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15 hours ago, fuyuko said:


First thank you very much for your translations and all others in this forum who have translated.

I don't think anyone has translated this 30 min Femina Interview yet. I've seen the 4-5 minute version subbed. If you have time can you help translate this? Many thanks

Sure, I would love to translate this :) As before, I will type out the dialogues and post on this thread.

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Standing ovation...to @ariodante ... yes all our lose chances to be with that person.... mayb that is why we have this obsession to made it happy ending... hence our delulu abt zz n jy..... its like we writing pur story again thru theirs...

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18 hours ago, jlt4ever said:

Hi @xix19xix There have been quite some discussions among C-fans on this but opinions are still divided as to what has actually caused this unfortunate result.

I'm not quite familiar with how SARFT usually plays its role in regulating the industry. But it's just hard to imagine that a national government body like SARFT would impose such a specific ban on two newbie actors for showing up together in the public. To me the whole thing feels more like a consensual business decision from YuZhou's management teams, rather than them following a real ban from SARFT.

Rumor has it that Hunan TV cannot broadcast Happy Camp and Run For Time because its competitors reported the shows to SARFT and made it feel that Hunan TV is using the fame of Addicted Web Series to promote its shows. Hunan TV did not want risk irritating SARFT and therefore had to make a hard decision abandoning YuZhou.

As the ban on the Addicted Web Series is still new, no one really knows how seriously SARFT would take this. I think at the time of HC recording many TV stations were still waiting to see how SARFT would react. So after knowing what happened to Hunan TV, they were immediately discouraged from inviting Yu & Zhou to record programs together.

In the meantime, Yu&Zhou's management teams must also have realized that YZ continuing to show up together may cost them more good opportunities. Based on what happened, I think JY's team proposed the separation first and the proposal was soon accepted by ZZ's team.

The above is all my personal understanding. I will surely let you know there is more official news on this in the future.

It's really nice to get in touch with so many international YuZhou fans on this forum. For those who do not speak Chinese, if you have anything you want me to translate, please send me a message, and I will try to translate it when there is time :) 

u're so nice, thk u very much :))

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I think the topic of Johnny's free spirit very interesting. We don't know him, so it's difficult to know how much of it is an image he likes to project or how much it's a personality trait which he'll stick to no matter what. Maybe a combination of both? But I do think that he's in the entertainment industry because he wants to make a living out of it, so I do imagine he is ambitious. And I can't imagine that he'd let go a chance to make it big. He's gotten a bit of a taste of the big leagues now, and I find it hard to believe he'd let that go, just because he's free spirited. If that means he's signed with an agency, I don't know. I suppose it depends on the demands they have - maybe they've only give him opportunities if he's prepared to sign up for whatever. 

If we believe JY is in a relationship with ZZ, this must be a predicament. If JY is a free spirited guy who wants to be true to himself, I imagine having a secret relationship is something he greatly opposes. There's a vast difference between being private about a relationship and being secret, after all (although, us fans could easily erase that difference with all the 'investigations'). When we look at all the BTS-videos and all the other times that we've seen JY look at ZZ with such googly-eyed wonder, I see someone who doesn't care to hide how he feels. I think that's probably what he means with 'be true to yourself' - he doesn't want to live a life in the shadows. But if they are in some kind of relationship, he's not the only one he has to consider. And JY knows that it's impossible to be open about this, right now. I can't help but wonder how that affects JY, though, that conflict. How much is he prepared to compromise, in order to protect his and ZZ's careers. It'll be interesting to see, in the future, how JY will act, if he keep being a little rebellious and how much he'll adjust.

I think ZZ is ambitious too and of course a relationship with a guy isn't exactly the best strategy at this point, no matter how he might feel (maybe this is part of the stress he seems to be feeling right now?). They are both young, their futures laid out before them, with the possibility of having a successful career. But maybe they're both learning how to 'play the game', so they can have both a good relationship AND a career. (From that perspective, I almost wish they're NOT in a relationship - yet - because it just means so much trouble for them.) It's just a pity that they can't officially support each other, boost the others career - even if it's just a good buddies (but I suppose it'll take a long time before people see them together and only see two good friends. That cat is out of the bag, it's hard to get it back in). 

Imagine JY coming on stage in Beijing on June 5 to sing his duet with ZZ, for example? It would be beautiful and perfect. And no one else should sing that part. Here I want JY's free spirit to win - to just say damn it all and do that. No more, no less, just finish the show with the duet. And we could all die happily.

I love your story @Ariodante - the magic powers of Addicted, it never ceases to amaze. :) 


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JY will be returning to BJ tomorrow! Geez, is it weird that im so excited about JY will reunite with his wifey tomorrow? :crazy:

@kmmyzz: no worries, thanks for letting me know. I must have missed it while scrolling down through all these long posts using my phone :sweatingbullets:

More ZZ today. Cr on pic









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2 hours ago, Ariodante said:

However, it still touched us deeply in many profound ways: perhaps it acted as a mirror to our past actions, missed opportunities, relationships gained, lost, or never attempted (the worst!); perhaps it awoke a ray of hope for love, that we may find a GH or BLY in the future, or perhaps we just realise a GH or BLY is close by and we need to make a move. Or something much more…


Thank you for sharing the story with us! It's amazing how this show has touched people in many different ways. I've read so many different stories from fans about why they felt so connected to the story in one way or another... I'm a sucker for everything cute and romantic :wub: 

Anyway this video of ZZ, has it been posted? He looks so darn cute!

Yue Sai X Xu Wei Zhou - 520 Surprise



edit : okay nvm just saw the GIFs posted! sorry I was overexcited, he looks so much like a cat ^.^ 

have a lovely day / evening!

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53 minutes ago, charlie10 said:


Imagine JY coming on stage in Beijing on June 5 to sing his duet with ZZ, for example? It would be beautiful and perfect. And no one else should sing that part. Here I want JY's free spirit to win - to just say damn it all and do that. No more, no less, just finish the show with the duet. And we could all die happily.



You seemed to read my mind! 

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12 hours ago, xix19xix said:


There are a few things that would make it difficult.

Firstly, both of them are already stars in their own right. They do not need to make another season. I mean ZZ has a sold out concert, JY has been getting a lot of offers too. LFS has already started acting in a new show. CW has a new show already.

If they wanna make the second season with Netflix, they must be prepared to be banned in China for a long long time. They would be giving up opportunities in the mainland which is their home country. In the Western world where Asian characters are routinely whitewashed, I see few opportunities for them thereafter.

Also, Netflix would not want incur the wrath of the China government at a time when they would love to make inroads into the China market. After all, boy love is still a niche market. I have to say that Addicted series has broader appeal than most BL shows but then the Chinese market is far bigger. If I were Netflix, I won't risk it.

Unless they are paid extremely well, I can't see it happening...

Sorry, maybe it is because I have come to accept that it has ended. Just as ZZ said, it is a new beginning. All I  hope is that they are doing well and that both of them are safe and happy. The Delulu dream is that they will eventually be able to appear together publicly. And the ultimate Delulu fantasy is that they will get married in the future.


Thanks for the reply. I'm a new fan and it's been hard to let it go, since I finished the series yesterday, discovered it was cancelled due to the censor and yesterday was the international day against homofobia. I was literally feeling the consequences of other countries homophobia (I'm from Brazil).


That make me question a lot of things and memories, and the series has really affected me for the very first time (I guess it would be those kinds of love you develop torward a series/ fictional character everybody experiences as a teenage, but for me it was the first time and I'm alread 25!). The possibility to see myself represented in a webseries is now new to me, I don't have to conform with heterossexual romance anymore. I just wished they could end the series properly to have a sense of closure I guess... But I know it's a bit selfish to think like that, since it may impact their careers...


Is there a way to show our discontent publicaly? I mean, ok not to do a petition for Netflix to produce the series, but we could do a petition against the ban of all the LGBT content in china. I know it may end in nothing, but we can try to show how people in all world are united against this kind of institutional homophobia in china and heat the discussion... It's a long way to go, but I'm so frustrated I'm feeling I should do something.



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Seems Johnny spent some time while waiting to fly back home to delete even more posts from his weibo... He's down to 39 now.

Good news! ZZ is still there. 

It's like a game - what will remain the longest. It's very intriguing. So this preciousness is still there. It means something, at least. It means something to him. 



Also, I see there's news that JY will star in a show, something about lipsynching?

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@Ariodante, @André Sá,

Wow... Really deep and powerful sharing! I am amazed how this series is able to touch and continue to touch so many people from so many different background. Maybe the love that we dream of, had and lost, and the regrets and hope we have about love are indeed the reasons why we are so hooked. It is our common language! That could explain why its appeal is beyond traditional BL.

I said before and I will say again. China lost an opportunity in extending its soft power by banning Addicted. They had not realised how many people love the show and would have had a favourable image of China. This is yet another PR blunder they committed. It just reinforces their image as secretive, unpredictable and controlling.

Andre Sa, I don't think the Chinese likes it when one takes the hard approach. Protest and petition will only make them more resolute. They will not engage like how they were during the Umbrella movement in Hong Kong. If only someone powerful would privately get the top government officials see things in a different light. This is a different kind of delusion.

So I personally feel the best way forward is to let more people know about the show, and support the boys - such as buying ZZ music, watching JY new shows. This is what most Chinese fans are doing. We can join in too :) Let those in SAFRT know that they can ban but they cannot stop people from loving the show and the boys! 

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