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12 minutes ago, Tin Le said:

It is on chap 36-37 Book 2. I read in a Vietnamese translation.I don't remember which chapter is. So, I cannot help you at all. What I remember is that GH don't realize BLY tried to leave his ownership at first until JJY tell him how mischievous his partner is when leaving that obvious mark. After that, GH happily realize BLY loved him to the point to show everyone that GH only belongs to him :wub: 


Now I'm seriously regret Addicted S2 canceled !!! Where all LY's posessiveness & love obviously appear ~ T.T

At least,it continue to HaiYin's real live version 


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I want to spam my love for veins. Since @ximichem not giving me the meds for my addiction of veins anymore. Spamming for myself.

He must have known that we thrives for his veins. Normal people just don't hold their tickets and travel bag this good!


In case you forgot how beautiful his face is



cr. on pic 

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Btw, LFS is starting a month long shoot for his new tv series.

And as shared previously, CW already has a new show too...

Hopefully, JY and ZZ will have new projects soon... The ban really affects them most...

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2 hours ago, Scandani said:

Just a while ago we all were so worried about JY having no jobs lined up while ZZ is so busy with his album. And now, you are worry that ZZ only have his album while JY's work is lined up. LOL

LOL. I am greedy too! I am hoping for JY and ZZ to have hundreds of projects but I also want them to have their time, to have vacations, quiet nights, just to enjoy themselves and each other's company. XD


sorry for spamming, I just finished work and suddenly there are so many things on Weibo that I think I should share here with everyone!

@izziehudson Never feel sorry for spamming fanarts, fan acc etc here, please. This thread lives from spam! If nobody spam us, we'll die :P 

2 hours ago, charlie10 said:

Oooh, it's so exciting with Johnny attending the Cannes filmfestival! I love it. Finally, something going on where I can access news myself. Yay!

I'm dying of curiousity as to what he'll be promoting. Or if he's just there to promote himself. And I'm ever so intrigued by how Johnny seemingly has no concrete jobs which we know about, but still he's invited to top level parties and now the world's most glamourous and publizised film festival. It's amazing. Obviously, the important people in the Chinese entertainment industry see a star in Johnny and are working on making it true. (Even if I still can't make sense of the paradox of him at the same time losing jobs - like The Amazing Race.) Johnny does have something special - he's beautiful and mysterious and super cool. 

Yes, JY's condition seems paradoxical for me too. I think one of the possible explanation is, he should have lots of projects lining up but sparft disrupted that by their ridiculous (unofficial) personal ban, which led to HC and RFT2 cut him and all. But then, I am curious why the top parties on Chinese entertainment industry (like H.Brothers, Dong Tian etc) do not just let him go? The power of fan bases? Without product, industry can not turn fans into money. For now, I think I am just going to assume that lots of high profile figures like JY personally, thus doing things out of ordinary for him.

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22 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

ZZ's laugh compilation makes me go crazy! 3m40s long of laughing!:

Download for ppl cannot view wb:

His laugh is infectious! If only the creator added in the "watatata", then this would be perfect! Lol!

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I am not so sure but do JY and ZZ wear the same ear rings? ZZ's is looking different because of the lighting? Or am I deluluing here?



Credit on pics and @izziehudson who posted them earlier and yeah, izzie, I see what you see on JY :P 





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3 hours ago, xix19xix said:


I suspect he really wants ZZ to be his partner for the race and with the ban, he is not keen to race with anyone else.

That's just such a sad thought. Think of the opportunity lost there! Grrr.

Anyway, with JY going to Cannes, and we're still wondering where ZZ is. Is there any indication when and where the baking-a-cake photo of ZZ was taken? 

If we travel a bit too, to delulu-land, I'm very amused by how poor ZZ must have travelled this past week, to keep up with JY (and to give him that hickey) And without anyone knowing! First a car trip to Dandong for 8 hours. Then a long ferry ride to Beijing. Then a car trip to Shanghai... Heh. No wonder he got sick. Maybe JY took the travelling-in-public duties this time. It's kind of interesting to know that if they want to hide, they're both able to. They can travel and hang around without anyone knowing, obviously.

Seriously though, what is ZZ doing? Is he just rehearsing like crazy for his show in June? But why is JY going to Cannes with the big league people and ZZ is just MIA. Will he not turn up live until what, May 20? I hope he has plans too, which are just not public yet. It's interesting to see that FS & CW are working. Makes me wonder if ZZ & JY probably have had all kinds of offers, but that they're both aiming higher in their careers. Because they can! Because they know there's a chance to hit the big time. If that's indeed what they want. And I think they do.

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ZZ's Weibo update : [喵喵]明天十点开票,六月五号北京五棵松现场等你们一起high!!![转发]


reposting @百度糯米演出票's post on pre-sale for Beijing meet tickets on 5 June 2016. 

优质偶像!摇滚男孩儿许魏洲北京签唱会来袭!@许魏洲ZZ    百度糯米演出票独家预售!时间为5月10号 10:00 开始,5月7号至9号更有转盘活动赢签唱会名票,许魏洲签名照片和海报,更有许魏洲最新专辑CD等你来抢!小伙伴们赶快拿起手机,下载百度糯米app扫描二维码,进入活动专题玩起来!更多精彩,尽在百度糯米演出票! #许魏洲6.5签唱会#  链接直戳:O网页链接收起全文d




link for tickets

pre-sale starts at 10am tomorrow (10 May) (GMT +8) 

so Beijing show - 5 June 2016 and a show (concert+FM?) in Shenzhen on 3 July 2016.

Hmmm Shenzhen's my grandparents' place, I should consider flying there lmao

More info on ticket prices for ZZ's concert in Beijing in case anyone is interested.


¥88 for CD, ¥380 for seating C, ¥468 for seating C and CD, ¥680 for seating B, ¥768 for seating B and CD and ¥980 for seating A (probably standing area, normally concerts are like that right?) and ¥1068 for the best seating/standing area (A) plus one CD.

Edit : on #JYatCannes


downloaded 斗鱼 Duoyu app on my phone - since they will have a livestream on the app :D download the app and scan the QR code... will update later for those who are interested :) sorry I can't translate much lmao I have very limited Chinese 



@gayyoxx vampire ZZ B) muehehehe



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Hi, this is my first post and I can't resist it anymore to join this group. I used to read all of the update about JY and ZZ. However, I can't resist anymore to join with you guys. 

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Gio from Indonesia.

I even try to get an summer attachment program in China in order to buy ZZ album and see them with my own eyes. And finally, I am accepted to do an summer attachment program in a lab in SuZhou. I just saw @izziehudson post something about ZZ concert in Beijing. It makes me really sad because I can't go there. 

Is there anyone planning to go? I am trying so hard to go there, but no one will accompany me in Beijing. It is kind a sad, but if you guys want to come with me, I will try to travel to Beijing first and then go to SuZhou for my attachment program. Looking forward for all of your responses guys. 

We can talk more in personal messages.Thank you everyone for reading my first post. 

Edited by giofidelito
personal matter
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Guest skeletonworks

My favourite pic of the day:


My all time favourite:


Hope he comes back bearing gift for wifey :heart:

Zhouzhou's laughter is the best medicine :heart:

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Dear @skeletonworks, I love veins, I mean I LOVE VEINS, and tried to post some veins earlier, but when I saw your post on dem veins. My heart stopped beating for a moment. Those veins, deserves its own altar for a worship. 

The pic you shared is just f*kn sexy beyond realm. Thank youuuu for sharing it.

15 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

My favourite pic of the day:


  Reveal hidden contents




My all time favourite:


  Reveal hidden contents




Hope he comes back bearing gift for wifey :heart:

Zhouzhou's laughter is the best medicine :heart:




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Another sand art for ZZ, very beautiful :tears: (cr on IG vid):

Btw, we are walking slowly toward page 900! Hoping for more good news from the boys for tomorrow and the coming days.

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16 hours ago, ximichem said:



it's the mark or possession/ownership. "rawr! I bit you. now you're mine!" hahaha


[comment on JY's wb photos pages ago] he really loves photography. he has an eye for a good angle. and all his angles are good. maybe if he could make his own self a subject of his photography. hahahaha

when I first watched the series, I really found JY good looking as much as FS. ZZ on the other hand. hmmm.. I felt he looks good sometimes. some angles aren't so good. but that just interests me. the people I was actually interested to are the same. idk why. sometimes I find them cute, sometimes not, sometimes really hot. and then after knowing things about them, I'm attracted beyond looks. it worked with ZZ, too. well, JY is good looking and could be really deep and artistic in his ways that's not similar as ZZ. which made me realize i don't want to choose between them. so I decided to paddle the waters and blows winds to sail the ship. HAHAHAHA


p.s. does anyone know if there's a part2 of the english subbed vid of YY interview. they look so baobeis in that vid. so fresh. lol

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20 minutes ago, zhouboy said:

it's the mark or possession/ownership. "rawr! I bit you. now you're mine!" hahaha


[comment on JY's wb photos pages ago] he really loves photography. he has an eye for a good angle. and all his angles are good. maybe if he could make his own self a subject of his photography. hahahaha

when I first watched the series, I really found JY good looking as much as FS. ZZ on the other hand. hmmm.. I felt he looks good sometimes. some angles aren't so good. but that just interests me. the people I was actually interested to are the same. idk why. sometimes I find them cute, sometimes not, sometimes really hot. and then after knowing things about them, I'm attracted beyond looks. it worked with ZZ, too. well, JY is good looking and could be really deep and artistic in his ways that's not similar as ZZ. which made me realize i don't want to choose between them. so I decided to paddle the waters and blows winds to sail the ship. HAHAHAHA


p.s. does anyone know if there's a part2 of the english subbed vid of YY interview. they look so baobeis in that vid. so fresh. lol

ZZ doesn't have a bad angle at all!! Are we clear??!! Lmaorofl jsut kidding :P

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