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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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Why is it still wednesday? 

Speculations theory after rewatching episode one and two

1. The one hacking and calling MH is BS's twin.

2.  The one stalker MH is connected with his family. Either protecting him or just spying on what his daily activities.

3. The kidnapper/murderer is the eye witness that has a connection with the previous kidnapping incident.

this three are just my speculations while waiting for friday and saturday.:wub:

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27 minutes ago, sebastian27 said:

Why is it still wednesday? 

Speculations theory after rewatching episode one and two

1. The one hacking and calling MH is BS's twin.

2.  The one stalker MH is connected with his family. Either protecting him or just spying on what his daily activities.

3. The kidnapper/murderer is the eye witness that has a connection with the previous kidnapping incident.

this three are just my speculations while waiting for friday and saturday.:wub:


1/ why do you think Bong Soon's twin will threaten Min Hyuk for over two months?!! he's so sweet and wouldn't do that!! 

2/ yes, it can be!! 

3/ think the same thing!!

20 minutes ago, JackieOnTheRocks said:

Chingu help!

Can somebody tell me or explain why Depyunim (PHS) telling about Flirt/Tailbone/Avatar and suddenly ask Choi Si Won officer if until when he'll follow DBS?

Kamsahamnida xx


hhhhhhhhhhhh because the officer is getting into his flurting/play time with Bong Soon!! :lol::tongue: 

cute fan art!! :wub:

cr: owner


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1 hour ago, JackieOnTheRocks said:

Chingu help!

Can somebody tell me or explain why Depyunim (PHS) telling about Flirt/Tailbone/Avatar and suddenly ask Choi Si Won officer if until when he'll follow DBS?

Kamsahamnida xx

Because the police officer was with the two of them so AMH was trying to make conversation with DBS to ignore the police officer :lol: AMH just doesn't like police at all, plus the officer was getting in the way of his alone time with DBS :wink:

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

Bigger version of the new stills

source: naver

He's living the dream.


Still two days left until next episode. :( 

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Episode 1 and 2 - impressions 

So i finally found some time to watch the subbed episodes today and was thinking about the  lead characters:

1. Strong Woman   16585191_1329158360477629_3017310994700435456_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQ1MDcxMTY1NjQ1NDg2NTM0NA==.2
I think we can all concur that she really is very endearing. Strong (not just physically) , sweet, sassy! I like that she is a very girly girl - cute short skirts, face mask, lipstick, melts like ice-cream at the sight of her crush. I like the spunk that she has - but I did wonder if she would be that very same girl in terms of attitude and demeanor had she not had this gift. And my conclusion is no. The fact that it was part of her DNA means that it has a hand in shaping her personality and outlook. Don't get me wrong though, I don't think this gift alone defines her but you cannot separate her from it. Who we are after all is a combination of nature and nurture. Without it her core values as a person may not change but she may not be the kind of confident person that she is. I like that they hint at her conflicted feelings with regards to her power - for instance in ep. one she knows she is special because of it & she was ultimately quite worried if her heroic deed at the construction site would mean the loss of the power. But at the same time, she knows how this gift she has is a "curse" too - the unwanted attention it can draw to her often means that she needed to exercise self control - e.g when she saw the guy grope another female in the subway train ;  and then she never told Gook Doo about this gift even though they have known each other since elementary school. Who can blame her right cause how do you tell a guy you've liked all your life that you are a freak of nature. (X-men vibes coming to me). It's interesting how she takes all her mother's chiding and favoritism towards her brother  in her stride  - so all the more I'm certain it's this very gift that has given her a source of comfort & made her who she is. So if she were to lose this power, it  would be very interesting to see how it will change her.

2. Ovary terrorist 1 - Ann Min Hyuk
Omo! What  intelligent things can I say about this saliva inducing man? Damn my fangirling mind had a momentary loss for words. I think one of the things that struck me first about him (besides his good looks) was how sly & sneaky he was. I can see why he succeeded outside of his family. He thinks outside the box and is very quick witted.  I like that he is anti-establishment. His growing infatuation (ok I won't call it love just yet, we will get there soon enough) over our strong gal is cleverly hidden from her but made obvious to us the viewer. Oh, he is indeed the skinship master isn't he... sneaky , no?

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBd2uBnjxxbCJETthHOpQOUFIUGX8eaIPpuyifNZLhTM59J6sMGQ -Strong-Woman-Do-Bong-Soon-korean-dramas-40263517-500-245.gif

In the first ep where he met the police chief to get Bong Soon's number he had no qualms using connections to do so but yet he praised Gook Doo for being a good / real cop. So I like that he is not naive since he does realise the power of his family's connection & will use it if needed , but the show does hint to us of the morally right person he is deep down. Him calling himself a criminal wannabe , I don't bite that. 

3. Ovary terrorist 2 - In Gook Doo

No words ... Strong-Woman-Do-Bong-soon-episode-1-6f63iv5f4gg5semh5f4lzg9y0ktdgv4ck6c0koioz7e.jpg and if the guys like you too, what more can I say...strong-woman-do-bong-soon-3.png

Jokes aside, I find his character at the moment the most one dimensional. Honest, upright and no-nonsense. A young detective who is all consumed with work and justice. I do not blame him though for not really paying BS any attention. It would be worse to lead her on if he has nothing more than friendship to offer her, plus he has a gf. I can see later on why he does become protective of her - he is a cop, well aware of the danger that has befallen a childhood friend. After watching with subs, I'm somehow a little pessimistic about how much they will develop the love line with his pretty cellist gf. 

The romance & bromance are definitely some of the things I look forward to in this show. But I have to specially mention Bong Soon's mum. That woman is indeed a piece of work . She said she was being punished for her misdeed. When I look at her husband's face , I wonder who was really being punished. I laughed so hard everytime Gook Du's famous writer mum came into the shop and the husband went into fanboy mode. Oh the look on her  face (BS's mum) ...priceless!

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54 minutes ago, triplem said:

Episode 1 and 2 - impressions 

So i finally found some time to watch the subbed episodes today and was thinking about the  lead characters:



1. Strong Woman   
I think we can all concur that she really is very endearing. Strong (not just physically) , sweet, sassy! I like that she is a very girly girl - cute short skirts, face mask, lipstick, melts like ice-cream at the sight of her crush. I like the spunk that she has - but I did wonder if she would be that very same girl in terms of attitude and demeanor had she not had this gift. And my conclusion is no. The fact that it was part of her DNA means that it has a hand in shaping her personality and outlook. Don't get me wrong though, I don't think this gift alone defines her but you cannot separate her from it. Who we are after all is a combination of nature and nurture. Without it her core values as a person may not change but she may not be the kind of confident person that she is. I like that they hint at her conflicted feelings with regards to her power - for instance in ep. one she knows she is special because of it & she was ultimately quite worried if her heroic deed at the construction site would mean the loss of the power. But at the same time, she knows how this gift she has is a "curse" too - the unwanted attention it can draw to her often means that she needed to exercise self control - e.g when she saw the guy grope another female in the subway train ;  and then she never told Gook Doo about this gift even though they have known each other since elementary school. Who can blame her right cause how do you tell a guy you've liked all your life that you are a freak of nature. (X-men vibes coming to me). It's interesting how she takes all her mother's chiding and favoritism towards her brother  in her stride  - so all the more I'm certain it's this very gift that has given her a source of comfort & made her who she is. So if she were to lose this power, it  would be very interesting to see how it will change her.

2. Ovary terrorist 1 - Ann Min Hyuk
Omo! What  intelligent things can I say about this saliva inducing man? Damn my fangirling mind had a momentary loss for words. I think one of the things that struck me first about him (besides his good looks) was how sly & sneaky he was. I can see why he succeeded outside of his family. He thinks outside the box and is very quick witted.  I like that he is anti-establishment. His growing infatuation (ok I won't call it love just yet, we will get there soon enough) over our strong gal is cleverly hidden from her but made obvious to us the viewer. Oh, he is indeed the skinship master isn't he... sneaky , no?


In the first ep where he met the police chief to get Bong Soon's number he had no qualms using connections to do so but yet he praised Gook Doo for being a good / real cop. So I like that he is not naive since he does realise the power of his family's connection & will use it if needed , but the show does hint to us of the morally right person he is deep down. Him calling himself a criminal wannabe , I don't bite that. 

3. Ovary terrorist 2 - In Gook Doo

No words ...  and if the guys like you too, what more can I say...

Jokes aside, I find his character at the moment the most one dimensional. Honest, upright and no-nonsense. A young detective who is all consumed with work and justice. I do not blame him though for not really paying BS any attention. It would be worse to lead her on if he has nothing more than friendship to offer her, plus he has a gf. I can see later on why he does become protective of her - he is a cop, well aware of the danger that has befallen a childhood friend. After watching with subs, I'm somehow a little pessimistic about how much they will develop the love line with his pretty cellist gf. 

The romance & bromance are definitely some of the things I look forward to in this show. But I have to specially mention Bong Soon's mum. That woman is indeed a piece of work . She said she was being punished for her misdeed. When I look at her husband's face , I wonder who was really being punished. I laughed so hard everytime Gook Du's famous writer mum came into the shop and the husband went into fanboy mode. Oh the look on her  face (BS's mum) ...priceless!




loved your post and your take on the characters!! and I almost sited ans chocked while drinking my tea seeing Nam Joo Hyuk glaring at Min Hyuk on the edit pic!! :lol: 

Bong Soon losing her power will be a terrifying thing for her (it's part of her_who she is) if she ever got to experience it though I don't think she will!! 

Min Hyuk is no innocent young man that's for sure!! he have his morals and values which I love but he's fully aware of this world's dirtiness and he's playful in all sides!! hhhhhhhh

my take on Guk Do was that he didn't listen much to his friend Bong Soon, he always say do what he wanted to do (which are sweetand caring things to his credit) then leave or hang up the phone like he's dealing with his job's matters not his friend!! happy I saw him smiling to his girlfriend or I woould've lost it hhhh and he really cares for Bong Soon even if he's mostly show it in his pollice officer way!! 

about his girlfriend, I saw she have a love/affection ligne with Bong Song's twin brother which is interesting!! as for the love triagle between our leads, I'm going to have fun to see for the 1st time this kind of love triangle!! :lol: 

@Visually-wandering yes they have surprisingly similar face feature :blink: but Guk Do will have nothing to do with this creminal other than working on capturing him!!  

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Naver - Heraldpop: 'Strong Woman Do Bong Soon' Park Bo Young ♥ Park Hyung Sik

1. [+2349, -31] Ah Park Hyung Sik's acting is good...He's wearing the right clothes

2. [+1499, -16] It's really fun!!!!! Good Good, Looking forward to it ㅋㅋ

3. [+1271, -26] I'm watching it with a lot of fun...Looking forward to this week^^

4. [+1113, -29] Because of Hyung Sik, i watched High Society again..I watched before with the broadcast but i watch it again to see Hyung Sik's acting and his good looks...Hung Sik is love ♡♡♡

5. [+442, -14] Park Hyung Sik is acting is really good, He is really charming...I decided to watch this drama after Goblin and it is really funny

6. [+410, -14] I like Park Hyung Sik's voice so much

7. [+333, -6] Friday please come fast, I want to see Puppy couple

8. [+317, -6] The best!! Friday come fast~~~

9. [+305, -4] Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young is chemistry is really good, Looking forward to see more of this two. ㅋ

Cre: http://netizendrama.blogspot.com/2017/03/strong-woman-do-bong-soon-releases.html


Park Hyung Sik is love love love :heart:

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It’s only Bong Soon’s first day at work and Min Hyuk is already so whipped by her, it seems like it won’t be long before he will be giving her those star motions stock options.


He might tell BS that he hired her because of her strength but while she’s been working for him he haven’t asked her even once to use it, instead all he does is making her follow him everywhere and feeding her. After everything he revealed about his family and that his half-brother is the only person he trusts, suggesting that he doesn’t have any real friends, it became clear how terribly lonely MH’s life has been. Right now, BS is for him that friend he never had and it’s  impossible for him to hide how he’s fascinated by her and happy around her.


It’s in the way he always leans closer to her and slightly lowers himself to be closer to her height, how he keeps stealing glances and looks at her when she isn’t watching, how instead of the drone it’s her from who he can’t take his eyes off,… It’s all instinctive and instincts and body language don’t lie.


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@Visually-wanderingsaid: Rewatched ep 2 and I have strange feeling about this. So I made the analysis on my Instagram.


Woah i thought it's just me... They look alike, right?:D... But when i threw that idea to my friend she said "nah, he can't be"... Then again it won't be fun if gook du is the villain.. So i hope it's not him:lol:

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1 hour ago, Era Ferawati said:

This is cute:heart:


Is it only me,or others do this too,collecting pics when you're crazy abt char in drama?:lol:


thanks for all of this.... so many photos while waiting for friday... one more day guys

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