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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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2 hours ago, kshxkyj said:

& now, my favorite channel in youtube just uploaded an MV of our SongSong couple! :wub: & note, she's Filipino like me & love all her videos about our OTP & my OTP here in my country aka KathNiel ..heheh!

cr: iamsuperain



I can't find any words to express my thankfulness for the video you shared. Despite of the fact that as if I had hundreds of times watching each cut scene in the video, but when iamsuperrain collects and edit all of them then create a flow, I understand why, at the end of the day, I always have that huge crush on these two incredible human beings and I feel truly lucky to be affected by the positive vibe from KiKyo shippers. 

Plus the theme music is also my favorite one of Say It Again with original version of Marie Digby, I love the tune as well as the lyric:

The thing about love, is I never saw it coming
You kinda crept up and took me by suprise
And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wondering
Is this true? I wanna hear it one more time

The thing about you is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there's no end in sight
The thing about me is that I really wanna let you open the door and walk into my life

And it feels like it's the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never in my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name 

Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Get just a litter louder
Say it again for me
Cause I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I'm the only one who blows your mind 
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen when you tell me you're in love

Say it again~

And I find her/his (iamsuperrain@Youtube) another made video is also beautiful to watch :)

Good night dear comrades, from GTM+7 timezone ^_^

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@joongkyo Thanks for the translation! Appreciate it. 

SJK finds every opportunity to praise her whether from him or others. Lol 

It seems like SHK is just traveling now rather than attacking works. Some celebrities are like that. They take long vacation before attacking work. Hope to hear some good news soon.

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Well since there are no more new episodes to see, I have been reading up some really old articles. SKH mentioned that one of the actresses whose work she liked was MCW and she was watching NG because of her in 2012. Well that may be true but no one could watch NG without eventually feeling attracted to SJK's character. Then in 2013, he visited the set of TWTWB a couple of times. So clearly there must have been some mutual admiration/liking/attraction from a few years back.   

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Hi everyone! I am new here. Just made a soompi account so I can spaz with everyone! :D 

I won't believe any denial except if it comes directly from SJK or SHK. I think most of the people saying that they only have a "sibling" relationship are just trying to protect them since they know of their true relationship. Anyway, I am aboard this ship! <3 Song-Song fighting!

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8 hours ago, joongkyo said:

ROFL at comments on NB saying SHK is "too cold and mature", do they even know her?. This woman is 15 years older than me and she's jumping around on furniture.


Posting here for the second time:

As someone who looks up at Song Hye Kyo as a role model, I used to dislike reading negative comments about her--especially when the things people say about her are not true. Describing her as "cold and mature" are exactly what a woman with a 'tsundere style' mean. I know someone who has a tsundere style so I understand why some people talk about Hyekyo this way. A tsundere person is someone who looks cold and reserved on the outside. Sometimes, they even have a resting richard simmons face. They appear cold, reserved, and distant because this is their way of protecting themselves. But once you get to know this kind of person, they are very loving, sweet, and caring. Once you have broken that 'wall', they will show you their true self--a personality that they will never show to people they don't know. 

I personally don't know Song Hye Kyo. I only knew her personality through tv and print interviews. It's funny, because I never saw her cold and reserved because I knew that there is a reason why she appears cold and reserved. If you know someone who has a tsundere personality, you'll understand why Song Hye Kyo is the way she is in public. 

(I'm sorry, I just can't help not posting this because this is Hyekyo-centric. I'm too old to be affected by these comments but I've been reading negative comments about her lately and I don't think she deserves them because she is such a good role model. I just want her to be happy and I think she's at the happiest point in her life right now and I just don't like seeing negative comments about her (especially shallow comments like an age difference--like, really? Give me something better than that). Although, now that she's become more popular again, I'm afraid I might see negative comments about her in the future. *sigh*) 

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@ladylia257 About SJK rubbing his head on SHK at the script reading couldn't have been the tent scene because it was revealed they covered episodes 8 and 9 during the script reading. The tent scene was in episode 16. :) 

@joongkyo I finally have time to backtrack the thread and just wanted to say Dispatch be acting so slick. :phew: Also thanks for all your translations and breakdown of the BTS! 

@anya77 That is correct! He certainly did not go unnotice. In the exact interview, SHK mentions SJK. She was asked about a junior actress who has her attention and following that they asked her about the junior actor. She revealed she watched nice guy because of MCW but came to notice SJK. Though he has a pretty face, he portrays the cold character well and she was impressed by it. 

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6 hours ago, ladylia257 said:

Rather than her hand tapping his leg (though it's indeed swoon-worthy, I am more interested to spazz about SHK's expression. Her look tells "Aigoo, my hilarious, adorable bf!". And PD-nim was being ignored since Song2 were drowned in their own little world, haha. 


lol thats look indeed hahaha, PD-nim just like "why i must be here right now?" because thoose 2 just enjoy their time together, still looking some good news about our couple :)  

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Hi you guys, i want to say hi for the first time!!! The fact that I'm on board all the time, but this is the first time of signing up n replying... ^^ 

does anyone of you know 'bout this pic?




maybe i's the truth that SHK has been Thailand during the time of SJK fanmeeting... My heart beats so hard since i realized it.

@joongkyo i really want to thank you for your amazing detective ability which has helped our ship sailed such far... Do you have any idea 'bout this??? Maybe it hided some hints for our ship to get further...






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@joonghye  I saw that earlier in instagram ... for a second I thought of the same thing but its too good to be true.  Im very skeptical about it...

i was hoping for a photoshoot of #songsongcouple since everyone else and their mothers are having CFs and magazine shoot...  why not Hope right?! 

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Okay, here's more of my conversation with my Korean friend. Excuse me for my lack of eloquence. I'm bamboozled with other thoughts at the same time.

I’m wishing so much that I had recorded the conversation with her because I spoke to her at 2 in the morning, and as I type this comment, I'm already unclear about some of the things she mentioned. I'll have to clarify things with her next time.

Let me preface again that my friend only has a casual awareness of the happenings in K-ent. She hasn't watched the drama, but she is aware of DOTS because her students talk about it, and her cousin is a big Song Joong Ki fan. So, I don’t know how much weight you should give this conversation, but just the same, the thoughts come from the perspective of a Korean. 

As I said, my friend is an artist, and so, during our talk, I encouraged her to become friends with people from Studio Concrete since they surely have connections within the artistic community that could help her. LOL. Yeah. I was trying to get her to infiltrate the Songs’ inner circle. LOL. She said that even if she becomes friends with them, to an extent, she would still be an outsider. That is, whatever secrets or certain knowledge the Songs’ Studio Concrete pals have, she might not be immediately privy to them or if at all. Trust is a big deal, clearly for anyone. But yeah, if you’re a newbie in a group, I guess, you’ll always be that newbie, until a fresh face comes along. The way she put it, a private and suspicious/mistrusting nature is practically inherent among Koreans partly stemming from their dark history with China and Japan. And so, if the Songs are carrying on a relationship (and I believe they are), then, their close friends at Studio Concrete will be among the last people to divulge that even to a person that they've recently welcomed into their group. Taking all these into account, then by extension, the DOTS director who made the denial on behalf of the Songs could have done so not exactly because he’s being truthful, but because he’s protecting them; he is, after all, a part of their circle now---the DOTS family. My friend affirmed a similar opinion. She thinks the director took on that responsibility because the reaction of the Korean public---particularly antis---can be the worst, as death threats have been sent to celebrities in the past. She also said that it has happened before (and as we know, it happens in Hollywood all the time) when celebrities have denied dating but later admitted the truth, but the public didn’t take kindly to it, feeling they’ve been duped. In my opinion, the Songs, with their non-denial, are still testing the public’s mood, but to me, it seems people are more than supportive of the idea of them coming out as a couple. Just refer back to the Chosun Ilbo reporter who thinks it would be weird for the Songs not to be dating when they have insane chemistry off-camera.

In any culture, trust is valued; it’s not a uniquely Korean thing, but as my friend said, the meaning/weight of that value in their culture is influenced by Korea's acrimonious history with other countries. The trust must be truly earned by an outsider/stranger/acquaintance. So, if we consider everything that’s just been mentioned above combined with Hye Kyo’s past struggles, then, I am even more amazed at the fact that Hye Kyo has entrusted her hair stylist to Joong Ki. That’s serious s h i t! LOL. That’s some fecking deep connection between the Songs! After all, Lee Hae Young is not just a stylist, but a friend who has stood by her (through her ups and downs) and who probably knows some of Hye Kyo’s intimate thoughts. 

While it doesn't surprise me, it also amazes me that Hye Kyo has such a powerfully endearing charm/personality to earn such staunch loyalty from anyone she meets, even the owner of Mapa Chicken (or whatever other establishment she's graced with her devoted presence). 

I believe it’s easy for the director to make the denial and at the same time, come off looking sincere even when he isn't because while he intimately knows the Songs, he isn’t the one personally involved in the rumors. He doesn’t really risk anything by being the denier of a rumor that has no real personal relevance to him, but the very popular Songs, who can’t seem to give a clear answer, have their privacy, image, and careers on the line. (Song Hye Kyo, in particular, has become somewhat of an underdog because of the hardships she went through in recent years. People and the media like underdogs. And if my friend's sense about the media seeming to want to protect her (and Joong Ki) is correct, then, I'm very glad. She's the comeback kid and she's been making Korea even prouder lately!) 

And again, I have to say this: If there’s nothing going on between them, why don't they just say there’s nothing going on between them? Why the verbal gymnastics that never lands on "No"? To me, that seems like they're unintentionally (or subconsciously) confirming the rumors :) I imagine that people like the Songs, to which lying isn't a part of their nature, can only resort to either giving a roundabout response about the rumor or just staying quiet about it, which they haven't done. LOL.

I apologize for jumping all over the place. I just type as I randomly remember things ... Anywho, I don’t recall how it came up … I think my friend was referring to one of Song Joong Ki’s responses or actions about the rumors or about Hye Kyo … but whatever it was, she got the impression that Song Joong Ki is also protecting Song Hye Kyo and her privacy. I think it’s essentially what @ilovesjk and others have observed, too. 

One part of my conversation with my friend did disappoint me: When I mentioned Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki, she immediately said, “Oh yeah, she’s known for dating her co-stars.” Ugh. While she said it without any malice, I told her there’s nothing wrong with dating a colleague, especially as Hye Kyo's world is pretty much filled with other celebrities. It just saddens me that a lot of people will always attach a negative connotation to the fact that she dated two co-stars before, and with her antis, they spin it in such a vile way that they don't think she should ever date a colleague, even if that person might actually be her soulmate! Anyway, my friend does think the Songs make a really good couple after looking at their pictures.

I then told her about Joong Ki’s lack of formality toward Hye Kyo, how he addresses her as Song Hye Kyo, Hye Kyo, or Hye Kyo-ssi (even at press meets). I mentioned his use of banmal during the BTS … She basically gave the same explanation that @joongkyo did. And as such, she thinks it’s likely that the Songs are dating, and she believes that if they are, then, they must be in the early stages of the relationship.

As for me, I straddle the fence on when the Songs may have started dating … I agree with @Bambiina that because Joong Ki nuzzled his head on Hye Kyo’s shoulder in such a comfortable and rather intimate way in front of their colleagues, it’s possible that they had already been seeing each other before that. As DOTS was their first project together, for him to do that during the script reading is very bold and direct.

I showed my co-worker a gif of that scene, and she said that Hye Kyo didn’t look surprise by it. Who knows? Maybe she was, but she looked like someone who seemed used to his brand of playfulness and affection towards her, yeah? Her shoulder didn’t even jerk or flinch in the slightest when he nuzzled … She didn't reflexively turn her head to check out what he was doing to her shoulder ... Yep, kind of weird for the colleagues to be acting this way at the script reading for their first joint project.

Now, if they started a relationship after DOTS wrapped, then, I think it would have started not too long after that. It has to be before the press conference because it would explain their staged aloofness towards each other during the event.

Having said all these, though, I’m not sure I completely agree with my friend about Koreans being generally too cautious or closed off. Sometimes, she can be too pragmatic to the point of cynical. LOL. I’d like to think attitudes regarding social issues and accepted behavior are changing in Korea, at least, ever so slightly. Heh, on the one hand, she would know more about her own culture ... 

I plan to have another phone conversation with her next Sunday, and it might be the last time I bring up the Song Song couple to her. I don't want her to get sick of me! LOL. I'm trying to think of more questions to ask her. Maybe you guys have suggestions? 


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44 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

She's so right, SJK had put so much effort and all his sincerity to make his character  goes life and so real. But the way SHK answered here make me think in deep meaning. Means that her on-screen couple, I mean her husband-to-be *lol*, is the best choices.seems like these two praise and confess to each other like this... hahaha, matched, matched.


@stargazer187 I agree! I cannot think of anyone else playing Yoo Si Jin. I remember in the BTS someone said something along the line that SJK has a baby face but what brings Captain Yoo's character to life is SJK's gaze.

@angieknows thanks for sharing your convo with your friend! <3

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I start to really think deeply about SongSong couple....and I felt emotional 

the fact that they both see each other as Namja and Yeoja instead of colleagues and hence at this stage of their relationship(only known to them)  I am actually very glad that they want to protect each other because that only shows how much they deeply care for each other to ruin it all. 

They are both totally overwhelmed by the attention they get from DOTS, every other person on the streets who knows them wherever they go became paparazzi. 

SJK house have been mobbed by fans Everyday despite tight security and even his parents home have become a tourist attraction and SHK have been asked at every given opportunity what she thinks of SJK. Not adding on the public and media opinions, pressure and even their friends are not spared etc....who in the right mind being exposed to such immense attention would come out and confess anything now. It's not going to help them at all at this point

Its hard to draw a line for us shippers who really want them to confess or at least say something but at the same time we also want to respect their decisions and privacy. I feel for them really to have to be dealt at such scrutiny now. I cannot even imagine how much pressure they are weighing on. That's why we spazz here because that's the only thing we can do to seek comfort with each other while waiting for that grand day to come when they are ready 

While protecting each other now they are also bidding time for the limelight to dim further before they decide on the next move. They might never confess but that doesn't mean they are not together untill they appear with someone else in future. It might be a Long winding road ahead of them but i know that I would be behind them however long it takes 

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21 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

Anyway, Sri Panwa Resort was the resort SJK, LKS and JIS stay when he was discharged from the army last year? 


Sri Panwa Resort are famous among kceleb. Gd was once spotted there with his ex-gf:phew:

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@stargazer187 TOTALLY ! bcuz uri beauty only had big boss on her mind all the time! :wub:

BY THE WAY, this scene just cant get out of my mind and probably someone had mentioned it already in this thread but i still wanna bring this out. 

remember the 'fish' scene? where big boss said 'mulgogi (fish)' and how else will she called it? It makes me giddy on the part where uri beauty said "still a agi (baby)?" I cant help but to notice how she said it with her CUTE tone and expression.

it's like telling us :" ahhh, do u guys see hw childish my nampyeon is? but i still like the way he is" HAHA and yes, i found it cute that beauty always act cute infront of big boss (in the bts), like the drunk scene, the 'tapping' scene, etc... or issit just me who's been delulu all the mind? I mean, i wont show my 'cute' part of me to someone im not comfortable with, or to someone i dont get interested in. BECAUSE they might think im acting, im fake. that's how reality is isnt it? To be able to brings out  another side of ourself, is when, you're interested in that person and willing to show them. 

Anyone's with me? :heart:

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