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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

so whats her reaction..?

btw i too watched it when my mom was watching her show on TV .. lol and i can understand your situation ;)

One of the worst things is to watch romance drama with family... I'd never do that.. because they will sent me to mental hospital or atleast psychiatrist

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I am crying at that international version..ugh the scene is even worse with subs, wth Show...is it an unwritten rule somewhere that for every step Wang So takes towards happiness, he gets three sadness punches backwards??!

Who else wanted to reach into the screen and just rescue Prince So..first the dinner from hell and then the one person you trust and who wasn't afraid of you now treats you like everyone else. Wtffffff... How are they going to recover this??? PLEASE DON'T BE CHEESY, PLEASE DON'T BE TERRIBLE. WRITERS YOU BETTER FIIIIIX THISSSSSSSs

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53 minutes ago, heartforkdrama said:



It must be ironic for WS. Now that he has covered his scars, his family and people in general are not afraid of him. Whereas, the person who is responsible for this change and who he decidedly trust is now afraid of him. From his point of view, because he is unaware of HS's visions, he must be utterly confused. He did time and time again wonder about HS. From episode 8, he made the decision to trust her and make her his person after asking her regarding his scars and her thoughts about it.

Lee Joon Ki's acting on this scene was superb. His voice greatly expressed the hurt, confusion and desperation.

Heartbreaking episode for me.

The premonition on this episode was terrifying. I would also be freaking as much as HS did. 

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1 minute ago, ruzikie said:

So how old Wang So and Hae Soo in this Georyeo time ? Do they have a huge gap ? 

@KdramaSwimmer I think I already lost my mind after seeing her saying she's not his and he's mistaken to hear that she believed him and isnt afraid of him. It's like seeing her screaming and yelling to get lost from her sight because she looks like she seens ghost or maybe a pshycopat standing in front of her. 

That face that So gave to her was beyond disbelief. He trusted her with his own heart and even he let his guard down only for her. He let his wall tumbling down by her. He let her messed up and light up his dark heart but with just two premonition, she broke him off 

i was happy seeing the second last WS backlashing his mommy and could not watch the last scene so was happy but after coming here knowing what exactly happened my feelings are beyond than just angry....

how writer will turn HS (in love with WW) fall in love with WS (whom she is considering a killer, ruthless, heartless, emotionless king)

I am not at all angry with HS as character i can understand her dilemma  she wants to stay from WS (the king) but writer and PD just messed up the story a big time...how they are going to stop WW-HS ship  .. i have no idea...

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11 minutes ago, ruzikie said:

 Hello dear, as I remember you have watched the Chinese version right ? 

Is it true that Ruoxi act like Hae Soo did in this episode like in Chinese version ? 

So, the 14th prince got paired with who ? 

Somebody please enlighten and answe my question about this.  

worse in Cversion, Rouxi bite 4th's lips. total rejection. but of course that's because she new from the start that he will be the cruel emperor so she was careful with him. WS and HS love story is more intense and deeper. I look forward to this so I'm patiently waiting for good things to happen next episode :D

Hope they'll release BTS soon so everyone can calm down from brokenhearts and disappointments...

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Hmmm what to think about this eps?

I think this eps explain a lot of things and the flow is nice. Idk about the SK vers though, maybe there's a suprise to it so still have to check out. There is first not so lovely encounter between two-going-to-be-love birds and a cute marriage of Eun. That kid was blessed to have a pretty, strong and understanding wife. He just didn't know it yet. And this eps makes me feel what I thought I will never feel: feeling pity for Yo big time. 

The opening shows how thoughtful Wook as a lover. He's trying to lessen HS's worries even when he too was confused and try several time to change the subject. Failed though. The look when he realised it was HS who put the make up on WS is a disappointed one. Idk wether it is because HS has touch WS's face or there's a grander reason behind it. But that never failed to make him trying to make her happy. Love is a strange thing. The discussion with YH told us that he doesn't want what's not his but his facial expression tells us he thinks and feel of a different story. And it's not a good one. My take is he thinks about the relationship of WS and HS. HS is his at the moment and the feeling of jelousy must have drove him crazy. He must of think how close they are to make WS let HS touch his face? Speculation must run in his head. He elimanated HS is the one who took the step closer because that girl was clearly afraid. So that leave WS. And as you can see Wook has a complex about what is his (including his people). But he realised now his mother was using him to be queen mother. 

Aahh.. I know what that expression was. It was suppressed anger. 

His expression when he saw HS and give her the book was mixed. At first he still has that anger and disappointment but tried to hide it until HS gave him the present. His face change lighter and you can see how he touch and gently stroke the pillow. And it change again when he had to deliver the news that the king won't be releasing any maid due to Eun's marriage. Here he looks heart broken. His feeling for her is indeed deep. It kinda make me a little teary because I know they will never happen. I mean despite how many face he put on or what scheme he put in his sleeve later, this guy try to do only good things through out 9 eps. His love is true too. It is because his love for HS is true, her words of wanting to get out of the palace make him think about the premonition she blurted out. He takes her gibberish seriously. Well that and the chains of incidents that happen after the rain ceremony. His characteristic take a shift change again here along with the expression he's wearing. 

HS's character development is going to where it's expected. She wonders how WS who looked childishly happy change and decide to let things run for itself but the next premonition of Eun and wife being murdered change it again. IU's acting is good here. She make me feel her scare, worry and burden. But that one year friendship did burn here. So, it makes WS take 'drastic measure', hahaha. Ia agree to what Madam Oh said. WS indeed a difficult and love hungry person. If she can't give her whole heart, she better not start to give at all. I think that's what HS trying to do but WS already lessen the gap by asking her to be his personal maid. He will try until there is no gap. Did you see the preview? Idk what will the man say or do to her but They are on a horse together. So enough said about it. I think HS will stay by his side and let go Wook beacuse she thinks her staying can change WS and make him less violent. This scheme played out well with the real history too, you know. He will not kill his brothers without reasons this way and her premonition of him become groundless ruthless will be void. 

But this is a bitter sweet eps for WS. He's happy to get acknowledged and accepted by his father. He thought his family had change too but boy, he was wrong. Mommy dearest wanted him to kill CP because it's not ther first time he killed someone for him anyway. That sentence make me pray to God this woman will be vanished from the earth with the most horrific way possible. But he can counter strike it with witty comments. This make me admire him more, he's not only have guts, he has great brain also. But he was shaken from it after. Who he try to find then? Of course, HS. But HS hadn't shake her fear yet, so she rejected him and put another hole in his already torn heart. His desperate kiss is the only way he can think of to make her stay, to make her accepted him. Idk how his heart condition will be if he learn about Wook... Oh, God. Please don't let the prod team be that evil by following C vers story. Let him know about it and make an understanding about it so he can still accepted and love HS just the way before it. Please don't let jelousy darken his head and heart. We want a happy ending!

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Actually, I am a SooWook shipper. But my heart torn apart when Wang So ask Hae Soo ton not hate or afraid of him like other people. Wang So always hate or feared by other people all his life. Just Hae Soo the only person who not afraid of him. That's why Wang So start to develop his feeling to Hae Soo. And now, Hae Soo afraid of him too. It breaks my heart. And it looks like this drama will be darker start from next episode. I think I should prepare my heart.

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To be honest, I have always expected a sad ending for every character in this drama except for the 10th prince & his wife because I've already watched the C version. But after today's episode, it seems like no one is gonna be spared from their sad & tragic ending. Poor 10th prince. He is so innocent & such a simple man. It's heartbreaking to know that he may be sacrificed because of his brothers' fight for the throne. Now I just hope he can spend & enjoy whatever time he's left with his wife.

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9 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

so whats ur mom'sreaction..?

btw i watched it when my mom was watching her show on TV so i was saved.. .. lol and i can understand your situation ;)


Hi chingu, how are you?

This kiss makes me kind of sad tbh. He's desperate, she's scared. It's not a lovey dovey kiss at all. 

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4 minutes ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

i was happy seeing the second last WS backlashing his mommy and could not watch the last scene so was happy but after coming here knowing what exactly happened my feelings are beyond than just angry....

how writer will turn HS (in love with WW) fall in love with WS (whom she is considering a killer, ruthless, heartless, emotionless king)

I am not at all angry with HS as character i can understand her dilemma  she wants to stay from WS (the king) but writer and PD just messed up the story a big time...how they are going to stop WW-HS ship  .. i have no idea...

The one of the only ways I can think of the writers breaking off WW x HS is HS becoming tired of WW's empty promises. He has promised her many things, but we haven't seen him do anything. Pursuing for the throne will also likely play a factor in the breakup.

But man they better wrap it up quickly because we don't have much time left.

Damnit the things I would do have 32 episodes right now...

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24 minutes ago, outofspace said:

Baek Ah :lol:

now you hit my pet peeve of this ep. 

you guys can chime in when you watch the whole thing. But I am just saying that the whole seohyun character is so badly written.

last ep when she enters, she exit because her ministers called her.

this ep, she was also called away by the same two ministers. Man, I know being a writer is not easy, but please dun write a token character for the sake of writing one. we already dun have time for the otp, 2nd otps etc.....

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30 minutes ago, Nymeria289 said:

Agreed, Hae Soo was always a glorified Goryeo Candy. I actually got used to it and was happy especially when she got some purpose and became a character who is more in control of her emotions. Her regression into scared, delusional Candy is unacceptable as a plot device meant to make things different than C version. They are butchering her character and I am offended at that, this is purely richard simmons writing.

For point number 2, agreed, 10th has had enough time to kid around and be useless, I am not interested in his domestic life with his wife. I get that they are elaborating it in order for the blow of him being killed or not killed by his brother to leave a lasting impression on the viewers but I just don't give crap about the two no matter how much they will try. Fratricide is disturbing but sadly it isn't uncommon is such a complicated royal dynamic. We get that Wang So will become a monster, we get it, no need to waste precious screen time that can go to 13 or 14th otherwise on 10th. 

Exactly. She is basically pointless when in fact she should be the mover and shaker for almost everything.

And while the vision of Gwangjong alternated with current Wang So last night was beautifully executed, the vision in this episode really turned me off. Like you mentioned, we get that Gwangjong is a monster but what's with the images of Wang So doing the butchering and laughing hideously. The vision shot last night incited fear but the one in this episode is sadly, laughable and wasting the talent out of Lee Jun Ki.

Haesoo and Wang So's loveline basically still remain at status quo. And even in the preview of episode 10 when she ride off to the beach with Wang So, she looked like she is in extreme pain, on the contrary with the fluffy tenderness she had when with Wang Wook. I don't know how is the writer going to develop the intense love story between them now that we are approaching episode 10, halfway through the drama. It is set to look like an epic love story between Haesoo and Wang Wook. Does the both the writer and PD has a certain prejudice towards Lee Jun Ki? Or that they like Kang Ha Neul so much? I wish I could just butcher off Wang Wook. He is like a disturbing fly.

I just feel like the plot movement has been wasted since last week. And I have no idea how the writer going to compress everything - 9th and 14th still have no function, then there's the lovestory between Baek Ah & that SNSD girl, and Wang Mu still yet to ascend the throne? then when will be Wang Yo's turn? how about Wang So's path to the throne? 

Seriously, I am getting worried. Lee Jun Ki was beyond spectacular last night and all the memorable scenes tonight, only coming from him and yet they reduced his screentime? Such a big waste of his talent and we are really moving in circle now. I am feeling really pissed and devastated. 

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4 minutes ago, sarasona said:

One of the worst things is to watch romance drama with family... I'd never do that.. because they will sent me to mental hospital or atleast psychiatrist

i just cant...  as long as the romance is decent one with no kiss and passionate one... here SHR i am watching with no worry  i know nothing gonna happen here...PDnim hates our OTP..hehehe

there was an incident when I watched Iljimae tree kiss scene..

I was watching it on my laptop having its back to my mom's side...but there is a big glass door at my back and everything on my laptop was clearly reflecting on it and i had no idea it was that way, and she dint know what i was doing on laptop.. when there was the kiss scene, I watched it normally with controlled emotions and grin. But as it finished my mom said how long you gonna watch the drama and i was like how come she know what i am watching. All of a sudden i looked back and did not know how to react.

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