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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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hi chingus,
 I looked this story on all sides and do not understand a thing,
why on earth the smart YooJin left Anna to live so long if she is such a pain in the aS.S.??
She killed the mother, but was working so hard to hide the child all this time ... only to kill her now when she grew up and became really dangerous for her and her wishes ? does that make sense?

since Anna's childhood , YJ was struggling to hide the fact that her husband has an illegitimate child? why?
be it ever since she planned to make Jang Se-Joon  to become Mr. President and she to be the First Lady? long time!!

if is so, it was so easy for YooJin the evil lady to get rid of Anna since then, Anna ran away so many times, one accident I mean a real one could have happened anytime , why not a settled one ?... and nobody had interest to dig deeper into the issue, it has happened, So?
I say this because for me it was clear from the beginning that YJ will try to get rid of all the people around her who helped her with the issue and who know about this story, including JH, because public exposure of the fact that Anna is the daughter of Se-Joon remains a bigger problem  if he gets to be elected president ... so everyone must go, all dead, the dead do not talk !! (confirmed by the young bodyguard when they had lunch with Anna)

So why keeping Anna alive till now??!!! big mystery! for me at least!
I think the argument that YJ was using Anna to blackmail SJ to do what she wants, that is, to be politician and become pressident, does not work, because SJ wants to become pres as bad as his wife,

what sense has to work hard to convince someone to do something  himself wants to do ??


blink.gif.956b2c95453557b24a0cb9396685ca14.gif ?

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7 hours ago, blindfury said:


Yeah i do agree with most of my mom's opinion. So ? Did i say you are a psychopath or anyone else is?  My mom is pointing at how influences numbs our senses to reality and hence sometimes moves what SHE thinks is her morality borderline.

I mean good for you that you are smart and will never get influenced. but there is chinese saying 请勿对号入座.  

Your mother had the opinion that media "romanticizing" evil and representing grey character could negatively influence audiences' s moralities. Her opinion also suggested that those who pitied or sympathized with YooJin and shipped her with Jena were people whose moralities had been weakened/ had inferior moral codes/ couldnt recognize right from wrong.

I am a Jeha/YooJin shipper and I am someone who really likes and sympathizes with YooJin. As a YooJin fan, I responded  to your mother's assumption and said it was wrong. Just because I like YooJin and ship her with Jeha, doesn't mean my morality is inferior or that I have been numbed by media's representation of moral greyness.

Can I not speak for myself? Your mother made an assumption about people like me and I pointed out that that assumption was not true.

Also, I have no problem with different ideas about the drama and characters. There are a lot of people on this thread that hate YooJin, and I don't begrudge them, they have the right to their own opinion.

But when you have an opinion and want everyone to share your opinion, so you question the morality of those who have different opinions than you, that is when I have a problem.

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Guest julie721

this is gonna be quick post... I'm on my way to airport.. Might be absence from the thread for several days, I'm going on trip out of town...

@nona88 I'm sure I'm gonna check that.. 

You guys keep the party going.. I will check periodically, (depend on the WIFI on that location, cross fingers it would be decent connection)

Mod @rainmoon ah my bad.. I did did big mistake.. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will sure I am not gonna do that again.. Don't be mad okay??? baa60776.gif


See you agents.. 

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4 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

You know where YJ is wrong in politics? She uses fear and bullying to get what she wants. That's effective first but every human being is instilled with a fighting instinct to protect oneself and their loved ones. People start to fight after the initial cower.

Whereas Minister Park uses sweet talk and money to get what he wants.

That's a smart move. Fear, you can fight against but greed is constant for human beings.

Yes, YJ is smart and cunning and blah blah but is she a good politician? I don't think so. Look how everyone has started revolting against her. She is thoroughly alone now. Even her husband is plotting against her. I would pity her but then I remember the murders and how she treated an innocent young child. Karma is truly a -;) I am looking forward to every character getting exactly what they deserve.


I see it the other way around.. people around YJ is not starting to revolt..but they are the ones who started it first...and she is just trying to survive...  counter attack i think, is the right word.  The very same action that AN is using now on YJ, which most favors? How odd...

Well.. lets see whose end will justify the means! Isnt it exciting & frustrating at the same time for Team AN & Team YJ? 

6 episodes to go....


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@rainmoon myan chinggu yaa.. hahahaha.. I don't know its including that restrict in soompu..

@julie721 I will miss you honey.. have safe flight and fun on your trip.. be waiting your funny post here..

@meh2222 you are describing all that scenes so well dear.. that is exactly I felt too.. JCW and Yoona did awesome job there.. 

I can't wait to see their reunion and it will be a kiss again I hope.. 

@nona88 hahahaha.. its a party indeed.. but I got warning for do that.. so just let stop.. I just want their lovey dovey and heart warming romance puhleasee..

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@julie721 Sure... you can take my brain. Not like it's doing very much these days. Hahaha...

@stargazer187 Annyeong! Came here to check out the K2 scene cos our drama club discussions on this is so slow! Waaaaeee??? No one analysing with us there! :bawling:

I know many of you have been talking about a romantic loveline between Choi YooJin and JeHa, but here's a counter proposal to what I thought of that scene when she asked to speak to him alone after everyone else was dismissed from the Cloud 9 meeting room. It seemed to me that the concern in her eyes looked like that of a mother to a son she never had. JeHa is about Anna's age. Choi YooJin is old enough to be JeHa's mother. I don't feel so much sexual tension between them, but I definitely do feel love and care from YooJin towards JeHa. For once in her life, she has experienced someone with that agency from her (he does not bend to her will), someone who rejects her attempts to control him, but she has started to care for him - like a child. The child she never had. And this theme has been threading through the episodes so far. There is mention of the fact that she is not a mother, what would it be like if she were a mother/had a child, her using other people's children to threaten and control them (e.g. using Anna to control her husband, using the anchorwoman's son to control her). Then comes JeHa, and his life is now being threatened. She suddenly feels what it could be like to lose a child. And she doesn't want that. So she tells him to not put his own life in danger. I find that to be a more powerful connection than the suggestion of romance. Imagine what would happen if (and when - cos I think she will) she finds out that her secretary has attempted to kill JeHa. Those maternal instincts. Very different from a lover's instincts. Don't mess with mother bear. She will maul you to death. 

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OMG new BTS video 

the scene when he carry her in the cpr scene and wehn he fall for really in the rooftop 


the scene with freeze and stop 


OMG thsy both so cute and funny , i cant imaging how the other cast can keep working with this two children playing cute all the times 





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OKAY ISN'T HE SO MUCH HONEST !!! DEAR JCW that so much to say that you think that you are cute , people dont say that about themselves but what to do you are dorky cute , i like that you dont have so many faces and image since you always just gave honest answer , i am glade that you dont belong to bigger company since they was going to kill you for your honest and dorky answers - but you still cute 


 okay the BTS that i posted before but in youtube if it more comfortable to some people 





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Annyeong K2 chingu deul

Hi @nona88 mani gomawo for the new BTS clips. Where can I get the Youtube version? You have shared one of them but I would like to have the rest too for my collection. Is there a Youtube link to for Showbiz Korea with Ji Chang Wook?

From the BTS video on the Rooftop Scene, I guess Yoona adlib about asking Jeha to sit down, don't stand as its dangerous. She also said he tripped and broke the roof tiles. From the BTS, it showed one of the tile was broken when JCW really fall.

Wednesday! Another day then its Friday, K2 time.....

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5 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:


I see it the other way around.. people around YJ is not starting to revolt..but they are the ones who started it first...and she is just trying to survive...  counter attack i think, is the right word.  The very same action that AN is using now on YJ, which most favors? How odd...

Well.. lets see whose end will justify the means! Isnt it exciting & frustrating at the same time for Team AN & Team YJ? 

6 episodes to go....


But doesn't Anna have a justified reason to take revenge on Anna. At least, she is not planning to hurt her physically. Yoo-jin actually is okay with killing her from what we've seen and she locked away a nine year old just because she is threat. Some here justify Yoo-jin's actions and character as a product of her environment. But Anna is a product of Yoo-jin's actions against her. 

That is why I want Anna to succeed and get a happy ending. It does not mean having a relationship with Jeha but living a normal, free live. The most I would give Yoo-jin is redemption and not just her saying "Sorry, I made a mistake. I become better." No, redemption through being responsible for her mistakes even in a legal way. She has to fully see and understand the pain she put innocent people through. So I don't want a happy ending for her, it would feel like a punch for anyone who has suffered innocently because of her. 

Before people come at me with "But Jeha...": he killed as a soldier which is part of his job. After that he kidnapped and blackmailed Yoo-jin. These are, so far, his crimes. 

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16 minutes ago, JaneP said:

But doesn't Anna have a justified reason to take revenge on Anna. At least, she is not planning to hurt her physically. Yoo-jin actually is okay with killing her from what we've seen and she locked away a nine year old just because she is threat. Some here justify Yoo-jin's actions and character as a product of her environment. But Anna is a product of Yoo-jin's actions against her. 

That is why I want Anna to succeed and get a happy ending. It does not mean having a relationship with Jeha but living a normal, free live. The most I would give Yoo-jin is redemption and not just her saying "Sorry, I made a mistake. I become better." No, redemption through being responsible for her mistakes even in a legal way. She has to fully see and understand the pain she put innocent people through. So I don't want a happy ending for her, it would feel like a punch for anyone who has suffered innocently because of her. 

Before people come at me with "But Jeha...": he killed as a soldier which is part of his job. After that he kidnapped and blackmailed Yoo-jin. These are, so far, his crimes. 


I wish it stays this way...guy who gave the orders to kill Ranyia should be exposed and legally punished as well and not killed by JH

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@julie721 have a safe trip dear, you'll be missed

re: hating Anna because of Yoona, I don't think this is the case with many K2 viewers who're just not so much invested in the character only, I don't think either that this will change if another actress played the part, not everyone has an idol prejudice towards Yoona if they said they don't like the character, speaking for myself and I believe many other too, I know there's this hate towards idol turning actor/actress but I don't know why, since there's also actors only who's not really good in acting, just saying

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18 hours ago, blindfury said:

Thinking of Anna, something more pro active, anyone interested in donating to http://www.childhood.org.au/

#PS, if anything good should come out of this drama, i think a highlight on kids abuse ?


@blindfury Your so right about this this touches on child abuse on so many different levels even by one on parent If js don't win the presidency I will call it his Karma for allowing his daughter to go through so much truma at the hands of YJ and himself..

17 hours ago, kris27 said:

Hi everyone! I was silent reader here.
I think much about YJ words about Anna. Anna is a daughter of a wolf. It means she can hunt, right? She is not so innocent and pure. Then this drama is so similar to Yong Pal, where main heroine was seeking revenge and YP trying his best to save everyone around him (including her). I didn’t like it at all.
In that drama heroine (don’t remember her name) was strong and vindictive but Anna is like vindictive CHILD, who doesn’t understand the whole situation but acts bravely. I can’t say that I don’t like her, but I feel pity to JH. He suffers and will suffer because of her actions. I just hope Anna will know more about JH and think twice before doing something. 
P.S. Can someone tell me why Anna trusts "her uncle"? He didn't do anything to prove his kindness.

@kris27  It's not that she trust him is just that they have a common ground and thats YJ she's the enemy to them both.. 

12 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

You know where YJ is wrong in politics? She uses fear and bullying to get what she wants. That's effective first but every human being is instilled with a fighting instinct to protect oneself and their loved ones. People start to fight after the initial cower.

Whereas Minister Park uses sweet talk and money to get what he wants.

That's a smart move. Fear, you can fight against but greed is constant for human beings.

Yes, YJ is smart and cunning and blah blah but is she a good politician? I don't think so. Look how everyone has started revolting against her. She is thoroughly alone now. Even her husband is plotting against her. I would pity her but then I remember the murders and how she treated an innocent young child. Karma is truly a -;) I am looking forward to every character getting exactly what they deserve.

@YourHighness .  We really can't blame YJ for turning out the way she has she has had to fight all her life be it from fighting to get quaility time from her dad to fighting others she knows no other way to do things but be a bully because this is how she was taught she learned first hand from the master himself DADDY.. But like I said this stil don't excuse her or JS in they active role of playing Anna as they pond which one could kill just because someone don't agree with what your trying to do..

7 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:


I see it the other way around.. people around YJ is not starting to revolt..but they are the ones who started it first...and she is just trying to survive...  counter attack i think, is the right word.  The very same action that AN is using now on YJ, which most favors? How odd...

Well.. lets see whose end will justify the means! Isnt it exciting & frustrating at the same time for Team AN & Team YJ? 

6 episodes to go....


@grapefruit7 Your right I see it the other way around they attack her first, One thing Congressman Park really hasn't realized or any of then for as that matters goes is they have woke up a sleeping tiger.. Because JH will be fighting to stay alive from both sides he never trusted YJ or Sj to begin with and the writer added Congressman Park in for good measures.. I some how see Jh will end up going to the man Congressman Park meet when he shot his girlfriend just to find out what was they deal and I see him using him to threaten Congressman Park.. So I see the next 4 episodes will be very crucial to the outcome of this drama..

Okay the big question is just why did JH really go to try and kill congressman park when he has to know that Yj asst will try to kill him again since she agreed to give up her head once the job is done surely he knows someone wil rat him out or if he's arrested they would still try and kill him just what is he trying to accompolish.. Did he tape YJ again asking him to kill.. The more I think on his action I see it's more to him just going there it's something else besides congressma park dirty dealings.. Is the current president selling firearms to foreign countries and he's some kind of tripple agent spy..

@julie721 Have a safe trip and I wil miss our girl chat.. 


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8 hours ago, grapefruit7 said:


I see it the other way around.. people around YJ is not starting to revolt..but they are the ones who started it first...and she is just trying to survive...  counter attack i think, is the right word.  The very same action that AN is using now on YJ, which most favors? How odd...

Well.. lets see whose end will justify the means! Isnt it exciting & frustrating at the same time for Team AN & Team YJ? 

6 episodes to go....


How are you sure that they started it? It seems like YJ is the one who began revolting and started going offensive because she felt her company was being stolen by her Dad's mistress and the family. From what the mistress/wife said, her dad was aware of and was afraid of his daughter turning into a monster, that's why he left the company to his son.  I personally don't think it all started as a defense. And let's leave her family out for a bit.. what about the other people she was terrorizing? She uses the same "fear" weapon on everyone, she doesn't change her tactics according to the person's strength and weaknesses. She did the same with JH too. That makes her easy to anticipate and that's not a good move in the politics. You have to keep your enemies on their toes. Being repetitive in politics makes a person weak, desperate and an easy target, as we can see.

42 minutes ago, valsava said:

  We really can't blame YJ for turning out the way she has she has had to fight all her life be it from fighting to get quaility time from her dad to fighting others she knows no other way to do things but be a bully because this is how she was taught she learned first hand from the master himself DADDY.. But like I said this stil don't excuse her or JS in they active role of playing Anna as they pond which one could kill just because someone don't agree with what your trying to do..


Oh I don't blame her for it and I get why she is like that. I am just saying that she is not as wily as she thinks she is. She is over confident and repetitive that's not good in politics.

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