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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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56 minutes ago, aydenJ said:

Ha ha ha @pinocchioAsh this is the best comment tonight *hickup

i didn't expect hhj character is that clumsy!! Well, she's already in her 30's but still a resident doctor? M

:bawling: if he does a photoshoot for them, I'll make sure that southeast Asia and sub Saharan Africa banners all get his images!! I was yelling for half an hour until I started coughing like I'm eighty!!...and then I researched all about Kohler Korea :P they are really new... they must have a really good marketing team to put their bets on a Sukie Drama...!! 

Now all I can imagine is Sukie on all the hoardings in the showrooms :w00t: my life just became meaningful!!! 

And the ratings??!! Are they real?? I was enjoying UF till last week and after yesterday I forgot all about it!! 

I hope that they really got the best ratings!! I mean...come on... It's Sukie!! And Han Hyo Joo!!! And that story!!! It's the most complete -est package everrrrrr!

P.S: 83 followers in the thread already!! Welcome everyone!!! Hugs!!

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15 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

Lee Jong Suk Discusses His Drama ‘W’ in ‘W’ Magazine Photoshoot

Ben Cho, July 21, 2016, 9:48 a.m.

Model turned actor Lee Jong-suk teamed up with fashion and lifestyle magazine W for the August edition. For the photoshoot, Lee worked around two contrasting concepts; well-known and unknown. Lee can be seen wrapped in a wool blanket in black and white, as well as a red pin-striped suit in front of matching red cinema seats, cast on a blank white background


These two opposing concepts are demonstrated very strongly, with the enigmatic black and white close-up photo and the full-shot photo with bright contrasting colors. 


Following the photoshoot, Lee sat down with W to talk about his new drama “W.” Lee spoke to W of the trials and tribulations that he faced while playing the role of Kang-chul, a fictional character from a webtoon world. 


Lee told W, “I didn‘t try to separate the acting in the real world and acting in the webtoon world. Because it is a fictional character, I had to try to make the distance between the real world and the fictional world as real and natural as possible.” 


When asked about what makes a good script, Lee replied, “maybe its because I’m very commercialized but, when I read a script I can visualize how it unfolds. If the synopsis is good, and the script is developed further, it will be a successful drama.”

W also asked Lee what he trusts most about himself, and Lee replied that it was his tenacity. Lee told W, “When I monitor my acting and I don‘t like a scene, I will take that home andwatch it 300 times. I won’t skip out a single scene.” 

The rest of the photos and interview will be released in the August edition of W, and on theofficial website.




and that's why we are emmerced with his characters and admire his acting!!! :wub: 

27 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

WTwoWorlds videos in Top 3 on Naver TVCast at #1 KC & YJ Kiss scene




@ohnoitscindy yupii hh soon 7K


29 minutes ago, ohnoitscindy said:

6700+ upvotes  in only 5 hours after the drama ended... Crazy!


so happy to see all these positive feedbacks!! hope the drama keeps on gaining more love and interest from audiences!!! :D 


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16 minutes ago, aznchic209 said:


I'm not sure if the dad is going to play a pivotal role in finding out who killed KC's entire family or not.. but I feel like the dad isn't the real villain like we are suspecting.. there's got to be more to it than that.. we don't know why YJ was pulled into the comic world - who's not to say that someone in the "real" world was pulled in as well from the beginning of the comic book series and they killed KC's entire family.. what if this person is jealous and hates YJ's dad for creating such a phenomenal hit in this comic series, got access to the portal, and decided to destroy everything.. what if, YJ's dad created this "black shadow/murder suspect" with no one's face in mind.. but got pulled into the comic world, is able to come back to the real world, goes INSANE knowing that the characters he created are real in their world, is creeped out because he doesn't know who the black shadow is (whom he created).. so with that in mind, he's fearful of his own creation and decides to KILL KC so he can end the series.. 

Him wanting to kill KC doesn't necessarily mean he hates the character.. yes, it's consumed his life for many years.. but it could just be that he thinks killing SC will finally put an end to the series.. or like I said, he's scared of his own creation.. he created something that is coming to life.. or maybe, he just put KC through so much obstacles in his life that the character came to life, having a mind of his own.. thus, changing the story..

I don't know what to expect from this drama at all.. I'm literally so confused..


Exactly that was my original thought when YJ went into another world. We could argue that the dad created that world and might have some kind of special connection, but she isn't involved at all. If she can go in why can't others?  

I don't think he hates him either, but I was referring to the writing making seem it like he does. The writing makes it so that all the signs point to the dad, but I don't think he's the suspect either. I don't think KC is the murderer either.  I feel  like the writer is trying to trick us into thinking he's the real villain lol. The dad seems like someone consumed by something he can't control and he is desperate to end it all. 10 years is a long time and he must've been tormented by all this. The murder plot is interesting because we only know part of KC's side of the story (since there's a lot details missing) and it makes the mystery even more intriguing.

I'm confused as well lol.  Plot-wise it was ingenious move because we literally have two worlds and it could literally be anyone. 

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18 minutes ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Lol 50% of the top 20 video clips are of W *claps

Yes, it's already reached 6800 already lol. Curious to see what it'll be around morning when ratings come out

I like the age demographic chart for the W article

Looks like it appeals to all ages (except the ahjummas/ahjusshis that probably don't go on the Internet much lol) 



I'm so happy to see that!! :D 

I'm stressed but I'm sure it will get better and better!! :D 

15 minutes ago, Rania Zeid said:

@ohnoitscindy uhh don't wanna even think abt the ratings -_- so stressful 


Cr: as tagged 


 reading you saying it's stressful then seeing Lee Jong Seok's smile took all the stress away!! :D 

12 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

:bawling: if he does a photoshoot for them, I'll make sure that southeast Asia and sub Saharan Africa banners all get his images!! I was yelling for half an hour until I started coughing like I'm eighty!!...and then I researched all about Kohler Korea :P they are really new... they must have a really good marketing team to put their bets on a Sukie Drama...!! 

Now all I can imagine is Sukie in all the hoardings on the showrooms :w00t: my life just became meaningful!!! 

And the ratings??!! Are they real?? I was enjoying UF till last week and after yesterday I forgot all about it!! 

I hope that they really got the best ratings!! I mean...come on... It's Sukie!! And Han Hyo Joo!!! And that story!!! It's the most complete -est package everrrrrr!


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just realised that with this drama that there is dramas that you love and there is dramas that you LOVE and those that you LOVE but "W" is a drama that you'd LOVE!!! 

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'W' Han Hyo-joo saves Lee Jong-suk from death






On the episode two of MBC's new Wednesday & Thursday drama, "W", Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) again sucked into the world of web-toon while she was talking to her father, Oh Seong-moo (Kim Ee-seong) on the phone.

When Oh Yeon-joo realized the web-toon character, Kang Cheol (Lee Jong-suk) was in fatal situation, she ran to his hospital room. When a nurse was about to inject poison into his body, Oh Yeon-joo stopped her. Oh Yeon-joo yelled, "This is not antibiotic but injection to make heart stop beating" and the nurse ran away.

When Kang Cheol asked how she found out, Oh Yeon-joo just vaguely answered saying, "When I was just passing by and thought the nurse was suspicious". Kang Cheol asked her if she was Oh Yeon-joo. Oh Yeon-joo answered no.

Kang Cheol pointed out Oh Yeon-joo's name on her gown. He said, "It says Oh Yeon-joo" and "we finally met".


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7 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

Is it possible that Oh Yeon Joo was born in the webtoon world?? 

I'm going through the spoilers and thinking up all the possibilities!! 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhh and could it be that Kang Cheol is from the real world?!!! 

we are going crazy with all those possibilities!! but that's fun!! :D

3 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

So good looking :bawling:


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was like "he's really like a man from a manhwa!! so handsome!!" :wub:"



then "wake up!! concentrate!!" :lol:

cr: dhia205

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I finally managed to watch episode 2 in raw and I'm once again floored how well paced and awesomely fresh the whole show is. After having seen the second episode and especcially the fact that Kang Chul seems to figure out that someone tries to controll his life from the outside my head started spinning with all the possiblities of what that could mean.

@SongMira I like your idea that Kang Chul could be a child from the real world that somehow ended up sucked into or adopted into the fictional world. And after seeing episode 2 it made me think of the Truman Show with Jim Carrey, as I got the same feeling when watching Kang Chul figuring out something's not right.
So maybe the whole show could be seen as a satirical take on our times and human nature as well? Maybe someone (like Song Moo) figured it would bring in great bucks and and success if one puts some innocent, not knowing the truth child into a fictional world and see how it will cope with it and how it will grow into an adult under difficult circumstances. And when the success didn't come straight away just with the kid/teenager being 'imprisoned' within the fictional world the hooded baddie was created to spice up the whole setting and that turned out to be the successful strategy. But just like within the Truman Show the creator lost controll as soon as his main character figured he's controlled from the outside and tries to change his fate and break free. And breaking free would mean for him to cross over to the real world again, where he's (presumably out of controll for those who want to see him dead - but if the show really want's to hit a satirical note, that would be the perfect opportunity to send a cliched white truck of doom onto him in the real world as well, as the bad guy could as well try to kill him off within the real world as well).

@yellomellow001 and @aznchic209 I like your opinions about Yeon Joo's dad. He really is an interesting character and the way he is shown until now makes me believe he is a red herring used to obscure the real bad guy from our attention as well. But I like the complexity of his character as it makes us all think of what could be his motivation all along. Is he trying to kill off Kang Chul because he knew Kang Chul could be a danger for his own daughter's life if she gets entangled with him and the fictional world long before Yeon Joo was first pulled in? What was the reason for the first attemped murder and if it was to keep his daughter safe couldn't he expect that his plan could backfire as it just created the opportunity for Yeon Joo to switch between the worlds? Is he trying to get rid of Kang Chul to close the connection between the two worlds as long as the omnious hooded bad guy is still within the fictional world (assuming it's someone from the real world who knows how to cross between the worlds as well)? Cause if the webtoon ends the other person wouldn't have the opportunity to return to the real world? But doesn't that also mean he's further risking his daughter's life cause twice he tried to kill Kang Chul and twice she was sucked into the fictional world to save him, so if Song Moo keeps the murder attempts coming to close the connection between the two worlds he should know that this could also mean his own daughter may be stucked within the fictional world once she is not successful in saving Kang Chul and he would die with her being around?

As usual so many questions and so  little answers, but to be honest that's how I love my K-Dramas. The more they make me think about what is happening and starting to come up with own theories the more I'm hooked. Can't wait to rewatch it with subs to see what I missed until now.

And I'm really in love with Yeon Joo's character as she's so normal and relatable to all of us. The way she fangirls over her fictional crush (great satirical take on how we maybe feel over certain fictional drama characters as well) and the way she tries to comprehend how to deal with a world that she thought to be unreal and fictional is so natural. I think most of us would be shocked to learn that you suddenly turn out to be the heroine of a fictional story, even if you may have dreamed about it all your life, cause expectation and reality never seem to be close. All she knows that she can't controll when she's sucked into the other world for now and as such she also doesn't know yet of how to switch back into her world but being a drama manwha-geek she is starting to test out each and every the cliche she knows to find a way back to her own world. And I can understand her flustered reaction to the fact that the kiss really sealed the deal - I would have had the same reaction. But as cool as suddenly turning out the heroine possibly capturing Kang Chul's heart seems to be at first glance I can understand she is more concerned about what that means for her own life for now. I mean the whole incidents influence her own life as she now has to fear of suddenly being sucked into the other world no matter what she is doing within the real world and she suddenly has to deal with fame within the real world as well, as the fans of the webtoon now know her as heroine and those around her are aware that she's the 'template' for the fictional Yeon Joo (not knowing yet that she IS the fictional Yeon Joo as well).

Okay I need to spot now - otherwise my head starts spinning from all the questions popping up.

@Mau_Cherry will you be around for our other duties tomorrow as well?


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6 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

I  have smooth streaming at the first half of the episode but the link has died 15 mins. before...W ends....aigooo...anyway we have a kiss today so it's alright...I wonder how many kiss we will have in this drama...and I haven't see the pointing gun kiss yet...  


I want to know your reaction when you found out what happened in the last 15 minutes that you missed in the live streaming!! :lol: I know that I almost pulled my hair when I found out that I missed the kiss by mear seconds!! :crazy: well I almost pulled all of it when I missed the intire drama but the almost 5 minutes I manged to watch!! 

6 hours ago, an-naum said:

Omg omg . She slapped & kissed him.. Pain & gain. 

After she came back to the real world, my broadband data reached the limit. Tonite i have to watch the HD live streaming and it consumed a lotttttt of data. Oh poor me! My mobile data for phone was having network problem since evening. Regardless, i've succeeded watching for 50minutes.. Yeay! Awesome. 

Time fly by really quick while YJ sitting at the bus stop. She ditched her doctor coat into the wastebin.lol.. Miracolously, the person who was stabbed before came and take her away.. Okay, it's manhwa hero, Kang Chul. Til the next episode. 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Pain & Gain" :lol: yes right!!! 

hhhhhhhhhh the manhwa story had to move on and for them to meet ;) but she ended the chapter in her unique way!! :lol:

6 hours ago, mappyminho said:

Anne'seyong everyone. .. I'm new over here !! Pl do take care of me !!! I'm loving this drama !!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:!:wub:


happy that you joined us here!! let's have a great time enjoying the drama all of us here!! :) 

5 hours ago, chyantrils25 said:

their hospital scene where Kang Chul was admitted is so funny..when Yeon Joo is denying that she's OYJ but her name was written in her Doctor's gown she's wearing and her reaction meeting Kang Chul's Secretary and Bodyguard in person:lol:,,i'm really loving Oh Yeon Joo "The natural Born Doctor":lol:

@evergreen i knew it,i recognized you hehe i was once active in 1N2D when Hyo Joo was their guest:D



hhhhhhhhhhhhh yes that was hillarious!!! :lol:

and I love Kang Cheol looking at her as if he's aware that she's lying to him with every answer she gives for his questions but still he trusts that she's not harmful!!


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1 hour ago, yellomellow001 said:


Exactly that was my original thought when YJ went into another world. We could argue that the dad created that world and might have some kind of special connection, but she isn't involved at all. If she can go in why can't others?  

I don't think he hates him either, but I was referring to the writing making seem it like he does. The writing makes it so that all the signs point to the dad, but I don't think he's the suspect either. I don't think KC is the murderer either.  I feel  like the writer is trying to trick us into thinking he's the real villain lol. The dad seems like someone consumed by something he can't control and he is desperate to end it all. 10 years is a long time and he must've been tormented by all this. The murder plot is interesting because we only know part of KC's side of the story (since there's a lot details missing) and it makes the mystery even more intriguing.

I'm confused as well lol.  Plot-wise it was ingenious move because we literally have two worlds and it could literally be anyone. 


This is the description of Oh Sung Moo (the dad) on wikipedia in my mother tongue. And here is the translation for it: 

Used to be a needy for a long time, but thanks to the success of webtoon W, his life suddenly turned a new page. Along with the main character, Kang Cheol, in W, he became the most successful and richest manhwa author at the time. However, because of that, the pressure was increasing on him. He could not even draw any frame without the help of alcohol.

A few years ago, an extremely strange thing began to happen to him. He could not tell it to anyone. That secret - only he and Kang Cheol knew. Worst of all, Oh Yeon Joo, his daughter was also slowly involved with him. He realized that he could not allow Kang Cheol to change things in the direction he wanted. Therefore, he decided to put an end to W - ending his "child" by himself - before it ruined his life.

I think this was translated from character description on W Korean official page or something (I'm so sorry, I'm too lazy to find out T_T).

Also, have you guys watched the highlight 07:30 minutes length yet?

This scene proves that someday KC would come to OYJ's world right?




Also I'm curious why OYJ would be arrested and who stabbed the dad because of the scene he is covered with blood T.T

Usually, the highlight video only covers until ep 4 or 5 so I guess all of these scene would happen next week.

Really enthusiastic for the scene KC attempts to kiss OYJ after entering her world lol

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4 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

take it wz a container of salt as i said on twitter

usually real time ratings r somehow close 2 actual ratings but in W's case as proved lastnight lot of people were schoked here & in dramaDC  :D 

so keep ur expectations low and pray hhhhh





hhhhhhhhhhhhhh we are praying!! I hope the rating kepps in increasing with every new episode!!

4 hours ago, aroma83 said:

It's pretty funny though, a slap is not enough as a cliffhanger but a kiss between those two sure does the job :w00t::wub:.. and to think of all the ways she'll try just to create cliffhangers cuz she doesn't want to get stuck... i mean the other kiss in the next episode, YJ taking off her bathrobe, all the best for trying, right?

I do understand why dad wants to kill off Kang Chul, he's feeling pretty scared and i'm thinking KC already tried to pull him into the manga as he did with his daughter. Dad just doesn't want to believe that the hero that made his career is in fact real in another world and for some reason he's slowly losing control of what will happen in the manga.

I think both worlds will collide at some point, right now is only Yeon Joo traveling but soon Kang Chul will be able to do so too....


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh could it be that bathrobe moment is another attempt to make a cliffhanger?!! I can't with this girl!! :lol:

I think at somepoint she'll realise that Kang Cheol's life is too complicated and that the cliffhangers she'll be trying won't be affective as she things!! hhhhhhhhhhhh

we all want to know what's really his reasons (his secret that Kang Cheol knows of) but don't think he realised Kang Cheol being real just now!! I think there is more into it just than Kang Cheol being real for him to be so focused in killing him off!!

yes he will and I can't wait to see that!! :w00t:

4 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Anyone feel that dad's alcoholism might have something to do with it all? Or is he just swigging whiskey for the dramatization lol.


he is know to have alcahol problems since his marriage days!!

4 hours ago, Hanyeoun said:

All right! Hands down! This drama on its premiere week exceeds far beyond my expectations. Lee Jong Suk really knows how to pick his projects and this praise goes to Han Hyo Joo as well. :wub:

It is interesting to see a father as an antagonist so far, hell-bent to kill his own creation that is the popular webtoon "W". I think I can understand somewhat his motives: spending so much time on his work that presumably destroyed his marriage with YJ's mother, he's been drinking and, after 10 years of success, he's just weary and wants to catch up with reality.

Both leads are potentially facing several antagonists: YJ's father, the mysterious killer, the prosecutor and the difference between two worlds.

It is so exciting how KC picks up something is wrong with his existence. With the car incident, he senses there is someone playing with him and how YJ's father reacted against his webtoon rewriting its own story - I was amazed! :lol:


actually he started the webtoon W after his devorce not when he wa married!! he was unrecognised webtoon writer when he was married and that (with having alcahol problems) led to his divorce!! W and Kang Cheol were the reason for his wealth and fame!! he's after Kang Cheol for a different reason, he wants to stop him from revieling his secret that only Kang Cheol knows of (?) and save himself from something/omeone!!

he felt it from Yeon Joo's awkward diapearance and then the car accident made it clear that there something totally wrong happening in his life!!

I litterly was breathless the entire car accident scene till the very ending of the episode!! that was mindblowing!!

4 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

They really are! I'm glad that the drama is actually more light-hearted than what I had expected (well, for now at least lol we all know we're in for some angst when KC finds out he's not real) because it can appeal to more people that way, but it's also still able to retain that allure of mystery and curiosity for more. It's just a fun drama so far and it's true, time does go by really fast while watching it! haha


yes!! you just don't want it to end and want it to keep on going!! :wub:

4 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

Time for guy to get shocked during kdrama kiss scene :w00t: lool 


  Hide contents




by: hitoritabi



I replayed this many many times!! :wub: but this is the 1st time that a moment like this happen in K-drama right?!! :lol:

4 hours ago, ohnoitscindy said:

YAY!!! More beautiful praises from Knetz hehe ^_^ 


Viki's having trouble with the videos right now so subbing might be late :( 

Hope they can resolve it soon!


 hope so!! I'm dying for the english subtitles!! 

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4 hours ago, arodriguez said:



yes!! lets do that!! Pyun, Pyun!! :D 

3 hours ago, yellomellow001 said:

I really love the pace of this show. The transitions between the worlds is cool and seamless.

I wasn't expecting that ending. He noticed the effects of YJ's dad working and changed his own ending. The story is coming to life on it's own even without YJ's interference.

I agree with YJ it's unfair to let him die like that without avenging his family. I can see why it's difficult for her to seem him as a fictional character when she literally saved him from the brink of death. We don't know the reason or motive for the dad's behavior, but right now I'm glad YJ keeps saving him. So far, he really is a victim and to die in vain without finding out who and why the murderer did that to him and his family is just cruel. The murderer needs to be punished for his crimes even if it's another alternative universe/manhwa.

The dad is an interesting character. The writing [his suspicious behavior, his irrational hatred towards a fictional character he created, his long disappearances, and his bi-polar behavior] seems to suggest that he's the villain of the show as well as the real murder suspect, but I don't buy it. The dad's fear is real, he is genuinely freaked out about the situation and about KC in particular.  He seems like someone completely consumed by something he can't control and at the end of his rope. If the manhwa has been going on for 10 years and that means whatever/whoever he's been running away from has been tormenting him all these years, hence his desperation to end it all.

I can understand the fear, but to want to kill him and so brutally at that (stabbed to death, poisoned, hit by semi-truck) implies extreme hatred. The dad could easily let him find the suspect and then die in peace since that's KC's sole reason for living, which the dad created. Maybe we're wrong and the dad doesn't have as big as a role in the progression of KC's story as we think. Maybe their are other forces at play here and he's caught in the middle. Or the story has been writing itself for a while now? If YJ and her dad can travel between worlds then maybe others can too. Then maybe the real suspect is from the "real world. 

For two episodes the dad has been trying to kill him. It's like the dad not only wants to stop KC, but also punish him as well.  Maybe KC isn't as innocent as we think?  Or maybe the panel about his family's murder wrote itself and is he is convinced KC did actually do it? The possibilities are endless.

I love dramas that make me think lol. 


I don't think myelf that Yeon Joo's father is the big villan of the drama!! I believe there is something else behind all this!! 

I think that the father can't let him know who's the muderer even though it's not him but it can cause danger for him if it's revieled by Kang Cheol!!

I think that the father is assuming Kang Cheol is a monster for wrong believes like the one who killed his childs believing a profecy that they would kill him!!

yes!! I'm in love with the drama!! :heart:

3 hours ago, Shajoona said:

This drama is a masterpiece..it's gonna be a Daebak drama nuff said.. Like I'm having goosebumps the whole time when i'm watching it ..and it keeps surprising me in every scene ..and that epic last scene ..OH MY GOD !! Yes guys.. finally a drama worth waiting for ..I'm so excited so i'm gonna re watch episode 1 and 2 until next Wednesday ..God bless who chose LJS and HHJ to be together in this drama ..:w00t:

And I KNEW IT..i knew that she will end that chapter by kissing him ..I mean i would do the same if i went inside a manhwa and meet my favorite character ..i swear i will end every chapter with a kiss :P

@sakura2016 Imagine if that person who is controlling the manhwa is YJ's mother ..god it's gonna be epic hahahahahahaha..I mean it can't be right !! RIGHT ?! maybe it's the boy with the glasses..god i'm so excited 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but that won't be a cliffhanger anymore!! :lol:

hhhhhhhhhhhhh that would be insane!! I really don't know who's behind it but I love him for now!! 

3 hours ago, pinocchioAsh said:

Guyyyyyyssssss... I was rewatching episode one and at the end I found this!!! 


And I yelled out soooooooo loud!! I work for Kohler!!! I didn't even know Kohler was there in Korea!!! I'm screaming my lungs out like crazy!! Howwwwww!!! Now I love my workplace even more!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!! Somebody bury me cos I just died!!! :bawling:


oh!! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now you'll be working harder for your company in support for W!! :lol:

3 hours ago, sara523 said:



these numbers and ratings are confirmed??

if it's true it would be really Good For W

ratings increase soon :wub:


no they are not confirmed yet (as I know for now) but I believethe raiting is going to be increasing for the drama!! :D

3 hours ago, aydenJ said:

Ha ha ha @pinocchioAsh this is the best comment tonight *hickup

i didn't expect hhj character is that clumsy!! Well, she's already in her 30's but still a resident doctor? M


well her professor was super mad at the idea that her father wrote her as a character that saned Kang Cheol when he knows how incompetent she is!! if he does know the truth that she really did save him littarely!! :lol:

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It is increase:thumbsup:


WTwoWorlds : 9.5%



i Add this

 "W" Han Hyo-joo slaps Lee Jong-suk then kisses him



Han Hyo-joo slapped Lee Jong-suk and kissed him.

On the episode of the new MBC drama "W", Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) slapped Kang Cheol (Lee Jong-suk) and kissed him. Yeon-joo found out that 30 minutes of her life in reality was 2 months in the web-toon world.

She also learned that she could return to reality when the web-toon crossed over to the next episode and she needed to do it at the right time. So she slapped Kang Cheol.

However, the world 'continue' didn't pop up so Yeon-joo kissed Kang Cheol to see if she was right.

Meanwhile, "W" can be seen every Wednesday and Thursday at 10PM.


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Ratings went up at least! Was hoping for double digits though... The discrepancy between the real-time ratings and the actual ratings is so bizarre. 

So in episode 2, we find out that time works differently in the world of W, the webtoon. It kind of fast-forwards time until the next event, right? I think they said a week had passed since Kang Chul was stabbed but in Yeon Joo's world, it had only been a day? Then of course, there's the 30 minutes being 2 months time jump that she experiences as well.

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Finally finished watching Episode 2 with subs!! Did I like it?

Well let me tell you all that I just can't with this drama.

WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!???????

Is Wednesday so far away?, everything about this second episode made sense, sometimes watching other dramas I see how vastly different a good drama is versus an excellent drama. 

the cinematic was nothing short of fantastic, can I just say I love the musical score, their is something about this that reminds me of Inception which is also a fantastic movie btw (another fave of mine) 

the supporting cast/comedic points really helped set the pace, I hate seeing supporting characters drag the story down by their incessant dialogue that don't help thrust leads together. The comedy helps make things not so dark where it would appeal to the general audience. 

I really really have fallen in love with OYJ she is literally a breath of fresh air, she is so lovely, quirky and the main thing is she is so RELATABLE.

KC: well he is just downright handsome and for the love of god do something about those lip movements. I can't help but be hypnotized by those lips. 







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Backtracking through this forum now. I apologize in advance if some of you are getting an insane amount of notifications from me. 

Thank you @Rania Zeid for creating this thread and posting goodies especially the beautiful tumblr posts. Absolutely love the bridge scene -  I keep rewatching it. 

Will come back with thoughts later on after watching ep 2 subbed. 

@an-naum Hyo Joo's episodes on 1 night 2 days season 3 are ep 119 and 120 I think. You can watch it on kshowonline. Sorry if it's off-topic but also for those who like Hyo Joo now in W and wanna check it out. :)

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1 hour ago, wingki13 said:


This is the description of Oh Sung Moo (the dad) on wikipedia in my mother tongue. And here is the translation for it: 

Used to be a needy for a long time, but thanks to the success of webtoon W, his life suddenly turned a new page. Along with the main character, Kang Cheol, in W, he became the most successful and richest manhwa author at the time. However, because of that, the pressure was increasing on him. He could not even draw any frame without the help of alcohol.

A few years ago, an extremely strange thing began to happen to him. He could not tell it to anyone. That secret - only he and Kang Cheol knew. Worst of all, Oh Yeon Joo, his daughter was also slowly involved with him. He realized that he could not allow Kang Cheol to change things in the direction he wanted. Therefore, he decided to put an end to W - ending his "child" by himself - before it ruined his life.

I think this was translated from character description on W Korean official page or something (I'm so sorry, I'm too lazy to find out T_T).

Also, have you guys watched the highlight 07:30 minutes length yet?

This scene proves that someday KC would come to OYJ's world right?

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Also I'm curious why OYJ would be arrested and who stabbed the dad because of the scene he is covered with blood T.T

Usually, the highlight video only covers until ep 4 or 5 so I guess all of these scene would happen next week.

Really enthusiastic for the scene KC attempts to kiss OYJ after entering her world lol


yes Kang Cheol will be able to transport into Yeon Joo's world too!! :w00t:

I really want to know that but we know that he was on the same rooftop where Kang Cheol was stabbed in!! so who did stab him? I believe it's not Kang Cheol since he was in no condition to do that!!

hhhhhhhhh I want to know why did he do that? for her to know he's real?!!  

15 minutes ago, parmma said:

It is increase:thumbsup:


WTwoWorlds : 9.5%



hi unnie!! :) 

it's weird that it's still on 9+% raiting!! but anyway lets hope for the best for the upcoming episode and be happy that we had an increase!! :)

13 minutes ago, ohnoitscindy said:

Ratings went up at least! Was hoping for double digits though... The discrepancy between the real-time ratings and the actual ratings is so bizarre. 

So in episode 2, we find out that time works differently in the world of W, the webtoon. It kind of fast-forwards time until the next event, right? I think they said a week had passed since Kang Chul was stabbed but in Yeon Joo's world, it had only been a day? Then of course, there's the 30 minutes being 2 months time jump that she experiences as well.


yes it is but at least we had an increase!! :)

I think that the time difference is not constant between the two worlds since it can jump or walk slow in Kang Cheol's world but won't be the same everytime in Yeon Joo's world!! I don't know!! I think I need to see more of it to have a better understanding of it!! :D 

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10 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

Annyeong W chingudeul...!!! haha.. just wanna say hi to you all... I'm still downloading the episodes... cant comment it yet.. will watch it asap...hoho...

so, I'm sharing this instead... sorry if it's already posted, I havent done any backreading yet.. btw, what have you guys talked about for all this times... 226 in two episodes? U guys are really something :D




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credit mbcw dcinside


hi!! I just wanted to tell you thank you for the posters and gifs!! :wub:

13 minutes ago, lovely_skham_stv said:

Finally finished watching Episode 2 with subs!! Did I like it?

Well let me tell you all that I just can't with this drama.

WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!???????

Is Wednesday so far away?, everything about this second episode made sense, sometimes watching other dramas I see how vastly different a good drama is versus an excellent drama. 




I was thinking the same thing when the episode ended!! how can I wait till wednesday?!!! :crazy:


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