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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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Why I don't see YS as a doormat? or at least to a complete definition of a doormat. (in my language, there is a term used to describe a thing like you can be brave to anything or anyone but always defeated by something/someone.)  I see YS accept being treated badly only by GP & GP's mom not anyone else (probably resulted from chronic abusive treatment), and like DJ once questioned her that she seemed to be a different person when it came to GP and his mom while she was aggressive towards him or even teasing/yelling at him. And she even talked back to HJ at the prison scene.

I think YS is a very strong woman. The fact that YS came from a poor family or maybe this caused by her enduring all financial difficulties when her father was sick with kidney condition of which medication would be costly that she couldn't further her college study. She's alone on her own with no siblings to rely on, and compounded by GP's obsessively following her since her youth, if I were in her shoes I would succumb to this adversity soon enough !!

As the drama continues, I'm getting to know more about YS's history about her relationship with GP through other characters in the drama. Her accounts were told by;

  • Mrs. Geum (I really like her, she's a very nice ajumma) told SD and DJ (eps 15?) that YS got involved with GP because of that indebtedness about his kidney donation and GP threatened to kill himself if YS not marrying him. Mrs. Geum also mentioned that GP loved YS so much that he became such a softie to her.
  • TY once confirmed this message (in ep 17) when he talked to DJ something like people have their own weak spots. GP knew how to exploit this to his advantage by keeping YS feeling responsible and guilty.

So I think even GP looks very scary at times, he really loves YS (of course to my opposing of his unhealthy & obsessive way) and likely to give in to her if she insists. Or else I think GP could have made YS his a long time ago. (I assume YS is still virgin heehee :wub:.) When YS decided to marry him, it's more like she gave in to her fate (like one of our chingus here mentioned) or perhaps tired from running away to no end.

When YS walked down the aisle on her wedding day with smile, I'd rather take that (1) she gave in to her fate and instead looked forward to settle down and finally was able to do what she loves (tailoring) (2) she kept convincing herself that she was doing the right thing by reminding all about GP sacrifices in the past in her head (3) as such an innocent woman (DJ said YS was like a 3-year old girl to him :wub:.) YS believed GP would stop being a thug which we all know that its never happen. (4) as an automatic reflex action when you are in a special ceremony like WEDDING and with her attitude of great respect to elders. I don't expect her to have a gloomy face. Something like when I feel sad or upset during party time at office, I still smiled every time when people took photos of me so I think it could be an understandable reflex response ..

And the last one, YS didn't expect DJ would fall for her. If DY didn't love her and see her as just a co-worker, I'm pretty sure that YS will wait until GP release from prison and start their marriage life. But now everything changed, DJ & YS love each other, so GP & his mom is becoming the issue that we are discussing that why YS didn't do something to get rid of them from the beginning.

It's my 2 cents .. love all Wolgyesu fans here. Please keep feeding your opinions whether agree or disagree. It will be more fun to exchange our ideas and differences. Diversity expands our experience horizons.

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7 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

And of course, you should write opposing views. It gives us a chance to generate more discussion.........................

. I would have less of a problem if GJ went up to his face and said that she wanted YS out of the picture, but of course she has to be a stereotypical drama mom, and I guess it's also partially his own fault for not bringing it out in the open earlier so that even disagreements could be discussed more openly.


thanks @pinkdicentra ~ agree with you that dong jin had a role to play in this mess and thats why I dont blame the family for their reactions. in real life, have noticed very diverse reactions from kpop fans when it comes to their bias dating. what I have noticed is that with groups where they are open that the company has removed the dating ban clause and stuff like that (meaning "I could be dating because I am a normal guy"), the fans do not have meltdowns when it comes out that their bias is dating. they accept and move on. they don't withdraw their support and crash fan cafes or whatever else far out reactions we see. but with fans where the group doesn't interact or give them clues that they are normal guys and not idols who live in a bubble without any company except fans, you see these kind of reactions that make non-fans shake their head and face palm. so what is my point? open communication and laying the groundwork results in more positive reactions.

it made my head spin when gyo po's mom accidentally saw the family after dong sook's wedding and none of them allowed her to speak -- it was supposed to be a comic scene but my reaction was -- why is everyone acting embarrassed and anxious (including dong jin and yun shil)? if they are not doing anything wrong, then why hide? why did dong jin hide his relationship with yunshil? why act like it is an affair that folks shouldn't know about?

even now, he hasn't addressed his family directly about it. so it doesn't surprise me that gok ju spoke to yun shil privately. if he had been like dong sook who brought in tae pung proudly to the table and said she was dating him and intends to get married, then gok ju would have declared publicly that she hates yun shil as a daughter-in-law! hahahahah... the result would be same but the way it happened would be different.

gok ju so far has been written consistently. she has higher hopes for dong jin but even with dong sook, her objections was logical. since it is dong sook's third marriage, does she know what she is doing or is she smitten like a teenager? this is the same guy she stole money for from her mom and daughter -- is he trustworthy? he is yet to earn money -- so will the family end up having to pay for this family? all these are logical questions and absolutely have to be asked.

couples do need a reality check and need to consider if they are ready for the issues and baggage -- the ones who process this and say, "yes, we are aware but we want to go ahead" -- these are the couples who survive in dramaland (and probably in life as well)...

thought it was sweet that gok ju finally relented when dajung said she was in favour because her mom was happy and she feels included by taepung. how cute was it that instead of spending christmas eve as a couple, the trio spend it as a family instead? taepung is actually a nice guy -- instead of dismissing dajung as an adult who doesnt need family, he makes the effort to include her. so even though gok ju still has reservations, she approved due to dajung. so she isn't that unreasonable. she doesn't view the partners her kids choose with rose-coloured glasses because she is not in love with them. even with hyojoo, she asks pointed questions -- will you curb your tongue? will you make him smile? can you make him happy? so it is not like she approves of hyojoo 100% but these two have a history there that was only partially negative. so it would make sense for her to consider if hyojoo would be good for him.

2 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:

If I were to say that I wanted a chance for Min Hyoju to redeem herself and get back together with Lee Dong Jin, people might come after me with pitchforks.

kekekek... possibly! find hyojoo an interesting character and am curious to see how her arc will turn out. obviously it is too late for her with dong jin but it looks like she will see the need for change and recognize that her pride and walls have kept people away. so in that way, her arc is kind of bittersweet; she reminds me of the lyrics from that katy perry song --

All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo)
Can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo)
I should've told you what you meant to me (Whoa)
'Cause now I pay the price

In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world

In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]

and on a side note, how cute and embarrassing was that ms. ko refused to pick up her drunk daughter as she wanted to give her a chance with dong jin! hahaha... ms.ko the romantic meddler!

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Dear @pinkdicentra @bajing @vaberella

Thank you so so much for the replies on my 3 questions above...finds comfort on reading them (Yes I am that desperate waiting for the next ep, and saw YS cried her heart out in the preview really didn't help at all)
This had just came accross my mind, few things that made me sure that GJ has just begin her regretful phase...
1. When GJ told HJ about YS has left DJ, and HJ asked her "Did she leave without asking anything in return?" and GJ said "YS is not a bad person" --> LOL poor HJ...even when YS left, HJ still have to hear good things about YS
2. When ES refer YS as "a convict wife" when she talked to GJ, GJ defends YS by saying "She is nobody's wife, they are not legally married, this makes YS a single woman" --> Woo-hoo!
3. In the preview we saw GJ talking to herself "is that poor thing (YS) eat 3 times a day?"
Please TP, spit it out to DJ! DJ deserves to know the truth...
Can't wait for that BIG scene when DJ finds out about YS+GJ. Omooo~
I think the time is near when we will see things will falls into place again...the drama has reached the bottom and worst storyline for the OTP, and maybe in 2-3 eps we finally get our smile back!
2 days to goooo!
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On 1/3/2017 at 0:52 PM, luvsdramas said:

@pinkdicentra I'm not sure if the Hawaiian Couple song was played for TY and HW previously  but the song is so catchy it's in my head! Actually TP's song is scarily catchy as well! I was giggling throughout his performance. CWY can play any role.

On ep 38, for all its sadness, I liked the part where DJ called YS after seeing the mr pretty eyes label and the voice message he left. When is she going to hear that message? As for YS, I liked the part where she paused outside the cafe when it started raining and the memory of the 'toilet' incident makes her smile. Just a lighthearted comment here - DJ and YS have been so romantic.. the one dent of realism was when DJ chose to celebrate NYE with friends instead of YS and even forgot to tell her? Finally he's normal. Yah! Lee Dong Jin! 

Oh the part in ep37 when DJ teases YS abt her posing in the wedding shots was very cute too! I can't wait for the photos to be ready, I hope they'll be important in the story and make the baddies Hj and GP have the right misunderstanding. 

I'm disappointed at all the members of DJ's family. From MS, to GJ to DS, no one seems to be doing anything to share info and help with finding YS. Why have soju and discuss first love when you are not helping your son pursue his first love, MS?? It's a bit difficult now for me to imagine how YS will live under the same roof with DJ's family so I hope she and DJ will make their own home, where there is more equality! DJ, pls find YS quickly! @vaberella do u still think it's Busan? YS drove into Seoul quickly so it's probably nearer eh? 

Side note... did anyone else find the farm lady's caution abt being careless with candles and starting a fire somewhat ominous? No fire please...

I've watched the wolgyesu parts of the 2016 KBS Drama Awards English-subbed on kshowonline. But I missed the Choi Won Young bromance interview with all my Fast forwarding. Now to get to that and to keep replaying the LDG and JYH acceptance speeches. For the obsessive watchers, LDG had a silly smile during JYH's speech when the camera caught him and he became a bit self-conscious, got rid of the smile. She wasn't thanking him yet LOL.. anyway good to see all the wolgyesu actors happy and proud. I loved Hyun Woo's cheering of JYH as she started her speech.

I like TP's new song. It's much better that Suzanna.haha... i kept singing his song after finished watching eps 38. I never known him before this Wolgyesu tailor shop. But i just saw him a glance at hwarang (i don't follow that drama) when my sister watched it. Is he a singer too beside an actor?

How could DJ chose to spend the NYE with his friends instead of his gf? Lol...if he finds out that YS is leaving, he for sure will spend the NYE with YS. As i know DJ was never once seen going out with his friends before. 

I agree with you chingu about the wedding shoot photos. I can't wait to see HJ, GP, DS and especially GJ reaction and i'm sure will make some misunderstandings later.

And i have a feeling too that the place will be on fire.  But i hope not (fingers crossed). Ahh..YS will be in danger and who will come to help her? There's no way for the lead role to dissapear in this way, right? Please don't :crazy:

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On 1/3/2017 at 1:07 PM, pimsucre said:

@bajing : sorry for cutting your post.

Yes Yes count me in your circle. Let's pray for DJ-YS quick reunion and their renewed sweet & loving moments next episodes, pali pali .. please writer-nims you still owe us your New Year presents. How can you give me such tearjerker scenes in New Year, you're so mean! You know I had run out of Kleenex and a pile of tissues in my house last weekend now I want to see YS beautiful smile and her lovely doe-eyes, I think I must have been enchanted by her charms after keeping watching her for nearly 3 months .. seem like I have a girl crush, hahaha. And its my first time watching LDG & JYH drama. I can't say that I'm a great TV drama fan because I usually love watching movies & news and I only experienced few Kdramas in the past (the last time I watched is "Faith" starred Lee Min Ho?.. but The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop changes my view of weekend drama, just like that. I will try Korean dramas more from now on.

About wedding photos, YS absolutely has this ethereal beauty sooo beautiful, I'm just silly thinking that if DJ-YS wedding photos were to display at the shop (or a big highway billboard :phew:) then everyone would be mesmerized by these gorgeous bride & groom and the way they looked at each other so blissfully in love since its a photo captured with YS pure heart and their true love so a magic would work its way for them and HJ & HGP might vomit up blood .. I really hate them and GJ will regret deeply for what she has done.

BTW : I enjoy reading all your views very much including @TheMsChelsea91 @effyisme @jimb @pinkdicentra @vaberella @chasen8888 @caranthir_idril @valzki @luvsdramas @inna75 (so sorry if I miss out anyone) since English isn't my native language so I can't articulate my thoughts into writing properly. It took me a long time to write hahaha. that's why I always look forward to reading you guys comments, rants, complaints, character analysis, next episode predictions, spazzing moments, etc. after each episode ends.  See you this weekend. Please be healthy chingus :heart:

Yeah i an hoping for YS and DJ quick reunion. I don't want them to separate too long. The writer-nims still owe us their Christmas present too :sweatingbullets: Lol... 

And about the photo, the bigger highway billboard the better :phew: 

Thabk you for mentioning me chingu :wub: this is the only drama that i give my analyse so far. Hahaha.... can't wait for weekend anyway :grimace:

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17 hours ago, effyisme said:

I really love the thank you speeches by LDG and JYH as it really reflect how close they are now as compared to the start of filming.. LDG did also mentioned that JYH is very considerate of everyone on the set and he is learning from her.. I like how the camera panned towards LDG when JYH was making the speech and you could see his silly smile which I think he did it subconsciously heehee.. 

:) Thank you very much for your posted 2016 KBS drama awards here, I just finished watching .. Oh there are many award categories like mini series, serial drama and mid-length drama .. also young /new/excellence actors, including grand award. It seems like KBS is quite generous to offer their actors & actress a pretty good share of the trophies. And there are 7 winners for best couples .. what's it that? I'm not getting used to this hahaha.

And I agree with you about LDG and JYH being really close to each other. Their smiles and gestures indicate their sweet off-screen relationship. I noticed sometimes LDG's body seemed to lean towards JYH's that made his head very near hers, don't know if this came from his subconsciousness :phew: BTW: LDG is freaking handsome.

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45 minutes ago, valzki said:

Yeah i an hoping for YS and DJ quick reunion. I don't want them to separate too long. The writer-nims still owe us their Christmas present too :sweatingbullets: Lol... 

And about the photo, the bigger highway billboard the better  :phew:

Thabk you for mentioning me chingu :wub: this is the only drama that i give my analyse so far. Hahaha.... can't wait for weekend anyway :grimace:

yes I would love it if their wedding photos were to display in public .. HJ may scream and faint with anger but I'm afraid GP will go to beat DJ or kill him right away :crazy: (I hope not) I wish writer-nims not delay our presents til Chinese New Year.

Oh I really love your post like that of @effyisme always give me good feelings and positive vibes. Only 2 days left .. fighting.

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6 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:



@Lmangla    I love what you wrote, and am happy to share your opinion!  I suppose our opinions weren't that controversial yet.  If I were to say that I wanted a chance for Min Hyoju to redeem herself and get back together with Lee Dong Jin, people might come after me with pitchforks.   

Haha I don't think people would attack you for your opinion. What i like about this forum is that people remain civil even when they disagree with an opinion.

As I see it the problem with Hyoju/DJ pairing is not so much Hyoju herself but Donjin having no romantic feelings whatsoever for her as we saw even when they were married. Hyojou redeeming herslef would be great regardless of her trying to win back DJ I think her character deserves that chance at happiness (without a man who obviously doesnt love her). Their getting back together wouldnt be believable to the viewers and would not make much sense for DJ's character development.

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7 hours ago, Lmangla said:


thanks @pinkdicentra ~ agree with you that dong jin had a role to play in this mess and thats why I dont blame the family for their reactions. in real life, have noticed very diverse reactions from kpop fans when it comes to their bias dating. what I have noticed is that with groups where they are open that the company has removed the dating ban clause and stuff like that (meaning "I could be dating because I am a normal guy"), the fans do not have meltdowns when it comes out that their bias is dating. they accept and move on. they don't withdraw their support and crash fan cafes or whatever else far out reactions we see. but with fans where the group doesn't interact or give them clues that they are normal guys and not idols who live in a bubble without any company except fans, you see these kind of reactions that make non-fans shake their head and face palm. so what is my point? open communication and laying the groundwork results in more positive reactions.

it made my head spin when gyo po's mom accidentally saw the family after dong sook's wedding and none of them allowed her to speak -- it was supposed to be a comic scene but my reaction was -- why is everyone acting embarrassed and anxious (including dong jin and yun shil)? if they are not doing anything wrong, then why hide? why did dong jin hide his relationship with yunshil? why act like it is an affair that folks shouldn't know about?

even now, he hasn't addressed his family directly about it. so it doesn't surprise me that gok ju spoke to yun shil privately. if he had been like dong sook who brought in tae pung proudly to the table and said she was dating him and intends to get married, then gok ju would have declared publicly that she hates yun shil as a daughter-in-law! hahahahah... the result would be same but the way it happened would be different.

couples do need a reality check and need to consider if they are ready for the issues and baggage -- the ones who process this and say, "yes, we are aware but we want to go ahead" 

 so even though gok ju still has reservations, she approved due to dajung. so she isn't that unreasonable. she doesn't view the partners her kids choose with rose-coloured glasses because she is not in love with them. even with hyojoo, she asks pointed questions -- will you curb your tongue


Hi @Lmangla welcome back! I agree it's good to see the different opinions here. Makes us think back abt why we jumped or empathised with the characters. Sorry I've cut your comments in parts to make it easier for me to see what to respond to.

On DJ's accountability for GJ's sneaky action, actually when DJ and YS were at the beach, DJ had said he wants to tell his family first about their relationship. He said a couple of things abt how he does not want to hide their relationship as it would be like saying it's forbidden love. But YS asked for more time as she wasn't ready yet. So I think in DJ's mind he is wrestling between 2 options. (1) first overcoming GP's revenge and then telling his folks so that GP can't be used as a risk factor OR (2) just telling his folks first to get through whichever problem surfaces first. So DJ is respecting YS's request, prior to this he had apologised to YS for meeting Gp without telling her so I see this as DJ trying to be considerate to YS and take the next step when they are both ready. Unfortunately, DJ should have followed his gut and told his family because just like he believed he did the right thing anyway visiting GP, he would've done the right thing telling his family early too. And on fans having meltdowns when their idol dates, I think the fans need to get a grip! At least vent it peacefully like us here?? 

Outside the cafe aft the wedding, IMO they were anxious but not embarrassed. GP's mum would misrepresent things as she would speak from her victimised perspective. The couple and those in the know want the relationship to be accepted, DJ would want to break the news himself to his parents out of care, to not shock them - it would be unceremonious/disrespectful to have dating news be revealed to parents in this way. And again.. drumroll...'YS wasn't ready'. 

Yeah it's not surprising that GJ spoke to YS privately. I agree. Coz GJ knows she is no match for DJ's nerves of steel. Actually apart from status, I also think GJ does not want DJ to be her precious son  who has failed in marriage. She wants the divorce to be a rash mistake, as the marriage wasn't a mistake to her. So there were parts earlier where both GJ and MS made their conservative stand on preserving marriage quite clear by asking DJ if he doesn't want to patch things up with HJ. A parent or onlooker might question if a couple has tried hard enough to save a marriage knowing how tough married life is. Except in this case, a divorce is justified coz HJ was portrayed as horrid/nasty right off the bat. To also signal to us from back then that we need to get ready for the main OTP.  Not only does HJ not know how to love, she is also condescending to the heroine and anyone out there who does not have a college degree. I do feel for HJ but she keeps moving in circles character-wise.

Moving on, actually I'm ok with YS working on a farm, trite as some of you have said. I agree with all the reasons given by those who've justified it. I can't get enough of K-farms, they hit their target tourist right here! One more day to Saturday, what can I say:))


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7 hours ago, pimsucre said:

:) Thank you very much for your posted 2016 KBS drama awards here, I just finished watching .. Oh there are many award categories like mini series, serial drama and mid-length drama .. also young /new/excellence actors, including grand award. It seems like KBS is quite generous to offer their actors & actress a pretty good share of the trophies. And there are 7 winners for best couples .. what's it that? I'm not getting used to this hahaha.

And I agree with you about LDG and JYH being really close to each other. Their smiles and gestures indicate their sweet off-screen relationship. I noticed sometimes LDG's body seemed to lean towards JYH's that made his head very near hers, don't know if this came from his subconsciousness :phew: BTW: LDG is freaking handsome.


Lol! @pimsucre & @effyisme let's all 3 of us get a collective grip! LDG's leaning was from the best couples segment on stage when LMR did the aegyo 'I'm 42 years old', was it? Not sure myself but I know the camera panned to them both when LMR and CIP were interviewed on stage. It's good that he didn't move away anyway, that wouldn't be nice to his co-star. And whenever the camera panned to LDG & JYH, I was a happy bird. 

I know I should stop talking abt JYH's acceptance speech but I need to say what i forgot to earlier. I thought it was great that she brought up the elephant in the room (the non-nomination for best couple) in such a subtle way and angled the comment to end in an appreciation for her partner instead. She really represented the experienced actress there with her eloquence and making LDG feel good as well. Nice one, she dealt with it head-on.

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Problem with HJ is none of the people she cared about loved her, lost her mom, her dad scarred her emotionally, stepmom and son too the company, husband resigned leaving the company to the criminal to protect 3-4 employees and never saw HJ as a woman, mother in law who worships her because of her status. She is a tragic character who is only truly loved by HyoWon and nowadays her stepmom since she got what she wanted.

I would have loved this more if they made HJ a more reasonable character along with GP who started as a reformed gangster before the writer changed it

Also what does HJ do anyway she could have lead the company herself instead of depending on DJ. She cant be more incompetent than HS

GJ should now be scared anytime YS pops up in the conversation as DJ would not forgive sending an innocent girl with no relatives, no job, no place to live etc away if the secret comes out

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22 hours ago, Lmangla said:

but seeing folks so tuned into the dong jin - yun shil romance made me feel like I shouldn't be posting anymore here in this thread since my view is so drastically different....:cold_sweat:

@Lmangla: Awww...please don't be disheartened. I think it's fascinating how we all watch the same show but can have so different views on the story and characters' motivation. I find the differing opinions to be quite enriching and made the whole thread to be more exciting. So, what I am trying to say in not so many words is: Please never hesitate to voice your opinion :blush:. I am sure no one will come with pitchforks (*wink at @rileyelizabeth* :grimace:) no matter how far apart our opinions are, haha.


@pimsucre: I love your exhaustive defense of YS' character, lol. I think I am very biased for YS because I have experienced in real life someone who was very dear to me in a very similar predicament to YS. It took years of efforts with a whole lot of constant and unwavering supports from people around her before she managed to break free. So I know that getting out from this kind of relationship is not just a simple toughing yourself up and be brave. Maybe because of my experience, I empathized so much with YS and just had to defend her character because it strikes a quite personal chord in me.


19 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

*Edit: DJ doesn't even get the chance to decide whether he would rather be single than be with his ex so that people around could understand his love for YS (sorry, I can't quote for an edit), although we are sure that he would, and he will express this in the episodes to come. People whom he trusts are forcing their decisions on him even without him knowing the reasons. I would have less of a problem if GJ went up to his face and said that she wanted YS out of the picture, but of course she has to be a stereotypical drama mom, and I guess it's also partially his own fault for not bringing it out in the open earlier so that even disagreements could be discussed more openly. Also, since I was always expecting the DJ-YS loveline, it was easier for me to dismiss the flaws in the GP arc (as long as he was out of the picture for a while, that was fine for me).

@pinkdicentra: Three cheers for what you wrote here!!! That's what made me so mad at GJ. I was not so much bothered by her opposition as some of her objections were just typical kdrama mothers and some were legitimate (HGP). But it's the way she's using the bond of trust that she shared with YS and DJ to get what she wanted with very minimal cost on her (in terms of her relationship with DJ). In addition to this, her pushing HJ to DJ right out of the bat when the wound that she knowingly inflicted to DJ was still very fresh made me want to do untold harms on her. Like some of you here, I do hope her guilt will hurt her so much and eat her alive right to her bone (I hope wishing harms to drama character wont invite bad karma to me, haha).

In a similar vein, and to address @valzki's point, I am not so much mad at MS' decision to not tell DJ about his wife's underhanded action. I dislike it but I wont be angry for it for I can see his reasoning. But it's the combination of him not telling DJ, his spiel that sounds (to me) like him telling DJ to give up and the fact that he gave the spiel right on the day of YS' disappearance that rubbed me in a wrong way. Had MS gave a different kind of spiel, I wont be angry at his cover up. Had MS gave that exact same spiel after DJ has exhausted all the means under his power to bring YS back, I wont be angry at the spiel or the cover up. Sorry for harping on about this, but I was a bit dumbfounded at how little respect HJ, GJ and (to some extent) MS had towards DJ's feeling that they're doing all of these when not even one day, ONE!!!, has passed since YS' left. That what made me furious the most. 


On HW-TY, I have been holding in my disappointment at the relative lack of development in HW's character in regards to her romance or her direction in life. I can understand her euphoria at finally netting TY, but the almost non-existent character development (and some regression instead) made me a bit sad. I can understand her actions if she's a teenager who made her decisions mostly on feelz, but she's an adult woman that constantly behaved like a hormonal teenager. I am afraid, like @pinkdicentra suggest, the popularity of her antics have stunted her character development. I guess I should just made peace with the reality that what koreans find cute is not necessarily what I will find cute, heh.


On SD-SN, I was practically rolling my eyes when SD cried after the altercation at the bakery. He stoked the fire and when the fire broke he acted like it was not his faults?! Yes, what SN did was wrong, but him being shady and investing so much of his time for YE were troubles in the making and he knew it. And he had chance to come clean and avoid this escalation when he knew that SN has suspicion about him and YE from TP's reporting. But he clammed his mouth and off he went to the bakery again. So I have no sympathy for him and his tears because he was the most at fault in this problem. 

Lastly, I support @pimsucre & @valzki's suggestion of having DJ-YS wedding pic on billboard. And a million yes to the bigger the better, haha. One more day before us DJ-YS shipper will know whether the writer will crush or soothe our hearts. May the force be with all of us!!! 

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On 1/4/2017 at 7:43 AM, delphinium8593 said:

Now after watched ep 37-38 again I have a few questions maybe one of my chingus here can share their thoughts :wub:

1. Why did YS stop the strawberry truck in front of the tailor shop? At first I thought there was traffic light but it seems that she really park the truck behind HJ red car. Did she purposively intended to stop by the tailor shop?

2. I thought YS was going to go somewhere and excel in her carrier...but it appears that YS worked in a farm :( this really saddens me, our dream about YS becoming female tailor seems so far away?

3. Why DJ didn't push HJ when she hug him? Is he considerating her idea of coming back and take Meesa over from HS?

That's for now....3 more days to go to the next ep! The scene I waited the most is when DJ finds out that it is GJ who told YS to go and leave him alone.

I try to share my thought regard your questions chingu ^^ 

1. I thought she purposely stopped by the tailor shop because she misses her favorite work place. As we know she didn't want to go when DJ fired him. It's so difficult for her to leave the tailor shop. And i think she is willingly leaving DJ rather than leaving the tailor shop.

2. I wish she can be a great tailor like she dreamed of. But i want her do tailoring job beside the farm job. I agree with you that her dream becoming a tailor seems so far away as we can see that she chose to work in the farm instead of the tailor shop.

3. Like some said (i forgot who) in next eps we maybe DJ will push HJ when she hug him. He said before he will not come back to Meesa and i want him to keep his word. I am afraid of him come back to HJ because she can help his tailor shop get in to department store. 

DJ should be mad to GJ for asking YS to leave and approve HJ as his wife again. This is all become more complicated :blink:

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On 1/4/2017 at 9:14 AM, pinkdicentra said:

@luvsdramas Yes about the candles. I was suspicious when I first saw them but I was too busy crying to think further. I checked the scene again and even searched to see if it's a typical procedure (not really, maybe for small greenhouse owners who are too cheap to use other methods). It's definitely a fire hazard. I'm imagining an over-the-top scenario with GP looking for YS, an accident happens, and he dies in a fire. Not an ideal scenario, but I'd take that over YS getting trapped in the fire and DJ running to the hospital and sobbing beside her. The mood with the candles does look romantic though. Maybe they could use it for something more positive?

Saw this on Instagram earlier. There was also one of YS in the same location but that one got deleted while I was trying to google translate the words at the back of this one. YS was wearing the same jacket as the last scene but with a different shirt inside. The words beside the mic say "credit union" and "corporate promotion hall". Maybe it's a bank. I wonder if they will meet there or if it's going to be one of those annoying "just missed each other because of fate" scenes.

Yellow marked: hahahaha...i will definitely burst out laughing if this really happens. Lol... 

Green marked: what a stupid plot the writer-nim give us to make the lead role disappear if this happens :crazy: this drama will be a melodrama genre and i always avoid that kind of drama. Yeah it's better if they use it for something more possitive and useful.

But i believe DJ will meet DJ in the future in one place coincidentally. Will YS run away or she is brave enough to face DJ since DJ is really angry with her (DJ said on the phone if YS didn't reply him when he left the voicemail, he will be angry)

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On 1/4/2017 at 8:40 PM, peggygordon said:

Holllaaa chingus...it's been a loooonngg day I'm not participant in this forum. And how much I missed you all here *hug...

1. Let me wish you "Happy New Year 2017!!" Wish you all the best :blush:

2. Congratulation to our Wolgyesu team get awards on KBS award 2016.  I love their speech and how they support each other there :heart:

3. I'm so happy for another ratings record 34,8% on ep.38. Really hope this drama will reached 40% at the end ep.50. Fighting!

4. I'm still not watching ep.35-38 but now reading your comments, live recap and picture still make me can't wait to watch it asap. Love it!

5. May I said I like JYH shoulder, she's so beautiful gergeous  and sexy in wedding dress and at KBS award 2016

6. In KBS Award 2016 it's lovely how JYH thanks to LDG and we see LDG shy face..Aww so cute

Hello chingu :wub: you are back! Hehe... we miss you here. Hope you can catch all the aired episodes and finish before this weekend :blush: JYH is getting prettier now , especially both in the wedding dress with just simple pony tail hair and at KBS award 2016. I think she used simple make-up too. Seeing JYH mentioned LDG name in her thank you speech, it looks like they are closer and more comfortable to each other now. Before they were quite awkward like LDG said in "Happy Together"

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I'm trying to catch this thread and almost reaching the last.hoorrayy.. LOL..

Welcome to our club @gowolgyesu (nice nickname :D) and @Rita86 :blush: happy to see the new comers and this thread is more active since. Hehe... 

On 1/4/2017 at 10:29 PM, Rita86 said:


Btw I am the only one who feels like GP needs to die for our OTP to have a happy ending? I can't see YS/OTP being happy if he's still in the picture. I mean his obsession with YS for starters won't just dissapear even if he stays in prison for life.

Some of you keep mentioning maybe he didnt get the surgery for her father? But we saw him go into the surgery so it would seem strange that he didnt do it? But would be great plot twist if true.  

Me too, feels GP needs to die for our OTP to have a happy ending. He really needs to disappear from YS's life. 1. He has to die just like he said to YS on the phone so YS can date another man. 2. He doesn't need to die or get in to the prison again, but he really gives up not to force his feeling to YS anymore and let go of YS. 

I think it was me before because we never seen the scar. Haha.. but YS's dad died also in the end. Was YS's dad really well after the surgery and died because of another sickness? 

On 1/5/2017 at 2:50 AM, Lmangla said:

awww thanks chingu :wub: ... (caught up on the thread and drama over the last few days but was hesitating to post anything. been sick the last few days + lots of real life stress and so it made me think if I needed additional stress from having a different opinion on a drama.. so thanks @valzki for cheering me up.)

the writer can change the script anytime as this is a live shoot and sometimes they do it it in response to the viewers reactions. have seen this happen in other dramas as well. 

here's a pic from the trailer -- she looks happy! isn't that strange for someone who was supposedly forced/bullied to get married?


maybe the end game was always for gyo po to turn bad but just the way  it was executed, the whole arc feels full of holes. sometimes one buys the changes the writer makes and you feel the arc; sometimes one is just left feeling indifferent and never warm up to the arc. but with 3 other couples and the crazy ko family, the drama continues to be entertaining.

Are you okay now, chingu? Take a rest well and keep smiling to make the stress away :blush:

I agree with you that YS looks happy when she gets married with GP. That makes me curious too. When TY asked her to run away on the wedding day, she refused too. Is it because of she is a really kind hearted one and feel pity to GP? 

Haha..it is so entertaining to see the crazy ko family. Esp Ms. Ko scenes always make me smile. She is old but she looks young in dressing and behavior. Lol.. her dressing is eye-catching recently :phew: but i think we are going to be teary again to see SN gets sick and dying? :tears:

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On 1/5/2017 at 1:26 AM, Lmangla said:


and dong sook saying that she likes yun shil as a person but not as a in-law -- again that is perfectly reasonable. it happens. people can be very objective and have different expectations for who they would like to be related. think of some relatives -- they are nice people but if you had a choice, would you want to be related to them? am sure every family has people like that... even the dad's measured reaction made sense -- they offered her support but it is another thing altogether to accept her as a daughter-in-law when they never thought or considered it... and since he is at the tail end of his life, his view is a more laissez-faire. as he said, he hurt when he lost his first love but he moved on, met someone else, had a family -- no regrets. and that is how life is -- it keeps on turning...

actually felt sorry for hyo joo -- she is obviously too late and it is case of her pride stopping her from showing whats in her heart. (keep thinking of the song "25 minutes too late") but here is the thing -- dong jin didn't choose to divorce her; neither did he choose to quit meesa apparels. with both, he was forced out. meaning it was a passive reaction. not an active decision he made. so it is reasonable for his mother to consider if that would be something that her son wants if his pride allowed it. he is very ambitious. even now, he is not content with managing a small tailor shop. he wants to turn it into something very different. so he is someone who would never be happy or content doing something small in life. and his family recognizes that. it is why he refused to come back to the tailor shop when his dad asked. and despite hyo joo's antics in the beginning, he didn't resent her or told her off for treating his family that way -- why didn't he? maybe he just didn't care about his family... who knows? but whatever it is, he wasn't unhappy enough to leave. he was content to stay in that marriage till she made an impulsive decision. so now that she has sort of realized her mistakes, is it unreasonable for his family to say - give her a chance?

for both dong jin and yun shil, they need to make the decision that they would rather be single than be with exes -- then, folks around them will see and understand that the dong jin-yunshil romance didn't happen because they were bored and lonely. so this breakup is a necessary step in that process for them to be together. otherwise, people will always see it like a shameful secret that has to be hidden -- the fact that no one wants to talk about their relationship openly seems more sad.... where's @sava2sava -- what did you think?

I finally can finish to read your post chingu ^^ 

Just like @effyisme said, DJ is really like a robot. Lol.. he is a man and should act like a real man. How come he just do everything that others order him to do. We don't know the reason why he got married to HJ in the beginning. He could just refuse it if he didn't love HJ, right? And he was so weak that made HJ family more powerful in the company or in the house. 

As for HJ, finally she realized that someone is valuable when she lost him. She is hoping for 2nd chance from DJ and family. And i doubt her sincerity. 

I agree with you if that breaking up process is a necessary step to be together in the end although it is hard for me to accept it in noble idiocy way. Lol... but  it's better to get blessings from others than keep the relationship in secret behind. 


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