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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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Anyone knows where I can find the post where a fellow moonlighter has included both Korean lines and English translation for the episode previews? This thread is moving too fast. It's akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Much help appreciated :D Thanks in advance! 

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15 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


 I may not be the right person as I can go awol all of a sudden depending on my mood .... sad occassion you won't see me around :D

Anyway I can answer your question ,, it happen in every thread .. but happen more in thread like MDBC (DOTS) ... why? wahahah not sure though .. I guess high profile drama (high rating) will get more attention ... people constantly on the lookout ... so being THE ' BEST' drama at the moment (base on rating) will put the thread on spotlight .. there are many lurkers ... hihihi .. 


Oh really?? okay now I'm regreting not following this thread since the beginning. I missed so much fun there :P. This drama not just THE BEST but also horrifying some lurkers there. But I do hope it makes them watch this drama even just to found something to create ruckus here. Just getting prouder to become moonlighters here. Gomawo sajang-nim for the info, hail the queen as always :D

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7 hours ago, b3ll4dy said:



This's just a fact, not me trying to defend CP. 

Most of us forget how he was at the early episodes Remember, he's known as rude, selfish, treated others like objects, totally deserving of his nickname as Prince Dung. He only remember people close to him and I don't think he tried hard to care for others nor involved in anything important, either because he thought it wouldn't change anything since he had no power, or because its a self-preservation instinct on his part, living constantly under scrutiny and judgment, not to mention danger on his life. 

Its all changed when he met RO. This girl facing him heads on without fear and judgment, accepting him with all his faults. They became friends first, lovers later. Then, He becames the CP whom we just aaddoorree. And that's his personality when HY met him. Of course she fell for him, poor girl. 

Then RO's gone, he's just reverted back to he used to be, in his comfort zone, behind his shield, his wall, thinking all around him now his enemies or at the least people he has little trust on, believing he's now alone, without support, confidante and love.

So, the way he's treated HY wasn't suprising for me, since he's not a gentleman to begin with. HY just happened to meet him after he opened up. She's lucky he treated her with decorum and respect befitting her status. Otherwise, we might just see HY got hauled out of the garden by the guards since she barged her way in to CP's private space :lol:

I joined Soompi just so I can like this. :)

I don't think the CP was truly a rude, selfish person though. I think he was putting on an act at the beginning. After the separation, he was just too hurt to feel for others.

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@daynci OMO thank you for bringing that pics of Crown Prince's  "I am not interested in you" expressions. He has the same eyes from the beginning he met lady Hae Yeon. Even he looks angrier at the palace garden. Although I feel sorry towards lady HY as a woman. I know how it feels to get rejected "Flashback my old memory" hahahahaha  :D

@Bambiina Kim Yoo Jung Power is definitely here. I can't imagine if someone else would be the leading actress. No No Nope.. - and I agree the wedding must go on!, just because ..


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the OST of the song that was playing when CP finds Raon's clothings and along with the bracelets.. I'm not sure about the lyrics though "love is over" can anyone tell me where can I get that?? It's already been 893 pages..can't recall who gave the link or which page it was.:blink:

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17 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Okay, did anyone else receive a weird PM telling you to edit a post? Because I did and I really don't get why because in my post on page 892 I defended BOTH - KYJ and PD-nim. There are some weird people out there. So if this person reads this forum and my post - listen: I'm not your sister and it's rude to walk around PM'ing strangers. Read my post carefully and you will see there is nothing wrong with it.

nope dongsaeng no PM so far... must have been some weird pranks, don't mind them, and better yet report those people!

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Guest charliew
55 minutes ago, yumoreo5 said:

I love the discussions. However, there is a huge margin between being rude and drawing the line. LY was simply drawing the line before the wedding, so HY doesn't misunderstand her role as a business partner, not beloved wife. There is no wrong in that. I admire LY for being entirely honest and upfront with HY.

Actually, what I learned in life is, we shouldn't expect people to change. People change when the right time comes and at their own pace. Forcing change prematurely only hurts the one expecting it, so we should just forgive and move on with the flow.

Haha, this surprises me because I didn't think LY's honesty would have spiraled into beastly behavior, spoiled brat, unfit to be king, and blamed for Premier Kim's future evil doings. I guess, we all really have different opinions.

HY should understand best. Like HY said to the King, love will make her patient and sacrifice herself for LY. Well, LY doesn't love HY, so he has no patience for her and definitely, will not care to sacrifice his time for her either. Lol



I am on CP side on this one because I rather he is honest and blunt and put his intention clearly to her than trying to be nice that will give her hope which will hurt her more.. Beside she is coming to him at the wrong time. You have to leave the wounded hungry lion alone or otherwise they will attack you.  I love how the screenwriter created CP personality. He is 'the man' in my eyes.

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Park Bo Gum Records OST For “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds”

Park Bo Gum Records OST For “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds”

Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” star Park Bo Gum has recorded a ballad for the hit drama’s OST!

On October 5, Park Bo Gum’s agency Blossom Entertainment confirmed that the top star would be recording a track that day for his KBS2 drama “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds.” They state that the release date for the track has not yet been decided.

A source from the drama has confirmed that Park Bo Gum recorded a song for the show, and revealed that the track is a ballad.

Park Bo Gum planned to become a singer-songwriter before he chose the path of becoming an actor. You can listen to him sing in an audition video here!

Are you excited to hear Park Bo Gum’s new OST for “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds”?

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30 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Okay, did anyone else receive a weird PM telling you to edit a post? Because I did and I really don't get why because in my post on page 892 I defended BOTH - KYJ and PD-nim. There are some weird people out there. So if this person reads this forum and my post - listen: I'm not your sister and it's rude to walk around PM'ing strangers. Read my post carefully and you will see there is nothing wrong with it.

Yes I got one. And I edited my post. :(

I thought its someone moderator. I never got one. I m new so don't know. 

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53 minutes ago, daynci said:
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Lee Young & Ha Yoen

He barely smiles when he sees  or interacts with her. Hilarious :D

He is sooooo not interested ahahahah

Our CP is a total Jikjin-nam (a man who only has eyes for one woman) & Cheolbyeok-nam (a man who is cold towards all women except his beloved). Park Bo Gum portrays this to perfection! 

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43 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Okay, did anyone else receive a weird PM telling you to edit a post? Because I did and I really don't get why because in my post on page 892 I defended BOTH - KYJ and PD-nim. There are some weird people out there. So if this person reads this forum and my post - listen: I'm not your sister and it's rude to walk around PM'ing strangers. Read my post carefully and you will see there is nothing wrong with it.

Me,  I received it when I'm still baby in this thread :P. I'm kinda confused that time but I also don't know if it's necesarry to bring in the forum so I just ignore that person just considering them as a lunatic person. But now I already saw the pattern that's why I bring it out. Hellow lurkers there... how you enjoy your day these days??I feel pity for you all because you can't enjoy your drama without thinking how to bring ruckus to this thread. Let me tell you something don't live pathetically & waste your time here!! It's better for you to bring positif side & enjoy your own drama thread there. 

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Whoaaa...took me ages to delete a quote that I accidentally press while back reading from my phone. I don't know how you girls manage to do it from phone, but I'm going crazy just to write this one para. 

I want to say welcome to the newcomers here. Hope you will enjoy this thread as much as I do.

I also have difficulty gong back to pages and quote newcomers names but you know who you are.

I've also read a couple of long post, I have to give thumbs up to @nonski @lovehbhjw2013 @jillia @yumoreo5 @bambiina @UsaFarmgirl for your analysis and long comments. :) 

Lastly to @tzupi  if you don't mind could you explain why you call uri CP  beast?:sweatingbullets:

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