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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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3 minutes ago, trizha1 said:

YH staggers against a pillar and cries..she tosses away Yo's ring. And flashes back to her proposal to WS. Oh man was she wearing the same outfit?

Ouch, girl better retire this hanbok it's not good luck.

Eun and Sd room. Eun looks super bored.He attempts to do a push up and fails hilariously. Just make out with your wife Eun...lots of fun to be had there...

@trizha1 Hahahah.. YH should've listened to you. I'm sure when next time YH proposes to any man, she wont wear THIS hanbok! 

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Aren't these two supposed to be hiding? Let's play boats in bright white? Stahp!!! We know what happens when you get too many scenes and montages, if you never get them, and you aren't the prime characters. Run baby couple run!!

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cut to 10th and SD in the bedroom.

10th is really physically very weak. 

I feel so suffocated, now I cant even leave this room. you at least get to go out.

SD: would you like to take a bath? maids cannot enter at night, so its safe.

cut to them at the bath, removing their clothes...funny, both are shy. and so they started playing games.....haiz....do we have time for this...

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2 minutes ago, aypopa said:

hahahah no pls don't just do the same and then WS marry her to save her hahaha is to much 

Oh please no!! This will be so stupid if he does that...he is going to marry every woman or girl that is going to be send there? 

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3 minutes ago, qwenli said:

YH greeting Yo and Yo noticed she is wearing the ruby ring he gave her.

yo: i meant to summon you to discuss your marriage. i will send you to khitan.

yh: what?

yo: the late king promised a woman to khitan, so I need to send you. congratualtions, my dear yh

yh: why is everyone threatening me with marriage. you are all the same. do you belive marriage is a way to control a woman. 

yo: are you still thinking you will be empress? your brother betrayed me, I will not accept your family as in laws!

Yh is very upset and throw away the ruby ring when she left.

and then she thought about WS who said he wants to marry HS.

yh cried.....


Note to YH:  Ever heard of karma?  Arghhh but the thought that she'd actually become queen after marrying WS still makes my blood boils :angry::angry:

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4 minutes ago, qwenli said:

YH greeting Yo and Yo noticed she is wearing the ruby ring he gave her.

yo: i meant to summon you to discuss your marriage. i will send you to khitan.

yh: what?

yo: the late king promised a woman to khitan, so I need to send you. congratualtions, my dear yh

yh: why is everyone threatening me with marriage. you are all the same. do you belive marriage is a way to control a woman. 

yo: are you still thinking you will be empress? your brother betrayed me, I will not accept your family as in laws!

Yh is very upset and throw away the ruby ring when she left.

and then she thought about WS who said he wants to marry HS.

yh cried.....

I think this is why YH will act on her own. Its not in her blood to accept things like that. She will plan her own 'revolt'!

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4 minutes ago, qwenli said:

cut to 10th and SD in the bedroom.

10th is really physically very weak. 

I feel so suffocated, now I cant even leave this room. you at least get to go out.

SD: would you like to take a bath? maids cannot enter at night, so its safe.

cut to them at the bath, removing their clothes...funny, both are shy. and so they started playing games.....haiz....do we have time for this...

OMG... and SD loves him? Oh well... *roll eyes :rolleyes: to each of his/her own. They do say opposite attract. 

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5 minutes ago, trizha1 said:

SD finally goes for the kiss. Girl, don't tell me this is you guys first kiss? This is tragic.


Oh no.

After 2 years of marriage and not even first base?
Oh dear.. at this drama rate, they shouldnt be wasting time playing games and get the REAL games on!:wub:

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