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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Guest my2centsworth
2 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

You mean BDJ knew all along that DH is not his daughter or he found out DH2 is faking it. I notice in ep55  ASJ and BDJ sleeps in different rooms, when BDJ was at the study table ASJ came in to make the bed and she asked 'should i sleep here tonite?' waahaaha that's funny. Why is BDJ taking out that DNA report all of a sudden, was this test done long time ago with DH or recently with DH2, i'm curious

Don't think that BDJ has any idea that DH2 is not the real DH. For him to know or suspect, he would have to know there were twins.  After all she was injured and has (pretend) amnesia. He will probably attribute it to her being in the hospital. The doctor told them she would not be the old DH they knew.   What is going to be the real kicker here, is when he finds out that his wife stole her.  Right now it appears that he may think that ASJ cheated on him and got pregnant with another man's child.

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i will be mad if the writer build that rat TJ/NY up again.
i cant believe NY first kiss after being the new DH is with that rat TJ. i was hoping it would be HK.

i hate this episode cuz of that rat TJ forcing himself onto NY.

how does that little sis of NY get pregnant? i never saw a bed scene for her before.

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Guest my2centsworth
35 minutes ago, maartjeheit said:

TJ's mom bet on the wrong horse (son) for the money. TJ's brother will be the one with the money. When the Jangs are starting to work together with AP Food they are the ones who will also make the money. TJ's brother go's back to NY's sister and help the Jangs in their company, get a position there and there comes the money. TJ will loose it because SJ will loose her position as not being her fathers daughter plus she and her family will loose the company to HK. :w00t:

Oh yes.....that is so right !  Hadn't thought of it that way. I don't know about others, but I am glad that GB is not pregnant. I didn't want to see her trap SK. In the previews we see the two brothers meeting for the first time. This is going to be very interesting as TJ has no idea he had a brother.  I love how the characters in this drama are connected. Both brothers involved with a Lee. one brother working against the Lees to keep them away for helping AP Foods while SK may help them as he gets back with GB. SK really likes GB and she him.  Plus the fact that SK works for the Beaks who are also helping HK and AP Foods. This is great !

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I also agreed that at the moment Baek Dong Jin thinks that Ahn Sung Joo had been unfaithful. He took the test for Do Hee and himself. He will be surprised if he did one with Do Hee and his wife and it will not be related too.

But being the true man he did not take it out on Do Hee and loved her all the same. The one getting the cold shoulder is Ahn Sung Joo. If she did not steal a baby thinking she can keep her husband ... she will not loose him now totally as he think she wronged him with another man's child.

I think there is an awakening in Tae Joon as he is not taking in the "bullying" anymore. He has to realised that the female Jangs are also responsible for his daughter's death.

I love "Do Hee" playing it cool with all of them. Seduce Tae Joon then abandoned him like he did to Na Yeon.

I see "Do Hee" as an excellent instructor to toughen up Hwi Kyung. He too lived a pampered life.

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i think NY could have move if she want too. instead she stand there like a deer in headlight, letting that rat kiss her.

i still cant believe after so many episode HK still havent kiss anyone. yet the writer let that rat TJ kiss three people if we counting the new DH too. the writer better makeup for HK not having any kiss scene so far.

i want a french kiss for HK/new DH.

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1 hour ago, wunwing1 said:

how does that little sis of NY get pregnant?

...its called "wishful thinking"... :naughty:

3 hours ago, tulip06 said:

TJ made me hate him all over again.  He is getting snippy with the Jangs, not because his daughter died in their terrible care, or that they wanted her ripped from her mother at such a young age, but because YK says he is not the heir.

Greetings, Friend...  I'm actually happy he is in their faces.  I suspect TJ entered into this Jang-mess initially to do the right thing but as events unfolded and he saw how much manipulation was going on, that he is now out for revenge either against the Jangs for his father or for the injustice done to young NY or for NY and SB's death but now that he has SJ right where he wants her--trying to give him control of Baekdo--he can begin to exert that control over SJ and drive a wedge between her and YK.  It doesn't matter that YK doesn't want him to be the heir, SJ has said over and again she wants to "share" Baekdo with him. And one day even the Angel of Death has to die... Don't you love that SJ is forever fighting the image of NY in DH and the memory of NY in TJ's heart and mind...  bleed, SJ, bleed.... :naughty:

1 hour ago, my2centsworth said:

The line of hateful and deceitful woman will be no more !  Probably to only good thing she has ever done in her lifetime.

Agree... the world will be a better place with no more mini-YKs or SJ's; however, the "body count" just keeps going up, up, up...  I want to see this woman in chains but the way things are going "karma" or "fate" is going to demand her (or SJ's) death and I have a desire to see her exchange those designer threads for a blue or orange jumpsuit and the jewelry for cuffs...  I SHALL NOT BE DENIED!!! :naughty:

@My2centsworth - regarding when and how BDJ may have found out about DH not being his child and having the DNA test done...  we know that at some point in her childhood DH had open heart surgery--remember all the cream on the scar talk from last episode--when a child has surgery, it is SOP to run blood tests and to set aside matched blood in case something happens in surgery and it is needed.  It may be that this is when BDJ initially found out DH was not his child--the blood was not a match so he asked for a DNA test.  However, they would have run tests on both parents and I thought I saw two pages to that DNA report while we only saw the conclusion on the paternity report.  There may well be a maternity report in there too.  It doesn't make sense that someone as thorough in business as BDJ appears to be would do only half the work when it comes to determining DH's parentage.  I think he knows what his wife did and perhaps he paid compensation to LYA so that she never tried to find DH and this is why he is cold with ASJ..

3 hours ago, valsava said:

In this case I have to support @sherrrr It's not ok to kiss a married man

Agree... but its also not okay to steal a man you know has someone back in Korea and its also not okay to play house with someone when you have someone waiting for you back in Korea...  If you think 'whole drama', TJ belongs to NY ever since that self-marriage in the church.  It doesn't matter that TJ and SJ had that public ceremony, "in the eyes of God" and in their conscience TJ and NY were married and TJ and SJ are adulterers and SB was proof of that marriage which is why SJ and YK killed her off.  But what I loved about that scene... just like the rooftop scene, is how TJ just can't seem to help himself, he is "drawn" to DH almost like he is under a spell.  Oh, yeah, and I also like the idea of SJ losing her mind... :naughty:

Sigh...  I should probably be envious of NY-DH.  She's the anti-Chickpea.  She can cook, I make my nephews sick when I try... she has great aptitude for business; I can't keep my checkbook balanced... she has this incredible "power" over TJ (and HK); the only males who respond to me that way are my puppies--Chico and Peewee--and only when I have food or treats in my hand...  :anguished:

9 hours to Episode 56 and the SJ meltdown.... YIPPEE!!!


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Thanks the replies mona_12345 & gerrytan8063! 

The song is so beautiful especially instrumental versions.

When ASJ do realize she brought home the wrong woman, what will be a her reaction? Will she actually grieve for the real DH or will she be more concern about her husband finding out. The woman is a big mess, to steal someone else child just to hold on to man who don't even sleep in the same room as her or show any type love toward her other than respect.

Also, why DH2 so cold toward her adoptive family. Its has be another way to nicely tell these people to stay away from her. She don't have to be so cold. Will she be happy if they hated her? She keep forgetting that once all this is over she'll return to NY or at least I think that's still plan. She seem to be living as DH2 quite comfortably and adjusting to her new family day by day. Maybe returning back to NY will  be more harder than it seem considering everything NY has lost. 


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1 hour ago, wunwing1 said:

i will be mad if the writer build that rat TJ/NY up again.
i cant believe NY first kiss after being the new DH is with that rat TJ. i was hoping it would be HK.

i hate this episode cuz of that rat TJ forcing himself onto NY.

how does that little sis of NY get pregnant? i never saw a bed scene for her before.

1. DH2's (NY) mission is to bring down TJ and the Jangs,  Now she is trying to make TJ fall for her again and that will make SJ really misreablebe. The Jang is hoping TJ will be able to stop AP Food from progressing, will he be able to do that with him going all weak with DH2.  I don't think DH2 is aware that she is making HK jealous.

2. GB (NY's sis) is not pregnant she is suffering from malnutrition. 

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TJ is so weak lol. She didn't even have to try and he crumpled so easily. She knows his weakness and she will use his own insecurities against him. Honestly even without her it will only be a matter of time before he turns on YK and SJ because he has no loyalty. I don't buy the whole tortured soul act for a second. I love how the writer is trying to make it seem like he loved NY and he is haunted by her death when he never once hesitated and turned a blind eye to her being tortured by literally everyone lol. At the end of the day all he cares about is himself. He cries and then he does and allows others to do horrible things lol. Honestly, I think his obsession with her now probably stems from the fact he wants to go back to when he was happy. He had it good when he was with her not constantly being humiliated, treated like a house pet or SJ's toy.

This is my favorite part in the drama when the evil female lead realizes she made the wrong decision and everything she did never even mattered, but instead of accepting the truth then dumping the loser they desperately cling on (all the while having meltdowns) lol. She knows he doesn't love her and he never did, but she will keep trying to convince herself that he does. She was just a means to an end. She will always be living in NY's shadow and that will never change. Look at what he did and continued to do the women he supposedly "loved"  and the mother of his child while he was with you... what did you think was going to happen to you? Him remaining faithful is the least of your problems lol.

You wanted him at any cost and hurt so many people along the way ... there you go enjoy your husband kissing a woman that looks exactly like someone you will never be able to beat, even in death NY still wins. Why?Because her existence has nothing to do with him not loving you. Even if she was never in his life he still wouldn't love you.



I think she didn't push him away on purpose for SJ to see them but also because she was probably enjoying how easy it was for her to break him. I don't blame her I would do the same lol.

I didn't really hate TJ for leaving her for a better life (even though that was disgusting). I despise him because he played an active role with the torture. He could have easily moved on with his life and not take hers. The amount of damage he allowed to happen to the "love of his life" and his child is despicable. He knew everything but not once did he do the right thing. His mother and him deserves everything they get and it better involve jail time. 

The biggest idiot of them all is JW. He doesn't even that he has been torturing his own daughter and he is an accomplice in his grand-daughter's death thanks to them. Like TJ he just sits back and allows of all their evil behavior not even realizing it's his own daughter on the receiving end lol. I bet it will be TJ that figures out that SJ's not his daughter and will use it to blackmail YK.

I like HK too much for him to be involved in this mess. He's honesty such a nice guy I just want to give the guy a hug. He doesn't have it in him to hurt others and here they are plotting behind his back while living under the same roof. I can't wait till he takes over everything.

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HK told DH its making him 'cold'..later mummbled, the coffee is getting cold. Later he asked DH2 to have dinner but she rushed away.. Hmmm serves him right for choosing SJ against NY. In a way HK could have saved DH's life had he expose the report on SJ/TJ.

I am sure DH2 is not going to let him off too easily. As I see it HK is still a weakling and I agree KW sating that he should revive AP Food on his own.. here we have DH2 + papa solving the bankrupcy issue for him! As is my POV HK is too weak and nowhere near DH2 ir even TJ!! :angry:

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, Lilly58 said:

Thanks the replies mona_12345 & gerrytan8063! 

The song is so beautiful especially instrumental versions.

When ASJ do realize she brought home the wrong woman, what will be a her reaction? Will she actually grieve for the real DH or will she be more concern about her husband finding out. The woman is a big mess, to steal someone else child just to hold on to man who don't even sleep in the same room as her or show any type love toward her other than respect.

Also, why DH2 so cold toward her adoptive family. Its has be another way to nicely tell these people to stay away from her. She don't have to be so cold. Will she be happy if they hated her? She keep forgetting that once all this is over she'll return to NY or at least I think that's still plan. She seem to be living as DH2 quite comfortably and adjusting to her new family day by day. Maybe returning back to NY will  be more harder than it seem considering everything NY has lost. 


Think of it this way. When DH2 is treating what we see as badly and cold to her real family it's a defense mechanism.  Some times we have to hurt the ones we love in order to protect them. DH2 is protecting them by not letting the Jangs come back and hurt them more if they knew she was alive. And she has to hurt them to make sure they ( Jangs )  pay for all the hurt that she and her family have had to endure. HD2 must be screaming inside. Wanting not to hurt them, knowing they are already hurting over the loss of of NY and SB.   You could ask, does the end justify the means.    In this case I have to say yes.    When everything is said and done, DH2 can reveal the truth and ask for forgiveness for deceiving all of them. The Lees will welcome her with open arms.

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Well let me start of from what I have heard that Dohui's dad knows that Dohui isn't his daughter and yet he still treated her as one. Did say that would have been interesting if he was aware of this fact or the same in regards to Sejins' dad as well. But this also means that I have to take back what I said earlier about said fathers only being nice to their daughters because they thought that they were related to them and all. Well I gladly admit when I am wrong and thus recant my earlier statement in regards to atleast him. He is defnitley the better father figure and also a better person than Sejin's dad. Well we all knew about him being a better person and all but he certainly is a better dad as well. Now the question is when he found out the truth not that it really matters. Question though are we sure that the DNA test that he had was in regards to his daughter and not the one that Dohui took to verify her connection with Nayeon. Can someone please confirm this bit for me. Again not that it matters much in the long run and all but if this is the case it would be interesting to wonder if he thinks that he doesn't have another daughter out there. Though I think that I have to agree that it would be most likely a DNA test on Dohui and all. I mean it could have been possible that he saw that report when Nayeon was unconscious due to the fire and all and when they came to the hospital and after finding that out he may have gotten further suspicious and run a test on her to know if they were even related and all. In regards to someones response that perhaps he ran a test on Dohui because he couldn't have kids of his own and thus needed to verify this fact. I don't think that this is the case. Is it probale yes it may very well be the case but if I recall an earlier episode Dohuis' mother was saying something to this extent that she was sorry she was sorry that she couldn't tell her husband that their child had died because she was afraid that he would leave her and that Dohui wasn't related to him at all. This indicates to me atleast that he could atleast have kids at one time. What happens next is a totally different matter plus she lost her child around the same time that Dohui was born so it isn't like he couldn't have kids before perhaps after sure. So it would have to be something else that must have alerted him to the fact that Dohui wasn't his daughter in my opinion. What that was we will just have to wait and see.


Another point that @mona_12345 brought up in regards to that they didn't approve Nayeon seducing Taejoon and that they find it wrong for anyone to seduce a married person but they are sort of okay with a person going after a single person and all. Might agree with this or not is a different matter and while someone else pointed the fact out what about Sejin let me go in detail regarding what just happened over there. Sure you are so against Nayeon going after a married man but what do you have to say about Sejin who did the exact same thing with Taejoon. Granted you can say that Taejoon wasn't married to Nayeon at that time or that she knew that he wasn't taken. But here is the case Taejoon was in a relationship with Nayeon for X amount of years and even if we exclude the time when they were kids in school that was a real long time. Infact they even ended up having a kid together and all. It was to the point that all the neighbors knew exactly who the father was and if those two weren't already married then they were going to be soon. So while they weren't married legaly and all they pretty much did their vows and all in the church infront of god and all. So to an extent they were married and Sejin went after a married man. Now you can say that Sejin didn't know to what extent this relationship was or that Taejoon didn't know that he had a kid and all but the fact is that Sejin was nevertheless aware that Taejoon had a girlfriend because he had told her himself when they met each other after the time skip and all but she still wanted him and it didn't matter that he already was  in a relationship and all. So she went ahead and seduced him. So it's okay with Sejin seducing a taken man but not so with Nayeon doing the same.


Now I know that I shouldn't let my feelings cloud my better judgment and all so I believe that it is only fair that I try to defend Sejin's actions as well. Please don't make me regret this because I really don't like defending anyone from Camp Team Evil. But I still have to ask who exactly seduced who. We know the official story that Taejoon was faithful to Nayeon for most of the time and it was only in the final year that Sejin got desperate and ended up seducing him by claiming that she was being stalked and all and therefore needed his protection and thus also ended up moving into his place and all where we all know what must have happened and all. Now we all know what happened next. But my question is exactly how hard did Taejoon need to be seduced or are we even sure that he didn't seduce her. Well he wouldn't have gone about it in the normal way but by playing it smart instead. For instance he played against her weakness to get her to notice him and all. Such as he played against her pride as well as made himself hard to get making her want him all the more. So in regards to playing to her pride we know one thing about Sejin is that she is very proud of who she is. She knows that she doesn't have much to offer therefore she holds onto with pride that she was the granddaughter of the chairman and thus expects others to bow to her and serve her without question. Yet here was Taejoon who while he recognized her for who she was simply pretended not to know her and simply treated her as someone normal and not important. This was clearly meant to grab her attention which he successfully succeeded in doing so. She was surprised that here was someone that wasn't intimidated by her one bit and didn't think that she was all that great. Next when she told him to be friends he refused to do so on the excuse that his girlfriend wouldn't like that. Again further surprising her because she would be used to people wanting to know her simply for her connections and hope what they could get from her this way but here a man was flatly refusing her further making her want him more. Now when they went to the States we don't know how they interacted with each other but if Taejoon continued to play hard to get in a similar manner and the only times that they would interact with each other was during classes and when he taught her and nothing more her drive to seduce him would continue to increase and all. Thus when she came to Taejoon with the excuse of the stalker he was fully aware that she was lying but realized that it was enough time for him to play hard to get anymore but now to pretend to fall into her trap and all. Thus he was the one seducing her by playing a mental game with her and since she isn't the brightest person in the world she thought that she was the one seducing him when infact it was the other way around. Plus her taking the first steps further allow Taejoon to claim his innocence to those around him that he couldn't do anything when she came onto him plus it also doesn't make him appear as a gold digger but a victim. Have to say that it was a real smart move on his part but at the same time makes him the very --------- (well you can fill in the blanks with whatever that comes to your mind)


Another point that someone else brought up was how nice it would be for Nayeon and Dohui's father to become like a real parent and child by the end of the show and perhaps he even ends up adopting her. Here are my thoughts regarding this. While I think that is nice and all I don't think that it is fair to Nayeons' other adopted family. For atleast 12+ years they have looked out for each other and raised her as well are we to say that Nayeon will perhaps have to give up that family to be with her new one. That may make others think that she was just as bad as Taejoon that she gave up a perfectly good life for a better life the moment that she got the chance and left the family that loved and cared for her for so long. Yes I know that Nayeon would still love both families but others might not see it that way. Though to be honest it really won't make much of a difference in the long run I think if he does end up adopting her and all because come to think of it she won't be living at his place anymore but instead with her husband Hwi Kyung and his family. So in that case I am all for him adopting Nayeon by the end of the show since she will be out of the clutches of her real dad and that will be his punishment for ill treating her in the past. Forever denied his real daughter. :) This way she can still take care of both families thus keeping her promise to Dohui. I mean I certainly don't want her to give up either family by the end of the show. The only one that can cause problems is Dohui's mother but if she can mend that bridge as well she can have the best of both worlds two mothers that care and love her as well as the father figure that she never had. :)


Well that will be all from my end for the moment. Will have to watch the latest episode to get back to all of you later on so till then take care. Still have to say that I am liking her mind games on Taejoon and the rest of Team Evil. :) Oh well till next time keep posting all of you. :)

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7 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

Thinking the same here. DH2 will be what changes MS's mind. Whether MS finds out that DH2 is involved with AP Foods or DH2 goes and ask for her help. The thought of being near her will motivate MS to help. It will very difficult for DH2 to hold her emotions in, but she will. She knows she has to for the payback to the Jangs and TJ.  I do however wonder what plot SJ or KW will come up to put a halt to this?  We know they will try and we will get to see how DH2 handles it. She has to know it's coming.


@my2centsworth  DH2 already prepared for them and she's going to set TJ up and embarass him real bad sending SJ coming in also..

KW thinks he's squash the scandal about TJ and SJ but when that scandal comes out it would be as big as before right when they think they are riding high and things are going they way our other reporter is going to pick up the story and it's going to make front page headlines TJ will have no place to show his face because everybody would know his long time girlfriend/fiance help put him through school had his child and he dump her and married rich..

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3 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

Question though are we sure that the DNA test that he had was in regards to his daughter and not the one that Dohui took to verify her connection with Nayeon. Can someone please confirm this bit for me.

DNA tests between identical twins would be identical in every way. As they are from the same fertilized egg that switch, there is no difference. As far as the doctor's knowing about DH's previous condition, you'd think that would have come out before! I guess we will have to wait and see; also, pay attention to how she treats DH2 now. If it is the same, the DNA test is old news.


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Seriously after watching episode 55 with subs I have one massive question and that is when is HK, finally going to grow a pair and stand up for himself to the Jangs, to DH2, when will he sincerely fight for AP Foods. I love him but I feel he is too weak sometimes he can't hide behind someone especially when he is the main target no matter how much he doesn't want to be one.

I want him to stand and fight, fight for a possible relationship with DH2

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Slap! Slap! Well, I wish DH2 had slapped SJ back but whatever she said as she walked away must have been just as effective. Enough of those two! The rest was interesting. HK is trying hard to sway MS and the Lee family. His sincerity will win them I believe; especially if DH2 gives him hints. So MJ disses the younger son for TJ? Why would anyone consider them a mother? And TJ dissed his existence too. Sad for SK. I was happy that both YS and HK overheard the viper Jangs talking about what they need to do about HK and AP Foods. It needs to be solidified in HK's brain that they are not his family! I'm interested in the handshake when he was waiting for DH2 after she drove the drunk TJ home (yeah, she did and took joy in calling SJ that she was outside). So SJ posts another notice on the company board about HK and BSS being involved with AP Foods. I hope tomorrow that DH2 walks in there and informs the board that what else would a future father in law do for his future son in law? Thanks SJ! You are helping as usual. One more thing. DH2 should have learned. Never leave anything at home for that snoop A-SS mother ASJ to find. Not that it really matters. DH2 will have no problem shooting her down as all she has to say is 'you're not my mother or DH's mother'! End of story! The sub wait begins....


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