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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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This post is mainly about my thoughts on the show and the characters. However, I did catch some of the talks above.  May I just say as a note: the idea of an overbearing mom on their sons is not ONLY Asian.  This spans all over the world in any culture. White moms are just as overbearing--especially at times if the girl is ethnically/culturally different. This is not to be measuring richard simmons or anything, but in my culture---I think they're far crazier than Asians about the whole mother and son thing.  I'm Haitian and they are not only particular about race; they pay attention to breeding, money, cooking Haitian food, culture, and attitude.  Sincerity is meaningless.  

If one thing is not good, you're done for.  It is always a  test with these moms.  Even then, if the marriage goes ahead---then you have to deal with the bad mouthing and mistreatment that accompanies that; even after kids. Anything goes wrong for your kids, the wife is to blame and her son is an innocent. For girls and boys---it's best if your parents kind of choose your husband or wife (not the American group wholly but back in Haiti, yeah). Girls get married off with an ominous warning from their father if he wasn't chosen/accepted by her parents.

I'll give you an example of the overbearing mom.  My uncle (2nd cousin really, he was my mum's cousin) was getting married in the 70s (I wasn't even a spec in my  mums eye).  My grandmother raised him. Why is it at his wedding my grandmother bursts out into tears (ie the kind as though a relative died); in the middle of the wedding, screaming,"They've taken him away.  They're taking him away.  You'll die with them." <---- Yeah, yeah. In public during the wedding ceremony.  Apparently the drama that erupted that day lives on in infamy in my family. One of many.  Yeah, so for me in Korean dramas they are much nicer.  

***As a note ladies (assuming majority here are ladies), if you don't have children yet---ie a son.  Watch yourself when you do.  You'll be as overbearing.  You just will. MamaBear taking care of her kid. Does it annoy me sometimes to watch it...sure. But again, it's nothing new with the women in my family or in my culture.


Okay, I loved yesterday's episode.  It really made e happy and as I'm writing this review, I have it playing again rewound.  I get people were crying for our main couple---but I thought it was the strongest scenes were about YS interacting with DJ, DJ's family, and his irritating mother.  

I noted the mothers were on topic, I'll throw in my 2 cents

Gok Ji: As a note I always knew that woman was talking out of two holes. So, this idea that the writers are playing with us is a bit ott.  They're not, they've lain the ground work on all of the characters from the beginning of the show. For instance, in the case of DJ's mother.  The first time she enters the scene...she complains to her husband about having the people over, but they don't buy a suit.  She was annoyed by this.  She's nice and welcoming to an extent.  She also clearly said if YS wasn't so dead sure about marrying GP, she'd find her someone.  She continued to say this until after the "marriage", at which point she felt YS was basically sullied goods because of her problems. To see her first, only, and most precious son marrying someone like YS drives her nuts.  Particularly, when he was rolling with chaebols (who accepted him and like him) as a non-chaebol chaebol and her chaebol ex-daughter-in-law wants him back. That woman wouldn't give that up if she could. Therefore, she's not out of character by any means. 

Gi Pyo's Mother:  She's another piece of work.  She's from reasonable in my eyes.  If she was, she'd find a way to help the girl disappear rather than terrorize YS, willingly.   You may love your son, but if you see the girl doesn't and you know what your son is like, then you wouldn't force her.   Every damn step of the way that woman has dropped hints about Gi Pyo---that YS just misses.  Shoot, I almost miss them.  His violent tendencies, stating along the lines that he should have toned down with whatever illegal activities he was doing.  She even spoke about him as a kid and teenager being in and out of prison.  The woman knows Gi Pyo and yet she is still harassing and stalking YS, while her son's hooligans are another one.  That woman went as far as to threaten YS with her son's own attitude.  There is nothing reasonable there.  The woman is evil. Gi Pyo must have inhereted a good part of his personality from her. 

Eun Sook:  Eun Sook was never shown as evil.  She was shown as manipulative, selfish, and arrogant.  I was hoping the writers would go more into Gok Ji's family's, ie her brother, relationship with Eun sook.  I hope they touch on that again.  It was fasinating.  However, I am a bit appeased b/c Hyo Won touched on this.  She won't marry for money or status like Eun Sook, she'll marry for love.  That hurt Eun Sook---but it also made Eun Sook note three things: 1) No matter the money, it doesn't mean acceptance.  It's even worse if you get in through manipulation; 2) she couldn't protect her children from her past.  Luckily not poisoning their beliefs about her; 3) karma---do wrong, wrong comes to you.  I think it's the third one that really humbled Eun Sook.  Meesa Apparel is failing.  Her children have turned on her and she's still being rejected by her current social status.  When Kang Tae Yang jumps on the scene she's charmed by him.  He's nice, tall, goodlooking, caring, and thinks she's cute and sees how Hyo Won will be when she's older and appreciates it. Kang Tae Yang is really the one who's evolved Eun Sook's character actually.  I don't think she's changed.  She's still all of the above...but there's more to her character.  She's complex and multileveled.  I sincerely believe that Eun Sook wouldn't be as great if it wasn't for Kang Tae Yang. He brings her back to what she might have been before marrying into the Min family. 

My Fave Pairings

Eun Sook-Kang Tae Yang: I don't know how to describe their relationship.  At first I thought Eun Sook had a crush on him and then I realized---she was pleasantly surprised by his sense of honour and his chivalry.  Maybe even a tad bit jealous that her daughter was able to make such a good choice.  Every time I see them together all I can say is that she has him under her thumb. I don't know how to put it into words but I like them on screen together.  It's like mother/son but then not. Maybe in some ways he reminds her of her first love and that's why she was against him.  What could he offer to her chaebol daughter, a pauper? But I then think she realized what TY did for HW, what her first love was incapable or her own ambitions wouldn't allow him to give her.  HW sees something there and she accepted and loved all she saw. Eun Sook allowed herself to feel the same.  She sees what TY does for HW and further more, she sees how caring he is of her (ES).  TY goes out of his way to take care of her---not to impress because that is what he is raised to do and to be. Not to mention, he loves HW for everything she is and it's clear and undoubtably true that HW is a younger version (minus monetary ambition) of ES.  

Kang Tae Yang - Min Hyo Won:  Yeah, ultimate favorite pair.  Do you know I actually had dropped the show because I didn't want Kang Tae Yang to be in any relationship with Min Hyo Won.  Yeah, I was rooting for Kim Da Jung. I dropped it for like 7 episodes and then I was like...get over it.  I love the long shows and I can't get enough of them.  Aside from Father, I'll Take Care of You, this was the only other one (yeah I know there are a few, but I'm not into them).  I came back and I have to say Min Hyo Won grew on me and it helped that Kim Da Jung wasn't on screen a lot or became a possible love interest (triangle crap) that interupts the core one.  This was organic and well organized.  I love them.  I like Min Hyo Won as a cry baby.  Normally, that's not my type---but she uses it to mainpulate Kang Tae Yang and that's the clincher for me.  It's done in a cute way; because one of the biggest things is how manipulative she is.  Actually she reminds me of Yuan Xian Qin from It Started With A Kiss (Yeah nothing at all will EVER beat the Taiwanese version of Mischevious Kiss---that is the BEST EVER remake.  Shoot it inspired all the others, it was so good.) The cuteness but underneath it all a woman who knows what she wants and will do anything she has to get it---without being a meany. That scene of the box---bless man, just bless. I loved the underweart.  A favorite scene I loved---was when TY ties his hands behind his back while he kissed HW.  You can tell he wants to take it further but stopping himself. I don't think they'll last much longer. In all seriousness, it's the growth of it that I liked.  It wasn't rushed in any way.  It's been progressive.  Now I don't know where it began, I just know I'm on the road with them.  I don't know if that makes sense.  I don't care where it started, and I don't care where it ends.  I just care about the feelings I have when I follow them on this journey.  That's what they do for me. Yeah, they're my "relationship goals" if I was 20 again.  Shoot, I still want that nearing 40.

Kang Tae Yang - Min Hyo Won - Oh Eun Sook:  I love this three some.  I can't wait to see more of it.  When Eun Sook and Hyo Won find out about JY and what she did to TY; hell will break loose. I will enjoy every minute.  But hell will break loose. Those two love Kang Tae Yang.  I also think that TY would never consider modeling; it doesn't seem his style. However, I think he's willing to do it because of future wife and future mother-in-law being so excited by it.  They love it, and he loves them, so it's done. I loved when they picked him up at the burger place.  Those two came in like a wrecking ball into that boys life and are deciding to stay and picking out the decor.  I think TY brings something out of both women that they were missing.  ES starting doing things she never experienced before and loved it.  Going to TY's house, enjoy staying there even if it's not a 4 star hotel; but she, like Hyo Won, felt it was in the end. His undivided attention.  The man listens to them and speaks to them with sincerety.  I will never forget in this ep when HW is having a mommy freak out, TY says, "No let her.  Seeing her so excited, makes me happy."  The look on HW's face.  The man just moved her and damn it, he moved me as well. That moment actually made me cry.  I cried for that.  It just showed how much he cared.  He didn't even look like he liked the nightclub but was willing to stay for ES.  The singing together.  I just feel that there's a give and take here that is undefiniable. Seriously, I can''t put it into words, but I want more and more and more of them on screen.  A final note, I sincerely believe TY and HW will have a little girl and she will be just like her mother and grandmother. Spoiled to oblivion to act the same way---maybe she'll fall in love with DJ/YS son.  


***Is it just me?  Every time I see Eun Sook acting nuts I just think of Miss Piggy! 


Image result for miss piggy gif  The-Muppets-Piggy-1433461182.gif


Lee Dong Jin - Na Yun Shil:  What did I love about them in this episode?  Everything.  I mean I think this was my favorite episode of them. It was epic for them.  I guess I like Yun Shil whump.  I like seeing Yun Shil struggling with love.  At first she was struggling with fear, then she didn't understand her feelings, she figures out it's love, and then she's about to lose it. Yet, that doesn't sound right...why do I still love it?  Yun Shil is developing.  She was always three dimensional.  But I felt this episode made her a complex character.  A woman with layers.  She'll do what she needs to do to protect him and his family.  However, she'll make sure she lives out any and all fantasies (I'm hoping sex) with Dong Jin before she leaves.  I hope she doesn't go to Busan, but I think she will.  They always escape there.  Anyway I like seeing the ocean there, so I'm game.  I liked to hear her tell the old bat, that she'll leave but she needs time.  The previews made me happy.  Rather than dwell on them in hard ache, she's loving all the time she does have left with him.  As a woman nearing 40...I can take this "relationship goal", if I can't have TY & HW's love.  Anyway, this was a great ep, especially to see Jo Yoon Hee delivering a performance that had me in tears as well.  I cried with that girl. Could be why I like bittersweet endings...love is great but not always. It was good, when it was. I find Lee Dong Jin to be a great character overall.  I like his growth into playfulness.  He throws shade like nobodies business. The man is serious, playful, can be hard, and it's ruthless not only in the boardroom but in the street.  He was willing to take on Gi Pyo's thugs in a few episodes past.  Damn, I love him.  I think he would be able to handle everything that Na Yun Shil brings to the table (baggage and all), but I see YS also not someone to put his life or his family's life in danger.  She's too sweet for that and loves him too much for that. 


Annoying relationships that did not detract from the show, but enhanced it:

Min Hyo Sang - Choi Ji Yun:  Those two don't' love each other. I don't see HS as a bad guy.  He's just controlling, ambitious, manipulative, spoiled, and can be a real richard simmons. His sister and him are similar but she's cute and fun, he's more of the jerk version.  I do see something in him though.  Maybe it's the fact he still calls Lee Dong Jin, "hyung". That was nice to see in the episode.  Or the way he cares about his sister and his mum.  I just don't see his feelings for JY.  JY is ambitious, manipulative, and straight up cruel.  While HS can be a jerk; if you notice he's stopped bugging TY.   TY annoys him, but he's not bad mouthing and attacking him. Maybe it's because he sees how much his sister loves the guy.  I don't know.  At this point I just see him competing with TY. For what I haven't a clue.  The only person who is irritating me now is JY.  OMG, this woman.  She tells him to dump his girlfriend since he's apparently still in love with her and using HW.  Then she talks to him in this ep and says that he's a manipulative jerk who's trying to get HW's money.  Really now?!  Pot meet Kettle. Just too much. I loved TY's response and then his reaction when HW says, "Meet my boyfriend, best friend, and future husband."  Damn, that couple makes me smile through my tears. That girl....best ever!  JY.   

This leads me to another point.  I think either ES or HW will overhear JY speaking to TY and saying some cruel things.  If HW hears, she'll tear her a new one.  She might be angry with TY, but  not really.  She will obliterate JY.  If it's ES---man that will not be a good scene.  I want to see it so bad.  ES taking JY by the hair.  It'll be a beautiful thing. 

Choi Ji Yun - Kang Tae Yang:  Uh yeah.  Not much to say here...but I loved TY's response.  This woman needs to be dumped in hot boiling oil.  Is that too mean? 

Gi Pyo - Na Yun Shil:  Yeah, GP freaks me the hell out.  That guy got progressively scarier as the show went on.  His mother is another issue.  I can't even talk about her evil butt.  The way he's screaming his ownership of  YS; yeah, no!  I'm not game for any of that. I want YS pregnant with DJ's baby and running to Busan (like in all other Kdramas---that's a great trope). 



I won't talk about Gok Ji...I just can't.  The wench is in full character form. Ugh.  The only good thing about her was that she brought out the character development in YS, that I felt was needed.   

Overall, I loved this episode.  I loved the connections between everyone.  I loved the reflective tone of the entire episode. The characters are reflective and the audience is reflective.  That says a lot. As I said, this ep has moved in second after the ep where TY accepts HW's love. I loved that episode.  I have been rewatching this ep, it's so good. 

Just as an aside.  I think this willl blow some people's mind.  I hate the JY and HS pairing so much.  This crazy out of the box pairing came up...Kim Da Jung and Min Hyo Sang. DJ is the only character of marriagable age that has no one.  She's down to earth and practically ambitioius.  She's a good girl and I think she would keep HS in check.  It would be a great pairing.  I also think his mother would like her because she's practical and would probably be able to hold her own against the mum by being herself.  I know it might be unlikely, but seriously JY needs to find somewhere else to be. A lot can happen in 14 episodes. 

Thanks for reading if you make it to the end.  I've been wanting to post it and I'm glad I could.  


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I have finished watching the subbed episode 36 and it got me thinking alot about how YS will feel if I am in her shoes.  Yes GJ wants YS out of DJ's life and even begged on her knees to request that YS end things with her precious son.  But she doesn't know that DJ has already given everything in regarding this relationship including confronting GP and his mum.  GJ is assuming that if YS break things off with DJ now, her son will be safe by the time GP gets released from the prison.  GJ is always saying that YS should not marry GP and always wanted to find her a good man to marry but when it comes to her precious son, it is a NO NO!!  Given the present situation, YS will have to go back to GP if she wants DJ and his family to be safe as GP wouldn't just let YS go because she end things with DJ, GP WANTS YS no matter what.  There is no way YS can run away from GP and at the same time DJ will be safe.

@vaberella Thanks for your long insightful post! I really enjoyed reading it!  I agree that I do hope that YS will live out all her fantasies with DJ including having sex with him but I highly doubt YS will do that :tears:  I am really looking forward to watching the next episode and cannot wait for it!!  I really want to know how did they end up taking wedding photos :wub:  DJ is a smart guy and he did realize that something is not right about YS in the next episode so I am hoping that he could analyse and catch the hint on what his mum has done to his precious YS!

@hyall thank you for sharing your experience and I hope everything is fine now :)  Yes it is true that police couldn't do alot regarding stalking cases until the crime really happened which in most cases it is too late!  YS is at her wit's ends and is very torn as she knows she has to go back to GP in order to keep everyone safe (like I have mentioned above).  She will sacrifice herself like what she has always be doing.  

I don't think I have seen DJ cry yet in this drama so I wonder if he will cry when he realizes YS has left him (this is assuming that the writers are planning to write in this direction but we never knows).  So let's all look forward to this Saturday's episode and hope that something nice will happen between DJ and YS since it is New Year's eve!!  On a side note, YS did have a bad year as she was always sad during major events such as her birthday and Xmas so let;s hope they don't give her a sad New Year.... 

Wishing everyone a Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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14 hours ago, bajing said:


@delphinium8593: I am no drama expert, but based on my experience it usually last around 4 to 6-ish episodes. But maybe we're in for a surprise as this drama has been quite atypical, like how this kind of angst caused by parental opposition to main couple happened quite late in this drama compared to other weekend dramas that I have watched. If I have to make a prediction, we will have YS leaving next week then have DJ found her the week after. But, who knows....haha...

4-6 episodes? Whoa....well I think it's bearable though...:tears:

I was wondering...if it's even possible that, in the preview we heard DJ said "you look odd, is there something wrong?" to YS. Maybe...YS will remember her promise to DJ to discuss everything and not hiding anything from each other and tell DJ about GJ and also the release of GP from prison in the next 1 month...andddd DJ came up with a solution: "Let's get married now, it will solve everything" :phew: GP won't have any power against legal marriage of DJ-YS and GJ will be powerless too (but i think this won't happen because the drama will end soon LOL, still 14 eps to go!)

@vaberella wow thank you for sharing your thoughts! I like long posts to read, while waiting for another ep on weekend :wub: although the break-up seems inevitable, well, let's hope for the best!

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Hi guys!! Finally I got around to visit this forum again. Was busy with life stuff, family gatherings, hospital visits, and only just managed to watch episode 35 and 36 earlier. I didn't have much comment, but I did feel frustrated at some of DJ-YS-DJ's family scenes, especially when it involves his mother. TY-HW-ES managed to always balance the scale back to enjoyable. I think it was @TheMsChelsea91 who mentioned it a few pages back, but I too was confused at the scene where TY went for the photoshoot, and I was thinking, "Didn't he take a ride with HW and ES? Why is he surprised?". I actually went back to find episode 34, because something felt amiss. In the end I just assumed the editing was a bit messy for this part, closed one eye and move on to the next scene LOL.

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11 hours ago, delphinium8593 said:


I was wondering...if it's even possible that, in the preview we heard DJ said "you look odd, is there something wrong?" to YS. Maybe...YS will remember her promise to DJ to discuss everything and not hiding anything from each other and tell DJ about GJ and also the release of GP from prison in the next 1 month...andddd DJ came up with a solution: "Let's get married now, it will solve everything" :phew: GP won't have any power against legal marriage of DJ-YS and GJ will be powerless too (but i think this won't happen because the drama will end soon LOL, still 14 eps to go!)

I think it's hardly believe YS would go that way. She is still a kind of keeping some problems by herself. Especially when GJ asked her not to tell DJ anything. And about get married this soon, i don't think YS agrees that. As a woman and get married for the first time (and for the last too), she wants the beautiful wedding with the family's approval. If they really get married without GJ and DS approval, they can treat her bad. GJ will act as a bad mom-in-law or like a cinderella's stepmother and DS is like a stepsister for the rest 14 eps. Lol...Even GP doesn't have any power against their legal marriage, he will still threathen and perhaps harm DJ. I think GP is "if i don't get her, another man won't get her too" type. I still don't know how the writer will solve everything in a proper way.

@effyisme i can't imagine YS's life being together with GP. She will suffer a lot. I''d better kill myself than have a crazy life with GP. Lol... 

@wizuwizu i agree with you about the recent eps editing. The 36th eps editing was not really smooth as i can say esp the BGM when the scene jump to DJ waited for YS in the tailor shop at night when the drama was almost over. 

@vaberella thank you chingu for your long post. I enjoyed it! It was reading your thoughts. You are right about DJ's mom. And she really drives me crazy everytime i watch her scene. Lol.. about Choi Ji Yun, i will help you to dump her into hot boiling oil. Haha..i don't like her fake innocent act. I don't know whether she really loves Hyo Sang from the heart or not. If she gets married to him because of money, it won't last long though. I can see Meesa Apparel's business is falling. 

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Thank you @natkat for your pic post! :wub: yes, it is HW at the tailor shop. I'm curious to know what she is doing there actually. Is she going to get married too like her brother and TY makes the suit here? Haha..but i think it's impossible since ES only allow them to date. And TY too hasn't been able to manage his life. He needs a job (not part-time), a house and of course some money to make a family. 

@nubianlegalmind i am 100% agree to your thoughts. It was nice to read about the sweet and bitter part. And about the predictions, i am thinking the same too. The drama is predictable sometimes and just like other dramas. But i hope the writer will surprise us and take another unpredictable story.

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Lolol @valzki@valzki you sound like a mother in law. Putting drama aside... she can work and they can rent a cheap place. If everyone waited for all these one can't afford to marry young. Like an apt in Seoul is expensive. It's not as if they are both high school graduates.

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@natkat, @valzki it looks like the gang might be going out for drinks/dinner? For New Years maybe? HW is wearing the same outfit in the tailor shop as the restaurant/pub, and DJ looks like he's at the same place as HW/TY. Or it's just a coincidence and HW is just following TY to the shop for a new suit.

Regarding the possible ways that the writer intends to resolve the issues with GP - I read this idea somewhere so I take no credit in thinking this up - what if YS pays back her "debt" to GP by helping him or his mom with a big favor? Literally it could be returning a kidney, if his mom ends up sick, or somehow saving her life in another way. Her sincerity moves him and he decides to let everything go. It seems like GP won't stop otherwise, unless he's killed or he does a bigger crime such as murder, leading to a much longer time in prison. Somehow I don't think those two options fit with the flow of the story though.

And look, wedding photo!


Source: http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=956925

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1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

@natkat, @valzki it looks like the gang might be going out for drinks/dinner? For New Years maybe? HW is wearing the same outfit in the tailor shop as the restaurant/pub, and DJ looks like he's at the same place as HW/TY. Or it's just a coincidence and HW is just following TY to the shop for a new suit.

Regarding the possible ways that the writer intends to resolve the issues with GP - I read this idea somewhere so I take no credit in thinking this up - what if YS pays back her "debt" to GP by helping him or his mom with a big favor? Literally it could be returning a kidney, if his mom ends up sick, or somehow saving her life in another way. Her sincerity moves him and he decides to let everything go. It seems like GP won't stop otherwise, unless he's killed or he does a bigger crime such as murder, leading to a much longer time in prison. Somehow I don't think those two options fit with the flow of the story though.

And look, wedding photo!


Source: http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=956925


Aside from loving the picture above...I just wanted to comment on the idea of YS paying them back in such a way. 

If we want YS having children with DJ, she wouldn't be able to with one kidney.  It would be a detriment to her health on the most epic levels.  Women with one kidney are advised to either not have children or can't have children full term.  Mainly, because she would be on permanent medication onwards which would affect the child.  Not to mention the birthing process.

In actuality, I think that's one of the things that will be found out about GP.  For a long time I've felt he NEVER gave his kidney to her dad.  Yeah, I may be making this a bit more realistic than the writers were going to; but I do believe they read the research.  The failure of a kidney transplant from a living donor is 3%.  So you're (GP) trying to tell me that you gave up your kidney to her father and the man still didn't survive? Really now, Really?! Sure he could be of the 3%, but considering the doctors in Korea and the amount of care put into health and health conditions---I sincerely doubt the father would have been in the 3%.

I don't want to dismiss the idea, all the way.  I think that YS might very well repay them, but definitely not with a kidney--nor would I want that. 

I also think from what I know of DJ, he's rather resilient and incredibly intelligent.  He'll get that something was up with GP and the kidney thing.  They keep pressuring her with that, I would look into it.  I think GP's mum would be in the dark with any kidney thing---she takes what her son says at face value.  Therefore, she's off the hook.  It might make her realize how off the chain her son really is. 

The one thing I do want to happen---and maybe it's here YS could jump in---Hyo Joon gets attacked by GP.  I just remember the line that YS told HJ about "entering something she knows nothing about" at the prison.  I was like *ding, ding, ding* = FORESHADOWING!  I do think that HJ will have a run in with GP. When you open pandora's box, learn how to close it first.  If YS disappears for instance, GP will go after HJ with a vegeance <--- she has the money and capabilities of finding her. 

**As a note to the "sex thing", it's only because I've seen way too many dramas like that and the woman runs away to Busan and the guy finds a child on the beach and realizes it's his kid.  <---over used trope ever (oh next too someone having a terminal illness like cancer or something we've never heard before) 


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@vaberella Thanks for the medical input. I never thought of those factors. Anyway, we'll just have to wait to see what the writer decides to do.

The KBS official drama webpage uploaded yesterday lots of stills - mostly of DJ/YS and TY/HW. There are some of DS/TP and SD. I'll only be posting the individual DJ ones to the LDG thread and not any here because there are just too many and the page takes forever for me to load. Here's the link if you want to browse, save, or repost:


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Oh don't feel too sorry for me I was in a line of work that saw a lot of strife. I finally left that job it was too nerve wrecking and besides I was just an employee not the partner or boss to take that kind of abuse. I only brought it up because I have felt fear and know how hard it is to move past it. May be I am cowardly by nature too so that is definitely not a good thing.

Been away will have to catch up on the episodes soon.

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1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

@vaberella Thanks for the medical input. I never thought of those factors. Anyway, we'll just have to wait to see what the writer decides to do.

The KBS official drama webpage uploaded yesterday lots of stills - mostly of DJ/YS and TY/HW. There are some of DS/TP and SD. I'll only be posting the individual DJ ones to the LDG thread and not any here because there are just too many and the page takes forever for me to load. Here's the link if you want to browse, save, or repost:



Yup, and writers in Korea are known for changing story lines midway.  I can see the drama finished filming and they call the cast back in order to shoot another an episode again.   Their notorious.  They did whole documentary.  I would not want to be the background crew on any of those shows. 

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1 hour ago, pinkdicentra said:

@vaberella Thanks for the medical input. I never thought of those factors. Anyway, we'll just have to wait to see what the writer decides to do.

The KBS official drama webpage uploaded yesterday lots of stills - mostly of DJ/YS and TY/HW. There are some of DS/TP and SD. I'll only be posting the individual DJ ones to the LDG thread and not any here because there are just too many and the page takes forever for me to load. Here's the link if you want to browse, save, or repost:


The stills I saw don't look new.  They look like old ep stills.  Maybe I clicked on the wrong area.  I can't really navigate so I could have went to a long location.  Let me know. 

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@vaberella Oh yes, they are old stills. Sorry if it made anyone too excited! They are high-res images though and save-able unlike the Instagram ones. By the way, it took me a while to figure this out, if you click the Korean words at the bottom left (eg. "여기, 달달함 가득이요~" for the first HW/TY one) when you scroll through each of the image sets, it will bring you to a page of the images with captions. Some are portrait shaped and it doesn't show up in the image scrolling format.

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@natkat @pinkdicentra i think i agree with you about having a party/dinner for New Year. TY is invited by his sworn brothers and he brings along HW with him. This is HW first time visiting the tailor shop and i want to see how amazed she is visit the tailor shop. I think HS will faint if HW says she wants to work in Wolgyesu Tailor Shop. Haha... 

Omooo.... wedding photoshoot!!! :w00t: they are really sweet couples :wub: YS is very pretty. It's totally different with DJ-HJ wedding photoshoot. They look awkward and miserable. Lol.. but YS-DJ look natural and happy as they smile at each other and fall in love for sure. Hope the writer gives us a sweet eps for this weekend and a smile to start the new of the year.

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6 hours ago, valzki said:

@natkat @pinkdicentra i think i agree with you about having a party/dinner for New Year. TY is invited by his sworn brothers and he brings along HW with him. This is HW first time visiting the tailor shop and i want to see how amazed she is visit the tailor shop. I think HS will faint if HW says she wants to work in Wolgyesu Tailor Shop. Haha... 

Omooo.... wedding photoshoot!!! :w00t: they are really sweet couples :wub: YS is very pretty. It's totally different with DJ-HJ wedding photoshoot. They look awkward and miserable. Lol.. but YS-DJ look natural and happy as they smile at each other and fall in love for sure. Hope the writer gives us a sweet eps for this weekend and a smile to start the new of the year.


OMG, she would love working there!  That would be awesome to see on screen.  I would love to see HW at Wolgyesu...OMG.  I'm having a moment. She'd want to learn to sew.  She would be there all the time. Not to mention she'd be with her oppa, that girl loves her oppa. She'd be with her best girlfriend (Dang Joo) and she'd probably like Ajummoni. That would drive Eun Sook nuts. I'd love it. 

YS-DJ, I agree about their photoshoot.  It does look beautiful and what I think makes it that great for me is that she has a deep sadness & love in her expression.  It makes her look ethereal.  I'm on that like white on rice. For actors who weren't feeling each other, they have great chemistry. 

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On 12/29/2016 at 9:12 AM, ck1Oz said:

Lolol @valzki@valzki you sound like a mother in law. Putting drama aside... she can work and they can rent a cheap place. If everyone waited for all these one can't afford to marry young. Like an apt in Seoul is expensive. It's not as if they are both high school graduates.

Haha...i hope i'll be a good mother in law in the future :grimace: 

Ah yes you are right about that. If TY waits until he can afford all of the things he should have before marriage, he won't get married forever. Lol..  but as long as he can prepare a place to live together with HW no matter it is big or small, i think that's enough. Hope he can save up for that. If he becomes a famous model, it'll be very easy. But at least i want HW works too now. I'll be very annoyed if somebody keep coming to my work place and play around like HW. 

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I re-watched the ending scenes of ep 36 a few times from where poor YS heartbroken crying with Gokji (I cursed her the first time I watched sub, haha, so sorry I shouldn't do this to the elder.) then she came to meet DJ and asked him for suit measurement .. I cried harder each time. If YS disappeared, DJ probably wouldn't be able to survive since he is so in love with her to the point that even YS is working at his shop and staying in the same house, he is still very excited to see or hear her voice at any available chances. When DJ texted her goodnight, he really waited for her response, when nothing came, he adoringly looked at her pictures instead. Ottoke, YS is his air, without her he'd become lifeless and slowly drying inside.

I kind of empathize Gokji merely in term of mothers who want the best for her children. Her concerns are combined between HGP potential harm to DJ and her pride and great expectation towards her son that only career success and high social class marriage deserve him .. but her method to push YS away given that she knows her situations is absolutely deplorable, however, she will definitely give in. In the preview, I can see GJ's gloomy expression (maybe feeling guilty ?) when she talked with HJ. I really hope that HJ might do something to HGP if she learned that GP had threatened to maim DJ, she probably cancel the bail ?? or HS would jump in to make things complicated for GP, like blackmail. I really hate GP character, he is an evil man with mental disorder who should be put behind bar or mental hospital urgently. I would be very upset if the writer just let him go in the end without being punished for his wrongdoing inflicted YS all these years ..

And that wedding photo, I scratched my head to come up with the idea how they end up shooting this photo considering a lot of unfavorable things are happening right now. Or it could be DJ's daydream .. can't wait for tomorrow episode. And thank you all kindhearted recappers in advance. Happy New Year 2017 to all.

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