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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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GJ should have seen the pathetic condition of the room YS had to use before the fire. No wonder the previous employee ran away from the strawberry farm:sweatingbullets:. I teared up after watching DJ's expression on his face when he touched and felt YS's hands after hugging her.:tears: Those are not the hands of a tailor in the making:tears:.

YS drives a MT truck! You go girl!:)

HW was right to point out to her brother that although JY and him may have met earlier than TY and HW, TY wasn't aware of HW's background unlike JY who dumped "a good man" to pursue a rich one. And TY was not after revenge when he seriously considered dating HW.

Was it right for DS to "lie" about TP's marital status during the interview? He may attract a flock of female fans with his rising popularity.:sweatingbullets: Good on TP. When the interviewer heaped praises on his jacket, he makes sure to mention he had it made at Wolgyesu tailor shop.

After the fire, GJ may have to accept YS and DJ. Her consent and approval will mean so much to the couple as they now have to face HGP after his imminent parole.

I hope MS will get to witness YS and DJ's wedding before he completely loses his eyesight.:tears:

@TheMsChelsea91 I think TY might change his mind about getting married so soon when he finds out HW is faking a pregnancy in order to tie the knot with him before JY and HS.

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21 minutes ago, pinkdicentra said:

Thanks again for everyone with the recaps and follow-up discussion.

I'm sorry to bring rain on the parade to everyone who is excited about the TY-HW development, but I'm super disappointed to hear the news. I still stand by my previous comments about their character developments and their purpose in the whole scheme of the drama. Whether the wedding happens or not, hopefully this does lead to more substance in each of their story-arcs and the purpose is not only as fan service to get as many sweet scenes as possible. I think I'll have to detach myself more from their story to get through this . . .

I posted in my last comment about how I'll reserve my comments about the TY-HW and Jy-Hs parts until i watch  today's ep with subs. However, your comment @pinkdicentra got me posting here again haha. Anyway, I'm on the fence here in regards to TY-HW. As a huge fan of this couple and as someone who squeals gleefully at their lovey-dovey scenes, today's scenes were amazing. But the realistic part of me, you know, the anti-romantic, logical adult in me found so much flaws. Like how quickly they're going about this, and how much I felt disappointed that TY proposed because initially he clearly didn't want to get married, yet. Which was understandable. Which was why I said i'd reserve my comment. I need to watch and comprehend fully first before jumping to conclusions. More often than not, HW's character always manages to be more mature than I give her credit for, especially after those scenes where I'd feel super annoyed by her immaturity. 

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15 minutes ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

I posted in my last comment about how I'll reserve my comments about the TY-HW and Jy-Hs parts until i watch  today's ep with subs. However, your comment @pinkdicentra got me posting here again haha. Anyway, I'm on the fence here in regards to TY-HW. As a huge fan of this couple and as someone who squeals gleefully at their lovey-dovey scenes, today's scenes were amazing. But the realistic part of me, you know, the anti-romantic, logical adult in me found so much flaws. Like how quickly they're going about this, and how much I felt disappointed that TY proposed because initially he clearly didn't want to get married, yet. Which was understandable. Which was why I said i'd reserve my comment. I need to watch and comprehend fully first before jumping to conclusions. More often than not, HW's character always manages to be more mature than I give her credit for, especially after those scenes where I'd feel super annoyed by her immaturity. 

yea I totally get what you mean @TheMsChelsea91; know folks have a problem with her not having a life outside of this relationship, but this guy does not have a job or a steady income and lives in a gosiwon. what is he doing proposing at this stage? but realities aside, the raw bits I watched had me cracking up at the antics of the ko siblings. both brother and sister are fighting over the right to marry like the way kids fight over crayons. "no I get it first! no I get is first!" box-smiley-face.gif?1302011323

and taeyang's proposal -- seeing the ring on the air puff candy (is that what they call it? anyone know what it is called?) made me laugh. not sure how that stuff is in winter but in summer, it is super sticky as it sort of melts/thins due to the heat. so a ring would be super sticky. so my first thought was if taeyang managed to sneakily wipe the ring on a handkerchief before making her wear it! butterfly-smiley-face.gif?1302011325  hahaha... and yea, the kiss was romantic (replayed it a few times) and I liked how he pulled her in for another kiss -- but! did anyone think how these two actors had to work hard to not do NGs and time it perfectly for the fireworks? it was probably scheduled fireworks and so they have to kiss exactly and perfect in order to capture those fireworks in the background... hahahahha...

13 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

Right now it seems like there are two dramas - one of the Lee family, including SD and SN because they live and work with them, and then there's the Min family including TY as the future son-in-law.

the ko family arc crack me up but totally agree with you @pinkdicentra on how it is like two separate dramas. actually even the other two couples seem a bit disjointed to the main arcs. sam do and sun nyeo have their own thing happening as well... not sure if it is the last few episodes but we have yet to see all these different story lines sort of come together in a cohesive arc like in the competition episode...


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11 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:

but I really like what she told Dong Jin about changing drastically (we know it's in a good way, but not for her) and losing his ambitions.  

yea, in real life, people who are ambitious feel super lost when they can't exercise their brain. had a relative who was very successful in his job and when he retired, he was absolutely miserable. if it wasn't for his health issues and failing eyesight, this was someone who would have loved to keep on working till he passed away. he loved all the corporate dealings and going to work. dong jin comes across as one of those people and in real life, would start to resent yun shil after a while.  he would become like sam do who finds all sorts of things unpleasant about sun nyeo and would have a tough time appreciating her and probably hate her from holding him back after a few years.. but that's real life! in dramaland, they would live happily! hahahaha... :phew:


11 hours ago, rileyelizabeth said:

The preview shows her being caught in a fire at the orchard, and if she needs Lee Dong Jin to come rescue her, I think I'm going to scream.  XD

this totally had me cracking up @rileyelizabeth. LOL... if you have been around kerosene lamps, one would have enough sense to not sleep there or be careful. (kerosene actually has a really strong smell and so her not realizing it is dropped - huh!!!!) so the guy has to drive down all the way from the city to wherever she is in order for to rescue her... LOL. because a country girl who should know to handle a kerosone lamp doesn't. she is so helpless!!!  and this is the same girl who fought with a lawyer in the beginning for trying to take advantage of her con-artist husband like he needed to be rescued. LOL... no thinking while watching should be the motto!!  banned2-smiley-face.gif?1302011310  hahahahha....

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1 hour ago, honeywell said:

Maybe SD wasn't fighting off the divorce idea is because they're constantly threatening each other with a divorce.  He probably thinks that SN aid not serious with it.  I was hoping they would end up having kids at the end.

I want them to have kids too. As for whether or not he thinks SN is serious with it, I'm certain he knows she's serious about it. Why else would SN withdrew the money and prepare a new divorce paper for him after tearing the last one up. I think that in their marriage, the spark is gone. Love is still there but it's disappeared for a bit now. It's something they have to overcome for sure. But I want SD-SN to be the end game, despite how nice YE is as a person. And how much she'd fit with SD so much better than the brash SN. 

1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

GJ should have seen the pathetic condition of the room YS had to use before the fire. No wonder the previous employee ran away from the strawberry farm:sweatingbullets:. I teared up after watching DJ's expression on his face when he touched and felt YS's hands after hugging her.:tears: Those are not the hands of a tailor in the making:tears:.

YS drives a MT truck! You go girl!:)

HW was right to point out to her brother that although JY and him may have met earlier than TY and HW, TY wasn't aware of HW's background unlike JY who dumped "a good man" to pursue a rich one. And TY was not after revenge when he seriously considered dating HW.

Was it right for DS to "lie" about TP's marital status during the interview? He may attract a flock of female fans with his raising popularity.:sweatingbullets: Good on TP. When the interviewer heaped praises on his jacket, he makes sure to mention he had it made at Wolgyesu tailor shop.

After the fire, GJ may have to accept YS and DJ. Her consent and approval will mean so much to the couple as they now have to face HGP after his imminent parole.

I hope MS will get to witness YS and DJ's wedding before he completely loses his eyesight.:tears:

@TheMsChelsea91 I think TY might change his mind about getting married so soon when he finds out HW is faking a pregnancy in order to tie the knot with him before JY and HS.

I doubt TY might change his mind. I mean, yeah he'd be super pissed but HW wears the pants in their relationship, and as he said, she "drags him around". He loves her and he does want to marry her, just not at this moment, but I guess HW's insistent in a harmless kind of way so he mostly just follows what she wants. 

DJ-YS scenes were sad yeah. So much sadness coming from DJ. 


@Lmangla: the food is called cotton candy, dear. Because the texture and look is similar to cotton. :) And yeah, I thought about the ring being sticky too. I'm anti-romantic like that. 


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42 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

LOL... no thinking while watching should be the motto!!  banned2-smiley-face.gif?1302011310  hahahahha....

@Lmangla Love this motto, I'm going to be adopting it for the rest of the drama. Not going to care about how the writing goes anymore. I'll just be grateful to the drama gods for LDG's face, whether he's crying or laughing, for the remaining weeks until he goes MIA again (amen). pray-smiley-face.gif?1302011408

I don't trust myself. Watch me come back and rant . . .

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I kept missing the party for this weekend's episodes :bawling:. Well, what can I do, real life is a b**ch, lol.

Now on to the latest episode's squeals & rants. Warning: this post is gonna be long.

@delphinium8593 & @effyisme, thank your for your ninja skills in finding those pictures. You dont know how much it made me feel way way better about this week's episodes. I love you both!! :heart::heart::heart:

14 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

EDIT: I saw this thread on the popular now tab :w00t::w00t: Woo hoo!!! 

This is such a good news. I noticed also how viki subbed this drama way faster than the snail pace it had before. The subbers probably were as excited as us about this drama, haha...

EDIT: Because what I wrote seemed to upset some TY-HW shippers, I debated whether to delete them or put them under spoiler. But because I still stand by my opinion, I just kept it under spoiler. I have no intention whatsoever to start a shipping war (nothing I hate more than that) or belittle any of the couple. All of these are just my personal opinion for better and for worse.

10 hours ago, pinkdicentra said:

Thanks again for everyone with the recaps and follow-up discussion.

I'm sorry to bring rain on the parade to everyone who is excited about the TY-HW development, but I'm super disappointed to hear the news. I still stand by my previous comments about their character developments and their purpose in the whole scheme of the drama. Whether the wedding happens or not, hopefully this does lead to more substance in each of their story-arcs and the purpose is not only as fan service to get as many sweet scenes as possible. I think I'll have to detach myself more from their story to get through this . . .



: Dont worry about bringing rain to the parade, as I am gonna bring a thunderstorm instead, haha...just kiddin'. After watching this episode, I have decided to give up on HW & TY's arc as both an individual or a couple. I know that HW was feeling pressured to marry TY asap, but lying to her mom about her being pregnant?! And didnt tell TY about it?! Then when TY refused to be rushed into it, her reaction was to accuse him of not loving her?! Is this how is she gonna behave each time they have an argument, accusing him of not loving her?! TY's proposal (tho I am confused as he said he's not ready to marry yet, so why the proposal?) was actually very sweet, but I cdn't for the life of me make myself be excited. I watched it with a sense of detachment and incredulity. So to save myself from the frustrations, I will just treat their story as part of the lightness that's needed by the drama and stop expecting any sensible character arc for these two. If later on they start to have character development, it's great. If not....oh well...*shrugs*


On SD & SN: I will just repeat that despite their dysfunctional relationship, I still want a happy end for them. My heart broke for SN this episode for her (possible) illness and struggles that have escaped SD since he's busy catering for his feeling about his first love. I hope that what SN has is not cancer, but something that is treatable. And I am waiting for the day when SD started to regret his behaviors, it better be good.


On HJ: For someone who said she regretted how she treated DJ in the past so darn very much, her behaviors have been so contradictory to her words. She ignored his multiple rejections, she conspired behind his back and used people as she saw fit to reach her end goal. All of these show, to my eyes, that her regrets have been mere lip services. Someone said in this thread (forgot who, sorry....:sweatingbullets:) that HJ is quite pitiful for the scar given by her father and non-existence of love from DJ. I agree to all of these, but these still gave her no rights to force her will to other people with no consideration to those people's agency and feelings. I think, rather than getting back with DJ, what she needs the most is a therapy to get over her victim mentality and released all pent-up anger inside her. It drove me nuts how for her it's always other people's fault instead of trying to look into herself first. You know what rubbed me wrong the most? Her insistence to call DJ yeobo. It made me want to reach the screen and slap some sense into her. She's holding bitterly to a past that was not even a happy one. If this is not an unhealthy obsession, I dont know what that is.


On TP: Another shining moment for him that's not only awesome for his character but made me grin to no end when he plugged the tailor shop seamlessly into the interview. Among the four brothers, he has become my number two (after DJ, of course). It made me proud to see how far he has gone from his initial borderline parasitic character into this considerate, mature and loving person. Well done on this front, writer!


On my OTP :bawling::bawling::bawling::

The whole hugging scene gave me so much life. I love every bits of it: the candle-lit background of their meeting, the initial slo-mo walk before DJ rushing to hug YS so tightly, how time seemed to stop when he reached her, his expression like he has found his universe back, his immediate reaction to fuss over her followed by another hug like he could not get enough of her. Of course the writer then ripped my heart apart and threw it to the dogs right after this beautiful moment. I was initially a bit angry at YS' stubbornness despite understanding her reasons, but seeing her broke down in anguish made me unable to stay mad at her. I was just completely undone with the way she cried like it came from the very deep within, so raw and primal (kudos for Jo Yoon Hee for pulling such heartrending performances for three weeks straight). Her tears were my tears, I sobbed with her and for her.

Call me sadistic, but I actually enjoyed seeing DJ's outburst of frustration in the car because it showed how much YS meant for him. My heart ached for him but the rational part of me saw it as another milestone of how much DJ has changed from someone who's emotionless to the man who he is right now (the man didnt even shed a single tear when he divorced his wife). And I love how YS played a huge part in creating a better version of himself (tho I am worried if his situation with YS does not improve, he will revert back to his old self). So yes, my heart was shredded into pieces seeing DJ looked so broken and defeated, but it is with a satisfaction of knowing his feeling for YS is so deep and so true. 

@valzki, I am also suspecting that only GJ has the power to break the current impasse between DJ & YS. Because it was her who has convinced YS that not only she's not good enough for DJ but also being with her may cost him his life or livelihood, I see that GJ's the only one who can break YS from her state of fear induced paralyzed mind. This maybe the only way to redeem GJ's character, so I hope this is where the writer is gonna take us to.

Lastly, as much as I hate the cliche of DJ finding YS' life in danger and had to rescue her, I'll take any crumbs that I could get at this moment. If the only way to send YS back to DJ's embrace is through near death experience, so be it. I'll support this whole-heartedly, kdrama cliche be damn! (Yes, I am that desperate for my OTP, haha).

It's going to be another long week, but I will just hold on to the sliver of happiness that I got from my otp (aka their hug) to keep me sane. I'll take the fact that they used TP's upbeat trot song as the ending song as a sign of better things to come. Until then, I will just murder the replay button for that hug scene, heh.


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LOL.  I certainly have to give the writers points for originality.  This is the first instance I have heard of, in fiction or real life, where an unmarried woman falsely tells her MOTHER that she is pregnant.

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12 minutes ago, jimb said:

LOL.  I certainly have to give the writers points for originality.  This is the first instance I have heard of, in fiction or real life, where an unmarried woman falsely tells her MOTHER that she is pregnant.

I thought this happened in kdrama quite a lot? but usually from the crazy second lead female, lol

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January 8, 2017

"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" set record of 35.1%

Source: TV Daily via Hancinema.net


"The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" set a record again this weekend.

According to Nielsen Korea, the KBS 2TV drama "The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop" rated 35.1%.

This is a 7.7% increase compared to the previous episode.

It is also 0.2% more than the record set last weekend.

MBC drama "Blow Breeze" increased by 4.3% to 18.1% and "Father, I'll Take Care of You" increased by 2.7% to 10.9%.

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Hi chingus!! I've had no time to post anything! I will! I fastforwarded through TY-Hw's scenes, I couldn't take it. And I loved and replayed DJ's familiar stride in that strawberry farm to hug YS. same LDG stride as in the picturesque tree-filled park walk from DJ's house to tailor shop. Il be back but I just wanted to do a plug for the beautiful restart that @pinkdicentra has done for LDG in soompi forum. I'm very sad that Ldg will be MIA yet again probably, after this drama so pls let's go there and meet again there all lovers of this drama anytime! 

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On 2017/1/9 at 3:03 AM, Lmangla said:

this totally had me cracking up @rileyelizabeth. LOL... if you have been around kerosene lamps, one would have enough sense to not sleep there or be careful. (kerosene actually has a really strong smell and so her not realizing it is dropped - huh!!!!) so the guy has to drive down all the way from the city to wherever she is in order for to rescue her... LOL. because a country girl who should know to handle a kerosone lamp doesn't. she is so helpless!!!  and this is the same girl who fought with a lawyer in the beginning for trying to take advantage of her con-artist husband like he needed to be rescued. LOL... no thinking while watching should be the motto!!  banned2-smiley-face.gif?1302011310  hahahahha....

Hi @Lmangla. After YS poured and spilled some kerosene on the floor, she was seen popping a few pills before her lady boss came to give her a flask of ginger tea. Instead of ginger tea, I wish the lady boss would have the boiler repaired, the room cleaned and an exhaust with a ventilating fan installed. Did you notice a table tap near the kerosene heater has some black vinyl tape over it? Dust is cited as the cause of most fire over here and we are often advised to unplug the power cord and clean it with a dry cloth occasionally.

Kerosene does give off a strong and distinctive odor. YS could have been feeling drowsy from the medication and from inhaling carbon monoxide from the fire, thus making her unable to react to the surroundings:sweatingbullets:.

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Wow everyone is really hating on the HW/TY couple. If you don't want to watch their scenes then don't, but why say you hate their development EVERY EPISODE. I am not a fan of the YS/DJ couple, but I don't go on here to make people feel bad about liking them. I get that everyone has an opinion, but you guys are ruining this thread for excited fans of the HW/TY couple. I was happy about the proposal when I first saw it, but coming on here and reading all of the negative comments (mostly from fans of the main couple) makes it hard to even stay apart of this thread. I usually don't post an opinion about episodes and just share spoiler pictures, but I just needed to say this. 

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The subs came out pretty quick so I was able to watch them a few hours ago. The semi-detached mode is working well for me. I still cry for DJ, roll my eyes at GJ, and laugh at Ms. Ko/HW/HS, but I'm not fuming in anger. However, I'm seriously confused about TY's proposal, since I'm assuming it was just a few hours before that he told JY he wasn't ready to marry HW and also didn't think it was necessary at the time to prove their love.

@luvsdramas Thanks for the plug for the LDG thread. Since the response for this drama has been decent, I think he will be getting more preferable offers than before and hopefully we can see him more often. It's too bad JYH's thread has been archived. I would have liked to post some new photos there, but I'm not really committed to restarting it.

@natkat Just saw your post, and I would first like to apologize if any of my comments regarding TY-HW has been upsetting any TY-HW fans. I'd like to think that any negative comments I write pertain to the overall satisfaction of the writing of the drama, but I know that it can come across a lot different in writing. For the most part, this thread has been fairly reasonable with negative comments, always elaborated with insightful explanations and wishes for better writing. I just came from reading a slew of Naver comments where there are 90% bashing of the writing (and DJ-YS couple), despite the increase in ratings. These comments never have any context, just bashing. It's actual refreshing that we can discuss in depth our dissatisfactions here. But I do hope fans of whichever characters / couples that are misunderstood/under-appreciated come out and defend them. That's the best way to re-represent them more positively. 

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Hi everyone, I have been watching this drama since the very first episode yet this is my first post. Hope to be able to engage more in the discussion during these last 10 episodes :")

Anyway, does anyone happen to know  the title & the singer of the BGM when TY and HW kissed after the proposal?

These two are so sweet despite some of you might dislike them due to one and another. As much as HW might be immature and TY might be a wasted character, there's got to be a reason why they won the Best Couple award (along with other great couples including Song-Song couple who is widely shipped), no? Can't wait for their next chapters! ^^

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Hi all fellow chingus, I know there are 2 distinct group of shippers in this forum and I am guilty being an extreme DJ/YS shipper however I feel that we should all just focus on the positive side and support our couple.  As much as I don't really ship TY/HW, I do not believe in putting them down jus because I don't ship them.. Everyone is entitled to our own opinions so we should really keep this forum positive and happy!!! :)

@natkat Do not worry my friend!! Though I don't ship TY/HW, I still love them as they do bring the happy vibes into the drama amidst those heavy and sad scenes.. I really find them really cute and adorable :wub: 

Afterall, we are all here cos we like this drama, right?? So let's all focus on the good things and support whichever couple we like and do not put each other down..

Just my 2 cents worth!! :)

FIGHTING everyone!! I am really hoping for an extension as I think 10 more episodes isn't enough to cover the remaining plot including MS's pending blindness and GP coming out of the prison..

Have a great week ahead fellow chingus~~~~

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One more thing to add, I noticed around episode 30 there appeared to be an unsaid shipping competition between the couples on streaming sites, naver, and Chinese forums. The thread here actually by-passed that. I hated that the drama had to go in that direction and one naver comment really got it right for me (or at least what I got out of crude translations): This is a family drama, not "We Got Married." I hope that we can continue to support our favorite couples, but also focus more on the family and tailor shop aspects of the drama.

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30 minutes ago, natkat said:

Wow everyone is really hating on the HW/TY couple. If you don't want to watch their scenes then don't, but why say you hate their development EVERY EPISODE. I am not a fan of the YS/DJ couple, but I don't go on here to make people feel bad about liking them. I get that everyone has an opinion, but you guys are ruining this thread for excited fans of the HW/TY couple. I was happy about the proposal when I first saw it, but coming on here and reading of the all negative comments (mostly from fans of the main couple) makes it hard to even stay apart of this thread. I usually don't post an opinion about episodes and just share spoiler pictures, but I just needed to say this. 

@natkat: aww...I am so sorry if my strong words hurt this couple shippers' in this thread. Let me apologize formally. I actually don't hate them and totally understand why this couple works for a lot of people. I was frustrated because I actually care about their characters and see so much potential in them. If not, I wouldnt even bother ranting (like how I rarely, if ever, mentioned about HS-JY because I dont care whatsoever about them). But fret not, I wont say a peep anymore about them. So please dont let this ruin your love for them. I will be more carefull from now on :sweatingbullets:

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On the bright side, this means all the casts and the crew have successfully delivered their best shot in this drama - seeing the fact that people seem to engage that much in each couple they have "shipping competition" ^^

Let's all support each other and counting the days to weekend together LOL

Oh and I still wait for anyone to tell me the title & singer of TY-HW kissing scene :wub::wub:

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