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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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24 minutes ago, martina123 said:

Yes I got one. And I edited my post. :(

I thought its someone moderator. I never got one. I m new so don't know. 

I think that's the pattern here chingu. They knew that we are new in thread so easy to make fool of us :P. They just PM the wrong person with our Ms.Screenwritter @Jillia here. Aigoo now I'm not just watching intrigue in drama but also dealing with the intrigue here. How about making it into drama Jillia chingu eh or should I call you big sister here? :lol::P

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54 minutes ago, PororoQueen said:

@daynci OMO thank you for bringing that pics of Crown Prince's  "I am not interested in you" expressions. He has the same eyes from the beginning he met lady Hae Yeon. Even he looks angrier at the palace garden. Although I feel sorry towards lady HY as a woman. I know how it feels to get rejected "Flashback my old memory" hahahahaha  :D

@Bambiina Kim Yoo Jung Power is definitely here. I can't imagine if someone else would be the leading actress. No No Nope.. - and I agree the wedding must go on!, just because ..



That the teason I find it weird that ppl going around saying KYJ not fairly appraised ... ehh ... not in here .. we are crazy of her and I have not read about the 80%thingy .. who said that? PD .. or some blogger trying to get more hit? .who? Can anyone share the link here?


20 minutes ago, moodypie said:

Whoaaa...took me ages to delete a quote that I accidentally press while back reading from my phone. I don't know how you girls manage to do it from phone, but I'm going crazy just to write this one para. 

I want to say welcome to the newcomers here. Hope you will enjoy this thread as much as I do.

I also have difficulty gong back to pages and quote newcomers names but you know who you are.

I've also read a couple of long post, I have to give thumbs up to @nonski @lovehbhjw2013 @jillia @yumoreo5 @bambiina @UsaFarmgirl for your analysis and long comments. :) 

Lastly to @tzupi  if you don't mind could you explain why you call uri CP  beast?:sweatingbullets:

Moodypie ... been avoiding the thread coz i have not watch 14 yet ... ot is such a torture ... btw I am typing on phone ... demmm this small letter

Jillia .. u shud expose her name here .. wakakaka.. i wonder why no one pm me ... I am not good enough

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9 minutes ago, moodypie said:

Lastly to @tzupi  if you don't mind could you explain why you call uri CP  beast?:sweatingbullets:

I do not know if I call him like that. Weren't the people in the palace calling him like that and making fun or complaining about his temperament at the beginning of the series?

in episode 14, the complaint reappears in the form that CP is sharp and cold. (eunuch jang says that he does not mind being hurt by him, he is just concerned about the CP's health--which implies that CP return to having an awful temperament).

It is also interesting that the remark of the eunuch comes precisely after the meeting of the CP with his ministers. in that meeting, CP rightly complains about the corruption of his ministers, but suggests a very radical solution: giving back the money to the people. I found it interesting that even the father of HY, who in the last meeting sided with CP, suggested another less radical solution: keeping the money already taken through taxes and punish the officials because the country is in a dire financial situation.

From my knowledge of history, usually countries were in bad financial situation because incompetent monarchs. But there are also cases in which countries get to be in a bad situation because being conquered by other countries, they need to pay tributes to these countries. It is not clear to me what the situation is here since I think in previous episodes there was a discussion about paying tribute to China. Of course, if the second situation is the case, this does not rule out the first case. Having incompetent monarchs when a country needs to pay tribute to another is quite bad.

But this whole discussion about the financial crisis of the country throw further light on CP. It just happens that his solution is too radical and might come to high costs for the country--maybe HY's father thinks that look, we give the money back, China will be upset and invade us; or we do not pay the civil servants, they do not do their jobs as guardians of the community, as judges etc.

So I was wondering whether this episode has a deeper layer: the writer throws hints at us that CP is still immature or at least that he cannot control well his feelings and this has bad consequences on his decisions and interactions with others. (this is why I am reluctant to judge HY in another way than she is the voice of reason)

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3 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


That the teason I find it weird that ppl going around saying KYJ not fairly appraised ... ehh ... not in here .. we are crazy of her and I have not read about the 80%thingy .. who said that? PD .. or some blogger trying to get more hit? .who? Can anyone share the link here?


Moodypie ... been avoiding the thread coz i have not watch 14 yet ... ot is such a torture ... btw I am typing on phone ... demmm this small letter

Jillia .. u shud expose her name here .. wakakaka.. i wonder why no one pm me ... I am not good enough

My prob with phone is everytime I want to start typing, my previous post automatically appear in the box. I've already posted it...But it's appearing again. I have to delete all the time. And I'm using phone because it's bedtime now, and I'm lying on the bed. Too lazy to switch on my laptop.

Guess the reason why u were not spam was because that person is afraid that you will expose his or her name here. Lol

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13 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

After reading all the responses of everyone of the love for the 2 mutual lovebirds...and 2 forlorn lovebirds..and the controversial views,  I cannot help but say that the characters are depicted realistically for both BY and YS in their reactions to their respective love...and also the responses of RO and CP to them.  There is a lot of literature value in understanding YS and HY because they are the same, yet different.

What and why are they the same?

They are the same in background.  

Both are born with silver, some say, diamond spoon.  

Both are well-educated and intelligent people.  

Both are confident people who would express their thoughts

Both have high esteem to make choices when it comes to love 

Their attitude towards love is stoic, even knowing they are not the love interest of their love, they continue to be hopeful and engage.

They are both new to love, first love

They are both willing to make sacrifices for their love, albeit YS is more unconditional in his action but HY is not truly unconditional.

What and why are they different?

YS has travelled more widely than HY, he has seen more women than HY seen men, his mind is more open to variations.  HY lived in an enclosed and sheltered environment.

YS has to deal with more conflicts in his heart because his love is in love with his good friend, CP whereas HY does not know she is contending with, so her confidence is telling her that she can always try and follow her heart and ideals (also RO has advised her that her sincerity would help her)

YS is a friend with RO so on the pretext of being friends, he can also get close to RO but HY is not even a friend with CP so her anxiety to get through to him will be heighten and she faces more resistance than YS because friendship does not exist between her and CP.

YS can understand his rejection by RO is because he is late in knowing her and he already knew how deep their love was...so esteem-wise it is easier for him to swallow and accept his lateness.  HY cannot understand the rejection by CP because she has very little clue of when and how CP got to know his love and she also cannot imagine the depth of their love...so esteem-wise, she would be wondering...with who I am..I can impress him if given time?   One important factor that she is clueless about is CP's love is by his side daily.   If she knows this, she will know that is a tough factor to compete with.  In her mind, she is still idealistic...as long as no one is married yet, the chance remains open.....she does not know her probability of success whereas YS knows.

Their personality is also different because of their growing experiences.  YS is more street-wise...HY is idealistic.  YS has much higher EQ than HY.

YS has many opportunities to show that he can help and save RO.  HY has not much opportunities.  Her closest was using her Clan to support CP's political ambition and it was offered in the form of a marriage transaction....blatant compared to YS' saving damsel in distress examples.

For YS, because of the vast social background difference of RO and him and CP, in a way, I think YS is happy that such social background barrier is broken down by the gret love of CP.  It helps YS to endorse that his love is for RO is not wrong.    HY has nothing like this to mull over, she thinks she is just contending with another girl of her social status.

So in conclusion,  YS is confident and knows more information so his response seems more reasonable plus his personality of loyalty to friends help him.  HY is confident but quite clueness about everything...  she only has a target but insufficient information to help her understand how to move along.  In essence, the story is a good lesson for us to see how a person is moulded and shaped affects the attitude towards love.

Now to

Response of RO to YS

When a guy courts a girl, it seems the normal course of action during that era.  The girl only needs to respond.  So RO would not be overly surprised if she realises he is indeed serious.

Up to a long time, RO sees YS' behaviour as someone frivolous.   She never takes him seriously (even in the novel) 

She treats YS like a male buddy that she is comfortable with because she has been living like a boy for a long time..so she even teases him about gisaeng house visits.

Once she has given her heart to CP, all the more she can only see YS as a friend who is always like "a friend in need is a friend indeed" to her.

She does not dislike him, neither is she annoyed with him because he always knows to do the thing that she really wants... Like buying her a hanbok is what she wants though not wear it to please him.   He moves in nicely on her, never infringe on her discomfort zones or inner circle.

YS saves RO all the time.....so even without love, RO feels grateful to him.   YS knows how to make himself useful.

Lastly, RO is from a humble background, she will hesitate to link herself with any of these guys in her wildest imagination as during that period, matching in love is also matching in background.   So she would never think she can match to YS but CP really surprised her until she was swept off her feet.

Response of CP to HY

CP in the drama is already depicted a more personable person.  In the novel, CP has no eyes and memories for women at all.  RO was the only one he could see and remember. So not sure if HY is not aware that the CP has such a special trait.

CP has caught HY lying to fabricate destiny meet-ups...so I think that left a not-so-good impression of her.... In that era, girl chase boy is uncommon and boy usually likes to be the hunter.   RO also told small lies and we could tell CP was not impressed too but over time CP realised that coming from a different social background, that was her survival instinct otherwise she would have perished long ago in the tough environment.

CP has seen enough such learned girls living in the palace, so HY does not come across as outstanding....but street-wise RO does.

CP response, even if harsh, to HY is not unique, it would happen to any girl.

Being groomed into a King, feeling of territorial is natural.....so not wanting HY to go close to his areas of his territory is actually very normal.  She is not in his inner circle..so it is clear she should not trespass.   Even with the marriage proposal, it was only a business transaction.

In fact, I admire CP for being clear-minded..  he does not soften his attitude simply because HY is a girl and he has to be more galant.  For matters of the heart, sometimes it is better to be cruel to be kind.

@lovehbhjw2013 After reading this...WOW, you ARE a LEGEND!

Love that CP is straightforward when speaking to all the characters in this drama. He's very direct in his messages making him seem so slick. Like someone said earlier, as CP, he's able to do this because he can. As an all-knowing viewer, we also see his wheels turning (probably due to PBG's acting) to reflect on the message. He dodges whatever zingers the other characters dish at him and he can dish it back like when


the bad ministers were poking at him about the disappearing eunuch...except for when the catfish minister and PM were reading his face as he said "Hong Ra On" to CP. He couldn't keep his usual poker face under all that hurt. Ouch!

Edited by incog
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9 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


That the teason I find it weird that ppl going around saying KYJ not fairly appraised ... ehh ... not in here .. we are crazy of her and I have not read about the 80%thingy .. who said that? PD .. or some blogger trying to get more hit? .who? Can anyone share the link here?


Moodypie ... been avoiding the thread coz i have not watch 14 yet ... ot is such a torture ... btw I am typing on phone ... demmm this small letter

Jillia .. u shud expose her name here .. wakakaka.. i wonder why no one pm me ... I am not good enough

Maybe it's because you keep playing hide & seek with us sajang-nim that's why those lurkers don't recognize you. But it's different with us the member of byeontae club, we always know our club President :lol:. It's time for you to make your name card here 

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6 minutes ago, tzupi said:

I do not know if I call him like that. Weren't the people in the palace calling him like that and making fun or complaining about his temperament at the beginning of the series?

in episode 14, the complaint reappears in the form that CP is sharp and cold. (eunuch jang says that he does not mind being hurt by him, he is just concerned about the CP's health--which implies that CP return to having an awful temperament).

It is also interesting that the remark of the eunuch comes precisely after the meeting of the CP with his ministers. in that meeting, CP rightly complains about the corruption of his ministers, but suggests a very radical solution: giving back the money to the people. I found it interesting that even the father of HY, who in the last meeting sided with CP, suggested another less radical solution: keeping the money already taken through taxes and punish the officials because the country is in a dire financial situation.

From my knowledge of history, usually countries were in bad financial situation because incompetent monarchs. But there are also cases in which countries get to be in a bad situation because being conquered by other countries, they need to pay tributes to these countries. It is not clear to me what the situation is here since I think in previous episodes there was a discussion about paying tribute to China. Of course, if the second situation is the case, this does not rule out the first case. Having incompetent monarchs when a country needs to pay tribute to another is quite bad.

But this whole discussion about the financial crisis of the country throw further light on CP. It just happens that his solution is too radical and might come to high costs for the country--maybe HY's father thinks that look, we give the money back, China will be upset and invade us; or we do not pay the civil servants, they do not do their jobs as guardians of the community, as judges etc.

So I was wondering whether this episode has a deeper layer: the writer throws hints at us that CP is still immature or at least that he cannot control well his feelings and this has bad consequences on his decisions and interactions with others. (this is why I am reluctant to judge HY in another way than she is the voice of reason)

I still haven't digested  that scene you mentioned about the financial crisis thing. I was actually referring if cp is being called a beast after he told hy not to come to the garden again. I was thinking he did the right thing when he told hy that. He's not giving hy any false hope.   Most of us here are not judging hy too, but merely reacting to her intruding CP's private space.  

I want to write more about CP but I really have problem typing on the phone. Hope to have further discussion tmr. Cheers.

Thanks for clarifying.:blush:

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1 hour ago, incog said:

I joined Soompi just so I can like this. :)

I don't think the CP was truly a rude, selfish person though. I think he was putting on an act at the beginning. After the separation, he was just too hurt to feel for others.


Whooaa, thank you and welcome @incog chingu. Let's spazz together here with these lovely lively spirited Moonlighters:D

Thanks @MaknaeC for translating k-netizens reactions on KYJ acting. I'm so glad public's not blind.  Personally, she's doing marvelous job in portraying RO, even PD-nim said she exceeds his expectations.

I guess people with enough intelligence will know it takes the whole team to make the kind of magic like MDBC happens.  

For anyone who believes otherwise (80% because of BG??).. well I do realize BG has broad shoulders :wub:(yes, I take notes people!! :phew:) ... but please don't you all think its just to much of a burden for his shoulders? I don't want him hurting his back, on top of anything else, just noooooo...!!! We still haven't seen ssoooo many of lovey dovey scenes yet, which some of them may just require a strong back :w00t: .  Okay, I'm off!! That's my byeontae's mind speaking :P

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7 hours ago, NRGchick said:

Another random thought - will this become a constant with boyfriends everywhere? 



It's all about the cheek , not really the lips. Heh.

I do wonder who came up with the cheek-tapping-substitute-for-kiss gesture. Is it an ad lib by PBG or did the director tell him to do that?

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I tried to see from HY's character perspective and can't dislike her. At least up to episode 14. Pity her? Yes. Blame LY? Nope. I think every character in the drama has flaws and that's all right because it makes them more human and they'll have space for redemption. In fact i always hate when a character is too unrealistically perfect and i'm glad this drama doesn't have that. Though I actually do not dislike HY and I personally don't see any strong reason to hate on her character, I DO UNDERSTAND why some people think otherwise. And I don't have problems with that. Too lazy to elaborate more but from backtracking some pages back, there were some posts that I shared the same opinions with so i'm not gonna repeat the same points. Heehe.. I'm not really an active member or main contributor of this thread so I might not have the right to say this but i'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I hope everyone here can keep an open mind regardless difference of opinions and I hope we can express them in civil and respective manner as it could be offended to some people. So if you hate her character then go on, hate her.. If you like her then just go on, like her. Ha ha..

I can't imagine Bogum couldn't grasp his character at the beginning of filming because i'm used to see him doing so well with LY's portrayal. I think it was not a matter of his acting ability or potential but the pressure he felt with his first leading role and first involvement in saeguk genre. PD-nim made the right decision to re-shoot the first two episodes when he felt it wasn't good enough since the first impression was very important to show Bogum's ability as the lead. And the first impression can last for quite some time. I'm glad YooJung receives the praise she deserves. She shines as much as Bogum and when they're together they shine ever more. I don't know if i still be this obsessed over this drama if it's not lead by these two amazing actors.


I think i missed a lot of updates, i only managed to backtrack few pages back ha ha.. 
To be honest, the last episode was too painful to watch. Too much heartbreaking tears. I watched it once and I don't feel like watching it again until they have happier moments hopefully in the next episode. :tounge_wink:


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