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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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the heck!! How can we wait 1 week for this?? OMG!!! I am emotionally unstable right now!! Writernim stop playing with our hearts!!! I knew something bad was looming when I saw all the lovey dovey scenes!! Oh God!! it will be a very long and painful week for all of us!! :bawling: 

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The shaken congressman makes sense of what just happened and remembers his weird encounter with YJ. 

We now see the killer still making YJ drive to a location at gunpoint. He brings her to an empty warehouse and he starts to point his gun at her. YJ begs for her life, to please spare her. The killer is determined. 

Meanwhile we have KC driving on a road and he suddenly sees the to be continued sign. He teleports car-less into a busy road. Other cars almost hit him.

Back to the warehouse, the killer was almost about to shoot YJ. But a car arrives, the goons of the congressman. YJ makes a run for it but is shot by the killer. She's down and hurt at the back. The goons appear and the killer shoots them all. YJ loses consciousness and turns into a cartoon.

In the real world, KC sees everything in real time. He teleports at will and he's back in his car. He sees the killer waiting for him in a car. They both ram their cars at each other and they start to shoot. KC gets clipped but he shoots continually and kills the killer. KC is not hurt?

KC goes to YJ but she is gone. He only saw pools of blood. KC teleports at will back into the real world from the warehouse and ends up in the same place but is now a busy storage house. He asks a busy construction guy if he saw a woman. He tells him he saw her and brought her to the hospital? A police car brings KC there and he is hurt. The police ask how he is related to the lady, he said I'm her husband. He sees the medical staff trying to revive YJ. END. OMG. 

Preview: We see SM being himself again. KC at the cartoon world being held hostage and tortured by the congressman, KC meeting up with SM. YJ surviving and KC at her bedside. Then I think he said to SM, okay let's kill me or YJ is gone? Wahhh!

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Somebody!!!!! Please hold me....i cant do this...

The ending and preview are breaking my heart so hard.....am not strong....YJ please dont die.....both of the suffered enough....PD nim....we need no. 4 for W ending....pull stop...u playing with our heart....so cruelllll....*uglycryingatthecorner*...₩

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im really trying to console myself that although Ep 14's preview is not good,there are 3 more episodes. W has consistently suprised me every single episode ranging from surprise sweet scenes or mind blowing plot twists.

Writer Song, you had already pulled the rug on us every single episode, the 1 kiss every 2 episodes + sweet couple scenes that last about 5 minutes will never be enough if you kill YJ. Or KC. We deserve a happy ending, with Option 4 at least.

Sending hugs to each and everyone of you dear Worldiz. We all need a hug right now.

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I don't have enough mental gymnastic to digest what I have just watched:grimace:

I just wanna tell, this writer is a real genius. *standing ovation*

Now what can I do for another 5 days while waiting for the next episode. it's gonna be a lot of angst. alot.:dissapointed_relieved:




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ahem let me continue.....KC walked in the hospital and saw the nurses and doctor trying to save someone. And that someone was YJ.

Next week's preview, YJ's appa is normal again. He asked KC how YJ and he replied, died. :tears:

I believe there will be a twist to the story again, YJ will live....because she is a great fan of KC and always wished him a happy ending.

Now chingu deul and @nonski, we need to wait 7 days for the next episode....aigooooooo

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@Rania Zeid @andy78 @ezze @sharreb @kasjady @drmjs @LyraYoo @ilwoo_aein @little bunny... and many others that i am not int he right mind to remember....
thanks to all of you, at least you first hand witness one Miracle tonight. KangChul finally said with his most sincere heart, "I am her husband."
correct, if i didn't hear you gals wrongly. this is what you first hand witnessed. this is THE SAVING GRACE of what ever happen the past few eps. with him witnessed YJ wounded (and thinking she may die) is a blessing. its  take someone to nearly lost his ONE TRUE LOVE to be able to appreciate and recognised and realise his own Deep inner Feel for that One Dear One.
i don't beleive YJ will die, but i believed KC will see his heart, who he finally embraced his idenity as being "her husband" with all blessedness."
girls, ;you have done such great job, loading pic , gifs, and those who can write with such clarify, you make somoene like me, almost like witness the whole drama LIVE RAW> well done, you are one hell of a GOOD TEAM WORK.

have faith in the Author Song. PERVY me thinking that Option 4 may finally come, since he must realised his own heart, to be worthy of Option 4. HIS HEART MUST BE BROKEN, to be awaken to know he loves her. at least we got to see him cry for her. i was waiting for 12 ep to see him cry a sincere tears, to jsutify that he does loves her.

to me, to have Happy Ending is a 100% desire. yet, to have Chul realised he loved her as much as she towrads him, is my 101% desire.
Best OTP in my entire KDrama watching life,

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6 minutes ago, kasjady said:


I hope not. If it is, they might have to re-set time again - if they do that the most plausible way is to reset it all from the very beginning :(

 But will it work for YJ? Oh my God this drama really! how can we wait a whole week for this?? :tears:

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Nooo!! writer-nim, I don't care if you put YJ in coma for 1 episode, but she can't die because she will live happily ever after with KC! I want KC & YJ happy in ep15 & 16 !! please writer-nim!!  :bawling:

p/s: I need eng sub NOW!!



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Sorry to say I'm super heart broken now :( 

the preview affects me a lot!!! I need a happy ending and not open ending sobs :(:(:( 

the date scenes shown today feels super dreamy and unreal.. I need more real date scene. I don't think I can watch this episode with sub :( 

Cr to owner 

arghhhhhhhhhhhh, how regret I am now!!!

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Crap i dont know how to organise my thoughts. Like 1000 minions running around in my head.

I was so alive n giddy happy with ep 12

Writer has pulled me down to the pits of hell with the second half of ep 13.


Although mentally i prepared myself n also predicted an angsty episode 14. Its worse than what i can imagine n my heart is tearing apart again.

I cant watch ep13 when the subs are out. Cause il go batsh*t crazy m cry a river while cussing at the writer (which i know i shouldn't)

If yj really dies would a restart change anythg? Can she be back to alive but memories undone? Perhaps daddy needs to work his magic to bring back his daughter at the cost of kang chul n ghost legacy disappearing?

See like i told you i cant form a coherent thought. Thats the best i can come up with.

Excuse me why i run off to patch the hole in my heart

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