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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, kimchigal2 said:

Im watching Two Weeks since I too am trying to fill the gap since the show ended.

Dang! LJG is soooo good looking in it. I think i like his look there. He looks better with a lil more meat to be honest. Wayyyy too thin in MLSHR. 




Just finished it. I loved it. LJG  is damn great as usual ! 

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7 hours ago, Umi_ni_Sora said:

The fact that there are TWO versions of this drama has always been asinine to me.

Some important scenes were removed from one version and another version had lengthier or altered scenes. The stupid editing applies to the music as well - why not use the same music all around for the scenes? For example, the part where Soo rejected So's proposal utilized Lee Hi's My Love in the SBS version and the international version used Taeyeon's All With You. To me, Lee Hi's song has always felt sadder than Taeyeon's (it's a song about Soo's feelings towards her love) and I dub it the SoSoo anthem (it's a song about their feelings towards each other), so I felt different emotions because the songs used were different with SBS version hitting it home much harder/sadder than the international version, when both versions were equally sad. Another example is when they used Epik High's Can You Heart My Heart during SoSoo's date in the SBS version, but in the international version, they use I.O.I's I love you, I remember you. In that scene, Epik High's song was edited to emphasize the instrumental, and sounded more like hearts beating - fitting for a date scene with sun glowing and all. You know how you get antsy before a date with someone you really like, and your heart races? And how time (and heart beating) slows down when you're with them? The song pretty much picks up and slows down just like how a person's heart beats when they're with the person they love. I.O.I's songs didn't project that for me, but Epik High's song did. 

However the editing was done, people always felt they were missing things. It's alarmingly stupid. They could have extended the episodes to at least 5 more, and we'd be able to watch everything. 

I agree that the songs Lee Hi sang in perfectly represent the beautiful but tragic love of SoSoo. Bless those songs for giving me so many of these feels!! <3<3

And about the episode extensions, I think increasing the length of the episodes would be more appropriate because otherwise it would change the way they would end the episode and begin them. Reply 1988 have had 90 minute episodes and reply 1997 had really random duration times per episode... If they can, I hope they can release a full cut of each episode on Netflix. :D

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On 11/4/2016 at 11:42 PM, vwj1 said:


What episode was this scene from? I was under the impression the consummation between these two was way after Soo died.  So met his Soo's daughter and then they brought up the son's birthday.  I'm assuming since his daughter is around 6 years old, it fits the timeline for the son to be born. No other children were spoken about So I'm again assuming they have yet to have any other children and the son is much much younger then Soo's daughter?  Therefore, the deed was done much much later after Soo passed.  

This is my story and I'm sticking to it!  

i also want to believe this theory... i mean YH should really have a hard time proving that she abandoned her own people to have an heir, so it would take WS more time (aside from mourning HS death) to finally go with their contract... YH is just a subject of WS, so she cant really force it on him, it would look bad on her part...

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Just finished marathon all 20 episodes (took longer since sometimes need to watch different version/cut scene) and boy.. what a ride! :crazy:
Now I feel drained, mopey, and gloom. Been crying so hard not sure how to explain swollen eyes to coworkers tomorrow. 

I love the drama, I love So and Soo, I love their journey. It's 10 years journey of happiness that ends tragically. 
I have so many things to comment of each episodes, but all seems pointless now. It's not as if they can help change the ending.
I can only sign a petition for second season - guess that's a better option that having such a tragic ending

I know you guys hope for LJK and IU, but for me, it's always So and Soo. LJK and IU portrayed the characters so well that makes me sympathize with them, my heart goes out for them. I wish things could end differently. :( :tears:   

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8 hours ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

the beginning,

Displaying ffff.png

and the ending. 


 Speculation : 1st episode: The devasted, betrayed  GHJ says to modern JM :"I want to sleep for 1000 or 100 years. ..I want to forget everything.."  then she goes back  1000 years plus, and as her Goryeo body dies, she (now as HS/GHJ) says again  "I will forget you; I will forget all of you, even in my dreams". A circle: she starts from the point/need/desire: "I want to forget everything" and she ends up to a similar point: "I wiil forget all of you" . She returns back to her time, but apparently to a new life, a new "fate": she does not seem to have any sorrows about debts. So, technically her first wish (as GHJ) was granted: she lived a different life.
Now that she remembers everything that she, as HS,  wanted to forget, maybe a new circle is about to open, or it opens already;  and definitely JM was there not only to activate HS´s memory, but to set the new circle in motion. If  HS was simply an instrument to put the course of history back to its tracks, then  JM would have no reason to appear, since HS´s "mission" was accomplished. JM was not there out of compassion for HS; even if he was fond of her, he can restrain his  sentimentalism and compassion as long as it does not serve or it  hurts the "greater cause".So he was there to activate a new travel time. ("Beam me up, JiMonghy!")  Maybe is no WS who has to come in 2016; maybe HS has to go to another era, past or future, in order to meet him.

p.s: @tinniet   nice to meet you "patpat":) : I  read your theory about HS´s impact when @kdramawriter posted it here. I really loved and enjoyed your remark on the connection of HS ´s wristcut and her premonitions, and your idea about the  two different histories. Imo,  what  we have as "facts" in the drama fits to  those two ideas perfectly. I couldn´t  fully share though  certain conclusions you drew, but back then ( ages ago as you say) when I read it,  I was on the road for long, so I couldn`t react. Now, I see you have revised some parts.Till now, I didn´t have the time to read carefully your new post,  but  when I do it, I would like very much to discuss with you my view. Thanks again, for those very very awsome remarks-  for me it was a boost!  ^_^

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24 minutes ago, bakafan said:


Same for me. Starting watching K2 but stop because I didn't believe in the love story between JCW and Yoona although JCW is my favourite actor... after WS and HS love story, the others love story seem shallow and so superficial !

I also stopped watch K2 despite I really like JCW and Yoona. Maybe I will watch it again after recover from SoSoo couple.

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2 hours ago, smitten1710 said:

For those in withdrawal symptom, may i suggest watch Fly Daddy Fly.  In it Lee Joon Gi plays the role of Go Seung-suk that I think has a lot of similarities with Wang So.  They both are the quite and aloof type of guy. very tough and rough on the outside but with a tender heart hidden deep in their soul. They both come from broken family, deprived of their parent's love.  They both are very good in martial arts, known in their circle as someone who's a champion in fighting.  They both have long hair, well although Go Seung-suk's hair is not as long as Wang So's.  And both character has scar on the left cheek, it's almost like a preview of Wang So character.

I watched it on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fdPXFxb0SE



Yes, I watched it again for the third time while waiting for Monday :lol: He is so cool in this movie. I am watching Hero now for the third time and it is funny how he cannot fight in this show, only good at running away :lol:, the girl has to protect him.

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2 hours ago, Uniform Victory said:


I don't think he is effeminate in real life. Have you seen fan pictures while he was out grocery shopping in circulations? Those pictures have different aura from what we see in interviews, pictorial or on stage.  

You are right, it is just his stage persona that looks pretty and effeminate. I watched a 30 minute video on youtube with the camera just following him as he goes through a workday and it surprised me because he was just like a regular hard working man going from project to project but once they put the makeup on and the camera poses, he is like a different person. His co-star in "My Girl" said in an interview that he was manly in RL. :wub:

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2 hours ago, wenlhy said:

Just watched LJK fans meeting for last episode, he said he's more drawn to YeonHwa during acting, and HaeSoo during watch the drama. So does it mean he prefer YeonHwa in real life than Hae Soo?????? Why? Why? Why?

 No, it means he is gentleman :) . Plus, I think  he wanted to stress that to be strong (he said that YH was a strong character) and active is better than let yourself being victimized. I think, it was a spontaneus, indirect,  totally feministic, message to his fans.

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56 minutes ago, wenlhy said:

Just watched LJK fans meeting for last episode, he said he's more drawn to YeonHwa during acting, and HaeSoo during watch the drama. So does it mean he prefer YeonHwa in real life than Hae Soo?????? Why? Why? Why?

I think he personally prefers strong independent women. You must admit that YH was all that, and if she wasn't so throne hungry she probably would have been the perfect wife for a king, being there for him when he needs comfort or advice.  HS's character evolved during the drama and caused a lot of headaches because she wasn't too smart and totally unaware of the dangers in the palace but she showed strength of character after being tortured etc. and at the end she redeemed herself. LJG probably couldn't get a better sense of who she was until the drama is put together because they probably just shoot scenes out of order under the PD's direction.

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2 hours ago, Uniform Victory said:


I don't think he is effeminate in real life. Have you seen fan pictures while he was out grocery shopping in circulations? Those pictures have different aura from what we see in interviews, pictorial or on stage.  

Yes I saw those pics^^ I also believe he is manly in real person, but it can't be helped that some people only judge him based on what they see from his pictorial images on his IG (imo even those images are nowhere near feminine though, but everyone has their own preference). As for my friend, she was already KHN's fan from the beginning so I couldn't really persuade her to jump ship LOL

And I think LJG has made Wang So such a powerful and charismatic persona that maybe some find him even more fascinating than the real LJG. Like I said before, LJG breathed life to Wang So and made sure he left a bittersweet scar in our heart and mind. I don't think I will be able to recover completely from Wang So's withdrawal syndrome :tears:

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1 hour ago, wenlhy said:

Did WJ actually told him that HS leave palace because she doesn't want her child live in palace? Because I remembered WJ only said that it was HS last request before she died. WJ never said that HS leave palace because of the child. Or we watched different version or sub?

I really want to watch again to check all details I missed, but I afraid I will cry again:dissapointed_relieved:


Everything's clear without words, don't you know that???

-When So received Soo's letter, He had known how much she loved him & The marriage with WJ is just a reason for her to get out the Palace, No place in her heart for any other man. At that time,he must think that Soo can't stand the cruel life in there anymore, so She chose to leave.

- But when So met his daughter. At first, he's just thought Seol cute, but he suddenly realized that Seol was too big for WJ's child, include Soo's hair pin in her hair (and WJ took her to Soo's tomb)... he knew that girl was their child and tell Jung to put her down and leave. Jung was really scared (he's afraid So would take the baby away cz So had the right to do that), he kneeled down and beg in So not to take her, tell Him - Soo's wish the baby can leave in peace & far away the creepy & lonely Palace.

So accepted that request cz he know that really do Soo's last wish. & at that moment, he knew how much Soo loved him and their child, That Soo was sacrifice to protect their love ...

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33 minutes ago, hiluna said:

You are right, it is just his stage persona that looks pretty and effeminate. I watched a 30 minute video on youtube with the camera just following him as he goes through a workday and it surprised me because he was just like a regular hard working man going from project to project but once they put the makeup on and the camera poses, he is like a different person. His co-star in "My Girl" said in an interview that he was manly in RL. :wub:

  Please show me the link of that youtube video of Lee Joon Gi's normal life ... Sometime He's so manly, but sometime he makes me so confuse about his reality gender?? =)))

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2 hours ago, wandaraiju said:


This is hae soo letter for Wang so

[Drama 2016]Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo 달의 연인-보보경심 려 ~ \^0^/ Thank You Eclipses ! HaeSoo letter to WangSo (link: http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/378975-drama-2016moon-lovers-%E2%9D%A4-scarlet-heart-ryeo-%EB%8B%AC%EC%9D%98-%EC%97%B0%EC%9D%B8-%EB%B3%B4%EB%B3%B4%EA%B2%BD%EC%8B%AC-%EB%A0%A4-~-0-thank-you-eclipses/?do=findComment&comment=20162305) forums.soompi.com/en/topic/37897…

From @virsvirs:

Life is like a dream.
Right and wrong. Love and hate.
They all get buried with the passing of time and leave quietly with no trace.

Do you still think that you don’t have my whole heart and resent me?

I’m always worried that I may have left you with hatred instead of love, not allowing you to rest in peace.

I still love you.
When you gave up everything and stood by me in the rain…
When you threw your body in the way of a flying arrow to protect me…
you became someone I could never forget in my life.

I came to realize that the opposite of loving is not hating,but leaving.

I’m afraid you may think that I left you and that you left me.
I yearn for you so much, but I can’t be near you.
I yearn for you so much, but I can’t be near you.

I hope and wait to see you again inside these fences,
I’ll be waiting for you… every day.

- Soo’s letter to her beloved Wang So


It was indeed a heart touching letter! Oh my SoSoo feels :bawling:

I like how the SoSoo letter left out the stuff about the 8th prince... It showed how both of them knew the 8th prince was just a distraction. In the novel, 8th role was much bigger.


thanks for posting 

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7 hours ago, htk9207 said:


100% agree with you on that. No one would complain about not seeing Won get his due, or YH complaining about WS's coldness to his son. And to be honest, I was creeped out by the scene where 13th Prince met the little girl. Historically, she may be his fated one, but I really don't need to see that scene.  If those responsible for editing the show wanted the ending to be the most talked about, well, then they certainly succeeded.

I'm just saying that if they had to have cut scenes, THOSE are the scenes to cut. Put that richard simmons on a DVD special so I can skip it. 

I didn't sit through 19 1/2 hours to end up watching WWon struggle with his conscience and not see my SoSoo reunite. It makes me angry because this was their plan from the beginning (since it's in the international version) and not because rating were low. 

Despite my anger, I really do love the show (and have made peace with the ending) and if they release a DVD, I will for sure pay very good money to get my grubby hands on it! :heart:

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Like @Adnana did for ep. 17, an Italian fan made a collage of the episodes (from ep. 6 to ep. 20) including all the cut scenes!

I don't know if I can post the link to them here, so please ask me via pm or join the message thread "MLSHR SBS version subs": I'll share it there! 

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