that the girl he described matched the description/abilities .  During the memory regression scene, Yuwen Yue stopped Xing Er from getting her memories back when he heard the shop keeper ask her to remember the Wind and Cloud Order because once she remembered everything she would leave him. It was a bit too much of a coincidence that Yuwen Yue woke up in time to stop Xing Er from remembering the Wind and Cloud Order, so he was probably pretending to be unconscious for part of the time in the cave to see what Xing Er gets up to when she thinks he is out cold.

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@frostflower14,  yes! When you mentioned YWY probably pretended to be out cold in the cave, I remember the convo between YWY-XE in episode 17 after XE got hurt by needle, YWY asked why she didn't kill him in the cave? She said she didn't dare....so yes, he only pretended, beside the arm dealer checked his pulse n said he is fine.

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

I am with you...the only thing that keeps me watching is YWY-XE. Bcoz the amount of production problems in this drama reach to the scale where its difficult for me to ignore it. 

Bad cinematography, inconsistent directing, horrible fights choreography, lousy editing, I can go on n on 

I was so angry with the scenes where YX talks to XE in the yard during her Sword practice. There were suppose to be 2 different times. First, he asked her to go back to YanBei n gave her the Bili, second when he informed her about the departure n asked for her decision which is she agreed. Instead of did the proper setting, wardrobe etc to indicates the the difference timeline, they recycled the same scene with ONLY different dialogues....:angry:

:o Oh really? I haven't caught up with the latest episodes yet... Oh dear.

Things are so hectic at the moment so I'm putting off watching the latest until I finished all my work stuff. If I'm going to be heart-broken, I may as well have it all in one hit. :tongue:

I imagine the editing would  be the biggest issue... as it is with most C-dramas. No doubt a consequence of the rigorous censorship regulations.

But surely it can't be as bad as Mystic Nine. Good grief, that show had the worst editing of any drama I've ever seen. The censors must have gone through it with a butcher's knife or a sledgehammer. Entire plotlines became incomprehensible as a result. The only redeeming aspects to that show was ZLY, William Chan and the fortune-teller fellow. I don't even know why I watched it right to the end... may be it's the scifi geek in me. I did FF through quite a bit though.

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1 hour ago, Cheryl Lancelot said:

@pimsucre Otherwise, I think XE finally decided to go to Northen Yan and never came back to YWY's place. This is the reason why she must kill creepy grandpa at that night. If she chooses to go away which means she has to finish everything here (including revenge for her sister), this is the only chance for her. When she told YX's guard not to wait for her if she's late, she's already predicted that this mission may be failed. If it is failed, she can't force YX to waste his time for her (YX saved her several times and she knew he was in danger). She knew that YWY saved her many times too, but she is misunderstanding YWY killing her brother. That's why she can't kill or forgive him.

You're right. She wanted to take revenge no matter what's the outcome. It's her real last chance before leaving the Green Hills for good. But I just wonder if Xing Er continued to live with YWY, would she still want to kill YWX? Personally, I don't think she will unless YWY orders her to do. At some point, I just think she began to forget her sworn revenge once she felt comfortable around YWY.

Besides, XE was well aware that she was trained to be s spy whose life would be constantly in danger. So I didn't expect XE to feel much surprised that she was made to perform those suicidal tasks (isn't it normal for a spy who can be killed when on duty?) I think what broke her heart is that she thought YWY also agreed to send her to death on mission. It could be anyone betraying her NOT him. She is too get used to having YWY covering her up when she is supposed to be in danger .... She will definitely miss him and long for him when they separate and time will help her see things through ...


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1 hour ago, frostflower14 said:

When she eavesdropped on grandfather  and Yue Qi talking, grandfather mentioned that the reason Yuewen Yue trained Xing Er was for her to be a spy sent on sucicide missions. After the mission involving the princess/spy from Liang, grandfather intended to send her to be a spy there regardless if she lived or died.   Grandfather said Yuwen Yue trained Xing Er to be a blade to be used to kill enemies when necessary but did not mention that he originally intended to use Xing Er to assassinate YWX.

She wanted to kill him on her own to avenge her sister.When Xing Er asked the shopkeeper for the map to Ji Luo Ge she was already planning to kill YWX. She even stole a dagger from the armoury  to use for that purpose. I agree that she was trying to find a good reason to cut emotional ties with Yuwen Yue and leave since she has already said she had no intention of going with Yan Xun and was essentially breaking her word to Yuwen Yue.


From the opening credits I though Xing Er was going to kill YWX with the metal ring thing. I think YWY already suspected Xing Er was Luo He's daughter since he had her investigated by Yue Qi and Concubine Wei and they both concluded that the girl he described matched the description/abilities .  During the memory regression scene, Yuwen Yue stopped Xing Er from getting her memories back when he heard the shop keeper ask her to remember the Wind and Cloud Order because once she remembered everything she would leave him. It was a bit too much of a coincidence that Yuwen Yue woke up in time to stop Xing Er from remembering the Wind and Cloud Order, so he was probably pretending to be unconscious for part of the time in the cave to see what Xing Er gets up to when she thinks he is out cold.

Tq so much @frostflower14 for the clarification.:blush:

Haha. I agree to what  @cenching mention about the bad editting. There are too many errors. Even someone has made a video about the mistakes in PA. I also admit that only YWY-XE relationship that keeps me watching and making me ignore all the mistakes. Actually i skip too many parts in ep 19 n 20 as there are a little scene between YWY-XE.hehe

But still, i cant wait to watch tonight to see their separation. I want to see more YWY reaction as before this, he is known as cold ice.

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7 hours ago, joyousgal said:

Just a thought - would they make XE's mum (Luo He) the maid that the granddad lost his legs for? There might be a connection between them to make the story more interesting/complicated. At the moment no background info about XE' mum, who she is, where she from etc. Also who is XE's dad? Will he appear in the drama? Seems like the mum is more important.

Nah,that detail would be too ridiculous. Granddad does not seem the type to love someone young enough to be his daughter,if he were to have an affair it would probably be someone from his own generation. Plus if the screen writers somehow made Xing Er/Chu Qiao Yuwen Yue's Aunty they would receive a ton of rotten eggs.

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i ask myself why ? Why did XE fall for YWY? I felt something really odd from their first scene together that they just fitted. He read her and she was an apt student from the start. When you think about it? Some romance are opposite are the perfect for each other but for XE and YWY , I felt they were a match made in heaven. It's like they fitted each other like a puzzle. She is observant and eager to learn. Even without her memories she was alwythe silent type like YWY. He loves his solitude like XE. Xiaboa told YWY when she first came to live with them  she was always distant.  Truth be told I felt YWY fell for her before he got the secret message from his grandfather telling him XE can't be contrôles because she is unpredictable. 

I think while he was away, he feared he was losing the grandson he made. I dislike the grandfather because he raised a child to be cold and ruthless. I know he grew up a time where the people around couldn't be trusted and there was someone always trying to kill him. Because he was ruthless he was able to survive. 

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17 minutes ago, cenching said:

Ladies, I am torturing myself by watching repeatedly the confrontation scene between YWY-XE :bawling::bawling:

Btw, I found it funny that most of us feel more concerned for YWY's heartbreaking than XE's feeling of betrayal  :grin:

That's because she's not really being betrayed... she only thinks she is and he's the one who's being misunderstood. :wink:

I'm not unsympathetic to her feelings though BUT the person who really needs to be hung, drawn and quartered is Grandpa. :tongue: Sure, I know he has his own secrets and difficulties but how dare he cause problems between the OTP.


That said, YWY did open himself to be misunderstood. But that's understandable too. He couldn't come right out and confess with Grandpa hovering over him and the weight of the world on his shoulders. I think he wanted her to understand his heart in time through all the little hints and gestures but time is something that turned out to be a luxury.

That's why I say that things was never in their favour to begin... too much baggage between them.

But I always thought it was interesting that the first non-fighting thing he taught her was that things are never what they seem.

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18 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:



i ask myself why ? Why did XE fall for YWY? I felt something really odd from their first scene together that they just fitted. He read her and she was an apt student from the start. When you think about it? Some romance are opposite are the perfect for each other but for XE and YWY , I felt they were a match made in heaven. It's like they fitted each other like a puzzle. She is observant and eager to learn. Even without her memories she was alwythe silent type like YWY. He loves his solitude like XE. Xiaboa told YWY when she first came to live with them  she was always distant.  Truth be told I felt YWY fell for her before he got the secret message from his grandfather telling him XE can't be contrôles because she is unpredictable. 

I think while he was away, he feared he was losing the grandson he made. I dislike the grandfather because he raised a child to be cold and ruthless. I know he grew up a time where the people around couldn't be trusted and there was someone always trying to kill him. Because he was ruthless he was able to survive. 

 I do think that the first thing that attracts YWY was her strong will to fight. The scene with the wolves and her struggles to bcame his personal maid. Like I stated before, YWY himself is a slave bcoz he was raise with every thing planned out for him with no options at all. He follows every single thing that was planned for him n follows every single order from grandpa with no complains. His first rebellion will be when he chooses XE (in the future). Then when he spent so much time with XE since she was portrayed as beautiful, and unlike any woman that he ever met so he falls for her....


While from XE's side, I did think she was attracted to him when she first saw him when she was kneeling outside his room asking to participate in the competition. N gradually she falls deeper when she realized more about his kindness n the sacrifices that he made to saved her. His treatment to her is something she never experienced in her life. But of course, every person with half a brain knew that falling in love with your Master that owned you is a bad news so she was cautious. Actually she started to let her guard down n allowed herself to trust him after the arrow scene. Then grandpa happens so :bawling:.   


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12 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:



i ask myself why ? Why did XE fall for YWY? I felt something really odd from their first scene together that they just fitted. He read her and she was an apt student from the start. When you think about it? Some romance are opposite are the perfect for each other but for XE and YWY , I felt they were a match made in heaven. It's like they fitted each other like a puzzle. She is observant and eager to learn. Even without her memories she was alwythe silent type like YWY. He loves his solitude like XE. Xiaboa told YWY when she first came to live with them  she was always distant.  Truth be told I felt YWY fell for her before he got the secret message from his grandfather telling him XE can't be contrôles because she is unpredictable. 

I think while he was away, he feared he was losing the grandson he made. I dislike the grandfather because he raised a child to be cold and ruthless. I know he grew up a time where the people around couldn't be trusted and there was someone always trying to kill him. Because he was ruthless he was able to survive. 

XE falls for YWY because she can feel his warmth under the icy cold appearance. YWY loves XE because she is the unique one, very pretty, clever and mysterious. All in all, they are destined to love each other and suffer from love-hate relationship (mostly from XE's part) until the tears and bruises run dry.

YWY is made like a human-god. He has a perfect body (referred from @monchoo's translation of an excerpt from the novel), super intelligent, handsome and aristocrat born and bred. Every girl's dream man, including me hahaha. I always think that XE felt attracted to YWY at first sight, not love but something more like physical attraction.

YWY is her guardian angel since the human-hunt day to the day when he accepted her as a spy trainee. He covered her up at every possible chance to keep her safe (and continue to help her til the end) and took good care of her and her sisters silently. He is such a husband material if he abandoned his post as a CIA chief lol.

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1 hour ago, cenching said:

Ladies, I am torturing myself by watching repeatedly the confrontation scene between YWY-XE :bawling::bawling:

Btw, I found it funny that most of us feel more concerned for YWY's heartbreaking than XE's feeling of betrayal  :grin:


Team YWY!!! :blush:

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1 hour ago, pimsucre said:

You're right. She wanted to take revenge no matter what's the outcome. It's her real last chance before leaving the Green Hills for good. But I just wonder if Xing Er continued to live with YWY, would she still want to kill YWX? Personally, I don't think she will unless YWY orders her to do. At some point, I just think she began to forget her sworn revenge once she felt comfortable around YWY.

Besides, XE was well aware that she was trained to be s spy whose life would be constantly in danger. So I didn't expect XE to feel much surprised that she was made to perform those suicidal tasks (isn't it normal for a spy who can be killed when on duty?) I think what broke her heart is that she thought YWY also agreed to send her to death on mission. It could be anyone betraying her NOT him. She is too get used to having YWY covering her up when she is supposed to be in danger .... She will definitely miss him and long for him when they separate and time will help her see things through ...


It literally broke XE up misunderstanding YWY's heart upon eavesdropping what grandpa said.  We as viewers can gather from YWY's reactions that XE has a very significant place already in him.  So yes, agreed "It could be anyone betraying her NOT him.", as YWY vice versa means more to XE than she realises at the moment.


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