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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, millie10468 said:

Here we go *excited squealing* So's rebellion's a go!! Thanks for the pics, @parmma

I'm pretty interested in So's justification for storming the palace.

Will it be before or after Yo dies though? If it's after, is there even a reason to rebel? The throne would be his anyway.

I wouldn't be surprised if So storms the palace, makes it to Yo and Yo abdicates to him before he dies, kind of as a way of giving Queen SMSS the finger.

Or will Yo intend to make Jung the king, hence Queen SMSS's statement in the preview that So "stole" the throne from her son? This would actually be more in line with C-BBJX, wouldn't it?

If Yo actually want to make Jung the next King to follow his mother will I would actually say Go Go Go.... Go rebel & Storm the palace dear Wang So & his comrade !!!! But I also hope that Yo would make Wang So as the next King to revenge on queen SMS. Poor Wang Yo ... Queen SMS just used him for good but in the end it's always everything about Jung.

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4 hours ago, briseis said:

The Final Wish - The Ultimate Act of Brotherly Love

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In his final moments Eun finally realizes which of his many brothers loves him the most, which brother risks everything, including his own life, to protect him - the one brother who doesn’t abandon him and leave his side even when everyone else does. And it’s the brother to whom he did so much injustice. It’s bittersweet that it’s now, after all tohse years, that they connect; yet, it makes complete, heartwrenching sense - because only now does Eun understands and is able to feel himself THE POWERFUL EMOTION THAT HAS BEEN DRIVING SO FOR SO LONG - TO LOVE SOMEONE MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE, TO LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH THAT IT’S WORTH DYING FOR. And it’s the love for SD Wang So sees in Eun’s eyes that convinces him and why he gives in in the end, even if it destroys his very soul (that’s why the direct close-up shot of Eun’s face is so brilliant - it gives the viewer the opportunity to experience the full sensory overload So must feel when he sees the pain and suffering on Eun’s dying face from so close) - because when he looks from his dying brother to the dead girl lying on the ground he can feel all the pain and identify with it because he can understand the need to be with the woman he loves even after death. That’s why he is the only one of the Wang brothers who does have the strength to grant Eun his wish. Because in the end, he is always capable of the ultimate, unselfish act of love - SETTING THE PEOPLE HE LOVES FREE no matter how much pain and loneliness it brings him.

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“It is a gift only you can give me.” 

There is more to Eun’s wish than a mere need not to leave his beloved wife alone in death any longer (but how powerful is it, that he actually CHOOSES TO DIE TO FOLLOW HER, SO SHE WOULDN’T BE ALONE?!), it’s more than a mere display of defiance - it’s his final gift to his older brother. In the end Eun decides to protect So from Yo, showing him equal love in return - because he knows that So would shield him from the arrows until he himself would die, even though he is already dying. In the end, the 10th Prince makes a master move in the game of thrones - HE SAVES THE FUTURE KING. 

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The moment is brief and it might have gotten lost under all the heartbreak, but when So saves his brother from the soldier’s sword while Yo shoots his arrow right through Eun’ chest, IT SYMBOLIZES THE SHEER AND UTTER HOPELESSNESS OF WANG SO’S CURRENT SITUATION AND POSITION - no matter what decision he makes he is doomed, no matter whether he decides to block the sword OR the arrow DEATH WILL ALWAYS COME FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. It’s inevitable and HE DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO PREVENT IT. IT’S A DEAD END - a fight even he cannot win.



UnExactly @briseis Our WEun finally saw WangSo, the misunderstood evil, kind and thoughtful brother. Unlike Wang Jung who still considered WS a murderer , someone beneath him , no respect for him. What pisses me off the most is that no matter how many times he saw his mom and brother mistreat him he never once tried to get to know him, be firiendly or understand him. I am glad that at least one other brother came to love and understand him in this lifetime. 

I wish that WS can have a happy ending , finally have loyal friends and have a pieceful reign until he dies.

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9 hours ago, karemia said:

Hi everyone ^_^

i am actually just a silent reader which i want to keep it till the end of this drama but i can't....This drama has ruled over me, i didn't prepare my exams, i didn't do my work, i didn't study, i didn't sleep....sigh....

i am a medical student and there are tons of book i have to read, but this drama....sigh.....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!! GIVE ME BACK MY RATIONALITY !!

well, despite of being scolded by my friend because i'm such a mess now...i don't care...keep watching,,,,keep replying....

i have been Lee Joon Gi's fan since Il JI Mae, i have watched arang and the magistrate, gunman, king and the clown, and scholar who walks at night. I'm in love with his eyes, the way he plays his role amazed me, so mesmerizing....again...sigh....

sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker....but....it's not that bad...i guess ? -__-

Salam buat orang indonesia yang gabung di thread ini ~(-__-~)(~-__-)~


Salam juga dari Jakarta :lol:

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On 20/10/2016 at 3:34 AM, dears said:


I do agree with you that Yo is really sensitive. He holds grudge. He dislike his mother only see him as tool to get the throne. He dislike that Yeon Hwa rejected him before but came to him after he became a king, he held onto Wook's betrayal. I read description about Yo also that he is a sanitary freak so he doesn't like to get blood on him, which explained his reaction when the monk assassins' blood splatter on his face.

What a shame he rejected her and didn't take her as his wife - then she wouldn't have been able to marry Wang So  lol.

Oh and I'm sorry this may seem out of context with the current discussions - I'm so far behind but decided to plod on - only a couple of weeks left now and there are many interesting postings that i just don't want to miss out on:D

Edited by luvkstyle
Realised that this will seem out of context.
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6 hours ago, Rose34 said:

Now that I have start with the happy, simple post. I am going into deep stuff. My thoughts after episode 16.

I took some time to write this post because I am seriously contemplating the writer and the director motivations’. This story/drama is so deep at many levels. If I know before things are going to be tragic in this drama, I would have prepared myself. For the first time, among the K-dramas I have watched, the main character - Wang So/Gwanjong is an anti-hero. This drama has many firsts lol. Anti hero, falling in love with the 2nd person, realistic romance relationship among many. Episode 16 is very, very interesting. So many key developments happen in one episode. It further shows the nuances, deepness and complexness of this story and the main characters. Human emotions is so complex, its never logical. 

I think it is starting a new arc, albeit the final one as it is entering the phase of Wang So’s character development into King Gwangjong. It is also showcasing the further unfolding and turning of Wang So and Hae Soo relationship. They are intertwined. The journey is going to be tragic though the ending is still up to open air. If it is not a satisfying ending, lol i think many are going to rain arrow on SBS or the PD. Haha! Hey, we have just seen the outcome of the baseball game lol. There is so many things I want to say though I don’t know where to start. 

1. Goryeo - “ It is a place where one dies when trusting others and live when doubting close to you” . This drama is tragic on so many levels.  And “How wonderful it would have been if we met in a different world, different period” 

The dialogue between Yo and his mom makes me really look back at the story and the life of the characters. It is truly a sad and terrible place to live in. Each characters reflects on the true meaning of their lifes or reminiscing their life nearing their death. Each death in this drama tells a tragic story. If I say one of the lesson from this story/drama, it is whats so good about getting to what you want/ambition/goals if in the process you truly lost who you hold dear, what is most important to you. With much money and power, yet it feels empty and not fulfil on the inside.  People think that only when they have the things they want, they will be truly happy yet they still may not be happy when they have it, then they will go for desires after desires to be truly "happy" but their efforts will be in vain. It is like a vicious cycle. 

Let’s take the case of Yo (Jeonjong) with the conversation with his mom. Before that let me say I am impressed by Hong Jong Hyun acting in this episode. He improves tremendously given his recent model-turn-actor background. I am looking forward to his development as an actor in his future projects. I think if he improves more and more, he can be a rising star, because he has the visual and likeable personality. South Korea is heavy on the visual and image. 

The dialogue with his mom is very interesting. Only when Yo is going crazy and paranoid filled by the guilty conscience on Eun's death and his dialogue with his mom, that he realizes all his mom care about is the throne never about his well-being. This makes me look back at Yo’s life. A child can be mould to how they become by how their social circle (in this case, parents) mould them. Yo becomes this way due to his mother’s ambition for the throne. He is mould for the throne and he receives love in doing so. Somehow, the beliefs people put on you is the belief you think is yours, that its you who want it (in this case the throne). You got to question on a lot of things, can’t take matter by default.  All of his life and character is make-up for the throne yet what a sad life it is to live only for that and later realizing that maybe it is not what you truly want, someone else want it of you and then realizing all that it is, it is empty and meaningless.

When he said “Am I a person or a pig?" This sentence is truly startling, it speaks volume. I really have respect for the writer. When we are too driven by our goal and ambition, sometimes we lost ourselves in the process, we may become inhumane. And is that what he actually wants when he is young? Now he realises it and also about his mother. Young Yo do loves his brothers and he still does, though his ambition get the best of him. He can kill Wang So straight if he wants to like how he killed Eun but he didn’t, doesn’t he? After all, they have blood ties.

Yet, at the same time Queen Yo too have a story to tell, her craze for the throne is driven by her wanting to have the only love she never received, Taejo's love. Taejo then marries only because he is thinking about the country yet he can't have Court Lady Oh...same goes for all the characters here...it is one big snowball effect. Somehow, if they tell Yo’s and Queen Yo’s story reminiscing their life nearing their death or flashback to their past, I will salute the writer and director.  I cant help feel pity with all of them yet i can say that you indeed have a faculty of choice, your circumstances may affect you, yet at one point you have to choose whether would you go the right or the wrong path. And each choice and decision you made always has a repercussion. The most tortured, lack of love and abandoned soul is Wang So. Yet, he still learns to love and with Hae Soo's presence he becomes a better person.

If you notice too, young So he is nice...it reminds me of this quote..."Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place" -source unknown. Sometimes the journey in life is not so much of becoming but unbecoming to the true self, who before had not been impacted and affected by life circumstances, incidents and peoples. And nearing to the end of their life is when they really realizes what truly matters. Love triumphs power. Power without love is destruction. Power with love is eternal. Love is about selflessness, sacrifice and love is in action. 

2. Hae Soo -" I am not going to cast a blind eye, i’m not going to let anyone become unfortunate”

Hae Soo's presence in Goryeo really changes things, her presence affects them. Due to lack of her trust with Wang So, they separated, though Wang So leaves her for two years not just because of that. If she trust Wang So, they won’t be separated, and Wang So probably won’t come to build the castle and help the slaves. From that incident when he is away from Hae Soo, he comes to know his people more. That experience affects him and catalyses him to go for the throne. Her presence and actions lead him to be the King. In one way or another, Hae Soo affects things. 

Hae Soo teaches him to learn to love and the love he receives change him to be a great King. The horse scene where Wang So saves Hae Soo, that is love at the first sight. From this scene, you actually know Wang So still has a heart in him despite being a "wolf dog". Next was the scar incident at the bath, he starts to open-up. When Hae Soo approached him where he banished all the stones right after the confrontation with his mother for him killing the monks, it is the turning point for him. Next, was the opening of his mask and concealing the scar, he starts to learn to accepts himself and his scar because Hae Soo didn't say anything about his scar or shows disgust. He learns to love because of the love, care, attention that Hae Soo gives to him. For once, someone approaches him without thinking of his "wolf dog" image. For once, someone understands him and understands his true self was he was young. If Hae Soo hasn't approach him, he would not open up himself and still in his tortured, abandoned, lack of loved thus aggressive soul mode. If before, he is lacking in becoming a great King. In order to build the nation and reign for 26 years (longer than Taejo by 2 years) you need to love your people. In one way or another, without the story being direct, it shows that Hae Soo's presence in Goryeo dynasty changes Wang So and helps him to be a great King. Her character is paradoxical, it does both good and harm. Yet her love, selflessness is what changes things. 

Their stone scene on episode 4 is one of the best, this is their dialogue: 

Wang So pushing all the stones mother build for her child with so much angst and Haesoo trying to stop him.

W: Do you want to die too? Let me go. H: You are injured!

H: Do you have any other injuries? W: I told you i killed people.

H: Then, tell me why you killed them? Did you do it for fun? W: Go. Go! 

H: This is the kind of place, doesn't it? You have to wield a sword since at very young age. You have to kill others if you want to live. What can you do? It's not a crime to want to live. You probably won't be forgiven. Still, I understand you. How you're feeling right now, it must be so miserable. I think I can relate. 

Speaks volume of the kind of place and life there, Wang So's true self and intention, the kind of effect Hae Soo has on Wang So. 

I am quite sad writing these. On a happier note, tomorrow I am going to write another post!


I am 10000000000000000% agree with you. I always love Anti Hero (I even name my account AntiHeroFans LOL). This is why I am addicted to MLSHR so much. It is hard to find lead actor playing anti hero in Kdrama. So this is a breath of fresh air to me and I AM LOVING IT. Give me more the ruthless Gwangjong and I am forever yours, LJG.

BTW, I think my addiction level to MLSHR and LJG just increase. I woke up this morning after dreaming Rouxi and Wang So together in Goryeo era. I even woke up still humming FATE (Ost King & the Clown). I probably need some therapy after this :sweatingbullets:.

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20 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

Namoo Actors has posted a new BTS clip!



I really love this Namoo Actor company's. They always show lots of BTS of our Lee Joon Gi in this drama :) . Sorry out of topic   But the CEO of Namoo Actor is the one that come in 2 days 1 Night struggling friend episode with Joohyuk right ?

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3 hours ago, briseis said:

The Final Wish - The Ultimate Act of Brotherly Love


1 hour ago, briseis said:

When a Soul Shatters

These are great posts! I always enjoy reading your posts!! It is a good recap of the episode yet the way you write it still holds the rawness and the emotions of the episode. Wang So/Gwangjong is a highly complex character. It is not easy to portray this character. This anti-hero character is easily misunderstood by viewers. Your posts clearly explains his actions and intentions. It is easy to forget why he has to do all these underneath the otherwise seemly "violent and cruel behaviours". Thumbs up!! 

6 hours ago, kdramawriter said:

Keep writing! Really enjoying reading these. 

Thank you!! I am humbled. I have no idea people will read my long posts. Haha! Not in another world will I imagine myself writing essays after essays for a drama. I just want to let out my thoughts. My love for Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo does this. What does this drama does to us??!! This drama is truly an art. Not even a dismal domestic TV ratings can stop my love for this drama and stops me from seeing its brilliance and quality. 

1 hour ago, antiherofans said:

I am 10000000000000000% agree with you. I always love Anti Hero (I even name my account AntiHeroFans LOL). This is why I am addicted to MLSHR so much. It is hard to find lead actor playing anti hero in Kdrama. So this is a breath of fresh air to me and I AM LOVING IT. Give me more the ruthless Gwangjong and I am forever yours, LJG.

BTW, I think my addiction level to MLSHR and LJG just increase. I woke up this morning after dreaming Rouxi and Wang So together in Goryeo era. I even woke up still humming FATE (Ost King & the Clown). I probably need some therapy after this :sweatingbullets:.

Haha! You are so funny!! We all need a healthy dose of real life after this drama ended. :sweatingbullets:
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