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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@joongkyo Yes ... they definitely could have taken more advantage of the water! We could have had more grown-up versions of this wet Joong Ki ;)




And with his lady looking this naturally sexy, I can imagine him trying to cover her up and shielding her from the gaze of other men ... but partly because he wants the contact :) Park Bo Young once spilled that Shin Min Ah was SJK's ideal. LOL. And Shin Min Ah is gorgeous, too, but after meeting the goddess Hye Kyo, I think Song Joong Ki has found his ideal woman, inside and out! Damn! I hope Hye Kyo goes a bit more daring in her next project (I hope with Joong Ki)! Seriously ... WOW! 





@ilovesjkThese aren't as perverted as I'd like them to be ... but the best I can do at the moment. LOL.


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hahaha..I think the troll or haters need me to speak some Singlish to wake them up.

Come one lah ,ah beng and ah lian..Y hate sia? You too free meh?..You all BO DAI CHI ZO hor? You all Buay tahan see our ship sailing so fast ar? Don't be jealous lah. 

Go away lah!...Our SS OTP couple got class one leh...Now Siam lah!..!!!


Image result for diam lah

LOL...The singaporean way of speaking to low class people hay!

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32 minutes ago, applegirl2 said:

Everyone. . Let's stay calm.


Let's just spam Kyo' s IG with support.  And overwhelm all the negative remarks. . Remember it's an important period for SS now .. last thing we need now is a fan war to detract and distract  from what is most important for their careers and personal lives now.. 

SS and SS shippers tan-kyeol!!!


Yes please don't entertain them. They are just craving for attention. Don't give it to them. I just left a note on SHK's ig asking her to be safe and that her fans are here, supporting her.

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3 hours ago, ludadeer said:

Therefore, when I was thinking how to get over 1988 I decided to pick up DOTS and it took me 1 night to totally put 1988 aside (which I still feel a bit guilty about it), I was AMAZED with what I saw on DOTS, the very manly masculine charismatic SJK as if it’s another person; the very lively beautiful SHK in human form (yeah for years whenever I thought of her she’s the goddess and a girl sitting there eating flowers, no offense it’s just common perception for shallow person like me who didn’t KNOW her previously), the 2 really surprised me by the chemistry between them and the contrast and shocked that they’d given me compares to their impressions in me originally.

As was watching DOTS weeks by weeks, as a ‘female’ it’s very normal that I got soooo attracted to SJK and crazily spazzing over him just like many many others. I loved SHK too, both of their actings are superb, no doubt they are one of the best actor/actresses in Korea (if not the best), but SJK caught my attention more if comparing the 2. It was until ep 15 … I got totally defeated by SHK .. the pain she had in her eyes .. the love she had in her eyes .. I was totally ‘dead’!! I was thinking.. please someone please take good care of this beautiful woman, she deserves the nicest man on earth. And as I read more and more of you people’s articles I felt deeply in love with these 2, the 2 humble, witty, kind hearted beautiful creatures. The more I read about them, the more I love them and the more I sincerely hope (actually quite sure) to be together. They fully complementary with each other, they both adores each other a lot. The love in their eyes no matter on screen / off screen are no joke. I loved watching how much they care about each other. I love how SHK said in her interview “as for SJK, he’s at his peak, he knows what to do”, that’s simply telling me how close they are and she didn’t even need to say anything to him, cos she understand him and vise versa.  I just hope the best for them.


Sorry for cutting your post. 

Definitely one of the most fun spazz I've read ever! Welcome to the ship!

PS: I highlighted those sentences in red because I sometimes think about SHK like that too, hehe.

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@angieknows I shall have to use the power of my imagination to imagine them swimming~~~~. OH BUT WAIT!. Remember how JG said the four of them had gone for a trip together and they played in the water?. Ohkay!. So I am imaging this scenario very clearly in my head. JG's a married man - so he wouldn't be splashing water at SHK  (though he may want to..lol).. KJW said that she was too much in awe of SHK so she won't be the one throwing playing with her either. WHICH leaves a certain SJK!. yay!!.. water babies.  

lol, so much delu

@melissala SJK loooooooooks adorable and the ahjummma fan too!

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For those who have quoted my posts earlier about that certain actress, please edit those post and cut out my content. I have edited mine sometime back. Reason: I don't want people thinking I am asking people to fight here and I didn't even do so myself!! I just wanted more love for Kyo but somehow it didn't come out the right way in my frenzy! 

It's something else at the Chinese portal regarding malicious Rumours about Kyo that I have to work out. Besides I don't want to even give exposure to that said actress. I am so done with all these shit 

sorry for even causing any frenzy!! I am just upset at all these that is happening 

Secondly, I would like to appeal to this following member to not take something out of Song Hye Kyo thread here without properly crediting. This post belongs to @hclover96 and @smiletall has also posted a very friendly reminder to properly credit. Please respect the original poster. Also I noticed you have been sharing old photos without the proper dates so please do so to avoid confusion to others. Thank you so much 

1 hour ago, gigivillaceran said:

An online survey company disclosed that around 15,000 people participated in their "trustworthy" actors and actresses survey that was held from April 15 to April 19.  The results showed:

Most "trustworthy" actress:

1. Kim Hye Soo - 2,972 votes

2. Gong Hyo Jin - 2,316 votes

3. Song Hye Kyo, Jun Ji Hyun, Ha Ji Won and Hwang Jung Eum follow behind on the list.

Most "trustworthy" actor:

1. Hwang Jung Min - 3,600 votes

2. Ha Jung Woo - 2,256 votes

3. Song Kang Ho

4. Park Shin Yang

I'm very happy for Kyo even though she wasn't number one on the list.  All the actors and actresses on this list are very well-respected stars in South Korea :)

Source:  http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid


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I might not know what happened but try not to give those trolls attention. Just be happy and focus on our SS couple. If they keep leaving rude and mean comments to Hye Kyo then report those accounts on Instagram or whatever social site it might be. The more we try to give them attention the more they will keep doing it. If they go overboard with the comments to Kyo by tarnishing Kyo's image or spreading false rumors that's a crime which can be taken into legal actions. 

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15 minutes ago, shirunsaadon said:



How can they come out with such fanfic. Gosh....hahahaha...


i delete the the whole rambling content to avoid speculation.


@shirunsaadon ye lah. macam desperate sangat nampaknya. aku penat baca terbelit2 lidah tadi, tapi the gist of the story aku dapatlah kt ig kyo.



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@joongkyo Water babies? You just sent my mind straight to the gutter. kekeke. 

@angieknows Geez SHK is so sexy! Indeed SJK likes himself a sexy one. Honestly PBY refusing to answer about SJK and saying she has no rights to come in between SongSong is already revealing enough. At this rate, SJK is crazy entrusting anything else with PBY since she seems to have spilled his secrets more than once LOL. 

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oh my god this is not so right attacking her saying she have a illegitimate child with Hyun Bin my god prove it i hope her agency sue this people for this kind of malicious rumors about her,im sure to those people accusing her your karma is in your way and im pretty sure her agency will know about this,

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