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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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I am watching the raw version and try to write the recap
Pardon my bad english...i hope u understands well...

YS parked the truck right in front of the tailor shop
HJ hugged DJ
YS was shocked and drove the truck right away
The same moment, DJ PUSHED HJ and said things to her
HJ keep pushing DJ to come back to Meesa, not to dissapoint her late father etc she also mentioned about GP suddenly she said something that shocked DJ, DJ told her to get out. HJ even still called DJ "Yeobo"
DJ left her and go upstairs, reminiscing about YS, called YS and connected to mailbox, leave her a voicemail
Meanwhile YS is back in the farm, coughing, shivering, warm herself, she took out and listens to DJ voicemail, she cried and cried...

In Min house, ES is having dinner with TY and HW (Samgyetang LOL) HW looked so happy because ES treat TY well. ES mentioned something about Hallyu star. HW feed him the chicken. TY  mentioned something about not wanting to become a Hallyu Star. ES also feed him. TY was hard keeping up with two women feeding him at the same time.
HW took TY to the bathroom and put a bandana on him and do him a facial. TY refuse but HW forced him and kiss him. THen she brings him to her bedroom and apply a face mask. HW sings him a lullaby song, TY fell asleep in HW bed, HW sleep besides him.
HJ went home and ES asked something. THey argue.

DS went home to the kitchen where GJ is cooking. GJ doesnt seem happy. DS compliment the food and asked GJ something about YS. GJ reminiscing the time when YS still in the house and how she treat her well, GJ even feed YS back then, YS cried and tell how happy she is, GJ is like her mom, and GJ replied she will treat her like a daughter. GJ is worrying about YS.

Wait for another part...

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1 hour ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

Wow, havent checked this forum out in over a day and so many goodies already especially on the TY-HW front.  Kind of rushing though as im away for a wedding.. just coming by here to say that I won't be able to do the live-capping today :cry:.. hoping a kind soul can take over for today


Just saw your post and was able to watch it live.  However at some parts of the show the live streaming stopped. So I will state the key points of the show.

  • YS saw HJ trying to hug DJ but she left before seeing him push HJ away.  Get the impression that HJ was basically telling DJ to return to Messa and his original spot by her side etc. he of course rejected her. DJ later left a message on YS's phone
  • HW and Ms. Ko fed and tried spoiling TY after his exam.  Later HW treated TY to a massage in her room, as they were both tired they fell asleep on her bed.  They were woken up by HS and Ms Ko where a argument by HS was started, Ms Ko shut that down.  After TY left the house, he was confronted by JY again about breaking up with HW; HW found out that JY was the ex after overhearing their conversation, she went to her room to think about things and upset.
  • DJ found out from TP that it is possible that YS left because of his mom.  He confronted his mom about it, she acknowledges it and he got angry with her.  He left his parents room angry, frustrated and a bit sad, he received the wedding photos by his phone.  YS also saw the wedding photos she cried seeing the pictures.
  • SD was still angry with SN and asked that she signed a contract stating that she will not act like that again or they will be divorced, she refused, she also got another headache.  SN recalled her conversation with YE who gave her some clarity as to SD and her relationship.
  • At work SN collapsed briefly and she went to the doctor; he gave her some "bad" news about her health (not sure the exact issue). She returned home depressed.
  • DJ left for work early and did not speak to his mother, TP met him outside and gave him some advice.
  • TP's career as a trot singer seem to be on the rise with DS acting as manager
  • Covertly HJ is attacking HS by meeting the stakeholders/shareholders in Messa by ensuring that DJ returns. HS later met DJ at Wolgeysu where they had a talk with DJ leaving and SD making HS look like an -ss.
  • HW is bummed about the info that JY was TY's ex, as she decides to confront him she recalls the several times that he tried telling her but that she refused to listen, so she blames herself.
  • YS went to Seoul to do some business, it seem that the info was relayed to the lady at Wolgeysu she told the men.  DJ tried to find her based on the location/area given.  MS contacted YS. met and tried to persuade her to return to Wolgeysu telling her that DJ is having a hard time etc. but she said no.
  • YS went to her work, but before she went in she saw DJ arrive, she told her boss to lie saying that she has not seen YS.  DJ left a bit dejected and YS looks as he leaves in tears.



People are trying to persuade DJ to return to Messa Apparel as its head.

DJ mom conscience seem to start to bother her regarding DJ/YS as to her role in breaking them up etc and how her son feels.

JY tried to pressure TY to break up with HW.  

SN meets YE. TP gets interviewed

TY told DJ that he found YS, they went to her


Although I have been watching this show live, I have not watched any of the last 4 episodes subbed due to the sadness of it of which I am aware of.  Its like knowing the bad but not wanting to acknowledge it until there is something good shown in the end then I'll watch it, that's the case with me specifically for YS/DJ.  I will admit to not watching HW/TY scenes anymore more like listening to it because frankly I felt that the show has wasted HW as a character and in a way TY but more so HW and Ms. Ko.  To be honest they do not do anything really, apart from spoiling TY and being completely involved in his life which I find annoying.  HW is educated but does not work etc, she is in her early 20's and is healthy as far as we know; she just focus on TY 24/7, its sad really and a negative message to send to young single women especially when dealing with their futures. Ms Ko is the lady of the house who wants to manage TY's life as a "Hallyu" star, she just stays home, talk to the staff, shop for unhealthy heels and that's it.  

I saw no growth with HW once she left the company, all she wants to do is get married to TY, have babies etc., personally I do not want them to get married for another 2 years, babies in 4 years.  I feel that though HW has her little mature moments she is very immature for a so called adult even if it is her first relationship and TY has not yet established himself careerwise or has yet to get out of the goiswon, the idea of them living in that house has no personal appeal.  It just boils down to this, I think the achoo couple needs substance and growth both as individuals & as a couple before getting married for that it would be great if the show showed that as they are no longer cute. I think though TY is the mature one, this couple needs more development.  PD please no marriage for this couple until this aspect is changed for the better.

Bye for now, take care.

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DS went home to the kitchen where GJ is cooking. GJ doesnt seem happy. DS compliment the food and asked GJ something about YS. GJ reminiscing the time when YS still in the house and how she treat her well, GJ even feed YS back then, YS cried and tell how happy she is, GJ is like her mom, and GJ replied she will treat her like a daughter. GJ is worrying about YS.

SD was lying on the bed and SY join him. SD gave her an agreement letter, and told SY to sign it. SY refuse and tear the paper. She went to the kitchen and talk to herself, remember the things YE told her in the bakery when she explained about her relationship with SD, there SY seems understands well that it was just a misunderstanding, SY only consider SD as brother and SY should not worry. She complained about her headache and took some medicine. 

ES fell asleep in the living room, HS and JY went home. HS asked about which hotel should they book for the wedding. ES seems not excited. ES suddenly remember TY was still in the house and looking for him. ES open HW room and finds out they sleep together in HW bed. HS was angry and drag TY out of bed. HW throw things at HS and even kick him. ES yelled and said something that shocked the four of them. Outside, HW apologize to TY about HS. TY pinched HW's cheek. HW hugged TY and tell him we should get married soon. TY hold HW hands and apologize. TY kissed HW on the forehead, cheek, and lips.

JY was watching from afar and meet TY afterwards. JY drag TY to talk, HW suddenly remember that she still wear TY's shawl and she walked outside. There she meet TY-JY talking about something and eavesdropping them. TY-JY argue about something. TY leaves JY. HW just stood there looking at her. HW remember the times when TY want to tell her about his past relationship with JY. HW cries. Inside the house, HS scold HW about TY, HW yelled back to HS. HW cries in her bed.

Wait for the next part

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@TheMsChelsea91 it's alright. hope you have a good time at the wedding party.

@delphinium8593 @chasen8888 thank you so much for your tonight recap :)@rubie your photos came as fast as lightning thanks a lot :heart:

Oh .. it seems like everything went on quite quickly in one episode. DJ finally knew that his mom was behind YS leaving (TP, I love your sharp sense ...) and from preview DJ would find YS ??

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TP and DJ was drinking together in the kitchen and TP told DJ something about YS leaving, maybe related to GJ. DJ was shocked. DJ met his parents and asked to GJ about it. GJ acknowledge it, that she told YS to go from the house, leave DJ and the tailor shop. DJ almost cried and even speak with high tone to GJ. MS defends GJ. GJ cried. DJ is so angry. GJ defends herself. DJ cried. 

DJ back to his room, a message arrived from the wedding photographer who send him the wedding photos. He looked at them sadly. He thinks about how could GJ do this. DJ sends the wed photo to YS. YS reminiscing their photoshoot and cries her heart out. This part is so sad....

SY prepared SD breakfast, SD refuse to talk to her and write notes and sign languages to communicate. LOL. SD leaves SY mad. SY is complaining about her headache again. Downstair, DJ refuse to have breakfast together with the family. GJ looked upset. DS said something about YS. TP went out and talked to DJ about how he treat GJ. 

HS read the newspaper and got upset. His employee talked about DJ to him and he got more mad. I think he mentioned about the stockholders want DJ back as CEO. HS went to the tailor shop, meet DJ and SD. DJ introduced HS to SD and leave. SD make fun of HS by asking him doing silly things. This scene is so funny!

Back at the farm, YS was working with the strawberries. The ladyboss compliment her. TY call DJ to ask whether there are update about YS whereabouts. TY wondering why HW hasnt call him yet. TY sends her a message. HW didnt reply. HW still in her bed, reminiscing TY-JY last night. ES asked HW is she sick. HW took her coat and leave.

In the chicken restaurant, SY worked as usual and got sick. She got dizzy and fainted. She went to the doctor and tell him her symptoms. The doctor said something about further examinations to find the disease. YE met SD at the tailor shop, she brings 2 box of cakes, one for him one for SY. YE told SD how SY loved SD. SY went home and straight to her room, ignoring TP and DS. TP got a phone call, another job offer. DS act as his manager. 

YS went to an office (not sure what office). Bank, maybe.

DJ and Mrs Geum talked to SD in the tailor shop. SD give the cake to Mrs.Geum. GP mom appear in the tailor shop. They argue about something. GP mom is mad and leave. Mrs Geum receive a message (bank transfer or something) from YS, from a bank or something. DJ and Mrs Geum went straight to the bank, and DJ got the branch bank address where YS wire the money (I think). DJ rushing to find her, speed his car and talk to himself, YS please wait for me. 

GJ talk to MS about YS. YS is in a truck, receive a phone call from MS. They met in a cafe. MS told YS about how sorrowful DJ is...YS keep apologizing. MS asked YS to come back to the tailor shop. MS reminds YS how she longs to be a good tailor. YS refuses.

DJ went to a bank and shows the wedding pic to the officer. SHe told him about a farm. DJ looked for YS to nearby farm...asking people of YS whereabouts. He has a list of the farm and checked each one of them (what a hardwork, DJ).

Wait for another part...

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@chasen8888 and @delphinium8593: thx so much for the recap. Haven't watched the raw yet but I did watch most of the clips uploaded at KBS YT channel: Will just add something to that: 

1) HW's crying outside of TY's workplace was really sad. From what I watched, she clearly intended to end things with him after learning the truth about his past with JY. But hearing him call her "Yeobo" for the first time made her realize that she could never break up with him. I guess this will lead to the sweet date scenes/kiss scene from the pics uploaded these past few days. 

2) It's official. SN has cancer. Dunno the few details but heard it loud and clear SN saying the word cancer. I hope they won't go all makjang on this with us. Hopefully she can be cured from this. 

3) The confrontation among TY-HW-HS-JY led ES to suddenly disapprove both couples??? I think.. Not sure about this though.

4) Really interested to know exactly what DJ said in his sort-of-outburst to his mom. MS had to defend her but clearly she was shocked at having her precious son raised his voice at her. She definitely did not expect this kind of reaction from him. She clearly thought she had the upper hand and could do whatever she wanted about his life and he would just oblige. 

Well, that's it for now. Really want to go watch the raw now :wink:


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HW remember about how TY is objecting their relationship in the first place and how things more logical now after HW realize it was all because of JY-HS. She is eyeing TY in the burger joint and got desperate all by herself. She even put no makeup because she is so upset. TY went out and call her. HW is right beside him and receive the call. SHe pretend to be sick so she couldnt come to the burger joint. TY said he will be there right away but HW refuse. TY called her yeobo. HW is so touched.

YS back at the farm with her truck. She saw DJ coming and hide. SHe beg the ladyboss not to tell about her working there. DJ come right thereafter to meet the ladyboss. He asked to her about YS, the ladyboss lied to DJ. DJ leave the farm. YS is watching him with tears in her eyes. DJ suddenly feel YS presence and look for her. YS quickly hide, she watched DJ car leaving the farm.


Preview ep 40:

DJ emotion is falling apart...HW-TY having a date...JY meet TY...TP got interviewed...SN-YE meet again talk about the boy father...Meesa stockholders is meeting DJ in the tailor shop and maybe approaching him to come back to Meesa as CEO...DJ was calling YS name (i think he is at the farm because it is night also) YS was trapped on a fire (I dont know whether they will meet or not)

My thoughts:

Thank God ep 40 is tomorrow! Not next week...LOL

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Finished the raw (more or less). Just want to add to the preview in thie quick post:

1) JY is actually begging TY to leave HW now. Clearly being mean no longer works.

2) Interview for TP - a second career as a trot singer perhaps?

3) HW is suggesting that they should get married quickly to TY (yay!) kudos to this girl. Guess she no longer cares about TY-JY's past. No noble idiocy here, thank goodness

4) SN meeting EY and asking about her son's father (gasp!) She's not dying is she? SHe could just be blowing things out of proportion since being diagnosed with cancer.

5) Something happened to YS and TY running into the tailor shop calling out for DJ. Wonder how she''ll get injured here. I can't really say much on a fire as cause. 

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@TheMsChelsea91..it's ok..you have given people like me wonderful recaps thus far especially during busy month like this month. Hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding

@delphinium8593 @chasen8888 @rubie thank you so very much for the wonderful recaps and photo recaps today. I wanted to watch live (I was trying to watch 2 series simultaneously - this one and Goblin because both series promised an intriguing episode today) but my internet was so lagging that it literally blank throughout the shows..huhuhuhu.. Anyway, I managed to catch the last scene when DJ went to seek for YS at the farm. I was crying my heart out (hoping somehow he would see YS through his mirror and stop the car..aigooo). OMG..I hope tomorrow's ep will give more hope..

To all the chinggus @effyisme @pinkdicentra @valzki @pimsucre and others (sorry I could not remember all as there are too many pages to backtrack) who quoted my comments and offer their own..I am sorry I could not reply back soon enough due to my busy work schedule, But I managed to sneak reading them during break time ( even during meeting) and I love and appreciate each of your opinions..

Let's hope the next 11 eps would give us more hope..


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Thanks to everyone for the recaps and updates. I haven't watched the raw yet but even reading all your posts have been exciting. @Rita86 I was thinking the exact same thing as you when I saw the images, lol.

I was totally wrong with SN. Even though it looked more and more like she had an illness, I was still holding on that it wouldn't go in that direction. I've learned my lesson: always expect the most overused trope and celebrate if it doesn't happen. By the way, I glimpsed at some Chinese recaps and people were saying that the doctor doesn't know what she has and cancer is only one of the possibilities. I'm still hopeful that it will be a happy ending for her.

Agree with @chasen8888 that HW and TY's characters are wasted story-wise. More about that after I've watched the episode, but I really hope they don't get married within the span of the drama (of course, no break-up either).  I'm not sure what people think here, but some Chinese shippers (I'm sure there are plenty of Korean ones too but I can't read their comments) are worried that they won't get to see HW and TY married. Since the writing in the second half of the drama has been going in the opposite direction to my preferences, I'm actually worried that they will. I don't think they are ready as individuals or as a couple.

I've heard that there were some rumors on DC Inside of an extension, mainly coming from news reports of Ryu Soo Young's upcoming marriage and the mention of his drama, which follows this one, to be starting in March. I haven't seen any news reporting even for the possibility of an extension, so they are really just rumors. I did expect extension news maybe a few weeks back, but now that we are at 40/50, I thought that it was out of the picture. Who knows. In any case, it wouldn't be a surprise if something comes up in the next week.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing DJ yell at his mom, lol (wickedly).

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I am passing by quickly. I don't think I will have time to watch it subbed. I am so behind on all my Kdramas this week.

Yeah I wasn't expecting the cancer thing. Well the doctor was correct it is only investigation. It was SN who jumped to the conclusion. Still the writer wouldn't go there would it? Also people don't normally faint from a benign neurology condition and it was all neuro right?

I am unsure how I felt about the whole TY JY secret coming out. She is allowed to be sad. I am just unsure how avoiding TY now is helpful to the plot. In fact this week seems to be more me saying " what is happening?"  re the plotlines. 

We have cancer. The discovery. Then the mother mired in regret. Like she is more central than DJ- YS. It's  episode 39? And not a single relationship line has reached fruition. Well barring that couple who married.

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I am actually quite pleased at HW's development in this episode. I knew she would freak out and I honestly thought she would be really childish about the whole thing and blame TY for not telling her. She was completely blindsided by the news so it makes sense that she cried and got angry. The real step of maturity came when she thought about the whole situation and knew that the fault was hers for not letting TY tell her earlier. She only avoided him for the day and you can see that in tomorrow's episode they are right back being their lovey dovey selves. HW won't let this little revelation ruin her relationship and she seems more determined now then ever to make things work with TY. To me, she grew up a little bit in today's episode and that was refreshing to see.

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First thing first (since I forgot it in my last post), a very happy (rather belated) welcome to the thread for @Rita86!!!! May your stay is a happy one!

Rushed home today and practically inhaled the subbed episode, lol.

I have been quite forgiving about plot holes in this drama because none of them were super ridiculous, at least until this last episode *waving fist at the writer* Why the hell the writer made YS paid for the rooftop room?! I know it's a plot device to make the standard k-drama missed-meeting between DJ and YS. But it made YS look like a moron. Who would pay for a room, and thus risking your cover, that was hijacked by someone who constantly bullied you?! If this is the writer's way of emphasizing YS' kindness (even to her tormentor), I am so sorry, I am so not impressed right now. This plot device is ridiculously annoying as it indirectly harmed the female lead characterization. What kind of stupid writing is that?!

Pheww...now that I got that off my chest, let me start by agreeing with @pinkdicentra on not wanting HW-TY wedding, at least not until we all can see that they have moved beyond their seemingly juvenile-ish romance. Also agree @chasen8888 that HW in need of a character development asap as her character right now has started to affect my feelings about TY and Ms Ko whose interaction I enjoyed so much more before (in fact I enjoyed TY-Ms.Ko or HW-Ms.Ko more than HW-TY, heh). But I quite like her reaction to the news about JY-TY past history. Like @natkat said, I hope this is a sign of a character maturity. 


To end on a more positive note, here are some of my favorite stuffs in this episode:

- TP is my hero this episode. I wanted to hug and kiss him when he told DJ about his suspicion of GJ's role in YS' disappearance. I love how he's always been so supportive of DJ-YS and stepping up even more in this episode.

- DJ calling out his mother. I was very satisfied when DJ called her cruel, because what GJ did was indeed cruel. She knew full well YS has no one in the world that she could call family except those that she found thru the tailor shop. GJ has not only orphaned YS (again) but also forced her to semi-gave up on her dream for the time being. Did she even try to give YS pocket money to help YS restart her life after she left?! And this is from someone who said she loves her like a daughter. Meh...

- I like that DJ was still polite even when he gave his mom a cold shoulder. I find that to be so gratifyingly cutting. At this point, anything that will make GJ regret her decision is fair game for me, lol. 

- TP's increasing positive prospect as a singer. I can only say: FINALLY!!! He deserves it!

- I love that wherever YS goes, people (her boss and farm workers in this episode) seem to just adore her. The girl deserves all the love that she could get.

- MS & YS conversation that made me forgive MS a lil bit for his character's mistake last week. Though I wish he had been more firm in trying to bring YS home. Oh well....


I miss my otp being in the same frame. Writer, please make this happen tomorrow!! *knock wood, cross finger, chanting prayers to dramagod*


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@chasen8888 @delphinium8593

" At work SN collapsed briefly and she went to the doctor; he gave her some "bad" news about her health (not sure the exact issue). She returned home depressed "

"In the chicken restaurant, SY worked as usual and got sick. She got dizzy and fainted. She went to the doctor and tell him her symptoms. The doctor said something about further examinations to find the disease."

The Doctor suspect "Noe Jong Yang" (뇌 종양,腦腫瘍) which is brain tumour or cerebroma according to her symptoms but will need to run test to confirm the suspicion in a few days. SN of course is slightly jumping the gun that she is terminal


Ms Ko mentioning to someone, most likely HW...why the trip to the OB/GYN (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Doctor (San Bu In Gwa 산부인과,産婦人科)?

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