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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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 Well.. you guys know why I'm here......... Ji Soo!!!! :heart: 

Too short a role but if you've seen his other drama's he's really really really impressive. Yes he is that good! deserves a lead role!

resposting. thanks for indulging.. ye know me.. he he. Anything Ji Soo! And yes I've seen all 4 episodes of Doctors. I'll wait for the sub!

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2 hours ago, Ayame said:

It's not completely subbed yet on Viki, but I'm watching the subbed parts so far. And haha, when HJ knocked over the drinks on JH he asked her, "Are you rejecting me like this?" LOL. But oh~ as he leaves he tells her that he'll ask her again next time (about them dating). And the last thing JH says before he leaves is, "At that time, no matter what I ask, it's going to be a yes, no matter what." Oh, there goes my heart.

And omg at the end of the preview, JH says to HJ: "From now on, I'm going to do a certain action towards you. As a man to woman."

Wait. Are we already getting a kiss scene? Oooooh. I'm really excited now. AHHHH. <3


@Ayame, Stop! hee, hee (:lol::w00t::wub::blush:) I get giddy every time I read something that you and others on the tread have quoted him saying.  Hat off to the writer.  She didn't have these types of lines in the previous dramas I've watched. But she has Ji Hong saying things that really gets to a woman.  These first 5 episodes are making me nervous for the future.

@vanillakitties, I know exactly how you feel.  

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2 hours ago, nonski said:



kekekekeke... at his age how can he still looks so cheeky like a child with those smiles and you cant do anything other than grin and smile with him... this oppa!!! chincha!!!! 

@Ahpheng unnie i was smiling at the end of your cstrip when he said why did he learn that phrase... the wrds are so fitting with his expression... and i answered him... told him just because..... it was him who taught her... nyahahahahaha:blink:

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jisoo will not be staying long as he will be in the drama moon lovers right?  i thought from the preview last week that they will meet again but we are in a bit of suspense as to how they will have the reunion meeting.... and im really wondering what happened to both of them.   I thought before that atleast for that 13 years SH and jisoo will be with HJ.  So i cant wait really to know what happened that seems he was out of her life as well

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I still feel that the romance is moving to fast for my taste. I have no problem with Ji Hong being honest about the way he feels but right now its like he his pushing his feelings onto Hye Jung. Right now Ji Hong is being overly aggressive and that's turning me off.  If I was the writer I would have taken a different approach. 

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I love how Ji Hong "made" Hye Jung finish up the surgery. After she stopped the bleeding, she was going to turn it over to him, but he told her to finish it. If these two end up together, they could be a power couple. I love how he told Hye Jung that he would be their by her side; something he always tell her. What's so special about that is he's constantly letting her know that she's not alone, she has someone to rely on. 

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Hello All,

Oh!!!! SW  the one thing you are afraid of is about to happen. Your beloved has just felt under the spell of  HJ.  She past all the obstacle YD  put before her and  she is also a lady with a past which is one of  the  biggest things that attracts him to ladies.:D 

 As someone said before she is already influencing YD and he is now treating the interns better. It is kind of funny that his uncle who is always JH best friends noticed that he likes HJ. 

SW needs to understand , yes your background may help in finding someone to love but it is not the only thing. You need to show compassion and give the other person a reasons to love you. Love has to be both side not one-side which  can and will lead to jealous, hatred and bitterness.




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1 hour ago, hell59 said:

WOW, it looks like JH will face a lot of competition, it seems that almost every male on the show will fall in love with HJ. YD, the gangster boss, the biker, the first year resident who has a crush on her and who knows how many more. PSH is looking absolutely beautiful and I know I have read comments on VIKI that KRW is 40, and he is not, he is 35 and she is 26. Much better than the other show in which JH is 40 and the actress is 24. Besides PSH and KRW have fantastic chemistry together!


@hell59, you are right, JH will face a lot of competition, but remember that JH has her love. He is the only in her heart and is her soulmate. :heart:

I'm so sorry for the other poor guys but she fell in love with the most handsome, sexy and charming doctor at the hospital...:wub: 

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15 minutes ago, maplekist said:

jisoo will not be staying long as he will be in the drama moon lovers right?  i thought from the preview last week that they will meet again but we are in a bit of suspense as to how they will have the reunion meeting.... and im really wondering what happened to both of them.   I thought before that atleast for that 13 years SH and jisoo will be with HJ.  So i cant wait really to know what happened that seems he was out of her life as well

Jisoo will be a recurring character and i'm sure the drama will tell us what happened between them after they rode off we have 20 episodes of the drama and we are only on episode 5 so we have time. FYI moon lovers is a pre production drama and just finished filming, hope this helps^^

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Image result for Doctors Park Shin Hye & Kim Rae Wonth?id=HS.79456048915&pid=15.1&P=0&w=288&

So many great lines & moments in episode 5...

Even before this episode JH right away asked two questions that eased his heart and set things into motion and here he controls his physical feelings on the mat  by not attempting a kiss HJ or coming on to strong although every part of him wanted too.  It's as if he wants her to understand how his heart feels before knowing how his lips do...

Another moment for me was when he walked HJ to SY's place saved her from being hit by the motorcycle you could almost feel the vibe she felt herself it had been a long time since anyone had taken care of her.  JH later points that out to her that it's all right to accept being taken care of.  I won't write all the words here for we will all know them by heart within a day. Except this one JH saying " You can't change circumstances, but you can change hearts."  Then came that moment when he grabbed her shoulders and turned her away from him saying go in don't look back go straight ahead.  HJ starts to take some steps but gently turns around.  Why?  It was on my mind and I wondered :huh:my heart was saying it wasn't because of what he thought. That she wasn't listening.  But rather that she was listening to her own heart instead.   Maybe it was because she always regretted not looking back, maybe the lack of a simple glance had haunted her.  Or was it because his words & actions reminded her of those feeling only the human touch can give. Warmth & comfort that only another person allows you to feel.   I don't know why at that moment I also thought of her legs wrapped around her grandmother and her wanting & needing to be as close as she could get. Later facing life all alone having to be without that warmth.  How hungry no matter how much she wanted to deny needing it she would be....

My other favorite part...

Before surgery..

JH -  I'll do it

HJ - It's my fight. I don't avoid fights that come to me.

Don't worry.  I only go into fights that I win.

JH- Don't forget that I'll always be next to you. 

That I'll be ready to help you anytime.

I loved this he was saying one thing but his heart & his words here were saying so much more.  I'll never let you go.  I won't make that mistake again.  I'll be right here no matter what.  Beside you, where I belong...

The Bench scene I wouldn't know where or how to sum up how I feel about that except to say JH didn't have to tell her what her heart already knows...:heart:  Looking forward to Yes, Yes, Yes......:w00t::P


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14 minutes ago, maplekist said:

jisoo will not be staying long as he will be in the drama moon lovers right?  i thought from the preview last week that they will meet again but we are in a bit of suspense as to how they will have the reunion meeting.... and im really wondering what happened to both of them.   I thought before that atleast for that 13 years SH and jisoo will be with HJ.  So i cant wait really to know what happened that seems he was out of her life as well

Moon Lovers ( Scarlet Heaet Ryeo) last shooting  is done already. Last shoot was several days ago or last week. So after this Doctors drama, we'll see Ji Soo again. Yey!

 I think Soo Chul will have an accident. HJ will try and save him but will fail? omigosh!  Aww.


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@nonski chingu awesome you decided to join us here.....the party is taking off in a major way crazy-monkey-emoticon-169.gifcrazy-monkey-emoticon-169.gif and now I am relieved about weekly roll call :D was missing it. Good to see you again :D

First of all truckload of thanks to all you recappers and screencappers and translators....love you all crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gifcrazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif

Now about the ep----- 1st- I am extremely curious how JiSoo's character is gonna play out and what role he will have in the story. From what I understood today it doesnt look like he remembers SH and I dont think he is aware that HJ lives with SH at the cafe premises. So what exactly happened in the past? Did he also get detached from HJ? If so how and why? and more importantly what is gonna happen now that he is back?? hmmmmm lots to think.......I wont mind at all if we get to see him lots and lots so that we can all think lots and lots hehehe

2nd--  Whoa!!! man at the beginning......HJH was gonna go for it.....those little head dips..TWICE.....crazy-monkey-emoticon-004.gif I swear it was like his instinctive reaction to just bend down and kiss her! My reaction big-eyes-raccoon-emoticon.gifcrazy-dance-raccoon-emoticon.gif  Why oh Why HJ did you move your head!!!! Alas! I'll have to wait.

3rd- Daebak HJ under pressure! No words....just love her confidence. Plus love the support HJH provided. From experience I can say that when you are doing such things which require intense concentration and fine motor skills, that too with variables like something going wrong or not working......it is a boon to have a good,calm and efficient support system just like HJH provided......otherwise if you are to have people pressurizing you even more at that time.....whatever it is that were doing is bound to be botched up. Helping HJ keep her nerves was the best thing HJH could have done for her feel-love-raccoon-emoticon.gif

4th- Hahaha YD is sooo gonna fall hard for HJ. I love how his entire demeanor is gonna undergo a change.....I mean kinda serves him right to fall head over for the girl he was trying to put down....hehehehe. BTW how cute is that HJ gets right up in his face trying to show him proper fight moves.....he looks sooo flustered hahahaha.....I am gonna have fun watching YD get flustered.

5th-- Whoa!!! again!! the bench scene. I think the effect was more because you awesome guys here had already translated what was gonna be said. The feels when HJH all but confesses wave-dance-raccoon-emoticon.gifcute-cry-raccoon-emoticon.gif      his direct eye contact and holding of the stare for a moment longer than necessary....to drive home the point that he is serious about what he is saying and not fooling around......his sincerity and subtext of longing is clearly laid out for HJ to understand. No wonder she got sooo flustered and shocked! She didnt know what to do with her self, where to look :D:D The thing is....I think it did really surprise her to hear how much she is thought of by HJH, how much he cares about her well being, how much of an importance she has had in his thoughts in all these years and lastly what it all means in the present context......that she could be the object of affection of her admired, loved and unattainable man. Remember she had said to him in that jail meeting that "her and him together....how could it be possible?" plus InJoo had really done a good job of impressing on HJ that HJH's future was not to be with the likes of her. So meeting HJH again after so many years and finding out that he may care about her in way she had not even entertained the idea of......when she had probably safely buried whatever feelings she might have had is bound to induce shock!

I dont know how the rain scene is gonna play out (as in will HJ reject HJH or not) but HJ needs a bit of time to digest the fact that "her and him together" is now very much a possibility.....that the man wants the possibility to be a reality. plus they both need to learn more about each other.....Hj also needs to recognize and accept the depth of HJH's feelings for her in addition to exploring her own depth of feelings. At the rate the writer is going....I think I am going to enjoy this part of their journey a lot.

Okay I still have lots to say even though I just watched the raw LOL but this post has become too long so I'll say goodnight to you all.

Cheers patients on another great ep :D





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25 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:


So many great lines & moments in episode 5...

Even before this episode JH right away asked two questions that eased his heart and set things into motion and here he controls his physical feelings on the mat  by not attempting a kiss HJ or coming on to strong although every part of him wanted too.  It's as if he wants her to understand how his heart feels before knowing how his lips do...

Another moment for me was when he walked HJ to SY's place saved her from being hit by the motorcycle you could almost feel the vibe she felt herself it had been a long time since anyone had taken care of her.  JH later points that out to her that it's all right to accept being taken care of.  I won't write all the words here for we will all know them by heart within a day. Except this one JH saying " You can't change circumstances, but you can change hearts."  Then came that moment when he grabbed her shoulders and turned her away from him saying go in don't look back go straight ahead.  HJ starts to take some steps but gently turns around.  Why?  It was on my mind and I wondered :huh:my heart was saying it wasn't because of what he thought. That she wasn't listening.  But rather that she was listening to her own heart instead.   Maybe it was because she always regretted not looking back, maybe the lack of a simple glance had haunted her.  Or was it because his words & actions reminded her of those feeling only the human touch can give. Warmth & comfort that only another person allows you to feel.   I don't know why at that moment I also thought of her legs wrapped around her grandmother and her wanting & needing to be as close as she could get. Later facing life all alone having to be without that warmth.  How hungry no matter how much she wanted to deny needing it she would be....

My other favorite part...

Before surgery..

JH -  I'll do it

HJ - It's my fight. I don't avoid fights that come to me.

Don't worry.  I only go into fights that I win.

JH- Don't forget that I'll always be next to you. 

That I'll be ready to help you anytime.

I loved this he was saying one thing but his heart & his words here were saying so much more.  I'll never let you go.  I won't make that mistake again.  I'll be right here no matter what.  Beside you, where I belong...

The Bench scene I wouldn't know where or how to sum up how I feel about that except to say JH didn't have to tell her what her heart already knows...:heart:  Looking forward to Yes, Yes, Yes......:w00t::P


 You said it so very nicely.....their whole interaction in this ep.....its just so tender the gradual realization on HJ's part and the promise on HJH's part.....SWOON!

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50 minutes ago, dani4lane said:

I still feel that the romance is moving to fast for my taste. I have no problem with Ji Hong being honest about the way he feels but right now its like he his pushing his feelings onto Hye Jung. Right now Ji Hong is being overly aggressive and that's turning me off.  If I was the writer I would have taken a different approach. 


I don't have a problem with a man being upfront and telling the woman who he has been trying to find for 13 years, how he truly feels. Keeping his feelings to himself, could result in another man coming in between them.  To be honest, I'm not so sure that won't happen anyway. I have a feeling that Yoon Do is going to pose a serious problem to my ship. Something will have to tigger the craziness in Seo Woo who is determined to believe the worse of Hye Jung. Since Seo Woo has told Ji Hong that she likes Yoon Do and now has nothing to fear from Hye Jung since Ji Hong likes her just makes me worry about the future. The conversation between Seo Woo and Ji Hong proved one thing, that there is no reasoning with her. She refuses to see the truth.

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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:

I love how Ji Hong "made" Hye Jung finish up the surgery. After she stopped the bleeding, she was going to turn it over to him, but he told her to finish it. If these two end up together, they could be a power couple. I love how he told Hye Jung that he would be their by her side; something he always tell her. What's so special about that is he's constantly letting her know that she's not alone, she has someone to rely on. 

His selfless support is just.. love. That'll definitely change, if not support HJ's decision to love him in the end. He allows her room to just be herself. 

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