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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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Now that im re-reading PB for gaz.times, just noticed FJ was married alot! Mortal DH, Qingti & xize from Arayna dream. Well actually she married DH twice. Once in the mortal realm & once in the Aranya dream when he took over XIZE identity. 

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3 hours ago, moonflower_ said:

@Sary Em Can we have MARK AS THE MALE LEAD?!!?! I would love to see him again on screen!! 

SW is a phoenix. 

Is this regarding Heavy Sweetness?  No the novel revolves around a younger age group, IMO.  I think Yang Yang will do good as the 2nd lead, Night Deity.  Sorry off topic and last I heard the novel was only recently bought for copyrights so not sure if any news will  be updated regarding a movie or drama.  I like this a bit more for novel and writing style than TMOPB. As for romance, it's within the same ballpark.


All novels mentioned can be read on Shushengbar, all dedicated translators sharing their FREE translations of CNovels for us that are illiterate in the Chinese language.  That's the other place I camp out for my nighttime reading lol

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This 3l3w sand video is wow!

3 hours ago, moonflower_ said:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Knowing Tang7, she'll drag it out and the OTP will probably experience a couple of misses before they finally meet *screams*. Tang7 tortures us with all these flashbacks and laments over missed connections. I imagine it would be kind of obvious that she woke up. Like the 4Seas8Realms will be like and she could've woken up on any day but she had to wake up on his wedding day.

Tang7 never got to the part of her meeting MY. I remember reading it and I'm like woman, listen to Feng Xing go visit and talk to him about his wedding!! DO IT!! And she's like nope, I'm busy, I got to visit Dong Hua @ his palace. LOL. I'm convinced MY indirectly killed her and she still loves him.  

I don't quite get how she's a phoenix but with demon tribe. Tang7 needs to flush that out. It makes no sense. And I can't wait until she meets Bai Qian. I want to see how Tang7 would handle these two leading characters. 


I think Tang7 just like to torture us overall dragging on Mo Yuan novel for ages, lol.

I feel the same and think he did indirectly killed her and became renowned God of War since there was mention that the last big battle that occur was with the demon tribe (if my memory serve me right) and that could be reason that when the brother appear, Mo Yuan was silent and retreat to his room and play the zither (which I feel was playing in memories, zither link to Shaowan). He may have indirectly killed her thus lead her to believe he doesn't love her and with her personality (even hurt inside), she won't pursuit a pointless love. 

And so rather than visiting him and apologizing, she went to DH first. I definitely would like that scene to be play out and give us a jealous Mo Yuan feeling that DH has a higher place in her heart than him. Everyone but him (being the last she visit) and probably tell him rather than apologize that her interruption was part of his and his bride love trail, to test out the depth of love in the next 700 years to make sure Zheyan pick him a worthy bride, so go back and meditate for the next 700 years and the wedding will commence again.

How funny would it be for Shaowan to meet BQ and YH. I can see hilarity if upon seeing BQ, she's like "So you're the one he like afterall" as she eyes Mo Yuan and then smile, "Good! Give me YH and you can have MY instead. They're identical but you can have the stone over there and I'll take manly YH for myself. We can make dragon phoenix babies," causing Mo Yuan to spill his tea and DH interjecting, "Being shameless and thick skinned (referring to YH) sure get the ladies."

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regarding the Tian Jie that SY/BQ was supposed to suffered in ep 3.

it consisted of 3 lightening strikes which MY took for her. i thought the tian jie was supposed to be SY/BQ suffering it in order to ascend to the next goddess level? How come MY can take the Tian Jie in the place of BQ? Does everyone have to go through this tian jie? are all the tian jie's same? has MY's other 16 disciples gone through it? MY spit out blood when taking the lightening strike for BQ, does this mean one can  get killed by it? if yes, what difference is that from the Ying Jie (which FJ mistook that DH would be experiencing)?  whats the difference between this tian jie and her later qing jie with YH?

apparently if you are powerful you can anticipate your Tian Jie...so how come BQ cant anticipate her Jing Jie with YH? and Why is it only BQ experiencing all these Jie? Its darn unfair for her to be suffering throughout the whole drama because of a 'jie'...

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4 hours ago, Sary Em said:

Is this regarding Heavy Sweetness?  No the novel revolves around a younger age group, IMO.  I think Yang Yang will do good as the 2nd lead, Night Deity.  Sorry off topic and last I heard the novel was only recently bought for copyrights so not sure if any news will  be updated regarding a movie or drama.  I like this a bit more for novel and writing style than TMOPB. As for romance, it's within the same ballpark.


All novels mentioned can be read on Shushengbar, all dedicated translators sharing their FREE translations of CNovels for us that are illiterate in the Chinese language.  That's the other place I camp out for my nighttime reading lol

This is another C-novel I'd like to see as a drama. I agree that Yang Yang is perfect for Night and I can imagine Yu Meng Long taking on the Phoenix role because he's such a beautiful man :wub:

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1 hour ago, chocolatefruitnut said:

regarding the Tian Jie that SY/BQ was supposed to suffered in ep 3.

it consisted of 3 lightening strikes which MY took for her. i thought the tian jie was supposed to be SY/BQ suffering it in order to ascend to the next goddess level? How come MY can take the Tian Jie in the place of BQ? Does everyone have to go through this tian jie? are all the tian jie's same? has MY's other 16 disciples gone through it? MY spit out blood when taking the lightening strike for BQ, does this mean one can  get killed by it? if yes, what difference is that from the Ying Jie (which FJ mistook that DH would be experiencing)?  whats the difference between this tian jie and her later qing jie with YH?

apparently if you are powerful you can anticipate your Tian Jie...so how come BQ cant anticipate her Jing Jie with YH? and Why is it only BQ experiencing all these Jie? Its darn unfair for her to be suffering throughout the whole drama because of a 'jie'...

It's like levelling up in a computer game. To get to the next job level, you have to complete some tasks or missions. You can ask your higher level Friend to help you play your character eg. to take down the boss. SY/BQ was supposed to have been able to predict this if she had been serious in her studies/training. As for when you level up, I think it depends on your own ability. Eg. YH did it when he was only 20,000 years old as opposed to SY at 70,000 years old. I don't think it was mentioned if the rest of the disciples achieved Shang Xian status yet but I don't think so. MY blocked her when the lightning struck, so I suppose the lightning just strikes at the person's position but it does not matter who was actually struck. Yes, one can die if one is not able to take it. 

The next level is for Shang Shen, and for BQ's case, she had to overcome the Qing Jie, which means love trial. I think it is different for different people and it was mentioned that since she was born in a prestigious family, her life was smooth (as compared to other xian) so it was not unexpected that hers would be the love trial.

Ying Jie means to succumb to the trial, ie. be unable to overcome it, usually die. But in DH's case, he just lost 90% of his powers, but did not die. Maybe he's powerful like that. 

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3 hours ago, chocolatefruitnut said:

regarding the Tian Jie that SY/BQ was supposed to suffered in ep 3.

it consisted of 3 lightening strikes which MY took for her. i thought the tian jie was supposed to be SY/BQ suffering it in order to ascend to the next goddess level? How come MY can take the Tian Jie in the place of BQ? Does everyone have to go through this tian jie? are all the tian jie's same? has MY's other 16 disciples gone through it? MY spit out blood when taking the lightening strike for BQ, does this mean one can  get killed by it? if yes, what difference is that from the Ying Jie (which FJ mistook that DH would be experiencing)?  whats the difference between this tian jie and her later qing jie with YH?

apparently if you are powerful you can anticipate your Tian Jie...so how come BQ cant anticipate her Jing Jie with YH? and Why is it only BQ experiencing all these Jie? Its darn unfair for her to be suffering throughout the whole drama because of a 'jie'...

    I too would have assumed the person receiving the tian jie have to suffer/survive the direct bolts in order to ascend. It's like taking a test, you may have all the knowledge, but doesn't mean jack richard simmons if you don't write it to prove your qualifications? There was no way BQ would've escaped it had MY not sealed her away, and he was probably under the assumption she would not have survived it.  Tian jie is "Heaven/Sky Trial" and I'd like to think it's more of a physical/lightning trial needed to ascend to Godhood. Whereas "Qing jie" I believe is almost like a trial concerning morale/character that is deeper and requires growing pains in the mortal world, and upon successful completion puts one into High God status. 

   Either way, it appears tian jies (and conversely, qing jies) are uniquely faced by "chosen ones" to ascend beyond mere immortal status. I don't know if MY other disciples went through it for that was never addressed. My personal theory is considering MY brought Si Yin and Ling Yu into the lineup against the Demon Realm during great Ruo River battle, and others present in that lineup were either Gods or High Gods (Mo Yuan, Yao Guang, Bai Zhen, Heavenly Realm Princes etc)  gonna go out on a limb here and assume these two were amongst the disciples chosen. But it's highly likely that MY only brought them out so they can personally payback for the humiliation they faced in the Ghost Realm. 

 edit:    @omiki  nailed it on the differences and with a much better description of each 

@moonflower_ @Lyna    All this talk about Shao Wan, just so you know I am expecting a shameless SW fanfic from you both :tongue: From the sounds of it, by the time the novel comes out I would've long forgotten it was even in the making:( 

To keep our imagination running wild in the meanwhile, we all know who we want back as our beloved MY, but who would be your ideal drama Shao Wan? And Mo Yuan, if not Mark?  
My previous picks were Gao Yuanyuan (only if Mark is back as MY) and Tong Liya, (and to a degree Zhao Liying only cause of that getup in JoF lol)  As for MY, I can't really imagine anyone else since Mark lol, but if I have to pick - gonna go with an odd choice of Huang Xuan.  Let's hear some names here for your picks as ideal leads for MY novel! 

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**sigh** and more *sighing*. Just like Bai Qian, I'm drinking myself to oblivion with 3L3W MVs, not to mention watching re-runs of my favourite scenes.

I haven't quite found another drama to 'replace' or at least divert my attention... 

On 3/8/2017 at 9:05 PM, peanutbutterjellytime said:

Let's hear some names here for your picks as ideal leads for MY novel! 

@peanutbutterjellytime I wouldn't mind seeing Zhu Yi Long as Mo Yuan. He's handsome enough to be considered 'pretty boy'. 

As for SW, I would like someone who's kind of sassy and would kickass. So Tong Liya would definitely be my choice and she's actually a good actress. GYY would definitely suit the look however she may appear too nice and sweet. No, we need to rouse and prod our God of War not appease him :blush: 

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38 minutes ago, thundergirl3 said:

**sigh** and more *sighing*. Just like Bai Qian, I'm drinking myself to oblivion with 3L3W MVs, not to mention watching re-runs of my favourite scenes.

I haven't quite found a another drama to 'replace' or at least divert my attention... 

@peanutbutterjellytime I wouldn't mind seeing Zhu Yi Long as Mo Yuan. He's handsome enough to be considered 'pretty boy'. 

As for SW, I would like someone who's kind of sassy and would kickass. So Tong Liya would definitely be my choice and she's actually a good actress. GYY would definitely suit the look however she may appear too nice and sweet. No, we need to rouse and prod our God of War not appease him :blush: 

For Shaowan, I can see GYY in the role (but like @peanutbutterjellytime only if Mark portray MY again :)) cause GYY is quite versatile in her acting. She has a sweet aura around her but at the same time, she can portray evil character / bad character so well (seen her in Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre; Tian Xia Di Yi).

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6 hours ago, hinotori93 said:

This is another C-novel I'd like to see as a drama. I agree that Yang Yang is perfect for Night and I can imagine Yu Meng Long taking on the Phoenix role because he's such a beautiful man :wub:

That's 4th brother?  No we need an actor with a more dark/intense look, maybe a younger version of Mark lol....But I am not familiar w Chinese actors maybe another Unknown that will add depth to The Phoenix Prince, 

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@peanutbutterjellytime Honestly, Mark all the way for Mo Yuan. I can't imagine it to be anyone else. If I look at all the more known, popular, mainstream actors, I can't think of anyone. As for SW, I'm not sure either. Hm...I love Liying but still trying to recover from her JOF drama. Tiffany Tang has limited range (in my opinion). Li Shi Shi could probably I'm not sure. Haven't seen her break through beyond Startling Steps. I can't really think of any on the top of my head. I wouldn't mind if Tang Wei does a drama. That would actually be an interesting one.

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26 minutes ago, Sary Em said:

That's 4th brother?  No we need an actor with a more dark/intense look, maybe a younger version of Mark lol....But I am not familiar w Chinese actors maybe another Unknown that will add depth to The Phoenix Prince, 

Ok, maybe not 4th brother (but still can't get over the still photo of him with silver hair in his new drama hee). 

What about Kris Wu? He epitomizes 'smouldering' which is what one would expect from a Fire Deity  :D


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On Tuesday, March 07, 2017 at 10:16 PM, atgirlina said:

just switch ep 38 with the correct sub. but youtube system will not allow it to go up immediately. it have to be viewed first before it will switch it to the correct one. i will upload ep 1-2 to youtube, but same thing, it wont be uploaded till someone else viewed it. 

sorry, just tried, but ep 1-2 itself doesn't allowed subtitle. no option to upload one. that's up to croton to changed it. maybe you can email them to switch the subtitle option on. in the mean time, tried the site i suggested. you should be able to watch it from your mobile.

Thank you for your effort.hugs. and thanks for the suggestion too. I appreciated it.

I think I found another site. It took so long for loading the site through my phone. But finaly I can watch it on kissasian.

Finally...eng subs:wub:

I wish I can buy the original dvd :D

And I love Yehua more. Mo Yuan so cute though. Zhe Yan told to Yehua that Bai Qian adore Mo Yuan. She thought Mo Yuan has 6th arms lol

Bai Qian or Siyin was surprised because Mo Yuan was more pretty than Zhe Yan. :D

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@seawaterwitch Me too! I wish they'll release a director's cut DVD for the drama with additional scene and all :) 

Ye Hua is definitely my fave (for the depth of his love) and I tend to be biased on him. Granted, that doesn't mean I don't love Mo Yuan. Just that BQ is for Ye Hua only (for me) and no one else :)  


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45 minutes ago, Lyna said:

@seawaterwitch Me too! I wish they'll release a director's cut DVD for the drama with additional scene and all :) 

Ye Hua is definitely my fave (for the depth of his love) and I tend to be biased on him. Granted, that doesn't mean I don't love Mo Yuan. Just that BQ is for Ye Hua only (for me) and no one else :)  


I agree.  Withdrawl like crazy....

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