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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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6 hours ago, cutimap said:


He wants it to be his plan, but I'm sure he's attracted by her for real.

I don't think it's too early, it's already 17/50 eps, and nothing much has happened. Every ep has little progress. They should get attracted by each other by now, it'll take a few more eps for the feelings to be mature (let's say - until ep 20+?), and only after that it'll be more excited with the revenge of HW. He'll start his revenge and realize that he's already swayed and really like her, which will make his revenge painful and hurtful.


Painful revenge that's what i'm waiting fir although i really like HW , but i got confused in episode 17, he's being kind but yet he says that it's his plan 

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I like family dramas as they concentrate on vide range of character personalities. For me The Story and presentation of individual characters matters the most. Then Genuine Human Relationships then comes the Love part. So i'm pretty fine with the couples because that's what is provided to us the viewers by default. Romance is the inbuilt feature of any kdrama.

Hyun Woo is the most important character here aka Center of all the plotting. His acts and desire of revenge creates plot narrative and move the story forward. Writer with his love triangle thirst ruined future buildup of Dong Hui and Jung Soon.

@ck1Oz I'm now accustomed to Jong Eun's Voice and facial expressions. For this both Character and Actor are responsible. Direcrtor needed to have a word with Writer and actor too. At 1st Her Loud, Steep Voice was painful but then we all have seen numerous young and old ultra loud characters. No one cares about human ears in kdrama world.  I think Writer is finds it difficult to control or manage the Love side of Couples. I'm not much convinced with Dong Hui and Jung Soon pair either. Yeah i like their scenes and enjoy them but i accepted them because writer said so.

For a family drama - 17 episodes have aired and nothing much substantial has happened. I'm amazed how little has writer served and yet i've happily acknowledged it. Romance isn't the priority of the writer and he/she wanted to do away with it as early as possible so all future conflict lines and plots could be played freely.

@soultree It will be painful for Hyun Woo and that's what i want. He isn't making mistakes but he is illegally harming people. 

As i said earlier, Hyun Woo will creates problems aka Situations for all future ups and down of Han family and that will take pretty good share of the story.

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I might skip a few weeks episodes and catch up later. I've already dropped Gab Soon. I am skipping back and forth for Laurel House Tailor. Lost interest in all 3 weekend dramas and following a couple of weekday ones. And 3 of them have ended or ending.

Might as well get on with real life- checking out kids cafe in Seoul for my kids. And stressing over my Korean. This current batch of weekend dramas are ok- but not really additctive. The thing is I actually love the actors individually but somehow the writer has made their story mediocre.

DH is cute and SJ is really tall and good looking. But at almost episode 20 there is little progress for anyone. Don't they need to hook up by now to start experiencing angst? Then break up in episode 35 to 45 and then get back together? I am not being sarcastic just saying that's how it works. DH (or the actress ) is wearing skirts at work and at night. The Seoul temperature is freaking cold man. The poor actress- my trip has been postponed from Jan- so I was checking the weather. There is ain't no way a sane person wears a mini skirt at like -10, ok -5 degrees at night.


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@ck1Oz Skipping a few eps: This is also why I rarely watch ongoing drama, the tension decreases with the waiting time. Especially with this drama, the storyline is so incoherent (I'm not talking about the slowness). Many tiny details, timeline were not suited each others. One can say "they're tiny details", but I think tiny things will add up into bigger image and they make a drama good or not. The characters are not convincing, as @catocat said, I also have the feeling that the couples are just to be together because the writer write so!

DH+SJ: their relationship development is more understandable, from the beginning when they met in Taiwan, following by their encounters/working together/staying in the same house. However, as their relationship is already almost reach its peak, I wonder what will happen more in the next eps for them, or will the story focus now on the other couple? Probably so. I prefer LSK and KJW but their characters as JE and HW is the least convincing. Haizzzz

I will follow up the drama, but only for the sake of my favourite actors & actresses, not because of the writer and his/her story.

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On 1/9/2017 at 6:30 PM, AlexMao said:

@USAFarmgirl What is the chance that Mi Joo's father will go through with cutting off funding for the production company now that his precious daughter has been dumped? I would like to see Dong Hee succeed with her series but I still feel she's a bit green. Depending on what happens next I would prefer her to work alongside someone who's experienced and it more open to expressing concerns over her writing/revisions. Everyone basically ripped into her when she the last time she tried to help but only Sung Joon gave any constructive criticism over what she was doing/trying to do. 

Now my other concern is that with Sung Joon unemployed he's not going to have as much interaction with Dong Hee, so how are we going to get to see them grow to rely on each other and well you know love each other? Hmm ... well I suppose she'll come to rely on him for his criticism of her previous work so there could be a number of close encounters in her little rooftop room. How do we get rid of Gwi Boom and NOT make it look like she's being kick of the "love shack"? 

Sorry for my late response but I agree I don't think MJ's Dad is going to pull the plug with SJ dumping his daughter and leaving the company.  And your right DH is a bit green but I just would like for her luck to change and before she can leave there is money to be paid back which her brother needs a couple of good slaps!!  One for her and one for me!!

As far as the Love Shack great name by the way!  I think her grandmother is fixing to move downstairs at least I hope so:phew:  There was a hint of that in the last episode I think:D 

My fear is what MJ will do next to DH and man I would hate working for her talk about a nightmare!!! I would have to drink after work every night too!:crazy:

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Hi everyone! I'm new in this thread. 

I started watching this drama in December, even when i was in Korea, i make sure to go online with hotel wifi/rented router(when hotel wifi was too slow lol) to catch the latest episode. 

Seems like most of you are here for JE/HW couple but i'm here for DH/SJ couple. I get excited when both of them are on the screen. They will have a more challenging and difficult path than JE/HW. JE/HW do not have a 3rd party like MJ and if HW has mistaken JE family is 1 of the culprits forcing his dad to commit suicide, then they do not have much to worry. 

DH and SJ, with MJ persistent and immature personality, may try to threaten SJ to marry her or she will die. I hope SJ will be firm like the day he tendered his resignation. 

I hope DH grandmother agreed with her friend(SJ grandmother) and moved downstair to the same room ASAP so that DH 'has the space and environment to write the script'.. hehe.. in this way, SJ has more chance to go up and in the same room as her.. they can discuss about her script till dawn. They can fall asleep with their back on the wall and DH resting on SJ's shoulder. Or give them opportunity like they were bickering and their faces were so close to each other and SJ took the chance to kiss her again...hehe..

The other character i'm interested is Ji Hoon. Now that he is staying at the basement, has time for basketball/comics,etc, will his result be the same or out of the top 3? If he do well, he can prove to his former mother. I don't think he hate his former mother, just that she doesn't think how he feels even at the time of death. For his biological mother, he may feel good now but i think he will feel that she is too lenient/don't really care at a later part. 

If DH/SJ scenes are reduced, my interest for this drama might fade lol.. i hope it doesn't happen. 

P.S. regarding DH wearing skirt in winter, @ck1Oz, i have seen korean gals wearing skirts, no stocking or pants/jeans/tights at all in winter on the streets when i was there in december!! I was surprised!!! The temperature then was between 2° to -6°.  I wonder what did they eat to be able to keep their legs not feel the freezing cold weather lol. 



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On 12/22/2016 at 9:25 PM, cutimap said:


Behind the Scene: why do people wear masks? Because of the cold, or they don't want to show up in the film?


Agree, JE is still the biggest-smallest character so far. Biggest - we know that she suppose to be the female lead. Smallest - her character doesn't show much of a "lead" yet.

Sorry for the late reply. I only just caught up with the episodes few days back. And about JE, I just can't seem to connect with her as a lead. I know we still got lots epis to come but I don't know something is just amiss there.

But other than that, I am warming up to all characters.

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The thread must be really dead if I have to actually go to the official website to get some news. And I am not even interested in the new stills. Sigh. Yes I've read the comments- so....???? I mean the captions comments. Intense hand chemistry? Hahahaha....

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On 1/11/2017 at 7:16 AM, catocat said:

Attacking someone's children makes him pathetic and deplorable. Audience understands where he is coming from but no normal human being will agree with his actions. Now he even wants to use Jong Eun. This guy seriously deserves heartache and he will get it a lot in future.

>>someone said in a comment that, that lady whose shop was vandalized deserved such punishment.

I completely disagree with it.That Shop was her Livelihood. Yes She did wrong in her past.Yes she isn't a noble or kind human being. Still she didn't deserved her right to profession taken away from here. Hyun Woo is acting he is Justice and all but ended up being worse than these people.

@catocat  I titally agree with you here Ok attack the parents of these children this is who you angry with not the children they had nothing to do with the mistreatment of his father..

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On 1/12/2017 at 4:33 PM, USAFarmgirl said:

Sorry for my late response but I agree I don't think MJ's Dad is going to pull the plug with SJ dumping his daughter and leaving the company.  And your right DH is a bit green but I just would like for her luck to change and before she can leave there is money to be paid back which her brother needs a couple of good slaps!!  One for her and one for me!!

As far as the Love Shack great name by the way!  I think her grandmother is fixing to move downstairs at least I hope so:phew:  There was a hint of that in the last episode I think:D 

My fear is what MJ will do next to DH and man I would hate working for her talk about a nightmare!!! I would have to drink after work every night too!:crazy:

@USAFarmgirl  Wow MJ is trully pathetic She enlisted DH to bring SJ back to the company using the drama for and excuse.. She yelled at DH like it's her fault that SJ is leaving and playing on the fact that DH can help bring him back.. I don't think DH knows the full scale of the story but her going to SJ asking him to come back was silly.. Mj used DH to do her bidding and DH asking seemed not sincere at all.. Mj is just another selfish Kdrama spoiled rich girl that thinks every man should give her what she wants.. Well SJ isn't daddy and don't need to cater to her.. Couldn't believe she requested something from DH but yet she yelled at her when DH didn't agree to get involved but did anyway.. I hate indecisive girls like DH I know she's nieve but come on now.. How can a writer be so cluess..

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Image result for Father I'll take care of you episode 18Related imageRelated imageRelated image

I kind of have mixed feelings about today's episode I worked all day so I had a late start in watching this episode but like @sava2sava has already said and well I might add.   I too wish DH would take some courage and grab onto SJ before someone else does and after getting that Father/Son talking to and being told he was responsible for leading on MJ now that's a laugh in itself!!!  I mean he already told her in a nice way, in a not so nice way and she still is obsessed.  I don't want him to go back I hope he gets another offer like tomorrow!!! 

He was already feeling guilty after talking to his Father and now DH does MJ's bidding even though I know she really does miss SJ and I was glad she took a step forward by telling no I mean me, I missed you.  It would have been perfect till she called him a friend man talk about drawing a line and that's what I don't get.  She has feelings for him but she isn't willing to fight for him and I know she doesn't feel worthy.  But dang,  he already kissed her and helps her, comforts her, confessed his feelings in every way what more can a guy do????  If he wants her, thinks she is worthy of his love than why oh why can't she believe it too???

Forgive this poster that I am always so focused on SJ & DH but it's honestly why I am watching I just think they are adorable to watch even though their relationship is moving like a turtle still can't help it they make me smile LOL:blush:

Credit & Thanks to XxKDramaBabyxX:wub:

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Yesterday episode, i can see that HW is sincere towards JE, at least his excuse to that uncle is to take revenge on the family, but his action seems to be attracted to JE in a way that he doesn't know. HW praising JE looking good in the dress doesn't seems to be just trying to please her but really from his heart.

Next couple, SJ and DH. I can understand DH. Both of them knows they like each other. How would others think of DH (a rookie in the company) if they are official together? DH will be the topic(3rd party) behind SJ/MJ break off. I think SJ trying to break up with MJ first but that woman is holding tight and suffocating SJ, thus he felt resignation is the only option. DH trying to convince SJ to go back is not because she is naive but in this industry,  everyone knows each other plus MJ father has the power & $$ to prevent SJ to even earn a living in that industry, that's how strong a chaebol family can do to destroy a person livelihood. DH asking him to go back so that he can do what he likes but i hope SJ lie down the terms to MJ that she agreed to the break up and going back as a worker only. I wish SJ would agree to DH request if she agreed not to push him aside when it comes to relationship..

The last scene, the 2 couples in the same screen though they are not in the same building.. i just love the way SJ looked at DH, even JE can feels both like each other just by looking at their back. Lee Tae Hwan seems to be good in emotional scenes (like the conversation with his dad during mountain climbing). SJ & DH screen time may not be alot but since this is 50episodes drama so i guess they have to spread it out and focus on others like the 2 boys (Ji Hoon and Chang Soo) as well. 

P.S. home internet is down and i'm so eager to watch the latest with sub that i'm using my hp to watch. I have already exceeded my data usage 2 weeks ago so i have to pay extra extra for every 1GB. This drama is 1hr,i dare not see my next bill lol:cold_sweat:


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2 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

I kind of have mixed feelings about today's episode I worked all day so I had a late start in watching this episode but like @sava2sava has already said and well I might add.   I too wish DH would take some courage and grab onto SJ before someone else does and after getting that Father/Son talking to and being told he was responsible for leading on MJ now that's a laugh in itself!!!  I mean he already told her in a nice way, in a not so nice way and she still is obsessed.  I don't want him to go back I hope he gets another offer like tomorrow!!! 

He was already feeling guilty after talking to his Father and now DH does MJ's bidding even though I know she really does miss SJ and I was glad she took a step forward by telling no I mean me, I missed you.  It would have been perfect till she called him a friend man talk about drawing a line and that's what I don't get.  She has feelings for him but she isn't willing to fight for him and I know she doesn't feel worthy.  But dang,  he already kissed her and helps her, comforts her, confessed his feelings in every way what more can a guy do????  If he wants her, thinks she is worthy of his love than why oh why can't she believe it too???

Forgive this poster that I am always so focused on SJ & DH but it's honestly why I am watching I just think they are adorable to watch even though their relationship is moving like a turtle still can't help it they make me smile LOL:blush:

@USAFarmgirl  MJ anxious and insecure feelings is just a lil to much for me she still have motive towards DH but wants DH help.. Her father was right accepting SJ resignation letter but she goes on a life threatening moment if he process it through.. It was uncalled for to mention marriage to DH being the reason for his quitting.. (Her insecurities she just had to go there in a suttle way asking DH to help her marry SJ) I was rooting for DH when she told her in a nice way SJ quitting is no business of hers and why should she approach her.. DH should have understood the message clear when MJ said he wasn't answering his phone.. (Clear case of ending it all) MJ can't and won't accept the facts if SJ would choose somebody other then her.. Keeping SJ in that company is like keeping him tied to her.. MJ refuses to see she's smoothering him and he needs his space but her giving him that space she knows he will move on she's in a damed if I do or don't situation.. I knew she would make and unsurprise visit to his house and that would be the end of things for him.. She still refuse to believe he has no intention of marrying her so she thought she could get the family on her side to help talk him into marrying her.. The big mistake her plan backfired if she's so confident she would have went back and approach him in front of his family about not bringing up the marriage issue again or they being together but coming back will be strictly work related.. Nope but enlisting DH is another strike against her once SH finds out and a strike for DH.. 

Now dad telling SJ to go back and finish what he started is understandable but in that kind of atmosphere being around MJ watching his every move with those longing looks of being so in love in her eyes..It's not hard to say SJ would feel creep out, I think if SJ goes back to work for that company it's going to be the biggest mistake he would ever make.. SJ will go back to complete the drama and because of DH and dad.. MJ has to use every means possible because of her anxious behavior and she will have a very short window to tie him to her.. So my guess will be throw company outtings try and get him drunk and take him to a hotel so they could wake up together.. I put nothing pass this girl at this point.. She'll do anything to marry him.. (She has to reap the fruits of her labor all that time spent together can't be for nothing)    

Also in todays episode DH do have some kind of umph in her just when will she uses it.. What she did in helping SJ to come back for MJ sake she's going to regret it because MJ will go back to treating her like a low life and she will be calling on her after work hours on non work related issues and she'll be a dummy and show up only to walk away feeling lower then felt when she first arrived..    

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@sava2sava, i think if SJ goes back to the company, he would have list down the conditions. Its MJ who wants him to go back to work so he definitely has the upper hand. He should take the opportunity to list down 1 of the conditions of DH as his personal assistant and follow him everywhere he goes. SJ will make sure she has time to write script if she is his PA. 

No matter how i still think he will go back and work. He doesn't have the power nor $$ to start on his own. And i wonder if he has paid off the $$ that DH's cousin conned the company even though he said he will take responsibility if it. As long as his eyes are for looking at DH only, i can ignore MJ presence. Just hope the writer don't ever dare to allow  MJ has any chance to get close to SJ after this incident.

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Hi @chocolatepie, I'm so glad to read something similar to my thoughts. I think DH sees only SJ himself when she tells him about MJ's request. She was honest with MJ and SJ as well, she didn't want to put pressure on him, she didn't make a request, just questioned what's his dream and is he prepared to put up with it. I like that she told him what MJ wanted from her - it made the whole situation clear. I also think that SJ will go back, and it's not because of DH needs him but he is a reliable person who wants to take responsibility for his work which he've started. Of course it a big plus that she will be in the same office all day... Although I would be happy if he made DH his PA, I don't think it can happen anytime soon - but finger crossed!

I keep thinking whether he hadn't clear the story about his relationship with MJ earlier because he didn't want to humiliate MJ in front of other people (his granny and his mother, her father etc.) I think in Korean dramas it's very important that a woman words couldn't be contradicted by the man whose she supposed to be in a relationship with. I mean her words about their relationship, not some other topic... It can ruin her future marriage chances which would be a very big misfortune for her. Not to mention the fact there is a chance that nobody would believe him. No one would think that a pretty and rich woman would create such rumour about herself... it would make no sence... It is a drama after all. So I can accept both SJ's and DH's behaviour but I really hope that they're going to get more scenes in the future because I'm a bit tired with the other couple, and the lot of repetitive meaningless conversations... :-( If the drama supposed to be 50 episodes they have to fill it well, what's the point to strech a 16 ep drama to 50 ep!? I will watch it anyway I just wanted to complain because I'm a bit disappointed with the latest episode's pace. Sorry!!! :-)

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Guest AlexMao

I tend to agree, if Sung Joon does end up going back he will need to make some kind of agreement with Mi Joo. At this point I'm not sure Mi Joo could decline his ... demands ... yes let's call them that. If you notice the scene where Mi Joo confronted/begged Dong Hee to bring him back I can't help but say it looked like she was going through DTs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delirium_tremens) with a dash of the five stages of grief (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kübler-Ross_model)

Sung Joon will need to figure out a way of protecting Dong Hee from any fall out/gossipmongering amongst the staff and to limit any interaction she may have with Mi Joo going forward (agreeing with @chocolatepie @anyeze @sava2sava & @USAFarmgirl ) because you know if Sung Joon starts to drift away again she's going be enlisted/abused by Mi Joo

What I want to see in those terms are obviously lessen his interaction with Mi Joo as their relationship is now strictly business and to somehow wrangle her father into it as well, not so much as a clause against him blacklisting him from industry work but so much as a clause to prohibiting Mi Joo from trying to start up the relationship again. He was rather adamant about not wanting the two to date/marry as he was looking for a puppet president and well his daughter doesn't seem to be up to the challenge (for now).

Dong Hee has a cell phone, hmm ... set Mi Joo's number to be blocked after standard business hours or go directly to voicemail (in which Dong Hee has lost the passcode ... ha ha :smirk: )

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@anyeze, the difference between 16episodes drama and 50episodes drama - the latter is usually family oriented and each family member will have their story to tell. So they won't be able to fasten the pace. If they do, it means something is going to happen when the drama reached 25-30th episodes and may take more than 10episodes to settle it. 

I learnt something from weekends and daily dramas - the word 'patient':D... having watched quite a number of weekends dramas and daily morning/evening dramas, i think i can survive this 1 as well. Writer nim just need to make sure SJ eyes are always following DH will do. And i want the next skinship of SJ/DH.. 

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