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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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So, I had the weirdest dream.. and it means only one thing that i am watching too much drama..

THe dream:


Some future episode:


Everyone receives a marriage invitation card - JH and HJ..

And then some friendly banter and JH reveals that HJ is pregnant and they think it is the right time to get married..

And typical cuteness and some wily-nily agression on second leads part happens.


In between all of this.. I ( am a viewer in my dream too).. am wondering when the hell did she get pregnant because we haven't seen anything on the episode.. and then suddenly the preview flashes ... the exact scene (" I am going to do osmething to you, as a man" .. at which the episode in my dream also seemed to ended meaning..in my dream - as a viewer i recall ep 6 (not 5) also ended on that and nothing was shown thereafter)



I woke up with a start...



And on top of that.. I got married to kim hyun joong :o

( I think that is because I was reading about Legend of the blue sea..and the whole LMH-BOF-KHJ connection must have happened)...




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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Doctors" Episode 5






With this episode "Doctors" takes an unfortunate step towards unwanted perfection- Hye-jeong is super talented, right about everything, and only ever faces resistance by mean-spirited people who are either outright evil or secretly harbor a romantic crush. We're at the point where Hye-jeong's only conceivable flaw appears to be that she's too awesome. What happened to the bitter jerk from the first episode who engaged in petty shoplifting just for the fun of it?

My main issue with this tonal movement is that it's very boring. Exactly one scene shows promise of dramatic tension- I was briefly thrown into alertness when something seemed to go wrong but as expected Hye-jeong is able to pull through right to the end. Given that Hye-jeong's whole raison d'etre is to be the very best doctor there ever was, I'm surprised she didn't relish the challenge. My best guess is because if Hye-jeong was shown enjoying this too much, we might agree with Yoon-do that she's arrogant.

Ji-hong's character has also fully embraced the Hye-jeong-centered galaxy about which the plot revolves. He has no apparent motivation except to help Hye-jeong be the very best she can be. The teacher/student element bothers me less now because I see Ji-hong as representing a more shallow archetype- the teacher so enthralled by Hye-jeong's awesomeness that of course he wants to be together with her. And as her former teacher, from Hye-jeong's perspective, he's the highest ranked potential suitor available.

I'm probably being a tad harsh, but there's so little going on with other subplots there isn't really anything else to discuss. While all the other doctors have distinct personalities to date none of them have really done anything except get involved with minor mischief that lacks payoff. The politicking in regards to the balance administration has to strike between ethical good and profitability is kind of interesting, but the same subplot shows up in nearly every medical drama.

It's possible I might have set my standards a tad too high after the strong opening episodes of "Doctors". It's not like the drama is unwatchable or anything- the production values are fine, it's just that the lack of meaningful conflict is very, very dull. While "Doctors" has one of the best fonts I've ever seen for explaining medical terminology, a good typeface can't change the general impenetrability of dry medical terminology. Which is a pretty good metaphor for how I'm seeing the drama as a whole right now.

Review by William Schwartz


i can't say i agree with everything is written...but interesting POV


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9 hours ago, maplekist said:


Its still too early to prejudge the relationship of Sh to HJ.  I think its a bit unfair at this moment for us to conclude that only JH understood her well and that SH hasn't done much for HJ.  The relationship that we saw is just so brief at this time to form conclusion.  Yes it looked like HJ is making SH happy, with that time she bought her gifts, but we were not shown yet about what SH has done to flourish their friendship.  

Becasue of HJ's hurtful past she became quite distant to most people but kept her close friendship to SH.  She is her only family after her grandma died and JH left.  The only thing that we have seen so far is that, as you said, HJ trying to make other people close to her happy.  This is a way of protecting herself.  She still has a lot of fears and insecurity nside of her that she will do anything and everything in her power/ability to make the people she loves happy all the time because she still fears that if she cannot give them happiness then they will leave her again.  The pain that we have in the past will always leave a hole and no time nor anyone can replace them.  Its just a matter of learning to live through it and accept it and to get ready facing new tomorrows to pursue new happiness.  It will at some point become a memory that will not hurt you anymore, but it will still now and again give you pain, because they have a part of you that no one can replace.

HJ hasn't moved on.  The success that she has reached seemed to be nothing at this time because she was stuck to the thought of having revenge.  Of finding out the truth behind her grand mother's death.  And with that hatred inside you, happiness is difficult t achieve.  You will have temporary smiles, but still feeling lonely inside.  Because that pain and hatred still consuming her.

Now that JH is back, he will be the one and the reason for HJ's transformation at some point.  What he said when they spoke on that bench about asking her of happiness and her replying that her grandma is not here anymore so she cannot be happy, he already started pointing out to her that that is the reality and he cannot do anything about it.  He will be the one to pull HJ out of the hole that she created to hide herself.  As you said that he can read her well, at least he knows how to handle her in some way.  But not all the time... 13 years was a long time for a person not to have change in personality and all anyway.  When he thought that he knew her, HJ is not the same person as she was 13 years ago

My dear chingu, you are right. :)The episode 5 made me realise something. First I wanted to add that I didn't want to diminish the friendship between SH and HJ. So if it appeared so, then I am sorry. Nonetheless I can still affirm that JH knows HJ better than anyone else. The reason is simple: 13 years ago, JH became the first person whom HJ could talk to. She opened up and revealed her past with her mother and talked about her dreams. She confined to him much more than to SH. Besides, there are many things that HJ kept secret from SH later:

- her real relationship to JH that's why SH has no idea what really happened in the past. Sure, JH and HJ did nothing wrong, but they became so close that JH did fall in love with her. SH is not aware of that closeness, moreover JH disappeared from her life for a long time.

- SC: When SH saw him, she immediately called HJ and I believe that SH has always thought that SC and HJ were close hence she never dated anyone else. So here I was wrong. SH knew as well that something was missing in her life, but she did not realise who the person was. As conclusion, in my opinion, SH might have realised that HJ loved someone deeply in the past, but she thought, it was SH and not JH.

The fact JH remembered clearly their conversation (halmoni aso) is a proof in that direction. Moreover his advice that she should learn to lean on people is true. She has always protected herself on her own because she had no one by her side and she felt, she didn't want burden others. He knows that because when she was in jail, she pushed him away. Then he prepared himself in case she would act like in the past: defend herself physically. 

I am glad that HJ decided to drop this habit around JH.


As for Jung YD, I believe that he will play a big part in digging up the past: reveal SW's lies and the halmoni's death. The reasons are:

- YD heard the story from SW's point of view (bully who tried to kill her in a fire and she got a burn)

- in the episode 5, he heard from HJ that she got expelled. This is something, she didn't hide.

So far, he has realised that both were rivals and SW hates HJ. I am hoping that YD sees a scar on HJ's arm and asks her about it so that HJ says that she got hurt, while she tried saving a friend's life. YD is smart and will figure it out that it is the same incident. But one talks about a bully and the other about a friend. This will make him wonder why HJ talks about SW as a friend and the other not.

Honestly, I don't want YD to play the jealous man. We already have a jealous woman and that's enough. Sure, I don't mind if YD will try to pursue her, but I am hoping that he will give it up very soon. Jung YD is important because of his father. It would be nice if YD asks his father to stop SW's father.

Moreover, I see a lot of differences between SW and YD hence I am not expecting him to behave like SW. YD is much more confident than SW. Yes, he was arrogant but like he said, if he makes a mistake, he will apologise. That's a huge difference. SW keeps lying to people and to herself. She will never admit that she did something wrong. YD is so different hence I don't see him being hurt to the point, he wants to hurt the person he likes. YD has already notice the closeness between HJ and JH and the difference of JH's behaviour with SW. Sure, he might get upset when he hears about the past (the scandal between HJ and JH) but I believe that he will believe HJ, when she tells him what really happened. 



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Kyaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, those latest stills are so squeal worthy....phone booth will never be the same again after this scene from our OTP.....more scenes of them together please.....keep it coming@Bambiina, I miss spazzzing with you...and I am glad we are both here!!! Fist bump belongs to our other OTP, let's do something new here dearie!!!!





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I've missed some pages to read on thread :P daebak! I will spill out my thought based on 5th episode.
The writer try to make JH confess all of sudden implicitly by gesture, his words, life lessons.. because it will took a long time for JH to make HJ realize his treat towards her. His feeling. But at the other condition, i felt like HJ already knew but trying to deny, because she thought "why would him?". And indeed, In Joo's words are brain-washed her. The left 15 episodes may be fill with the twisting plot, cause sometimes i think that JH's father will suddenly got sick and died or the handling of the company because SW's father or anything that will placed JH on his low level so that HJ will come to help him, otherwise. So its a correct move from the writer to make JH confess early, because why not? It took 13 years for him to say that crazy nerves that made him fell for his own student. He wouldnt do the same mistake by letting HJ go or taken by someone else.

I would like to say that i love how the writer wrapped up every parts and scene by scene especially the awkward ones with a humour or lightening ideas. So that the viewers still could feel the chemistry between JH and HJ. Made me like this couple more:wub:

Once JH said "i will do something to you as a man." means that he will do everything not as a teacher or senior. But as a namja, and looks her as women. Include treat, the way he said, and sees her, but i think there is no kisses in episode 6 (im not sure). Oh god, kiss is too early, but i am so ready for any future skinship. Kekekeke

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“Doctors” Ratings Increase With Exciting Episode


SBS’s Monday-Tuesday drama “Doctors” has surpassed its own ratings records.

On July 5, ratings research company Nielsen Korea revealed that the July 4 episode of “Doctors” reached 18.4 percent.

These ratings show a 2.8 percent increase from the previous episode’s ratings. Ratings for the drama have continued to increase with every episode and show favorable signs of popularity and growth.

With such high ratings, “Doctors” maintains its first place spot amongst competing dramas. MBC’s “Monster” recorded 11.1 percent ratings while KBS 2TV’s “Beautiful Mind” received 3.5 percent ratings respectively.

The most recent episode of “Doctors” featured several exciting scenes involving romance, action, and more. Do you think “Doctors” will surpass 20 percent soon?

Catch up on the latest episode below!



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1 hour ago, andy78 said:

[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Doctors" Episode 5



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With this episode "Doctors" takes an unfortunate step towards unwanted perfection- Hye-jeong is super talented, right about everything, and only ever faces resistance by mean-spirited people who are either outright evil or secretly harbor a romantic crush. We're at the point where Hye-jeong's only conceivable flaw appears to be that she's too awesome. What happened to the bitter jerk from the first episode who engaged in petty shoplifting just for the fun of it?

My main issue with this tonal movement is that it's very boring. Exactly one scene shows promise of dramatic tension- I was briefly thrown into alertness when something seemed to go wrong but as expected Hye-jeong is able to pull through right to the end. Given that Hye-jeong's whole raison d'etre is to be the very best doctor there ever was, I'm surprised she didn't relish the challenge. My best guess is because if Hye-jeong was shown enjoying this too much, we might agree with Yoon-do that she's arrogant.

Ji-hong's character has also fully embraced the Hye-jeong-centered galaxy about which the plot revolves. He has no apparent motivation except to help Hye-jeong be the very best she can be. The teacher/student element bothers me less now because I see Ji-hong as representing a more shallow archetype- the teacher so enthralled by Hye-jeong's awesomeness that of course he wants to be together with her. And as her former teacher, from Hye-jeong's perspective, he's the highest ranked potential suitor available.

I'm probably being a tad harsh, but there's so little going on with other subplots there isn't really anything else to discuss. While all the other doctors have distinct personalities to date none of them have really done anything except get involved with minor mischief that lacks payoff. The politicking in regards to the balance administration has to strike between ethical good and profitability is kind of interesting, but the same subplot shows up in nearly every medical drama.

It's possible I might have set my standards a tad too high after the strong opening episodes of "Doctors". It's not like the drama is unwatchable or anything- the production values are fine, it's just that the lack of meaningful conflict is very, very dull. While "Doctors" has one of the best fonts I've ever seen for explaining medical terminology, a good typeface can't change the general impenetrability of dry medical terminology. Which is a pretty good metaphor for how I'm seeing the drama as a whole right now.

Review by William Schwartz


i can't say i agree with ev erything is written...but interesting POV



@andy78, I have to say that I'm not a fan of William Schwartz or his reviews...never have been...which I stated earlier. Being a man, I guess the body tingling lines that Ji Hong says to Hye Jung doesn't have the same impact on a man as they do on a woman.  The ratings are soaring and this man is talking as if he's seen the most disappointing episode; while I found it deliciously good.  There is angst coming which I'm sure is going to frustrate me to no end. However, until that time, I'm going to continue enjoying these wonderful characters and their blossoming love that's going to hit some hiccups soon.

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39 minutes ago, Jalhanda said:

Kyaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, those latest stills are so squeal worthy....phone booth will never be the same again after this scene from our OTP.....more scenes of them together please.....keep it coming@Bambiina, I miss spazzzing with you...and I am glad we are both here!!! Fist bump belongs to our other OTP, let's do something new here dearie!!!!

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Okay we save the *fist bumping* for the other thread ...  here we do *chest bumping* .... ahhh ... here one for you ... *boobs forward*

eh *chest forward* :D 


That still .. OMG ... I will never be the same again after watching that scene later tonite .. It will be tonite won't it?



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