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The atmosphere at the theater from press premiere today. Everyone had to wear mask, kept distance, wrote down personal information and had body temperature checked.










 Have to keep 1 m distance 

Credit whice1 IG



Credit : noku_film IG



  Credit : ita_mir IG



One of the press who went to see 'Innocence' today said in his blog that...

https://m.blog.naver.com/jyshine24/221989972231  )


I'm so surprised today.

There were many movie premieres, but not the same level like this (I think he means lots of audience today).

So it took so long for temperature check.  

The movie was fun. The acting was so good.  Shin Hye Sun's acting is so good.  :love::thumbsup:

The first scene was very impressive. The prologue is so intense. Only 1 cut in 1 scene. **

Social distancing in the theater is good, hopefully it will be like this at regular screening. 


** I think he probably means it's long take. It may be the scene that the murder occured at the funeral. 

In the BTS, that scene was also mentioned that it's long take and camera panned 360 degree as same as the movie 'Children of Men'. 

*** Actually the blog writer also said that he felt awkward to see SHS on big screen. But that's normal for everyone's first time.  Even SHS herself still said today that she felt awkward to see her on big screen.

I think both SHS and audiences will get more accustomed when they watch 'Dogul' :D



Tomorrow (Friday Jun 5th) don't miss SHS and BJO in radio show

굿모닝 FM 장성규입니다 Good Morning FM Jang Sung Gyu (MBC radio)  at 8 a.m. KST







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Great to hear a positive review already and covid precautions in the theater are reassuring. So happy this is finally happening. I'm jealous of Koreans who can now see SHS in her first leading role movie. Wish I could miraculously understand Korean language and transport myself there.

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One line comment...




No, the actors in the movie act like that :dissapointed_relieved:

But in real life they are cute like this :blush:





(translate some parts)



The last part(scene) is melodramatic ** :bawling: 

Shin Hye Sun diction is a little bit like that (딕션이 약간 그렇긴했는데 -  really don't know how to translate..a little bit of what ?)

But overall her acting is good.

It's was fun, There are some parts similar to eariler movie of Jung-Woo (Not sure if means Ha Jung-Woo's movie 'The Closet' ?)

한줄요약 '반전의 반전의 반전의 반전'

One line summary 'Twist of twist of twist of twist'  :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

( I think for internaltional fans we should avoid spolier until we have chance to watch - which I don't know when).


**(He used the word 신파  (shin-pa) which difficult to explain, it like the story is trying to drive audience to tear, some may okay with it  , but some may not like to have melodrama in thiriller movie. It's subjective I think, but for me SHS made me cry everytime...LOL )



신혜선 배우의 연기도 좋지만,배종옥 배우의 새로운 얼굴이 참으로 놀라웠다.

Shin Hye Sun acting is good, but Bae Jong-Ok new face is truly amazing.



This blog gave score 9 from 10. :wub:



Sorry because I'm a Shin Hye Sun fan so I am really biased to post only good comments ....hahaha...

Anyway, I think we need to watch and judge the movie by ourselves.  


Good Night :kiss_wink:


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MBC radio show. SHS came out at 1.19.00 running time.










'Queen Cheorin' cast is officially confirmed

Shin Hye Sun , Kim Jung Hyun, Bae Jong Ok, Kim Tae Woo

But the airing schedule is not confirmed yet.






OMG the price of her shoes (Gianvito Rossi with Swarovski crystals) 

1,708,180 won (1,405 USD) 




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On 6/5/2020 at 10:54 AM, Man-O-Man said:

What is sad? In english.

Her grandmother had been waiting for the movie release. But it was postponed twice from Covid.

Just 2 weeks ago she passed away.   My condolences.   :bawling:


Will translate later....






Photos from today's interview articles.


















Highly positive review for 'Innocence' here.




결백의 가장 큰 미덕은 신혜선의 발견이다. 120분 동안 이야기를 주도적으로 끌고 간다. 정인이 바라보는 것이 곧 관객의 시선인 작품이다. 커다란 비밀이 하나씩 벗겨지는 것을 보는 유일한 인물이다. 이 거대한 이야기의 화자다. 막대한 분량은 물론, 다양한 사건과 새로운 비밀을 파헤치는 부분과 함께 하이라이트 부분서 커다란 감정 표출까지, 정인에게 주어진 역할이 상당하다.

The greatest virtue of movie Innocence is the discovery of Shin Hye Sun. She led the story for 120 minutes. What Jung-In saw was the viewpoint of the audiences. She was the only person who saw the big secrets revealed one by one. She was the narrator of this huge story. Of course the role given to Jung-In is enormous,  from the part of uncovering various events and new secrets to the highlight part of expressing large emotion.


신혜선은 자신에게 주어진 모든 역할을 훌륭히 소화해낸다. 날 선 긴장감이 섞인 모든 장면을 자연스럽게 표현한다. 법정에서의 분노, 수사할 때의 명석함, 엄마 앞에서의 슬픔 등 여러 감정을 적절히 표현하면서도, 처음부터 끝까지 정인의 톤을 유지한다. 드라마서 꾸준히 자신의 입지를 쌓아올린 그의 내공이 결백서 온전히 드러난다.

Shin Hye Sun performed brilliantly for all the roles given to her. Natural expression in all the tension-edged scenes. Anger in the court, clever when investigating, and expressed appropriately various emotions such as sadness in front of her mother, she maintained the tone of Jung-In from beginning to end. Her experince that built her position steadily from dramas came out perfectly in 'Innocence'


원톱 영화나 다름 없는 결백은 신혜선의 필모그라피 중 가장 빛나는 작품으로 보인다. 영화계서 최근 2~30대 여주인공을 할만한 배우들이 많지 않았던 상황에, 신혜선은 좋은 선택지가 될 것으로 관측된다

'Innocence' is nothing short of best movie, seems to be Shin Hye Sun's most brilliant film. In the movie world, there're not many actors who could play the lead character in their 20-30s, Shin Hye Sun is expected to be a good choice. 


배종옥은 명품이다. 특수분장으로 인해 표정 연기가 어려운 상황서눈만으로도 온전히 감정을 표현할 수 있다는 것을 증명한다. 특히 후반부 정인과 화자의 면담 신에서, 배종옥이 보인 퍼포먼스는 엄청나다. 명배우란 어떤 것인지 충분히 보여준다

Bae Jong Ok is a masterpiece. She proved emotions can be fully expressed with only the eyes in situations where facial expressions are difficult due to special makeup. Especially in the face-to-face scene between Jung-In and Hwa-Ja (BJO's role) in the second half, the performance by Bae Jong-ok was tremendous. It's enough to show what a great actor she is.


처음부터 끝까지 가히 놀랍다

It's amazing from the beginning to the end


촘촘하게 짜여진, 탄탄한 이야기와 배우들의 명연기, 후반부터지는 반전과 매끄러운 결말 등 결백은 코로나 바이러스 감염증 사태로 위축된 한국 영화계의 희망을 쏠 작품으로는 충분해 보인다. 

'Innocence' movie, tightly woven, solid stories, great acting, twist and smooth endings in the second half, seems to be enough to capture the hope of the Korean film industry, which has subsided due to the corona virus infection.



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On 6/5/2020 at 3:47 PM, Ni Wen said:


So, they indeed waited for movie promotions before making the announcement

I think probably they waited for this actor Kim Tae Woo who just confirmed this morning...the last jigsaw.


Otherwise if they announced earlier the photo in the news article will be like...




(just kidding) :P 

Yes, the real reason is that they are waiting for movie promotion to finish first.

The writer-nim said in new IG post that "I deleted the IG post because the actors were promoting the movie.

But now tvN already disclosed..haha.." 

(perhaps tvN have a plan to use 'Innocence' movie to promote their drama casting :D).


It's good that the drama is now officially announced. So they don't have to keep much secret anymore.

And we may see actors and staffs shared us more photos.





The director of 'Innocence' praised SHS a lot.






이날 인터뷰에서 박상현 감독은 "시나리오를 쓸 때 드라마 '비밀의 숲'이 흥행했다. 법조 드라마니까 한 번 볼 법 하지 않나. 그때 신혜선 씨가 눈에 들어왔다. 감정, 템포, 리듬이나 딕션이 굉장히 좋았다. 선배들에게 밀리지도 않았다. 이에 시나리오 완성 후 보여주게 됐다"고 말했다.

In the interview today, director Park Sang-Hyun said, "When I wrote the script, the drama 'Secret Forest' was a hit. Since it's a legal drama, it's worth to see. At that time, Shin Hye Sun caught my eye. Emotion, tempo, rhythm and diction were very good. She wasn't overshadowed by senior (actors).  After I finished the script, I will show to her".


신혜선의 팬이라는 박상현 감독은 "영화 촬영을 하면서 더 좋아졌다. 현장에서 '알파고'라는 이야기도 했다. 카메라로 왼쪽을 찍고 있으면 왼쪽 눈부터 눈물이 나와 깜짝 놀랐다."

Director Park Sang Hyun is a fan of Shin Hye Sun "She's better when we did film shooting. At the shooting set, I also said 'Alphago'. (** another article explained that  director said in the shooting set he always called her ‘Acting Alphago’ because sne’s so amazing)

When camera was shooting on the left side, I was amazed that she made the tear came out from her left eye. "


또 박상현 감독은 "신혜선 씨 기사가 뜨면 항상 '좋아요' '이 기사를 추천합니다'를 눌렀다"며 "가능성이 있는 배우다. 훨훨 날 것 같다"고 무한 애정을 전했다.

He also said "When there was article of Shin Hye Sun, I always click 'like' and click 'I will recommend this article'. She is an actor with potential.  I think she will fly high." 





Shin Hye Sun mentioned about 'Queen Cheorin' in today's interview




첫 사극인데 비주얼적으로는 한복도 입어야 하고, 캐릭터 표현하는 것에서 부담스러운 점이 있지만 열심히 하겠다

"It's my first historical drama which I have to wear hanbok for visual (appearance) and it's burden to express the character but I will do my best."

이어 한복이 잘 어울릴 것 같다는 말에 "최근 테스트 촬영을 위해 한복을 입고 쪽도 지고 했는데 잘 모르겠다. 얼굴이 동그래서인지 그런 말씀을 하시더라"며 수줍게 웃었다.

The reporter said SHS will be well suited in Hanbok.  SHS laughed and said "Recently I wore Hanbok for test shooting but not sure if it's good or not because my face is round."




또한 신혜선은 데뷔 이후 첫 '사극' 장르 도전에 대해 "쪽머리도 하고, 한복도 입는다. 그런데 저는 혼자 현대 사람이다"라며 자신이 연기하는 캐릭터에 대해 언급했다.

Shin Hye Sun talked about her challenge in first sageuk since debut "I put up my hair (into a bun) and dressed in Hanbok. But I am the only one who is a modern person", mentioned the character she played.


"그래서 사실 사극 말투에 대한 부담은 없다. 캐릭터가 조금 독특하다. 그 부분이 조금 걱정이 되지만 열심히 준비해야겠다는 생각"

"In fact, speaking historical accent is not pressure/burden. The character is a bit unique. I'm a bit worried about that part, but I will do my best to prepare."




'Cheong Wa Dae chef become a queen' 


This article said that 

철인왕후'는 퓨전 사극 코미디 드라마다. 청와대 셰프 장봉환의 영혼이 조선 시대 중전 김소용의 몸 안에 갇혀 벌어지는 사건을 그렸다.

'Queen Cheorin' is a fusion historical comedy drama. It's about the chef of Cheog Wa Dae (Blue House - office of SK president) name Chang Bong Hwan whose his soul trapped inside the body of 'Kim So Yong' in Joseon era. 


So the soul of the chef is in the Queen body, does it mean the Queen will be good at cooking and we will see SHS's cooking scenes (and also lots of eating scenes) ?  :D:wub:




Another good review of 'Innocence'  (google English translation is quite ok).






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I'm really sorry to hear about SHS's grandmother. It is very sad indeed. I will think about this emotionally all day now.


The Innocence review is such great news but not surprising. SHS is clearly one of the best actors out there. Whenever she says playing a specific character will be a burden but she will do her best, it's modesty code for "I will blow your mind with my performance".

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Synopsis from Asianwiki also mentioned the role of Bae Jong-Ok and Kim Tae-Woo


In the the present day, Jang Bong-Hwan works as a chef at the President's Blue House. He has a free spirit, but his spirit somehow finds its way into the body of Queen Kim So-Yong (Shin Hye-Sun) in the Joseon period.

King Cheoljong (Kim Jung-Hyun) has secrets. He seems like a figurehead, who is gentle and easygoing. In fact, he hides his strong aspects. Queen Sunwon (Bae Jong-Ok) is the late King Sunjo’s wife. She wields the true power in the country and, thus, relegates King Cheoljong as just a figurehead. Kim Jwa-Geun (Kim Tae-Woo) is Queen Sunwon’s younger brother. He is extremely ambitious.



Today there was special premiere of ‘Innocence’for regular audiences and also a brief stage greeting from Shin Hye Sun before the movie started.  (video is available in 4k)



Now I am really regret that I shouldn’t read too many reviews of Innocence’. The more I read the more I’m dying to see it.  But when I will have that chance to see ? :bawling::bawling:


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Bae Jong Ok Talks About Movie Promotions During Pandemic, Working With Shin Hye Sun, And More

Bae Jong Ok talked about her chemistry with Shin Hye Sun in “Innocence.” She said, “We act as a mother and daughter, but there weren’t many scenes where we worked together. But I was looking forward to acting with her because she portrayed her roles very well in many dramas. I think practicing your acting before filming is important, but at first, I didn’t let her see me get ready. There’s a scene where the two characters meet for the first time in decades in the reception room, and it would be completely different if she saw me for the first time [in that scene] with aged make-up rather than seeing me with it beforehand. I tried to maintain mysteriousness because I thought such synergy was important. Shin Hye Sun tried to come and see me with my aged make-up on, but I told her not to come in. She also said she felt [more] emotional the moment she first saw me in the reception room.”




“Innocence” is currently set to be released in Korea on June 10



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Thank you @iffy21 for sharing.


Behind the scene of 'Innocence' was very tough for SHS.  I'm a bit worried when reading about this but glad that after this movie she's healthy and strong enough to take ballerina role. In 'Dogul', probably her role required more physical acting, I hope everything went smoothly with the shooting. 




신혜선, "'결백' 액션신 찍으며 경미한 뇌진탕 온 적도"

Shin Hye Sun,  I had a minor concussion when shooting 'Innocence' action scene.


신혜선은 5일 오후 종로구 삼청동 한 카페에서 진행된 영화 ‘결백’ 홍보 인터뷰에서 "평소 하지 못하는 경험이라 재미있었다. 맞는 신 찍을 때 합이 잘 맞춰져 들어가서 도움이 됐다"고 이야기했다.

하지만 모든 현장이 그렇듯, 마냥 순조로웠던 건 아니다. 신혜선은 "조폭에게 얻어 맞는 장면이 있었다. 합을 여러 번 맞췄는데도 촬영에 들어가니 실수를 하게 되더라. 제가 맞는 장면을 촬영하며 진짜로 넘어져서 머리를 땅에 박았다. 경미한 뇌진탕이 와서 잠깐 촬영이 중단되기도 했는데, 나중에 상대 배우 분과 서로 미안해 했다"고 뒷이야기를 들려줬다.



Shin Hye Sun said in a promotional interview for the movie "Innocence" held at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu in the afternoon of Jun 5th. "It was fun because it wasn't the usual experience. When shooting the scene, it's helpful when I enter and I can sync/work together well ," she said


But as in every shooting set, it was not always smooth. Shin Hye Sun said, "There was a scene I was hit by the bad guy/gangster. Even after work together (probably she mean rehearsing) several times, I made a mistake when I went into shooting. When I shot the scene, I really fell and hit my head at the floor. I got a minor concussion, so the shooting was stopped for a while. After that I apologized to each other actors."







 '166,000 people watched the movie on Saturday' .


The number of people who visited the movie theater during the day on Saturday the 6th exceeded 160,000.

It seems that the number of viewers increased as the Korean movie, which had been delayed release, began to show after the government distributed free movie discount for 6,000 won per ticket. 


According to the integrated computer network for movie theaters admission on Jun 7th, the number of audiences per day on Jun 6th was 165,755. This is the largest number in 104 days since Sunday, February 23 which have 212,834 audiences .








Therefore, the atmosphere of the theater is definitely coming back alive. There are 334,694 viewers visited the theater for three days durung Jun 4th to the 6th, when the discount coupon application began. This is a remarkable figure compared to the total number of viewers in April, which was less than 1 million, the worst of all time.



The three-day accumulated audience of the movie “Intruder” which released on Jun 4th was counted as 199,701. Almost  2 in 3 of the audiences during this period visited theaters  to see 'Intruder'.

Following the 'Intruder', the movie 'Innocence (director Park Sang Hyun, starring Shin Hye Sun, Bae Jong Ok)will take over the baton for the release of a Korean commercial movie on Jun10th.




This is really a good sign that Korean movie industey is getting revived.

Hope when 'Innoncence' is released , there will be many audiences go to watch it. 


From CGV and Lotte cinema.





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4 hours ago, immorethant said:

The three-day accumulated audience of the movie “Intruder” which released on Jun 4th was counted as 199,701. Almost  2 in 3 of the audiences during this period visited theaters  to see 'Intruder'.

Following the 'Intruder', the movie 'Innocence (director Park Sang Hyun, starring Shin Hye Sun, Bae Jong Ok)will take over the baton for the release of a Korean commercial movie on Jun10th.




This is really a good sign that Korean movie industey is getting revived.

Hope when 'Innoncence' is released , there will be many audiences go to watch it. 




I am glad to know HS is healthy and well now. As for the cinema, glad to hear people are visiting again even with the governments encouragement. I hope that Innocence release surpasses that of Intruder...sorry I know that I sound mean but I want HS first film to succeed.


I hope people and the media report back positive reviews especially on HS acting.

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From https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/404/0000267215


"Trembling"... Still Shin Hye-Sun's confession after 8 years
2020 Jun 07 5:03 pm


[enews24 Gong Hong-Joo reporting] A business card received from the actress before the interview. On the front is printed "Ahn Jung-In, Esquire". It was the card offered for this promotion interview by Shin Hye-Sun. Her acting being her business card, Shin Hye-Sun's resolve for her new challenge was memorable.


It's been 8 years since her debut. Receiving love from many for having steadfastly crafted her turf as an "actor's actor", Shin Hye-Sun has stepped up in her first film lead role through movie "Innocence". In the story, as ace lawyer at top law firm and Cha Hwa-Ja's daughter, Ahn Jung-In, for the duration of 110 minutes run time, with flawless acting she ably piques our curiosity for the 'truth'. Shin Hye-Sun's initiation as lead actress surpassed expectations.


"Watching it live, it felt more real so it made me nervous. Have to watch it like a movie, but wondering why I did that one scene in that way, I could see some parts that I wish could have done better. I can't quite put my finger on which part, but just a feeling that I should have done a bit better, that kind of regret. As for the movie itself, on the whole, it moved faster than expected, so I was satisfied with that."


Movie "Innocence" (dir Park Sang-Hyeon) is lawyer Jung-In (Shin Hye-Sun)'s 'chase for not-guilty evidence' story to uncover the sordid/evil truth which Mayor Choo (Heo Joon-Ho) and the village folk are hiding, to prove the innocence of her mother Hwa-Ja (Bae Jong-Ok), who, having lost her memory, has been cornered as the suspect in a murder case. A work based on a rice-wine pesticide murder incident in a remote country village, the country-side village backdrop was one of the points that drew Shin Hye-Sun to "Innocence".


"Takes place in a country-side. Against that backdrop the feel I got from Jung-In's character felt distinctive and interesting. The village folk wearing baggy pants and talking in country accents contrasted with Jung-In speaking English from the first scene, shows her working as a lawyer with a sophisticated style. Those points stood out and also felt fun. Plus scenery of my country-side family came to mind and peculiar feelings came over me. To me, the country-side had always given me warm and care-free feelings, but the scenario portrayed of this village sticks it to you, feeling suffocated and makes you want to run away. The overturned feeling of what was my country-side image is what I thought was interesting about it."


After having grown up in a nightmarish childhood, Jung-In is a character who had turned her back on such a family and lived fiercely alone. Trying to reveal her senile (demented) mother's innocence, fighting all alone (against great odds), this lawyer Jung-In's outward appearance and her confusing inner turmoil the closer she gets to the truth, (actress) Shin Hye-Sun portrays (untangles) with gravitas this narrative. But in order to breathe life into Jung-In's character, it wasn't easy to comprehend by herself, she tells.


"In fact it was difficult to comprehend her. One of the things that made me ponder (repent of) about this work was that I couldn't precisely understand this character. Why she would say or do certain things I couldn't exactly keep straight in my head, so at times it felt burdensome going into the shooting. Whether what was expressed through my acting in the movie is correct or not, I still can't tell for sure, and I don't think there's one right answer, either. As for me, I seem to get much material help through the actual shooting process. Through working together with the director-nim and actors, my comprehension of the character and the situation became more clear.


Of Jung-In's character, Shin Hye-Sun expressed, "felt like a fog over her", and "it may appear that right or wrong answers are clear for her, but on the inside that's not the case. While she may be an 'elite' now, she was a kid from poor country-side village; loves her mom and yet hates her too. On the inside she's complicated and noisy, but she gives off a calm exterior. Ambiguous like the fog, got from her a variety of feels like a murky noodle soup, so I tried to express those feels just so," she explained.


Perhaps due to the same legal backdrop, Shin Hye-Sun's Ahn Jung-In of 'Innocence' and Young Eun-Soo of 'Secret Forest', noticing where these two characters intersect is quite fun too. In fact, director Park Sang-Hoon, in studying drama 'Secret Forest' for casting Shin Hye-Sun, found her articulation/enunciation and range of emotions surprising. "After finishing the script, gave it to her right away and her casting was decided," revealing the back story.


"I think the director-nim saw 'Secret Forest' during script finalizing. Jung-In is a character with similarities with DA Young (Eun-Soo). If Eun-Soo is younger and gives off a well-to-do family daughter feel, Jung-In, is a kid from a dirt-poor village, studied with a steely resolve, in contrast. (Kind of) traumatized too, and sense of inferiority complex would have been stronger for Jung-In.


There were plenty of emotional scenes requiring much physical and mental energy expenditure, too. Shin Hye-Sun says, "night before emotional scenes I tend to be very nervous. Not sure what you'll think of me, but I practice my dialog in the bathroom a lot. There's a mirror, good lighting, so it's a good environment to muster up your emotions. So while preparing for shoots I tend to stay in the bathroom for a long time for practice," she confessed.


"But no matter how much I practice, there's a limit to preparing for emotional scenes. In the (jail) interview room scene, Bae Jong-Ok or myself, we intentionally did not look at each other's faces. The emotions might become too sympathetic. Then as soon as I saw her eyes, tears poured out. On the set, Bae Jong-Ok (honorific Sun-Bae-nim)'s persence herself is a big strength (to me). Timing-wise or emotion-wise, (she was) very helpful for my acting."


Movie "Innocence", at the end of being postponed twice due to Corona-Virus (COVID-19), is scheduled to open on the 10th. (Of this) Shin Hye-Sun says, "what makes me the most nervous is whether my acting can get someone to feel immersed or not. Unlike dramas, it's difficult to know such things, isn't it, with movies? In dramas, in a short time one can verify the resulting work and can see in real time reactions to my acting, so the wait is shorter for the next step, in contrast with long wait times for film. So I'm always nervous. Ultimately I want to do better, but whether what I did was correct, or was well-received by other people, that curiosity and the wait is long. So the time for self-introspection gets drawn out longer," she confessed also.


Shin Hye-Sun, through 'Innocence' has officially confirmed herself a screen actress. For her next work, she has confirmed tvN new drama 'Queen Cherin', and plans to continue her energetic work without rest. In her first historical drama work since debut, Bae Jong-Ok from 'Innocence' will also work with her this time too. Hinting at "a different relationship than in 'Innocence', a different kind of fun," Shin Hye-Sun's frank story telling continues.


"As I've lived, there's been almost nothing I want to do with a burning passion. But as for acting, it's different. My line of work is where I get to devote my soul and my body with a burning passion, and as I do, at times feel the 'catharsis'***. 'Just-do-it acting is good acting', some say, but I think it's the right thing to devote to studying the scripts carefully. So I plan to keep working to my utmost as I am doing now."

***Catharsis - construed to mean gratification, satisfaction, relief.








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