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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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20 minutes ago, starb82 said:


I love every friendship in this drama, including Ji Hong and Samchoon. I might even like the college trio of Ji Hong, Samchoon and In Joo. They might be the coolest med school student on earth. If only she didn't ruin it all by falling in love with one of the bestfriend so egoistically. Even if Samchoon doesn't know about Hye Jung, because he met Hye Jung for the first time when Hye Jung talked to Yoon Do after the surgery, but after the three people discussion, he should have had some clue and connected the dots. Otherwise, don't even call himself Ji Hong's bestfriend. Kekeke...


I'm with you about this. At some point, Hye Jung needs to forgive everybody to save herself. She said on ep 6? when she was attacked by the boss-nim enemy that

People say forgiving is not for anybody else, but for yourself. But people should not say it easily because it's hard.

I think one of the thing she needs to learn is to forgive her dad so she can trust Ji Hong and open up to him and eventually restore her faith about love, relationship, marriage and men. He might not be actively persuading her in forgiving her dad, but he will 'mentor' her to do so. Like he always did with everything. He won't push her but supported her and giving her ideas until she comes around. Because he knows too well how to 'handle' her --> for a lack of better word.

@starb82.... Chingu, Hye-Jung trust JH completely but doesn't want to depend on him. In her opinion depending on someone makers her weak. She loves being independent and taking care of herself. She doesn't want to reconcile with a father who she thinks wants to use her. She also has no idea on how to depend on him because they were never close.  She believes being strong is best and only children should be dependent. She saw what happens to someone who depends on someone they die like her mother.  You are right she needs to forgive herself not her dad so she can heal. I don't think forgiving him will help her because he doesn't think he did anything wrong . He wanting to reconnect is very strange to me. Because he. Ever once tried to find her. So I don't buy it, but watching her be so warm and caring is making him jealous at what he never got from her through her whole life. 

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7 minutes ago, starb82 said:


This is good point of discussion, I had some problem a few years ago and had a dilemma whether to forgive the one who hurt me or not; and as dork as I got :sweatingbullets:, I actually googled what forgiveness is. And this is what I found (from mayo clinic), which sums up and became my believe about the act of forgiveness and why it's more important for us as the ones being hurt and not the one one who hurt us:

What is forgiveness?


Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, more positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.

Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.

as we all know and might even experienced: those who we care the most, hurt us the most. The fact that we care about someone so deeply, makes us vulnerable of being hurt by them.

She might say that she doesn't care about dad anymore, but the fact that she's still hurting to see him or to hear him means that she still care. And by letting go and move on, she can stop being hurt. And that's more important than anything.

To me, because Hye Jung resent her father so much, she decided to give up on the idea of marriage because she thinks that love means two person hurt each other repeatedly until one of the give up, breaks down or in the case of her mother, dies. That in the end only hurt her as she missed out the chance to find the right man and be happy with him, and to find out that what she thinks about love is not right. 

To me forgiving is not about being nice to the one who hurt you, it's about to let go of the anger and resentment and finally move on. In this case Ji Hong could show her that not all men is like her dad. There are good men that could love the right way, be faithful and love her for who she is. That men can make her believe once again that it's not her fault that her dad hated her and she should just let go of her hatred towards her dad and move on with her new life with Ji Hong.Now, does that mean she should then be lovey dovey with the dad? No! Does this mean she should ask her dad to walk her down the aisle, well if the law allows South Korean to do so? No, she doesn't have. But she needs to free herself from the believe that blocks her from love and being loved. 

And I agree with you, she trust Ji Hong... but not to the extent of marriage. She might open herself to love now, but I still think that she doesn't want to get married. Perhaps that would be the last arch or drama for our OTP: Ji Hong persuade her to marry him, which I think would be hard given how she made up her mind about marriage.

And she should need to see that love and being dependent on someone is two completely different thing. Ones can love each other in a full compatibility without being depended. But the best would be to love each other and depended on each other, mutually; and grow together as a pair. Beside depending on someone is not bad as long as she doesn't become clingy.

I'm such a sucker in marriage, aren't I? :blush:


@starb82  Ok, then I am all for forgiveness and HJ being able move on and be happy. Yes she resents her father but I don't think she refuses to marry for because of him. She said it herself she fears letting herself being dependent= LOVE. Your right she confuses the two and yes it will be JH who will teach her difference. Your right she is determined not to get married and maybe this could be what breaks them up. I feel there are so many obstacles that could break our OTP up but let's hope that JH's Well said on how to love someone Chingu. It's cool to be a sucker for marriage. Marriage is Perfect when you find the right person you want to be with. 

I feel that HJ can forgive her father but they can' they really be a part of each other's lives with his wife in the picture. This woman realllly hates her and she doesn't have anything nice to say to HJ. How will they ever be able to really spend time together or get to know each other. 



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5 hours ago, Agie said:
  Reveal hidden contents

OMG Patient it is so funny...I read in twitter and look for wiki link, here's the link, just click it...look what I got, the editor put Park Shin Hye as Kim Rae Won spouse....LOL...the editor must be a shipper:D:w00t:... I think we must edit it. We don't want to spread wrong information right? Anyone know how to edit Wiki ?

Thanks god...someone already edit it....:D ...GOOD JOB

source wiki

We will have scene at cafe...will HJ be there ?






credit pic to the owner


Is that PSH fixing his tie? haha

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1 hour ago, starb82 said:

What is forgiveness?


Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you might always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, more positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.

Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.

Thank you for sharing this and your experience with uscrazy-monkey-emoticon-077.gif


1 hour ago, starb82 said:

To me forgiving is not about being nice to the one who hurt you, it's about to let go of the anger and resentment and finally move on. In this case Ji Hong could show her that not all men is like her dad. There are good men that could love the right way, be faithful and love her for who she is. That men can make her believe once again that it's not her fault that her dad hated her and she should just let go of her hatred towards her dad and move on with her new life with Ji Hong.Now, does that mean she should then be lovey dovey with the dad? No! Does this mean she should ask her dad to walk her down the aisle, well if the law allows South Korean to do so? No, she doesn't have. But she needs to free herself from the believe that blocks her from love and being loved. 

This so true because in the end it is Hye Jung who is going to be hurt if she doesn't let go. I don't care about her father's feelings at all but like you said She needs to be free from the anger so she can open up her self to all the wonders that life has to offer. To know what it feels to be loved and to be able to love and trust. Those people who call themselves parents took away her childhood, she just can't let them take away her chance at being happy. If your a sucker for marriage, so am I. I want Hye Jung to be able to experience Ji Hong's love w/o any reservations. 

@UnniSarah I don't know how Hye Jung could be around that woman either. She shows no remorse. Just ignorance. I couldn't believe that she actually went there talking about how she could share about the terrible things Hye Jung did to her co worker's. There was not even a speck of gratitude that because of her she got VIP treatment w/one of the best doctors. SMH


Edited by evie7
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@lclarakl...... Well said chingu, I kinda agree with you Hye Jung misfortune were not her fault and Seo Woo knows that. Even her grandmother's death was actually her father's fault and also SW 's fault because of the lie she told. I think SW's father did not care because SW was being bullied by his patients granddaughter. I blame HJ ' halmeoni' death on SW.  She knows that HJ's grandmother was ill because HJ's halmeoni  was her father's patient. She only said that because she knew that YD would find her attractive because she was his type of woman. Ever since HJ showed all he did was talk about her. She had already peaked his interest .

Truthfully , YD and HJ are compatible because of their no interest in marriage because of their past. Both have expressed their disdain for their stepmother. The only difference YD was never abused because his father loves him. YD never actually spoke about his mother. I think YD and HJ have a lot in common and maybe be might be the one she wil tell about the abuse she has experienced. I think he would totally understand why she did not want to reconcile. Even though she trust JH , I believe she will start to see him as a friend because YD is very blunt meanwhile SW doesn't bond with people without getting something in return. 

I don't think I will ever like her because she will be doing lots of terrible stuff because she doesn't like HJ and she thinks she is liar because it is just impossible to believe that HJ could have made first place in her exam ans beat her.  She also thinks she is cursed and feels threatened by HJ's presence in her life. 

Thanks for helping me with writer's block LMAO 


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7 hours ago, maria1983 said:

hahahaha i was thinking the same .

and then we go in a 2 weeks vacation ...and the kids will begin kindergarden .


7 hours ago, angelangie said:


but a baby need 9 months :D:D:D

Opps like like @maria1983 and I forgot the time of reality. Ok Ok no baby news I'll leave that to after the drama. KRW and PSH no naughty naughty a yet.   BAHAHAHA! mouse-girl-emoticon-14.gif?1292795467

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although i don't think we can run away from the fact that In-Joo might reappear, i would like to see her again just to see the look on her face when her whole speech about his world and your world and bla bla bla is burned to the the ground, what will she say when she sees that HJ is now a respected neurosurgeon, huh??? she should apologize that's what she should do ( although, i'm still grateful she always reminded JH that he was teacher and HJ a student at the time, but i still don't like her)

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11 hours ago, angelangie said:


when nothing else matter and even in a group your eyes is only pull towards the one person you care :D

Soooooooooo much love in their eyes!!! Sorry I had to remove the pic..

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