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YeonSang Couple (Shin Hye Sun 신혜선 ❤️ Sung Hoon 성훈)


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All I can say is thanks to you all for making my stay in this, my second forum (the first one's that of "Five Children") so enjoyable, happy, crazy, giddy, exhilarating! Thanks to all our translators here, we so appreciate it all! Thanks also for your updates, pictures, videos, comments, posts, etc.! :D God bless you all! :)


And may I add, as part of a fitting finale, the wedding was so beautiful & heartwarming: YT was such a gorgeous bride, SM was a handsome groom, and scenes with their families/kin (esp. YT's Dad & Mom) were touching & hilarious too! :blush: But right after watching Ep.54 (raw for now), I realized there's no more YT-SM next weekend. :(


So now, these are my emoticons: :heart:  :cry: But whenever we miss YT-SM, I'm glad we'll always have this forum! :)

And just like you all, hope they win as the Best Couple in the year-end awards! So come year-end, we shall see each other here again?! See you then! ;) And hope too that they'd be paired with each other again sooner than we think! :rolleyes:

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i have just finished reading the updates in the forum and watching the raw video of the last episode. the wedding was beautiful and touching and yeontae was drop dead gorgeous. love how sangmin was gushing over her beauty and clutching his heart on seeing his pretty bride hahaha! am really going to miss this sangmin! arrrggghhh but why does jinjoo and taemin have to come in so fast, eeeys! hmmm, this writer is really not very predictable, i have thought that the blind date secret will be out but in fun fashion when four of them meet, and yeontae will be ok after being "angry" with sm for a while. SO, i didnt quite like the part that yeontae is still kept in the dark about this, just didnt like the mind "conversation" between jj and sm, this is the only part which im really not happy about.

i was actually hoping to see a scene in sm's house after their wedding, be it how short it is, on how the lovey dovey pair can finally live together as a married couple without the "annoying" brothers interference hahaha, at least a cooking or eating together scene if a waking up together scene is too much... but alas there is none, and finally i get to see them play golf together!!!! but its really too short, that suddenly i wished the drama could be extended to even more episodes haha.

im not complaining, im happy at least they got a WEDDING!!! for a side couple, i cant ask for more! suffering from withdrawal symptoms already.

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7 hours ago, OliviaMT said:

Already having withdrawals....they are literally the best couple I have seen in awhile...

I personally love the part at 21:09 in this video...  It was so natural....:wub:



or do you mean 23:09?  when he carried her? I flushed at that hehe:wub::wub:

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Exactly, @browngirl, me too! I am wondering if the lift was adlib on SH's part because SHS went with it, but seemed caught off guard:wub: The Yeonsang couple is just too freaking perfect; they have given me so much joy over the past few months and had me fangirling in everyway possible!!! What I loved most is that their subtle moments of cuteness often created a greater impact than more heavy handed and contrived couple like scenes. SH and SHS have insanely organic chemistry and I wish I could watch them onscreen together all the time. I will miss them and this wonderful drama greatly, but I will remain hopeful that one day down the line...SH and SHS will "surprise" us all with the news that they are indeed a real life couple <3 <3 <3 Here's hoping!!! Thank you to everyone on this thread that has contributed to the dialogue that our squeel worthy pair inspired ^_^

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@inlovewithtv, @browngirl, @jaybs, @cadymcbronzie, agree with you. :)

That scene (where he carried her on the last episode) was sooo cute, and looked unscripted! ;) I noticed that when YT hugged SM, his facial expression changed from happy to sort of playful. Then after that, he suddenly carried her. YT went along with it, but yes, I think she was caught off guard. :D cadymcbronzie, noticed the "one-arm" too. ;)

These two so complement each other, had undeniable/raw chemistry, and those little nuances on their scenes are what makes their tandem unique, special & so natural! ❤️ :) Miss them already. :(

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Firstly, thank you so much all for welcoming me ^^

And actually I'm still in denial mode. Somehow I still can't believe it that I will not see them again this weekend :tears: It's been a really long time for me to love k-drama's pairing to this extent :(

By the way I think @nightlurker mentioned it about that "yoebo" thing, and you're right. SM indeed called YT yoebo. I repeated it like hundreds of time when I watched the raw and it got confirmed when I watched the subbed just now :wub:

It's just a pity that he called her just that one time. But he called her yoebo with his wedding-ring sparkling at his ringfinger and topped it with a hug and he carried her like that, enough to made me spazzing over and reply that scene like there's no tomorrow LOL :P  I just felt married-couple vibe from them so strong in that scene :wub:

I just wish they will give us a lot more scene about their married-life, but maybe for side-couple like them, we already get a lot than what we can imagine :sweatingbullets:

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im in denial mode as well. just repeated sm/yt scenes in the final episode. cannot move on, how!! yes yes, he called her yeobo no mistake about that, love that scene too, the way he carried her is like she is so light, and it is just soooo freakingly natural and her laughter too, so real and natural. they are sooooo cute! 

did anyone noticed they were wearing couple bracelets in the scene when they were having breakfast with HT/SY. that scene was super cute as well, the way yeontae nervously poked at her bread reminded me of how she poked at her ice cream (during their ice cream date) with funny thoughts too. these two really brought to life the two characters of sm and yt.

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Yes, they're just so natural in every scene. Makes me feel like sangmin yeontae is not just a character but real-life happy married couple live somewhere in seoul lol XD

I just noticed that SM is wearing bracelet but I didn't notice if YT also wear it or not. If it really is then it's either they cut the scene about SM-YT who agree to wear it together or it's just SH-SHS trying to throw hints to us LOL (pardon my delulu :phew:)

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just finished making my 2nd FMV about our couple, this time including their wedding. Enjoy guys! :wub:


and just like everyone here on this thread, i'm just as sad that their time as SangMin and YeonTae is over, but maybe we can hopefully look forward to their future as SungHoon&HyeSun? (another delusion?)  i will still probably lurk in this thread from time to time, and if we see each other in another drama thread, please say hi! 

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13 hours ago, inlovewithtv said:


or do you mean 23:09?  when he carried her? I flushed at that hehe:wub::wub:

 Yes! That's what I meant!!! I am going to miss them so much...but I am so sure they are dating outside. 

I know some people did not like the scene with JJ and TM, where they were taking pics, but SM totally only had eyes for YT. He (Sunghoon) even seemed irritated that TM was moving/fixing her gown when they went to sit down.  He is evidently into her and I subtly notice that when he gets jealous he laughs or smirks!  I also noticed that when SM was talking to JJ, you can see in the background that TM was saying "yeoppeo" for "you're pretty" to YT, which is so sweet. 

And I agree with everyone regarding the adlibs! My gosh where can I watch such chemistry again!

I might have to marathon only their scenes again...wish I knew how to cut and put together videos, cause it would be nice to have only their cuts. Let me know if you guys find anyone that has done this!!!:P

Thanks everyone for all the updates, mvs, pictures and recaps! Hope everyone can still come back on occasion to spazz over these two, as we still have award shows...possible future dramas/movies/cfs where they can be together again.


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Who else here thinks there's a wedding bits photo of our yeonsang couple they took for themselves and personal consumption. 


Sung Hoon already mentioned in different interviews that he won't publicize the relationship but maybe he'll drop us hints? We'll definitely be on the lookout :D


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19 hours ago, nightlurker said:

Yes! I agree. By the way, when SM want to ask YT about the contract, did he called her yeobo ya (honey), before he called her Yeon Doo ya?

Or is it just me being delusional? :P

 You're right! He did say honey...but he also said Yeon do ya so I was confused. 

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it's been so nice to come here and share with my fellow YT/SM/SH/SHS shippers - just imagine that there are lots more of us out there who haven't found this forum - they really did capture many hearts.

About the couple bracelet, do you mean a beaded bracelet because I've noticed SH wearing one like that outside of his role.

SH has already started filming his new movie. He looks totally different from his SM look - more like his Noble, My Love look

Also, a BTS clip from a new photo shoot done very recent


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From his interview when filming Tales of Gisaenghttp://www.onetvasia.com/onescoop/one-exclusive-interview-sung-hoon:

What are the similarities and differences between Ah Da Mo and you?
The character hides his true feelings and pretends to be nonchalant which is very similar to my own personality. But I do not treat women frivolously like the character in the drama.


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