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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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credit: moonlovers17-00582.jpg

credit: dramabeans

Our hwangjanim totally turns to the dark side... :o

Who is this ruthless king?!

Where is my sweet cinnamon rolls Wang So?! BRING HIM BACK, SHOW!

And why is his eyeliner game getting stronger?

It seems the more evil he gets, the thicker his eyeliner becomes...

Let me lie down for a moment to cry... :confounded:



Edited by superkoala
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1 minute ago, superkoala said:


Our hwangjanim totally turns to the dark side... :o

Who is this ruthless king?!

Where is my sweet cinnamon rolls Wang So?! BRING HIM BACK, SHOW!

And why is his eyeliner game getting stronger?

It seems the more evil he gets, the thicker his eyeliner becomes...

Let me lie down for a moment to cry... :confounded:



Lol. This is exactly what i was thinking. 

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10 minutes ago, MAROSA_JIN said:

Simple But Romantic .... cici03cici09




I see Gong Gil's smile here :blink:. The same smile when Gong Gil play shadow puppets (butterfly) with the king

As I watch FMV about Wang So & Hae Soo with King & the Clown Ost, suddenly realize how much MLSHR and King & the Clown similarity


- Crazy king with mommy issues

- Shadow puppets

- Can't escape from the palace

- Possibly sad ending

- Both bring massive popularity to LJG

- The King & the Clown OST (Fate) lyrics is all about MLSHR


Promise me that when this moment’s over and we meet again

That we can put everything in the past and stand by each other

This is what we call fate, it’s something we can’t deny

Will I ever experience another day as glorious as today?

You’re a gift upon this exhausting path of life

I’ll continuously wash and shine our love so it won’t rust away

Our meeting was short like a drunken affair, but it was real

Even though this cannot last, I won’t resent it because nothing is forever

This is what we call fate, it’s something we can’t deny

Will I ever experience another day as glorious as today?

There’s so much i want to say, but you probably already know

When we meet again some time in the future

Please don’t let go again

The love we couldn’t have in this life

The fate we couldn’t live in this life

When we meet again some time in the future

Please don’t let go of me


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24 minutes ago, riuenu said:

that is what I rooting for too, Soo will meet So for the last time before she passed on and back to 21st century ....

I am not upset about the separation we will be seeing in episode 19, I totally agree the separation is a must now..but I am upset that So tell Soo, from today onward, he will not want to see her again...like 4th telling Rouxi in BBJX...Soo will leave the palace heart broken and So will be seeing her leaving heart broken as well...this damn misunderstanding is sticking too close to BBJX...my hope for Soo dying in So arm is getting slimmer and slimmer...and So...getting the whole damn box of "行到水窮處 坐看雲起時", I notice that, Soo had asked So to write many copies of that as well..she mentioned that it will be of a use later..but that use that she was saying...doesnt come true, end up I guess, he will get it back in the end...and the hairpin + the arrow...Soo had keep the arrow as well...

I believe wook confess to so will not be as touching as 8th confess 4th in BBJX, wook is confessing in the bad way, yet 8th is confessing to let Rouxi go...and I hope, Baek Ah will send Soo off like 13th send Rouxi off too..at least, Soo will not be too lonely...Rouxi have the QiaoHui with her, but CR in k version have double identity of Qiao Hui and Yutang, so there is no Qiao Hui accompanying Soo at her last day..or will Woo Hee be the one who is accompanying Soo? 


this misunderstanding is one of thing that i hoping won't happen in here but based on preview they are going to BBJX road as for their separation... when So tell Soo that he will never see her again for me its a death sentenced for Su in so many way.. yes she is leaving but now she leave because she THINK that there is no place anymore in So heart and this one will make her suffer much more than she already are...

the letter and box will happen but i hoping that at least So will read it BEFORE Su dies and he managed to see her and resolve the whole understanding before its too late.. i just can't imagine if he did't make it and what waiting for him its just the ash of Su and that damn box proving in the end she love him but for what? he can't change anything and will be destroy cause the guilt and regret...

i wonder who will play the role of QiaoHui too.... maybe it will be Jung who going to explain everything but its make me scared if its Jung.. Jung for me will said the harsh truth about how Su suffer throughout this time and the one thing that she want before she dies is to meet him but even that he can't do that after making she gone through so much loving him.... oh the sentence where RX did't leave the last word to 4th cause she think he will meet her??? that line make me cry so much.... So will be totally broken if its play this way... :tears:

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11 hours ago, violet90 said:

agree!! they loved each other too much in a wrong time and place... the only thing that will happen if they stay together is that they going to hurt each other cause they are different.. So can't make Su understand what he'd doing simply because Su don't accept it.. its against her life values and thinking... 

nothing good will come out if they stay together as right now... maybe a 1000 years later???

11 hours ago, violet90 said:

the only thing that scared me is not So anger in eps 18 that Su and WW have an affair.. he never hurt Su no matter how mad he is and he will grant the permission to marry Jung out of his anger BUT in a way he did give what Su want.. to get away from palace and that's is why 4th crying when he watch RX gone.. no matter how mad or angry he is the love of his life is gone and he know it nothing can bring her back... So will do this out of anger just like 4th but he will be devastated seeing one person that can ease his problem and heart is gone.. the one that he loves to death is gone and his PERSON is gone...

but his reaction when she gone..... Su is the only thing that keep So on the ground and when she gone nothing held him back.. he will be ruthless cause nothing matter now.. at least when Su is in palace he minimize anything that he do cause he did't want Su to see the harsh reality of throne.. but now he don't have to protect anyone and did't care anymore... So yahhhhh...

also when he knew that Soo dies ...imagine knowing the women that you push away and knowing how much she loves you later on make me scared his reaction... when queen Yoo dies we all cried seeing that So still want her mother loves after what she done.. now Soo is the one who gives him love and happiness is dying and she truly loves him despite what he think... i tearing up thinking how So will react... :tears:

On 10/25/2016 at 9:41 AM, ruizaio said:

The early Goryeo records were burned and reconstructed later on. The records we have now were compiled 500 years later from the events of MLSHR. So you have to take things with a grain of salt.

Then, for seven years, he just goes about his business without much fuss, but slowly but surely, starts to introduce changes in the court to cut off the powers of the clans. For example, he suggested freeing some slaves so that they could become tax-paying citizens while also no longer being part of the private army of the clans. Queen Daemok (the Hwangbo princess, named Yeon Hwa in MLSHR) opposed this because she was more interested in protecting the privileges of her mother's clan.

Gwangjong also introduced a national exam for appointing court officials instead of the aristocrats deciding things by their connections. He openly embraced foreigners in his court, too, as long as they were talented enough. He also introduced a dress code that defined. You can imagine that Gwangjong's decisions were not popular with the powerful clans. When they started to raise their voices against him, he killed many of them. Somebody lamented that out of the 3,000 people that had supported Taejo found Goryeo, there were only 40 some left towards the end of Gwangjong's rule.

The tragedy of Gwangjong is that his own son didn't understand his father's vision in strengthening the power of the throne and reversed many of his work later on. Towards the end of his life, Gwangjong became suspicious of his own son and probably would have killed him if he had another heir. It is also speculated that Queen Daemok died before Gwangjong, but it is not clear how. At any rate, we can at least tell that they were not a happy family as Gwangjong fought a lonely war to make Goryeo a strong monarchy when his own wife and son worked against him.  (Sorry, i quote only some part to shorten the post.) 

@violet90 Agree!! I have exact sentiments, I understand both of their actions/decisions. If I remember correctly, I have heard from a user here (maybe ruizaio?) said that some Koreans suggest this story should be named as 1000 years love story. 

We have seen that this drama follows major points in history and based on ruizaio's elaboration on the history of Gwangjong, I guess Wang So will turn all-out berserk, ruthless and pained when Hae Soo is gone, thus he will kill/imprison/remove many of the court's people/powerful families or clans leaving only a few. Then once he let all the pent-up anger and pain for years, he will cooled down and repent for losing Hae Soo. Or a sudden incident that occur that snap him out to reality. If you read Gwangjong's history in Wikipedia, Gwangjong at his later life repent for his ruthless actions and build many Buddhist temples. So like how he said he will built the grandest temple for his mother, he will built more for Hae Soo and repent. So the reincarnation theory might work that during his repentance or dying wish etc, he ask to be reborn as a normal human to be with Hae Soo. I am inclined to think that there will be a satisfying modern scene because of the private screening lol, don't think it will be all bloody and sad for the audience lol and also about the Korean's tourism promoting that tower which looks like arrows (posted before) which have not yet occur in the drama. 

Thank you so much! @ruizaio for the elaborate explanation upon my request. I wish I have learnt more about Korean history. So interesting! I agree with you on the part that episode 17 didn't show Wang So reign normally for his first 7 years before going ruthless. If they had showed that, I think the progression and flow will be better for episode 17. 

Edit: This drama unleashes so many thoughts. See this page is filled with full-blown essays! I enjoy reading them all. :wub:

Edited by Rose34
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2 hours ago, violet90 said:


in BBJX the royal decree means nothing and 4th will find a way to make it invalid... this one RX know it and 14th know it.. this is where 8th step in and spill the beans making 4th grant the permission to RX get out from palace...


in BBJX when RX is gone that she start to love 4th without thinking of anything or anyone and just loving him every single day... her days is calm and peaceful so i think Su also will have that... living far away from that awful palace and just loving So as much as she can... and if fate have mercy on So and Soo they will meet the last time before she die..




The royal decree was important as it was the only official way to force the then-emperor-4th to give his permission for RX to leave the palace. However, even when 14th showed the royal decree to 4th in royal court (not in private), 4th stalled for time and did not immediately agree. (This shows his depth of love for RX.)

RX and 14th were sure that 4th will not be able to overturn this royal decree from his late father as it would be 抗旨 (disobeying royal command) and it conflicts with his action of ascending the throne by obeying royal command (as orchestrated by 4th). 8th (like Wook) was a more thinking man. Hence, he used emotional pressure by telling 4th about his love relationship with RX. 

Indeed 4th did manipulate by his power not to include RX's name in 14th family book. This only serves recording purposes for historical records and inheritance/punishment etc This is a good twist by the author of BBJX to explain why RX was not found in history. However, it was clear as daylight to everyone that RX is 14th's concubine. She lived with him and his wives. 14th also spent one night in her room but the gentleman that he was, they never consummated their marriage (14th of course knew RX's love for 4th). 4th had spies at 14th residences as he still loves and yearns for RX (despite all that happened between them). The spies carried all these news to 4th.

I think the royal decree given to 14th by late emperor was another good twist which tells the viewers :
* the late emperor's affection for RX by bestowing her to his son despite her disobeying his command initially
* 14th's love and faithfulness to RX by keeping it and using it to help her when she so wish
* RX's despair when she finally agreed to use it so 14th can take her out of the palace (she rather disobey the emperor {punishment by death} and suffer as watermaid then to marry him when she was first ordered to do so)
* 4th deep love for RX for not agreeing immediately to honour the decree when he was shown it in royal court.

RX's had happy days with 4th and he was her one true love but her days were filled with much tears and heartaches as she struggled between (1) supporting her man in his ruthless decisions in securing his throne (2) her loyalty and friendship for the other princes and their wives. RX died in sadness and regret (not seeing 4th one last time)


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Lee Joon Gi’s drama ‘Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ tops Monday-Tuesday viewership rating race

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    Lee Joon Gi arrives at the opening ceremony of the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) on October 12, 2006 in Pusan, South Korea.


Lee Joon Gi arrives at the opening ceremony of the Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) on October 12, 2006 in Pusan, South Korea. (Photo : Getty Images/Chung Sung Jun)

After nearly two months, "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" finally claimed the top spot in the Monday and Tuesday primetime drama TV rating competition. Lee Joon Gi's SBS historical series' recent viewership share bested other dramas such as "Woman with a Suitcase" and "Sweet Stranger and Me."

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"Scarlet Heart Ryeo" has overtaken its competitor dramas in the Monday and Tuesday primetime broadcast schedule. Aired on Oct. 24, Monday, the SBS drama's episode 17 posted TV ratings of 9.8 percent, according to Nielsen Korea, as cited by Korea Herald.

Lee's historical series beat MBC's "Woman with a Suitcase" and the new KBS drama "Sweet Stranger and Me." Having replaced Park Bo Gum's hit series "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds," KBS' new drama debuted with a TV rating of 9 percent while "Woman with a Suitcase" posted a viewership share of 8.3 percent.

Despite the SBS drama's new top spot in the viewership rating race, "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" was unable to match the popularity of Park's drama "Moonlight Drawn by Clouds." The said KBS series ended its 18-episode run during the week of Oct. 17 with TV ratings of more than 22 percent.

With the SBS historical series' upcoming finale week, the drama may not be able to surpass the 15 percent TV rating mark. Lee's drama only recently broke through the 10 percent rating mark with its episode 18 that was released on Oct. 25, Tuesday.

In an interview with Singles magazine, as cited by All Kpop, Lee confessed his disappointment over the SBS drama's TV ratings. Given the success of the drama's original Chinese version, the actor felt saddened that its Korean remake posted low viewership shares since it aired its first episode in August.

The said series may have registered disappointing TV ratings, however, the SBS drama received positive feedback given Lee's performance. Close monitoring of acting scenes and watching live broadcasts were some of the techniques that the actor employed to see problem areas that he can further improve on, according to Lee.

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Okay, so this is my take on episode 18... full disclosure, I've been drinking a bit (because what has this drama done to me) but I will try to be as succinct as possible.

I have the dubious pleasure of having the live stream at 6 am my time... that means I can live stream it on my phone as I get ready for work.  It's actually a great motivator to be up on time (my alarm goes off at 5:45 but I tend to snooze a bit).. I am glued to my phone as I brush my teeth, get dressed, put on my makeup... all the while not understanding a single word of what's going on. That's turned into a bit of a double edged sword for me these past few weeks... I love waking up to the drama, but then my whole day is ruined because I can only think about what has happened and what will happen! Keep in mind I'm a  4th grade teacher, so when I'm at work, I have to be *on* all day.. can't space out with the kids, but while I'm teaching long division and fractions, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking about the drama. Its pretty distracting, actually. (though I've gotten good at faking how "okay" I am when I'm secretly dying inside). I have to wait until after school to catch the dramafever version (I know, right) and then wait for the recap on Dramabeans, catch up on the MANY pages I missed on Soompi and then finally watch the SBS version on Kissasian whenever it comes up. My husband is very understanding of my Monday and Tuesday evenings, though he doesn't understand my need for quiet contemplation and processing time after an episode (he's never loved a show the way I love MLSHR. In fact, *I've* never loved a show the way I love this one....)

I was pretty nervous going into episode 18 because well, the preview did me dirty and showed me all the bits I'd hoped not to see (I've watched to the C-Ver and I reallllly hoped that the K-ver would be different). I actually shed tears during the lantern festival scene and the talk afterwards... I had managed to NOT cry (even during Eun's death) the whole drama, but this is what got me. It was just so sad, knowing it was their last bit of happiness. :( All I could focus on was how happy So looked and how I knew he wouldn't be that happy again like, ever (unless they meet again in the 21st century, yes please. And thank you).

The wedding to YH was awful, it had me sitting in my closet (trying to focus on what to wear but too busy looking at my phone) swearing up a storm. Oh HELL no. :dizzy::cold_sweat::bawling: Even if he denied her  on her wedding night (HA! in your face), he still got MARRIED to her. I didn't know inter-species marriage was allowed (she's such a snake).

To wrap this up because I know there's a lot of long posts on here and this is just one of many (however therapeutic it is to write it), I think in the end HS did know that WS killed CR out of love and not cruelty. When he explained things to her she believed him and then when she was reading the letter, she even thought how much of it was all a lie. And then when she was talking to BA, she mentioned how the one she loved killed her "younger sister". She can still think CR is a traitor but still love her. If Hae Soo has been anything, it's loyal to a fault (except of course when it comes to WS :expressionless:) Remember Wook... it took until episode 13 before she was ready to move on, and even then it was only because HE chose the throne over her. Now,  I think she's mostly just worried about the direction that WS is going in (making these bloody decisions when he said he wanted to put an end to all the absurdity. But then again, WE know that he is doing is best, its everyone against him though) and of course, she's been subjected to the worst the palace can offer. Torture, servitude, seeing her loved ones die... Hell, I have a bad Tuesday and I'm ready to throw in the towel. I really don't blame her for wanting to leave the palace. I only wish it was under better terms, not with Jung (shave, PLEASE), and there were no misunderstandings with WS. Wishful thinking, I know. I really believe that she loves WS completely, she just can't stay.


All I can hope for at this point is a happy ending in present times. PD-nim PROMISED US. I will revolt and storm his house with my army (General Park is out of retirement) otherwise. 


...I need my LJG therapy tape. 

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‘Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ episode 19 spoilers, promo revealed: Wang Wook is exposed, Wang So gives Wook death sentence, ends relationship with Hae Soo

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2 minutes ago, violet90 said:


this misunderstanding is one of thing that i hoping won't happen in here but based on preview they are going to BBJX road as for their separation... when So tell Soo that he will never see her again for me its a death sentenced for Su in so many way.. yes she is leaving but now she leave because she THINK that there is no place anymore in So heart and this one will make her suffer much more than she already wish...

the letter and box will happen but i hoping that at least So will read it BEFORE Su dies and he managed to see her and resolve the whole understanding before its too late.. i just can't imagine if he did't make it and what waiting for him its just the ash of Su and that damn box proving in the end she love him but for what? he can't change anything and will be destroy cause the guilt and regret...

i wonder who will play the role of QiaoHui too.... maybe it will be Jung who going to explain everything but its make me scared if its Jung.. Jung for me will said the harsh truth about how Su suffer throughout this time and the one thing that she want before she dies is to meet him but even that he can't do that after making she gone through so much loving him.... oh the sentence where RX did't leave the last word to 4th cause she think he will meet her??? that line make me cry so much.... So will be totally broken if its play this way... :tears:

my BBJX chingu yahhhh, yes, I was hoping the writer didnt stick too much to the original BBJX as well, but the writer is sticking to it in the bad way...she took away the purpose of 8th confessing to 4th in order let Rouxi to leave the palace, and she took away QiaoHui, that will accompanying Rouxi till the end of her journey in Goryeo, yet...she stick to the misunderstanding part..with So pushing Soo away and told her, he never want to see her again...and yet, she is missing out the part below in the spoiler tag....and I think Soo is leaving the palace too fast already...I know we only left with 2 episode..yet..its just too fast...


The part where Rouxi told 4th she is from the future...credit to @AuroraRain


I think, the letter Soo to So will be more heart breaking IF he never manage to see Soo for the last time..I dun think Jung will be in the right mind to explain everything to So, and So will not be in the right mind to listen to Jung as well, they will be fighting off like 4th and 14th, screaming at each other on their late crazy mother and now Soo. Remember So told Soo that he wish that Jung is always in his way of getting his mother love, now, if Soo die in Jung arm...or just at Jung place...will make So rip off Jung throat to be frank. The stubborn Jung will not give So Soo ashes so easily as well, I guess Baek Ah will be there to stop the fight...but who will tell Jung that, Soo is willing to leave with So..

So they need a third party, which I think it is Woo Hee that will tell Jung that, and hand So...the remaining items of Soo..I cant believe I am typing that..and tell So, Soo tot that So had never forgiven her, that is why, there is no last word to So...only those items that bring back sweet yet painful memories, that will be the regretted for life...for So...

And the dead bird in the preview...it came far too late right?

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9 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:

For some reason I always agree with you 40somethingahjumma. I was really surprised by all the negative reaction because I've been really enjoying the ride. I think the show did a service to itself by starting the relationships so slowly, it was extremely careful in how it showed how each character developed feelings for each other and that's exactly the reason we're having SUCH a tumultuous/heated reaction to all the action that's happening now. I don't think of this show as any Korean Drama, it seems to be heavily influenced by American television: these last four episodes are essentially a long Season Finale. In the season finale, all the action that has been simmering finally COMES TO HEAD and that's why these episodes feels so incredibly fast paced. Because they are, and because we're finally paying off everything that we've learned in episode 1-17. The Chae Ryeun flashback feels like it's stuffed in, but if you remember, almost every character death has had a similar flashback (Lady Hae, King Taejo) The show has not deviated from it's pre-existing style. How you feel about it is up to you. 

I still love the emotional journey of the characters; I still feel like show stays really true to it's roots.


Wang So has always said to Hae Su that he would protect her, but there are two things that he can't protect her from: death, and himself. These are to the two things that are inevitable and it's going to be Wang So who hurts her the most. What's also incredibly tragic is all the things that Wang So said in the beginning when Hae Su entered the palace BECAME TRUE. He told her to trust no one in the palace (she trusted Chae Ryung, Wook, both whom betrayed her) and he told her everyone in the palace is alone. Her optimism rebutted at first, but look at where we are. Wang So is alone. Hae Su is alone. That is a true tragedy, to be told your fate, to buck against it, and to ultimately fail. Ugh, right in the gut man. 

I don't know why people are disappointed that Wang So is not a good king. We've been told and shown over and over again that the King's seat is an incredible precarious position. Both Yo and Mu were easily killed by usurpers, no wonder they were paranoid. So now that Wang So sits on the throne, he loses the power of the Yoos and the Hwangbos, and now has to consolidate that power. He's not as powerful as Wook because Wook has been acting as a minister for all these years, working with people and getting them on his side. It's just like in Game of Thrones how Robert Baratheon was a great general, but a terrible King. I think Wang So will be a good king, but this initial hardship is refreshing! I always appreciate this about the show, that it takes unexpected direction for us. The things we think will happen definitely do not. 


Okay, what happened to all those Hae Su haters that were angry at her for not wanting to Wang So to become king at the end of 16?? Where are your loud complaints now? Because literally everything that Hae Su has feared that Wang So would do, that the Kingship would force him to do, the separation, the cruelty, etc, he had to do it ALL this episode. I didn't think Hae Su was stupid at all for stating her doubts for Wang So. She has personally seen the death of two kings at the throne. She's personally served both. I think she was completely cognizant of all the machinations, the paranoia, the greed of the power who are around the king. She didn't want it for Wang So. Now do you get why?? She's accepted that Wang So would become King because of her great love for him. She even made him King because that's what he wanted. And now, who's paying the price? Hae Su. God girl, I want you to get out of there no matter how much you love Wang So. Her love is such a double edged sword. On the one hand, who she is allowed her to love Wang So, despite GIGANTIC RED FLAGS (um, temple of death much) BUT it's also the reasons that she also loved Chae Ryung. Like 40somethingahjumma said, she would not shuttle these characteristics just because it's more convenient to do so. Hae Su is the definition of inconvenient. 


Overthinking kdrama talks about how this is a story of a monstrous patriarchy that feeds on women and destroys them in the process. These women love these men despite their absolute power to destroy them. And this is such a fine read for me. Because if you look at every single female character, they die when they fall in love with a Prince. It's too precarious of a position to be in if you are not also yourself a Royal surrounded by power. Even being the daughter of a general is not enough. Seon Deok, Hae Su, Cha Ryeun, are all going to die DIRECTLY as a result of their love for the princes. This is the great overarching sadness of the show: that theses women are doomed as soon as they fall in love with a prince, but that they struggle on anyways. Aish, my heart hurts writing this. There are NO sides to blame for this. There are no ships sinking or whatever - this I've always maintained because I've not been watching the show for this. Just the mere fact that women have ALWAYS suffered at the hands of the men who love them. That's the great tragedy for me.


My theory is that all those poems that Hae Su made Wang So write over and over again are going to come back and it's gonna bite Wang So so hard in the richard simmons. If we thought LJK did a great job with the Queen Yoo death scene, wait until the Hae Su death scene. We're all gonna need to take leave from work for a week. 

I also suspect that her diary written in Hangul will somehow be in a museum in the future. Maybe she sees it when she goes back to the future and maybe that's the moment she meets next-Gen Wang So. 

***Sorry I haven't able to update Escape From the Palace, I'm like too emotional right now. 


So I pretty much highlighted the parts that made me chuckle or nod my head like "Yup." 


The last bit is the part I am looking forward to dreading. I know it's going to be amazing but also HEARTBREAKING. I watch the show before work and I'm seriously considering taking the day off to sort out my emotions. I know I'm going to need to. 

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9 hours ago, hiluna said:

I hope it will be a happy ending in the future. Maybe he will find her looking at the stars and he approaches her and points out Pegasus to her, only he mispronounces it as he did 1000 yrs ago. She turns around and looks at him wide eyed in surprise and he pulls out a boxed ring and says to her "Is this the right way to propose this time? I won't accept anymore rejections", he pulls her towards him with his signature pull and hug and slowly lowers his head towards her expecting her to stop him but this time she lifts her face to meet his in a passionate kiss that was meant to be 1000 years ago. This is what I will be thinking of while I watch the next few heartbreaking episodes

Wow! You really had a very nice imagination capturing good moments for last episode. I secretly hoping that your imagination will come true. Really need a happy ending after I have invested my total 18 hours for this drama! Plus... all the time that I've keep replaying the episodes all over again and having to wreck my head just to comprehend over the damn storyline. Fuhh! 

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How screwed will our lives be if they don't meet, if we don't get what we wanted ever since this drama aired??:tears: All this love and acceptance for nothing. I can accept when Soo dies, I just want to see their last scene together, as many voiced out, Soo dying in So's arms AND see them in the future. I will bawl my eyes out and have a hell of a pain, but it would be worth seeing that scene:bawling:. Their eyes showing the love they hold for one another for one last time. Star-crossed lovers is what they are. Thousands years apart, but still going strong. 

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