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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Thanks @khxy and @jl08for the translations.  I saw this account on weibo a week ago, but didn't know this lady is such a well-known and credible reporter until I saw the comments on baidu about her.

Let me help translate the paragraph where I think shippers will be most interested in :)

"When SHK was answering the questions from the host, SJK was whispering quietly with the translator sitting beside him.  Really strange, until the host asked him to rate SHK's appearance as a doctor.  He praised SHK in Mandarin "beautiful, really beautiful".  It turned out he learned the Mandarin pronunciation for "beautiful" on the spot from the translator, really diligent, also very clever.  After saying that, both can't help looking each other and smiling, SHK having an amused grin, eyes looked sweet, giving out love sparks (I probably butchered the Chinese translations for this part, so please correct me if I'm wrong, lol).  Both also bumped fists, showing understanding.  About the dating rumor, it is discernible.  Afterwards SHK became calm, both praised each other often, they bumped fists again."

I think it was really sweet of him to say she's really beautiful in Chinese rather than in Korean because everyone at the press conference can actually understand him so that makes it more meaningful :)


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This thread is literally giving me life right now. I'VE BEEN TRYING SO HARD NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT, BUT THE FEELS ARE REAL.:bawling:


I recently saw this gif on one of the posts here (it's not mine; credits to the rightful owner). So, I just noticed how when Song Joong Ki entered the stage, his hands originally went for Song Hye Kyo's waist, almost like it's a natural gesture for him to do. I thought it was nothing, just a slip here and there, until I came across this article from thoughtcatalog



I just really can't help but notice how it seemed like the facade slipped for a second. I might be overthinking things (yes, there's a high probability because it is the songsongcouple, and they're both brilliant actors), and probably overanalyzing these gestures, but I just really like the way the action seemed so sudden, like he forgot he wasn't supposed to do it. For some reason, I feel like some of their co-stars (like Jasper Cho) are covering up for them.Their BTS photos also speak volumes. 

I've watched countless of shows like Grey's Anatomy (romance dramas featuring different couples), but none has given me the shivers I get whenever it's Mo Yeon and Si Jin. Acting or not, there is a beautiful and admirable level of sincerity behind their words, and I applaud them for it. 

These are just speculations and I don't mean to invade their privacy. It's just that they both seem like lovely people, and the way they treat each other with respect and admiration (ESPECIALLY THE HK INTERVIEW WHERE SHK SAID EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS GOOD/HANDSOME). I'm not asking them to tell the world to declare their feelings.They deserve the privacy and peace. I just hope that they find happiness, and if they find it in each other, may they have the courage to pursue it despite the scars, fears, and apprehension.


What have they done to me? :))


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8 hours ago, pohyoke said:

@joongkyo I really enjoy your entries so much because you try to make deductions based on facts.

Just for fun, I would like to add my two cents worth on 'ad libs' by SJK. I would like to think his question after the first kiss, on the ship at the end of episode 16, was an ad lib. He fist said 'I love you' and she naturally replied " Me too' and then strangely he almost seemed to laugh and said 'that is a question' and she had to say " I love you. And that is my reply' and then he so lovingly said' Me too". That 'question' that he supposedly asked seems so strange to me. Maybe something is lost in translation, and it is normal to ask a question that way in Korea. Oh but the feels, when he turned it into a question!!


OMG I Was thinking the same... I can't seem to understand what's the point of the SCRIPTWRITER writing something like that... I doesn't really make "sense" in cinematic arts :)) They should just stop at "I love you" and "me too". Plus the smile/ smirk he has on his face when he said "That is a question" was too suspicious. One of those rare smiles he has on during ad-libs (when imitating her at the ruins in Uruk, some other scenes where it's kinda obvious the laugh and smiles were genuine and real). 

Any who... yeah.. it's really a big question for me still... I should just end my own misery with the conclusion that "SJK wants to hear SHK says I Love You one more time" ;D


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5 hours ago, hclover96 said:

He praised SHK in Mandarin "beautiful, really beautiful". It turned out he learned the Mandarin pronunciation for "beautiful" on the spot from the translator, really diligent, also very clever.  After saying that, both can't help looking each other and smiling, SHK having an amused grin, eyes looked sweet, giving out love sparks (I probably butchered the Chinese translations for this part, so please correct me if I'm wrong, lol).  Both also bumped fists, showing understanding.  About the dating rumor, it is discernible.  Afterwards SHK became calm, both praised each other often, they bumped fists again."

I think it was really sweet of him to say she's really beautiful in Chinese rather than in Korean because everyone at the press conference can actually understand him so that makes it more meaningful :)

Thank you so much for the translation @hclover96 dear:


Cr @autumninmyheart

SJK said in a recent interview: "The character Yoo Shi-jin certainly knows how to make ladies love him. I actually learned a lot about what kind of things to say when I want to satisfy a partner." :wub:

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As I was back-skimming, I came across a comment expressing concern about the Songs’ ability to spend quality time together in face of their demanding schedules.

It’s a valid concern, but let’s look at the positives. (Some of these may have already been brought up, so, I apologize for being redundant.)

First, They’re both popular actors, and as someone mentioned before, that’s a boon to their relationship---whatever it is ;) … Well, I have my own belief about their status B)

Because they’re in the same profession, they can easily empathize with each other. They both understand the level of commitment involved in their successful careers. I am sure that Hye Kyo fully encourages Joong Ki to seize all the opportunities that have blessed him recently, and without a doubt, Joong Ki reciprocates the same kind of support to her. As they’re pretty much industry veterans, they have the wisdom to acknowledge that they can’t be greedy with each other’s time. 

Second, while her past relationships with her co-stars may have been painful for her, Song Hye Kyo has also learned something from those. If there are lessons about the significance of personal time and privacy, then she will apply them to whatever she may have with fellow actor Song Joong Ki. She is, after all, a very sensible and wise woman :D Meanwhile, Song Joong Ki has the maturity and foresight to appreciate and protect the time he has for himself and the people close to him, which I bet includes Song Hye Kyo.

Third, there is advanced technology like smart phones (as well as assistants/managers). They’re handy communication tools :rolleyes:, especially when you want to set up a date with your significant other or just send your love a sweet message like, ‘I wish you were with me. I miss you!’ The Songs might even instruct  their managers to have flowers or food delivered to their partner :) 

Fourth, they’re lucky to be living in the same country. They could be an intercontinental couple, like Jim Sturgess and Bae Doo Na were. However, those two traveled for each other all the time, and I know for a fact that what broke them up wasn’t at all because of the long distance or the lack of quality time between them. Likewise, last I heard, the very busy stars Song Seung Heon and Liu Yi Fei continue to go strong, so, they are finding ways to be together.

Fifth, the Songs are good on their word that they don’t do things half-assed---so to speak. They invest themselves 100% into what they do, and it seems even if it might mean spreading themselves thin. (Joong Ki, you need at least a week-long vacation! Maybe take it with Hye Kyo :wub:! Can't really fangirl over someone if they’re dead from exhaustion!) So, whether it’s work, family, charity, or a meaningful relationship, I believe they’re motivated to make things work and give each area their balanced attention.

I think this fourth positive ties in with the first one. Because they’re celebrities, role models, and someone’s child, they understand and accept that their time is shared with other people and responsibilities.

By the same token, I also think the Songs are cognizant of their personal limits, so, as much as I would love for them to go all the way to the altar, I would also understand the flipside.

Sixth, they’ve got secret agent skills.

We didn’t know until later that they had a New York rendezvous, and they’ve been to Serengetea at least three times, with at least one visit extending late into the night. And on the day of their departure for Hong Kong, Hye Kyo was able to walk through the airport undetected, thanks to Joong Ki who was the recipient of stalkerazzi attention. After their Hong Kong press con, it seemed they managed to have time alone together after dinner, as their whole entourage exited the restaurant through the front door. They hung back and (later) chummed it up with the chef ;) And when they were driven back to their hotel by the chef, who knows what else those two could have done together? Though, based on Hye Kyo's radiant mood the next day, it might be she had a great time ... with Joong Ki ... the night before :phew:

Yeah, yeah, we know all these, but obviously, we sometimes have to be reminded because once in a while, a few Panic Patties pop up and overreact. The point is that even the most famous actors find innovative ways to maintain their privacy and still have a life---even a love life---and the Songs have Lee Kwang Soo and their friends from Studio Concrete to help them.

Seventh, remember the saying, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.' When they are apart for long periods of time, they probably feel more for each other as they'll miss everything about the other. If the Songs' bond is strong, then, they'll have more appreciation for those time-in-between-commitments moments of togetherness. And if the Songs didn't value their connection, then, I don't think they would have bothered to make time for each other even months after filming for DOTS has wrapped up.

Eighth, if their attraction/connection is profound, their basis of mutual interest is solid and broad, and the trust in each other is intact, then those should be more than enough to keep them going despite their tight schedules.

All these positives could really be summed up in one statement: If the Songs treasure their relationship, then, they’ll find a way to make it work.




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SJK's Seoul fan meeting will start in a few hours.  In his last fan meeting before enlistment, he jokingly mentioned that the reason he went to the set of TWTWB was to see Song Hye Kyo sunbae.  Now that he actually starred together in one of the most popular k-drama with her, I wonder what he'll say about his beautiful co-star at this fan meeting :P




SJK with Jeju Air staff


Super close-up gif of the shipwreck kiss :D




cr to purple_candy

Jasper Cho's guest appearance on Happy Together where he talked about Song-Song couple has been fully Eng-subbed.  His segment starts at 17:00


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They are both dedicated, loyal and committed individuals. I remember we narrowed down the times they managed to see eachother other than the work related times but now we can add 2 more times (tea dates). I believe if they really didn't want their relationship to work they wouldn't put in this much time to see each other. I think they are past the initial stages of getting to know each other, and now they already have a solid foundation built.

Now despite the level of fame he's received and the possibility of criticism she may receive from the development of their relationship, they still manage to make it work. They have continuously given reason to us that WE ARE NOT DELUSIONAL and that something is going on between them. They are not going to come out and say it but to me they have already acknowledged that she and he have a bond. Also they are actors who have been in relationships before some hi-profile then others but that is besides the point. The point is that because of those past relationships they are now familiar with the ways to date unsuccessfully. From my eyes I can see they are making great strides to support and still be committed to their relationship.

So for the future, yes he may be quite busy for the next month but that doesn't mean their relationship can't work, He is still presently in S.Korea and in May he will be in China and I bet she will be their too, China is like a second home to her, so she knows how to keep her relationship under wraps while still being able to spend time together. Remember when she said in the midway P.C that her friends in China would like to go to dinner with him, To me she could be laying ground work about the possibility of seeing them together in the near future. So that part is covered if it happens we get a few pictures here and there.

I have very little doubt that SJK is not 100% committed to her, as much as she is 100% committed to him. She even expresses that when she is in a relationship he will have her complete trust and her loyalty and affection. Since we all believe he courted her first and now they've reached a stage where they admitted they are close and still see each other then it only symbolizes her level of commitment. Through his recent press conference, he basically put her on a ped-a-stool and believe you me she owns it and is well deserving of it but also he has asked for his privacy and not just his privacy but the people close to him as well. Therefor in a way he protected their relationship as well and to me I think that this went a long way for her.

He is incredible smart and committed to those he deems truly worth of his friendship, and she is one of them, there is no way he would let her take any kind of heat, HE WILL TAKE IT ALL IF HE COULD. So at times, we maybe disappointed hearing him jet off to one fan-meet after another but remember there is 24 hours in a day and one may sleep for 7 hours less another 1 hour for fan meet 2 hours for prep 3 hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner that leaves 11 hours for what? Date night/rendezvous perhaps. Long distance relationships are hard, but if you truly love someone, you make it work. Leave the excuses at the door, They are over 30, ain't got no time for any of that BS, I am a firm believer of that, I'm talking through my own experience, I am 100% committed to my man and we have been together for 5 years, we see each other once or twice a week, we talk maybe a couple of times a day, since he is out of town a lot and extremely busy and sometimes we will go without seeing each other for months. Just because I don't get to be close to him like a "normal" relationship would entail it doesn't mean that we just give up. In fact we are A LOT closer now than we were before, because I fully understand what his job requires him to do and the his sacrifices in order for me to be happy. Of course we would love to be together all the time but that isn't reality.

So back to them though, I don't perceive they will let distance or lack of face to face time create any sort of dark cloud over their relationship. To me they have something solid, They met in 2013 and its obvious he was smitten or he didn't go back to see the set again, and as soon as he had the opportunity to be acting opposite of her he expressed how blessed he was to be given the chance. They have been proven that beyond what the normal colleague to colleague relationship they have exceeded that standard and further moved on to something great. Finding out that he is quite the traditional man, all of his actions that relate to her make COMPLETE SENSE, When you first like someone what do you do? you get to know them through their friends (YAI, studio concrete, her staff (her make-up stylist), he has been given many chances to be with her and he has taken every single one, He has been given many chances to to let the entire world that his and her relationship is purely nothing special but he has failed at that as well, through their filming he is able to bring out her true self (BTS), he cares and looks after her in many ways. He took a flight to NYC just to see her for a meal?(taking a 12 hour flight just to coincidentally meet). Come on now I  am sure they're are plenty of restaurants in S.Korea that can offer equal if not greater standard of food. Otherwise I would like to know what restaurant it is so I can check it out LOL. The man has proven he is willing to DO everything in his power to spend time with her and prove to her that he is committed and is loyal to her. Just so the minutes/hours/days/weeks he isn't with her, she knows that IF HE COULD BE WITH HER HE WOULD.



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@hclover96 ur super close shipwreck kiss...make me lost my strength....Hahaha....thank you dear for the close up....:heart:

SJK dear just keep praising ur sunbae , she really like ur praising....I can feel she will be floating everytime she hear/read that....keep it coming JK ah....fighting!!!


Edit: agree with @joongkyo....dont expect to much....just enjoy his super cute n handsome face with HD....wonder who gonna be his guest today ( if any),,,.hope Alpha team.....:D



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Yay!. SJK's fan meeting tour starts today!.

Though, I just wanted to add that I hope shippers aren't going to be too upset/disappointed if he doesn't bring her up at the fan meeting. It's primarily for his fans and I doubt that his fans are going to want to ask him about dating SHK/things about SHK. I'll be happy if it happens but it's not like I am holding my breath in anticipation that  it will.

Actually even the actors who are publicly dating never mention their GF/BF at their individual fan meetings, so don't be too surprised if we don't hear anything about SHK.

SongSong <3 



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THIIS IS NOT CAPTAIN YOO.The scene clearly depicts a same "fist bump" expression when he say"I have butterfies now" and "If this is a punishment,i"ll accept it"..He raised his eyebrows and clearly shown that he is very shy yet a little thrilled to be so close to her...HE IS NOT YSJ...He is HK's Admirerer. SJK..lol:w00t:

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Thanks @lovely_skham_stv ! What a nice analysis to brighten a Sunday. *hugs*

Also, thanks so much @hclover96 and @angieknows_11for those super gifs. 

I know that I've come up with outlandish remarks before about the Songs so I hope it hasn't offended anyone. If I have, I'm sorry, it was inadvertent.

Likewise, as this is the Song-Song Shipper thread, I would hope readers (trolls) do not post stuff about other actors here. 

Let's be respectful in minding where we post things. Just as there are boundaries in the individual actors' threads not to ship them with anybody, so in the shippers' threads, please do not troll. It is bad manners. :)

If you do not like what you see here, that's fine, it's your opinion if you don't wish to ship them. Easy solution: DON'T READ THIS THREAD. 

At the end of the day, whatever we mere fans *wish* for regarding the people we ship, it doesn't mean a darn thing. They will be with whomever they want anyway. 

So peaceful, delulu or rational, shipping, everyone. Have a great Sunday.

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@hclover96thank you for the super close up shipwreck kiss...I miss them so much since DOTS ended, that hot close up kiss healed me a little bit..

I am strongly believed that they're now an item. That kind of kiss never convinced me that they were just acting their roles. Even rookie detective like me 

can detected million of sparks and feels between them...hahaha...crazy me...:blush:

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I don't know if this news has been posted here or not, but the executive producer of DotS talked about SJK and SHK in an interview for SportsChosun.  He mentioned how they are just like their characters, YSJ and KMY.  Here is the translation for the part pertaining to SHK (I still need to find the SJK part):

"SHK is very lovely and cute, but is also the ultimate perfectionist, which makes people curious.  As with SJK who is very much in line with the character of YSJ, SHK is also 100% similar to KMY.  KMY is a very sensible and cool character, is someone who demands perfection in her career, is a woman who's in control of herself.  SHK has these characteristics herself.  At the filming set, SHK and KMY are very similar.  When filming, each picture and each scene have strict requirements, will insist on showing perfect acting, full of enthusiasm for the performance (PD praised also by showing a thumbs up).

SHK also becomes very lively at the filming set and is an amusing atmosphere maker.  Therefore the producer crew is very fond of this SHK.  Just like her Haesung Hospital medical team, SHK is the driving force for a solid teamwork."

Source:  http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=076&aid=0002918073

As this is translated from Chinese translations, please feel free to correct any wrong translations :)


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Thank you @hclover96 for that wonderful gif!!!! I really like how Joong Ki's so sensual in that kiss and how Hye Kyo opened her mouth to reciprocate the kiss!! I don't have any more words to say watching that slow mo and zoomed-in version of the kiss. I just really feel their intense passion in kissing one another and it makes me really happy. I can watch them kissing all day long and I still won't get tired of it. So excited for SJK's fan meeting later. I hope someone can update us regarding the fan meet. 

As long as their is no direct denial from them that they are dating, my shipping heart will continue to believe that they are actually seeing other. I don't care if they don't admit it as long as they don't deny it. This is my first time shipping a couple and the SongSong couple hit me hard I don't want to stop.

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@hclover96 your translations as usual, jjang!! I can only imagine how much life and laughter both SHK and SJK brought to the filming set! Their synergistic effect is contagious I'm sure! And it's a testament from the PD himself that they're both literally their characters in dots :wub:

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Hi all,

I'm sad that I've been busy and have not been able to keep up with the thread. Anyhow, I'm rather late and perhaps should not bring this topic back up again since it stirred up the thread quite a bit but I just wanted to weigh in on it briefly. Regarding SJK calling SHK noona suddenly, I honestly think it was an intentional slip. If you've been following up with SJK at all, you'll realize that for someone who does not have SNS and is very busy, he still manages to know yet pretty much everything that is being reported in the media including comments made by netizens, etc. Hence, he mentioned during news9 that he's aware of everyone's curiousity of SongSong and even some of his answers in his recent interview were made in response to some other things that were said about him.  I'm pretty darn sure he reads all articles pertaining to dots and/or him and does not skip out on the comment section either. Given that we non-Koreans even found his lack of reference to her as noona suspicious, I'm sure Koreans also picked up on it and mentioned it. SJK is a smart fellow and he's nothing short of polite either. I doubt he accidentally forgot to call her noona or acknowledge her as sunbae in the earlier interviews. This goes back to my theory of why I think they're real which is their inconsistency. He's back and forth with the way he addresses her. They feel the need to change up the concept ever so often that it's kind of amusing. Maybe I'm sounding too optimistic and trying to see the light in everything but I guess it's my personal approach in this shipping game. To me, SJK once again diverted his answer and did not deny the relationship so I haven't lost hope. Despite that though, everything he said about SHK really showed how much he admires her as an actress and an overall person. She truly is a sparkly star he plucked out of the sky, to say the very least. 

Anyway, today is SJK's fanmeet! How I wished I was there. One day! I hope we get fan cams! 

Oh and I wanted to share a funny story! Today my boyfriend and I were at the mall and we were discussing a certain topic and realized we both had the same opinion about it. To that he was impressed and raised his fist and we fist bumped. I felt giddy afterwards because it reminded me of our precious SongSong. LOL. It's true, I will never be able to look as fist bumps the same again. 

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6 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

Who is SJK's special guest for his meeting? Lol looks like he will sing a song from DOTS.


I just read that too heeeeeeeck I'm excited to know who!! Highly doubt it's our goddess tho! AND HE'S GONNA SING AGAIN YESSSSSSSS!! :D

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