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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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i just love how bold Haesoo is.. she just straight up asking what happen last night after he meet with his mother.. even our cold Wangso taken back with her.. she just don't care how scary he is maybe now she know he all talk but never going to do that.. i mean all the threat that he said to her.. lol

but i really loved Haesoo and Wangso interaction.. they bicker but always have something that made Wangso think.. they tense but in a good way.. also when in special eps when Haesoo give advice ' don't go around telling people you want to kill them' ... lol cause he do that to her but she also remind him to eat and sleep peacefully.. Wangso face is just priceless cause she the one that always fight with him can care for him too..

don't mind me i just love our OTP.... <3

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Annyeong Chingu!!  Am loving all the feels on our thread!! I think we're going to have a glorious time spazzing, discussing, drooling in some cases. Loving all the discussions and the different POVs. All the talk regarding Lee Joon-gi, Kang Haneul, Baekhyun, Jisoo...IU. Some were afraid of shipping wars, but it's very evident that's not , going to happen here as there just seems to be some very frank and candid admiration for many of the cast members. One or two in particular. :sweatingbullets:

 @MoOnLoVeRz Thanks so very much for the OTP edits!

Want to post this GIF just one more time just to point out the action. Have a feeling some of you may have already noticed it. Haesoo is surprised in this scene when Wangso kisses her, BUT in the closeup, you can see Jieun's head moving so ever very slightly forward and up to meet his lips. Hah!! I'm not sure if she even realized she did that. From a distance, the move is so imperceptable. I seriously can't blame the girl. I would have done the same. :lol:



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@meahri_1   YES! It's only a natural reaction for a girl right? That scene was elevated for me because HS had practically no makeup, or at least very little to detect. Despite that, WS steals a kiss at that one moment! :wub: She doesn't have to be all dolled up to receive that act. That speaks a lot for me. Also, both of them are dressed in a very simple fashion. That tells us how this couple is made for each other, whether in the palace or outside the palace as a normal couple in love. :blush::heart: All the feels and we haven't even watched scenes like this yet. Ha!



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2 minutes ago, simni22 said:

Hi all ,It's been a long time since i am joining a thread after the hotel king thread.I really like this drama a lot .can't wait for the next ep 

Hi Welcomeeee!!! :) 

@xiaozhu That scene is special for me because of that reason also...because of her having no makeup and a pretty big wound in her upper lip. It doesn't matter for him. :) It was realistic and sweet. 

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56 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

crazy monkey 017 Welcome to this forum and thread! The more, the better it is... balloons smiley



Thank you for the welcome.

I seriously love this show. And i am honestly not understanding the hate i am reading around. Everyone is targeting this show as if every other show that comes out has zero issues. Its grown to absurd level. I was over at koala's and people now are actually saying that LJK is miscasted and PBG acts better than him bec of his aura and height. Like wtf?  All this negativity is so upsetting. How do people have so much negative energy to vent. Everyone Do drop in positive comments on sites you visit. Not asking anyone to stalk threads like some of those jobless haters but if there is a site you visit , pls put forward an alternate view too

...... Anyways *phew* ....

I don't think WS is interested in her yet. And any protective gesture is just him being a decent person beneath all anger. What i do think is that she is now sort of on his radar - both because of talking back to him unafraid including beating up his little brother. And second i think the scene where she asks him 'was i supposed to just die like a dog' was very powerful because that is in essence is the story of his life. Now, their interactions will increase - the scene from the trailer when he destroys the prayer stone monument his mother is building for her other sons. Then it will get personal.

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Everyone keeps comparing the chinese and korean adaptation ....I thought I would weigh in too..

To begin with, I feel like both versions have a very different take and feel to it. Honestly, I do not see much similarity between them other than probably similar storyline framework. The conflicts are very different, It could very well be the cultural difference between Qing dynasty and Goryeo dynasty or general historical chinese and korean society. Also they ground in different rulers so it would be impossible to follow the same story line line even if some events seem similar. While both rulers cracked down on corruption and undue clan influences, were considered brutal ,grew paranoid in later period of their reign and died by a unidentified disease, they came from very different places in terms of upbringing. The status of women was also different in both the societies.

King Yongzhen was born of a lowly consort who later refused to bring him up, he was personally trained and cared by the queen and later by his father. He was being groomed to play a role in royal court though maybe not of a king. From a show depiction perspective, he seems like an introvert but confident individual who was well accepted by his brothers especially 13th prince. He gets caught in the war for throne when king demotes the crown prince and ends up taking a stand. He is cool, calm, confident, intelligent and ruthless when needed.

Wang So on the other hand was sent to be fostered by Shilja clan. He might have been a hostage... It seems in this period, Goryeo King was normally a figurehead and was controlled by nobles and conflicting clan.  Not much information is available about his early life except that he seems to be far removed from royal life and somewhat self-trained in terms of warfare based on folklore. Historically he was third prince to ascend the throne after his father ( The crown prince and third prince will get a shot before him). In the show, he is shown as a character who was already known for his cruelty. His hard childhood in Shilja, personal relationship with family and unseemly scar not to mention how he got it leaves him unsure of his self worth. Everyone seems to avoid him, but is not hesitant to use him and he looks at royal life as somewhat of an outsider. There is also the an odd myths surrounding his training as warrior and brutality. All he wants is a place to belong and be accepted. He is a fiery character who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. He is observant, angry and ruthless out of necessity. With all the different undercurrents here compared - weird vibe between 3rd prince and his mother, 8th prince seems to be the cold one in their marital relationship rather than his wife, 13th prince's implied attachment attraction to his sister-in-law, princess's obvious interest in 4th prince despite his outsider status in the family, crown prince's faith in 4th prince. Hae Soo's lack of historical knowledge, we are looking at a very different storyline.

Hae Soo's attraction for 8th prince will come at the price of guilt given her experience in modern world and the fact her sister is trying in relationship. The guilt will increase manifold if her cousin dies and she believes that her attraction for 8th prince played a role in it. I can see her battling it while 8th prince chases her aggressively. 4th prince will step up to take the role of her protector and friend and  later lover because she was kind to him. The only reason sister of 8th prince would marry 4th prince will be to forge a relationship with him when he starts to gain power or a royal decree given his current status. Hae Soo's unusual knowledge of herbs also might play a role in storyline beyond the obvious scar treatment arc.

I would say that Moon lovers is inspired by the original novel and is not an adaptation. Both version have been shot beautifully and are big budget dramas.


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this scene is really heart wrenching.. i mean Haesoo teary eyes and Wangso gave her back hug and said 'i miss you'.....

i don't care about all the negative stuff.. i'm here to enjoy this show and more importantly i fell in love with our OTP..  they worth watching and gosh they hit me with so many feeling even we did't see yet all the scene.. the chemistry is too much... <3

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10 minutes ago, kdramakrazy said:

I don't think WS is interested in her yet. 

Welcomeee!! You are right he isn't interested in her yet. That's why is so weird the song that played when WangSo got angry when she saw the scar (in the bath time) and the song playing was saying -I love you...I love you- :huh: LOL...they don't know each other, they don't love each other and the scene is pretty violent lol XD What's up with the song? Pretty song but not for the moment. I know now that is sang by Lee Hi. :) 

Wangso's interest for Haesoo will begin in episode 4. 

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MLSHR become hots because of the bad comments & heavy criticism

but i believe this drama will attract more new viewers also the rating going up slowly

i also hope MLSHR team re-edit episode 4-20 before the air @SBS channel & ONE ASIA

some dramas start with slow/poor rating but in the middle episode, the rating going up & increase because people like the storyline

some dramas start with high/good rating but in the middle episode, the rating going down & decrease because the storyline was clishe & boring

MLSHR drama have really good storyline. episode 1 to 3, Lee Jun Ki potrayed his character as Wang So very2 well. Kang Hang Neul too. kudos to them. so, hope we will hear the good news soon.




35 minutes ago, kdramakrazy said:

Thank you for the welcome.

I seriously love this show. And i am honestly not understanding the hate i am reading around. Everyone is targeting this show as if every other show that comes out has zero issues. Its grown to absurd level. I was over at koala's and people now are actually saying that LJK is miscasted and PBG acts better than him bec of his aura and height. Like wtf?  All this negativity is so upsetting. How do people have so much negative energy to vent. Everyone Do drop in positive comments on sites you visit. Not asking anyone to stalk threads like some of those jobless haters but if there is a site you visit , pls put forward an alternate view too

...... Anyways *phew* ....

I don't think WS is interested in her yet. And any protective gesture is just him being a decent person beneath all anger. What i do think is that she is now sort of on his radar - both because of talking back to him unafraid including beating up his little brother. And second i think the scene where she asks him 'was i supposed to just die like a dog' was very powerful because that is in essence is the story of his life. Now, their interactions will increase - the scene from the trailer when he destroys the prayer stone monument his mother is building for her other sons. Then it will get personal.


i love Lee Jun Ki acting in MLSHR. i'm also love Park Bogum acting in MDBC. both of them was so good but they're not same level even cast in same genre. 

people are so funny. after MLSHR set faster record by breaking 300, 000, 000 view in 3 days on China Youku, now they attact Lee Jun Ki. What? they want Jang Hyuk replaced Jun Ki in this drama. crazy anti-fans. they never give to put down MLSHR. 






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@violet90 It will always go that way, I think. It's fun to see a man desperate act to save a girl whom he loves hahaha.. Thanks for the vid. Soo can make the snowy So caught off guard like that. Tsk. Yeah Wang So-nim, do go around telling people you want to kill them! Even if you do it in a hot way, maybe you can be forgiven hahaha.. I can't believe I'm saying this but I thing Madam Heo will die sometimes soon. And in teaser I've seen a couple hugging each other in tears wearing white. I think it was Soo and Wook eventhough not really clear. But the hands that grab tight to the other robe is a male.

@bebebisous33 yeah, I guess that's my delu heart. Eventhough I shipped her with Wook my heart still sway when they are together. 

Guys, where I see this scene where Wook give Soo a bracelet? Is it out yet? On teaser perhaps? Thanks in advance for the help. 

To all who just come.. Welcome!! I would like to throw a confetti but Idk how hahaha.. Thanks to those who post pics and vids too. 

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23 minutes ago, Niki Azia said:

i also hope MLSHR team re-edit episode 4-20 before the air @SBS channel & ONE ASIA

If that happens...I wonder if the chinesse people will see the original version, and the koreans the re-edit one? Because it was hard for the team to get approval from China...all the episodes had to be approved by China before the broadcast. I think no more changes are allowed. 

14 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

Guys, where I see this scene where Wook give Soo a bracelet? Is it out yet? On teaser perhaps? Thanks in advance for the help.

Not out yet... In spoiler:


On the trailer we only saw the broken bracelet. 


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7 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

If that happens...I wonder if the chinesse people will see the original version, and the koreans the re-edit one? Because it was hard for the team to get approval from China...all the episodes had to be approved by China before the broadcast. I think no more changes are allowed. 


Interesting, if they do re-edit the episodes, I have a feeling that they will make this become an advantage in the market business because they can cut out some scenes in the re-edited version that was supposedly in the original version. And then, when it comes to selling the whole set drama online (or somewhere), they will put up two version available: the "Original" and the "Edited".  With some curious fans around, those fans will purchase both of the versions because they would wan't to see what was left out from the original. That's what I'm assuming if they do plan to re-edit, but I don't know either. Hahahaahhaahha :lol:

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46 minutes ago, pujajain said:

King Yongzhen was born of a lowly consort who later refused to bring him up, he was personally trained and cared by the queen and later by his father. He was being groomed to play a role in royal court though maybe not of a king. From a show depiction perspective, he seems like an introvert but confident individual who was well accepted by his brothers especially 13th prince. He gets caught in the war for throne when king demotes the crown prince and ends up taking a stand. He is cool, calm, confident, intelligent and ruthless when needed.


Love all your comment, but especially this part. That's 4th Prince down to a T.  I have to ask though, is that first sentence based on historical fact, the novel or the chinese version? I always thought that the queen was his mother (birth mother) but couldn't figure out why she was so cold to him? Did you read the novel? Has anyone on here read it? If so I'd love to know what the similarities and differences are between it and the korean or chinese adaptation? 

As far as if Wang So loves Hae Soo yet, I think I saw more interest in the princess that way. Much as it pains me to admit it, it's still early days for our OTP but from the preview things look promising... I wonder why she was getting whipped? Probably her sassy mouth, bless her little cotton socks. 

Edit: Could some kind soul point me in the general direction of the extended preview with subs? I haven't seen it and can't find it here or on the net. confused-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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26 minutes ago, pujajain said:

Everyone keeps comparing the chinese and korean adaptation ....I thought I would weigh in too..

To begin with, I feel like both versions have a very different take and feel to it. Honestly, I do not see much similarity between them other than probably similar storyline framework. The conflicts are very different, It could very well be the cultural difference between Qing dynasty and Goryeo dynasty or general historical chinese and korean society. Also they ground in different rulers so it would be impossible to follow the same story line line even if some events seem similar. While both rulers cracked down on corruption and undue clan influences, were considered brutal ,grew paranoid in later period of their reign and died by a unidentified disease, they came from very different places in terms of upbringing. The status of women was also different in both the societies.

King Yongzhen was born of a lowly consort who later refused to bring him up, he was personally trained and cared by the queen and later by his father. He was being groomed to play a role in royal court though maybe not of a king. From a show depiction perspective, he seems like an introvert but confident individual who was well accepted by his brothers especially 13th prince. He gets caught in the war for throne when king demotes the crown prince and ends up taking a stand. He is cool, calm, confident, intelligent and ruthless when needed.

Wang So on the other hand was sent to be fostered by Shilja clan. He might have been a hostage... It seems in this period, Goryeo King was normally a figurehead and was controlled by nobles and conflicting clan.  Not much information is available about his early life except that he seems to be far removed from royal life and somewhat self-trained in terms of warfare based on folklore. Historically he was third prince to ascend the throne after his father ( The crown prince and third prince will get a shot before him). In the show, he is shown as a character who was already known for his cruelty. His hard childhood in Shilja, personal relationship with family and unseemly scar not to mention how he got it leaves him unsure of his self worth. Everyone seems to avoid him, but is not hesitant to use him and he looks at royal life as somewhat of an outsider. There is also the an odd myths surrounding his training as warrior and brutality. All he wants is a place to belong and be accepted. He is a fiery character who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. He is observant, angry and ruthless out of necessity. With all the different undercurrents here compared - weird vibe between 3rd prince and his mother, 8th prince seems to be the cold one in their marital relationship rather than his wife, 13th prince's implied attachment attraction to his sister-in-law, princess's obvious interest in 4th prince despite his outsider status in the family, crown prince's faith in 4th prince. Hae Soo's lack of historical knowledge, we are looking at a very different storyline.

Hae Soo's attraction for 8th prince will come at the price of guilt given her experience in modern world and the fact her sister is trying in relationship. The guilt will increase manifold if her cousin dies and she believes that her attraction for 8th prince played a role in it. I can see her battling it while 8th prince chases her aggressively. 4th prince will step up to take the role of her protector and friend and  later lover because she was kind to him. The only reason sister of 8th prince would marry 4th prince will be to forge a relationship with him when he starts to gain power or a royal decree given his current status. Hae Soo's unusual knowledge of herbs also might play a role in storyline beyond the obvious scar treatment arc.

I would say that Moon lovers is inspired by the original novel and is not an adaptation. Both version have been shot beautifully and are big budget dramas.


Hmmm.. Your words make sense. If her cousin die, Soo can think it's because of her, her feeling and her relation with Wook. But I'm hoping that's not it. The story will be more interesting if Wook and Soo is already in relationship when So snatch her away. Well at least for me hehe.

4th in both vers do have different vibe. Wang So is a hot headed, very different from the cool 4th C vers (I'm sorry I forgot his name). But that's what makes this story interesting. He's so badly wounded inside and seek love in the wrong places. So to have So who love him unconditionally must be huge for him. I don't think he wants the throne for power, unlike 4th C vers. He wants it to protect his love ones. He already told her he won't give up on her no matter what so I'm hoping they will have a different ending too. 

Make Soo killed in a battle or to protect him or something that might let them meet for the last time. Or make her just disappear to the future again while there are still hope to meet. Just don't let her commit suicide without seeing him. That's just too cruel. 

Of course if I can have my have, 8th will snatch her back and decide to go away somewhere no one can find. But that's just foolish hope. 8th will push forward his feeling to Soo because he can't help it. From the way I see the teaser that guy can't live without her. Hahaha. Again, maybe I'm just deluded. But his shouting "Sooo yaaaa!" got me deep. And I can't get out. It's gae Jongpal all over again. :confounded:

About 3rd prince Yu and queen mother? It is almost definitely incest or Oedipus complex. The way they hand touch, the longing stare and the bath. I mean who accompany their mom taking a bath? He's not 2 years old. 

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Just now, MadraRua said:


Love all your comment, but especially this part. That's 4th Prince down to a T.  I have to ask though, is that first sentence based on historical fact, the novel or the chinese version? I always thought that the queen was his mother (birth mother) but couldn't figure out why she was so cold to him? Did you read the novel? Has anyone on here read it? If so I'd love to know what the similarities and differences are between it and the korean or chinese adaptation? 

As far as if Wang So loves Hae Soo yet, I think I saw more interest in the princess that way. Much as it pains me to admit it, it's still early days for our OTP but from the preview things look promising... I wonder why she was getting whipped? Probably her sassy mouth, bless her little cotton socks. 


That's what I thought too.... I thought that Yongzhen's mother was not the queen, but she was a person of high rank in the harem. Yongzhen was given for a concubine to raise simply because..... because..... :huh: The only prince who had a mother of low status is 8th prince. 

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