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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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19 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@zi4r I agree and disagree with your last statement. In my opinion, Hae Soo already loves Wang So, yet she has not realised it hence she thinks, she feels gratitude towards him. Notice that she was the one who told him about the difference between love and friendship, while Wang So answered to her that he was more worried about her because she was making a difference where there is none. Wang So was partially right. There is a difference between love and friendship, yet Hae Soo is wrong as well because she is unable to recognise what love is. She is indeed making a mistake as she doesn't know the difference between love and "infuation".

I agree with you. If she will spend a period of time alone, without being pressed by their (WW or WS) feelings, she will have time to think more about her feelings. For now she's too shocked by all what happened. Death of Lady Oh, the betrayal WW and even the words of WS, They sounded more like a threat than as a declaration of love “I Told you to be prepared”

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38 minutes ago, SizzlerZ said:


I'm really sorry for cutting your post short and I have to admit that I am really impressed with the calculations you have done. Although I do have to say, I think that you can't compare the two dramas directly in terms of the minutes that they have since they are different proportionally in terms of length. To make better sense of this: 
As you said:

35 x 45-minute eps in C-drama = 1575 minutes

RX accepts 4th prince's feelings ep 22-23 = 1035 minute mark 

Percentage drama progressed when RX accepts 4th prince's feelings:

1035/1575 x 100 = 65.7% 

20 x 60-minute eps in K-drama = 1200 minutes

Number of minutes passed at 65.7%:

0.675 x 1200 = 810 mins

Number of episodes at 810 mins:

810/60 = 13.5

Therefore if the C-drama and K-drama were to run proportionally (which they don't), HS would accept WS feelings at ep 13-14
Please don't get me wrong @briseis , I have no means to offend you in fact I am impressed by your calculations and they inspired me to carry that on. I hope you don't misunderstand. 

Actually, I thought it was clear that if the cdrama had more episodes and the relationship started in episode 17 than that event would logically occur sooner in the kdrama version. That's why I mentioned episode 14 in my previous post AS THE EPISODE WHERE THE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HS AND WS WILL REALLY START. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE EXPLICT SO YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND ME BETTER :-). 

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3 minutes ago, briseis said:

Actually, I thought it was clear that if the cdrama had more episodes and the relationship started in episode 17 than that event would logically occur sooner in the kdrama version. That's why I mentioned episode 14 in my previous post AS THE EPISODE WHERE THE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HS AND WS WILL REALLY START. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE EXPLICT SO YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND ME BETTER :-). 


That makes perfect sense so thank you for the clarification. I agree with you there in you saying that episode 14 would be the real start between them. :) 

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11 minutes ago, violet90 said:

okay i just want to make it clear on why people do think HS should just accept WS feeling when he proposed to her???? 

i mean seriously??

that girl been tortured , beaten and losing someone important.. loss her trust on WW and demoted to be a maid.... the first man that she maybe love is WW so its make sense for her to try and save her relationship.. its the same for any of us do you just really give up on another person?? she don't know why WW do that turn his back and i think she have to know from WW himself even i know she already know why... HS is someone that keep believing and keep being betrayed by other person but she still do that and care for that person like her friend that take her bf..

in BBJX RX ask 8th to choose between throne and her.... and he choose the throne...

if its the same in here HS will ask WW to choose too and he will not choose HS and it will be their break up..

the line of story is accurate enough and its a crazy thing just to jump from being lovey dovey with WW to WS in just a second.. she need time to heal to accept her fate and WS will always be beside her just like 4th and HS will realize that WS is the one...

just because WS want it do not mean HS will have to accept it.... think from HS POV not WS if you want to understand why she will reject him.....

Rejecting WS' proposal is acceptable considering the circumstances. I believe that it is more in reaction to the possibility of HS still believing in what excuses WW will say for not "saving" her like he cannot go against the king. Personally, I want WS to disappear from her life for some time and hopefully his absence will help her wisen up.

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14 minutes ago, SizzlerZ said:


That makes perfect sense so thank you for the clarification. I agree with you there in you saying that episode 14 would be the real start between them. :) 

By the way, I don't know whether you've already seen my PM I sent you but once again I'd like to thank your for your comment to my post because it's so important to get the feedback - when I write I think everything is clear to me, and even though I try to express and explain myself as well and completely as I can, sometimes I leave out things which I consider to be clear, while forgetting other people can't read my thoughts. So thank you for pointing out the omission in my reasoning.

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3 hours ago, lavendre said:

Dont wanna sound like a nag or smth, but argh she asked Wook if he misses her? *facepalm* I can accept and understand why she chose to reject WangSo after going through everything. But how long are we going to drag on about her longing or missing Wook? So if Wook said he misses her (which I think he did based on the trailer) and that he wants her back (probably not going to happen), she's gg go running back to him then? Sometimes I feel HaeSoo doesnt deserve WangSo at all. 

The rejection of Wang So's proposal is understandable but telling Wook "Did you missed me?" Zero dignity. If that's the case, Hae Soo you deserved a Wook...you deserved a man like that. I am sorry IU not even my love for you will stop me of slapping Hae Soo. :expressionless: I lost hope in her.   

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

I wouldn't be so quick to take that bit of news like it were the Holy Writ because it's pulled completely out of context and misleading just like the previews. I think that SOO WILL CONFRONT WOOK ABOUT HOW HE ABANDONED HER and that's something completely natural that she would want to hear him directly say it - IT's NECCESSARY FOR HER SO SHE COULD FINALLY LET HIM GO AND MOVE ON (to Wang So :-))


2 hours ago, fathiayunia said:

I'm gonna cross my fingers and pray to drama gods that IF that translation is true, Hae Soo's "Do you miss me?" to Wook is not in context of

"I still love you, and misses you, how about you?"

but about

"Do you miss me, while I was there in prison you only told me to stay strong, while I was almost hanged and died you were nowhere to be seen, while I was kneeling in the rain you turned your back on me and never look back. Do you even misses me? Do you even love me?"


1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

I understand why Hae Soo rejects Wang So's proposal. She has many reasons for her refusal:

- Wang Wook had already proposed to her and in the end, she was betrayed

- Lady Oh's death: The court lady had warned her that she was blind and she shouldn't trust the marriage proposal from Wang Wook. Lady Oh's death has such an impact on Hae Soo. She lost her mother and she can't forget that if she had followed lady Oh's advice (leaving the palace), the latter wouldn't have died because of her. So as a sign of respect towards lady Oh, she wants to follow her mother's advice: cut all the ties with the princes.

- She can't trust anyone any longer. This was the second advice from lady Oh. She is following her advice. 

Moreover, if she accepted Wang So's proposal, this would make her look like an easy woman. She needs time to forget Wang Wook. She can't jump to the next ship so quickly!



Am so in agreement with all of you. It's actually not surprising that Haesoo will ask Wook if he missed her. I'm in sync with the reasons @briseis and @bebebisous33 have provided, but @fathiayunia's direction resonates with me even more.

For Haesoo, I'm thinking she might actually be going through a variation of the 5 stages of death -  denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Spiritually, she's in a really bad place right now. She's lost the 2nd of her mother figures in a horrible and heart wrenching way...and the love she thought she shared with Wook was also snuffed out...or perhaps wasn't real to begin with.

As @bebebisous33 and others have been pointing out to us in a number of analyses, there have been red flags along the way that Soo has never thought to apply to Wook. However, in the obvious reflection she is likely doing now in the aftermath of Lady Oh's sacrifice, I'm sure many of her thoughts are about Wook and the things he did or rather didn't do. Why did she feel the need to proclaim her innocence to him? Why didn't he come to see her during those days that she was being tortured? Why wasn't he there when she was being marched to the gallows? Where was he when she was begging for Lady Oh's life? AND WHY did he finally show his face to her, only to turn his back?

So for me, the question she poses to him is more a facetious one. In keeping with a continuing theme throughout this drama, it's not that she's asking "did you miss me", but more "why did you throw me away."

EDIT: In regard to her initial rejection of So, this makes sense too. I agree with @bebebisous33 that it's too soon to go from one brother to another, but I might also add that Soo doesn't want anyone else to sacrifice themselves for her. In So's case, she's also already aware of what lengths he's willing to go for her.


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6 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

23 hours to go till we get to see what IU said to be interesting in Ep 12!

she say the same for episode 11 but we cry all the time hahaha i don't believe her anymore fun what fun she will be kicked out of the palace she will become washing maid she will have some "friends" in her new place who will like to make her days rely bad i hope she fight with them go girl don't let this crazy maids to bully you... she have hard time for accept lady OH died and WW NO COMMENT!! but we have second kiss i hope is in episode 12 not 13 i wait for that kiss like 4 episode or more

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52 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@zi4r I agree and disagree with your last statement. In my opinion, Hae Soo already loves Wang So, yet she has not realised it hence she thinks, she feels gratitude towards him. Notice that she was the one who told him about the difference between love and friendship, while Wang So answered to her that he was more worried about her because she was making a difference where there is none. Wang So was partially right. There is a difference between love and friendship, yet Hae Soo is wrong as well because she is unable to recognise what love is. She is indeed making a mistake as she doesn't know the difference between love and "infuation".

You see, I have to agree with Wang So because my husband and me started as a friend. He was not my type at all and I am not his type either. Never in my wildest dream I will get married to him. But then here we are, been married for 16 yrs and counting. Love and friendship are ONE for us. My husband is a good man. He is my best friend and my companion. Most people I know always commenting that we sometimes behaving like friends. I told them, of course!! his is my best friend and I am his best friend. We share our problems and will have a long talk on any topic. My husband also said that, he love me because I am the smartest woman in the world.  He love to ask for my opinion on anything and I always offer him solution. Well, that part, the smartest woman in the world he maybe exaggerating but I think he just want to make a point. So yeah, I am with Wang So on this. Love and friendship go hand in hand.

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13 hours ago, junejungki said:

Food lemon?? What is that??

not a clue. your guess is as good as any

was checking one of the link to the photos. hoping to get a spoiler, used google translate, that's the result.

would like to use this opportunity to thanx all the kind souls who have been helping us translate news, recap, etc when they don't have to. really appreciate the hard works, without it what can we miserable food lemon do :heart::blush:

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22 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

The rejection of Wang So's proposal is understandable but telling Wook "Did you missed me?" Zero dignity. If that's the case, Hae Soo you deserved a Wook...you deserved a man like that. I am sorry IU not even my love for you will stop me of slapping Hae Soo. :expressionless: I lost hope in her.   

@Gabi Bros Well, I woudn't condemn Hae Soo for these words, because the way I see it is that she doesn't really want to know how much he loves her or if he really missed her. In fact, her words could be seen as a reproach from her: "Do you regret now your decision for abandoning me because you missed me? " So in my opinion, Hae Soo is not naive or blind any longer. Wang Wook wants to appeal to her feelings through his words (I missed you), since he is a man who says many things, promises many things. So if she says it before he mentions it, this means that she has seen him through, like "You appear now and where were you before? Did you miss me?" So her words could be expressed as sacarsm and cynism. If he mentiones "I missed you" before her, then this would mean that he wants to bind her to him, without doing anything in exchange. She is not under his protection. So her question is just rhetorical: She denies that he really missed her, she shows that she doesn't believe him any longer. In both situations, she is expressing the same thought: her reproach towards him and she is no longer naive or stupid!! Therefore Hae Soo shouldn't be judged just because she said those words. They have to be put back in the context thus I believe, that's the reason why she will give back the bracelet. She will be upset that he comes back to her, saying such things. She will recognise his hypocrisie! 

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1 hour ago, SizzlerZ said:


I'm really sorry for cutting your post short and I have to admit that I am really impressed with the calculations you have done. Although I do have to say, I think that you can't compare the two dramas directly in terms of the minutes that they have since they are different proportionally in terms of length. To make better sense of this: 
As you said:

35 x 45-minute eps in C-drama = 1575 minutes

RX accepts 4th prince's feelings ep 22-23 = 1035 minute mark 

Percentage drama progressed when RX accepts 4th prince's feelings:

1035/1575 x 100 = 65.7% 

20 x 60-minute eps in K-drama = 1200 minutes

Number of minutes passed at 65.7%:

0.675 x 1200 = 810 mins

Number of episodes at 810 mins:

810/60 = 13.5

Therefore if the C-drama and K-drama were to run proportionally (which they don't), HS would accept WS feelings at ep 13-14
Please don't get me wrong @briseis , I have no means to offend you in fact I am impressed by your calculations and they inspired me to carry that on. I hope you don't misunderstand. 


Omo, you guys are the best, you know that rite? This exact calculation is dope :lol:

I think, plot wise, the blossoming romance between  So&Soo will take place in eps 13-14 like you predicted, because it will only catapult the forthcoming events. Wook will likely join forces with Yo out of jealousy. The faction of princes will form and the rest is history.

I very much agree with many of eclipses that said HS would refuse So's proposal. After her loss, she'd live like walking on thin ice, she'll hit the lowest of low as a water maid. Marriage might be the last thing on her mind. But her temporary separation with So would make her heart grow fonder. I'd appreciate it if the show takes that route.

Refusal isn't futile when it comes to So. He'll change her mind, I'm sure of it. Eventhough royal marriage might or might not happen, but they'll eventually acknowledge each other's feeling. At this point, what matters most is they can be together. 

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11 minutes ago, junejungki said:

You see, I have to agree with Wang So because my husband and me started as a friend. He was not my type at all and I am not his type either. Never in my wildest dream I will get married to him. But then here we are, been married for 16 yrs and counting. Love and friendship are ONE for us. My husband is a good man. He is my best friend and my companion. Most people I know always commenting that we sometimes behaving like friends. I told them, of course!! his is my best friend and I am his best friend. We share our problems and will have a long talk on any topic. My husband also said that, he love me because I am the smartest woman in the world.  He love to ask for my opinion on anything and I always offer him solution. Well, that part, the smartest woman in the world he maybe exaggerating but I think he just want to make a point. So yeah, I am with Wang So on this. Love and friendship go hand in hand.

Well, I would rather say that a friendship can turn into love and some not. Wang So didn't fall in love with her at first sight. He was attracted, yet only after getting to know her (her words moved him), he started falling in love with her. Moreover, I have male friends and we are quite close but that's not the same love with my husband.  

@violet90 for me, Hae soo should be giving back the bracelet in the next episode!! This would explain why Wang Wook is so mad at Wang So as he can't allow Wang So to have her! She is his in his mind. 

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HS cannot escape her fate....

even when thrown out from palace she still going to be haunted by palace.... WS and WW is the same in the way they NEED HS by their side and both of them want the throne to get HS.. i just feel kinda sad for HS that she actually really want to just go back when Lady Hae still here and her old self... a happy and bubbly girl the one that kick Eun , save Jung and put WS back to his place.. now she just an empty shell being drag by her fate and even i think WS need to give HS a time out.. she need time to heal and think...

but i think HS will give back WW bracelet and ending their relationship at least by eps 13..... that the end for WW ship....

for HS to give that back symbolic as there nothing more between them..... not even the memory of their love.. HS will take a step back and just restore herself with WS help.. in the preview where HS waiting for WS she seem happy so my hope that WS and HS will have their happy time... 

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2 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, I would rather say that a friendship can turn into love and some not. Wang So didn't fall in love with her at first sight. He was attracted, yet only after getting to know her (her words moved him), he started falling in love with her. Moreover, I have male friends and we are quite close but that's not the same love with my husband.  

That's the thing. Wang So didnt fall in love with her at first sight. Same goes to me. I have a good male buddy but somehow never attracted to him as a man.

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