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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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@bajing Your points are so spot on for me, I should just copy and paste them.

TP is also my new hero. I'm also forgiving MS a little bit for his conversation with YS. Hope it brings some sense to her. But I still don't like how he sided with GJ during the conversation with DJ. I guess the good husband is supposed to side with his wife even if she is cruel. Both GJ and MS know it.  When GJ asked how DJ could have called her cruel, I wished he would have said "because you are." I'm also gratified by DJ's harsh words to her, but I wished he could have gone further and talked back. She deserves even more pain induced by her precious son.

I don't think YS paying for the rent is merely a plot device though. Not that I would agree with it, but I do think that is something she would do. Does anyone think that DJ felt YS's presence at the farm and left because he was mad? I can feel his frustration and it looks like he'll burst in the next episode. I'm glad that he's using the wedding photos to look for her, setting a narrative for all those strangers that she's his runaway bride. If we don't get to have the photos on a billboard, then this is enough for me.

I also think HW's response to TY and JY is reasonable in this episode and hope that it can lead to further character development. To me that consists of a job and a life beyond her boyfriend, and not rushing to get married to prove that she doesn't care about their past. Actually I think that TY is more of a wasted character on the development side than HW. I guess I'm more shallow and insecure than TY, but if I was him, I'd be embarrassed to be seen by an ex on the bed of a new rich girlfriend with a yellow bow over head. This is the ex-girlfriend who looked down and cheated on him because he had no money and career. I was expecting that eventually he would stand in front of her happy and successful, but now other than gaining HW as a girlfriend, how is he any different? Instead of working at a convenience store, he now works at a burger joint. Like Ms. Ko, I was disappointed that he hasn't taken his modelling offer seriously. If he was a real person then I'd say it's fine for him to keep on pursuing his teaching dream (though, even TP learned that letting go and accepting a new opportunity could lead to better things) but as a character it makes me question what his role is in this drama. How is he one of the four "gentlemen of wolgyesu tailor shop"? At least TP is a son-in-law of the family. I would take the connection even if he modeled suits for wolgyesu, or even any brand for that matter, but aside from being the friend of YS, ex of JY, and the love-interest of HW, what development arc does he have for himself? Right now it seems like there are two dramas - one of the Lee family, including SD and SN because they live and work with them, and then there's the Min family including TY as the future son-in-law. I would hope that HJ is not the only connection between the two (btw she's doing a good job sabotaging Meesa in her attempt to bring DJ back and ruin HS). TY, as he has a spot on the drama's official poster, should be the connection, not only between the families, but more importantly to the theme of the drama itself. To the writer: give TY his own character/career arc and not just have him as half of a cutesy love line (and even there he's shadowed by HW's overzealousness).

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@pinkdicentra I agree with you that i also felt that DJ knew YS was at the strawberry farm but hiding from him...  That's why at the start of the preview, we can see a very frustrated DJ most likely leaving a voicemail for YS.. He did sound harsh but I can understand why as he is at the point of breaking emotionally especially when he found out that his mum was the main cause for YS's disappearance.. I think we can see an almost CRAZY DJ at the verse of a breakdown in tonight's episode (first since the start of this drama)...

@bajing  YES.. TP is the NEW HERO for this drama which no one would have expected for his character development... I like how he told DJ his views especially when DJ actually mentioned that he is starting to get angry with YS coz he doesn't know why she just disappeared and left him alone.. DJ did mentioned that he will feel better if there was a reason.. so thanks writer nims for adding this very critical scene.. 

I was glad that DJ raised his voice at his mum (not that i condone this sort of behavior but this was necessary).. I also agreed that he should have defended and argued more but given his character, he wouldn't go that far.. his behavior towards his mum was enough to make her DIE with guilt as she did not expect her precious son to react this way..  As we can also see in the preview, she also mentioned that DJ will die soon, most probably from heartbreak..

I think YS was trapped in the fire in her bedroom as she appears to be sleeping when the fire broke and I think it is caused by the gas stove/heater... If anyone caught it in the scene in the preview where YS was sitting in her room apologizing to DJ, you can see she was drying her top over the gas stove/heater.. I think that could be the cause of the fire..

Having said much, Let's all start counting down to tonight's episode!!! 

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@pinkdicentra, I guess I was fuming to see YS paying for the rent because I so badly  want to see HGP's mom got kicked out from the rooftop!!! So yeah..I am sure you know how I feel, hahaha


Two thumbs up on what you write about TY. To be honest TY, as a character, has receede so much into the shadows of the mother-daughter duo antics. Most of the time I even forgot about him until there's something worthy of character development, which has been so darn far in between, happened to him. Probably because of this, I was relatively blaise about TY's lack of character development until I read what you wrote and made me thinking. I think the reason why I complained more about HW is because her character is so into our face, so the lack of character development is more obvious and glaring. With TY.....I just have stopped...caring. He started to become this rather boring character that elicit rather indifferent emotion in me, and hence my relative blaseness of his character's lack of growth. Which is sad because I really like him, as a person of his own, in the beginning. Now, I feel that his character has become just a crutch for other characters, in particular HW and her mother, to feel or say things. 

I also thought the reason there was a plot point of TY got into modelling was a preview of what would be his role in relation to the shop (aka modelling for the shop and hence the title of the drama about four gentlemen). Then suddenly we were presented of him trying to become a teacher which was a bit out of left field for me because I could not see how it serves the grand narrative of the drama about, please allow me to repeat, four gentlemen of wolgyesu tailor shop. And I agree also about TP. I am also hoping that the connection to the shop will go beyond just his status as son-in-law, e.g. modelling for the suit once he's famous (afterall he once promised to become a model for the shop for life). But with TY, again, I was just practically scratching my head.

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16 hours ago, Rita86 said:

Already annoyed by the episode just by looking at those captures :sweatingbullets:

LOL! I am afraid to lose my interest in watching this drama if those sadness scenes keep coming :tears: 5 eps are enough to make my feeling upside down. And i don't want this drama turns to makjang in the end. I hope tonight's episode can have our OTP go back together again and i will wait for tonight to watch 2 eps from yesterday :sweatingbullets:

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On 1/5/2017 at 0:01 AM, Lmangla said:

even now, he hasn't addressed his family directly about it. so it doesn't surprise me that gok ju spoke to yun shil privately. if he had been like dong sook who brought in tae pung proudly to the table and said she was dating him and intends to get married, then gok ju would have declared publicly that she hates yun shil as a daughter-in-law! hahahahah... the result would be same but the way it happened would be different.

gok ju so far has been written consistently. she has higher hopes for dong jin but even with dong sook, her objections was logical. since it is dong sook's third marriage, does she know what she is doing or is she smitten like a teenager? this is the same guy she stole money for from her mom and daughter -- is he trustworthy? he is yet to earn money -- so will the family end up having to pay for this family? all these are logical questions and absolutely have to be asked.

kekekek... possibly! find hyojoo an interesting character and am curious to see how her arc will turn out. obviously it is too late for her with dong jin but it looks like she will see the need for change and recognize that her pride and walls have kept people away. so in that way, her arc is kind of bittersweet; she reminds me of the lyrics from that katy perry song --

and on a side note, how cute and embarrassing was that ms. ko refused to pick up her drunk daughter as she wanted to give her a chance with dong jin! hahaha... ms.ko the romantic meddler!


@Lmangla  I hope it is all right for me to butcher your post, but I wanted to quote the parts I totally agree with because you hit the nail on the head.  Dong Sook and Tae Pyung faced their oppositions head on & deservedly got their rewards.  Na Yun Shil only kept thinking of hiding and running away, and I guess it's hard for her since she is indebted to the Lee family.  That and her extra baggage of the non-marriage - too bad for her.  I wanted to applaud Lee Man Sool who told her off for picking strawberries instead of making suits.  You are also spot on about Dong Jin's mom, and that's why I don't find her unreasonable.  It is also time for her to rethink about her precious son.  I wasn't so big on her bias towards Dong Jin.  Poor Dong Sook then, but now she has Tae Pyung and Da Jung on her side.  Ms Ko is one of my favorite characters.  I also think Min Hyoju is such an interesting character.  We already knew where she was heading to from her brattiness in the earlier episodes, but I really like what she told Dong Jin about changing drastically (we know it's in a good way, but not for her) and losing his ambitions.  

On 1/5/2017 at 3:44 AM, Rita86 said:

Haha I don't think people would attack you for your opinion. What i like about this forum is that people remain civil even when they disagree with an opinion.

As I see it the problem with Hyoju/DJ pairing is not so much Hyoju herself but Donjin having no romantic feelings whatsoever for her as we saw even when they were married. Hyojou redeeming herslef would be great regardless of her trying to win back DJ I think her character deserves that chance at happiness (without a man who obviously doesnt love her). Their getting back together wouldnt be believable to the viewers and would not make much sense for DJ's character development.


@Rita86  Thank you for saying that!  I am enjoying the forum discussion as much as watching the drama itself.  There is zilch chance of Min Hyoju & Lee Dong Jin getting back together & I've accepted that.  I just wish there was a chance for her to take control of Meesa Apparel instead of having to beg Dong Jin to come back.  I practically facepalmed in the earlier episodes when all she did was shopping, but after she got her position in the company back, I was hoping for her to rise and rise well.  Don't even get me started on Min Hyo Won.  I'm resigned to the fact that she'll just end up with achieving her life's goal of marrying Kang Tae Yang.  Oh, and being his stylist could count as a credible job. 

On 1/5/2017 at 10:57 AM, bajing said:

@Lmangla: Awww...please don't be disheartened. I think it's fascinating how we all watch the same show but can have so different views on the story and characters' motivation. I find the differing opinions to be quite enriching and made the whole thread to be more exciting. So, what I am trying to say in not so many words is: Please never hesitate to voice your opinion :blush:. I am sure no one will come with pitchforks (*wink at @rileyelizabeth* :grimace:) no matter how far apart our opinions are, haha.



@bajing  Thank you for the assurance! :)

On 1/5/2017 at 10:26 PM, valzki said:


@rileyelizabeth yeah, why should another fruit farm. Is it the only job that she can get among many others job? Even working in the supermarket is better. 


@valzki  Ugh, Na Yun Shil is so predictable.  That's why I like Lee Man Sool for telling her off about wasting her time not working towards her dream to become the greatest female tailor!  The preview shows her being caught in a fire at the orchard, and if she needs Lee Dong Jin to come rescue her, I think I'm going to scream.  XD

On 1/5/2017 at 10:49 PM, pinkdicentra said:


@rileyelizabeth, @Rita86 I think it would be great if HJ could redeem herself and find love (not with DJ though!) While many were ready to hate her, I withheld judgement on her at the beginning when she first knew about DJ and YS. I think I mentioned before that I was hoping that she would eventually be the one to help DJ and YS. It would have given her some chance for character growth and reflection. I'm not sure now if the writer thinks her character is worth the extra dimensionality. Same with GP. I'm fine with either way they go on his character. On the other hand, GJ is unlikely to be redeemed in my eyes. I feel like she is an undignified human being and it's part of her nature. I know this sounds mean. People may say she's just being a "good" mother, but that's what bothers me the most. Good mothers are not supposed to do what she did, but she will definitely be forgiven anyway at the end. Just like other dramas with similar tropes.


@pinkdicentra  I have high hopes for Min Hyoju for Meesa Apparel's sake after how Min Hyo Sang and Min Hyo Won turned out, but that remains to be seen if they'll be realized.  Gi-pyo, on the hand hand, I hope for him to stay away whether in prison or otherwise.  His mom too.  Geez.  She shamelessly chased Na Yun Shil out of her home and squatted there without wanting to pay rent, and Na Yun Shil (sigh!) let her and even paid rent for her.  

All in all, another great episode and I'm glad this drama hasn't disappointed so far.  I am so happy for Tae-pyung because he's on a roll with Dong Sook as his manager.  He suddenly became the most rational and level-headed among all - even compared to Dong Jin.  I'm glad Min Hyo Won finally knows about Choi Ji Yun being Tae Yang's ex.  Now I'm waiting for Ms Ko's reaction to that piece of news.  Maybe she'll be after Min Hyo Sang and Choi Ji Yun with a pitchfork.  As for Bok Sun Nyeo, I hope her health scare is just as imaginary as her pregnancy.  She and Sam Do make such a good couple despite their squabbles and pettiness.  They have become my most favorite couple.  =)  

p/s:  I've only learnt how to use multi-quotes today, and what a great function this is.  X)

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16 hours ago, chasen8888 said:


Although I have been watching this show live, I have not watched any of the last 4 episodes subbed due to the sadness of it of which I am aware of.  Its like knowing the bad but not wanting to acknowledge it until there is something good shown in the end then I'll watch it, that's the case with me specifically for YS/DJ.  I will admit to not watching HW/TY scenes anymore more like listening to it because frankly I felt that the show has wasted HW as a character and in a way TY but more so HW and Ms. Ko.  To be honest they do not do anything really, apart from spoiling TY and being completely involved in his life which I find annoying.  HW is educated but does not work etc, she is in her early 20's and is healthy as far as we know; she just focus on TY 24/7, its sad really and a negative message to send to young single women especially when dealing with their futures. Ms Ko is the lady of the house who wants to manage TY's life as a "Hallyu" star, she just stays home, talk to the staff, shop for unhealthy heels and that's it.  

I saw no growth with HW once she left the company, all she wants to do is get married to TY, have babies etc., personally I do not want them to get married for another 2 years, babies in 4 years.  I feel that though HW has her little mature moments she is very immature for a so called adult even if it is her first relationship and TY has not yet established himself careerwise or has yet to get out of the goiswon, the idea of them living in that house has no personal appeal.  It just boils down to this, I think the achoo couple needs substance and growth both as individuals & as a couple before getting married for that it would be great if the show showed that as they are no longer cute. I think though TY is the mature one, this couple needs more development.  PD please no marriage for this couple until this aspect is changed for the better.

Bye for now, take care.

that's me too actually. Lol.. but i still try to manage to watch it til the end. i still put my hope in this drama. if i miss 2 eps in a row, i will miss all of the eps just like sweet stranger and me drama. i just watched until eps 10 then i lost my interest and didn't watch til the end because of the complicated story. Lol..

about HW-TY, i find her annoying too. just like other chingus here hoping for a more mature and growing up character for her. about that puppy sound, i don't find it cute anymore now. Fortunately, their scenes still can make me smile after watching DJ-YS scenes desperately expulsion-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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16 hours ago, effyisme said:

From the preview it seems that DJ finally broke down emotionally and you can see him venting his anger.. Seems also that YS was caught in a fire in the farm..

i hope he doesn't give up to get YS back. i don't want him as ambitious as before and can't be influenced by HJ. 

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15 hours ago, inna75 said:

@TheMsChelsea91..it's ok..you have given people like me wonderful recaps thus far especially during busy month like this month. Hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding

@delphinium8593 @chasen8888 @rubie thank you so very much for the wonderful recaps and photo recaps today. I wanted to watch live (I was trying to watch 2 series simultaneously - this one and Goblin because both series promised an intriguing episode today) but my internet was so lagging that it literally blank throughout the shows..huhuhuhu.. Anyway, I managed to catch the last scene when DJ went to seek for YS at the farm. I was crying my heart out (hoping somehow he would see YS through his mirror and stop the car..aigooo). OMG..I hope tomorrow's ep will give more hope..

To all the chinggus @effyisme @pinkdicentra @valzki @pimsucre and others (sorry I could not remember all as there are too many pages to backtrack) who quoted my comments and offer their own..I am sorry I could not reply back soon enough due to my busy work schedule, But I managed to sneak reading them during break time ( even during meeting) and I love and appreciate each of your opinions..

Let's hope the next 11 eps would give us more hope..


fighting for your work, chingu cheer2-onion-head-emoticon.gif

so happy to know that we are on the same ships (wolgyesu and goblin). haha.. and i still believe this drama will not dissapoint us in the end *fingers crossed dong-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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@pinkdicentra @ck1Oz i am hoping that the doctor's prediction will come true. it's better if it's brain tumor not cancer. as i know tumor still can be cured by doing surgery and remove the tumor. but i have no idea if it is brain tumor. i still wish SN doesn't give up easily and jump to conclusion that she is going to die soon. if it is a cancer, as i know it's difficult to be cured even do some chemotherapy things as cancer can spread easily to other organs in the body. cmiiw hehe...

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Its hard to make something new with TY because he started out as an honest, straightforward, humble guy with no big ambitions and any change can tend to be towards the negative side. He is like the perfect salaried middle class man ( once he becomes a teacher ) for a warm happy family


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4 hours ago, bajing said:


To end on a more positive note, here are some of my favorite stuffs in this episode:

- TP is my hero this episode. I wanted to hug and kiss him when he told DJ about his suspicion of GJ's role in YS' disappearance. I love how he's always been so supportive of DJ-YS and stepping up even more in this episode.

- DJ calling out his mother. I was very satisfied when DJ called her cruel, because what GJ did was indeed cruel. She knew full well YS has no one in the world that she could call family except those that she found thru the tailor shop. GJ has not only orphaned YS (again) but also forced her to semi-gave up on her dream for the time being. Did she even try to give YS pocket money to help YS restart her life after she left?! And this is from someone who said she loves her like a daughter. Meh...

- I like that DJ was still polite even when he gave his mom a cold shoulder. I find that to be so gratifyingly cutting. At this point, anything that will make GJ regret her decision is fair game for me, lol. 

- TP's increasing positive prospect as a singer. I can only say: FINALLY!!! He deserves it!

- I love that wherever YS goes, people (her boss and farm workers in this episode) seem to just adore her. The girl deserves all the love that she could get.

- MS & YS conversation that made me forgive MS a lil bit for his character's mistake last week. Though I wish he had been more firm in trying to bring YS home. Oh well....


I miss my otp being in the same frame. Writer, please make this happen tomorrow!! *knock wood, cross finger, chanting prayers to dramagod*


sorry for cutting your post chingu :) 

i agree with you that TP is the hero. i already put my hope in him from the bginning and i knew he will be big soon (quite predictable, huh? Lol ) he has been a hero for some characters; SD-SN and DJ-YS. 

about GJ, of course she will regret her decision after knowing that her only son is not the one who just follow what his mom thinks good for him. GJ should stop involving too much in her children's life. i know that she means good for her children, but she should speak up about her feeling first before doing something that can ruin her son's life.  and suddenly i have this thought, that YS wants to come back only if GJ comes to her and ask her to come back. since she's the one who asked her to leave and she should apologize to YS. 

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1 hour ago, valzki said:

LOL! I am afraid to lose my interest in watching this drama if those sadness scenes keep coming :tears: 5 eps are enough to make my feeling upside down. And i don't want this drama turns to makjang in the end. I hope tonight's episode can have our OTP go back together again and i will wait for tonight to watch 2 eps from yesterday :sweatingbullets:

This isn't a melodrama.  The only one who really kills me is YS.  When that actress cries, it's like she's ripping out my heart.  I know tomorrow's episode is going to kill me, just because we get DJ crying---That whole frustrated angry crying. I've had a few of those in my day and I actually can't wait to see that.  I mean we've seen him vulnerable but resilient.  I think this scene, resilient has been thrown out the window.  I really want to see DJ at his worst. Maybe because I want GJ to really feel the results of her actions.  

**In my scenario I never figured it would be TP who would tell DJ what's going on.  But then again, DJ still doesn't know the full facts.  

31 minutes ago, dekaron said:

Its hard to make something new with TY because he started out as an honest, straightforward, humble guy with no big ambitions and any change can tend to be towards the negative side. He is like the perfect salaried middle class man ( once he becomes a teacher ) for a warm happy family


Ah, ah, ah...there is one point I think most people over look about TY.  The boy is a figher.  He can hold his own and he's dangerous too.  He has no ambitions true, he likes being a good guy.  But it seems being raised the way he was raised---he probably earned some street cred.  I remember when he went to help TP get the money from that swindler---TY took on two of them, held them down as he was knocking out a third.  The boy can hold his own if he's pressed. It was mentioned again when he brought HW home with that back problem and he had a confrontation with HS---he clearly threatened HS.  He said someting along the lines of, "Touch me again and I won't back what I'll do to you." I think there are plenty of ways to take something out of TY because they've given hints.  The boy wasn't afriad of GP and his goons.  He would have taken them on. 



So I wonder what you guys think.  For the previews, it seems to me that YS may end up in the hospital (as per my past assumption) because of the gas warmer.  I felt that gas warmer was super dangerous in the house and I feel like she went to sleep to keep her warm and it catches on fire.  Does that seem elaborate? I just thought the scene spoke flames and him calling for her is when she's at the hospital or something.  He is on her speed dial. I wouldnt be surprised if she changed his name from Mr. Pretty Eyes to Yabo on her phone. 

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@effyisme i know DJ is a polite person and he won't do anything harsh to his mom. it can be seen also from the way he rejected HJ still in a polite way. Afterall, i predict DJ will save YS from the fire and they will be okay without no one gets hurt. 3 hours to go to tonight's episode :)

@pinkdicentra @bajing i couldn't agree more with you about TY character in this drama. i am now questioning writer-nim about TY. why suddenly they have idea to make him a teacher? is there no other job that suits him to the drama theme about tailoring things? let me flip the tables if he becomes a teacher in the end objection-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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2 hours ago, bajing said:

@valzki: Hang in there!! This angst will pass. And remember, there will be a clear sky after the storm. ....Oh, who am I kidding. I am very antsy also. Let's just hug? Haha 

you are right, chingu. hwaiting!!! cheer1-onion-head-emoticon.gif

big hug chingu hug-2.gif let's prepare our heart

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1 hour ago, rileyelizabeth said:


@valzki  Ugh, Na Yun Shil is so predictable.  That's why I like Lee Man Sool for telling her off about wasting her time not working towards her dream to become the greatest female tailor!  The preview shows her being caught in a fire at the orchard, and if she needs Lee Dong Jin to come rescue her, I think I'm going to scream.  XD


p/s:  I've only learnt how to use multi-quotes today, and what a great function this is.  X)

hahaha...will he be a hero for YS? that'll be a sweet moment if he comes to the farm just to save YS. but i'm curious too how can he know or get the information that YS is in danger. 

p.s. i still can't do that multi-quotes. LOL... have tried before but nothing happened except the single quote :sweatingbullets:

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HJ is such a sly b***h. When DJ asked her if she did something to make YS leave, she plainly denied it despite all her recently pushy & busy with asking GJ to help her make up with DJ. That's a flat out lie, girl! Your rotten attitude hasn't changed at all. (Im sorry if some words offended you, I am very angry at her right now :angry:)

Anddd .. GJ just left out the important part when she confessed to DJ, that's she asked YS to leave her house and the tailor shop WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE/DJ. So when DJ talked to himself about YS could have talked to him first even his mother told her to leave, I wish he knew this fact. DJ would get even more furious with her. Maybe not just raise his voice, probably scream at her, huhuhu. That's why people say: what you don't know can hurt your kids, in many cases parents don't really know their own children, you think you know them but they effectively live a different life.

As for YS is likely to be trapped in fire and DJ might come to save her (the first time I saw the preview, I didn't know it's a fire I think it's just a flashing light from the gas stove in her room, hahaha, bad eyesighted I am.) I feel quite disappointed. I find this kind of a "hero comes to his woman rescue" plot is too trite for me to feel much excited. I wish writers do something for YS character breakthrough, up til now YS seems circling in her own trap .. and this is becoming a bit too longgg.

I laughed so hard at HS & SD scene at the tailor shop. How can I say, I can't hate HS wholeheartedly despite his narrow-mindedness and stupid jealousy bugging me at times. He is portrayed as a young man suffering from his own inferior complex. As much as incompetent and lacking a sharp entrepreneurial mind he appears, he is just so transparent .. anyone who are smart enough can see him through a mile away. He is an adult man with a brain of a boy.

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3 hours ago, dekaron said:

Its hard to make something new with TY because he started out as an honest, straightforward, humble guy with no big ambitions and any change can tend to be towards the negative side. He is like the perfect salaried middle class man ( once he becomes a teacher ) for a warm happy family


ah..i am not hoping that he would become a teacher. it really doesn't have any connection to the other gentlemen in this drama. it is more likely he has his own drama in the drama (like other chingus said). Lol...

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18 minutes ago, pimsucre said:

HJ is such a sly b***h. When DJ asked her if she did something to make YS leave, she plainly denied it despite all her recently pushy & busy with asking GJ to help her make up with DJ. That's a flat out lie, girl! Your rotten attitude hasn't changed at all. (Im sorry if some words offended you, I am very angry at her right now :angry:)

Anddd .. GJ just left out the important part when she confessed to DJ, that's she asked YS to leave her house and the tailor shop WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE/DJ. So when DJ talked to himself about YS could have talked to him first even his mother told her to leave, I wish he knew this fact. DJ would get even more furious with her. Maybe not just raise his voice, probably scream at her, huhuhu. That's why people say: what you don't know can hurt your kids, in many cases parents don't really know their own children, you think you know them but they effectively live a different life.

As for YS is likely to be trapped in fire and DJ might come to save her (the first time I saw the preview, I didn't know it's a fire I think it's just a flashing light from the gas stove in her room, hahaha, bad eyesighted I am.) I feel quite disappointed. I find this kind of a "hero comes to his woman rescue" plot is too trite for me to feel much excited. I wish writers do something for YS character breakthrough, up til now YS seems circling in her own trap .. and this is becoming a bit too longgg.

I laughed so hard at HS & SD scene at the tailor shop. How can I say, I can't hate HS wholeheartedly despite his narrow-mindedness and stupid jealousy bugging me at times. He is portrayed as a young man suffering from his own inferior complex. As much as incompetent and lacking a sharp entrepreneurial mind he appears, he is just so transparent .. anyone who are smart enough can see him through a mile away. He is an adult man with a brain of a boy.

hahaha...i'm okay with that. i'm angry at her too. she act innocently and that really get on my nerves. can i ask SN to pull her hair right away? super-sayan-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Lol... it can be. but let's see tonight what it will be. it is good if there is no fire at all. i want a grow up in her character too as well. 

i haven't watched eps 39 but i really really want to give HS a lesson if he is bankrupt. Lol... so it's better DJ doesn't go back to Meesa Apparel. 

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i am watching live, so i try to do the recap. 

it started when YS was talking to her boss. and then go to DJ scene at the tailor shop talk to Mrs. Geum and SD. 

then scene of DJ is talking to GJ. after that DJ tried to call YS but leave the voicemail and get mad

another scene: HS is talking on the phone and suddenly HW came in his office room. she is grumpy  and they talk about HS marriage. sorry i don't really understand what they are talking except i heard the word "marriage". haha

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