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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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4 hours ago, akhenaten said:

Hello everyone!  Just wanted to share my thoughts after 8 episodes of "Doctors".  Unlike the others who fell in love quickly with Hong Ji Hong and Yoo Hye Jung, I wasn't immediately convinced though I did find the premise of the series interesting enough and the pilot episode made me curious enough to hold on and keep going.  I'm glad I did.  :)

Of course, from the beginning, the series was already mindsetting everyone that they would be the primary couple but it's one thing to be told that two characters will end up together, and it's another thing to be truly convinced that they do belong together.  For me, it was episode 8 that convinced me how right Ji Hong was for Hye Jung. 

Some viewers seem icked by their age gap but I never really saw any problem with that.  Her early experiences in life has made Hye Jung a highly independent woman and, coupled with her fierce intelligence,  only a man who's secure enough in himself can handle someone like her.  Ji Hong, being older and more experienced both in life and profession, is the kind of man who can meet her head on and accept her superiority in other areas (such as intelligence and physical skills) without feeling emasculated.  Not to say that Ji Hong is not intelligent or a wuss, but the series did establish that Hye Jung's IQ is in the genius level and she is a mixed martial arts practitioner.  More importantly, Ji Hong is gentle and kind, but he's firm and never takes any BS from her or anyone.  That was why he was such an effective homeroom teacher in high school.     

Their interactions in episode 8, especially the last few scenes in the arcade and the football field, showed me that Ji Hong will be Hye Jung's anchor, the one main constant in her life.  He will be her champion and her cheerleader and I think that's what she really needs.  Despite everything she's accomplished, it's quite clear to me that Hye Jung still harbors a very deep emotional insecurity, which is why her interactions with most people (with the exception of her closest friends Soo Chul and Soon Hee and her grandmother) are very guarded.  Ji Hong is the only other person who's somehow managed to penetrate her shell and made her comfortable enough to let her guard down.  Hence, her act of taking his hand first.

One might ask what's the big deal with the hand-holding compared to their first kiss in the rain?  Well, to my mind, the kiss was more of Ji Hong declaring his feelings.  He initiated the act and Hye Jung was merely the passive recipient, though she didn't resist him.  Ji Hong knew she wasn't quite ready yet to face the enormity of loving and being loved.  Yet with the hand-holding, it was Hye Jung who decided to take his hand.  Sometimes, under certain circumstances and within the context of a person's character, holding someone's hand can be far more intimate in its implications.  In the case of Hye Jung, to take Ji Hong's hand required a considerable leap of faith and a great amount of trust.  I don't expect her to suddenly initiate a kiss because, given her traumatic experiences, she would definitely be averse to any invasion of personal space.  Yet she took his hand.  Ji Hong, for his part, knew how momentous that act was for someone like Hye Jung and it made him happy.

If the writer and PD continue to drive the plot of this series with moments like this one, I think we're going to be in for a memorable journey.  I just hope they don't get buried under the usual drama tropes (i.e. 2-year separation, birth secrets, etc.) and the romance doesn't lose steam near the end.  And please: give them a proper kiss or two.  A real, honest-to-goodness, heart-stopping kiss that'll blow Hye Jung's ordered mind. I think Kim Rae Won can pull that off.  I just hope Park Shin Hye can as well.  :)

Totally agree with your dichotomy of these two well written characters.

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6 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

So in merely 8 episodes we managed to post 431 pages of Doctors related stuff. Considering the amount of talk over episodes, I guess this thread will still be alive and well in about a year or so. Most likely with over 5000 pages :D 

So is "Doctors" going to be the best drama of 2016? We've had quite a few good ones already and a few others seem to be good before even airing. But will they really be able to beat this outstanding story? The outstanding actors? The outstanding OST's? The outstanding filming and producing? And most of all, the outstanding community?

I seriously doubt it. Everytime I come here, and I visit this thread at least twice a day, I get goosebumps just looking at how much this thread has grown, how much love is being spread between patients, how much love for the story and the actors and their lovestory is written here. 

I've visited many forums, been a mod or admin on a few and an owner of one or two. But never have I seen a tight community like here on Soompi and never has that been shown as well as here in this thread. So thank you for letting me participate. Thank you.


@CamelKnight that is sooo beautifully said, and I know that came from the bottom off your heart. Indeed, I feel the same, and I hope the love keep growing bigger and stronger for this awesome drama Doctors, our Shin Hye and Kim Rae Win, the others cast, PD , writer, and everybody that are working so hard to entertain us with this beautiful piece of art. 

Peace and Love to all, you are awesome community, and it is a pleasure to be here, with all. Love always :wub:

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3 hours ago, angelangie said:


actually she did had her weak moments....she was almost useless when SooChul involved in the accident....if it weren't for JiHong arriving....all she did will be holding his hands and shaking her heads.....and crying

and then when JiHong....was inserting the tube this SooChul sides to withdraw the bloods....she was shaking and had to turn her head away....she wasnt much help there and she refuses to went into the op room if it werent for SooChul begging her that he is scared too and he will only be more relax in knowing that she is in there with him....

while she was calm and did the prep before JiHong enter.....she was against nervous when the vein burst....she wouldnt pull this through if it werent for JiHong....somehow to me it show that while she is strong almost all the way...there are times she need someone there to support her and she knew it was JiHong who was there for her that she had managed to pull through in one of her most critical moment....


3 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

Well, when more than 5 people like you in a series its over compensating the once wronged heroine in my opinion to be honest. I hope not all story leads to Hye Jung being awesome, I personally need to see her having weak professional moments so that I can see her professional growth. 


@angelangie, I agree with everything you wrote and it's absolutely true, but I also agree with @Nymeria289.  Although Hye Jung is absolutely fabulous, having every attractive male in this drama wanting to be with her is a little much; although it is a great confidence booster for her considering that she was unloved for so many years.......so I can't dislike that part too much. .....  :lol:.

I too would like to see Hye Jung grow professionally and not see everything as a competition. When she was determined to prove Yoon Do wrong and stubbornly pushed on with the surgery, I was disappointed by her attitude. Not that she stubbornly held her ground, but the reason for it.....she was holding someone's life in her hands.  That's why I love the way Ji Hong is trying to help her see that everything is not a competition; that it's okay to lose. 

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Good evening :) here in evening .

Thanks all for the news , pictures , lots and lots of new pages ... that i can loose my visual capacity very soon .

Seams that the LOVE STORY continues ...i like that picture where JH hold hand of HJ . They are so cute :) and seams to have lots of scenes together ... a kiss  this episode ? hm , don't think so ... but i believe the next one . to optimistic ?

'THE BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder' ...really , my heart hurts when i read that JH/ KRW looks old :tears: He looks amazing just the way he is . Is him . :wub: If someone loves him , so be it , if don't ...why spending time looking at him and judge him ??? 

Okay , if is old ...that means i love old guys . i prefer Doctor JH all day long .

Hello and welcome to all new fans . enjoy this topic and we are happy that we have you here .

And today in the day ? here is still sunday .

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6 hours ago, zia28 said:

A little different for me, i like sjk (nice guy) and shg (full house, winter the wind blows) and i watch ep 1 Dots when it was aired, but i stop watch it until ep 6 because the storyline and character just like a dreamland (sorry..out of topic)

While i wasn't a fans of KRW/PSH, but this drama make me fall in love with their chemistry, their acting ability, and the story isn't similiar with other medical kdrama (at least until ep 8)..we have different taste but for sure we have the same desease 'Hong Syndrome' :blush:


So agreed! I honestly don't understand why Dots was such a success, even I like SJK very much! Guess it's the flower boy-look of SJK. The storyline and acting at Doctors are way better! I hope the drama and the actors and actresses will gain equal success like DOTS.


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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:



@angelangie, I agree with everything you wrote and it's absolutely true, but I also agree with @Nymeria289.  Although Hye Jung is absolutely fabulous, having every attractive male in this drama wanting to be with her is a little much; although it is a great confidence booster for her considering that she was unloved for so many years.......so I can't dislike that part too much. .....  :lol:.

I too would like to see Hye Jung grow professionally and not see everything as a competition. When she was determined to prove Yoon Do wrong and stubbornly pushed on with the surgery, I was disappointed by her attitude. Not that she stubbornly held her ground, but the reason for it.....she was holding someone's life in her hands.  That's why I love the way Ji Hong is trying to help her see that everything is not a competition; that it's okay to lose. 


I think most people forgot that Hyejung wasn't a fellow in her previous hospital and she has done this kind of surgeries many times. KS mentioned it when he did research about her. 

That's why she refused to take training from YD and was confident with the surgery.

What is wrong with her attitude? To prove that she has the capability when someone is doubting her? He has been doubting her since the previous surgery. If she didn't prove it I'm sure he will keep acting like that to her. 

If anyone wrong in the situation it was YD

What JH didn't  like about the event was he realized she was too independent and competitive as he wishes she could lean on him and relax a little.


And I agree with @angelangie SC's incident was a trigger point for her character. That was her hopeless and weakest moment. And we can't blame her.

I saw this comment and I agree with this

" She doesn't accept or love people because of this very situation...they will leave her or die. Super realistic because she probably has about 3 people in her world that are close. It was also to establish that she had weaknesses and her emotions were still working."

The drama is actually about Hyejung growth as a person and doctor ( as the original tittle is Female Gangster Hyejung) and other main characters too .. And we could see how she is changing as a person- by the initiation of  holding Jihong hand- she is opening her heart and giving her trust to him or how she decided to live differently 13 years ago. People falling for her because she is charming ( I mean even fangirls are falling for hyejung so how can we blame the guys?),  it doesn't means she is perfect and has no room to grow

Hyejung and SW should be the 2 that will have a most growth in my opinion. 

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14 hours ago, thao_2512 said:


I think most people forgot that she wasn't a fellow in her previous hospital and she has done this kind of surgeries many times

That's why she refused to take training from YD and was confident with the surgery.

What is wrong with her attitude? 

If anyone wrong in the situation it was YD

What JH didn't like like about it was she was too independent and competitive as he wishes she could lean on him a little.


And I agree with @angelangie SC's incident was a trigger point for her character. That was her hopeless and weakest moment. And we can't blame her.

I saw this comment and I agree with this

" She doesn't accept or love people because of this very situation...they will leave her or die. Super realistic because she probably has about 3 people in her world that are close. It was also to establish that she had weaknesses and her emotions were still working."

The drama is actual about Hyejung growth as a person and doctors... And we could see how she is changing as a person- by the initiation of  holding Jihong hand- she is opening her heart and giving his trust to him. People falling for her because she is charming ( I mean even fangirls are falling for hyejung so how can we blame the guys?),  it doesn't means she is perfect 

If anyone that have the most growth that's be her and SW, I think


I didn't forget that she wasn't a fellow at her old hospital, neither did Yoon Do or Ho Tae who hired her. There is a reason that the man who scouted and hired her, who knows her credentials better than anyone, placed her with a mentor instead of bringing her in like Ji Hong.  There is also a reason she wants to be mentored by Ji Hong because there is a lot she doesn't know. I love that she's confident, but she also doesn't need to try and prove anything to anyone.  Thankfully, she had an assistant, Ji Hung, who could direct the staff to get more blood and to also remind her to "concentrate" when the blood kept pouring and Yoon Do panicking over the loud speaker.  She hasn't lost a patient yet, but I'm sure she will. It will help her to see, as Ji Hung told her, that just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you will always save a person.  She has walls up against the hospital staff, which could be seen in the first 3 or 4 episodes, but by episode 8 she's building relationships with them. 

Also, she doesn't have to prove anything to Yoon Do, because her work will speak for itself. He made himself look like a fool when he challenged her and everyone knows it. 

This drama is about Hye Jung based on the synopsis, but it's also about Ji Hong because he's the man that's going to help mentor her.  I noticed that the narrative at the beginning and end of each episode was always spoken by Hye Jung for episodes 1 - 5.  Then episode 6 was narrated by Ji Hong when he talked about the value of precious things. 

Narrative spoke at the beginning and end of each episode

Ep 1:  Hye Jung

Ep 2:  Hye Jung

Ep 3:  Ji Hong (Thanks @ktcjdrama for the correction!!)

Ep 4:  Hye Jung

Ep 5:  Hye Jung

Ep 6:  Ji Hong

Ep 7:  Hye Jung

Ep 8:  Ji hong

It seems like it's turning into their story.

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Hi! Yesterday, I was celebrating my birthday and now, when I return to the thread, I see that I have more the 15 pages to read. Unbelievable!. So, for now, my only hope is that our OTP will have a LOT of scenes with a lot of glances, hugs, kisses and... more. ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:


I didn't forget that she wasn't a fellow at her old hospital, neither did Yoon Do or Ho Tae who hired her. There is a reason that the man who scouted and hired her, who knows her credentials better than anyone, placed her with a mentor instead of bringing her in like Ji Hong.  There is also a reason she wants to be mentored by Ji Hong because there is a lot she doesn't know. I love that she's confident, but she also doesn't need to try and prove anything to anyone.  Thankfully, she had an assistant, Ji Hung, who could direct the staff to get more blood and to also remind her to "concentrate" when the blood kept pouring and Yoon Do panicking over the loud speaker.  She hasn't lost a patient yet, but I'm sure she will. It will help her to see, as Ji Hung told her, that just because you're a doctor doesn't mean you will always save a person.  She has walls up against the hospital staff, which could be seen in the first 3 or 4 episodes, but by episode 8 she's building relationships with them. 

Also, she doesn't have to prove anything to Yoon Do, because her work will speak for itself. He made himself look like a fool when he challenged her and everyone knows it. 

This drama is about Hye Jung based on the synopsis, but it's also about Ji Hong because he's the man that's going to help mentor her.  I noticed that the narrative at the beginning and end of each episode was always spoken by Hye Jung for episodes 1 - 5.  Then episode 6 was narrated by Ji Hong when he talked about the value of precious things. 

Narrative spoke at the beginning and end of each episode

Ep 1:  Hye Jung

Ep 2:  Hye Jung

Ep 3:  Hye Jung

Ep 4:  Hye Jung

Ep 5:  Hye Jung

Ep 6:  Ji Hong

Ep 7:  Hye Jung

Ep 8:  Ji hong

It seems like it's turning into their story.


Of course she still has a lot of things to learn... But I'm saying she isn't risking a patient life with her action. As she is at the same level w YD's at her previous place

JH is also the main character which I said other main characters... as 4 main leads. YD and SW will have to grow too

I mentioned about Hyjung 's growth as the main focus point of the drama  because  @Nymeria289  want to see her personal growth when the story is pretty much about that. And we have seen how she has been changing... 

And I agree we will know more about Jihong as the focus is turning to him/his dad next episodes


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6 hours ago, alcides14 said:

HJ jelouse can be dangerous. I will be scare. I do not want to see her getting soft, because she is learning or is in love.  :sweatingbullets:

I want this drama to continue doing things totally different than the usually Kdrama. I do   not want HJ to reconcile with her father, just forgive, for herself, and move on, fathers need to learn when they make a mistake, like HJ's father did, there is no turn back. Let this drama to continue standing on the crowd. Please writer and PD.:)

@Kasmic:Pdon't need to run, IJ will be doing that for you. :D

*High five* 

Totally agree. Especially the part about her father.

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Annyeong... morning im abt to go to work n will be logging out 7pm tonight but need to travel 2.5 to 3hrs just to reach home so technically unless our bus driver will do a schumacher i will not be able to join u guys on live streaming ...:tears:

But on the bright side (in a very Hong Hong Hong fashion) im looking forward to all our adorable, hardworking, smart recappers post to read once i reach home.. c u later guys & enjoy counting down to our doctors appt. ;):glasses:

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