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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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we guys are excited about anything about jongjoo couple even the slightest hint of their closeness but other shipper call us delusional.I didn't mean to pry it just happened that my sister is on other ship with jogsuk and yeah it's so sad to know that they're like that.:frown:

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9 minutes ago, gray_6 said:

we guys are excited about anything about jongjoo couple even the slightest hint of their closeness but other shipper call us delusional.I didn't mean to pry it just happened that my sister is on other ship with jogsuk and yeah it's so sad to know that they're like that.:frown:

@gray_6 We can't please everyone. If that's there opinion, then let them be. We're here to support LJS and HHJ, not to compare them with the other ship. Yes it's hard not to get offended, but it will give them the satisfaction if we let them show that we get affected. What's important is that we support our couple, not to criticize or compare with other ships. So don't be sad my dear, just let them say whatever they want to say. Don't let their opinions affect you. As long as you believe in our couple, their criticisms won't matter. Cheer up, my friend! :lol:

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hmm i think they come visiting our thread because this thead really interest them, and while they visiting our thread they make comparison with their bias. how pathetic they are, don't they have anything to discuss other than our jongjoo thread.

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17 minutes ago, jejuhallabong said:

@isadoodles : OMG ... yes yes yes... thank you for sharing the news.. actually I don't expect she will become the presenter of MAMA, OMG... we will she her real beauty at MAMA soon hahaha thank you mmmivongs for the earlier hint :wub:

@jejuhallabong As I was scanning through my feed, I saw this tweet then boom! I was like, "I need to post this on Soompi ASAP!" Hahahahaha :lol: me too! I was actually not expecting her to be a presenter again since she was also invited last year. You're welcome, dear!

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Isn't there some rumor that JS will attend MAMA 2016 as well ??? 


According to this, Leejongsuk will attend the”MAMA“on Dec.2,2016 in Hong Kong. 

Cr: http://supernad2.tumblr.com/post/150765120618/according-to-this-leejongsuk-will-attend 

JS has been so busy filming VIP now so I wonder if he can make time. But OMGGG can I have hopes for their reunion ???

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Here I am again trying to be sane, yet crazy about Jongjoo.   So these are the flipsides of the coin regarding Mama awards: 

While Mnet Asian Music Awards (Mama) has been held in HK for the last several years and actors do attend, a lot depends on schedules.    The best chance of them BOTH attending it is if one of the OST of W is a strong contender to win, or they are both assigned as presentors, and they both accept.   

It does not mean though I don't have hopes.  The separate news of HJ attending, and clues  of LJS  being  there  Is a good thing!     I cross fingers and toes all the same!  

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35 minutes ago, smittenbyjj said:

Unlike many other actresses, she was totally one of the boys and no one went easy on her in many variety shows. she is one of a few Korean actresses who can laugh out loud like an Ahjussi in public.

@smittenbyjj : you've got the point, I couldn't agree more, that's why I really want to see Hyo Joo become Running Man guest again hahaha.. and I'm waiting for her come back at 2D1N, because she already signed the contract hahaha..

btw I love reading your post, like you I was not a long time of HHJ and LJS, but because W, I become their fans.. and it's true she has distinctive aura with her, and I also love her beautiful voice..  Let's hope the best for them.. Ahh december please come faster.. (side note : hopefully she will not wearing black dress again, she looks beautiful in black, but lately she already wear so many black dress from BIFF, Marie Claire Star Award, LACMA, hopefully this time PMH will choose another color dress for her)..

Have a great day everyone ^^


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6 hours ago, gray_6 said:

we guys are excited about anything about jongjoo couple even the slightest hint of their closeness but other shipper call us delusional.I didn't mean to pry it just happened that my sister is on other ship with jogsuk and yeah it's so sad to know that they're like that.:frown:

Who cares bout them. Everyone has their own delusional minds.

I would rather to ignore the negative vibes.

We dont need to force them to be together...

Everyone wants their ship is sailing..

So lets sail this ship with a positive vibes.

Whether they are for real or not, i truly enjoy every delusional minds bout them here

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3 hours ago, ixxdhx81 said:

Wohooooo!! It's confirmed! I mean, really.. 100%. LOL~ Yahaaaa.. I really am sorry for getting so excited about it. Thanks dear @isadoodles for the info, you made my day!

Little bit sad because BigBang isn't on the list of MAMA's performers. As we all know, she's the fan of them. Nah, never mind! Her man can introduce her to them, because he's under the same agency with BigBang!

Let's pray one more time for JS to also come! Let's make less expectation first, then we'll see something we (maybe) never expect.

Well noted @lovely_skham thank you for always reminding us.. :blush:  I don't want to give an empty promise, but I'll try my best for not mentioning other artists.. And try to not easily get worked up because of their fans. Yup, you're right it just wasted my time and my energy. Hehe..

<original source>

The first lineup of presenters for the 2016 Mnet Asian Music Awards has been revealed!

After releasing the nominations and the first two artist lineups, the award ceremony has also released a first lineup, consisted of actors and actresses, to present the awards at the show.

The first lineup consists of multiple actors including Lee Byung Hun, Cha Seung Won, Ha Ji Won, Han Hyo Joo, Jang Hyuk, Han Ji Min, Park Ki Woong, and Park Min Young.

The Mnet Asian Music Awards is an annual end-of-year music award ceremony hosted by CJ E&M’s music channel Mnet. The 2016 award ceremony will take place on December 2 at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong. You can vote for the nominees here.

yes, its confirmed.  so happy.

to add-on, this is what i found at other's thread, JS will be there attending too:


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2 hours ago, ixxdhx81 said:


Little bit sad because BigBang isn't on the list of MAMA's performers. As we all know, she's the fan of them. Nah, never mind! Her man can introduce her to them, because he's under the same agency with BigBang!


Hey there...we have the same mind bout this...since she is a big fan of big bang...

Maybe it is a fate that LJS is a One of YG Family now and as I heard that YG papa personally being his manager, so i put a lot of expectation that LJS could introduce her personally to BIGBANG's member heheh since both are YG' papa golden boys...

Delusional minds of mine come again...

Mianheee heheh

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