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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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19 minutes ago, Jillia said:


Why Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Is So Perfect


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I wondered if I should write a post on this when I already did a tiny post and @Bambiina did a wonderful post on it. But I need to get this out of my system so I can go back to write about my favourite drama right now. So here I go:

Over 10 years of watching Korean drama taught me that of course with many different types of genres come different types of viewers who see certain dramas in a different way. Dramas I adore and even love are sometimes equally loved by others OR hated. Or the other way around: I hate or at least dislike drama which are very popular.

Many dramas in the past maybe 2 or 3 years couldn't catch my interest. Dramas like Nice Guy, Flower Boy Next Door or Cruel City were the last dramas which made me actually participate in the drama threads. After that occasionally a drama or two popped up which I watched and enjoyed but didn't necessarily love.

Until Moonlight Drawn By Clouds...

So maybe that why I feel the need to defend MDBC – even though there is no reason to defend it because the love from the Korean viewers is legitimization enough and the love from us the foreign viewers is the cherry on top of the cake.

Of course I was very critically... I didn't know Park Bo Gum but of course knew about his fans and the love he gets. I only knew Kim Yoo Jung (and of course the veteran actors) and I was happy to see her back in a genre that is pretty much HER genre: a sageuk.

Due to real life I couldn't follow the whole process until the drama released the teaser with Park Bo Gum and his Bombastic dance. And I admit I was already falling for this charming man. Who knew a fan would be born with this drama, right?

I won't mention any other drama right now because I don't have the time to compare MDBC to other dramas because our drama is SO GOOD and there is enough to talk about I barely have time to even think about any other drama right now. :)

The Plot and Pacing:

I think we have to keep in mind that we're watching a fusion sageuk – a sageuk with non-historical elements in it (Ra On for example is a character that doesn't exist in Korean history) – and in addition to that as PD-nim pointed out it's a rom-com.

I knew there was no need to expect an expectational political plot but I wasn't sad about that because sometimes fluff is all I need to be happy.

So I was very surprised that we actually get a decent sub(?) plot surrounding the power structures in the palace and the riots outside the palace.

It's not by any means done how a „real“ sageuk would do it but again we only have 18 episodes and not 30+ episodes like a normal sageuk.

And this drama is mainly a love story and I'm okay with that. And again the good storyline aside from the love story is engaging and done in a way I'm not annoyed when for once I'm not seeing the OTP on screen.

This drama doesn't have scenes which are wasted. There are no scenes which make me want to skip them. Not even the scenes with the evil queen in it because those scenes carry important and interesting informations in it as well. And the „comic relief“ scenes with the Princess or Master Jung don't feel forced.

No scene is wasted by the writer. No characters are wasted. No problem remains unresolved until 2 episodes before the drama ends just to rush the conclusion. Like other dramas do.

The writer doesn't treat the viewer like dumb people. The writer trusts us to understand certain scenes, certain gestures, certain interactions, certain dialogues or stories told by other characters.

Overall the writer took the webnovel and apparently changed some aspects of it. It's called adaptation. Things which work in the webnovel won't necessarily work in the drama. So PD-nim and writer-nim decided to make changes and judging from the reactions of the people who read the novel those changes are good.

They also took a trope which is over-done in Korean drama and did a fresh take on it. And that's what I love about it. To me this drama doesn't feel like a girl disguised as a boy drama. It feels like a story about love and that when it comes to love it doesn't matter who are, which gender or social status: love is love.

How anyone can think this is a boring story to tell is beyond me to be honest. Since when is it boring to watch a drama with a beautiful message in it?

How can it be boring to watch characters getting exposition when it's needed? And not for the sake to make things more interesting for the viewer and by the way that's what they're doing in MDBC. They give us information when it's needed. Like I said I love how we only got to know now about Byung Yeon's past because it made sense within the episode. Same goes for Yoon Sung in the episode prior to episode 10.

I may agree on the pacing. I get that for some the pacing must feel slow but to me in the end every episode left me satisfied because 1) problems were resolved right away and 2) things for the sub(?) plot fell into place nicely.

That's something other dramas are rarely able to do. In other dramas we would get Ra On throwing a tantrum in episode 10 after finding out about Lee Yeong upcoming marriage but GOOD thing we're watching MDBC in which both Ra On and Lee Yeong keep talking to eachother and act very mature.

So I don't know but to me a drama which is so smart and treating its viewers well is far from being boring and overhyped.

The Cast:

Superb! I can't say nothing more. No words needed for the two actors who carry the majority of the show: Kim Yoo Jung and Park Bo Gum.

I was a bit wary when it comes to Jinyoung – don't slap me, fans! - , simply because I'm always worried when a drama casts idols. But he surprised me in a very pleasant way. First of all his acting is wonderful and for his first sageuk I think he is doing an awesome job. Of course I can't judge his intonation when it comes to speaking in yangban/Joseon speech but to me he is doing a fine and believable job.

Kwak Dong Yun is a discovery for me and I hope we'll be able to see many more dramas with him. Hopefully also as the leading man. I can't get over the fact he is 19 years old but in his Gat Byung Yeon attire he is so mature.

Chae Soo Bin didn't have enough scenes to impress me yet but she is doing a fine job and I'm looking forward to see more scenes with her in the 2nd half of the drama.

The Production:

This drama is PRETTY! For a drama which isn't pre-produced it shows how much quality can be put into it.

The cinematography..... UGH! I can't even! I was already fangirling very hard when I realized that same cinematographer is involved as in Nice Guy. I knew this drama looks pretty for a reason. But SIR why are you still not listed!?!

Every scene is filmed from different angles. We have wide angles, close angles, face close-ups (effectively used!) and so on. It takes much effort to film a drama like this.

The editing is good – I like that sometimes we get scenes with more informations in it. Like the confession scene between Ra On and Lee Yeong when he gives her the bracelet.

The costumes are to die for and it still makes me giggle that Lee Yeong probably has like 15 costumes in his wardrobe while Ra On maybe has 6. It's hilarious and a fresh take as well! A drama where the guy has more costumes than the girl.

The music is on point - from the BGM to the songs and how the music department is using it. Sometimes we have scenes without any music and other scenes start off without music but then when the moment is right either a BGM or songs starts playing. And not always from the start... sometimes a song starts playing with a line so it fits the actual scene. It's very lovely and high-quality!

Overall the production feels as assured as the writing and I'm sure even with the tight schedule the quality will remain as good as in the beginning. I trust writer-nim and PD-nim as much as they trust us!

This drama isn't playing games! This drama is good for a reason! This drama deserves the high ratings it gets! Period!




Another thoughtful deduction from you on why we love MDBC so much. Bravo, @Jillia!! mouse-girl-emoticon-06.gif?1292795465You earnestly speak from your mind and your heart.mouse-girl-emoticon-53.gif?1292795478

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Spoiler contains info on the ending of the novel.


I don't like the novel ending. For 10 episodes they keep showing the Crown Prince can be a great king and suddenly in the end he has to forgo his throne plus one of their children so that he could be with his Ra On. :tears: I guess you really can't have it all.


How I wish this is a pure fictional sageuk drama similar to TMTES so that the story telling is not bound within the constrain of needing it to be historically correct. I mean the CP character so far has been resouceful, smart and bold in dealing with the issues with the Kim clan and the envoy. To say he need to marry for power sake while carrying on a relationship with Ra On on the side and then to walk away from it all in the end. I just don't get it. 

To me , the OTP is so solid together the character HY and YS feel like a third wheel intrusion to their love story. 

I feel sorry for HY becoz she is making decision on what Ra On has advised her. Ra On told her the person she admires will return her feelings since that person will see her sincerity. Now Ra On already knew who that person is. I wish before the wedding takes place, Ra On will tell HY that she and LY love each other. I mean it will surely be galling to HY to find out later the person she seek advice from is the one who capture LY's heart and there is no room for hers. A bond of sisterhood between Ra On and HY would be nice.

Hmmm...I need to watch again my favourite scenes 1. A sweet scene BY sewing doll with RO, 2. A cute scene RO anticipating punishment kisses 3. LY being prince badass kicking door and putting a sword to that vile envoy's neck. 4. Genteel artistic YS shooting that darn eunuch.

Edited by mizkorea
Putting on spoiler.
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Got nothing to do and while watching random clips in youtube (ehem MDBC cut scenes, bts scenes, and everything MDBC) I came across sandeul's immortal song performance and was surprised to see him and Yoojung on one stage performing a cute christmas themed song. 

And men it come down to me how talented Yoojung is, she can't just only act, she can sing and dance too. Gahhhhn and she's gorgeously becoming a lady (again, happy bday), I'm just so awed with this young gifted girl, she must have been all awake when God had a great time showering all good talents while I was sleeping and even snoring(hihu) in the comfort of my bed.

Come to think of it, RN once said she could easily remember a dance and a song right? Well we have seen her dance and gosh it was just pure perfection, I wonder if the writer will make use of Yoojung's good voice too in singing because I can imagine the crazy squee of everyone here in MDBC if RN sings for our CP oh not to forget a duet because we're all aware that Park Bo Gum can sing too. 

I'm aware of the news that PBG might get to sing his first OST in his drama and I hope it will be confirmed soon while for Yoojung, there isn't any news yet so if she can't sing for an ost I'll be happy even a snippet from the drama itself. 




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I've to say for the last 2 months I've watched certain dramas that started off with a Bang! and then ended up not really how I had expected it to be. I'm personally not really a fan of saguk..this is my second times watching one. MDBTC is entertaining with the history and romance all mashed up so I really so far have loved this drama. So please if any screen writers or anyone from this project whoever go through this pages sees this I request you guys to stay in the theme..as in don't loose it, the essence of this drama for which I've started watching this on the first place. Don't make things too complicated. I go crazy for the next 7 days after 2 episodes every week,try to keep this up to the end. At least try not to make things this much tangled that I end up saying to myself " no! can't watch it a second time"!! This was just a thought that I felt that should be shared.   

Anyway still a long way to go..I am very much hopeful that next week will be great as well just like uri Raon-Ah:wub: (awe!! his voice saying this name keeps buzzing in my ear Raon-Ah! Raon-Ah!) is always confident regarding CP doing great in whatever he indents to do!! :) 

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36 minutes ago, Jillia said:


Why Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Is So Perfect


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I wondered if I should write a post on this when I already did a tiny post and @Bambiina did a wonderful post on it. But I need to get this out of my system so I can go back to write about my favourite drama right now. So here I go:

Over 10 years of watching Korean drama taught me that of course with many different types of genres come different types of viewers who see certain dramas in a different way. Dramas I adore and even love are sometimes equally loved by others OR hated. Or the other way around: I hate or at least dislike drama which are very popular.

Many dramas in the past maybe 2 or 3 years couldn't catch my interest. Dramas like Nice Guy, Flower Boy Next Door or Cruel City were the last dramas which made me actually participate in the drama threads. After that occasionally a drama or two popped up which I watched and enjoyed but didn't necessarily love.

Until Moonlight Drawn By Clouds...

So maybe that why I feel the need to defend MDBC – even though there is no reason to defend it because the love from the Korean viewers is legitimization enough and the love from us the foreign viewers is the cherry on top of the cake.

Of course I was very critically... I didn't know Park Bo Gum but of course knew about his fans and the love he gets. I only knew Kim Yoo Jung (and of course the veteran actors) and I was happy to see her back in a genre that is pretty much HER genre: a sageuk.

Due to real life I couldn't follow the whole process until the drama released the teaser with Park Bo Gum and his Bombastic dance. And I admit I was already falling for this charming man. Who knew a fan would be born with this drama, right?

I won't mention any other drama right now because I don't have the time to compare MDBC to other dramas because our drama is SO GOOD and there is enough to talk about I barely have time to even think about any other drama right now. :)

The Plot and Pacing:

I think we have to keep in mind that we're watching a fusion sageuk – a sageuk with non-historical elements in it (Ra On for example is a character that doesn't exist in Korean history) – and in addition to that as PD-nim pointed out it's a rom-com.

I knew there was no need to expect an expectational political plot but I wasn't sad about that because sometimes fluff is all I need to be happy.

So I was very surprised that we actually get a decent sub(?) plot surrounding the power structures in the palace and the riots outside the palace.

It's not by any means done how a „real“ sageuk would do it but again we only have 18 episodes and not 30+ episodes like a normal sageuk.

And this drama is mainly a love story and I'm okay with that. And again the good storyline aside from the love story is engaging and done in a way I'm not annoyed when for once I'm not seeing the OTP on screen.

This drama doesn't have scenes which are wasted. There are no scenes which make me want to skip them. Not even the scenes with the evil queen in it because those scenes carry important and interesting informations in it as well. And the „comic relief“ scenes with the Princess or Master Jung don't feel forced.

No scene is wasted by the writer. No characters are wasted. No problem remains unresolved until 2 episodes before the drama ends just to rush the conclusion. Like other dramas do.

The writer doesn't treat the viewer like dumb people. The writer trusts us to understand certain scenes, certain gestures, certain interactions, certain dialogues or stories told by other characters.

Overall the writer took the webnovel and apparently changed some aspects of it. It's called adaptation. Things which work in the webnovel won't necessarily work in the drama. So PD-nim and writer-nim decided to make changes and judging from the reactions of the people who read the novel those changes are good.

They also took a trope which is over-done in Korean drama and did a fresh take on it. And that's what I love about it. To me this drama doesn't feel like a girl disguised as a boy drama. It feels like a story about love and that when it comes to love it doesn't matter who are, which gender or social status: love is love.

How anyone can think this is a boring story to tell is beyond me to be honest. Since when is it boring to watch a drama with a beautiful message in it?

How can it be boring to watch characters getting exposition when it's needed? And not for the sake to make things more interesting for the viewer and by the way that's what they're doing in MDBC. They give us information when it's needed. Like I said I love how we only got to know now about Byung Yeon's past because it made sense within the episode. Same goes for Yoon Sung in the episode prior to episode 10.

I may agree on the pacing. I get that for some the pacing must feel slow but to me in the end every episode left me satisfied because 1) problems were resolved right away and 2) things for the sub(?) plot fell into place nicely.

That's something other dramas are rarely able to do. In other dramas we would get Ra On throwing a tantrum in episode 10 after finding out about Lee Yeong upcoming marriage but GOOD thing we're watching MDBC in which both Ra On and Lee Yeong keep talking to eachother and act very mature.

So I don't know but to me a drama which is so smart and treating its viewers well is far from being boring and overhyped.

The Cast:

Superb! I can't say nothing more. No words needed for the two actors who carry the majority of the show: Kim Yoo Jung and Park Bo Gum.

I was a bit wary when it comes to Jinyoung – don't slap me, fans! - , simply because I'm always worried when a drama casts idols. But he surprised me in a very pleasant way. First of all his acting is wonderful and for his first sageuk I think he is doing an awesome job. Of course I can't judge his intonation when it comes to speaking in yangban/Joseon speech but to me he is doing a fine and believable job.

Kwak Dong Yun is a discovery for me and I hope we'll be able to see many more dramas with him. Hopefully also as the leading man. I can't get over the fact he is 19 years old but in his Gat Byung Yeon attire he is so mature.

Chae Soo Bin didn't have enough scenes to impress me yet but she is doing a fine job and I'm looking forward to see more scenes with her in the 2nd half of the drama.

The Production:

This drama is PRETTY! For a drama which isn't pre-produced it shows how much quality can be put into it.

The cinematography..... UGH! I can't even! I was already fangirling very hard when I realized that same cinematographer is involved as in Nice Guy. I knew this drama looks pretty for a reason. But SIR why are you still not listed!?!

Every scene is filmed from different angles. We have wide angles, close angles, face close-ups (effectively used!) and so on. It takes much effort to film a drama like this.

The editing is good – I like that sometimes we get scenes with more informations in it. Like the confession scene between Ra On and Lee Yeong when he gives her the bracelet.

The costumes are to die for and it still makes me giggle that Lee Yeong probably has like 15 costumes in his wardrobe while Ra On maybe has 6. It's hilarious and a fresh take as well! A drama where the guy has more costumes than the girl.

The music is on point - from the BGM to the songs and how the music department is using it. Sometimes we have scenes without any music and other scenes start off without music but then when the moment is right either a BGM or songs starts playing. And not always from the start... sometimes a song starts playing with a line so it fits the actual scene. It's very lovely and high-quality!

Overall the production feels as assured as the writing and I'm sure even with the tight schedule the quality will remain as good as in the beginning. I trust writer-nim and PD-nim as much as they trust us!

This drama isn't playing games! This drama is good for a reason! This drama deserves the high ratings it gets! Period!



Dear chingu this is what happen if we watch to many Kdrama, we even wonder & analyze why we fall in love with this drama. That's why sometimes I prefer watch Shaun d sheep :P. I'm also wonder why I like this drama so much. Since I watch Kdrama from all about eve era, there's only 2 my most favorite drama :

1. TMtEtS because the plot is unique, mysterious, mistic, intrigue (oh I love intrigue maybe because I'm a fans of Sidney Sheldon), the great cast, the chemistry, unfortunately the OST is too gloomy for me.

2. I can hear your voice because of the message, lesson of life, the dialogue, great cast, weird noona dongsaeng chemistry yet so lovely, 1 of the OST still my most favorite ost.

Because I rarely found drama that have all the element that needed for a remarkable drama makes me quite picky to watch a drama. 

But MDBC is a daebak. It almost perfect (because It's not ending yet :sweatingbullets:). Very comfortable plot, it prepare your heart from the lightest plot then it's get heavier, the cast, the crazy chemistry, the cinematography (I dont even aware about cinematography until I watch this drama), the romance yet cheesy yet sweet everything just right in the place, the comedy, the BGM & the Ost. I'm a big fans of kdrama OST, I don't need to watch the drama just to like the OST. And MDBC is one of the drama that have good OST album, oh and another thing that makes this drama beautiful, because it's a saeguk drama so it have courtesy carry in royalty, beautiful historical things. Just like people say....."beautiful just beautiful" :wub:. So my conclusion is 

Just watch shaun d sheep ^_^





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Sometimes being busy and posting later than everyone else puts you at a disadvantage especially when you have yet to read everyone else's thoughts.  So I am going to be hoping I don't step on any ones post if I should please forgive me.  My thoughts are simple and focus mostly on the heart...

It's hard to describe that feeling you get while watching even when it is two actors pouring themselves into two characters who are falling in love.  They must be convincing and have the ability to not only draw you in but grab hold of your mind & heart and keep you there.  How beautiful even the smallest touch or gesture can be watching the CP & RO's  tender motions and glances that feel real and innocent and even new...

It's a mixture of great writing and great acting that you find yourself getting giddy and smiling because it takes you to a place where you either remember, you understand, or you hope to feel that way someday.  Just watching it moves your heart and reminds you of how those first moments are when love is new.  Just calling out their name and hearing yours is like a beautiful melody.  That sweet teasing that goes back and forth and makes your heart shiver.  It's being so close that you wonder how it is that they can't hear your heartbeat that is busting and beating so loud.  The CP & RO are giving us all that and so much more to the point that even after it's over there is a tingle within you that lingers too...  

If your a romantic like me than your in heaven and your enjoying watching these moments more than once because love is an amazing thing to view and you never get tired of having your heart moved or touched...:heart:

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4 hours ago, iheartyoojung said:

The chinese translated novels have such pretty covers, so tempted to buy them from taobao but am wondering how hard is the chinese. Anyone knows if it was translated by the chinese or the taiwanese? 

Cr : tieba.com



I wish I could read chinese :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: and hope the english version will be available soon.... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I don't understand the hate for HY. We're all sympathetic to YS but to HY we're faulting her for loving the CP. Why? We're ALL guilty for loving the CP! ;) she's making the sacrifice to help the CP, regardless, I think she meant well, loving someone who doesn't love you back is the saddest thing to go through, my heart ache for HY and YS!

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7 minutes ago, Jillia said:

I only just noticed that Lee Yeong is actually wearing Eunuch Jang's attire.... it's too short! I just can't with this drama!


I noticed that too, it's the little details that makes this a perfect drama, like someone mentioned (was it you?) that Raon's hair wasn't combed neatly because she wouldn't know how to do it properly since she's been living her life as a boy...mind blown!

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I appreciate the visuals of this drama. From the scenery to the hanboks, and the music too. It's easy to notice the shine of the fabric or the bead strap of the gats. Small, but necessary parts of design of the drama.

I agree that the story has a good blend of serious and comical scenes. One of the other things I liked about LY and RO is they still play off eachother, they have banter. They helped eachother become bolder. They're tough in their own ways.

YS admitting his feelings just fueled LY to seek RO. Maybe there is some upcoming rivalry, but I hope his character isn't made ruthless like the Queen.

The situation with the Queen is startling. It's all an entire scheme to fulfill power and greed. Whenever there are shady figures in dramas, it always comes with using someone or something. I wonder however if they will out her before she claims an heir.

The PM is just upfront about his ideas. So he has no idea about Eunuch Han? I thought Han would help somehow in discovering another truth, but was surprised he was with the rebels. I'm kind of expecting more action scenes with RO learning the truth of her name.

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Hello moonlighters. 

Sorry could not follow the thread for episode 10.

Had lot of project work. 

Just saw episode 10.

And it is sooooooooooooooooo cute. Such a cute episode. Park bo gum is such a sweetheart. So far bo gum is my favorite ceija. 

He should be called "king of expressions" . I am loving him more than SJK in DOTS. Such a adorable actor. 

Well, I didn't get some things in episode 10. Somebody help. 

1.who is master han? Is he any rebel or related to ra on? 

2. Does prince realized at the end she is hong gyeong nae's daughter. 

3.how the Queen is gisaeng.? Is she not minister kim's daughter? Or she is daughter of gisaeng and minister kim? 


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7 minutes ago, martina123 said:

Hello moonlighters. 

Sorry could not follow the thread for episode 10.

Had lot of project work. 

Just saw episode 10.

And it is sooooooooooooooooo cute. Such a cute episode. Park bo gum is such a sweetheart. So far bo gum is my favorite ceija. 

He should be called "king of expressions" . I am loving him more than SJK in DOTS. Such a adorable actor. 

Well, I didn't get some things in episode 10. Somebody help. 

1.who is master han? Is he any rebel or related to ra on? 

2. Does prince realized at the end she is hong gyeong nae's daughter. 

3.how the Queen is gisaeng.? Is she not minister kim's daughter? Or she is daughter of gisaeng and minister kim? 



1. From ep 10, he's the rebel leader :) We think that he's friends with Hong Kyung Nae i.e. RaOn's dad:D

2. I don't think Yeong knew yet coz he doesn't know Eunuch Han's the rebel leader (so he doesn't know why Eunuch Han knows RO). I think we'll have the answer next week :rolleyes:

3. Evil Queen's the daughter of PM Kim & a gisaeng :)

I hope this helps ^_^

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17 minutes ago, Jillia said:

These two dorks.... :wub::lol:

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Credit: I made these gifs



And even the moment when sam nom does street play with her dad. Yoo jung has done awesome job. And I was so startled at her beauty when she opens her mask. What a perfect face. 

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