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[Drama 2016] Sweet Stranger and Me (Man Living at My House) 우리집에 사는 남자

Go Seung Ji

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I am guessing here after watching the episode that someone tried to get to her mother and put pressure on her to sell the land probably NG foster dad (finance company).  But NG may or may not have been working with them at the time has had a long time one sided love of NR since they were kids, being adopted probably didnt feel worthy.  

Then its my guess is that the mother felt at risk and NG stepped in to protect her mother under the guise of also protecting NR.  So they made a pact to protect the house and land for NR by getting married and i suspect the finance company forced an accident not realising that NG has the assets.  I am not sure what the illness is he has yet and i could be completely wrong up until now but he said he is not going anywhere till the tree grows.  So will be suprised if he is dying but that tree is significant, I suspect its a tree that he planted to her mum to remember her by.

Thanks to the finance company now (who would figure they would do a good thing), she has worked out about the debt and him protecting the family by taking it as his.  As much as she doesnt know him and is suspicious of him, I cant help but connect here that she does realise the serious ramifications of what he has done is doing for the family.  I am suspecting part of that will come out next episode.  He of course will not be keen to involve her in this mess thats for sure.

The only other thing i can conclude is that uncle was involved in shady dealings alone with daddy.  Otherwise NG has a two front battle to deal with both finance company/daddy and uncle.

The part I like about this episode it was said but also implied ever so subtle.  That family is not like a relationship, family is family.  Meaning that his connection and committment to the situation and her is for life, it does just break for convenience or break up or to sell land.  He is implying indirectly that he has no intentions of going anywhere point blank.

My guess is and again as with all of us this is speculation, but I am guessing here that NR does marry NG, (hey it could be a dream although i doubt it), he said ending there long term love which could imply he marries her, she doesnt like or respect anyone else around her.  Besides if she has worked out the ramifications of the debt (like above) she will want responsibility for it.  In these Kdramas whatever slight is carried out by family is taken on by the children as well, be it shame, revenge, love or obligations.  So i suspect like with the mother, NR realises the only way like her mom to protect the place is to marry NG.

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8 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Wow. Confusing preview. NG seems to be giving NR away in marriage as her "father", but to whom? Also, NG may have loved NR for a long time based on that voiceover, loved her enough to promise to protect her, but now that duty is over as is the love he can feel for her since she's marrying someone else? I hope that this is a mis-lead of some kind. 



and my gess wasn't wrong!! I knew it since the day he answered her that he married her mother because he was in love!! HE loved HER and that's why he married her mother to protect her and her wealth from those gangters!! but how is this going to be fixed!! I feeel really sorry for him!! :( *sigh* and that wedding better be a ream!! there is no one that she can really get married to right now, right?!!

2 hours ago, stroppyse said:


In the preview, I don't think those are NG's memories, and I don't think it is NG marrying NR. I think it is NR being married, and NG giving her away as the father of the bride since when NG tells NR "let's go," NR responds "yes, father."

I'm hoping that it's either one or the other of them imagining that scene. I was wondering if it's NG's imagining that scene from back when he had made promises to NR's mother, as his way of taking care of NR was to safely marry her off to her boyfriend, DJ. Of course, DJ turned out to be a wimpy, cheating weasel, so no more marriage there. Or it could be NR's imagination of having to deal with a father that she's attracted to while marrying another man? 

Anyway, my bet is that the scene with the wedding is an imagined scene of some kind. Otherwise, it really doesn't make sense. Then again, this drama is all about the reveals amongst the comedic beats.

My biggest question mark so far is actually about NG's illness. I wish we knew what that was, whether it's a type of agoraphobia or enochlophobia, or a physical illness. Given that this webtoon writer also wrote the source material for Flower Boy Next Door which had a female lead with extreme agoraphobia, it wouldn't entirely surprise me to find that NG has some relatively rare phobia which he can keep in check for so long, but then it hits him. Anyway, I hope this is the case rather than something completely incurable and unmanageable. 



I believe it' a dream ince she doesn't have anyone that she can get married to right now!! so it's either her dream or Nan Gil's nightmare!!!

I hope so but the circumstances his seizures/attack are different in both times so I don't know what to think right now!! :( 

4 hours ago, jma030201 said:

what does NG have? Urban phobia? Is that what you call fear of cities?


is there something like this?!! I'd be really happy if that's the case and it's nothing serious with his health!!...but why does he want to hide it from her then?!! well he likes keeping things to himself and maybe he doesn't want her to have something else to worry about specially that he's her "father" who nneds to take care of her without the need for her to be worried about him?!!

7 hours ago, blademan said:

OMG this show is hella fun! So many new things revealed in each episode and I love it! Keeps me on my toes and eager for the next episode :) 

Don't really want the romance front just yet cause I'm loving their relationship now....

Also, I'm pretty sure NG has liked/loved NR from before! So sure! Especially during the scene where their faces were kinda close and NR fell backwards because she was flustered and left and NG let out a small smile after....cute! Not normal for "stepfathers"!


I didn't think about watching this drama at 1st but I ended up loving it so much!! I'm really enjoying it!! :D 

hhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, I know what you mean, I'll really miss our protective and caring "abeojie" and his weired but funny interaction with his daughter!! :lol: though he will just become the protective and caring "oppa"!! wait no he can't be called "oppa" since he's younger than her!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what would she call him then?!! :lol: 

well hee was so happy as well when he remembered her tying his neck tie, in episode 2, which I saw it as more than a father happiness!! :D and his "I got married because I was in love" was his give awayfor me that he loved her and that's why he married her mother!!

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By the way I noticed something minor which maybe significant here, they said to her in the finance company not her father but some other guys name was her father.  I think thats what stunned her she didnt know, could it be that her uncle is actually her real father?  Or someone else.

Cause there sounds like there is a twist in the storyline as to who her real father is, she had this stunned expression as if she was hit by a truck when they said it. 

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23 minutes ago, fragglerock said:

By the way I noticed something minor which maybe significant here, they said to her in the finance company not her father but some other guys name was her father.  I think thats what stunned her she didnt know, could it be that her uncle is actually her real father?  Or someone else.

Cause there sounds like there is a twist in the storyline as to who her real father is, she had this stunned expression as if she was hit by a truck when they said it. 


Well, when she went in and they talked about her father, she thought they meant Go Nan Gil. I thought she became shocked when they told her it was her real father who had the debt from 15 years ago and how much debt he had taken out, that they tried to collect from her mother, and now her. 

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

This drama does like to have its mysteries and twists.

- NG and NR do seem to have known each other in the past. The uncle asked whether NR remembered NG. The Head Rep for Dada Finance tells NG that NR is NG's weakness. NG looks at NR with those eyes. Why can't NR remember NG?

looks like they knew eeach other since they weere too young obly that Na Ri doesn't remember him while he still remember manythings about her ince then!! can't wait to know more about it and how did that man know she's Nan Gil's weakness?!!

- NG's past. The Head Rep who NG calls to tell him to lay off NR also tells NG not to call him Representative any more since he was once his father. However, according to DB, who did a background check on NG, NG lived at Hope Orphanage as a child. 

I'm wondering what made Nan Gil that distanced from that man since he used to look at him as his father at sometime?!! what was in that USB and what happened in "that day" that Na Gil mentioned and threatened that arrogant gangster with?!!

- DB's secretary seems to have some secrets as well. When DB asks her about the Hope Orphanage, she tries to sidestep the questions, then escapes as soon as she can. I'm wondering if she is perhaps NG's mother, so perhaps a birth secret?

yeah!! that was so suspecious!! she definitely knows/hiding something!!

- NG and NR's mother's marriage - were they married or not? Regardless of whether they did or didn't, it was clearly planned to protect NR from the debt collectors. NR's birth father seems to have borrowed a lot of money from these guys, over 1 billon won ($1 million), using NR's mother's land as collateral, that the debt collectors claim NR has inherited since her mother passed away.

I'm sure that they had mother-son relationship and they only got married as a way to protect Na RI from those gangsters!! but did they knew that she (Na Ri's mother) can be in danger and Na Ri would be put in a bad situation at that moment so they had to get married at that time?!!

- NG's health

I really hope it's nothing serious!! :( 

- What is up with DB's sister aka creepy stalker girl? Initially, I thought the crush she has on NG was kind of cute, but now, it's just creepy and sad. It's so clear that the girl relishes the concern that NG feels for her and his awareness of her situation, i.e. getting her bike stolen, being bullied, having to walk to and from school rather than being able to ride the bus. And, it's sweet that NG helped get her bike back, but the full blown stalker mode is scary.  I wonder how much worse they'll make her before pulling her back and maybe giving her a healthier family relationship, hopefully with her brother maybe since their parents are not in the picture?

yes, me too!! I was ok with her stalking him from afar though it wasn't really the right and good thing to do but I can try to understand it but entring his house AND ROOM without his permesion is really creepy and I don't love it!!

It was so cute that NG sent texts with directions to NR when she was at the finance office, which she followed, for the most part. Though, NR did find out about her real father's debts. It was sweet when NG told NR that he was her father now, so she didn't have to worry about them. I really liked that NR was smart enough to ask NG whether all of it had been a plan to protect them from the debt collectors all along. While NG fainted before NR could get him to answer her, it's in her mind now that she knows about the debts that her real father had incurred. 

loved that too and I'm happy that she's starting to figure out the truth and it shows the trust she put in him to think of that, if she didn't she wouldn't had the idea that all of his doings are part of his and her mother's plan to protect her!!

Still, not sure of the direction that this drama is taking the romance in the sense that if NG and NR's mother were married, not sure what they would have to do legally in order for NR and NG to be able to be together instead. I do think NR and NG are cute when they are together. I also think it's funny that NR is such an irritable person. 

I'm not sure that I'm engrossed in this drama, but I am intrigued enough to keep tuning in for future episodes. 


I don't know how they can worke it out legally but I really want it to be fixed or that will be too bad!! :( 

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Annyeong SS chingu deul :)

Wow I spent my 5-15 minutes to read everyone's posts here while drinking my hot milo.

I also feel that NG has known NR before and he likes/loves her. I also think it's a plan of his and NR's mum to have the arranged marriage in order to protect NR.

Its amusing to see that DB started to feel something for NR in her drunken state. So from Ep5, we will see his blossoming love for NR. This means NG will have a love competitor.

DB's half sister DS is creepy. She's worse than a stalker :crazy:. Imagine going in someone's home. Don't they lock their doors at night?

Only one thing that makes me sad is that Kim Ji Hoon holds a minor role in this drama. Is he a cameo? Or he will be around throughout this drama?

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Hi everyone! Delurking here cos I love Nan Gil and Na Ri so much hahah (plus i need to get over the mess that scarlet heart was...)

I wonder if the weding scene is a dream? I'm highly convinced NG loves NR and he married Mrs Hong to protect their family. 


In the webtoon, NG was shown to have known NR way back and his association with them started when Mrs Hong went to the orphanage NG was in as a kid to do volunteer  work I think. NG treated Mrs Hong as his own mother and as a kid he tried to confess to NR since he said if they married he, NR and Mrs Hong could be together as a family. Of course,  poor boy was ignored hahahah. The webtoon and drama so have slight differences though. 


NG's long term love was Nari but that had to end when he married Mrs Hong since he would have to now live as NR's father. I find it so touching that his love for NR would  make him do anything for her, even if it meant choosing a path which would shut off all possibility of him and NR becoming a couple. I love that all he wants is for her to be happy even if the man next to her is not him T_T

Can't wait for next Monday!!!

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I also think that DadA Finance guy adopted NG.

You know I have a feeling that the wedding scene is NR's nightmate. I think she's gradually having good feelings for him or at least she's currently afaid she would since legally speaking, he's her Dad now so she had a nightmare that while NG is marrying her off they get closer the groom, and as the groom turns around, it'll be NG too! And then she freaks out and wakes up from the nightmare! Ahahha. Ok, maybe my imaginations going a bit  wild.

One thing I'm glad is that DB isn't a meany second lead :)

Lastly, I think that Ms. Kwon may be NG Mother too like others have mentioned. I remember now of their earlier encounter when she initally warned him that DB is doing a check on him, NG said something along the lines of like, "Why do you care about me now?"


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49 minutes ago, Wasabi-Mui said:

I also think that DadA Finance guy adopted NG.

You know I have a feeling that the wedding scene is NR's nightmate. I think she's gradually having good feelings for him or at least she's currently afaid she would since legally speaking, he's her Dad now so she had a nightmare that while NG is marrying her off they get closer the groom, and as the groom turns around, it'll be NG too! And then she freaks out and wakes up from the nightmare! Ahahha. Ok, maybe my imaginations going a bit  wild.

One thing I'm glad is that DB isn't a meany second lead :)

Lastly, I think that Ms. Kwon may be NG Mother too like others have mentioned. I remember now of their earlier encounter when she initally warned him that DB is doing a check on him, NG said something along the lines of like, "Why do you care about me now?"


I thought the same... 


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3 hours ago, alekaonu said:


Only one thing that makes me sad is that Kim Ji Hoon holds a minor role in this drama. Is he a cameo? Or he will be around throughout this drama?


I think he just took on a small but pivotal supporting role in this as NR's ex-bf and the reason that she is willing to do things that may have been out of her normal character.  Also, I heard somewhere that it may have been a favor since the screenplay writer is from Flower Boy Next Door which KJH was in. 

Then again, DJ may have a bigger role since he still has a story line with Jo Bo Ah's character. 

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@mojobobo have you read the whole webtoon? where did you read it? I only found one source and it's quite pricey. $0.99 per episode. My guess is right about the volunteer work. HA! I'm excited to see their past in the future episodes.


2 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

The lines in this Drama make me LMFAo!:lol::lol::lol:

Dukbong's:- "Yea you better hurry back 'cause your style's humiliating!":w00t:

Or, the sight of both Nangil & Dongjin's "Love Shot!" Ahahah.


I also love that part when NG carried NR (insert BGM "I will always love you") then DB said "Are they filming a movie or something?" LOL

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22 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

@mojobobo have you read the whole webtoon? where did you read it? I only found one source and it's quite pricey. $0.99 per episode. My guess is right about the volunteer work. HA! I'm excited to see their past in the future episodes.



I also love that part when NG carried NR (insert BGM "I will always love you") then DB said "Are they filming a movie or something?" LOL


Hahaha I read it on Spottoon! The translation has stopped at ep. 35 so Im not too sure what happens next too and the drama doesnt follow the webtoon to a tee. 

I want scenes of NG doing things secretly for NR!!! there was something like tt in the webtoon hahaha. I love the way NG looks at NR, so much tenderness, love, innocence and purity! He only looks at her like this! Especially touching when you know he's a badass ledgend!

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Hi there!~

First time commenting in this thread (delurking again after my self-imposed hiatus after OHYA ended :))

By the way, I've read few interesting posts that you guys posted here and wanted to comment on it. Actually I quite agree with some of the comment that stated Nan Gil might suffer from some sort of panic/anxiety disorder (agoraphobia).

Below are the definition of agoraphobia that I took from wikipedia page:

'Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home. Agoraphobia patients can experience sudden panic attacks when traveling to places where they fear they are out of control, help would be difficult to obtain, or they could be embarrassed. During a panic attack, epinephrine is released in large amounts, triggering the body's natural fight-or-flight response. A panic attack typically has an abrupt onset, building to maximum intensity within 10 to 15 minutes, and rarely lasts longer than 30 minutes.Symptoms of a panic attack include palpitations, rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tightness in the throat, and shortness of breath.'

From the description highlighted above, somehow I think Nan Gil actually showed those symptom where people normally get when they got panic attack. I believe NG must endure some difficulties during his childhood, and that may trigger the attack. Usually if a kdrama male lead suffers panic attack they must be traumatized because of something during their childhood/teenage years (e.g Joo Won of Secret Garden claustrophobia because he was trapped in the elevator, Ji Sung character in Protect The Boss has some problem with crowds)

So for now, I just want to believe that the blurry vision and dizziness that NG endure is actually the effect of his panic attack. I just hope the writer don't go to that terminally-ill route because I'm not strong enough to face another death in kdrama (yes, I'm still in pain because the death of the cute doctor in Fantastic, due to cancer)

Anywayssss, somehow I stumble upon an article regarding how baking could actually become an alternative treatment for those who suffers panic attack, depression and mental health problem (more on baking/cooking therapy, read here) Say if NG actually is facing anxiety disorder, I think making dumpling might be one of his ways to overcome his disorder, as kneading the dough can be a good way for NG to released all his pent up emotions (stress?).

I don't know if I made any sense though... hehehe


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28 minutes ago, MinQi said:

Hi there!~

First time commenting in this thread (delurking again after my self-imposed hiatus after OHYA ended :))

By the way, I've read few interesting posts that you guys posted here and wanted to comment on it. Actually I quite agree with some of the comment that stated Nan Gil might suffer from some sort of panic/anxiety disorder (agoraphobia).

Below are the definition of agoraphobia that I took from wikipedia page:

'Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home. Agoraphobia patients can experience sudden panic attacks when traveling to places where they fear they are out of control, help would be difficult to obtain, or they could be embarrassed. During a panic attack, epinephrine is released in large amounts, triggering the body's natural fight-or-flight response. A panic attack typically has an abrupt onset, building to maximum intensity within 10 to 15 minutes, and rarely lasts longer than 30 minutes.Symptoms of a panic attack include palpitations, rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tightness in the throat, and shortness of breath.'

From the description highlighted above, somehow I think Nan Gil actually showed those symptom where people normally get when they got panic attack. I believe NG must endure some difficulties during his childhood, and that may trigger the attack. Usually if a kdrama male lead suffers panic attack they must be traumatized because of something during their childhood/teenage years (e.g Joo Won of Secret Garden claustrophobia because he was trapped in the elevator, Ji Sung character in Protect The Boss has some problem with crowds)

So for now, I just want to believe that the blurry vision and dizziness that NG endure is actually the effect of his panic attack. I just hope the writer don't go to that terminally-ill route because I'm not strong enough to face another death in kdrama (yes, I'm still in pain because the death of the cute doctor in Fantastic, due to cancer)

Anywayssss, somehow I stumble upon an article regarding how baking could actually become an alternative treatment for those who suffers panic attack, depression and mental health problem (more on baking/cooking therapy, read here) Say if NG actually is facing anxiety disorder, I think making dumpling might be one of his ways to overcome his disorder, as kneading the dough can be a good way for NG to released all his pent up emotions (stress?).

I don't know if I made any sense though... hehehe



Oooo interesting!! This will explain why he keeps telling NR that he NEEDS to knead the dough hahaha. Although this is making me imagine a scene with NG getting an attack whilst the gang members close in on him and somehow NR comes to save him. 

But i honestly thought he was allergic to whatever was in his drink....

I cant deal with another terminal illness after Uncontrollably Fond...

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What if NG is not lying at all.. means he really married to Nari's mother? T_T and the ending would emphasise that Nari finally fully accept NG as her stepfather and their relationship as father and daughter will fix?! I would cry like a river if the ending would be like that!!! Please no... i just doubt since NG looks honest when he said he is Nari's stepfather. And if he end up lying like what KDB and dong jin always said, wont that make he is really not trustful person? Seeing that he is so nice and really protective towards Nari i just wonder is he saying truth all the time (that he is her stepfather)? And he is so casually address Nari as his daughter even with other person, if he is lying (which i hope so) he wont said it so confidently right that right? And he even said ( when he's drunk) to Nari, asking Nari to trust him.. I start to doubt if he is really not lying at all.. I really got headache by watching this drama lol...  so many speculations.. the thing is if he is not lying, he and Nari would never ever be an end game T_T

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