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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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6 minutes ago, myicecreamcakexoxo said:


Gah, and this is just another one of my speculations but maybe (JUST MAYBE) the beginning of episode one is actually the prologue?? Like, maybe the reason why Yeong is giggling when he reads the book is because he is reading the book written by his (ehm) WIFE and since the title of the book is "The Love Story of Joseon that We Don't Know of" - maybe Raon ends up writing about her love story with Yeong onto the book!!! 


Maybe what we thought is the prologue is actually an epilogue after all!!




*sorry to cut your post*

Omo ... maybe ..... there is a possibility this is an epilogue .... just wait till episode 18 then B)


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13 minutes ago, moodypie said:

Whoaaaa.......I just got struck by a thunderbolt... Yoon Sung thunderbolt. And I can see hearts and starts all around me.

Thank you for dooing this. Agree....they would have made the perfect couple if Lee Young does not exist. hehe.

green scarf 21green scarf 21
Agree chingu!!! He's too perfect. He was always there for her. 



Indeed, YS is too perfect! He's a dream:wub: Glad you like the post, and you're welcome. :)

18 minutes ago, iheartyoojung said:

@Earth2KatyD that was great analysis chingu, very thorough and I am in agreement, if there was no CP, I would choose YS for Raon. He would be the perfect man to take care of her and he had experience in the bedroom hahahaha , ahem, I mean to say it is always better for the guy to love you more :P


I see that you've got some naughty thoughts in there @iheartyoojung! :phew: I'd have to agree with you though, I think YS is experienced in that department, however, he would be the perfect gentleman for RO. :) And thanks for the compliment. *blushes* :D

13 minutes ago, JinyoungFox said:

@Earth2KatyD waaa.... thank you for making that post... yoonsung is perfect... :heart:


You're welcome. I'm just trying to spread the YS love in this forum. :)

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41 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:


The many ways Yoon Sung has proven himself to be the perfect guy for Ra On..





YS is physically fit..

(Even off his guard, YS easily caught RO with his strong arms and prevented her from falling.)

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YS is always happy to see the one his heart loves, Ra On..

(I wonder if we'll ever hear him utter RO's name?)

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YS knows how to keep a secret..

(..and he won't even question you why you're keeping such secret.)

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YS is easy to talk to and he listens well..

(..it's because he cares and his heart is big. :))

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YS is always ready to help..

(.. and he does not expect anything in return.)

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YS is a good protector..

(.. and he is merciless to anyone who pose as a major threat to the ones he hold dear.)

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YS is a very skilled fighter..

(Numbers do not scare him.. He'll fight them all!)

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YS is a loyal and a trustworthy friend..

(He's willing to take a bullet for a friend, or in this case, a sword for a friend ^_^)

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YS knows how to surprise his lady love with gifts..

(.. he'll get you the necessities you want; you don't even have to drop hints! ;)) 

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YS is a very good artist..

(Can y'all just imagine his penetrating gaze looking at you and taking in every detail as he's painting you? :sweatingbullets: I'd model for you anytime, Yoon-sungie!:w00t:)

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YS is respectful to his elders and those in authority..

(..even when they are undeserving of it.)

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YS is not only good-looking but a real charmer, too!

(Think about how CUTE your offsprings will look like! :))

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YS has good paternal instinct..

(Hang on, are those ovaries I hear exploding all over the place?! :P)

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In Conclusion.. 

With all the points listed above,




Yoon Sung and Ra On would have made a wonderful couple! :wub:

.. IF ONLY Lee Yeong was out of the picture, that is. :P

Credit to BbeongBbeong for the GIFs


To all the Jin-young fans in the forum --

@lovehbhjw2013 @nonski @moodypie @NRGchick @ruuuuthpft @moodypie @Earth2KatyD @xiashenghan @looki @ricerascal67 @charliew @febz @tiendoank @bonuibonui @zee0123 @angelineong @syeramy @iheartyoojung @lavender2love @KateSG @_Nachan07 @JinyoungFox @ruka18

Hope you'll enjoy this post, ladies! :)



That is so true @Earth2KatyD he could also be perfect for RO unfortunately he has CP to compete for RO's affection and we already knew  who clearly won that battle. But never mind though, if he can't have RO well he can have all of us instead!:wub::lol: 

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@charliew I don't even know it would be possible to have Moonlight 2. The story will have ended by Ep 18 and I think the storyline (even from the book) would have been exhausted. Unless they plan to have the secondary characters in Moonlight 2 (which will make me go huhhhh??). 

Rumours of DOTS 2 was supposedly focused on the two secondary leads but news about it have died down. 

I think it is the immense popularity of Moonlight which makes the fans want more but all I want is for the current storyline to be resolved satisfactorily and I will be content with that. 

*by satisfactorily  I mean a happy ending for CP and Ra On, save Kim Hyung and YS and make sure all the evil doers are punished. And also not the curse of staring at each other in the final shot - I kind of predicted this ending for Mirror of the Witch and I will slap myself if it happens again...*

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Does anyone with knowledge of Korean laws and customs in the Joseon period know whether children were allowed to testify in courts? Many people on the forum suggested or wished for that the testimony of the little princess would be the one to bring down PM Kim. However, in the western/european tradition, there is a problem with children being witnesses and testifying. Although it is usually thought that children are innocent, it is also thought that children are manipulable. From what I read, even today, children younger than 10 years old are only accepted to testify if there are dispensations. In the past, however, in the medieval period, children were not allowed to testify until they reach puberty. (this was the customs, but children were sometimes allowed to testify if they showed that they can understand the danger in telling lies)

Besides the fact that the little princess is still a young child (what age is she exactly?), she is also a female. From what I once read, females, historically were considered unreliable witnesses, in the western medieval period. So, being a child and a female is a double liability for the little princess.

If the little princess were to play a role in bringing down PM Kim, I think her testimony must be corroborate by something. Or it must occur at a moment when it is the most convincing explanation. (Something like that: RO's father denies the allegations that he killed the queen, PM KIm asks rhetorically but who else would have killed her, the little princess, being present at the interrogation, founds the courage to accuse him. But this is very implausible and if something like that were to occur in the drama, it wouldl be a kind of Deus ex machina solution to the situation.)

I also have another question. I am very unclear about what happened during the rebellion 10 years ago. Or was it more than 10 years ago? Did the queen die during the rebellion or later? 

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5 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:


Annyeong Annyeong jeja...

In the novel

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King Sunjo supposedly has executed HGN so he was not able to return like in the drama

Btw I read until the end....guess what?  YS resurrected!!!!! :wub:  Think the novelist loves him too much...he was saved by an old doctor and his disciple, a17-yo girl..... YS lost his memories temporarily and then recovered to know his name only and the 17 yo girl likes him...    Also, BY never dies in the novel....


Aigoo seonsaeng-nim I'm just come home after assigment out of town, the journey that ussualy taken 2,5 hours but because after heavy rain resulting crazy traffic so I'm stuck on the street well only for 7 hours 485c3a61_zpst4lnz6uy.gif sometimes I wonder how many cases mother have to deliver the baby inside the car happened in my lovely city :P

Yeay so they also decide to change HGN story with the novel there, then the posibility for not forcing with the wedding is big & they must be thinking something big there to bring HGN alive in the drama:lol:

Oh really YS is alive at the final chapter?(how many books exactly the novel?). Yeay again well even the reason is quite typical there....Amnesia :lol: but as long as he's alive it's still a happy ending. For YS in the drama I hope they make an exception to follow the novel even though I'm quite worry because YS already tell his trumph card to evil Queen & being honest with his grandpa. I don't know what kind of result that will lead to him. As for BY hmm I never worry about they will kill him at the end or maybe I just being greedy for them both to live & have a happy ending:P

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I certainly hope that they won't give us a sad ending (this would anger a lot of the fans) just to make a second season. And like @NRGchick said, the current storyline needs to be resolved. One season is good enough for that!


However, if they do make a second season, I'm sure a lot of fans would anticipate the cast to remain the same and expect a mature romance and lots of byuntae moments between RO and CP.  But with the heavy TV censorship, that could only happen in our dreams, right? :sweatingbullets:

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3 hours ago, pyoyong said:



@pyoyong  thank you for putting me in the sky team, General... I am honored. ...actually it's you who made me become a lurker in soompi's MDBC thread  I know MDBC accidentally by finding the bombastic dance in youtube. Curiosity made watch it (the latest being ep.4 that time). What a happy surprise when found out KYJ as lead female.always love her dramas before.and I must say that MDBC is an amazing drama overall. I fell in lv wth this drama. Everyday I search google iif there's another news/story relaated to MDBC. Sadly it's not much... then someday one of google's search result was a thread to Soompi. I didn't know Soompi before. And the first post that I read was YOURS.... it's about THE kISSSHHH (the way u say it really funny tho...). And I was like "Wow!!! This girl is really...really funny.... there was Bambina, too ( just as hilarious as you). U made me laughed so hard and smiling like a looney everytime reading your posts. You are talented!!!! You and  @Bambina both are.... After that fateful encounter ( lol ) I visit this thread everyday. At first just to see if you post smthg new MDBC related. But after sm time I found this thread is like one big happy family. There some ppl even can be predicted what thing will be in her posts....  so thank you for introducing me to the joy of  being in this thread. Everyone is amazing....so sad we just have one week left....

MDBC hwaiting!!!!! Get as much KBS awards as possible this upcoming award ceremony!!!!

Moonlighters hwaiting!!!!! Save everyone (except the evil clan) so nobody dies in Ep 18.... and our last project will be preparing the OTP wedding, start from end of Ep 17 hopefully..... ;)

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@uripuppies aww pardon me for my mistake I got the wrong JY in mind thanks for correcting me chingu.:lol: I saw it before on wiki  KYJ to play young JJH so I assumed it is already confirmed, I'm confused so it turned out to be false news?:lol: aigoo I'm already anticipating what projects or main leads will take next, I really do hope they can do another project together again in the future.:):lol:

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I read somewhere on Twitter that Ra On character has changed so much in the drama comparing with in the novel. Can someone tell me what kind of her characteristics in the novel? For example what kind of her personality. I read that Ra On accepted Yoon Sung's invitation to go out with him in the lantern festival, wearing the hanbok he gave her. So maybe she is not a shy girl in the novel. Thank you in advance.

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14 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


So, are you trying to make me develop second lead syndrome now? Now?? At this stage?!? Yoon Sung really is an amazing man, and you've detailed it so well and so thoroughly. I admit all the points that you've made in your post, and will hope that he meets and falls in love with an amazing woman who will love and appreciate only him. 

Jin Young really is so good looking. I think based on looks alone, he may even be better looking than Park Bo Gum. It's just that there is something so charismatic and mesmerizing about PBG. I think I've mentioned that I've been struck by PBG since the first time I saw him in a role. I'm glad that he didn't stay in second lead territory for long. In Tomorrow Cantabile, I had second lead syndrome so much, despite appreciating Joo Won, that I ended up fast forwarding through all the scenes that didn't have PBG or Go Kyung Po in it since I also liked GKP's character and story in that drama. Anyway, SLS pretty much ruined my enjoyment of it totally. Even in I Remember You, despite liking Seo In Guk so much in it and thinking he was fabulous, I was rooting for the psycho serial killer Min instead. Ack. It was messing with my head to actually think that I could be rooting for the serial killer, no matter how psychologically damaged he may have been.

Sorry, went on a PBG tangent. I do think it's good that the production has someone as charismatic as PBG as the lead, however, or I could totally see this thread being a massive. moaning SLS territory with YS. Not to mention, BY, whose part was a bit smaller, but also is beautiful, dashing, brave, and considerate. This thread could have been an all out war with three camps of fans rather than the united front that we are, loving YS and BY, while being unshaken in our believe that RO and Yeong are meant to be. 



I do not remember watching any drama with SLS before...NEVER for me before.  Even in this drama...I cannot even be sure it is called SLS because I still want to the OTP to be together but I just appreciate YS as a person in this drama.  I do not think he needs to be with Ra-On because it is not a mutually balanced relationship but he deserves a life good enough for him by having someone loving him back instead of sacrificing his self-interest all the time.  I also like his friendship and loyalty to CP and BY.   Of course the special link of Jinyoung comes in because of his good acting and his talent in producing that wonderful Misty Road song and more of his talent was uncovered.  From a person out of the character in a book, I start to appreciate JY as a person in real life as well.   I really like what I am discovering in MDBC... first I discovered PBG and now JY.  I think both are great guys in their own rights.  Also being the lead in MDBC, PBG is receiving a lot of love that would let him soar high as an actor... I am confident he will soar.......so I am supporting JY with the hope that he can soar high as an actor as well and look forward to his future works.   There is enough room for everyone to have a space for continued success.  I DEFINITELY want to watch dramas from these 2  wonderful acting skills guys as leads in their future dramas.

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7 minutes ago, in00022 said:

Whether they will do moonlight season 2 or not .... pd-nim and writer-nim MUST GIVE US A HAPPY ENDING first for now ... IF NOT .... don't ever try to convince me to watch season 2 ... ;) ..

If let say they give us happy ending and they want to do season 2 .... go ahead ... BUT please use the same cast as now ... if they want to change the cast ( for example drama taiwanese "huan zu ge ge 3" with the changes of main cast ) ... then i 100% not interested to watch .. 

The main reason i love moonlight coz the chemistry between the main lead and other cast .. their acting are great as well ... if they change the main lead or some cast  .... the chemistry must be different .. and the feel is not the same anymore ...

Hopefully KBS consider it very carefully ... better not to do season 2 if they are not 100% sure can get the same cast and good story line. 



I will boycott season two if they don't give us happy ending now......

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