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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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@Ahpheng - u just made my day!  Your 5th kiss c-strips is soooo GOOD .. like how you put it .. lingering kiss...TQ and goodnight - off to zzz now with :blush:   and yes @mrslee , whether it's a dream or not, may it be sweet and happy for you, where W is concerned.

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45 minutes ago, yren said:

OH.....MY....GOD!!!!! what an episode!!! I loved it so much!! and the kiss omg so sweet and gentle!!! I was not able to continue recapping because I got so engrossed with this episode and for some reason soompi is acting weird!! did it crashed awhile ago???

But anyways, I can't begin to describe how I love this episode! I already have a hunch that KC will be framed and I'm so happy he ran away with OYJ! I love that no matter what they're still being pulled together....as I said before they can never fight their destiny and It's happening all over again KC being framed for his family's murder, Stabbing=gunshot - saved by YJ and then the kiss...different situations same outcome so the bottom line is KC and YJ should be together to be able to resolve everything!!! Gaaaaah! I hope I made sense! hahahaha! I'm just so happy right now that I am just typing anything that comes to my mind!:lol:  


hhhhhhhhhhhh how weired that I was shaking writing my postafter the end of the episode!! :lol:

you're right, no matter how the circumstances changes the result is one and Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo's fate is linkeed to each other and nothing can change that!! :wub: 

but I'm trrifid of what's to com with that PSYCHO culprit doing all he wants being ableto harm Kang Cheol and Yeon Joo as he pleases!! :bawling: 

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What to say.. i really love today's episode.. 

Anyway poor YJ starving and looking for food only to find the packet soju (thats not milk) to ease her hunger..

But i feel so bad that i laughed when KC kicked the door and YJ flew to the floor.. mianhe Yeon Joo ya.. but u still looked so cute.. :lol:

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@irenetan thank you for sharing the kakao pictures!! Super super cute! I'm using it as my avatar now. Lol! 

Did you happened to see the KC gif taking off his jacket with pink cheeks and the word balloon "hu" or something like that? 

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1 hour ago, stellarshimmers said:

I don't know if someone already pointed it out, but Yeonjoo's lip bled... When it's not supposed to because she's not a main character in the webtoon anymore and only an "extra" now..:astonished: She's supposed to be invincible again, right?

Does this mean Yeonjoo cannot avoid her destiny of being the lead female character? 

This drama is messing with my brain with every ep, seriously. What a roller coaster ride!


Not really sure if I am getting this right, but in the preview YJ was asking if it is not KC who's summoning her inside the webtoon. I'm thinking it could be the killer (since he's the only one who knows of the world outside of the webtoon) and he still sees YJ as KC's family (thus still making her the heroine, even if KC doesn't remember yet).

But I may be thinking too much. This drama is driving me nuts since my friend introduced it to me last week, that it made me lurk here as I can't get enough of it. And that episode that just aired is dope. 

Oh, many thanks to the recaps btw. Totally made my day. :)

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Check.... Okay --- I can write here again.

I have to deal with the Aftershock. They are able to  blow my mind more and more with every Episode.

I have to backread soon to find out if there is already the translation for the Preview.

What is this  - this is not a Drama - this is a crazy Ride on a Rollercouster, leaving me with whiplash injury mixed with such a wonderful and strong Love. I suffered a lot with Yeon Joo who was lost and lonely in the W World - and so hungry. I was shocked finding out what kind of Power the once Ghost now have. I did not expected SM to not only lost his Face but more even his Personality. I was shocked again when Uncle died - and how. KC tried to sacrifice his Heart for the World and People around him - but now he need to know - as you ask me again. But wouldn´t it be to cruel now.

Gosh - I was just glad that Yeon Joo is in the Car - the one who can treat his Wound but most importend - the one who will never doubt him. Even if the Ghost makes the whole W World KCs Enemy - he can´t control YJ. That makes her his biggest Enemy.


And what I loved the most in this Episode - SHE kissed Him. If they go on like this the Drama will go in the History because of the most Kissing Scenes ever. I have nothing against it - just to say....

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1 hour ago, Ahpheng said:

@maryofbethany I like this kiss best... 

@Ahpheng i knew it, i knew KD-veteran like yourself sure like this, me too, it tops the rooftop one.
all the past kisses was like building up to this climax. a Stolen Moment, begotten in hope dashed and hope regain, Kiss bourne thru desperation and agonies are most touching to the one that kiss was bestow upon.. .. Chul will be a pcs of Wood, if he cannot feel it, i;ll be damn sure this kiss will be the One Source that generate back all the feels even if he cannot remembers, he will remembers the feels of Pain he was force to give up, the feel of wanting to die when he fall off the building, knowing he will wake up no knowing her....
i am looking forward to that moment, he finally break down when he remembers her.
there are just only less than a palm ful of hunks-actors that can really silent-cry and grind your heart out with their tear-drops... Yoo seungho is one, and 'Noona-killer" Lee Jongsuk is the One of the other few. i can't wait to see him peak his career, and give us a good touching weeping his heart out, better than his classic "i Can Hear you"-museum kiss-in-tears scene.

Song Jae Jung, give us at least a Happy ending, Chul and YJ deserved more than Open ending,
better still, throw us an ending with a bonus of something like Healer Ep15 please, nothing heals a wounded man speedier than his One True Love's embrace and **** . (i remember Healer ep14, stop at the scene where a Brave Self-less Heroine break all barrier, trusted him even when he was wanted by the cops, to save the Soul-dying Hunk from self-destruction, and she earned her kiss, and Ep stop there.... every corner of earth all fans were speculating what is that bed that for... and good enough, we were rewarded the following week at ep15.) @nonski and all Jongjoo shippers, i am so dead, i think  i declared i am totally sworn Jongjoo shippers already.

Worldiz, demand loud enough, Song Jae Jung may make good use of that Cold empty lonely Queen-size. (i am greedy, earlier on, i said, i am willing to trade in Option IV, for a Happy ending. now i demand a Happy Ending plus a Option IV. meanwhile, pervy me will dream tonight whatever may happen tomorrow night. @jeonghyang your fault (haha), your post activated my sinful self, with your mentioned of "sensual moan" ... haha. poor Hyojoo, how is she going to sleep those few night after filming?

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Kang Chul got stabbed ....

Kang Chul nearly died in the Water....

Kang Chuld was shot....


Yes - I love rescue Scenes ... but jebal... he sufferd a lot now .... when will the Date Scens come? They look so far away right now. He can´t meet her in the open when is a fugitive. It can´t be a Dream again.... or is the Date in the real World... He is not a fugitive in her World - and that can maybe be a Place to escape. But how long can he exist and stay in the real World (back to the QIHM Logic). I kinda feel the next time it will be Kang Chul who must rescue Jeon Joo. And in the End maye he must even rescue Sung Moo like that his "sin" trying to kill him can be resolve too.


So mad Dog - what do you think now about the W Toon you love so much....

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Really that previous post shd b my last. But couldnt help it. Still over the moon with ep10

There's sth abt this quiet rooftop scene thats poignant to me


Something about roof and kc and yj. 


This here is so moving for me. She yearns to be with him. But above all i thk she wants to console him, give him comfort knowing hes having a hard time. Shes there for him, in the shadows or behind the screen. She has always been his saviour. Now i just want him to realise whats goin on and return back to the knowledge that shes's the key. I cant help but thk writer has told us from ep2 onwards. Yeonjoo is the key to kc life. Somehow ..how they can reach a happy ending hinges on that.

Seriously last post from me. Its past midnyt and work day. I shouldnt b here. Lol

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45 minutes ago, sharreb said:


Omo still up in the air. My spirits so happy with ep 10. Way better than expected and played the kiss 5times so far 

Such a sweet kiss she plants on him. Although it surprises him like the 1st kiss. But this time around she kisses him with love. And he must hav felt it right..that expression of his.

I also love seeing her ring dangling in the chain. Visual impact.

Sweet dreams evyone. 


though it took him by surprise but this time is different than their 1st kiss!! this time Kang Cheol had feelings that he can't explane, his heart recognised her though his mind didn't!! he felt the familarity of her and her kiss but couldn't tell from where!! it makees m so happy yet so sad for them!!

Good night chingu!! :)

10 minutes ago, jigee said:


@Ahpheng - u just made my day!  Your 5th kiss c-strips is soooo GOOD .. like how you put it .. lingering kiss...TQ and goodnight - off to zzz now with :blush:   and yes @mrslee , whether it's a dream or not, may it be sweet and happy for you, where W is concerned.


he had the time to push her away and stop her but hee didn't/couldn't!! he just kept looking at her!!! his brain couldn't understand what's happening but his body accepted it!! ohhhhh all the feels!! :love: 

16 minutes ago, ilwoo_aein said:

"What is your ideal date with Lee Jong Suk?"

Me: "All!" :P:lol:

source: Viki


apart from 4!! all and anything!! :P:wub: 

31 minutes ago, jigee said:

Ohmygosh ... look at the force by KC!   Poor YJ - how she was floored!  So hard! 
Thanks for all the gifs! @jeonghyang, I have not forgotten...


yeah!! that was too hard!! :o poor girl! but she got to at his self-made ramyon so it's not that bad!! :P 

36 minutes ago, mrslee said:

This drama is turning everything into a dream to correct situations and events. Sometimes i am now confused if i am dreaming watching it or not (just kidding!). But i will definitely NOT dream of watching W only in my dreams. 


I think my posts if full of dream word. Kekeke


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well this dream is turning into a nightmare because of that psycho culprit!! :rage:  but yes our OTP and awesomns of director and writer and the drama's entire team is making this drama surpass what we would even dream of to have in a drama!! :love: 

59 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

thanks @nonski  for the mention ! Unable to watch tonight's drama due to personal stuff  but manage to back read and saw some spoilers..

did scriptwriter knows where she is heading to? Her ideas are getting absurd .. how can the faceless killer taking control of SM's mind and body? it doesn't make sense to me.. can anyone pls explain to me T.T

If he has the right to take control of SM , then is he going to take over both real world and webtoon?

It seems there isn't other new characters appearing other than the killer we are pursing right now.. >.<" I supposed once the killer has gone for good, it will be closure for W..



well my had is still spinning from all went through in this episode so can't really afford a good expination of how the psycho culprit took over the control over Seong Moo's body but I think it can be due to the fact that 2 people with the sam face can't co-exist in two worlds so only one can remain and the mentally stronger would have that advantage of controle and since Seong Moo isn't really that strong mentally unlike the psycho culprit who had full control over his mental and motinal state he lost control to that manac culprit!! plus this is part of th fiction soeven if things looks unreasonable through our common sens that would be fine becaus it's fiction and everything can happen!! :) 

anyway I'm sure writer-nim is fully aware of where she's heading, we only need to trust her and enjoy this crazily awsome ride!! :) 

1 hour ago, wackeemarie said:

my mind's still spinning.seriously got crazy in today's episode.still creeped out by doraemon killer (how appropriate.just forgot who among worldiz coined this code name.mianhe) and how he got osm's face.

kc needs his memory back,yj can't save him and w world all by herself.how are they going to stop doraemon killer (i dont know what to call it/him anymore)

another great episode from hhj! that hotel scene cements why this pairing with ljs is one of her best. i wanted to hug her almost throughout this episode.

ep10's cg and transition from w to real world is truly daebak.still got me hooked since ep1.but im getting kinda scared now if writernim can still untangle all the plot twists done here.will still keep on watching.

will share my thoughts again after watching with subs tomorrow. THANKS again to our liveblog team! until tomorrow!


a I said earlier it can be "the stronger is the one to take controle" kind of synario sinc two people with same face can't co-exist in two worlds and thee psycho culprit was the stonger mntally and emotionally so he took the controle from Seong Moo!!

I agre with that!!! I love that she's doing her best to help him and protect him but she can't do that all by herseelf!! I even don't know how both of them will be able to stop that psycho culprit!! :scream::bawling: 

yees that scene was......can't find a word!! he was outstanding more than a word can discribe!! :love::bawling: 

don't worry chingu!! I'm sure writer-nim is fully aware of what she's doing and where she's heading too!! lets trust her and enjoy this outstanding ride!! :wub: 

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Whew!  RL distracted me and kept me from responding until now. Oh yeah, on the run, otp hijinks to ensue. I doubt Yeon Joo will be able to invalidate the evil changes by making it all a dream (as it appears Soo Bong suggests in the preview). I really hope it's not the killer pulling YJ in but I was mentally prepared for the possibility. I still don't think he's the one who let her keep the ring in either case, I think it's because she never stopped being the lead female character. Everything in W has slowly been maneuvering the situation to where the otp are together again and several beats of their previous encounters have been repackaged for different situations.

I thought it was pretty cruel of the writer to have KC finally give YJ the promised ramen meal only under the worst context. It was nice that he pitied her enough to feed her before giving her to the cops. Also, I'm glad YJ went off because the stress she was under was unimaginable. I didn't realize how protective I was of YJ until this episode. I hated seeing her desperate, in pain and alone, I just hated it. How sweet was her goodbye kiss?  At least, I think she feels it's goodbye since she plans on resetting everything again and personally drawing KC's happy ending. That she tells KC to forget this dream hurts so badly. KC is once more moved to mysterious tears which means somewhere deep inside he does still remember her and hurts for her.


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